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A New Digi-baby

*Twilight's POV*

The others and I decided to take some time off from beating up bad guys. So we headed back to the same beach where Nazuna had confessed to Michiru.

I sighed in relief. “This is relaxing.”

Michiru spoke "Yeah, it's been a while since we were here last."

Nazuna spoke "Yeah... Oh hi Shirou and Luna."

I was leaning against Flash while our children play.

Flash spoke "I love you, Twi-star."

“I love you too, Flash-bolt.” I cooed as we kissed and embraced ourselves.

Dusk spoke "Mom! I found a rainbow colored clam shell!"

Me and my one and only husband snapped out of it as I asked with interest, “Really?”

Gatomon was curled up on a towel while napping.

Dusk spoke "Yeah!"

I looked what Dusk was holding and it was amazing, before I heard someone new shout, “INCOMING!” I ducked my head just in time to avoid a volleyball.

Swiftrunner spoke "Sorry!"

I spoke "It’s okay."

A male asks "Swiftrunner! You got the ball?"

Swiftrunner exclaims "You bet I do, Evan!"

I looked to see Swiftrunner playing Volleyball with six strange familiar creatures. But then I saw familiar conjoined diamond dogs, realizing that the Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Hunter Spirit and Twins were here! But they seemed to have changed, seeing them being a bit more friendly.

Swiftrunner was laughing as shi played volleyball.

Me and the rest of my friends and family were shocked, as Coloratura, Ji-Woon, Carmina, the Babylon Rogues, Herman, Sally, Kazan and Sadako showed up.

Ji-Woon spoke "Well, it’s about time the Killer Trio joined the party."

Blizzardstar was busy with work so shi wasn't around.

Danyelle was wary of the trapper since her proto-Raikou had gotten hurt the last time.

Herman spoke "*Distorted laugh* Hey! Guys!"

The game stopped as the Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Huntress, Spirit and Twins came on over, while Sharpsnap managed to catch up.

Swiftrunner growls.

The Hillbilly spoke "Howdy, y’all!"

Danyelle was growling since she was distrustful of the trapper.

The Trapper spoke "I can see that people still don’t trust me, even though I’m an Earth Pony now."

Danyelle growls "You did almost kill my Raikou...."

The Trapper spoke "Yeah, my killer urge got the best of me again."

Maria spoke "At least we don't have to deal with that Freddy Kreuger jerk...."

The Wraith spoke "He was the only killer who couldn’t do anything unless his victims were asleep."

Danyelle spoke "Like a wise tortoise once said... Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that's why it's called the present."

The Spirit spoke "Wow. This friend of yours sounds special, Danyelle."

Megaman spoke "She was talking about Oogway...."

Danyelle asks "Uh... you okay Chameleo?"

The Huntress spoke "We know. The killer we mentioned was Freddy Krueger, the Nightmare."

Chameleo spoke "I’m heading home."

A portal opened as Chameleo went into it.

I spoke "It was Twiliterasu and Shadow that stopped him though. She forced him back into the waking world with a Heaven's Piercing Light then Shadow finished the job."

Danyelle asks "Was it something I said?"

“I don’t think so. Something’s telling me that he misses Oogway and some others.” I answered

Danyelle spoke "Who knows what the future may hold."

Lillian spoke "True."

Danyelle asks "How's that scar though?"

Lillian spoke "A bit itchy but it'll heal."

A pained mewl was heard from Gatomon.

Patamon asks "G-Gatomon?"

Gatomon spoke "I'm f-fine... It was just a kick..."

Patamon asks "A-A kick?"

Gatomon spoke "Yeah..."

Renamon spoke "If it's what I think it is, then I guess a congrats would be needed. You're going to be a dad."

Patamon couldn’t hold his excitement and hugged Gatomon.

Patamon spoke "I love you Gatomon!'

Gatomon spoke "I love you too Patamon."

The two Digimon then started kissing each other on the lips.

Renamon's tail was wagging happily.

Danyelle snickers "Aren’t you gonna find some special Digimon for yourself, Renamon?"

Renamon spoke "I just haven't found the right 'mon yet."

Danyelle spoke "I’m sure you will."

Renamon scoffs "Need I remind you that Hawkmon has a crush on Corina's Biyomon?"

Hawkmon stuttered as he blushed!

Biyomon was blushing.

Corina asks "Is this true, Biyomon?"

Biyomon stutters "Y-yeah Corina...."

Corina giggles "Guess the same can be said for Biyomon about Hawkmon."

Jet spoke "I guess it's likely because of the fact they both have the same ultimate form."

Danyelle spoke "Not to mention the same mega form."

I spoke "As well, Jet and Corina are dating."

Corina exclaims "Oh cuss! What will my brother say?"

