• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 996 Views, 5 Comments

MLP: ZENKAI SPEED - Kamen rider accel

The worlds are sealed and being used for evil but a new sentai is there to save it and stop the new threat so watch them as they go Zenryoku zenkai

  • ...

GEAR 2: The Roaring King of Beasts is a pain!

=Zenkai no...Zenkaiger!= Secchan shouted, appearing on a video screen =Kikaitopia's Tojitendo Dynasty, and Mobius's Eggman Empire decided to strike at the same time, with both forces stupidly fighting each other! Our heroes were thrown into a pinch because the Tojitendo is the superior military force!=


=Accept it, tune= Secchan stated before excitedly continuing =Kaito and his new acquaintance Juran transformed into Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger! With their Mobian friends Sonic and Roll and his cousin Flash sentry, they beat the enemy and drove both of them back, tune! But...=

"Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger?!" Boccwaus spoke, slamming his fist onto the pedestal once more.

"Indeed. That is what they call themselves!" Barashitara spoke.

"And on top of that, another invading force from that Mobius world is interfering with our work!? GRRR! Who do they think they are to get in the way of my business!"

"Super Sentai?" Gege spoke up, "I think a good chunk of the Tojiru Gears have some things like that locked inside of them. And in the multiple copies of Mobius we found almost all of them have this fat thing called an 'Eggman.' I like this one where he's funny and keeps changing personalities! Hahaha!"

"Zenkaigers!? Super Sentai!? Eggmen?! What is all this?!" the blue Kikanoid Janitor spoke, overhearing all of this as he walked past the door once more, "Please tell me! I need t-GAH!" he cried as Barashitara blasted him with rockets, leaving him a smoking mess on the ground, "Ow…" he wheezed.

"Don't butt in, cleaning crew!"

"Hmm...Gears, you say?" Ijirude muttered, looking at the large collection of Tojiru Gears, black gears with inward pointing spikes and what looked like sealed cracks in the center, "Hmm...I might have an experiment worth attempting, oh Great King Boccowaus!"

"Bring me some results! As for this Eggman...I want him scrapped!"

"Matte Boccowaus~ He's a really funny life form, maybe we can keep him?" Gege spoke up.

"Barashitara! Bring me this Eggman alive for my Gege!"

"Now the pet wants a pet…" he grumbled.

"Sentai!? Tojitendo Dynasty?!" Eggman snapped as he paced about, Starline and an annoyed Lien-Da standing nearby, "Grr...who do they think they are?! I had rights over Mobius before them! ...In fact this fused world is my doing, so it rightfully belongs to me!"

"Yeah, but they ruled Kikaitopia, and their robot soldiers...are stronger…" Lien-Da sighed, "Mostly because they are sentient robots…"

"So?! They're still machines! And machines can be reprogrammed into doing one's bidding...IE mine!" Eggman argued.

"Yes, because controlling beings far stronger than you has worked in the past," Lien-Da sarcastically muttered.

"I...don't think we can hack Kikanoids, Sir," Starline spoke up, "Because...well...they are an oddity. I mean...they can eat and digest food…most don't even look like they have working mouths."

"Well not with that attitude!" Eggman complained, "I mean they're just a bunch of stupid Robots!" he swung his hand and a loud clang filled the air.

"Hello stupid," Barashitara spoke, standing behind Eggman with a sinister glint in his optics.

"...That tank one from earlier is standing right behind me, isn't he?" Eggman asked, sweating nervously as he didn't even bother to look...due to the fear that was growing in him.

"How did you…?" Lien-Da began.

"Please...We developed an entire system to traverse the Multiverse just to conquer it all. You don't think it can teleport me to this remote location by locking onto the unique energy signature that emanates off all you Mobius dimension inhabitants?" Barashitara asked.


"I didn't think so…" he picked up Eggman, "Listen here, fleshbag...I don't like you...and you are oiling your pants right now...but my King wants to meet with you…"


"Yes...you amuse the King's pet bird," he explained.

"...That….so…" Eggman whispered, faintly noticing the portal that was forming behind Barashitara, "...w-well...I just have one thing to say to that."


"Metal Sonic, get him!"

"?" Barashitara blinked; he was suddenly blown forward and crashed into the wall by a metal robotic hedgehog, "?!"

"Nice call, Starline," Eggman whispered to the platypus, who was holding his gloved hand up as the topaz-colored gem on it glowed.

"I saw the opportunity sir," Starline nodded.

"Hmm…" Barashitara stood back up, "You do realize...you done goofed."

"What's huh?" they all blinked.

"Your mistake was thinking...that hurt…" he chuckled.

"...Scanning…" the robotic hedgehog spoke, its optics glowing as it scanned the Kikanoid, "...scan complete." with that...he walked over and stood next to Barashitara.

"Wh-?! Metal!" Eggman gawked.

"Your robot is an adaptable model...you shouldn't have let him scan a Kikainoid. We are mechanical life forms with free will." Barashitara explained, "Now...he has our hyper developed mechanical brain."

"...Saw that coming, oh so great genius?" Lien-Da snarked as she shot Eggman a deadpanned stare.

"Sh-shut it! Metal is my machine a-" Eggman began before Metal blurred over, picking him up by his mustache as he held him up in the air, "Ahh! Not the 'stach!"

"Eggman...Ivo Robotnik, you have one of two choices...one; comply to Barashitara's command, or…" Metal began as he held his free hand out, converting it into an energy blade as he aimed it at Eggman's mustache and neck, "Understood?"

"I get it! I get it! Just not the 'stache!"

"Good," Barashitara spoke, walking over, "Good work Soldier, the superior elite should always control the lower class." he complimented Metal, "Great King Boccowaus of the Tojitendo Dynasty wishes to meet you you spongy round one, you shall comply. For whatever the King desires, I Mobile Commander Barashitara shall accomplish. Now into the portal, come on!"

"Y-yes sir!" Eggman yelped before Metal dropped him.

"That includes the duck and the Echidna dressed in latex."

"Exc-" Lien-Da began before sighing, "Fine...I'll comply."

"Same here," Starline answered as he held his hands up.

"And no forming portals either," Barashitara stated to Starline while aiming his missile spear in his face.

"You drive a hard bargain…" Starline muttered.

"Oh also...we don't know what happens to organics using the portal so...Metal, toss the fat one in first as a test." Barashitara ordered.

"Wait, wh-not the 'stache again!" Eggman yelped when Metal picked him up and tossed him into the portal, making him 'not' give out a girly goat-like scream as he went in.

"Eggman...are you dead and or inside out?" Barashitara asked.

"I'm gonna have to re-wax my mustache!"

"Ah...I can never have nice things…" Barashitara sighed as he ushered the rest to follow.

"Trust me...I know your pain when it comes to that fat idiot," Lien-Da admitted as she followed him, "And believe it or not...he actually got worse after interrupting his sworn enemy when he was fixing our Z...er...World."

"Well...I can only hope the bird's plans are amusing…" at that the portal closed as they all walked through.

"Hahahaha! He really is shaped like an egg!" Gege laughed, "Look, look Boccowaus! You think if I sat on him...he'd hatch into something?"

"Grr…" Eggman growled at that before Lien-Da nudged him on the knee, "Li..."

"Do you really wanna anger the giant gear-robot that could potentially crush you?" Lien-Da hissed to him.

"Ah...oh...that was good...oh look Boccowaus, he comes with a free super robotic life form!" Gege looked at Metal, "Not bad."

"My King, what shall I do with the rotund human? Shall we kill him?" Barashitara asked, almost excitedly.

"His fate is Gege's to decide. Whatever my Gege wants, he gets."

"Our lives are to be decided by the king's pet…" Eggman whispered.

"That's right~" Gege chuckled, making their guests shiver at his tone, "That...and I wish to see if the fat idiot had anything to do with this little world fusion incident."

"It was him," Lien-da spoke, jerking a thumb over at Eggman.

"Y….ugh, screw it. May as well…" Eggman muttered as he stepped forward, "You see...er, my liege. I had invented a device that would allow me to rewrite time and space itself...the Super Genesis Wave Reactor. I used it twice before to try and beat my enemy Sonic the hedgehog, but...with the help of this one scientist-who I will not name because of how much a weak-spined coward…!" he began in a rant before taking a deep breath, "It is thanks to him I was able to create a more powerful version that uses the Chaos Emeralds, allowing me to rewrite the multiverse itself...that is until that blue menace Sonic got in the way...and in my anger, I attempted to disrupt him while he was fixing my Zone...er, World and...well, it caused a chain reaction which resulted in Mobius, Earth, and your world to fuse into one."

Boccowaus nodded his head for a moment before slamming his fist on the platform again, sending everyone up into the air and landing in a pile, "So it was you who ruined my conquest of the Multiverse!" he shouted loudly as they scrambled to get back up, "I was so close to owning the entire multiverse in my hands 'till you screwed it all up...I have half a mind to unscrew your head from your body!" he pointed at Eggman, "But…" he took a moment to compose himself, "It would appear you...are no longer my problem. Rather the real problem...are those damn Zenkaigers and their pet hedgehog!"

"Oh don't get me started with them!" Eggman snapped as he finally calmed himself of his nervousness, "It's thanks to them th-" he began in a rant before Starline whispered something to him, "...hmm...Boccowaus, was it?"


"We have a common enemy…" Eggman spoke as he put his hands together, bridging his main middle fingers together as a grin grew on his face, "We both want those power ranger rejects and that meddlesome hedgehog dead and the rest conquered...perhaps we can strike a deal."

"Ne, ne Boccowaus, let's do it! This Eggman looks like he has experience dealing with this, so maybe if we take what he knows and make it better with our superior technology..." Gege began.


"Oh you know it's true." Lien-Da sighed.

"Maybe with them we can make this kinda fun~" Gege cheered, "It's oh so boring just sealing worlds up with little to no conflict...we amassed such a huge army and it's just gathering dust in the barracks."

"Yes...yes exactly!" Eggman nodded, seeing where Gege was going with this, "And I have a mass army of my own, the Dark Egg Legion waiting at my beck and call to deal with the Zenkaigers, Sonic, and those meddlesome Freedom Fighters!"

"Come on. It could be way more fun~" Gege added.

"Anything for my Gege~" Boccowaus cheered, petting the giant mechanical bird's head, "Very well. I shall accept this, when all is said and done and we have conquered this new dimension abomination. I shall let you keep it, Eggman, as a payment for your help. While I return to conquering the multiverse."

"Then it's a d-"

"On one condition….That Dark Egg Legion of yours...take the 'Egg' out of it."

"THANK YOU!" Lien-Da exclaimed.

"I like this one." Barashitara chuckled.

"B...but I…" Eggman began.

"It's the only way, sir," Starline whispered.

"...Fine. It goes back to being the Dark Legion," Eggman muttered a bit with a childish pout.

"Eggman, you and your toady shall work with Ijirude, my science officer. Barashitara shall take the lead of our joint military forces. All requests for forces go through him, and you, angry woman, shall be assigned as liaison of the Dark Legion to my palace. Essentially, you'll be second in command of the military forces."

"As long as I don't work under Eggman anymore...then I'll accept that," Lien-Da nodded.

"Nerds have their place, and jocks there's." Gege spoke, "It'll be just like highschool. Only...more evil~"

'That bird gives me the creeps…' Lien-Da thought.

"So...where is this Ijirude?" Eggman asked.

"Testing a theory of his," Barashitara spoke, "He is currently on Earth, enacting a test into a new super soldier project."

"...Super soldier, you say?" Eggman asked in intrigue.

"He has been listening in via telecommunication, so he knows the situation." Gege spoke, "Now...let's watch his new project go live!" at that, a holographic screen popped up before them showing the first person view of a Kudakk holding a camera up as Ijirude stood before a second Kudakk and had a Tojiru gear in his hand.

"This Tojiru Gear holds the Mushroom Dimension, Kinokotopia," Ijirude spoke as the gear was glowing an eerie purple, "This Kinoko Tojiru Gear shall be used in an attempt to replicate the event which occurred when a Kikanoid became a Zenkaiger, only in a controlled setting for the Tojitendo Dynasty, Super Soldier program World shall now commence its first test!" he spoke to the camera, "Now...with any luck, this will work...and I won't have to clean up another scrapped Kudakk who exploded from mushrooms growing out of him." he turned to the Kudakk before him, "You can have this." he jammed the Tojiru Gear into a matching slot in his chest.


The Kudakk grunted as multiple purple hologram Gears spiraled around their body. Said body began rapidly changing into that of a Kudaiter...before mushrooms began sprouting along its armor only for them to seemingly be absorbed into the armor as its head and arms altered greatly. Its head now grey and light purple and resembling a metal mushroom, with his eyes being in the center of the stalk to act as his face, while the convex mushroom cap had multiple vulcan gun-like ports along the top. His right arm was covered in purple armor resembling a bell mushroom, while his left was covered in a bronze armor gauntlet/cestus with conical mushrooms acting as spikes.

"Oh~! I can feel the power of the world of mushrooms!" the new Kikainoid declared before letting out a pulse of dark blue/purple energy into the sky that took on the form of a gear before spreading out all over.

Meanwhile across town at the local Dog park, it was the midst of another nice day for the dog owners and animal lovers of the city. One in particular was loving this park. He was a yellow Kikanoid that had false fur made of fiber optics covering his legs like leggings. He wore an orange fake leather vest, and his head had two odd spikes resembling cat ears, a second set of optics above his large main green ones, and the back of his head was covered in long black cables acting like dreadlocks. He had a very feline look to his face as well.

