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Parental Glideance

*Scootaloo's POV*

I was on Flora's back with Rusty as the three of us were flying up to Cloudsdale as part of an assignment we had about inspirational heroes. Little did we know, we were about to meet Rainbow's parents.

“Aren’t you excited, Rusty?!” I asked.

Rusty spoke "Yep but I don't think beast-lords can walk on clouds..."

“Something’s telling me that beast-lords can hover.” I noted.

Flora chuffs.

Rusty spoke "But they do get tired after a while..."

“I’m sure she has a lot of stamina.” I responded.

Rusty chuckles "Half the amount of a full grown beast-lord... Though it is sad that they have only one child at a time..."

Something small, round and blue had landed on my head.

“Huh?” I noticed.

Rusty spoke "That would be Rimuru..."

“Who?” I asked.

Rusty spoke "Ask Danyelle, she should know more."

“Oookay…” I said.

Rusty spoke "We're here!"

“Alright!” I cheered.

Flora chuffs loud, catching the attention of a pair of Pegasi.

The mare asks "Is that a wolf?"

The stallion spoke "Looks like a bird to me..."

I knew immediately who those two were! “You’re… You’re… You’re… RAINBOW DASH’S PARENTS!!!” I squealed as I started screaming in complete excitement!

Rusty spoke "Tone it down Scoots, I don't like loud noise..."

I stopped myself, still feeling giddy! “I’m sorry, it’s just *excited squeal!* I just can’t believe it!”

Rusty spoke "Not to mention, I'm the first Mobian they've seen though."

A sudden fireboom was seen off in the distance.

Windy asks "What was that?"

Rusty spoke "That was Auntie Danyelle’s Fireboom!"

Windy and Bow both ask "Fireboom?"

“It’s like Rainbow Dash’s Sonic Rainboom! Me and my boyfriend are doing a hero report about Rainbow Dash! We’re her biggest fans!” I said with a Pinkie Pie-smile.

Bow chuckles "Nopony's a bigger fan of our Rainbow Dash than we are!"

Windy nodded in agreement with a huge smile!

Rusty whispers "Scoots, I don't think you should tell them about the fact that Rainbow and Danyelle are Wonderbolts..."

“Come on, Rusty! It’ll be great!” I insisted.

Rusty spoke "But they don't know about Bold yet..."

Bow asks "Who's that?"


*Rainbow's POV*

Danyelle was flying to Wonderbolt HQ while carrying Bold on her back.

The young Pegasus colt was giggling in excitement since Danyelle had flown at high speed while carrying him.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Dash."

I spoke "‘Sup, Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "I brought Bold along since he's finally talking."

Bold looks at me before saying "Momma!"

I picked up Bold and hugged as I leaked tears of joy. “That’s right, squirt. The most awesome mom in the world.”

Danyelle spoke "Don't look now but... Your parents are here..."

I ask "…What?"

Danyelle spoke "I think Rusty had let slip that you had children..."

I ask "…Seriously?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah..."

I facehoof myself.

Danyelle spoke "Easy Dash, they don't know you're a.... *whispers in my ear* Wonderbolt."

I spoke "Something’s telling me that won’t last long."

Megaman spoke "I agree.... Sometimes, secrets can be revealed by accident..."

Danyelle spoke "Shut up bro...."

Megaman spoke "Doh! They don’t know about NetNavis either!"

Danyelle covers her brother's mouth.

Danyelle whispers "Hush, it's best that they think you're an anthro cat though..."

Megaman spoke "R-Right."

Danyelle spoke "Anyways... It's nice to meet you two, I'm Danyelle Hikari. The blue cat is my brother, Vincent Doucet but I call him Megaman now. I'd rather not explain how he ended up this way."

Windy spoke "We heard so much about you! You've done so much for everypony lately."

Danyelle spoke "I helped Gilda realize the error of her ways and I've helped others out too. Plus I freaked Twilight out twice so far. The first time was when she went a bit bonkers so I scared her with a popped balloon, the second time was because of Flash Sentry, but she freaked herself out on the third time because of her other form."

Bow Hothoof spoke "And that our little Dash is in a herd! *Hugging Rainbow Dash* *Sniff!* So proud!"

I groan "This is why I never bothered telling you about Bold and Azure..."

Danyelle spoke "I wonder where Zoey and Corina are today...."

But then Zoey and Corina whooshed right by, looking huge and blowing out air like deflating balloons. After a few more seconds, they were back to normal.

Zoey asks "Can we agree that Laura is a bit much with that breath-in inflation ability of hers?"

Corina spoke "Without a doubt."

But then, Zoey had bolted to a garbage can before throwing up.

Corina spoke "I still can’t believe that there’s such a thing as a Sumo Wrestling Club for Women, or the existence of Belouries in Chameleo’s universe for that matter."

Zoey spoke "I was surprised that Danyelle pulled off that Kamehameha attack.... Everyone in Chameleo's world wouldn't stop talking about it!"

Corina spoke "Especially Soulfire."

Danyelle spoke "My magic's not that strong though...."

Megaman spoke "You’re selling yourself too short, sis."

Danyelle spoke "Oh shut up and sit!"

Back in Ponyville, Twilight was face down in the dirt.

Megaman asks "You do know you probably sent Twilight falling down, right?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me call Roll."

Megaman spoke "I’m just pointing it out."

But then Sumarda appeared. “You know, maybe I should make a Sumo Wrestling Club for Women of my own.”

