• Published 25th Jun 2022
  • 966 Views, 29 Comments

It's Just Us - Spyder27

After a couple years being away from Canterlot City, Adagio is forced to go back for a work convention. Unbeknownst to her, she will be forced to meet the one person she has tried to avoid. Their past will surely ruin Adagio's trip, won't it?

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Fate Be Damned

Chapter IV: Fate Be Damned

“Are you sure you don’t mind spending this time with me?” Sunset asks with a nervous chuckle, standing outside the auditorium door with me. Tonight’s festivities include a gift exchange and karaoke which is a nice change of pace from the usual affairs. This is the fourth night of the convention and so far, everything has been mostly business or drinking festivities. Given, I’m sure the karaoke section will be mostly filled with drunk people as well, but if that’s the case, we can just leave for the night. After that, I will finally leave this convention tomorrow morning and fate can laugh in my face at the torture we’ve gone through.

“It wouldn’t hurt to be friends for a night,” I say quietly, smiling at her. “At least we can have a bit of fun before I leave, right?” A nod comes from Sunset with a giddy smile, her hand holding onto mine. It was always nice to see that… It is always nice to see her smile.

“That would be great~ Especially since you won’t look so lonely, sitting at a table by yourself~”

“Hey. I like being alone sometimes, so don’t act like it’s that pathetic,” I confidently state, rolling my eyes to Sunset’s giggles. Wrapping her arm around mine, Sunset and I patiently wait for the doors to open, her smile turning into a slight frown.

“Still, it must be boring to be alone. I mean, it’s boring right now, you know.”

“If you’re bored, you could always dunk your head in some water,” I whisper in a teasing tone, shaking my head at the funny ways Sunset would leave herself open for ridicule. It’s been a long time since I’ve joked like that… Hell, a part of me stings to do that, knowing that this won’t last, but I guess it will be okay for a night. Just to pretend for one night that everything is fine.

“You’re mean,” Sunset says with a cute pout, staring me down. “Although, that’s not a bad idea~ We could go swimming together if you want?” Sunset jokes with a raised eyebrow, looking for my reaction. Something like that doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea if I finally get to utilize the hot tub… If that is the case, then maybe we could, but I suppose it really depends on how the night goes.

“Maybe. Though, we should probably focus on the here and now,” I say with a monotone voice, looking back at the closed doors with a bit of irritation behind my eyes. “You’d think they would get past making people wait behind these doors by the fourth day.” Despite my statement, a part of me doesn’t actually mind the wait as long as she and I can still joke around each other. I know something like this can’t last forever… but it’s a nice thought… It would be nice if time could stretch itself just once. I suppose the real wish of my heart is for tomorrow to not come… Every time I think about tomorrow, I know all of this will end and she and I will have to move on. As much as my heart may wish it to not be true, she and I could never go back to what was… Too much time has passed to try and fix something broken… This night, as fleeting as it is, is just enacting a fantasy.

“I’m sure they’ll open the doors soon~ Besides, we can ditch after the dinner if you want?”

“Are you saying that because you don’t have a gift to participate in the gift exchange?” I ask her with a raised eyebrow, causing her to giggle.

“Wha? Me? I would never forget something so crucial to this totally awesome convention!” Sunset exclaims in an exaggerated style, putting her hand to her chest. “Besides, I’m sure you didn’t get anything either, huh?” Booping my nose while sticking her tongue out, both of us laugh slightly. Her humorous nature never fails to brighten up a room, no matter what.

“That seems pretty scummy though, right? Grabbing dinner and just ditching? Seems a bit too rebellious for someone like the ‘pure’ Sunset I used to know~”

“I think you of all people should know that I’m not that pure~” Sunset scoffs with a slight nudge, shaking her head at my statement.

“Maybe behind closed doors, sure,” I whisper with a chuckle, Sunset’s cheeks instantly turning a brighter shade of pink. Before Sunset can respond, however, the doors finally open to the auditorium, prompting us to stop leaning against the wall. Instead, Sunset decides to lean on me with a couple giggles, both of us finally entering the room.