"Ah...Kawai~" he awed looking as a pet poodle dog walking with its owner, "Such a fluffy puppy!" he put a hand to his eyes, he then lowered them as he spotted a pair of humans, "Even more adorableness!" he beamed before spotting a trio of Mobians talking nearby, "Gh! Even more...adorableness…! Oh...my heart…!" he pretended to fall over, before shooting up, "Yosh...today I shall befriend the adorable ones...starting with little Puppy over here…" he moved to the Poodle, only for the dog to suddenly bark at him, "Ah...rejected again…" a depressed aura formed over him as he slumped down.

The purple aura suddenly washed over the park...as a mushroom sprouted from the yellow Kikanoid's head.

"Eh?" he blinked, feeling his noggin, and finding the new growth, "EH!?" He looked over at the puppy to see three growing on its head in the shape of a little hair clip, "EHH?!" He then looked to see multiple types of mushrooms growing on everyone's heads, Humans, Mobians and Kikanoids alike...even random objects had mushrooms growing from them, "Mushroom!?"

"Nu?" the pink hedgehog blinked twice, sitting beside the pink Kikainoid in an alleyway at a table with tarot cards between them.

"Nu nu nu?" the pink Kikainoid tilted her head.

"The tarots said we'd have a surprise, but I didn't think this would be it…" the hedgehog gawked.

Kinoko! Kinoko! Kinoko!"

"Well, well...so this is the power of the Tojiru Gear?" Ijirude noted, looking down to see some children running around with mushrooms on their heads, "Very intriguing…"

"Huh...so this is somewhat you're doing, huh?"

"Yes. Somewh-" Ijirude began before blinking, slowly turning to the side to see Sonic laying on his side, "?!"

"Yo~" Sonic greeted with a grin before looking down, seeing Kaito and the others running into the area, "Hey guys! I found the perps behind this Fungi ordeal!"

"Ah!" Juran shouted as he spotted them.

"It's a mushroom...robot?" Kaito tilted his head to the side alone with Roll, "Eh…?"

"It's that a mushroom soilder" Flash said also confused.

"Kinoko Robot?" Roll tilted her head.

"That guy next to him is Ijirude!" Juran shouted.

"A friend?" Kaito asked.

"Gh…" Juran flinched from how stupid that was, "He's another Tojitendo punk!"

"Really you know them alot then." Flash said as he and roll took a battle stance sword in his hands.

"Great, we've been spotted," Ijirude sighed, "Kinoko World, get them!" a moment passed before he turned and bopped the mushroom robot with his staff, "Oi, dummy, that means you!"

"Oh! That's me?!" the newly dubbed Kinoko World asked in surprise.

"This is why you never eat mushrooms that you don't know where they come from," Sonic chuckled.

"Agreed" Flash agreeing

"Kinoko!" Kinoko World shouted, jumping down and aiming his right gauntlet at the Heros.

"Change Zenkai!" Kaito and Juran shouted as they stepped forward.

=Yon-Ju-Go Bang! Ju-Roku Bang! Ba-Ba-Ba-BANG!=

In a flash, the two Zenkaigers moved aside, letting the Tojitendo monster miss and hit the ground.

"I'll show you the power of the Kinoko Tojiru Gear, Kinoko!" Kinoko World spoke, swinging his fists around as Juran kicked away a punch from his right while Zenkaiser ducked under a left swing.

"Huh? Gears?" Zenkaiser asked as Zenkai Juran shield bashed Kinoko World across his face.

"You mean like the ones we're using?" Juran questioned.

"Nani?!" Ijirude exclaimed, earning the two's attention, "You guys use Gears, too?!"

"...Let me guess, you thought you were original with the concept, huh?" Sonic asked before ducking under a swing from Ijirude's staff, "Ya missed me~"

"My Kaasan and Tousan are the ones who made these Sentai Gears!" Zenkaiser declared, pointing to his Gear in the Geartlinger.

"And so did my parents helping them aswell where did you get them from" Flash pointed his sword at him.

"I-I see...What a coincidence," Ijirude noted, "I developed the Tojiru Gears myself."

"Then let's see which Gears are better!" Zenkai Juran challenged, "Let's call it a duel!"

"Yeah!" Zenkaiser agreed as he pulled out another Sentai Gear from his buckle, this one sporting a '06' beside a Sentai member with a unique visor and a gem in the center of their mask.

"Oh, here comes the fun part," Juran chuckled as Zenkaiser spun the crank and the beat began, "So catchy~!"

"I'll say," Sonic agreed, dodging another swipe from Ijirude's staff, "Missed me again, Robo-Doc."

"How are you so annoying for something so short!?" Ijirude complained.

"Hey! I am normal for a Mobian!"

"The Fox over there is taller than you…" he pointed to Roll.

"Ano...Hedgefox," Roll corrected, holding her tail up to show quills mixed in with the fur, "See?"

"...Eh? But that's...that isn't...what's wrong with these things?" Ijirude tilted his head.

"Well, my grandma on my papa's side is a Hedgepanda and my great grandpa on my mama's side is a Squirrelfox…"

"Stop, stop. I do not want to think of that right now," Ijirude complained.

"To bad she got me thinking that and ruined my biological homework because of that" flash said as he glared at her. She sheepishly laughed and looked away.

"Yeah, she's got a neat family tree," Sonic noted, dodging another swipe, "Do not kiss me!"

"Why would I kiss you!?"

"...Oh, I am gonna have so much fun with you, Robo-Doc," Sonic grinned.

Flash got a chance and strike the Kinoko World back but he just easily took the attack and just looked back at the attacker.

"Stupid human get out of my way." He told as he hit flash and send him flying back and hit the wall behind.

"Gah" Flash grunted as he fall down.

"FLASH!" His family and friends and family shouted.

"You'll pay for hurting my family like that" Zenkaiser shouted.

=Roku Bang~!=

Zenkaizer shot the blast as it turned into a team of five Rangers. The five jumped and flipped through the air like acrobats before landing on Zankaiser and Zenkai Juran. The two tensed before they held their hands up...and a color matching ribbon formed in their hands.

=Goggle~ V!=

"Ribbons?" the two blinked confused.

=This technique comes from the 6th Super Sentai, Dai Sentai Goggle V! They're the very first Sentai to have a member in Red, Black, Blue, Yellow and Pink, tune. Their weapons are all derived from Acrobatic objects. But don't let appearances fool you, tune!=

"I don't get it, but it looks kinda fun!" Zenkai Juran cheered.

"Yosh!" Zenkaiser cheered in agreement.

With that, the two began twirling the ribbons around as they ran around Kinoko World. The Tojitendo super soldier blinked in confusion, as his eyes tracked the colorful and distracting ribbons rather than following the placement of the two Zenkaigers. Kinoko World then flinched as Zenkaiser's ribbon was whipped with such force it actually smashed the robotic monster with enough force to make him flinch, and then Zenkai Juran's smacked him. And before he knew it he was being smacked in the face by ribbons...and it hurt.

"Why! Does! This! Hurt! Kinoko!?" he complained.

=They might be just ribbons, but those two have enough power to smash a military grade titanium robot with their bare hands...and their speed ain't bad either, so imagine them swinging a durable thin length of material around like a whip?= Skye chuckled.

"Ha!" Zenkaiser spoke, flicking his ribbon out.

"Yosha!" Juran cheered, doing the same as their ribbons wrapped around and tied together into a bow.

With that, the two Zenkaigers began swinging their ribbons like a jump rope. After a moment, the ribbons actually flashed and turned into a red and white striped rope.

"Saa, kinoko-san~" Juran cheered.

"Ah Yoisho!" Zenkaiser chanted.

Oh~That does look like fun," Roll noted as the two kept trying to encourage the Kinoko World to hop in.

"...Don't you dare…!" Ijirude began in annoyance.


"Don't you d-" Ijirude started before Kinoko World hopped right into the rope...only to flop onto the ground before he was suddenly shocked, "D'oh!"

"Haha!" Zenkaiser laughed as the rope transformed back into their ribbons, "That's for hurting my cousin you, You can even fight with Ribbons! That's kinda awesome!"

"This is kinda silly...but I admit it's more fun than you'd expect," Zenkai Juran agreed.

"Of course you can fight with ribbons," Roll noted, tilting her head, "Why did you think otherwise? Don't you remember when you tried to be the first person to pull a little shock joke on a Mobian?"

"..." Zenkaiser hid behind Juran, "How she did that with dental floss…Had to buy a waterpik to use..."

"Roll, can you not trigger Kaito while we're fighting bad guys?" Flash sighed getting back up and seeing this, "It sends kind of a bad message." he explained as she nodded in understanding.

"Gomen," she sheepishly apologized, bopping the top of her head with a fist and sticking her tongue out a little." Ah, flash your ok" she now notice the teen.

"Yup it will take more than that to stop me and beside I won't be much a fighter if I don't show I can't take this." He told her.

"Yup it's just like you to do it." Roll nodded seeing flash determination.

Everyone then turned as they noticed an odd orange mist coming from Kinoko World. Everyone tilted their head before a pop went off and it turned purple and blanketed the area. Juran flinched and fell over as Zenkaiser quickly used his cape to shield Roll from the smoke in fear it was potentially toxic. But...after a few seconds, it just dissipated away.

"Ah! He got away!" Sonic blinked, currently balancing on nothing, whereas before he was on Ijirude's staff, "Wait a second…" gravity quickly took hold of him as he fell down into a trashcan, "Oof!"

"Since when did Mushrooms double as smoke bombs?" Zenkaiser asked, using his cape to fan the smoke away.

"Sounds like something Eggman would do…" Sonic muttered, trying to get himself unstuck from the trash can he landed in.

"Still...I don't like it…" Flash sighed, "Ah...let's just call it a night...it's getting late."

"Hai!" Roll agreed as she began to tug on Sonic to help him out of the can, "...We may need a stick of butter."

"I got it." Zenkaiser spoke, grabbing Sonic and, by swinging his arm up, he freed Sonic, but sent him flying up into the upper atmosphere, "Oops…"

"Come on let's just go home cuz, beside I want to ask skye something so let's go"

"Ok" zenkaiser said.

They haven't given up invading?!" Yatsude gawked as the group sat around the dinner table in the house portion of the shop.

Everyone was currently dressed down in more casual home clothing and enjoying a meal of yakiniku. And flash had a bandage on his arm and left cheek.

"The Tojitendo guys are totally rotten," Juran explained, "As long as King Boccowaus rules, we Kikainoids will never be happy and you humans and Mobians will end up sucked into that misery." he then took a few bites of his yakiniku, "Oh, umai."

"Not the first time Mobius would have to deal with a dictatorship," Sonic muttered.

"Hmm?" Flash and Juran blinked at that.

"Know that guy who snapped at you from an EggPawn for breaking his Burn Bot?" Sonic asked, "Well, he wasn't always that...er…"

"Stupid/Idiot?" Yatsude and Flash supplied.

"Yeah, let's go with that," Sonic noted, "About a few months before we ended up here, he was actually a whole lot more dangerous and actually took over our whole world for over a decade in just one single day."

"So that's why those Mobian kids looked so freaked out when the Tojitendo began attacking…" Juran sighed.

"It was a lot worse than you could think," Skye noted, sitting between Haseo and Roll, "He hasn't used it in months, but he had a device that, when used, turned organic beings robotic and stripping them of their free will. Worst thing about it was that we were fully awake the entire time, but we couldn't do anything."

"Maji da?! Yabei...If Boccowaus learns of that…" Juran spoke in concern.

"Lots of trouble…" Sonic sighed.

Flash said nothing as he looked down on his food and soon clenching his hand in to a fist no one saw his anger but Skye, he knew trials kid very well of his determination to help others in need.

"..." Kaito took all that in, "Don't worry." he spoke up with a smile, "It's simple then! We'll form the world's first Human, Mobian, and Kikanoid alliance...and we'll defeat both Eggman and Boccowaus!" he declared as he held his fist out into the middle of the table, "We'll be the World's first Heroes to take down the Tojitendo, and help take down Eggman! So all of us can live together happily!"

"...Heh. I'm with you man," Sonic smirked, pounding his fist into Kaito's, "If Eggman had a problem with the Freedom Fighters before...wait until he gets a load of us now."

"I'm with ya aswell kaito, beside like I said even if I may not have powers like you but I can still fight and help you no matter what." Flash told them aswell.

"Hehehe!" Juran chuckled, joining in the Fist Bump to complete the alliance, "Count me in! We'll kick their butts! First mission is to get rid of all those mushrooms!"

"Please hurry with that," Skye pleaded, cringing a bit, "Mushrooms make me sneeze something awful."

"They do?" Flash asked.

=They do! He currently has the record for highest height reached from a sneeze due to it, tune= Secchan spoke from a counter where he was hooked to a charger =And to do that, according to the data inside of me…= he did a quick check =In order to clear away the problem the monster causes, you just need to defeat them, tune!=

"There's also a chance that they'll grow big, so be ready for that," Skye added...before tapping Roll's head as she let out a squeak of excitement, "I'm still working on that, Rolly-Polly."

"So it's all as simple as going at it full on Zenkai!" Kaito cheered, "That works for me, and it's not super complicated."

=You still need to find three more Kikainoids to use the other Geartlingers, tune= Secchan reminded.

"Hopefully, you find the Pink or Yellow next," Skye noted before taking a bite of his dinner, "Finding Blue before them would be a bad thing for another big surprise."

