• Published 25th Jun 2022
  • 975 Views, 29 Comments

It's Just Us - Spyder27

After a couple years being away from Canterlot City, Adagio is forced to go back for a work convention. Unbeknownst to her, she will be forced to meet the one person she has tried to avoid. Their past will surely ruin Adagio's trip, won't it?

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One Last Dance

Chapter II: One Last Dance

Her mouth moves as if she says something, any sound being blocked by the loud music in the room… Every nerve in my body makes me freeze where I am, unable to think of what to do or say. Every step she takes to approach me makes my heart panic even more. You were why I avoided this city… Why would you be here? Every part of me screams to do something. Run? Yell? I spent so long trying to get you out of my mind… Just for you to show up now of all days. Why can’t the universe let me forget you?

“Adagio?” her innocent voice calls out to me, curious eyes locked with mine as she walks towards me. Instinctively, I take a step back, trying to make myself move. She can’t be here. Not a thing has changed about her since then. The exact same do-good attitude and innocent smile on her face. Nothing has changed. It has to be my imagination… Please just be my imagination. Her hand gives me a small wave as she quickens her pace, closing the distance between us as fast as she can. Nope. This isn’t my imagination… “Adagio?” she uses my name once more, trying to make sure it’s actually me… Why couldn’t this have been a masquerade?

Taking another couple steps away from her, I turn around and instantly start walking deeper into the crowd as fast as I can. I can’t talk to her now… It’s been way too long and there’s nothing to be said. She means nothing to me and… It’s just going to hurt more if I see her for a second more. “You have to get out of here, Adagio,” I whisper to myself, holding my arm tightly. I can feel my eyes watering as I walk away, despite my attempts to breathe.

“Adagio? Hold on, please?” Sunset’s voice calls out behind me, still on my trail. Just leave me alone… Why can’t I just move on? No matter what I do, the universe itself always tries to remind me… To push me towards those memories… Wiping my eyes as quickly as I can to keep my composure, I feel someone grab onto my hand, instinctively looking back and seeing her eyes once more. “Adagio, it really is you~” she states with that same smile I once knew so well…

“Let go of me,” I instantly state, pulling my arm from her grasp and trying to walk away from her.

“Wait, please! I just want to talk to you,” Sunset pleads with me, following right behind without catching the hint.

“What is there to catch up on? Hi, I’m Adagio and I’ve been doing jack shit!” I respond in a harsh tone, refusing to look her in the eyes again. She’s already taken enough of my time as it is…

“Would it really hurt you to slow down and have one chat? It’s been so long since… we’ve seen each other,” Sunset states in a more insecure tone than before, still following right behind me as I make my way towards the exit of the auditorium.

“And maybe that was for a good fucking reason.” A heavy sigh exits my lips, trying to convince myself that this is just a bad dream. “Just leave me alone.”

“Why are you so against talking to me? It’s been so long, I thought that maybe you would be willing to talk again and all?” her all too innocent voice tries to reason with me, trying to have one talk with me. She’s always been pushy. She’s always been convincing and persuading, but I really don’t want to talk to her…

“Oh, I don’t know. It may have to do with the fact that you and I used to be lovers… That doesn’t exactly mix well, now does it?” I harshly remark, scoffing at Sunset’s attempts to talk to me. Before I can make it to the door of the auditorium, Sunset grabs my hand again, walking around me to force our eyes to connect again.

“I know. I know. That can certainly be awkward, but… I just can’t believe you’re here and all~ I was hoping that we could catch up since it’s been a while~” Forcing my hand from her grasp, I close my eyes and take a deep sigh, trying to avoid the urge to make a scene by yelling at her.

“I can say the same about you,” I quietly state, referring to the fact that I’m surprised to even see her again… “But I don’t want to talk. So, go about your life like you were and leave me alone, got it?” I tell her with an angry glare, quickly walking past her and out the door. For a moment, I can hear her footsteps right behind me, still wanting to talk to me clearly, but after a moment, I hear her slow down. Quickening my pace, I walk past the casino machines as fast as I can without fully running, my eyes threatening to tear up again. Why did she have to be here? I dreaded coming to this fucking city, but I thought that I could avoid any possibility of seeing her again if I just stayed in this hotel…

Quickly pressing the elevator button, I can’t help but look back and feel relieved, seeing no sign of her behind me. Every time I get remotely close to forgetting you, fate has some cruel way of reminding me again… God damn it… My eyes begin to tear up again, my body shaking from some sort of emotion… Is it anger? I’m not sure…

