• Published 12th Sep 2022
  • 464 Views, 16 Comments

Follow Suit - Spyder27

Adagio has a debt to repay. The siren always keeps her end of the bargain, but what could Filthy Rich ask for in return? Even she doesn't know. Just as she prepares to have a weekend with her girlfriend, Rich calls her to fulfill her deal...

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Chapter II: Greed

Taking a deep breath, I pour myself a glass of my favorite drink, watching the liquid settle in the glass. It’s almost seven in the morning and I really shouldn’t drink like this, but given the current circumstances, I think I need it. Tomorrow’s Saturday and Rich conveniently needed me to leave on Friday. I should be back for our movie night, but I won’t be here until tomorrow afternoon. Rich apparently wants me to go to some meeting as his representative. I tried to ask him why he couldn’t go himself and all he would tell me is that it’s family-related matters. Essentially, he wants me to go in his place and act as his voice of reason. I’m not even sure who I’m meeting. All I know is that this meeting is technically on the gray side of legality. I’m not sure why Rich’s business partners would even listen to me, but I just have to make myself heard. This is how I repay Rich for helping me get our stolen items back. It’s just for one day.

Bringing the glass to my lips, I let the whiskey flow into my mouth, savoring the taste in this dark kitchen. All the arrangements have been made. I told Sunset about this surprise trip and that I’ll be back by tomorrow. The only thing I didn’t tell her is the reason for the trip. As far as she knows, it’s the music studio sending me to Appleloosa to scout out a possible second location. I don’t think I have the heart to tell her who I relied on to get our stuff back. Who I made deals with to pay for her college and to handle my medical bills. She would surely get worried and want to know everything that happens. She wouldn’t be a fan of the fact that I’m technically dealing with matters on the wrong side of the law as well. It’s only one more time. No more deals with Rich and no more promises. After this, he and I will be done.

Taking the last sip of my whiskey, I enjoy the taste before swallowing it, making sure to adjust my tie. Since this meeting seems to be a formal one, Rich sent me a suit to wear. Thankfully, it isn’t the type of suit to have a tight skirt that exposes most of my legs. I’ve always hated those things… I wear tights and leggings all the time and I’m certainly not opposed to showing off, but suits like that make me feel like I’m supposed to be some piece of eye candy rather than showing myself off for my own amusement. If I wear tights or some revealing shirt, it’s more of a statement of who I am rather than some sex symbol for a bunch of business men. Instead, this suit has proper pants to fit the bill. Even if Rich had sent some tight skirt, I would have ditched it in favor of these. The only part of my apparel that doesn’t quite follow the formal theme are the spiked boots I have on. I couldn’t care less if society thinks I should wear high heels with this outfit. I’m going to wear what I want. Being Rich’s representative, whoever I’m meeting shouldn’t mind. The whole point of me being there is to be his voice and make myself heard, so I don’t care if they find my boots tacky. They’re fashionable to me and make me feel a little powerful.

Brushing a strand of hair out of my face, I look in the mirror one last time, making sure I still look presentable. It’s time. Time to go to an airport and go to some town I have no knowledge of just to hold up my end of the bargain. Rich better appreciate this. Turning around, I walk out of the kitchen, looking towards our room one last time. Sunset is still fast asleep and I wouldn’t dare wake her. Even if I do wish I could tell her bye. I’ll be back tomorrow, Sunny. I promise.

Turning the doorknob, I open the door quietly. The warm light of the day just barely peaks over the horizon, making me take a deep breath. This is going to be a long day…


I’ve been in Appleloosa for about five hours now and I’ve already been hit on by three different people. Perhaps it’s the suit or the way I hold myself. Whatever it is, I would appreciate it if they didn’t do that. I’m happy in my relationship with Sunset and I wouldn’t dare humor any of their offers. As for the town itself, it seems to be a pretty well off city. It was founded off of farms and has grown far from that. Of course, it’s not as big as Canterlot City, but it’s still a nice place someone could call home. Rich wanted me to call him when I got off the plane, but he only wanted to check that things were going to schedule. I don’t know why he wanted to check that I was still going by the plan, but whatever. I suppose he’s never sent a representative before. Regardless, all I’ve been doing here is waiting for the meeting time. This bar is nice and all, but waiting here for two hours isn’t pleasant at all. I’m supposed to stay here until some sort of transport comes to me. I don’t like the sound of this at all… That’s why I made sure to bring my revolver. And buy a couple extra rounds for it to finally fill the cylinder…

Taking the last sip of my glass, I sigh heavily. That makes it two glasses of alcohol today. One earlier in the morning and one now. It usually takes five or more for me to actually get drunk, but I don’t plan on drinking that much. I need to have some level of sobriety at this meeting after all. Looking up from the bar, I notice the time on the clock, making a small frown come to my lips. The meeting was supposed to start two minutes ago.

