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7. Testing Godly New Power

I spent some time learning to control this new power of mine, while Luna helped me with combat and my skills, Celestia trained me in honing my spirit and emotions. Though suddenly one day they switched roles and I'll be honest, fighting Celestia was surprising, as she always seemed like the pacifist type but it did show me I was way behind in terms of power, I knew that with Luna, as she was so much stronger than me, but Celestia is something else entirely.

Celestia and Luna allowed me a week to myself though they wanted to see the improvements so they told me to stay in my Super Fox God form for as long as possible, it was weird seeing everyone in Ponyville stare at me as if I was actual royalty, hell three fillies bowed to me and after explaining it was just a form I could turn to they understood, they asked me to help them with something so I followed them. After a while we made it to their clubhouse, I asked who they were as I felt I recognized them.

The introduced themselves as Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, now I see, they're siblings to Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity respectively, though then Scootaloo said she's an adoptive sister. I assured her that Family isn't always about blood relation, it's about the bonds and trust, she seemed happy about that, it was nice to see her smile. So when sat in the clubhouse and talked about, let me tell you, when they heard I was 19, which apparently I don't fully look the part, they were shocked.

Apple Bloom was blunt in saying I looked at least 25, and Sweetie Belle gasped, saying She was being rude, I just kind of stared as they bickered, eventually they calmed down so I asked them what they needed help with. They explained they wanted to get their cutie marks, I sat there looking between the three of them, and I got an Idea.

"How about I train you all, at least for a bit, though it'll be complicated for you Scootaloo as I don't have wings so I couldn't exactly train you on flying.", I say walking outside, leading the three fillies to a nice open area. "Now, Apple Bloom, since you're Applejacks sister, I'm thinking I'll help you with your strength, as for you Sweetie Belle, I'll help you with your magic, and Scootaloo.", I pause as I ponder on how to train a pegasus to fly without having wings myself.

"I may have an idea, though first, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, focus on your strength and magic, I'll be right with you.", I sit down on the grass, "Ok Scootaloo, let me see your wings."

Scootaloo turns around, showing her wings to Minxy.

I put my hands up using my magic to sense what might be wrong with her wings, as I look I see it, her pegasus magic was disconnected, her wings lacked the connection to her magic that was needed to fly. "I see, your wings aren't connected to your pegasi magic."

"How can that be?", Scootaloo asked.

"Anything could have caused this, but it's possible early birth caused it but I'm very unsure, here I'll see if I can fix it.", I close my eyes, focusing my magic.

Scootaloo felt an odd sensation on her wings, it was warm and felt numb for a bit until she felt herself levitating, except it wasn't magic making her float, her wings wings were carrying her, she was flying.

I stepped back, opening my eyes I watch as the filly flew around on her newly empowered wings. I heard her laughing and yelling in excitement. She landed and I walked forward, patting her on the head. "Keep practicing.", It's then I heard Luna approaching.

"It seems you have students of your own now, you sure grow fast.", Luna said chuckling a little bit.

I laugh a little, "You know me, just trying to help."

"Indeed, but sadly it's nearing my time to raise the moon.", Luna said, looking towards the three fillies, "Head home you three, Minxy will continue his lessons next week."

The three fillies ran back to their homes. I turn to Luna, "Well I best be heading on back to the castle.", I begin to fly towards Twilight's castle. As I fly into my room and lay in my bed, I slowly fall asleep.

I walk forward through the forest towards a campfire, as I brush away the leaves I see shadows fighting, the voices are distorted and blurry but from what I could see one of the shadows had an elongated neck, I watched as it appeared to bite down on the other shadow. I noticed a smaller shadow reaching out before being encased in an aura, I couldn't understand what was going on, but one of the voices became clear with one word, Celestia, it was then an explosion engulfed the area, I could feel myself burning as it reached out towards me.

As the light dimmed down and as I moved my arms away from my face I saw a crater, I walked forward looking at the carnage, with each step the vision became clearer, until I saw what was attacking the shadow, they looked like ponies but their teeth were sharp, their necks long, pure demonic yellow eyes pierced through me. I walked forward until the shadow appeared, I focused my mind and it slowly revealed itself. It was Celestia, her body broken and beaten down, her mane now a soft pink with spots of blood on it.

I heard an awful mixture of hissing and laughing behind me, I turned to see the creature from before but it was bigger and taller, it's yellow eyes glowing, staring down at me.

"Sweet flesh!", I heard it say, it began chanting and laughing, almost taunting my supposed failure. It lunged at me and that's when I awoke screaming, I was surrounded by Twilight, her friends, Luna and Celestia, even Discord was there, despite not always hanging out with him, he was here for some reason. I breathed heavily as I sat up, holding my head trying to keep myself from being sick.

"What's wrong?! You've been muttering and screaming in your sleep, you've been out for two days even!", Luna exclaimed, concerned.

"What?, no that's not possible, two days?", I asked, confused and panicked.

"I was coming over to ask Twilight to accompany me on a trip to talk negotiation with the Mares of Diomedes, that's when I heard the shouting, we all rushed and we couldn't wake you up, so we brought you here to Canterlot.", Celestia said.

My eyes widen, is that what they were? I sit there thinking, but Luna noticed my distress.

"I have a feeling you saw something me and my sister could not, please, tell us what it was.", Luna pleaded.

I shake the feeling, "It was just a bad nightmare, nothing more.", I stand up and begin to leave but I'm stopped by Discord.

"If even I, a spirit of chaos, couldn't see inside your mind, it's more than a bad dream.", Discord said.

Luna stepped forward, "Even I couldn't access this nightmare, you must be honest with us Minxy."

I stepped back as my vision began to darken, it's then I saw flashes of what I thought to be future versions of everyone around me, Half of Applejack's face was burnt, Rainbow Dash's wings were gone, Twilight was missing her horn and her wings were damaged heavily, even Celestia, looked the exact same as the vision, a corpse, a husk. I slowly approach Twilight, "Mom, your horn.", I felt myself begin to tear up, I knew it wasn't real in the moment but my body couldn't realize that.

I then passed out once more, and darkness embraced me.

Author's Note:

Godly new powers come with a cost, and Minxy now must get himself together and prepare to change the future. Will Minxy Succeed? Find out next time!