Stepping into the elevator, I can’t help but close my eyes and grit my teeth, clenching my fist slowly. “Why did I ever have to meet you…?” I whisper to myself slowly, leaning against the back of the elevator…


The world couldn’t have left me alone the one week I have to return to this god forsaken city… The one week I had to return here, she was here, in this very hotel. If that isn’t some rotten luck, I don’t know what is… What makes it even worse? I have to be attending the events throughout the week except for the fucking mingle sessions. Last night turned out to be horrible for me… It doesn’t matter if I had one of the best meals ever. There’s always a fucking price. You get something good, you get something bad. I should have expected something awful to happen. Just so happened that it wasn’t my job at stake. Just the one person who could deprive me of any sleep I could try to get.

“Damn it…” Throwing one of the pillows against the wall as hard as I can, I sigh and grip my head, trying to avoid any more tears from being shed. She doesn’t deserve this from me. I shouldn’t even have to acknowledge her. But she’s always been persuasive. She’s always tried to push to make sure everything turns out alright. Every little thing is the same about her. Her same determined nature and kind smile… Her welcoming eyes and innocent attitude. Every single thing about her is still the same. It would hurt less if she was at least a little different on the inside or out, but instead, it’s like a vision of my past has returned. All without my consent to top it all off.

Despite all my efforts, the stupid tears return, making me bury my face in my knees to try and hide the sounds. She will probably try to talk to me again tonight… No matter what, she will try to have a talk and convince me we can try to be friends. The funny thing is that trying to be friends is impossible for both of us at this point. There’s too much buried history to ignore… As much as I wanted to talk to her again a while ago, I know now that it’s a futile effort. She and I are done… it will only lead to more pain if I try to talk to her more. Right? I already went through enough pain the last time I talked to her… The best I can do is try to avoid her for the rest of this convention. Maybe she will get the hint… “Damn you, Shimmer…” Why does she always have to screw me over with the best of intentions…?


I didn’t really pack another dress… I expected that it would be okay to wear the same thing throughout the week, periodically washing it. It’s a good thing I even picked a dress that can be washed. Tonight’s festivities should be dealing with another dinner, some games and a dance. They sure like their dances… According to the schedule, there’s another speech planned for after the dinner, but I couldn’t care less… I’m only going because I’m required to go tonight. Unfortunately, there’s a check-in sheet by the end of the night to make sure we actually participated, so I will have to stay most of the night. Maybe I can duck out after the speech and come back for the check-in sheet…

Regardless, the event starts in five minutes and I’m leaving the elevator now. My main goal is to try and avoid talking to Shimmer if she’s here. I assume she will be here since she was here last night. I highly doubt she was someone’s date… As soon as I sign my name on that stupid sheet, I’m going back to my room as fast as possible. Hopefully, I can go ahead and avoid talking to her if I come in just on time or even a little late. That is, if she isn’t waiting for me to try and get a chance to talk to me.

Sighing, I close my eyes as I make my way through the casino portion of the hotel as slowly as I can, idling by some machines every couple of steps. It’s ironic. I couldn’t help but cry my eyes out last night and now it’s hard to feel anything… My heart feels so numb. In one way, I’m glad since it might help me avoid her, but in another way, I shouldn’t have to feel this way… I already have enough trouble trying to keep my relationship between me and the girls. Trying to keep my job… Trying to keep this little life together, despite the fact that it’s not really worth much…

Sunset and I used to date… We used to be involved in each other’s lives and she made mine mean so much more. I would have said that my life was priceless back then, but that was then. Now, it’s all different. What makes her think we can just try to talk again after so much time between the two of us? After our split… Is it really that impractical that I wanted to forget her? My therapist told me that it’s not good to forget those memories, but to try and improve from them. Take them in stride and be happy that I’ve been able to love and live. It’s fucking easy for him to say considering he’s never felt this… I’m not sure anyone ever loved her as much as I did…

To be honest, I did want her back… I wanted to have the chance to fix things between us back then. Just to talk and try to give it another shot… Even thinking about trying to be friends after that is painful. I know that’s what she would want. She wants to catch up and try to be friends again, but I can’t be close to her anymore… Unless you want to be hurt again, Adagio, it’s best to keep trying to forget her sorry existence. The memories we shared…