“Miss?” a feminine voice speaks up, someone’s hand taps my shoulder slowly. Turning my head, I see a woman with yellow skin and crimson hair look at me with a smile. A headband with a cherry print on it holds her hair up in a southern type of hairstyle. Despite the headband, she is wearing a dark purple suit with one of those tight skirts. One of her more surprising features is the mole on her cheek. “Are you Adagio Dazzle?” she asks me in a thick southern accent, making me raise my eyebrow slowly.

Rotating my seat to face the woman, I put the glass back down on the counter, pulling a twenty out of my pocket. Putting it next to the glass, I stand up from my seat, holding my hand out to the woman. “That’s my name. Who are you exactly?”

Giving me a tight handshake, she smiles and nods at my statement. “I’m Cherry Jubilee~ Pleased to meet you, Miss Dazzle~” Finally letting go of my hand, the woman takes a step back, looking me up and down. “I was surprised when Mr. Rich said he wouldn’t be able to make it. That’s why I was so curious to see who he chose to be his representative for the meeting. Speaking of which, we should probably get going, shouldn’t we?” she asks me before walking past me, going deeper into the bar instead of walking towards the exit. Following her with a curious stare, I can’t help but ask myself why we’re going in this direction. Without any hesitation, Cherry Jubilee opens the door to what I thought was a janitor’s closet. Instead, it is a wooden staircase, leading down to some basement. “You first~” she tells me while holding the door open, making me feel eerily antsy.

“I’d prefer it if you went ahead of me, Miss Jubilee,” I state with a monotone voice, not daring to move towards the stairs.

“Ah, I understand. I wouldn’t want to make you feel trapped~” Entering the stairwell, I follow behind her slowly, closing the door behind us. When we make it to the bottom, a room with white tile floor and a large red carpet makes me curious. The walls are painted black with some paintings hanging with gold frames. A large round table sits in the middle of the room and I see a couple other people sitting at opposite ends from one another. Their eyes turn to me slowly, one of them raising his eyebrows at my presence.

“Who is this exactly?” he speaks in an entitled voice, flicking his blonde hair out of his face. His blue eyes turn to a man with gray skin, his silver hair making elegant curls with purple glasses hiding his eyes.

“Do you really never pay attention? Mr. Rich said he would be sending a representative,” the gray man tells him with a high-pitched voice, making sure his curls are just in the right place.

“We have one more member who isn’t here yet,” Cherry Jubilee tells me with a small smile, sitting down at the opposite end of the table from me. To my right sits an empty seat, but to my left, the blonde-haired narcissist sits with a weird stare pointed in my direction. His white skin matches the color of his suit, making me wonder why he would choose white clothing.

“That still doesn’t answer my question,” he says while his eyes are still glued onto me.

“This is Adagio Dazzle~ Rich’s choice representative for this meeting. He said that she would be up to the task,” Jubilee tells him with a nod. Out of the three other people present, Cherry Jubilee seems like she’s the least entitled. “Ms. Dazzle. This is Blueblood. I hope you can excuse his behavior. He’s always like this.” Reaching his hand out to me, he presents the back of his palm like some noble expecting for the people under them to kiss their hand. Needless to say, I don’t take his offer. An almost offended look comes to his eye, bringing his hand away slowly.

“Charmed,” I say quietly, taking note of his attitude.

“And this is Hoity Toity~ He’s very involved in the fashion industry and owns multiple outlets related to clothes production,” Jubilee tells me, aiming her hand at the man to her left, his purple glasses looking towards me.

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Drazzle,” he tells me with a small wave of his hand, seemingly carefree about his approach.

“My name is Dazzle.” Before Toity can respond to my remark, the sound of someone walking down the stairs can be heard, causing me to look back at the entrance. Slowly, a purple woman walks into eyesight, a dark purple coat making her look almost intimidating. The coat runs all the way to her ankles, covering the black suit she has on underneath.