"Wouldn't it be easier to just tell us then trying to be like some kind of cryptic mentor?" Flash sighed, "You've seen Kaito study…"

"Oh very true, but…"

=He made a promise to not do spoilers on the big stuff, tune= Secchan informed =And he doesn't wanna spoil the reactions they'll give when the big stuff happens=

"Smart Secchy," Skye chuckled, pointing at the robotic bird, "But seriously, recruit more nakama for the Sentai quick and you'll get those surprises sooner."

So I gotta find comrades…" Kaito spoke, "Hmm…" he scratched his chin.

"Oh no...It's the idea face…" Yatsude sighed, "The last time he had that face, he flash and Haseo ended up in China…"

"And you still won't explain why you didn't just run over like Roll did the moment we got their location," Skye noted, looking at the blue hedgehog.

"..." Sonic's form flickered for a moment before he pointed at Skye's plate.

"Eh?" Skye looked down to see a shiitake mushroom before grabbing Sonic's arm, "...ACHOO!"


"Oh, Papa…" Roll sighed as everyone stared at the two hedgehogs-shaped hole in the roof.

"I'll go get the tools…" Juran sighed as he finished his plate.

"When do you think they'll touch down?" Kaito asked as he and Haseo looked up in concern. Flash simply just saw this and knew someone who did it so he simply went back to eating."river I guess"

"Yup, A few seconds I think...into the river," Haseo guessed before a splash went off, "...Yup. Sonic-nii-san and Papa fell into the river."

"Ack! Help! Drowning!" Sonic gagged out from outside.

"A super fast hedgehog who fought dangerous beings but is afraid of water, not the worse I seen" Flash muttered.

"You seen worse" Kaito asked his cousin.

"I did before I came to live hear cuz, believe me but that crazy doesn't mach this crazy" He simply said as he finished and went to put the plate away but still had the thought of the turning others into robots. He fells useless because of that.

A new day, and it seemed like the city had...gotten over the Mushroom thing. While they grew back whenever removed, they seemed to cause no harm or discomfort. So everyone decided not to let it ruin their day. Especially not a certain yellow Kikainoid who had stumbled upon a stray cat. The little animal was sitting down and staring at the Kikanoid who seemed transfixed.

"N-Neko-chwan…" the yellow Kikainoid spoke as his optics sparkled, "Kawaii de…" the cat ran off, causing him to slump, "Ah...It ran away again…" he pulled his mushroom off, another growing in its place, and glared at it, "This is your fault, baka-kinoko."

"What's that?" a few people spoke up, getting the yellow Kikanoids' attention...followed by stomping.


"Hmm?" he blinked looking up only to jump as Juran Tyranno was marching down the street, Zenkaiser and Roll standing on his nose. Flash behind them.

"Konnichiwa~!" Zenkaiser waved, "Zenkaiger desu~!"

"Konnichiwa, minna-san!" Roll greeted.

"Frankly, we're the ones who kicked the bumpers of the Tojitendo and that Eggdude," Juran Tyranno spoke up.

"That's right~!" Zenkaiser cheered.

"Isn't that the girl from that livestream?"

"Oh, I think she is!"

"It's the boy in the Livestream aswell"

"Yeah he is, he's so handsome"

"The T-Rex Robo is real!?"

"Oh, who's the guy with the cape? So cool!"

"Seems good so far," Zenkaiser chuckled as Roll hopped off Juran Tyranno.

Yosha, time to see if this works," Roll giggled before pulling out a blue gear with a pink heart in the center and tapped it, causing the gear to spin and open up, revealing a camera as it began to float, "Perfect!" she looked up at the two Zenkaiger, "We're live~!"

"E-Eh? L-Live? We're on the air?" Juran Tyranno nervously asked.

"We're currently taking member applications! We need some brave folks to help!" Zenkaiser declared before holding up a handmade sign...before tapping on Tyranno's head, "Oi, that's your cue."

"R-Right. Help us Tojitendo fight-I mean! Fight Tojitendo help-gah!"

'Juran-san is camera shy,' Roll sweatdropped.

"We Zenkaigers are looking for brave people to join our Human, Mobian, and Kikanoid alliance!" Zenkaiser took over, "Let's all join hands and protect our world together!" he then held up a coupon booklet, "If you join now, you get a coupon booklet filled with ten coupons for Candy Cafe Colorful!"

=Attaboy, Kaito-chan! You remembered to advertise!= Yatsude cheered.

=Are we really bribing others to join, tune?= Secchan deadpanned.

=Five Yen on no one wanting to join at the moment= Skye noted before a frying pan hitting flesh went off =ITE!=

=Get back to work! I'm not encouraging your gambling problem!=

=I don't have a problem! Plus, I'm banned from all the pachinko parlor after clearing them out of all their cash! It's not my fault their machines can't handle my math!=

"I need to ask about a mute setting on these comms…" Zenkaiser turned to Flash and Roll after jumping off Juran Tyranno, "How many wanna join?"

"Zero," Flash replied.

"Someone named 'Zero' wants to join? Sounds cool," Zenkaiser noted.

"Iie, iie," Roll shook her head as she motioned to the crowd dispersing, "Zero."

"AH! People are leaving!" Juran Tyranno finally noticed, "Eto...Uh...F-Fifteen! Fifteen coupons!"

=Shut him up! Fifteen is too much!=

"I don't think you fully explained the purpose of this," Roll noted.

"Eh?! Mmm…" Zenkaiser looked up at Juran Tyranno, specifically his tail where Haseo was sitting on the tip, "Haseo-chan, secret weapon time!"

"Eh?" Haseo blinked twice.

"We need the fluffy!"

"F-Fluffy!?" Haseo gawked before trying to hide on the tail, "Iie!"

"Hah?! What if I give you cotton candy?"

"You don't have enough in this week's paycheck for another bag after Tuesday and wanting to be the first Human to beat Sonic-nii in an eating contest," Haseo replied.

"Oh you and your goober brain!" Zenkaier complained as he flashed back to Kaito, "But seriously...why isn't anyone joining us?" he turned to the people, "Guys, you know these mushrooms are 'cause of the Tojitendo, right!?"

"Zukyun!" the yellow Kikainoid spoke leaning against a light post, upon spotting Kaito, Flash and Roll, "What an adorable Human-chwan and Mobian-chwan!"

Roll sighed as her camera changed back into the gear-like default form, "Well, we are in the park...Haseo-chan, come down please! I think there's a swingset nearby!"

"H-Hai!" Haseo replied as he hopped off Juran Tyranno and flew down to her before a cat mewled, "Oh, neko!"

"AH!" the yellow Kikainoid cried, spotting the scene of Haseo picking up the cat from earlier and began to pet it, as he stumbled over, "Kawai…." he spoke out slowly as he reached his hand towards the sky, "It's too cute for words...it's so fluffy…"

"Ah mou…" Kaito sighed, slumped on a bench beside the one Haseo was playing with the cat on, using his black and white tail as a toy.

"Well that was a bust, we thought someone will atleast join, I mean who doesn't want to have powers and fight bad guys." Flash said sitting beside him and haseo.

"A normal person" Roll simply said as flash then agreed.

"Come on...we did ask them to fight out of the blue like that," Juran spoke, walking back to the benches with Roll, the Hedgefox carrying a few bento, "I guess that is a lot to ask. My people have been subjected to fear for generations, and most Mobians are still scared of machine-like beings."

"It also doesn't help that you didn't fully explain things," Roll added, "Such as us needing Kikainoids for the three Geartlingers." she tapped her cheek while tilting her head, "...Maybe that's why there are four Kikainoids in the team. They're meant to show that not all Kikainoids are not like the Tojitendo and a way to show Mobians to not be afraid or hate Kikainoids."

"That does make a lot of sense." Juran chuckled, "And it seems like Kaito's folks and Flash's Folks are as smart as your old man, Roll."

"Well except my dad, he's mostly a piolet but my mom is a archiologist so we can see both her and aunt misty getting along well." Flash told them.

"I guess our parents did think of everything…" Kaito sighed.

"Ah well, we tried once. Next time we know what to fix!" Juran cheered.

"Are you having fun with the neko, Haseo-chan?" Flash asked.

"Hai!" he happily nodded.

"Yokata…" Kaito smiled, watching Haseo play with the cat. Flash saw haseo play and remember his own sister, but she mostly looks up to Rainbow dash more. But flash still her brother and is the best for her.

"Ne Kimi-tachi!" a voice made them look to see the Yellow Kikainoid.

"Yo, Seinen!" Juran greeted, "Ara? Did you want to join-" he began as he walked up to greet him only for the yellow Kikainoid to ignore him and walk over to Kaito and Flash.

"Will you all be my friends?" he asked, looking at Kaito,Flash and the Sakurai siblings.

"Eh?! You'll join the Zenkaigers?" Kaito asked excitedly.

"Ah...gomen," he replied, "I'm not interested in that," he explained sheepishly, then he turned to look at Juran, "I'd rather have nothing at all to do with Kikainoids." he stated firmly, making them all blink.

"Hey wait! You're a Kikainoid, too!" Juran argued.

"But they're not cute!" he declared quickly.

"Huh?" the five blinked in confusion.

"They're hard, angular, and cold! And what the Tojitendo are doing is awful! Totally unlovable!" he declared proudly, "But coming to this world…" he turned to face them once more, "The animals here are round and cute! They're soft and warm to the touch! Just looking at all the adorable animals of this world fills my heart with love!" he cheered, as he crouched down as if trying to hug an animal that wasn't there, before standing back up, "All I want is to watch the adorable animals of this world and see them be happy and adorable!"

"..." Juran blinked a few times before he went over and sat next to Haseo, "Ah so I see…" he spoke in a tone that said 'I want no part of this nonsense'.

"Eh?" Haseo blinked at that, the cat now on top of his head.

"GH!" the yellow Kikainoid stumbled back, a hand to his chest, "K-Kawaii…"

Roll giggled, "Haseo-chan is very adorable, hai."

"Hai!" he cheered, "He's so small and soft, and his fur looks so warm and fluffy...It makes you want to gently hold him as he warms your soul! And to protect him from any and all dangers!"

"So...much like everyone in my family," Haseo whispered, "...and girls that like me...and Juran-san...and…"

"Hey don't worry haseo" Flash said putting a hand on his shoulder." You may look little to others but your stronger then you think, and I always believe that you'll be tuff." Flash said to him.

"Hi, arigato na Flash Onni-chan" Haseo said as he hugged him.

"Kawaii!!!" Goan said seeing the scene. And falling back."You two look like actual siblings na"

"Well Flash has been a big brother figure for haseo since haseo was young. He even took him out many times when haseo felt sad or down." Kaito told goan after seeing it him self aswell.

"Ah...but with this kid, it's probably a whole other level...if I had to guess in his eyes he sees non-Kikanoids like wild animals...an adorable little one…" Juran then looked to Roll, "A majestic and pretty one," he then looked to Kaito, "an adorable hyper energetic wild one…" he then looked at flash," and a responsible one" he sighed.

"Well...I think Kikainoids are kinda cool." Kaito spoke up with a smile, "And it's alright, I won't force you to join us, if you don't want to. But I'm happy to be your friend." he smiled as he held his hand out to the Kikainoid.

"Yeah me to, beside mom always said strangers are those who just need a friend." Flash said picking up haseo and putting him on his shoulder.

The Kikainoid paused as he looked at the offered hand, a sense of pure happiness filling him, "Please do! Boku wa Gaon!" He introduced himself while taking his hand.

"Ore wa Goshikida Kaito!" Kaito beamed before gesturing to Roll and Haseo, "And these are Sakurai Roll and Sakurai Haseo and this is my cousin, Flash sentry!"

Ah! Even his name screams 'kawaii, except yours flash, yours yuneak'" Gaon awed.

"Thanks" Flash said while Carrying a giggling haseo as he was given a ride.

"Just so you know, my name is Jura-" Juran began.

"Ne! Do you have smartphones?" Gaon asked the four, "Let's share contact information so we can meet again!" he cheered, Juran growling in the background as Flash Haseo tried to calm him down.

"What was with that kid!?" Juran complained to Kaito and Roll as they walked home, Flash carrying Haseo on his shoulders, "He was a major pain!"

"He seemed really excited to become friends with us," Roll noted, "He did seem fully honest, though."

"Mmm…" Kaito nodded with a smile, "Well, that's just another part of our job, making sure folks get along.'' He gave his thoughts, "I guess there are probably all sorts of new feelings and opinions in the world now. Kami knows the types of couples we see on the streets have gotten diverse."

"Ah...Still, he ticked me off...I just wanna blow off all this steam with a party." Juran complained.

"Hmm...how about a Mushroom party?" Flash offered, earning his friends and family attention.

"Mushroom party?"

"Well...it's just you know, looking at mushrooms all day...doesn't it make you wanna eat some?" he explained while staring at the mushrooms on someone's head with some hungry eyes.

"A little," Roll admitted, her stomach giving a growl.

"Yosha!" Juran agreed, "Tomorrow, we'll find our new member! Today, we're on a mushroom hunt!"

"Ano...Papa?" Haseo reminded.

"Oh, right…" Juran recalled.

"Papa won't be a problem," Roll replied, "He said he's working on something in the base with Secchan, so he'll be down there all night most likely."


"Hai, hai. We'll have to make sure to remind him to eat and go to bed," Roll nodded.

"How's about Kaito Juran and I go hunting?" Flash offered as he picked Haseo off his shoulders, "You should take the Chibi home. He had an eventful day, so he's earned some cartoon time!" He handed Haseo over to Roll, "We'll be sure to bring some real juicy ones!"

