• Published 12th Sep 2022
  • 464 Views, 16 Comments

Follow Suit - Spyder27

Adagio has a debt to repay. The siren always keeps her end of the bargain, but what could Filthy Rich ask for in return? Even she doesn't know. Just as she prepares to have a weekend with her girlfriend, Rich calls her to fulfill her deal...

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Chapter III: Listen

The sound of bickering is still present as I walk back inside the meeting room, seeing the four of them argue with one another… It’s so frustrating that they can’t work together for even a second. That’s something I need to change.

“You forget your place,” Blueblood tells Cherry Jubilee with a pompous look, bringing his hand to his chest. “I’m one of the biggest exporters here. I pay for all of your products being shipped to our associates.”

“Zip it, Blueblood,” Zesty Gourmand tells him with an aggravated expression. “Stop acting like you’re so important to this meeting when you didn’t work a day for your wealth. You piggybacked off your aunt’s back when she was mayor. Then she decided to be a school principal for some god forsaken reason. You owe everything to her whereas all of us actually built our empires.”

“It was Celestia’s choice to step down from being the mayor,” Blueblood remarks quietly, almost pouting at the words Gourmand told him. Walking towards the table, I slowly grab a bottle from a shelf on the wall. All four of them look at me with a weird expression as I reach the table, taking a big sip from the bottle.

“Miss Dazzle?” Cherry Jubilee asks me slowly in the middle of my sip. Setting the bottle down on the table, I sigh heavily, tightening the tie around my neck.

“Now. Where were we? We were talking about Miss Jubilee’s exports before we took a break,” I state quietly, putting both of my hands on the table. All four of them like to act like they don’t have to listen to me. Like I’m not even here.

“We already decided on that matter,” Gourmand tells me in a short voice, almost annoyed that I brought it up again. Slamming my palm against the table, all four of them look at me with surprise in their eyes.

“No, we didn’t,” I say with a scowl, standing upright and taking a deep breath. “We… will decide on it again. Miss Jubilee. How many shipments do you expect to export for the rest of the year?” Jubilee’s eyes widen at my blatant disregard of Gourmand and her decision, but she quickly composes herself, putting her hand down on the table.

“Well, I’m expecting to produce about twenty more shipments, but I will need financial backing. Blueblood refuses to pay for more than fifteen.” Blueblood gives the woman a harsh stare before turning his head to me, clearly bored of me retreading this matter.

“There’s no point in backing more than that. I’ve already made my decision and Miss Jubilee will have to understand that.” With a pout, Blueblood leans back in his seat, acting as if his word is final.

“Blueblood,” I say quietly, pressing my finger down on the bottle’s cap. I am so fucking tired of him in particular. He never budges or makes any exception, thinking his way is the only true option. “Do you realize exactly how fragile this arrangement is?” I ask him with a stare, feeling a surge of power go through my veins. “Your exports are essential. Miss Jubilee’s products give us the products that allow us to export items out of the country. As you know, not all of those are… legal.” Tipping the bottle back and forth, my eyes never leave Blueblood, forcing him to look at me. “Miss Gourmand and Mister Toity also give their fair share to this operation. In fact, Miss Gourmand has contributed more than you have. With Filthy Rich at the head of these operations, what makes you think that we couldn’t find another exporter?” Moving my finger away from the bottle, it lands on its side with a resounding thump against the table, the tip aiming at Blueblood. “Just like that, your little empire you made for yourself falls to ashes.” For the first time this whole meeting, a look of genuine shock and confusion comes over Blueblood, sitting up right at my claim.

“I wouldn’t be replaced. You have some nerve-”

“Are you doubting Rich?” I say slowly, walking over to Blueblood. “I’ve seen the man pay ten times the amount something is worth just because he needed it. I’ve seen him go out of his way to do what he needs to. Your little stunt of acting so high and mighty isn’t only annoying the others here. It’s annoying me.” Dragging my nails across his seat, I lean down close to his ear, feeling a smile creep over my lips. “And if it’s annoying me, then who do you think is next?”

Turning his chair around to face me instantly, an annoyed grimace is on his face, but I can tell the message has gotten through to him from the look in his eyes. “You can’t do a thing, Dazzle.”