“Oh! And this is Zesty Gourmand~ She’s mostly known for being a food critic, but she has a stake in almost half of the food export business in this side of the country,” Jubilee once again speaks up, introducing the tall woman before she comes over to the table, sitting down next to me.

“I heard that Rich was sending a representative. It’s a pleasure, Miss….?” Gourmand tells me, reaching her hand out to me.

Taking her hand in my own, I simply give her a smile, trying to be polite. “Dazzle. Adagio Dazzle.”


Washing my hands in the running water, I can’t help but grimace at this current situation. Every thing we need to address turns into some major argument between all four of them. They don’t even take my opinion into the matter, just assuming that they can bulldoze past me and alter the agreements made because Filthy Rich isn’t here. It’s so frustrating… He asked for me to call a break in the middle of the meeting to call him, but even he was angry at their behavior when I explained it to him. The only thing he told me to do is to try and make myself heard. Yeah, sure. If only it was that easy.

Looking up at the mirror, I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. They’re all acting like spoiled children… Focused on what they can get instead of helping the whole. If they all worked as a team, then profits would be raised by about fifteen percent. Of course, they don’t listen to me. I’m not sure what I’m even supposed to do. Am I supposed to just take charge and make everyone listen to my decisions? Maybe that’s how Rich would do it.

“It’s all because you’re too soft,” I say quietly… The words slip out of my mouth, but I didn’t even think of saying them… Looking into the mirror again, my mouth forms into a smirk, my eyes locking with their reflection. I didn’t make myself smirk. “You won’t just stand up for yourself. You lack a spine,” my mouth lets out again as the world starts to get darker. Colors start to fade from my surroundings… Everything but my reflection loses its color, making me feel dizzy. No. This can’t be happening again. “She has poisoned your mind too much, Adagio. You’re soft. You’re too permissive and let them walk all over you. Worthless.” My… No… Her eyes lock with mine, a sinister red glare looking into my soul. Within a moment, her clothes change into a dark crimson dress, her whole presence almost clouded by shadow. Bringing her hand up, my hand moves as well, scratching my cheek.

“Why are you here…? The last time I saw you was-”

“More than a month ago. I know. It’s been too long, Adagio. You need to respect yourself. If not by making them kneel, make them respect you.” She drags her nails across the mirror’s glass, making a loud screech I can’t run away from. “Have you really fallen so far that you can’t even stand up for yourself now? Is Sunset to blame for that too?” Her cynical laugh sends a chill down my spine, unable to look away from her.

“I am doing my best in there-”

“No, you’re not…” Her eyes are instantly filled with hate upon hearing my response, crushing the bathroom counter easily. “I have seen your best. You could kill thousands in seconds. You may not have your magic anymore, Adagio, but you can still command attention. You are NOT doing your best in there and you know it.” The light flickers so easily. “That potential inside you is begging to be set free. Why are you so stubborn to do it?” Her voice whispers in a hissing tone, my arms and legs feeling weak. I don’t want to take power for myself… I don’t want to be her. But… I don’t want to let them walk all over me as well…

“I’m not letting them,” I whisper, pressing my back against the wall.

“Are you saying they’re more powerful than you?! Look at yourself, Adagio! A weak sniveling shell of your former self! You’re a siren! Just because you don’t want to be ‘bad’ doesn’t mean that you can’t assert yourself every now and again.” I can almost feel the world shake with her words, her imposing figure only making me feel weaker… “Is this who you are? A dog compared to everyone else around you?” she asks me threateningly, her eyes staring into my own.

“No! Just stop. I’ll deal with it by my-”

“Will you? Or will you let yourself be taken advantage of again? You have no honor or respect left if you go back out there and let them walk all over you.” Gripping the counter, I grimace at all of her words, trying to push them out of my mind. She won’t stop. Every word permeates inside my mind, never going away… I’m not pathetic. I’m not some dog. I can stand up for myself and make them obey… To listen to me. All I want her to do is shut up… Let me handle this. I can do this. They’ll stop acting so greedy and listen to reason…

“I can do it,” I whisper, a smirk coming to my face as I look up into the mirror, a green tint surrounding my eyes momentarily. My hands let go of the counter, cracking my neck. Straightening my tie, I take a deep breath. I’m so fucking tired of being insulted. Of being underestimated. Maybe she’s right. Maybe it’s time for me to prove that I can make them listen to a siren…

“Prove it,” she whispers in my ear one final time just as the green tint fades from my eyes. Grabbing the doorknob, I smile. Sometimes, life calls for a bit of control.