"Hai~" Roll replied, "Oh, just be careful. Some mushrooms are poisonous to humans and Mobians, Juran-san."

"No problem. Kikainoids can't get poisoned by organic means, but I can still taste it!" Juran explained, "I'll check each type, so if I taste something bad, it's no good for yous!"

"Wait, Kikainoids can't be poisoned?" Flash blinked.

"We taste and eat, yes, but we don't have a circulatory system like Humans and Mobians, so anything toxic just gets converted into energy like food does," Juran explained, "We are made of metal after all, and we don't have blood. Our perks are weird but useful."

"Very useful," Kaito awed.

"Indeed! ...Oh, that reminds me. Where's Sonic?" Juran asked, "Haven't seen him all day."

"And you haven't left the lab all day despite being bored is…?" Skye asked, not bothering to look up from his soldering of some wiring.

"I hate mushrooms," Sonic replied, "They may be good in chili, but no. Just no."

"You hate Mushrooms that much?" Skye arched a brow from behind his safety goggles.

"I have my personal reasons," Sonic explained simply.

"Seems more like some issue from your childhood."

"Issue? I don't have any issues! You're the one with the issue!" Sonic accused.

"Yes. I have an allergy," Skye replied, "You have a trauma."

"Wha...Well, I never! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog! I don't have trauma! I give people trauma! Just ask Eggman!"

=The base is starting to flood with water= Secchan informed.

"GYAH!" Sonic yelped, looking around before frowning upon seeing no water, "Oh very funny."

=According to my comedy program...yes...it was, tune!=

"You know you're probably gonna miss the big fight if you hang out here?" Skye pointed out.

"Pfft, please once it starts, I can get there in no time!" Sonic replied.

=Well if you do…= Secchan began as Skye put the cover on what he was soldering.

"...Take this out on a test run, will ya?" Skye finished as he tossed over a katana with a bulky silver Secchan-shaped guard.

"...Yes," Sonic grinned as he caught it, "So much yes."

"Ijirude-sama, they're getting used to the mushrooms, kinoko," Kinoko World noted, looking out at the city with a spyglass.

"Why do you keep saying 'kinoko'?" Ijirude asked.

"Oh. Because I became Kinoko World, kinoko," Kinoko World replied, "I do it so that I do not forget that I'm Kinoko World, kinoko!"

"That's very admirable," Ijirude noted, "But...now onto phase two of the pl-" he began before a beeping sound went off, prompting him to tap on the side of his head as his monocle displayed a holographic image of Barashitarra, "Yes? What is it?"

=It would seem we've...gained an alliance with the enemy of that blue rodent Sonic=


=I know...and I really wanna crack the fat idiot open, but...he's useful somewhat= Barashitarra explained =I did, however, take control of his Dark Legion and am now sending one of the Grand Masters to test the water=

"Why was I not informed of this?!" he snapped.

=I just informed you=

"Oh...you're a real pain in my rear axle!" Ijirude complained, "Fine! I'll cooperate...If anything, it will let me gather more data from Kinoko World!"

=Good...because who I'm sending you is powerful...but annoying as well= Barashitarra stated as the hologram vanished.

"...Why don't I like the sound o-" Ijirude began before a portal opened near him.

Loud mechanical steps could be heard as a large red, silver and gunmetal black robotic suit stepped forth, an orange tinted dome covering the top and revealing a small figure inside.

=Nyehehe! Beware fools, for you stand before Lord Eggman's most loyal and dangerous Grand Master…= a female voice came from the speakers of the suit as the dome opened up...revealing a small Mobian Chinchilla with electric yellow fur and an outfit similar to Eggman's, "Thunderbolt!"

"...What?" Kinoko World blinked.

"...What is wrong with today…?" Ijirude asked mostly to himself.

"Now…!" Thunderbolt began as the dome closed back up =Let's continue with the plan, because I'm mostly here to deal with the hedgehog if he or his little Freedom Fighter buddies interfere!=

"Right...come on, stupid," Ijirude spoke, smacking Kinoko World.

"AH! Right, Kinoko!" he saluted, "Kinoko...Power!" he declared loudly as his eyes flashed.

Suddenly, all the mushrooms all over the city began unleashing spores with a smokescreen-like consistency. The clouds of spores spread around quickly, from every one growing from the street to each one growing from someone's head. It only took a single breath before the Humans and Mobians began coughing violently to the spores, many of them weak of body falling over in pain from the toxic effect they had on the organic body. Kikainoids, however, seemed unaffected.

"H-hey hey! What's going on?!" the Pink Kikanoid gasped, she then turned to her Pink Hedgehog Mobian friend who fell over and was coughing, "Ah! Amy-san!?" she panicked.

"Hm? What is this?" Juran pondered as the spores began to erupt from the mushrooms they were collecting before spotting the two teens collapsing to there knees, "Guys! Could the mushroom spores…?" he threw his basket of mushrooms away before pulling out a handkerchief and covered There mouth with it, "Are they poisonous? Use this!"

"Mmm...What about you, Juran?"

"Ah…" he looked around, seeing that while Humans and Mobians were falling ill, Kikainoids were unaffected, "Looks like the spores can't do much to us…" he noted, "I guess it's just like with food…still, this is bad..."

"Ah…" Gaon sighed as he was hanging out inside of a pet store, "Kaito, Flash,Roll, Haseo…" he looked down at his hands, "Finally I have friends I can pet!" he cheered before he let out a more sad sigh, his head rolling over to see all the animals people could adopt as their own here, "I wish you guys would accept me, too…" he lingered on a little kitten.

However before he could try and pet it, the mushroom on his head suddenly released the poisonous spores, making him tense up before the mushrooms on the heads of the humans and Mobians there began to do the same. The smokescreen wasn't just affecting them….it was affecting the poor animals too...most of which were still young at that too.

"Ah! What's going on!?" Gaon panicked, "Oh! The adorableness!" he grabbed the mushroom on his head, "Is it this!?" he ripped it off...only for another to grow, "Gah!" he ripped that one off and another grew, "Why you!" he tore the third one off and, at first, nothing seemed to happen, "Phew…" many grew in its place until he had an afro made of mushrooms, "GAH! There's no end to them!"

He quickly ran out of the store to try and get the smoke away from the poor animals...only for his optics to widen as he saw more Humans and Mobians collapsed on the ground with the Kikanoids looking on in worry and several trying to help their organic friends.

"D-Daijobu?" Gaon asked, looking around at everyone and seeing the pained expressions on the organic life, "...Grr…" his fists clenched tight as he narrowed his optics. The Tojitendo Dynasty….they did this to the poor people...to the poor humans, Mobians...and to those poor little animals that just wanted a home, "Yurusenai…!"

"Thanks to the Tojiru Gears, we can conquer the whole world in an instant, kinoko!" Kinoko World declared...before looking over at Thunderbolt, "Why aren't you collapsing, Kinoko? This is toxic to organics, kinoko."

"Cause she's in a suit, Kinoko Baka," Ijirude replied as he bonked Kinoko World upside the head with his staff.

=Yup! The suit Lord Eggman made for me makes me resistant to any types of smoke and gas!= Thunderbolt bragged.

"In the end, this plan was so well executed, we can just sit here and enjoy the chaos!" Ijirude chuckled.

=And what's more with this smoke...no Freedom Fighters can come to help!= Thunderbolt added before all three looked at each other...before they began to laugh in unison.

"Found ya! Ijirude! Kinoko World!" Juran declared as he walked onto the roof suddenly. The three turned to face him, "And weird Refrigerator World!"

=REFRIGERATOR?!= Thunderbolt snapped, electricity coming off her robotic suit for a few moments.

"Ah...I thought that was a dude…" Juran muttered.

"How did you find us?!" Ijirude demanded.

"I checked the one block where there was very little spores," Juran explained.

Ijirude turned to the Kinoko World and smacked him with his staff again, "What is wrong with you?!"

"I didn't want to obstruct our view, Kinoko!" he complained as he was struck again and again.

At that, Kaito caught up as he kept the handkerchief over his mouth the whole time,Flash reached there aswell with handkerchief "How dare you spread those weird mushrooms!"

"You all let your guard down because my mushrooms are cute and delicious looking, Kinoko!" Kinoko World countered, "It's the fault of you dumb Humans and Mobians for underestimating Kinoko power, kinoko!"

"Even still, we can learn from our mistakes!" Kaito argued.

=Ha! Not in your condition, human!= Thunderbolt mocked =Soon everyone will bow to Lord Eggman and his new partner, the Tojitendo Dynasty! The Multiverse belongs to them and them alone!=

"Ano…" Kaito muttered, "And you are?"

=Thunderbolt, one of Lord Eggman's Grand Masters of the Dark Legion!= Thunderbolt declared.

"Never heard of it…" The three spoke in unison, making her suit lock up...and tumble over.

"I don't understand young people…" Ijirude muttered.

"Regardless...this ends here!" Kaito shook his head.

"Hahaha! Our numbers beat yours!" Ijirude argued as Kinoko World helped Thunderbolt up.

"I dunno…" Sonic's voice spoke up, making Ijirude slowly turn to see the blue hedgehog resting on top of his staff, a gas mask over his muzzle, "Seems even to me, Robo-Doc."

"Gh?! You again!"

"Yo~" Sonic grinned before he blurred right over to Kaito and Juran, "Sorry for being late guys. Had to get to some high ground and get some people to safety just as the smoke started happening. Secchan made me wear this, too."

=Hedgehog!= Thunderbolt shouted, earning Sonic's attention =We meet at last!=

"...And you are…?" Sonic asked, making her suit fall over again.


"Okay," Sonic replied simply, "So you're new then…" he muttered silently to himself.


"Sonic...who or what is this Dark Legion?" Flash whispered to Sonic.

"Mobians Eggman 'recruited' to work for him," Sonic replied before rubbing his chin, "Well...That's what they are now. Before, they were a group of Echidnas that tore off parts of themselves and replaced it with robotics. They actually willingly joined with Eggman because Knuckles-a friend of mine- went all 'Kami da' and turned their robotics organic."

"Oh...one of those long, complicated, 'had to be there' stories…" Flash and kaito nodded simply, "Details for later then. That's good enough for now." he then turned to the three, "How dare you do this!"

Kinoko World laughed, "You guys are a buncha idiots~! You let your guard down because mushrooms are cute and delicious-looking, kinoko!"

=You already did the bit, stupid!= Thunderbolt snapped as she smacked him upside the head.

"Ah...I forgot about that," Kaito admitted, making Sonic, Flash and Juran nearly fall over.

"Why are we being sucked into their pace!? We're the ones with control over the world at the moment!" Ijirude snapped, stomping the butt of his staff on the ground due to having no foot to stomp, "...ugh. Nevermind. K-"

"I'm here!"

"Hmm?" Sonic,Flash,Kaito and Juran blinked as they looked up, seeing Gaon walking in on top of a higher part of the roof, back down to a single mushroom on his head once more.

"Gaon?" Kaito blinked.

Why are you-" Juran began as he walked closer to Gaon, only for the young Kikainoid to jump down to their footing.

"Kaito, Flash Daijoubu ka?" Gaon asked as Kaito and Flash gave a simple nod, "I'm sorry. If only I had found my resolve sooner…" he grunted, ripping the mushroom off his head again, only for two pink ones to grow in its place a moment later.

"Eh...wait. Does that mean...?" Kaito began.

"I'll be a Zenkaiger!" Gaon spoke as his optics angled down to make his face look like he was smiling.

"Eh!?" Ijirude gawked.

=A what now?= Thunderbolt blinked.

"Enemies as annoying as the blue rodent there, kinoko," Kinoko World whispered to Thunderbolt.


"But you just said-" Juran began as he pointed to Gaon.

"I can't forgive them!" Gaon cut him off.

"Again…?" Juran muttered, pushing his own hand down.

"Seems he just doesn't consider other Kikainoid as something that exists," Sonic noted, patting Juran's back.

"How dare they make all the cute animals of this world suffer!" Gaon declared, "How dare they put a mushroom that makes them suffer on my head! And then make it into an afro!"

"Did he really say 'afro?'" Juran deadpanned to Sonic as Gaon ripped the mushroom off once more.

"Tojitendo! Eggman Empire!" Gaon pointed, "I will make you suffer 100 times the pain and suffering you dealt upon me and all these cute animals!" red mushrooms popped out where the pink ones had been.

"Ha! Just try it, Kinoko!" Kinoko World laughed as the Tojitendo Dynasty's grunts ran into the area.

"Ah, you'll need a…" Kaito began as he patted himself, "...Ah…"

"Kaito?" Flash asked, looking at his cousin.

"...I don't have a spare Geartlinger," Kaito sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"...You're lucky you have me and Roll then," Sonic sweatdropped as a pink blur ran into the area.

"Kaito-chan," Roll frowned, carrying the spare Geartlingers, "You forgot them! What if you found a new nakama?"

"I did," Kaito replied.

"You did?" Roll blinked twice.

"Konnichiwa, Roll-chan," Gaon waved happily.

"Oh, Gaon-san," Roll bowed.

"Thank you, Roll, Gaon, minna," Kaito smiled, "I really couldn't do this without all of you!"

=...We're getting sucked into this nonsense again!= Thunderbolt snapped.

"Here you go, Gaon-san," Roll smiled as she handed Gaon the spare Geartlinger.

