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2. All New Training

As I said my goodbyes to everyone and entered the train to Canterlot, I couldn't help but feel tired, while on the train I decided to catch some sleep, it would be a long ride anyway, I'd be there by night anyway. As I wondered what seemed to be my dream I heard voices, no, screaming, I rushed over and while I couldn't see exactly who they were it was pretty clear what was happening. As I stood there a voice yelled out for Twilight and all of a sudden a massive explosion engulfed the area, after that I woke up and since I wasn't at Canterlot yet I went back to sleep.

Another vision this time it was a burning town, I tried to run towards it but I was stopped by chatter, I turned to see a few wagons carrying ponies away, then I saw it, a massive creature, towering over everything, I turned to see five ponies all staring at me. I woke with a shudder, luckily I had made it to Canterlot, I grabbed my bags, exited the train and made my way towards the castle.

As I entered the courtyard I saw Luna on her balcony, so I flew up to meet her, "How are you doing your highness?", I gave light bow in the air.

"It is going well Minxy, come, we have much to do before we begin your training.", Luna said, turning away and walking to her door and exiting.

I flew into the room and began to follow her, as we entered a large room I spotted three guards, definitely Luna's guards, I sat down as she began to explain how this would all work. Luna then told one of the three soldiers to be my opponent, he was a pegasus with a dark blue coat with dark purple mane, yellow eyes and a serious glare.

I stood up and walked up to the platform with the pegasus following, I then saw he wasn't any normal pegasus he was a bat pony, I had heard theories that Luna had bat ponies as her guards, natural fliers of the night. I stood in front of him and put my hand out for a hoof shake of sorts but he suddenly locked his forehoof around my arm and threw me down onto the ground.

"Not every opponent will be so friendly Minxy, there are many threats to Equestria's peace that must be dealt with swiftly, peace doesn't always work.", Luna said watching, waiting to see Minxy's reaction.

I stood up and readied myself, "Alright then, let's go!", before I could move forward the soldier had already landed a massive hit on me, I coughed as I fell to my knees.

Luna sat there, "If this is all the power you have there will be no fight, only destruction."

From another room, Twilight and her friends watched through a one way glass room.

"He's got this guys, give him some time.", Rainbow Dash said, watching closely.

Luna stood up, looking towards the two other guards, she nodded her head, signaling them to also attack. The two soldiers fly forward towards Minxy and thus began the brutal training.

I couldn't keep up, every move I made was met by a hit or kick of some kind, I kept getting back up and tried to fight but they were too fast. It's then I saw another vision, that monster again, those yellow demonic eyes.

Luna then sensed a spike of pure power, the others seemed to as well, looking towards Minxy.

"Yes! he's gonna go all out now!", Rainbow Dash said excitedly.

I stood up once more, "I won't let them down, I won't let them be destroyed!", I yelled out and began to scream at the thoughts of everyone around me being killed. It's then I felt it, power.

Luna, Twilight and everyone else stared as a brilliant purple aura surrounded Minxy, shock then filled the air as Minxy flew forward towards the first soldier and elbowed him in the chest, then kicking him into a wall.

I stood there, charged up to the max, maybe even beyond max, I looked over to the two remaining soldiers, "Come on, let's dance.", I watched as they charged forward. I grabbed the one closest to me and threw them against the other. "Is this everything?", I said disappointed.

"Not yet, I wish to test this power myself.", Luna said stepping forward in her own armor.

"I don't want to fight you.", I backed away slowly.

"Then so be it.", Luna charged at Minxy.

I blocked her punch and threw her towards the wall, I watched as she teleported away, reappearing beside me and sending me flying towards the wall, I yelled out as I hit the wall.

Luna watched as the aura disappeared and Minxy's power went back to normal. She flew forward, picking up the hybrid and carrying him to his bed, pulling the covers over him.

Twilight met with Luna as she left the room, "what do you think?"

"I'm thinking he'll need much more training, Miss Sparkle.", Luna began walking with Twilight. "The issue is he is consumed by conflicting thoughts."

"What kind of conflicting thoughts?", Twilight said looking up to the princess of the night.

"He believes deep down in his heart that some threats aren't able to be redeemed and thus must fall.", Luna calmly stated. "I believe to an extent he is correct, which is why I will train him to be ready to kill if need be."

"I understand Luna, I just hope he's ready for this.", Said Twilight, a bit sad but understanding of the situation.

I woke up the next day, ready for more training, I met with Luna who greeted me with a soft smile, she led me to a room where her guards and workers were working on something, Luna levitated something with her magic, I stared in awe until I saw what it was, a sword.

"This will be your tool of justice, a construct of your rage, will, and perseverance, while also being balanced by your kindness and mercy, You will be trained to use this and all your other abilities, you show great promise Minxy.", Luna said, lending the sword to Minxy.

"I see, I understand Princess Luna, I won't let you down.", I said, bowing.

Author's Note:

And thus Minxy's power is revealed and he gains a new tool for his power, Minxy may not be fully ready, but he'll have to be very soon.