“Just make sure you behave, you mischievous siren,” Sunset teases me, sticking her tongue out in the process. All she gets in terms of a response is me rolling my eyes with a shake of my head, a smile still on my face regardless. Even though this is supposed to be torture for both of us, I can’t help but beg the world itself to let this night last longer than others… Just being able to joke around and talk with Sunset like this again is… great. While the thought of tomorrow ending it all may be painful, the experience itself isn’t… I should have avoided her, but it’s too late now. All I want in the world is for the world to give us a bit more time. Just a little more time before I leave… I never hated Sunset…

It always hurts because…

I always loved her…


“Well, you got your wish~ You better have enjoyed the hot tub~” Sunset cheekily teases me, nudging my hip once more as we walk down the hallway. Both of us are pretty much soaking wet, a singular towel wrapped around both of us, our hair continually dripping.

“Just because you don’t like hot tubs doesn’t mean you have to take it out on me,” I state in a confident tone, trying to sound serious despite my joke. A laugh is shared between the two of us, the warmth of the company briefly distracting me from the cold that comes with a soaking wet body. At least the carpet of the hotel can briefly warm my feet, but I’m not sure if you’re technically allowed to be barefoot in this hotel. I suppose it will be a secret between the both of us in that case.

A silence inhabits the air where our conversation used to be as we go farther down the hall, Sunset’s laugh fully disappearing without another word coming from her. I don’t really blame her for not knowing what to say… The distance between us and my room is closing by the second and the closer we get to it, the more prevalent reality becomes. Our time is almost over… Despite the fact that tonight has been one of the best days I’ve had in a long time, it all has to come to an end far too soon… No matter how long the day is, I would have still said the same thing… Reality. This game of make believe and fantasy has to end at some point, which means the inevitable goodbye. Sunset can probably sense it too, making it even worse… To see her smile so easily dissipate due to our unfortunate circumstances hurts me, but… it will all be better someday. We got to resolve our differences and I’m sure Sunset can finally move on. As for me…?

I’m just glad I got to help Sunset one last time… My love for her never truly disappeared… That’s why it was so hard to forget her. That’s why it hurt to remember her, but maybe the reason she was always on my mind was because she needed help one more time. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking… Trying to derive some sort of meaning from our meeting. I’ll never forget her, no matter how hard I may try. Even after years, she still brings a smile to my face easily. Too much time… If we had met sooner, maybe we could have fixed this… It’s all a bunch of maybes at this point, but above all else, I just want Sunset to be happy…

“I guess our night has come to an end, huh?” Sunset says quietly, her eyes looking towards the floor as we walk. Her hand grips mine tighter and a sigh comes from her lips, sharing my own feelings.

“Yeah…” A small sting of pain strikes through my heart as soon as I mutter the word, even my body trying to reject the truth. “You wanted to admit that you still loved me just to come to peace with it,” I whisper, averting my gaze to the floor as well.

“You still love me too, don’t you…?” Sunset quietly asks, a solemn tone to her words before she sighs heavily. A knot is already stuck in my throat, finding it hard to formulate the right words to say… No matter how hard I try, I can’t find the words, resulting in me just nodding to her question.

“It’s been too long for us to even try to fix what we had, though… Unfortunately, we need to move on,” I barely say, finding just enough strength to hold my composure together…

“Yeah… I suppose you’re right,” Sunset slowly whispers, her quiet voice displaying her own feelings of sadness. “Could you promise me one thing…?” she asks me quietly, her voice cracking at the end.

Stopping in front of my door, both of us finally look at each other once more, letting go of our hand hold… “What do you want me to promise, Sunset?”