=Grr...It won't matter! You i...!= Thunderbolt began in her rant before one of the grunts was suddenly shot by Gaon =?! Wh….What?! Y...You can't do that!= another was shot just as she finished =SERIOUSLY!?=

"Eh? I can't? But I just did. Twice, even," Gaon noted.

"I did the same thing, too," Juran nodded.

"Ah, not like that…" Kaito spoke as he reached into his vest and produced the Transformation Gear with a yellow image in the center and 25 written on it, "Here." he smiled as Gaon took it, "First, you open it up." he began explaining how it worked, "Then smack the Gear in."

"Smack…" Gaon repeated as he nodded in understanding.

"Mmm...Looks like their merry little band is growing…" Ijirude noted.

=What is this?! Why is this all their pace?! We're the ones with the leg up here!= Thunderbolt complained before another bullet shot a grunt.

"Sorry, not sorry!" Gaon laughed.

=GRR!= Thunderbolt snarled as more electricity came off her suit.

"Okay, we're ready now!" Kaito declared as the trio stood together, "Ikuzo!"

"Yosha!" the two Kikainoids agreed as the trio opened their Geartlingers and inserted the Sentai Gears into them.

"Change Zenkai!" the trio declared as they proceeded to crank the handles.

=Yon-Ju-Go Bang~! Ju-Roku Bang~! Ni-Ju-Go Bang~! Bang~Bang! Bang~Bang!=

"Yeah!" Juran cheered, dancing to the beat of the Geartlinger, "Zenkai~ Zenkai~"

After a second, the trio aimed their Geartlingers forward and fired. The Gears scanned over the trio as their transformations began. Kaito was adorned in his white suit while Juran's armor was reformatted into his new form. Gaon joined Juran as his armor and appearance was altered in much the same way.

Gaon's new armor had yellow shoulder pauldrons with a strip of armor dangling over each side like tassels, with the right armog having the silver image of a Lion's head, the rest of his arms however were black in color. His chest like Jurans was a large animal head, in his case that of a Lion, with his abdomen and waist being black with a silver belt-like pattern. His legs were silver before turning yellow from the knee down ending in similar claw-like shoes like Juran's. His helmet turned rounded and pure yellow, a pair of large yellow spikes formed on each side of his helmet and curved upwards with a black stripe running through each, a singular yellow spike protruding from the top of his helmet, with a silver v shaped crest in the center of his forehead with the gold letters for 25 in the center. His mouth was covered by a flat silver mouthguard, and his optics shone a bright green.

=Zenkaiser! Zenkai Juran~! Zenkai Gaon~!=

"Himitsu no power!" Zenkaiser spoke as he struck his pose, "ZenKaiser!"

"Kyoryu power!" Zenkai Juran declared as he struck his own, "Zenkai Juran!"

"Hyakuju power!" Gaon declared as he raised his right arm like claws while crouched down. He then slammed both hands to the ground before jumping, "Zenkai Gaon!"

Zenkaiser held his right hand out as Zenkai Juran put his atop Zenkaisers with Zenkai Gaon following suit...before cringing and moving his hand under Zenkaisers.

"San-nin Awasete!" Zenkaiser began.

"Kikai Sentai!" Zenkaiser skipped forward as he struck a pose with both arms raised up, as Juran stood to his right and Gaon to his left as they held their arms out but angled downward, "Zenkaiger!" A sudden flash went off as the Zenkaiger's symbol formed out of lights behind them.

"So red is dinosaurs and yellow is...a lion?" Flash asked asked.

"Hyakuju means '100 beasts,'" Roll noted.

"So a hundred lions." Sonic said.

"Iie, iie. It's…"

"Ikuze!" Zenkaiser ordered, holding up his Geartlinger, Zenkai Juran pulled out his sword and shield, while Zenkai Gaon summoned a yellow gauntlet that was more like a shield over his left arm with three large bladed claws extending from the front. Zenkaiser began jogging in place, "Zenryoku Zenkai!"

With that, Zenkaiser began shooting and causing massive explosions which knocked the Kudakk's, Kinoko World, Ijirude, and Thunderbolt off the roof. The Three Zenkaigers shouted, jumping after them. Zankaiser kicked his leg out and landed on a Kudakk as he used it to soften his landing on the ground. Zenkai Juran held his shield up and tucked his body in as he let the shield slam into the ground, the resulting impact sending out a shockwave that knocked over the Kudakks who landed off their feet. Zenkai Gaon roared as he held his right arm out and stuck a three point landing with little difficulty or discomfort.

"GAO!" Zenkai Gaon roared as he rushed and swung his clawed gauntlet and ripped through a Kudakk. He spun around and swung an uppercut with his claws and struck another before lifting it up, he twisted his body around and slammed the Kudakk onto another before stomping on both of them, "Gao...n!" he growled, scraping his claws across the ones he pinned down, causing them to explode.

"Ha!" Zenkai Juran cheered, swinging his sword and slashing a Kudakk down. He swung his sword and deflected a Plug Lancer swing from a Kudakk, Juran grunted and swung his sword back and slashed it into the grunt's side, he then twisted around and used his shield to block another swing. He grunted and pushed his sword through the first Kudakk and swung in a wide arc to slash the second, the strike knocking it off its feet, "Nice~!"

"Ha!" Zenkaiser shouted as he flipped forward and twisted around so as he landed he extended his leg out for a sidekick to a Kudakk's chest, sending him flying back into his fellow goons.

Zenkaiser spun around and swung his left arm and used his Greatlinger to strike another Kudakk. As he spun around, he pulled the trigger rapidly and shot multiple grunts in a wide range. The Kudakks rushed as they held their Plug Lancers out in a phalanx formation. They rushed the Zenkaigers as they all stood side by side. Zenkaiser held his Geartlinger out before pulling the trigger, he then rapidly began cranking the lever and caused the Geartlinger to enter rapid fire mode as it unleashed a barrage of bullets which took out many of the Kudakk's standing in the front of the formation. The rest paused as they tried to guard themselves only to blink as Zenkai Juran and Gaon rushed them.



The two swung their weapons as they left glowing streaks in the air. The streaks crossed each other forming a multitude of X patterns in the air before the Kudakks began exploding and falling apart. The remaining Kudakk's continued on as the Zenkaigers stood together.

"Sentai Gear time!" Zenkaiser declared while flipping open his belt, "Let's try this!" he held up a gear that had 16 on it but the image of a Sentai ranger.

=Ju-Roku Bang! Zyu~Ranger!=

The images of the 16th Sentai team, the Zyurangers formed before them before they turned and rushed the Zenkaigers. Yellow ran to Gaon, Black to Juran and Red to Zenkaiser. The three flashed as Gears formed around them before slamming into them.

"Mothbreaker!" Zenkai Juran declared as he swung a black axe around and slashed through several Kudakks.

He twisted his body around and used the Mothbreakers weight to add momentum as he cleaved through multiple Kudakks that tried to surround him. He stopped before swinging down and slashing down, bisecting a Kudakk down the middle causing it to fall over and explode. Juran laughed, flipping the Mothbreaker over and strumming it like a guitar, before suddenly pushing on a section, and transforming it into a gun as he spun around while firing, clearing out even more Kudakks using the purple energy beam fired from his weapon.

"Saber Daggers!" Zenkai Gaon spoke, brandishing a pair of daggers as he rushed forward and swung, slashing several Kudakks.

He growled, crossing them to block a Plug Lancer, before he swung his leg and swept the Kudakk that swung it off its feet. He flipped one of the Saber Daggers over and stabbed it down to strike the Kudakk making it spark and stop moving. He ripped the dagger out as it exploded. The Kudakks looked up as Zenkai Gaon jumped into the air before he came down swinging both daggers down and struck two more Kudakks. He growled spinning around and swinging his arm back to stab a dagger into another Kudakk, before swinging his arm and the grunt forward, the Kudakk was sent flying into others before exploding.

"Ryugeki-ken!" Zenkaiser shouted, holding a broadsword with a red crossguard.

He ran forward and swung it, slashing through one Kudakk, then another, a third, a fourth, a fifth and then a sixth. He swung around and deflected a Plug Lancer before swinging his sword up and slashing the Kudakk who owned it. He grunted as he twisted his sword around in his hands before he twisted his body forward and flipped forward, before swinging with the Ryugeki-ken held in a reverse grip and slashing another Kudakk. He flipped the sword around before drawing his hand across the blade making it begin to glow bright red with energy.

"Tyranno Slash!" he spun around and swung as he fired out a crescent beam of energy as it took down a cluster of Kudakks.

"Wait...shouldn't Juran have gotten that sword?" Flash asked, watching all that.

=That was the power of the 16th Sentai which Juran's own power is based upon, Kyoryu Sentai Zyurangers! It lets you harness their fighting style and their Legendary Weapons. The Ryugeki-Ken is used by their leader, Yamato Tribe Prince Geki, tune!= Secchan explained.

"So that's why Kaito got the sword, he's our leader after all!" Zenkai Juran cheered.

I'd follow Kaito-Kun anywhere!" Zenkai Gaon agreed, "Wait...Who said that?"

"Secchan!" Zenkaiser and Juran replied.

=Grr…!= Thunderbolt growled as she and Kinoko world got up =You Power Ranger rejects are really getting on my nerves!= she snapped before pushing Kinoko World forward =You! Be useful and deal with them while I take care of the hedgehog!=

"There not the stupid rangers reject you bucket of bolts" Flash yelled as sonic and roll looked at him surprised.

"Huh, your getting madder when they say that" Sonic said.

"Hai, Kinoko!" he cheered as he rushed the Zenkaigers.

"Ah! Mushroom head is coming our way!" Zenkai Juran spoke.

"Kinoko P-" Kinoko World began before a pair of blurs shot by him, making him blink before he suddenly tripped and fell into the ground face first, "D'oh!"

"Yeah...sorry, but no dice," Sonic smirked, Flash and Roll holding onto separate ends of a rope before they jumped out of the way of an electric energy blast, "Woah!"

=You're really getting on my and Lord Eggman's nerves!= Thunderbolt snapped, the hands of her much recently shifted into a blaster =But Lord Eggman will praise me if I take you down, Hedgehog!=

"Really devoted to Eggman, aren't you?" Sonic deadpanned as he and Roll dodged out of the way, "...Wait. A….Are you...an Eggman fangirl?"

=Of course! I've devoted my life to helping Lord Eggman anyway I can, even before I became a Grand M…!= Thunderbolt began before Sonic began to laugh =STOP LAUGHING!=

"Oh! Oh...I don't know whether to feel sorry for Eggman or laugh at him!" Sonic laughed.

=Shut-GAH!= Thunderbolt cried when Juran suddenly kicked her over.

"Gotta watch your blindspot!" Zenkai Juran laughed.

"What is this, Kinoko!? Ah! I only have one hand! I can't undo knots, Kinoko!" Kinoko World panicked as he got up.

"Gao!" Gaon roared, slashing him across the chest with his claws, "This is payback for those stupid mushroom!" he roared, punching his claws repeatedly into Kinoko World's chest and making sparks fly.

Zenkai Gaon roared, lifting Kinoko World by the shoulders before slamming his knee into his abdomen repeatedly and making more sparks fly. He growled while pushing him back, making him fall down. Zenkai Gaon rushed as he raked his claws across the ground before swinging them up and striking Kinoko World, sending him flying up and flipping through the air.

"Ha!" Zenkaiser shouted, jumping off Zenkai Gaon's shoulder before he kicked his leg out and struck Kinoko World sending him flying back.

"Duck!" Juran and Sonic panicked as they ducked down, Roll jumping out so did flash jump out of the way as Kinoko World slammed into Thunderbolt.

=Ahh!= Thunderbolt yelped as she was knocked out of her suit, giving off small squeaks as she bounced on the ground a bit, "Grr...you idiot!"

"AH! Kawai no chinchilla!" Zenkai Gaon cooed upon spotting her, "She's so tiny and fluffy!"

"Tiny?! I…!" Thunderbolt began before Zenkai Gaon picked her up, "H-Hey!"

"Aww you're so cute!"

"...uh...Gaon buddy? I don't think…" Sonic began.

"Guys, look! Sh-" Zenkai Gaoon began before he noticed the sparks coming off her. "?"

"Don't…..touch….me….!" Thunderbolt snarled, more and more electricity crackling off her as a look of pure anger appeared in her eyes.

"Oh G-"


"Pika-pika…" Zenkai Gaon muttered, his armor perfectly fine, but his optics sparking and twitching as an occasional spark of electricity came off his armor, "Pika!" he fell over.

"Hah, they didn't even finish the mushrooms world and they're already fighting a angry pickachu from pokemon." Flash said as Roll snorted at that comment.

"Ha!" Thunderbolt shouted as she ran back into her suit, closing the dome as her mech suit shot up =NOBODY TOUCHES ME! ONLY LORD EGGMAN MAY TOUCH ME!=

"Gross and didn't needed to be said out loud" Flash muttered hearing that.

"Declare your love to people who care!" Juran shouted before flipping over and kicking Thunderbolt's suit, making her stagger back, "Bad guys are bad guys! That's all this Dinobot needs to know!" he cheered as he raised his shield to block a blast of electricity from her, "Come on!" he taunted, using his shield to block more bolts fired at him, "Whoo~" he cheered, dancing around the next blast.

=What the...why aren't you being zapped!? You're made of metal!=

"It's called Kyoryu power! My power is prehistoric, Chinchilla thing! In layman's terms, it has no effect on me!"

=Actually, Jury's power comes from Dino magic like the Zyurangers, while Gao-Gao's comes from the power of the Earth like the Gaorangers, so one is more susceptible to things like electricity then the other…= Skye muttered.