I’m doing it again. Reminiscing on old times that have already passed. Things that can’t be brought back. God damn it, Adagio. Stop it. All you have to do today is ignore her to the best of your abilities and then go back to your room. Easy. No harm no foul. It will all be done after this week and you’ll never have to see her again. You won’t be hurt again… Shaking my head a little, I quicken my pace through the casino, getting closer to the auditorium. I arrive just in time to see dozens of people entering the room through the entrance, making sure I’m the last one to go inside. Hopefully, if everyone is already seated, Sunset won’t find me during the dinner. Or she’ll be considerate enough to wait until after the speech. Luckily, it doesn’t seem she waited behind for me, so I should be in the clear to try and enjoy my meal. Try being the optimal word since I’m not sure what I will do if she tries to talk to me. Will I get too emotional and storm out or will I shut down? Hell, I’m not even sure if it will be one of those two options.

Slowly walking inside behind other people, I try to take one of the tables at the very back of the room so that I will be covered in shadows by the time the speech starts. As for this dinner? I’m pretty much out in the open. I just hope Sunset doesn’t try to bother me during this dinner. Again, I’m sitting pretty much alone since I took the table at the very last second, avoiding everyone else… It’s nice to have a meal alone. That’s a concept that Sonata and Aria don’t seem to understand though… By the time the waiter comes to my table, I simply push the stack of menus over, keeping my eyes closed. “I’ll just take a slice of cherry cheesecake and a glass of Four Roses Single Barrel.” A small sigh comes from my lips under my breath, trying to keep myself composed. It’s going to be a really long night…

My eyes open as I hear the waiter place something down on the table, seeing the glass and cake already set in front of me. That was… certainly fast. “Someone already ordered that for you. Would you like an additional glass or just this one?” he asks me with the same respectful manner that every waiter has.

“Wait. Who was it?” I ask him, damn well knowing what the answer is.

“They asked me to stay anonymous, ma’am.” Instantly, my eyes scan the environment around me, a small fire of anger lit ablaze inside me… Looking to my left, my eyes connect with a person at another table, her hair matching that of a magnificent fire and her eyes matching the ocean itself… Once again, she smiles and waves at me, remaining in her seat. I know your damn game, Shimmer… I’m not going to be indebted to you, though…

“Do you see that girl over there with red and yellow hair?” I ask the waiter while gesturing to the person who's clearly trying to play a game of cat and mouse with me… After he nods, I sigh to myself, looking down at the cake in front of me. “Give her a black coffee with a piece of chocolate cake. Don’t tell her who sent it, but tell her I’m not playing this game.”

A look of confusion comes across the man as he looks to Sunset and back to me. “What do you mean by a game?” he asks out of pure curiosity.

“Just do it, please. Oh, and I would like that second glass.” Something tells me I will need it…


Taking the last sip of my third glass, I do a fake clap to applaud the speech given to the employees of this new merger… Honestly, now I’m confused on what the fucking name of the company is. I’m sure it’s probably going to remain Mane Pictures, but no formal announcement of that has been made yet. It’s probably being saved for the final day to be some exciting reveal. It’s fucking pathetic… The bigger issue is the fact that I’m required to be here for most of the night. Worst comes to worst, I’ll have to leave in the middle and come back to write my name on the checklist. I don’t want to risk it, but I will leave if I have to… The weirdest part is the fact that they planned for the games and the dance to happen at the same time with the games taking place in the casino portion of the hotel. I don’t know why they would want to go out there, considering how it smells of smoke and is almost too loud, but that’s just my opinion.

Staying here would mean listening to the music that’s provided. If it’s anything like last night, the lights will be dimmed, which would make it easier to try and hide from Sunset. Before Sunset looks my way, I make sure to stand up from my seat and quickly walk into the crowd, making my way to the opposite side of the room. If I’m lucky, I can orbit the room well enough that she and I don’t make contact until the end of the night… That outcome is still unlikely though. She always had a talent for sniffing me out. Well, not just me, but anyone she needed to find. The only thing stopping me from leaving out right is the fact that this is a mandatory thing… As much as I give my job crap, I kind of need it… It would be best to just run away from her and keep my job rather than retreat back to my room and possibly lose my job. I’m not even sure why this is a mandatory event… Maybe they want to make EXTRA sure that all of the employees here mingle and get to know each other. That’s something I don’t want…