Sunset’s eyes tear up slightly, making my heart hurt even more, her lips quivering ever so slightly. “Just… promise me you’ll have a good life, alright?” Her question, as short as it is, is full of emotion, her eyes pleading for me to promise her this one thing before we go our separate ways… Don’t do this to me, Sunset…

“I pinkie promise,” I whisper before hugging Sunset as tightly as I can, trying to keep my walls up as best as I can… “Promise me you’ll have a good life too, Sunset… Please…”

Returning my embrace, Sunset’s tears finally begin to flow as she nods into my shoulder, finally letting go and crying over fate’s cruel reality… The last thing I want to do is let go of her and enter my room… If only this night could be endless, just to give us what we both want… I’m not afraid to say it anymore… Sunset is the love of my life and life continually punishes me by taking her away. Holding her as close to me as possible, I can’t help but think about the fact that I probably won’t be able to uphold my promise… Without her in my life, I’m not sure if it will be a good life…


Zipping up my suitcase, I find it hard to look at the clean hotel room, avoiding the sight as much as I can… The time has come… After a sleepless night, my heart now has to go through the torture of leaving Canterlot City once more… It’s odd since I couldn’t wait for this moment to come just a couple of days ago, but now… It would be so easy to say it’s Sunset’s fault for getting herself back in my mind, but I also let her have that stupid dance and our talk. Subconsciously, I missed her too, so I’m just as much to blame as she is for our reconnection. I could have avoided her at any time again. I didn’t have to let her hang out with me last night, but I did…

All I wanted to do was defy fate for a little while. Just to pretend that… maybe things didn’t change. Maybe no time had passed at all. It was a fun fantasy while it lasted, but… All good things must come to an end, right? I’ll probably disappear from Sunset’s mind someday and she can have all the good things she deserves. But she’ll never leave my mind…

Wiping a couple tears from my face, I sigh heavily, trying to avoid crying again. “Damn it…” I thought it would be easy to leave here, but it turns out to be so much harder than I had expected. None of it is because of the luxury beds, drinks, or food, but because of her… I just have to keep reminding myself that too much time has passed for us. We can’t fix what we had… It would be better if we just go our separate ways and then she can move on fully. This is the right thing to do. Why does it hurt to do the right things…?

Taking a deep breath, I try my best to compose myself before I pick up my suitcase handle, rolling it behind me. Opening the door slowly, my eyes widen at the sight in front of me… “Why are you awake…?” I ask the fiery-haired woman standing in the hallway, her smile once again being present. Her expression, despite how hard she tries to make it seem different, displays her sadness all too well… Maybe that’s because I’ve known her for years, but the sight isn’t pleasant.

Her eyes look to the floor for a moment before she regains the strength to lock our gaze, pulling herself off the wall she had been leaning on. “I just… wanted to see you off. Well, I mean, I wanted to see you again. One last time and all…” For a long period of time, Sunset’s gaze stays locked with mine, both of us seemingly understanding how painful this must be for the other… Slowly, Sunset takes a few steps towards me, wrapping her arms around me with a pained sigh coming from her. As much as I may have avoided the gesture at the beginning of this trip, my body instinctively returns the hug now, my body threatening to let my tears go once more… “I’ll never forget you, Adagio… I love you and I hope you have a good life,” Sunset barely lets out with her weak voice, keeping her composure barely in my arms. My only want in the world at this moment is to hold her forever…

“I love you too,” I whisper, hugging her tighter for a moment, both of us reluctant to let go of our embrace. It’s impossible to try again, Adagio… Too much time has passed… Closing the door behind me, Sunset has a couple tears fall down her cheek, her face still remaining as composed as she can force it to be.

“Take care of yourself, Adagio,” Sunset quietly states, wiping away her own tears before looking at me again. Holding my walls up, I simply smile and nod to her statement, turning away from her slowly.

“Goodbye, Sunset.” Walking away from her, I try to force my tears down, the urge to let go becoming almost too much to bear… It’s too hard to look back at the woman who has given my life so much happiness… To leave her here and try to let us move on, knowing damn well I won’t ever forget her. Life’s cruel game is still going on, forcing us to see each other one last time before we go our separate ways, knowing that it’s too late for us… Images of a previous life never fail to come back to me, reminding me of every day we used to share. Every step hurts more than the last, my heart begging for me to turn back or at least look at her one more time… I have to keep my focus. This is for the best… Right? It’s for her. It would be naive to think we could try something like a relationship again. Naive of a siren like me…

It’s for the better… To leave and give her a chance to move on… I never needed anyone when I had my magic. I was the best siren of Equestria and I didn’t need anyone to validate my life or my pursuits. I was the best. Why would I have needed validation or someone to lend me a helping hand? That’s exactly what Sunset showed me… She showed me the better parts of life. Friendship, love, companionship… Enjoying the little things of life. She showed me so many things I never knew I needed. Power wasn’t what I needed in the end… I just needed something to make me happy. Someone… The one person who could relate to my downfall and my attempts to redeem myself was her. She was always there for me. I couldn’t help but fall for her.