"Huh...good to know," Zenkaiser muttered.

"What are you two doing?! You're making a mockery of the World Super Soldier program!" Ijirude shouted, already relocated far away from the combat, "Get up, you idiot!"

"Hai! Kinoko!" Kinoko World declared as his right arm began glowing, "Galactica Mushroom!" he roared as he rushed Zenkai Juran and swung. The Zenkaiger raised his shield, but the force of the punch was enough that it sent him flying back.

"Juran!" Zenkaiser shouted.

"Wide open! Smash Punch!" Kinoko World declared as he landed an uppercut with his left that knocked Zenkaiser into the air.

"Yes! This is better!" Ijirude cheered, "My brain is better than everybody's!"

"Kaito!" Zenkai Gaon panicked as he rushed after Zenkaiser and held his arms out to catch him.

"That thing really packs a punch…" Sonic noted.

"Hai," Roll whispered in agreement.

"Agreed," Flash muttered

"I got him!" Zenkai Gaon cheered, catching Zenkaiser in time.

"I did not expect...mushrooms to pack so much punch…" Zenkaiser groaned, stars circling his helmet, he then shook his head, "Okay..." he began as Zenkai Gaon dropped him, "We got a mushroom with powerful punches...and a chinchilla with a really bad temper and electric powers."

"Ugh...We need to fight both…" Zenkai Juran groaned.

"But I don't wanna hurt the cute little Chinchilla!" Zenkai Gaon declared.


"Wow, she is mad…" Sonic chuckled.

"Alright! We'll split up! Juran and Sonic will take care of the Chincha-thingy! And me and Gaon will stop Kinoko World!" Zenkaiser declared.

"What about us" flash asked.

"You gonna stay back flash, I know you wanna help but this thing is dangerous so leave it to us." Zenkaiser said.

Flash then just nodded. He was again being put in the back. It was like Canterlot and the girls stopping equestrian magic all over again. Roll just patting him on the back she felt sad seeing him like this. Zenkaiser also felt sad but he didn't want his cousin to get hurt by them. He then went back to battle.

"What the heck, it's just another one of Eggman's goons," Sonic smirked. He then sped off before coming back with a blue duffle bag, he quickly opened it and pulled out the sword Skye gave him, "Well...not really trained with these things...but...it's as good a time as any…" he muttered while holding it up.

"Eh? What's that?" Zenkaiser asked.

=Prototype weapon for Sony and Rolly-Polly= Skye informed =Sony's being the guinea pig for it, so sorry if he electrocutes himself=

"Electrocutes himself?" Juran blinked.

"Wait...what?" Sonic blinked before clicking a trigger on it, causing a surge of electrical energy to go up his arms and make his quills spike upwards, "Gh!"

=Warned him=

=Better note that the trigger causes an electrical feedback, tune=

"Well...this is a thing," Juran sighed as he grabbed the blade of Sonic's sword, "But I think we can work with this!" he lifted the sword up...Sonic included, before swinging around and tossing Sonic at Thunderbolt, the Hedgehog tumbling forward through the air as the sword made him like a buzzsaw as he slammed into her, the sword digging into and cutting through a chunk of the armor's torso, as the kinetic energy of the impact knocked her back and into a wall.

"D'oh!" Sonic groaned, falling to the ground as he was shaken out of his stupor.

"Hahaha! It worked! I got the ideas off that Smash Brothers game I played with Kaito last night!" Juran cheered.


"All we need is an announcer," Zenkaiser chuckled as he reached for his belt, "Let's see if they can take this Sentai power," he pulled out another Gear, showing another Sentai with a 26.

=Ni-Ju-Roku Bang! Hurricanger~!=

This time, only three Rangers appeared from the hologram. All three looked like Ninjas with blue being a girl this time around. They jumped as Red landed in Zenkaiser, Yellow in Juran, and Blue in Gaon.

"Chou Ninpou!" Zenkaiser suddenly shouted, crossing his arms, with his index and middle finger pointing up over his helmet's mouthguard, "Kage no mai!"

"Hah?" Kinoko World blinked as Thunderbolt stood back up.

Suddenly, a white paper screen door closed in front of them. Zenkaiser's shadow could be seen as he flew and kicked both of them. A Red screen door closed as Juran's shadow rushed past and slashed both Kinoko World and Thunderbolt. A Yellow screen door closed next as Gaon's shadow dropped down and slashed Kinoko World making the monster swing wildly and strike Thunderbolt. A second white screen door closed as Zenkaiser's shadow flew behind both enemies.

"Shu Shu Shu!" he swung his arms as he tossed shuriken at the two which exploded on impact and sent them flying through the screen doors, "Oh, that one was cool!" Zenkaiser awed as he landed on his feet, "I said Ninpou automatically!"

"My body moved so suddenly!" Zenkai Gaon awed as he looked at his hands, "What was that?!"

=The technique of the 26th Super Sentai, Ninpu Sentai Hurricanger tune!= Secchan answered.

Ninja power, neat," Juran chuckled.

"Mmm…" Roll frowned.

"...Oh shoot," Zenkaiser realized before sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, "Gomen, Roll-chan. Used the stereotype instead of the actual throwing ones."

"I don't get it…" Juran muttered, "Shuriken are shuriken…"

"What's a ninja?" Gaon blinked.

"Her," Sonic replied, pointing at the Hedgefox, who was slumped over and shaking, "...Uh oh…"

"'Shuriken are shuriken'? ...Juran-san, there will be a party tonight...but not one you may enjoy," Roll informed as she straightened up, smiling sweetly...while Juran was now trying to not look at her and the ominous aura coming off her.

"You know it's rude to threaten your elders…" Juran shivered.

"I am conflicted…" Gaon admitted, hiding behind Zenkaiser, "She is very kawaii...yet very scary...but she is kawaii...and also scary...mmm…"

"Yep...That's Roll-chan," Zenkaiser sighed, "She's essentially family, but still a mystery…"

"Huh actually I don't know much about the ninja culture and Shinobi culture. Hey roll after this is over can you teach me about the Shuriken and your fighting style maybe that can help me in the battles, I can't always wait for the power to come to me." He asked her.

"Sure flash" she quickly did a 180,"I can teach ya. But you gonna have to wait after I'm done with mister shuriken is shuriken hear." Sending a glare at juran. Who tenses again.

"They're ignoring us again, kinoko," Kinoko World whispered to Thunderbolt, "Should we crawl away, kinoko?"

=Crawl away?! Never! I will not lose to these nitwits!=

"Oh right! Them!" they all spoke, turning back to face them.

=Stop ignoring us!=

"Ikuze Gaon!" Zenkaiser shouted as he rushed Kinoko World.

"HA!" Gaon shouted, joining him.

"You'll be fighting me, Chincha-thing!" Zenkai Juran shouted, slashing Thunderbolt's robot suit and making it stagger back, "Sonic!" he called out as he dropped to one knee, letting Sonic jump off his.

Sonic grunted as he came down and slashed Thunderbolt's suit along the back. The two grunted and swung their swords at the same time, slashing the suit from two sides and not giving Thunderbolt time to defend. ZenkaiJuran grunted while swinging low, sweeping Thunderbolt off her feet. As she fell, both Juran and Sonic kicked their legs up, striking the mech suit and launched it high into the air with their combined leg strength.

=Gyah! What kinda strength do they got!?= Thunderbolt yelped, rattling around inside of her mech suit.

"The power of dinosaurs and a hedgehog!" Juran replied.

"Sonic, finish it!" Juran cheered, tapping his shield with his sword before raising said shield up like a platform to step on.

But before he could do anything Thunderbolt used her lightning and shoot at the shield which caused sonic to loose balance and was soon shoot by her which caused him to loose the sword and hit back.


The others yelled the sword fell a little far to flash as the other were distracted flash then ran and pick up the sword and soon ran towards thunderbolt. She heard his yell as saw him coming she simply struck him with lightning but he used the sword and blocked the attack it hurt but he still ran and soon used his sword and slashed her on the suite with a slash and then slash from down part and finally he slash straight cutting the suite in half and making her fall out of the suite and fall back.

The others were surprised by this but soon flash felt the surge from the sword and let it go.

"Gah" he yelled as he saw his hands palms burned a little.

"Flash" Kaito and roll yelled as roll went to him.

"You ok" she asked in concern.

"Seriously!?" Ijirude complained, using his staff to catch the actual Thunderbolt as she fall back.

"That low life human, He broke my suit from Lord Eggman!" Thunderbolt snapped, her eyes slit as electricity began to crackle off her, "I...I'm going to...to….!"

"Shut up, stupid," Ijirude spoke, slamming his staff and Thunderbolt into a wall, making a squeaking sound upon impact, "This is an experiment for my World Super Soldiers! Your pride be damned! Your master can always make you a better one next time! If anything, he should be upset you just wasted a Mech suit…"

"...AHH! You're right!" Thunderbolt panicked as she fell to her knees in tears, "FORGIVE ME, LORD EGGMAN~!"

"Shut up," Ijirude spoke, smacking her into a wall again with yet another squeaking sound.

"Leave it to me, Kinoko!" Kinoko World spoke, charging up his right arm again. He rushed to swing at Gaon only for him to duck and roll out of the way.

Kinoko World grunted, swinging at Zenkaiser only for him to flip over his arm. The Tojitendo Super soldier blinked as the two were able to move around him so quickly. He then yelped when Zenkai Gaon swung his claws and hooked them into the gear themed belt around his waist. Gaon growled and lifted Kinoko World, before tossing him away.

"Take this!" Gaon grunted, swinging his claws only for Kinoko World to deflect them away with a punch from his right arm.

"Mushroom Galactica!" Kinoko World shouted, swinging his charged up punch only for Gaon to suddenly flip back and over a parked van, "So fast!" he gawked.

"Ha!" Gaon grunted, landing on his feet with little issue.

"Kinoko!" the monster grunted while smacking the van, making it slide along the ground in an attempt to hit Zenkai Gaon.

Zenkai Gaon grunted as he jumped over the van once more as he landed on its roof and held on waiting for it to come to a stop. Kinoko World growled as he swung and punched the back of the van, the force of his swing breaking through its parking brake and sending the car off down the road. Zenkai Gaon grunted and rolled off the roof and back to the ground with very little issue. Kinoko World growled in frustration as he rushed the Zenkaiger, only for Gaon to take him by surprise and pull out his Geartlinger and shoot it at him from close range, causing an explosion of sparks as the Tojitendo Monster was sent stumbling back a few steps. Zenkai Gaon growled as he rushed and slashed Kinoko World across the chest with his claws several times before clocking him across his face with the Geartlinger, sending him stumbling back a few steps.

"Up and over! Time to pluck this mushroom from the ground!" Zenkai Gaon grunted as he rushed over and swung his claw low and swept the Monster off his feet, before using his left arm to swing his claws up, and lift Kinoko World up and high into the air.

"HA!" Zenkaiser shouted, jumping into the air as he swung his leg out and landed a flying side kick to Kinoko World. He then began kicking his legs, striking the Tojitendo Super soldier multiple times with a bicycle kick before the last one sent him flying back and slamming into the ground.

"Ah...that's...not...fair...Kinoko!" Kinoko World groaned, he stumbled up before shaking his head, "I won't fail, Kinoko! Atomic Mushroom…" he changed, charging energy into his right arm as he stepped forward...and froze, "K-Kinoko?" he looked down to see he stepped on a patch of scattered makibishi, "AAAAHHHH!-!-!" he screamed hopping around only to step on more, "AH!" he screamed, alternating feet...and stepping on more of the spikes traps.

"Okay...you proved your point, Roll…" Zenkaiser chuckled, "Authentic Ninjas have better tools…"

"Arigatou, Zenkaiser-san," Roll giggled with a salute while sitting on a fire escape above the Kinoko World.

"Eh!? Ah! You did this, kinoko?!" Kinoko World gawked, looking up at her while taking a step ahead...right onto a bit of scattered marbles that sent him flat on his back onto the makibishi, "AAAAHHHHH!"

"You got that one off Home Alone, didn't you?" Flash asked with a chuckle.

=She did= Skye confirmed =Mitsy gave me a DVD of it and I showed it to the family...they took to the traps and began to devise new ways to use them…=

"Ah, a family of fuzzy ninja trap makers..." Gaon cooed, "Let's finish him while he's distracted, Kaito!"

"Hai!" Zenkaiser nodded as they began cranking their Geartlingers, "Hissatsu Zenkai!"

=Hero~! Super Zenkai Time! Go-Go~! Bang-Bang~!=

The two aimed their Geartlingers at Kinoko World, who finally got back to his feet. Hexagonal formations formed around the barrels as color matching energy began flashing from the center. Both held their Geartlingers by both handles as massive orbs of light formed at the ends of the Geartlingers barrels. With that, the two pulled the triggers just as the Zenkaiger symbol formed behind them.

=Dai Zenkai!=

They both fired massive beams of energy which slammed into Kinoko World, destroying the extra armor on his arms and leaving two glowing holes in his chest. Just as it seemed like he was about to collapse, the Zenkaiger symbol flew over...and slammed down onto Kinoko World, crushing him down into bits and pieces. All that was left was the black Tojiru Gear left sparking on the ground.

With that, a pulse of energy went out from the epicenter of the explosion. It washed over the town and all the Mushrooms began to vanish, all of them fading away with faint specs of purple energy. The effects and spores they released suddenly vanished from the air and the bodies of those who breathed them in. The change back to normal many were still in the midst of writhing in pain, before they realized...there no longer was any pain at all.