“I am his representative. That means any and all power Rich has here is automatically transferred to me. I’d suggest you stop this childish act and grant Miss Jubilee her financial backing.” Walking back over to my seat, I shoot him another stare, almost making the man twitch. “Unless you want to try your luck?” After waiting for a response, I finally look over to Cherry Jubilee, placing my hand back on the table. “Granted. Your twenty shipments will be backed by Blueblood starting immediately.” Everyone seems surprised by my decision, but unlike before, no one ignores me or disregards it. This time… Everyone listened. I have to fight the urge to smile to myself, feeling the power I have over them. Now, these spoiled children won’t fight anymore because they will listen to me…


That meeting was a lot of work… Despite the fact that they took me seriously after my little stunt on Blueblood, it was still difficult to sort every little detail out with everyone to make this next year profitable for them. I told Rich about the whole ordeal and he congratulated me, telling me that it was usually a lot harder for him to get them to actually make a decision. The only thing I’m glad about is that I will never have to make a deal with Rich again after this. I’m finally done with this business… I can’t wait to get home to finally get out of this suit… I only have one last place to stop before that.

The smell of apples fills the air, making me know I’m getting close to my destination. Looking down at the envelope in my hand, I can’t help but shake my head slowly, a smile coming to my lips. For whatever reason, Apple Bloom begged me to visit her cousin in Appleloosa to see how he’s doing. The same cousin that almost burned their barn down and started the race Apple Bloom and I took part in. I thought Brae Burn’s attitude during the Apple Family reunion was because of the festivities, but it seems he’s optimistic a lot of the time. He was pretty happy to hear that Apple Bloom sent me, so he wanted me to take this envelope to her. Apparently, the mailing system is unreliable at the moment in Appleloosa, so he thought it would be better if I delivered it instead.

Walking along the fence, I can’t help but wonder what is in the envelope. In all honesty, it’s probably just a letter. It’s none of my business. It gives me an excuse to see Apple Bloom again, so I’m pretty happy about that. I should probably schedule some time to hang out with her properly instead of just spending time on call or texting each other. I don’t even know how the other Cutie Mark Crusaders are doing, but I assume Scootaloo has forgiven us at this point for stealing the cheat sheet back during the School Days competition.

Making my way down the long driveway, I can’t help but smile at the farmhouse ahead of me. Today was… quite exhausting. I haven’t been that assertive and dominant in a long time. Why is it more draining than I remember? Maybe it’s because my magic dampened my previous negative feelings like sadness or exhaustion. Everything except anger. That was the only negative emotion I could feel all the time. These hallucinations are starting to worry me… It just gets worse every single time. Today, she made myself see a stupid green aura around my eyes, as if I still had my magic. I suppose her advice did help, but I really should ask Twilight what might be causing these lapses in reality.

The loud slam of a door catches my attention, seeing Apple Bloom running towards me from the house, a big smile on her face. Holding my hands out, I hope she’ll take the hint and slow down. I don’t necessarily want to ruin this suit… Stopping mere inches from me, Apple Bloom grabs me in a hug, once again squeezing the air from my lungs.

“Hey, Adagio! How was Appleloosa? Did ya try the apple fritters over there? Oh! Did ya see my cousin?” she asks me excitedly, seemingly eager to hear about my short trip to Appleloosa. “Also, nice suit! It looks really good on ya~” Apple Bloom finally lets go of me and takes a look at my body, admiring my attire. “If only we had this when you were trying to confess to Sunset, huh~?” she teases me with a wink, both of us giggling slowly.

“I didn’t really have time to find some place that sold apple fritters, but I did meet your cousin again. He asked me to give you this.” Handing her the letter, her eyebrow raises at the mysterious envelope, clearly just as curious as I am. Within a moment, she opens the envelope, taking out a gift card and reading the contents.

“Oh! It’s a birthday card~ Although it is a few weeks early, I suppose I understand that. It’s still nice~” Folding the card, she neatly puts it back into the envelope, smiling at me. “Wanna stay for dinner? You can tell us all about your trip~!” Apple Bloom offers me with her hand aiming at the house, eager to hear more from me. Even though I just got here, the sun is setting on the horizon. I can only afford this short visit. Sunset’s waiting for me and I don’t want to make her wait any longer than necessary.

“I wish I could, but I have to get home. I already promised my night to someone else~”


Sliding my key into the front door’s lock, I open the door slowly, seeing the light from inside our apartment pour out. Surprisingly, music can be heard as I step inside. Did she already start watching movies without me…? Looking around the living room, I see the black TV, reassuring me that our movie night hasn’t started yet. Laying on the coffee table, Sunset’s phone plays a love song, the lamps beside the couch being the only source of light inside this room. Closing the door behind me, I pull off my boots with a sigh. It feels so nice to finally be out of those boots… The tune of the music almost echoes off the walls, making it feel almost magical with the dim lights. Within a few moments, I can hear the sound of our bedroom door closing, making my eyes stare at the hallway entrance hopefully. I’ve only been gone for about twenty-four hours, but I feel so drained that all I want to do is see her again.