It’s cruel of life to give me those experiences, just to take them away from me twice… I had to deal with the absence of her in my life before. I’m not sure if I could go through that again… She needs a better life. She needs to move on and have a good life. Every moment she’s been in my life was both a blessing and a curse…

Walking up to the elevator, I move my finger to press the down button, my hand hesitating before I can actually touch it. My tears stain my cheeks despite how hard I try to avoid crying… I can’t break down now. I have to be strong… I have to, right…? She… she needs to move on. I… Hesitantly, my eyes look down the hallway, Sunset’s eyes still looking towards me with her tears fully present. Her hand gives me a slight wave as she mouths the word, “Goodbye.” Please don’t cry over me… Her tears don’t dissipate as she turns away from me, finally walking the other direction down the hall with her head slumped down… She… needs to move on… Right?

No matter how hard I try to press the button, my hand won’t move forward an inch. If it’s fate that caused us to meet in the first place… If fate decided to make this game to torture two souls, where is the punchline…? Why does it hurt so bad to try and do the right thing, according to the world? If it’s our fate to be brought together just to be torn apart once more, why does it have to be like that…? Can’t fate just let us be happy once…? Would she be happy, moving on from me? Biting my lip and closing my eyes, a sigh comes from my lips as I let my hand down to my side. “Damn it…” I whisper, looking back at Sunset’s figure walking away from me… If this torture is our fate, then… maybe fate can go fuck itself…

Dropping my bag instantly, I kick off the damned heels and sprint down this hallway, the only thing separating me and the one woman who makes my life better… My life wouldn’t be better without her. She’s the love of my life and I… I’m tired of letting her be taken away… “Sunset!” I yell down this endless space between us, tears streaming from my eyes as I let my hair flow in the air. I’m done letting life take away the things that make me happy… The people who make me better. I need her.

Sunset’s body turns around to look behind her just in time to catch me as I run into her embrace, wrapping my arms around the person I love the most in the world. “A-Adagio?” Sunset’s voice asks in a weak tone after her own cries.

“I love you, Sunset,” I state between my sobs, holding her as tightly as I can. “I can’t do it anymore… I can’t let life take away the people I hold close anymore. I-I love you more than anything in the world, Sunset.” Still holding onto Sunset, I connect my eyes with hers, not caring to keep my composure in front of her anymore. “I would do anything to keep you in my life…”

A bright smile finally comes back to my summer breeze, her tears coming to her even harder than before as she hugs me back, crying into my shoulder. “I-I love you too, Adagio~” she’s barely able to say, kissing my cheek quickly, her smile getting bigger by the second. “I want you back too~ You’re my everything, Adagio~” Sunset whispers, pushing our lips together in an instant, surprising me. Returning her embrace, my own tears flow harder as well, both of us holding onto each other as much as we can… Fate be damned. I’m done letting her go. I’ll do anything I can to make sure this works and… I’ll never let her go again~ She’s my world, for now and forever~

Comments ( 22 )

very cool

I'm glad you liked it~ :twilightsmile:

I love it but it feel incomplete like something more needs to happen.

Hmm? I'm glad you love it~ I don't know what else could be added other than elaborating more on the dinner Sunset and Adagio have, but other than that, I'm not sure. I apologize that it feels incomplete~ I don't really intend on doing a sequel unless some great idea hits me, but thank you for your comment~! :twilightsmile:

You are single-handedly keeping this ship alive and are brilliant for doing so

Neat, but the overuse of tilde (~) was killing me. It made Sunset Shimmer sound way too seductive in my head

Thank you so much for your kind comment~ :twilightsmile: I assure you I'm not that important. I just like making Sundagio content for the internet to read~ I do have a lot more stories planned for the future, so I hope you can read those too!