"We did it!" Zenkaiser cheered, "Skye, did it work?" he asked, tapping the side of his helmet, more for symbolism than for actual practicality.

=Yep. All the mushrooms have vanished. But I'm still gonna wear a mask for a day or two just to be safe= Skye replied.

"Yatta!" Zenkaiser cheered, "The mushrooms are gone!"

"We did it!" Gaon cheered, pumping a fist in the air.

"I don't think it's over," Flash noted as he hopped down as Sonic and Juran approached the two celebrating Zenkaigers.

"Why do you think that?" Sonic asked.

"The guy with the mushroom guy is still here and he's chuckling," Juran replied, pointing at the chuckling Ijirude.

"They're right! This isn't over!" Ijirude declared as he picked up Thunderbolt, "Kudaitest!"

"Oyobidesuka?" a Kudaitest asked as it emerged from behind a building.

"Oh boy…" Gaon gulped before seeing Roll and Flash...bouncing in place with stars in there eyes, "Eh? Roll-chan Flash-chan, why are you being so kawaii right now?!"

"They like watching giant battles," Zenkaiser explained.

"Are you ig…?" the Kudaitest began before stepping on the sparking Tojiru Gear, "Ah?"

Eh?" everyone pondered, seeing purple sparks coming from under the foot that stepped on the gear before it burst into purple smoke that engulfed the Kudaitest and soaked into its body, transforming it into a mixture of a Kudaitest and Kinoko World, "EH?!"

"I didn't expect this!" Ijirude gawked.

"Kinoko! Kinoko! Great Kinoko World Tanjou, kinoko!" the Kudatest roared as it let loose pulses of purple energy that caused massive mushrooms to start growing everywhere with a massive one growing right behind him that dominated the skyline, "Kino-kino-kino-ki~!" he then calmly poked up above a few obscuring him from them and calmly said, "Kinoko."

"WHAT IS THAT!?" the Zenkaigers Human and Mobians exclaimed.

"Great Kinoko World?" Ijirude pondered, "Hmm...Interesting. He's actually amplified the power Kinoko World had and has begun to fuse Kinokotopia with this world."

"I'm full of Mushroom Power, kinoko!"

=Oh, this isn't good. If this guy continues to exist, the entire world will be engulfed in mushrooms before the end of the day!= Skye panicked.

=You'll be in debt from all the holes in the roofs you'll make, tune= Secchan added.

"So...bad news, the whole world is gonna turn into Mushrooms," Zenkaiser told Sonic and Roll, "But Good news...Juran...Do the thing!"

"Yeah!" Zenkai Juran cheered as he held up his Geartlinger, "Roll, make sure you get my goodside!" he cheered, flipping his Gear and cranking the Geartlinger.

"Hai~!" Roll saluted as she grabbed Sonic and Flash and ran off to one of the taller mushrooms.


"Kikai Henkei!" he cheered as he transformed into, "Juran Tyranno!"

"Konnichiwa, minna-san~!" Roll cheered, her flying camera activated, "For everyone being surprised by the mushrooms appearing, it's because of today's Giant Battle!" she spun around and gestured to Juran Tyranno roaring at Great Kinoko World, "Juran Tyranno has emerged to do battle with the cause of all these mean mushrooms that were releasing toxic spores here, Great Kinoko World!" she turned to Sonic, "Any comments, Sonic-san?"

"This guy makes me hate mushrooms even more," Sonic stated, his nose scrunched behind his mask.

"Me to bro, me to" Flash said.

"Let's enjoy grilled mushrooms! Tyranno Fire!" Juran Tyranno roared, unleashing his fire breath upon Great Kinoko World.

"Get 'em Juran!" Zenkaiser cheered as he and Zenkai Gaon jumped up to another building top to get a better view.

"Oh...So we can do that, too…" Gaon noted as he held up his Geartlinger, he popped it open and flipped his gear much like Juran did, "Flip! Insert! And crank!" he cheered.


"Kikai Henkei!" The symbol fell over Gaon as his chest section slid forward, his legs unlocked and folded forward, while his arms folded into his sides, his yellow shoulder armor unfolding into a pair of claws legs. His Gaon Claw docking over the top of the lion head to complete its mane, after his normal head folded into his torso, completing his transformation into, "GAON LION!"

"EH!? Sugei! The newest member of the Zenkaigers, ZenkaiGaon, has just transformed into Gaon Lion!"

"So what? Is he a thousand lions now instead of a hundred?" Flash asked.

"Iie," Roll deadpanned, "Hyakuju is a hundred beasts. Not just lions."

"GAON!" Gaon Lion roared as he rushed forward and knocked Juran Tyranno out of his way, violently one might add. He then flipped back and did several mid-air backflips. Each flip raked his claws up across Great Kinoko World's chest and face.

"GAH!" Great Kinoko World cried as glowing scratch marks formed on his armor, "Grrr...come forth Mushroom power!"

With that, the giant mushrooms he summoned around town began lifting up before flying at Gaon. Gaon grunted as he quickly dashed from side to side, avoiding them as they began slamming into the ground with remarkable force.

"Not gonna work!" Gaon Lion cheered as he jumped into the air and began leaping off the mushrooms.

"Sugoi! Gaon Lion showed off the might of a bull and the swiftness of an eagle, but now he's showing us his grace of a shark and agility of a tiger through his dodging of the flying mushrooms!" Roll awed, "Ah! Gaon Lion, look out! It's a nameko!"

"Eh? A nameko mushroom?" Gaon Lion pondered as he jumped off a big mushroom...right on a 'tiny' nameko. His paws slipped on its slimy surface making him stumble around for a bit...and fell out of the air...and onto Juran Tyranno.

"ITE!" Juran Tyranno snapped, knocking Gaon Lion off as they butted heads, "Don't interfere!"

"It was the nameko!" Gaon Lion argued, said mushroom dropping onto his head.

"Don't blame the nameko, baka neko!"

"It was the nameko, you old fossil!"

"Oh dear me...He's showing off a flaw...the pride of a lion," Roll cringed as the two argued as Zenkaiser got on the mushroom with them, "It seems that a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Lion can't agree to be equal rulers."

"See? Nothing good comes from mushrooms unless they're in chili for chili-dogs," Sonic snorted.

"Ah! Stop fighting each other!" Flash complained loudly, "You're supposed to be fighting the evil monster!"

"Wide open!" Great Kinoko World cheered as he punched Juran Tyranno and smacked Gaon Lion with his tail, the attacks sending both flying and landing on top of one another.

"Move it, Kikainoid!" Gaon Lion complained, pinned under Juran Tyranno.

"It's not my fault, you little brat!" Juran Tyranno complained, kicking his legs around to try and get back onto his feet.

"I said stop it!" Zenkaiser complained, face meeting helmet in exasperation, "Ah mou! Fine! My turn then!" he snapped as he held up his Geartlinger and flipped his Gear around before cranking.

=EH?! KAITO, MATTE! MATTE!= Secchan panicked.

=Go for it, Kaito! You got the perfect formula for it! So glad you found a yellow and not the blue so you can show off your Gear's special trick!= Skye cheered.

"Oh? Are we going to see Zenkaiser become Kaiser something?" Roll pondered, her tail wagging Flash also got excited as Gaon Lion and Juran Tyranno finally untangled and began to butt heads in arguing once more, "Ah mou~ Stop fighting and watch your leader, you two!"


Zenkaiser aimed and fired his blast high into the air. He waited for the symbol to fall over him like it did the others...but instead...something different happened. The blast flew higher and higher...before exploding into a giant projection of the Zenkaiger symbol.


"Hmm?" the two giant Kikanoid Zenkaigers blinked before an unseen force pushed them closer together, making their noses touch together, "Chu?" they blinked...before screaming, "GYAH!"

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Juran Tyranno screamed.

"GROSS~!" Gaon Lion freaked, both backing away from each other with wide eyes.


The symbol slammed into the ground as an area around the two formed which pushed Great Kinoko World back so he could not interfere. The light formed into the hologram of a baseball field with the two Giant robots standing inside of it. The big screen showed their names behind them as their bodies began locking up against their will. In the background, a giant hologram of Zenkaiser towered over them as he held his arms out, before slowly moving them together. All the while, an exciting tune belted out in the air.

Suddenly, their bodies began altering once again. Their legs folded back and locked together, their feet curling back as the combined legs locked together and revealed a giant hand as it opened and closed for a moment. The actual arms framing the sides of their alternate modes folded forward so their silver symbols lined up. Their weapon parts disconnected and floated off. The two gawked as their jaws opened against their will...before opening up most all of their bodies. It was a strange sight to be sure as the two suddenly slammed together, with their jaws lining up. Their legs folded up upon collision, seeming to form a torso shape. Their lower jaw sections suddenly unfolded, turning into large legs.


At that, a new femining voice began speaking through the system the Zenkaigers used.

=Zenkai Juran! Zenkai Gaon! Go! Go! Go! Go!=

The symbols folded and locked together into a V-shaped chest armor. The new hands opened and closed as the heads at the very top of this formation finally opened up. It revealed a new actual robotic head. It had a black helmet with a yellow horn and half a V crest to the right like Gaon and a Red horn and half a V crest to the left like Juran. The face was silver and was sculpted to have human features such as blue optics, a nose and mouth. It held its right hand out and grabbed the Juran Sword as the left grabbed the Juran Shield. From inside a gear shaped floating platform shone as Zenkaiser teleported inside of the new Gattai Mecha, a pedestal before him where he docked his Geartlinger, the red sections on the front handle unfolding into a stand formation.

=ZenKaiOh~ JuraGaon!=

"..." Roll and Flash blinked twice.

"..." Sonic rubbed his eyes.

"...EEEEEEEE~!" Roll squealed, making Sonic fall over from the loud squeal, "A Gattai! Zenkaiser's Sentai Gear, when put in with the opposite side facing outward, caused Juran Tyranno and Gaon Lion to perform a...a...Zenkai Gattai! Tanjou! The King of the Hundred Beasts and the Ancient Dinosaurs! ZenKaiOh JuraGaon!"

"Mom and dad were right, the Sentai do have giant Mecha that can turn in to giant robot." Flash said he was now like a child watching his favorite hero.

"Hey, Zenkaiser vanished…" Sonic noted.

"Of course he vanished!" Flash replied before pointing at the combined mech, "He must be inside ZenKaiOh to control their combined form!"

"Noko?" Great Kinoko World pondered, tilting a bit in confusion.

"Eh?! Where am I?!" Zenkaiser gawked.

"What is this!?" Juran demanded.

"Ewewewewew…" Gaon chanted quickly in disgust.

=Tadah~! Hope you boys enjoy this! This form is Zenkaiser's special power since he can't become a giant robot like you boys can!= Skye's voice beamed =Behold! Zenkai Gattai ZenKaiOh! Or, to be more precise, Zenkai Gattai ZenKaiOh JuraGaon!=

"So cool, they combined together! Awesome! This totally has to be a world first!" Zenkaiser cheered, jumping around his control platform.

=It's not a first, tune=

"Ah…" Zenkaiser sighed.

=But now you can combine your friends' powers together to fight, tune!=

=Secchan, I think this kinda is a first if you think about it. They're robots that turn into Sentai that turn into giant robots that combined into a Giant Robot thanks to a human leader. Which Sentai has done that before?=

"Hear that? Juran! Gaon! We're a one of a kind Sentai! Let's work together the three of us from here on out!" Zenkaiser cheered.

"NO WAY!" both snapped as ZenKaiOh split down the middle, exposing the cockpit.

"EH!?" Zenkaiser gawked, "Oi! Oi! Oi! Get back here, you two!"

"See? He's in ZenKaiOh," Roll pointed, stars in her eyes and tail wagging like mad.

"Your consent is not a factor!" Zenkaiser groaned before swinging his arms together and forcing ZenKaiOh JuraGaon back together, "Now...I drive! Ikuze!" he paused, "...How do I do that?"

=You plug the Geartlinger into the podium you're standing on. That will link you to ZenKaiOh to keep that from happening again without your consent= Skye explained.

=Don't forget to fold out the red panels on the front handle to lock it into place, tune=

"Oh…" he nodded as he did so, ZenKaiOh locking up for a moment before relaxing, its eyes flashing as it held its sword and shield up in a battle ready pose, "Yosh, Zenryoku Zenkai, Mecha Version!"

With that, ZenKaiOh began marching forward, another of the gear cameras following at a safe distance. Great Kinoko World groaned as it summoned Mushrooms which began bombarding the Super Robot...Only for it to march through them, letting them all explode on impact with very little signs of damage or discomfort. Great Kinoko World gawked as it got closer and closer.

"My kinoko aren't working, kinoko?!" Great Kinoko World exclaimed before ZenKaiOh slashed it, "Gah!"

"Let's take this elsewhere!" Zenkaiser spoke as ZenKaiOh swung its shield and bashed Great Kinoko World, sending him flying up to the top of the giant mushroom in the center of the city.

ZenKaiOh jumped up and landed atop the mushroom like a giant platform. ZenKaiOh moved around with amazing speed for its size and build before swinging its sword and slashing Great Kinoko World once more. ZenKaiOh swung up as the Giant monster tried to headbutt it. Great Kinoko World grunted in pain as sparks flew. He swung with his glowing right arm and struck ZenKaiOh JuraGaon in the chest...the explosion went off, and covered the top of the giant mushroom mountain with smoke. After a moment a pair of blue eyes flashed from within the smoke, ZenKaiOh swung its sword dispersing the smoke as the slash struck and knocked the Great World off the top of their battle platform, letting him slam into the street with a groan of pain as the giant Tojitendo soldier's armor was left with a giant scar.