Zoey asks "Anyone seen Dren and Anzu?"

A green kitten with pink eyes and wings flew to her mother.

Zoey spoke "There's my sweetie."

Dren spoke "Sorry that we’re a bit late, babe."

Anzu spoke "Momma!"

Zoey picked Anzu up as she cooed, “How’s momma’s little flying kitty cat, Anzu?”

I spoke "So many new hybrids....."

Anzu snuggles against her mother.

Zoey purrs "Aren’t you just the cutest little kitten, Anzu?"

Dren spoke "Perhaps we could try for another kitten though Zoey."

Jet wrapped his arm around Corina. “Come on, Corina. We can always go for another.”

Corina spoke "But Jet, you're not of legal age yet..."

Jet groans "Ugh! Fine!"

Corina locks beaks with Jet, her tongue wrestling with his.

Corina and Jet disconnected, looking at each other with half-lidded eyes.

Corina asks "Why don’t we head to that hotel Sumarda has?"

Jet chuckles "Ah, what the heck, I’m in!"

The two lovebirds locked beaks again, wrestling with each other’s tongues more passionately this time.

Zoey covers Anzu's eyes.

The two lovebirds ended their makeout session with a wet smack before Jet used a warp ring, leading to Sumarda’s dimension, right to her hotel.

Jet chuckles "This is gonna be one hurricane of a time, Cori-aqua."

Corina spoke "Oh, we’ll have a real storm, Jet-stream."

They two of them went into the warp ring.

Danyelle spoke "Maybe I should check on them at sometime today."

Megaman chuckles "I agree."

“I can go with you if you want.” I offered to Danyelle and Megaman.

Megaman spoke "I got another child on the way and it's a girl this time but I have yet to think of a name."

Danyelle spoke "Hmm... I'm sure you'll figure it out, little bro."

Megaman teases "And when will you have another child huh sis?"

Danyelle's wings shot up on end in embarrassment.

Danyelle spoke "Vincent!"

Then Ben showed up. "Maybe we could go to that hotel ourselves, Dany."

Danyelle spoke "Three is plenty Ben..."

Sonic spoke "It's bad enough Garfield gets on Blaze's nerves a lot...."

Then Ben started to message Danyelle's shoulders, making her purr lovingly as she was putty in his hands. "Please, Dany-kitty? It was a long time since we took a vacation. We might as well go to a hotel to unwind and have fun." Ben breathed on Danyelle's ears as sweet whispers and nothings, leaving her unable to resist.

"Yes... I'd love to, Benny-tiger." Danyelle purred with an affectionate growl, nuzzling her head against Ben's neck, before the two of them started making out passionately.

Brightsong had punted Garfield into the water.

Ben threw a warp ring, opening it to Sumarda's hotel in her dimension before he and Danyelle went into it.

Danyelle spoke "But I'm not in heat though..."

"Sometimes, being in heat isn't required to have fun." Ben soothed Danyelle as he kissed her on the lips while his tail intertwined with hers, turning Danyelle into putty again in Ben's hands.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Danyelle sarcastically asked as she and Ben started making out passionately as the warp ring closed.

Sonic spoke "Pair of crazy cats... Oh hey bro."

Manic showed up with both Operetta and Sonata wrapped in his arms as Melody and Harmony were in Operetta's arms and a young infant hedgehog known as Carol was in Sonata's arms.

Blaze was gushing over how cute her nieces were, as was Sonia.

Sonic spoke "Man, if you have one more kid with Sonata, Blaze and Sonia might faint from overexposure to cuteness."

Sonata giggles "One child is plenty for me though."

Operetta teases "Weren't you jealous of me, Sonata? Didn't you want to have two kids with Manic just like me?"

Sonata giggles "Not really, but I have noticed that Aria's been staring at the knucklehead."

Manic spoke "Guess Shade and Aria will have to share Knuckles like you two are sharing me."

Shade scoffs "Mobian echidnas don't do harems."

Spike spoke "Who knows? Maybe you, Aria and Knuckles do."

Wendy spoke "Hey Spikey-Wikey."

Spike spoke "Hey, Wendy-Birdy."

Lucy was napping on a large rock while soaking up the warmth it had.

Levy spoke "Hey Wendy, I'm surprised that you have a boyfriend now."

Lauren was relaxing in a beach chair while holding Volt and Jazz in her arms as a young echidna boy was on her lap.

Wendy snaps "Don’t bring up my chest again!"

Lucy spoke "She was talking about Spike..."

Lauren yawns before speaking "Yeah..."

Wendy sighs "I know Lucy, but the way she said that… *Gloom…*"

Viola chirps "You're fine the way you are."

Spike spoke "Viola's right Wendy, you're fine the way you are and I wouldn't change anything about you."