Walking over to a table with drinks and light snacks, I quickly grab a cup and act preoccupied, pouring a cup of punch. The only reason they have this provided is to make the atmosphere seem more inviting and to encourage people to dance more, either to pop or romance songs. Maybe I could hide backstage for the majority of this dance? Well, I might get kicked out if that happens… I could hide under the table, but then I would look even more miserable to anyone who sees me. Maybe it’s worth the price if I can avoid the pain that would come with a conversation with Shimmer…

“So, you remembered my tastes as well~” a chuckle comes from behind me, making my eyes widen. Too late to hide already… We’re only five minutes into the dance and she found me all too easily. Did she see me leave? God damn it…

“Leave me alone,” I state with a bland tone, trying to avoid eye contact and walking towards the crowd.

“Hey, I’m really sorry if I’m causing you actual trouble, but I was just wanting to talk one time,” Sunset responds in a slightly annoyed tone, causing me to laugh to myself. “Is it really wrong of me to want one conversation with you…?”

“I know you. Letting you have one conversation will lead to you convincing me for another and another. Forgive me if I’m more than a little resistant to that idea,” I state with a slight laugh, trying to get her to leave me alone.

“Do you really hate me that much…?” Sunset’s voice weakly lets out from behind me, causing me to halt in my tracks. To be honest, I’m not sure why I stopped, I only know that I can’t seem to move forward… “Did I make you hate me so much that spending one moment with me is torture for you?” She never fails to get in my head without her knowing it… I know she means the best and she would never intentionally try to hurt someone else, but it can’t be helped that it does hurt for me to spend time with her… I wouldn’t say I hate her. I just hate having to be around her or life reminding me of her… I just wish I didn’t have to hurt when I remember those times together. Once again, she thinks that everything is her fault and tortures herself from the inside out.

“Don’t start blaming yourself again, Shimmer. I thought you would remember-” before I can finish my statement, a sound causes both of us to stop everything… Why does this sound so nostalgic…? Is this…?

Looking back at Sunset, the same look of recognition is in her eyes, with her mouth left slightly ajar, seemingly shocked at what she’s hearing. Why does she look so pitiful like this…? “It’s… our song,” Sunset slowly states, keeping her gaze locked with mine. Both of us don’t dare to move an inch, trying to see what the other would do with this newfound situation…

“Was,” I state with a solemn look on my face for a moment before looking away from her. Instantly, Sunset walks in front of me and tries to reconnect our contact, a smile reappearing on her face despite the weak voice she just had.

“Do you still remember the words?” she slowly whispers, trying to grab my hand before I pull back, stepping away from her.

“Why does it matter to you? Why are you so damn persistent on talking with me again? Shouldn’t you have forgotten me by now?”

“You do remember~” Sunset says with a bigger smile, completely disregarding the other parts of my statement. “Do you… maybe want to dance? Just once for old time’s sake?” she asks with the same pleading eyes she used on me so many times before.

The song… Something Stupid. I suppose you could say both of us relate to it. This week in of itself is something stupid, bringing Sunset here of all places. I could have just remained home if they sent this as a stupid email, but now, I’m stuck here with the same girl who occupied so much of my life before. The one whom it hurts to be around due to something that happened years ago… Worst part is that she’s trying so hard to talk just once with me and making me feel sorry for her when she feels bad. What is her fucking motive? We can’t be friends… Why would she try so hard to speak to me just once? What could be said over one conversation? Just one? She must know that I don’t want to talk by now, but something pushes her to talk to me one time before we go our separate ways. Why are you so damn confusing, Shimmer? “God damn it,” I slowly whisper, taking a few steps away from Sunset as I rub my eyes, trying to think.

“What is it…?” Sunset slowly asks, putting her hand on my shoulder.

“This may be the stupid whiskey talking, Shimmer, but… will you leave me alone if I talk with you just once?” I ask without looking at her, still sighing under my breath at the stupidity I’m even thinking about.

“I pinkie promise. I just want to talk,” Sunset vows with the same genuine tone to her voice that she’s always had.

A deep breath comes from my lips, trying to handle the situation as I shake my head. Why does she always have to find a way into my head? Her innocent nature even though I am trying to avoid her… I don’t want to feel any more pain, but… maybe it’s worth it to listen to her. Just once. Then she will leave me alone for the remainder of this god awful convention. “Okay, I’ll talk with you if you show me you’re genuine with your promise.”