Walking into the living room, Sunset’s fiery hair once again almost shimmers in the light, her eyes turning to me. “I thought I heard you come in~” she whispers before placing a folded shirt down, walking over to me. It doesn’t take long for both of us to hug each other as if I had returned from a long trip, making me smile. “How was Appleloosa? I didn’t know you were going in a suit,” Sunset tells me before straightening my tie, wrapping her arms around my neck.

“What? Do you like it on me?” I tease her with a wink, both of us giggling slightly. The sound of the music continues to play all the while.

“Maybe~ It looks… really nice on you~” She whispers once again with a dreamy look in her eyes. Her hand gently cups my cheek before bringing her lips close to mine. In one move, Sunset has no problem making me blush again, my heart beating from this embrace. Letting go of our kiss, Sunset looks into my eyes again, rocking us back and forth. “Have I ever told you just how much I love you?” she asks me quietly as if someone could hear us.

“All the time~” Grabbing my hand, Sunset places her other hand on my waist, her smile warming my heart even more.

“Then how about I show you?” Despite the fact that I’m the one with a suit on, Sunset gets in the leading slow dance position, making me rest my hand on her shoulder. Letting go of any stress or anger I still have left inside me, I let the love of my life lead our dance, bringing me slowly around the room as the music fills the air. A blush forms on my face, even though no one else can see us. She can see me. Her eyes never fail to look into my soul, breaking me down to my most fundamental core. Her smile always warms my heart and I can’t seem to look away. Why do you have to do this to me? “I love you~” she whispers to me in sync with the music, only making my cheeks blush more. No one else can see us. No one can hear us and it’s only us here. It’s just us. She’s the only person that matters right now. Tonight’s our movie night, but it can wait for a little while longer~

“I love you more~” She always does this to me. Making me feel special and loved. Like I matter. She’s always there for me and I will always be here for her~ I promise~

The End

Again, for now~

Author’s notes: Hello, everyone! I’m glad everyone has made it to the end of this short story! I apologize if it wasn’t what you expected, but this story was always going to be pretty short~ Speaking of which, my next story in this narrative is going to be pretty short as well~ It’s going to be titled Apple Bloom’s Regrets. Yep~ The title has Apple Bloom in it, so I wonder who could be the main character? Once again, we’re going to explore Apple Bloom’s perspective in this short story, so I hope to see everyone there! Have a great day and stay special everyone!

Comments ( 10 )

Huh…. The twist here was there wasn’t a twist… Well hopefully with her debt repaid she won’t have to deal with unsavory elements anymore.

Do you expect all my stories to have some sort of twist? :twilightsmile: Some of these short stories will be simple small entries with little to no twists. XD But yeah~ Her debt is repaid, but let me ask you this. Do you think Rich is the only cause of trouble in Adagio's life~? :raritywink:

That and a demon which may or may not be metaphorical

That answer will be given in due time~ :twilightsmile: I only have a few more short stories to go before I get to the next true multi-chap story, but yeah~ I'm glad you're still enjoying this story!

You know I always love your prose.

What about the other dazzlings

This story is connected to A Dazzling World, A Shimmering Heartbreak and Siren Days~ The explanation for why the other dazzlings are not here is in those stories~ The main reason is that they split up after the Battle of the Bands~

Yeah. I know. Just wish we at least saw them or something.

“Blueblood,” I say quietly, pressing my finger down on the bottle’s cap. I am so fucking tired of him in particular. He never budges or makes any exception, thinking his way is the only true option. “Do you realize exactly how fragile this arrangement is?” I ask him with a stare, feeling a surge of power go through my veins. “Your exports are essential. Miss Jubilee’s products give us the products that allow us to export items out of the country. As you know, not all of those are… legal.” Tipping the bottle back and forth, my eyes never leave Blueblood, forcing him to look at me. “Miss Gourmand and Mister Toity also give their fair share to this operation. In fact, Miss Gourmand has contributed more than you have. With Filthy Rich at the head of these operations, what makes you think that we couldn’t find another exporter?” Moving my finger away from the bottle, it lands on its side with a resounding thump against the table, the tip aiming at Blueblood. “Just like that, your little empire you made for yourself falls to ashes.” For the first time this whole meeting, a look of genuine shock and confusion comes over Blueblood, sitting up right at my claim.

He knows what's coming his way now. :ajsmug:

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