"Gaon! You're up!" Zenkaiser spoke as the two jaws clamped together, just as Great Kinoko World got back to his feet.


ZenKaiOh's sword and shield vanished as the Gaon Claw locked into place over his right arm. ZanKaiOh jumped down and swung with the claws as they were energized and dealt a more powerful slash upon impact. Great Kinoko World grunted as ZenKaiOh moved very quickly around it and slashed him again, making the monster turn around with the strength of each claw strike.

"Oh, I think I understand! When their heads come together to 'bite,' the weapons of ZenKaiOh interchange between ZenkaiJuran and ZenkaiGaon," Roll observed.

"Wow, that robot is fast!" Sonic awed.

"It could be channeling all the fastest of the hundred beasts ZenkaiGaon channels through his Sentai Gear with the raw power of the dinosaurs of ZenkaiJuran's Sentai Gear," Flash guessed.

"And now!" Zenkaiser spoke as he saw the eyes of Great Kinoko World glow as if charging up something. Suddenly ZenKaiOh split in two as the optic beam of Great Kinoko World passed right under Zenkaiser's control platform, "And back together!" he cheered, reforming ZenKaiOh in full.

"Oh! Sugei! ZenKaiOh used that moment where it split apart in its arguing as a way to avoid Great Kinoko World's eye beams!" Roll awed, "I'm surprised it still has them after its transformation from a Kudaitest."

ZenKaiOh then jumped before swinging both legs apart and back together, landing a scissor kick to Great Kinoko World's head. The Giant Robot swung the Gaon Claw Up before swinging it down and scratching at the Tojitendo giant soldiers head multiple times making sparks and bits of armor fly through the air.

"Gaon!" Gaon's voice roared as ZenKaiOh jumped back.

"This power...it's immense! How can two low class Kikainoids get so much power just by merging together?!" Great Kinoko World grunted.

"ZenKaiOh isn't just two!" Zenkaiser shouted through ZenKaiOh, "It's the power of the Zenkaigers! It's more than just Kikainoids, this is the power of Humans, Mobians, and Kikainoids working together, living together...Don't look down on my friends!"

"That's right, Kaito!"

"Ah! Kaito-Kun!"

=Sugoi! We never predicted ZenKaiOh actually being this powerful, tune! Kaito! Spin for even more and more power, tune!=

"Got it!" Zenkaiser nodded.

=Best use Juran's weapons for it. Gaon's would likely overload due to it being a solitary weapon instead of two=


=Big boom and bye-bye arm most likely. ...I wonder if it would affect your actual body and cause you to lose your actual arms or your legs since that's where your arm in this state comes from...=

"Ah! Switch! Switch!" Gaon panicked as the heads 'chomped' on ZenKaiOh's head once more, "I need all of me to cuddle adorable animals!"


ZenKaiOh lifted the Juran Sword up as it began crackling with energy. From inside the cockpit, Zenkaiser began cranking the Geartlinger.

=Kikai! Super Zenkai Time! Go~Go! Go~Go!=

"Oh! ZenKaiOh looks as if he's about to unleash a hissatsu waza!" Roll awed as a massive transparent Sentai Gear with the Zenkaiger symbol in it appeared before ZenKaiOh and was soaked up into his sword.

"It better not be him jumping up and stabbing the guy with his butt again," Flash noted, as he and sonic chuckling betraying there statement.

=And don't forget the most important thing!=

=Not miss, tune?=

=No! The name of the hissatsu! All the Sentai we watched shouted out finishers with their mechs, like Go-Ongers with their Grand Prix!=

"Got it!" Zenkaiser spoke up, snapping his fingers.

"JURAN SWORD! ENGETSU CRUSH!" the three Zenkaigers all shouted in unison.

With that, ZenKaiOh swung his sword down once, then twice, and then a third time. All three energized slashes striking Great Kinoko World. The monster sparked with electricity as its body began exploding from the inside out slowly, as if one giant explosion of critical energy was building up.

"Be careful of wild mushrooms!" were Great Kinoko World's last words as he fell over and exploded brightly in a giant fireball that seemed to tear up part of the road.

"Yatta! It was a hissatsu waza! And what an amazing name for it! Juran Sword Engetsu Crush!" Roll and Flash awed, "And it's another victory for the Zenkaigers! I just love these Giant Battles! I hope you all tune in next time, minna~!"

"Uh, Roll? Some quick questions."

"Hai, Flash-san?"

"That giant mushroom guy's destroyed, right?"


"And everything's gonna be turning back to normal, right?"

"That's right."

"...What are we standing on?" He gestured.

"Eh?" Roll and sonic looked down at the giant mushroom they were on, "Oh…" the mushroom faded, leaving them in air, "...Uh oh." She looked at the camera, "Bye-bye~"

"WHOA/EEK!" the three screamed as they dropped and splashed down in the river.

"GAH! WATER~!" Sonic freaked.

"Just swim dude swim" flash told him.

"Sekai Zenkai! All OK!" Zenkaiser cheered as ZenKaiOh held its sword up in victory.

"That's good," Gaon noted.

"Ah…" Juran agreed.

"NOW SPLIT US APART ALREADY!" both roared, making Zenkaiser jump in startlement.

The blue janitor Kikainoid hummed to himself as he was cleaning the main meeting room of the Tojitendo. He then blinked as the little computer screen flashed, and revealed a Mushroom icon, being set free from a Tojiru gear.

"Yaya...Kinokotopia...is free?" He adjusted his glasses, "Vroon…?" he looked upwards at the many gears and mechanisms within the tower.

After the battle, everyone gathered back at Candy Cafe Colorful to begin greetings of the new additions to the team to the others.

"I'm Kaito's grandmother and Flash's aswell, Yatsude," said grandmother bowed to Gaon. She was also in the middle of giving towels to Roll and Sonic, "Please get along with my grandsons," she motioned to Kaito, "And the kids I care for as if my other grandchildrens." she smiled, patting Roll's head while slapping Sonic's shoulder.

"Hmm...Looks like there's no traces left of the mushrooms on you, either," Skye noted, looking at where the mushroom had been on Gaon...before a frying pan whacked his head, "Gah!"

"Baka! You forgot to introduce yourself!" Yatsude scolded.

"Ah, gomen, gomen," Skye apologized, "Skye Sakurai. I'm Roll and Haseo's papa."

"Ah, Obaa-sama, Otou-sama!" Gaon greeted with a bow, "It's a pleasure to meet you. Ah Obaa-sama, your mane is wonderful!" he began before Kaito suddenly shoved Secchan into his face.

"This is Secchan! My parents made him as my best friend, and he's our mascot and supporter!" Kaito explained with a happy smile.

=I support you in all battles, tune= Secchan stated =Glad to meet you, tune=

"Sure," Gaon deadpanned while casually tossing him onto Juran, knocking the red Kikainoid over.

"You already know Haseo-chan," Roll giggled, gesturing to her little brother that was nibbling on a cookie.

"Ah, Haseo-chan!" Gaon cheered, "It's so wonderful to see you again! I hope you and I can be best friends like me and Kaito-kun!"

"H-Hai. S-Same here, Gaon-san," Haseo smiled a bit, his twin tails wagging a bit.

"Ah!" Gaon put a hand to his chest once more, "Kawaii overload…"

"Ah, his cuteness is the shop's ultimate weapon on sales!" Yatsude agreed, scratching Haseo's head between his ears and causing him to start purring.

"Gah! K-Kawaii…" Gaon gurgled as he nearly fainted.

=What is with that guy?= Secchan questioned as he and Juran got up.

"See? Frankly, he ticks me off something fierce," Juran agreed.

=Mmm...Kaito!= Secchan flew up and towards his human friend =Hurry up and find the next member, tune!=

"Don't eat too many cookies now, Haseo-chan. Otherwise, you won't have a tummy big enough for dinner and dessert," Flash noted. He was wearing bandage on his hands.

"Ah flash onni-chan your hands." He said in worry. Flash looked at them and soon gave him a assuring look.

"I'm fine. This pain won't stop me from helping. And beside remember what I told you. Real man are those who fight through tuff time." He said while patting him on the head. Haseo wagged his tales happily.

"Ahhhh, it's so great to see there siblings connection. They act like big and little brother mostly" Goan said seeing the cuteness.

"Well that's how flash is, He is like a big brother figure to haseo sins haseo was little and he grew to look him like that." Kaito said.

"Ah! Please, allow me to cook for you all as a way of thanking you all for welcoming me!" Gaon offered.

"You cook?" Yatsude asked in surprise.

"Hehehe...I practiced how to make yummy treats for my future Human and Mobian friends!" he declared proudly.

=No time for food! New members are out there to find, tune!= Secchan declared, his talons grabbing Kaito's sleeve and pulling him to the door.

"Ah! There's always time for food!" Gaon argued, grabbing Kaito's other arm.

"Huh...A robotic lion and a robotic parrot having a tug-of-war with a human as the rope," Sonic noted as the two bickered over Kaito.

"I've seen this scenario before…" Juran muttered, "But...it was much more awkward and involved one guy and two girls…"

"I've been the guy in that scenario," Skye admitted, "I forget if Aphrodite won or Gale did..."

Juran just put his hand on Skye's shoulder, and nodded simply. Sonic nodded along with the elder Kikainoid, the two giving Skye their pity and compassion. Despite the act meant to be sympathetic...for some reason, it just annoyed Skye, since it felt more condescending than understanding. He promised and began to plan for revenge later.

"Ah...Well, since it seems dinner may be delayed until things settle down between those three…" Roll noted as Juran froze, a cold oil dripping down his head, "Oh, Juran-san…a shuriken party sounds good, ne? Easy to learn all the different kinds of shuriken and their specific purposes, ne? Shuriken aren't just shuriken, after all, ne?"

"...Kaito, ikuze! We need to find the next member!" Juran declared, adding his own to Secchan's aide.

"Mm?" Haseo tilted his head at Roll.

"Juran-san said 'shuriken are shuriken,'" Roll stated, hands on her hips with a look aimed at the red Kikainoid.

"Mmm…" Haseo puffed his cheeks up in a pout. but flash simply grabbed him and start to tickle him making the young fox laugh.

"Oh are you in a bad mood" he said as he continue to tickle him."so you stop pouting or will I continue."

"Ok ok ,hhahahah... I stop flash onni-chan hahaha," Haseo said as flash let him go then and picked him up and put him on his lap.

"Don't worry once roll educate juran, she said she will help train me. So wanna join" haseo nodded.

"Well give flash the job for keeping haseo on check." Kaito said as he looked at the scene and smile even still being pulled.

"Kaito please help me" juran pleaded him.

"Gh! Even that is kawaii…" Gaon gasped out, his strength lost...and causing all four to shoot out the open window.

"...Well, at least we have a secret weapon for controlling one of them if they get too rambunctious, ne?" Yatsude giggled as Flash scratched between Haseo's ears to get him purring once more.

"I highly doubt these kids can be controlled..." Skye muttered.

"Ah Mou!" Kaito groaned from outside, "Just take your lumps, Juran! I had to all the time when Roll first moved in!"

"It can't be that bad!" Gaon agreed.

=It was, tune. Kaito did a big boo-boo on unintentionally insulting Roll's hard work in her training. Took seven hours, five cartons of strawberries, and a gallon of strawberry milk with blueberry muffins before she let him out of her 'class,' tune=

"Did that happen when I was at my parents place" Flash asked haseo on his lap.

"Apologies work wonders...but Bribery works even better…" Kaito admitted bluntly.

"Wisdom hidden within that noggin…" Gaon muttered.

"...Any chance you're good at making things with strawberries?" Kaito asked.

"I know a recipe or two," Gaon noted.

"Roll, if you're willing to go easy on Juran, Gaon will make you a strawberry dish!" Kaito shouted.

"...I'll just show him pictures and explain instead of demonstrations," Roll replied.

"Yosha!" Kaito cheered. Flash simply shook his head at his cousin antics but still smiled.

Later that night sky was in his work shop as he was working on his project his phone rang. He picked it up and recognize the number. He smiled and answer.

"Yo Trial." He greeted the caller.

= Hey Skye, how's it going" trial from the other line said.

"Great actually, so you saw the video"

=Everyone did. Misty was happy to see flash finally getting good and so was Scott but that's not why I called you.= He told him.

"It's about flash isn't it"

=Yeah and now that it's done, do you think he's ready to use it=

"He's close. I've seen his progress and I seen what he can do. Just a little longer and he'll be able to get what he always wanted, Yeah, but will he be ready"

=He will I know it= he said in belief.

"Then I believe in him aswell." He soon ended the call and then though about it.

Author's Note:

Secchan: Jikai wo Zenkaigers da!

?-?-?: Nu nu nu Magine! The fourth Zenkaiger is a shy lover of fortune-telling with an ambitious pink hedgehog on a quest of love.

Kaito: Isn't that you, Magine?

Magine: Nu!? M-m-m-me?!

Sonic: Ambitious Pink h...

?-?-?: Hi, Sonic!

Sonic: AHH! AMY!

Roll: Ano...I don't mind the hugging, but why are you calling me by Sonic-san's name?

Amy: EH!?

Gaon: I'll take a free hug!

Gear 3: A Serious Nununu Magician and A Determined Pikopiko Hedgehog!

Sonic: Emergency Distraction!

Haseo: MMMMM~!