Danyelle retorts "Remember the bandage on the butt?"

Rusty and Scootaloo burst out laughing, as did I.

Megaman spoke "Shut up sis!"

The two siblings tussle with each other.

Sumarda spoke "Oh, and Spitfire did tell me that she’d come to that Club from time to time after I finish building it."

Rimuru was on Rusty's shoulder.

Rimuru spoke "I know a few guys that can help build it!"

Sumarda excitedly asks "Really?"

Rimuru spoke "Yep, the four of them are really good at craftwork."

Needless to say, me, my parents and Scootaloo were shocked to hear the slime talk.

Danyelle spoke "It's thoughtspeak, kinda like how certain Pokémon use telepathy to talk. My Lugia's one such example."

Rimuru spoke "I'd rather not talk about how I became a slime though."

Corina asks You know, I always wanted to try something. Sumarda, you have any cola and Mentos?

Sumarda snapped her fingers, summoning a bottle of cola and a box of Mentos. “Yep.”

Danyelle spoke "I know where this is going...."

Corina opened the box and swallowed all of the Mentos, before chugging every single drop in that bottle of cola. “Here we go!” Corina said as she started getting bigger and fatter.

When she stopped growing, Corina looked like she weighed a thousand pounds.

Danyelle spoke "For the love of... I thought you were gonna use those for a prank on Ein...."

Corina spoke "Don’t worry, I can still move. This was just a test."

Sumarda spoke "But when Ein gulps those down, he’ll be so fat and heavy, he won’t be able to move for a week!"

But then Zoey came back, feeling better before seeing Corina. “Sumarda…”

Corina spoke "This was my idea. You should try it though, it’s pretty cool."

Zoey spoke "Okay."

Zoey gulped down all of the Mentos in another box, then chugged every drop in another cola bottle, before becoming as big and fat as Corina is, weighing 1,000 pounds.

Sumarda spoke "Normally, a full meal of the food I summon or make does that. But the Mentos and cola I bring do that quicker."

Corina asks "So? How’d ya feel?"

Zoey spoke "I… I… I feel amazing!"

I spoke "He's stupid though..."

Corina spoke "True."

Zoey spoke "Heh! Look, Corina. First one, and I’m bigger than you."

Corina spoke "I wouldn’t say by that much."

Zoey put her belly next to Corina’s, showing that the cat was a bit bigger than the bird.

Zoey spoke "You’re practically puny next to me."

Corina exclaims "Oh really?!"

Corina chugged down another cola bottle, making her a bit bigger than Zoey.

Corina laughs "See? There’s no way you can compete with this!"

Zoey asks "Is that a challenge I hear?"

Corina spoke "You bet, pussycat!"

Zoey laughs "Oh you’re on, sister!"

Danyelle grins before transforming into Danyterasu, towering over the two.

Danyterasu spoke "Haha! I'm bigger than you!"

Zoey and Corina both taunt "Can you get bigger than us without transforming?"

Danyterasu spoke "from this form? Heck yeah!"

Sumarda floated up to Danyterasu. “I think they meant in your normal form, Danyelle.”

Arcana had dragged Sumarda away.

Danyterasu spoke "She should know by now that being overweight is my berserk button..."

Zoey spoke "Well, good thing that Sumarda left the two of us all of these."

Corina spoke "Yeah, even thought Sumarda was just trying to help."

Zoey and Corina started a chugging contest between each other as they gulped down Mentos that were in boxes and chugged down bottles of cola, making them grow bigger and fatter. And when they each had the last pairs, they were as big as Danyterasu, both of them each weighing 200,000 pounds.

Zoey asks "*Huff!* Buh… Hey, Corina. Got anymore co-*Burp!* colas left?"

Corina asks "*Huff!* N-No… *URRRRRP!* You have anymore Mentos?"

Zoey spoke "J-Just ate the *Urp!* the last one… Oooh…"

Corina asks "Ugh… I just drank the last cola too… *Burp!* Oh man… Y… You want to call it a tie?"

Zoey spoke "Yeah… Let’s call it a tie."

Then the two of them belched real loudly, causing the whole base to shake.

Danyterasu's ears pin back since it was a drawback of having keen hearing.

Zoey spoke "I have a feeling we’ll last like this for a while, since Sumarda has been dragged off."

Corina spoke "Yeah, a bit of a bummer, but at least we can still move like fit people."

Arcana had snapped her claws, removing the extra weight off the two females.

Arcana spoke "Normally Sumarda would’ve helped you, but since she’s having a taste of her own immobile medicine, I took care of that."

After reverting back, Danyelle spoke "It would eventually come back to bite her in the flank."

I spoke "Mom, Dad, I'm sorry but I never told you about Bold and Azure because I wanted them to grow up without being smothered like I had been."

Looking at Rainbow's parents, Danyelle spoke "I know you two both love Rainbow, but try easing up on that affection though."

Windy spoke "She's got a point Bow."

Bow spoke "Sorry Dash, we were just trying to help you be more confident and awesome."

I spoke "No dad, you and mom raised me to be awesome."

“And that actually made me your biggest fan.” I added as I hugged my parents, who hugged back.

Danyelle asks "Got everything you needed Scoots?"

Scootaloo exclaims "Definitely! Even this!"

Scootaloo opened her book, revealing a half of one of my favorite foods.

Danyelle spoke "Uh... ew...."