A curious expression comes to Sunset’s face, raising her eyebrow to my statement. “How exactly would I do that?”

“You wanted to dance, right? Show me you mean it, Shimmer.” Raising my hand to her, I can’t help but think I’m crazy for even considering this. “I’m only offering this once, so you better make it count. You’ll leave me alone regardless of the outcome of this dance, okay?” I tell her, keeping strict eye contact with the unpredictable woman I once knew…

Sunset instantly takes my hand and nods, her happy smile returning to her face once more. “I understand~” is all she says as if she was given a mission, one she intends to complete. Pulling me towards the center of the dance floor, her eye contact doesn’t falter for a moment before she places her hand on my waist, holding my own with her other hand. Slowly, our feet begin to move with the rhythm of the melody, a nostalgic feeling still overcoming my mind from the song. Every word of the song is bittersweet, making me remember times I smiled with her. Once again, her hands hold me as gently as she can, treating me like some precious thing… It’s a sensation I haven’t felt with anyone else, making it a trademark of hers… If anything, I should be guessing everything she does, but… maybe I just don’t want to remember. The reason why fate would put her here of all places is unknown to me… Raising her hand above my head, I slowly twirl right when the music calls for it, each note begging more from me. “You look nice, Adagio~ I hope it isn’t weird for me to say that,” Sunset softly states, her smile once again telling me she means it.

“I said we would talk after this dance if I’m convinced,” I respond in a straightforward manner, returning to our old position from the twirl.

“I know, but I’m just making small talk~ How much can that hurt?” she asks with a tilt of her head, seemingly amused by her own question. Spinning around on the dance floor, a part of me can’t help but relent, accepting the fact that she will make small talk throughout whether I like it or not. Either the whiskey really did a number on me or I just lost all my nerve…

“Fine. Just don’t try to talk seriously right now. I still haven’t decided,” I let out, looking away from Sunset.

“Fair enough~” Twirling me around again as gently as she can, a small giggle comes from her lips, seemingly enjoying this. “Though, it is fun to dance like this again, right?”

My eyes connect with hers, her kind nature showing itself all the same. “You really haven’t changed one bit, Shimmer. You’d think that would make you more predictable, but apparently not,” I say quietly with a slight roll of my eyes, trying to distance myself from the conversation.

“You say I haven’t changed when the same applies to you~ You’re still eating cherry cheesecake after all,” Sunset peacefully sighs after a slight giggle, spinning me around gently.

“Just shut up and dance, already,” I mumble, spinning Sunset for a change. You’re lucky I’m even giving you a chance to talk to me, Sunset… Take it seriously.


Signing my name on the checklist, I can’t help but be grateful that the night is finally over. Well, it’s almost over that is. The only thing left to do is conclude my business with a certain fiery-haired girl who has the determination to make mountains move. We ended up dancing for a lot longer than I intended… Maybe it’s because I lost track of the songs or when we were supposed to stop, but Sunset remained quiet throughout the whole thing, just dancing her heart out. Her smile always present… Funnily enough, she waited until I could sign my name off, probably anticipating what I have to say. Still, it was a bit reminiscent of older times…

Walking over to Sunset, I rub my forehead slowly, her expectant eyes still on me. “So, what’s the prognosis?” she asks nervously. Clearly, she hopes that she made enough of an impact on me to get that one conversation she’s been hoping for. As much as it kind of hurt to dance with her today, she did show me that she was genuine with every word she said… It’s true… Dancing with her again was fun, but I guess that’s why it hurt… Those times are gone, but I suppose Sunset earned her chance to speak her truth before we part ways…

“We can talk, but I will decide when and where,” I quietly state, walking out the door of the auditorium with her following behind me.

“Okay, when do you want to talk?” Sunset tries to ask in a composed voice, but her tone lets me know that she’s happy about this outcome.

“Meet me tomorrow night at room 416 after the mandatory Q&A. Don’t bother me during it and I’ll allow you some of my time afterward.”

“Oh? I’m just a couple rooms down from that~” Sunset pitches in with an eager tone, a happy nod coming from her. “I promise I won’t bother you during the Q&A.”

“Then it’s a deal,” I respond with a small nod, completely unsure of why I even agreed to this. Offering my hand to her, Sunset immediately shakes my hand before bringing me in for a hug. I should have expected that, honestly.

“I’ll see you then~”