I'm very glad you love it~ :twilightsmile:

Ah, that's understandable~ I can see how you feel and how that may be annoying. I primarily use tilde to end off a statement in a happier way to show a person's more happy tone than before. It's usually playful, happy, or loving in my usage~ I do apologize that it was hard to read for that, but I'm glad you liked it~

Thanks for this. It was an enjoyable bit of nostalgia pulling back to years ago when I used to live & breathe this ship. I plan to read through your others at some point now as well.

Thank you so much for the comment~ I'm glad to see someone else who loves this ship as much as I do~ Or at least used to. I love Sundagio a lot and I have so many story ideas for them, so I'm glad you found my work~ Just a warning. Two of my stories are well over 50k words and they're connected to each of each other, so good luck reading~ :twilightsmile:

That was a cute ending. I was kind of worried that it was going to end sad for a bit.

Exactly the tone I was going for~ :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading my story! I loved writing the end and if you liked this, maybe you'd like my other works~

Oh, I actually read A Dazzling World before this and really liked that one. It's been a while since I read any MLP fanfics, and that reminded me of the days when I was crazy about Sundagio.

Oh? I'm glad you liked A Dazzling World~! It is my favorite of my library so far. It has a sequel that I just completed called A Shimmering Heartbreak~ And I understand that feeling~ I've had quite a few readers come read my stories due to their nostalgia for Sundagio~ :twilightsmile:

“If you’re bored, you could always dunk your head in some water,” I whisper in a teasing tone, shaking my head at the funny ways Sunset would leave herself open for ridicule. It’s been a long time since I’ve joked like that… Hell, a part of me stings to do that, knowing that this won’t last, but I guess it will be okay for a night. Just to pretend for one night that everything is fine.

Good thinking Adagio. :facehoof::ajbemused:

I always loved her…

It's not too late to give your relationship with Sunset another shot. :applejackunsure:

“Just because you don’t like hot tubs doesn’t mean you have to take it out on me,” I state in a confident tone, trying to sound serious despite my joke. A laugh is shared between the two of us, the warmth of the company briefly distracting me from the cold that comes with a soaking wet body. At least the carpet of the hotel can briefly warm my feet, but I’m not sure if you’re technically allowed to be barefoot in this hotel. I suppose it will be a secret between the both of us in that case.

Many hotels I've been to don't seem to mind so I guess your both in the clear. :ajsmug:

Wiping a couple tears from my face, I sigh heavily, trying to avoid crying again. “Damn it…” I thought it would be easy to leave here, but it turns out to be so much harder than I had expected. None of it is because of the luxury beds, drinks, or food, but because of her… I just have to keep reminding myself that too much time has passed for us. We can’t fix what we had… It would be better if we just go our separate ways and then she can move on fully. This is the right thing to do. Why does it hurt to do the right things…?

That's just how life is sometimes. :fluttershysad:

A bright smile finally comes back to my summer breeze, her tears coming to her even harder than before as she hugs me back, crying into my shoulder. “I-I love you too, Adagio~” she’s barely able to say, kissing my cheek quickly, her smile getting bigger by the second. “I want you back too~ You’re my everything, Adagio~” Sunset whispers, pushing our lips together in an instant, surprising me. Returning her embrace, my own tears flow harder as well, both of us holding onto each other as much as we can… Fate be damned. I’m done letting her go. I’ll do anything I can to make sure this works and… I’ll never let her go again~ She’s my world, for now and forever~

Huh, this ending sure was different then I thought it would be, but love the plot twist! :yay:

I'm glad you liked the story so much~ I haven't responded to the others since I've been kind of busy with university, but I'm glad to see you liked it~ This story was one of my favorites to write in general and I always think about it every now and then. It's been so long since I wrote it, but yeah. It was nice~ Also, it wasn't my intention to make it seem like a plot twist at the end, but I'm glad it made you happy things didn't go the route you thought I was originally going to take them~ :twilightsmile:

Hey Spyder27 here is the review for the story:

But for some reason it won’t let me PM you :pinkiesad2:and for some reason you are the only one it’s gives me the error message on

I will check out the issue later today~ And thanks for the review! I will enjoy hearing what you thought~ :twilightsmile:

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