• Published 29th Nov 2021
  • 2,147 Views, 29 Comments

The Pony Guard: Equestrian Girls - MXCDarkHorse2020

Kion, Bunga, Spike, and Twilight Sparkle all find themselves in a world where they meet their human counterparts while working together to get back Kion and Twilight's magical crowns back from the ambitous and scheming Sunset Shimmer.

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Sunset threatens her competition / Twilight and Kion's Research at CHS

Sunset threatens her competition / Twilight and Kion's Research at CHS

Shortly after leaving the gym with Bunga managing himself time to use the bathroom (the boys bathroom this time), the four all walk down the hallway trying to figure their next approach to wanting be crowned Prince and Princess of Fall Formal with Spike now riding in Twilight’s backpack this time around.

“You look troubled.” Twilight said to Kion after seeing his nervous expression.

“I am.” He didn’t deny it. “But I’m sure you know why.”

“I do.” She replied. “Don’t worry about her, we’re going to win those crowns back and get back home.”

“And exactly how is telling me personally this helping?” Kion asked still wary of her.

“Because I know that this will play out to our advantage.” She insisted while sounding gentle and sincere that she really means it deep down. “Just try to trust me on this for once.”

Kion even with her assurance knows that as soon as they get back home the truce is over so naturally he has mixed feelings of whether she’s just saying that or speaking from what little good is from within for heart.

While deep in thought, they ended up turning a corner towards a dark portion of the hallway where one of the lockers opening on its own in an eerily fashion while lights around the locker area flicker.

A sense of creepiness sparked a chill up the young boy’s spine upon seeing this area, more so when they heard an antagonistic voice appear and speak to them.

“Can't believe I didn't recognize you both earlier.” Sunset smugly spoke as she appeared right behind the trio with an evil smirk and crossing her legs while leaning her shoulder on one of the lockers before approaching the four. “Shoulda known Princess Celestia would send her prized pupils here after my crowns, along with one of her arrogant tag-along friends, and her little dog, too.” She said as she circled the three.

“Hey! I’m not arrogant! I’m brave!” Bunga protested in offense to her remarks.

“And it's our crowns!” Twilight firmly retorted while brandishing her knuckles together. “And if you’re looking to threaten me I suggest you turn the other way before this ends badly for you because you should be smart enough not to mess with me.”

“Whatever.” Sunset shrugged it off while continuing to circle them. “This is just a minor setback for me. You don't know the first thing about this place, and I already rule it.”

“How? Surely the principals have a say in that!” Kion argued.

“Ha!” Sunset scoffed. “Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are nothing but mere figurines who believe every word I say when I want them to believe it.” She then looked down on him to say this. “Surely you of all people would understand that?”

Kion was left very puzzled of what she was talking about but knew she was just trying to get into his skin. “If that's so, why do you even need our crowns?” He then dared ask for her reasons for doing so.

“And you sure went to an awful lot of trouble to switch it with the ones that belong here.” Twilight added while backing Kion up there.

“Pop quiz: what happens when you bring an Element of Harmony into an alternate world?” Sunset questioned back at the two.

Kion thinks about it for a moment on the correct answer before being cut off just when he was opening his mouth to respond. “You don't know? Seriously?” She then turns to Twilight. “And you're supposed to be Princess Celestia's star student?” She tauntingly asked her as Twilight glares back at her. “Then again, what were the chances she'd find somepony as bright as me to take under her wing after I decided to leave Equestria? Bit embarrassing that you were the best she could do.” She further insulted them as Spike growls with Starlight having enough of the fiery-haired girl trying to bully her steps forward in her defense.

“In answer to your question Sunset…” Twilight responded catching her attention. “…that power you are after is something that even you can’t handle even if you claim you could and I doubt that is something you really want if you even know what’s good for you.”

“Sounds like power is really getting to your head, Twilight.” Sunset returned unfazed while pointing a finger in her face to which Twilight pinches it to get her to back off. “Ow! Ow! Hey!” As Sunset shakes the pain off of her pointer finger, Spike follows it up with a threatening bark in her direction leaving her slightly caught off-guard for a moment there.

“Oh, and I'd keep an eye on your mutt. Hate for him to be... taken away from you.” Sunset subtly warned in response.

“Is that a threat?” Spike asked with a glare and a raised fist.

“Oh, of course not.” Sunset falsely assures him to which Spike barks at him while still growling at her surprising her once again before hushing him with a finger.

“Oh, please, you can’t fool me Sunset Shimmer.” Bunga called bull on her attempting innocence before getting up in her face while pounding his fists together. “We know what you’re trying to do and can’t fool us! In fact we…”

Sunset quickly shuts him up by pinching his lips together. “I'd cut down on the chatter if I were you. Don't want everyone to know you four don't belong here, now would you?” She then turns back to her competition for the crowns. “You wanna be a prince here? You wanna be a princess here? Please. You two don't know the first thing about fitting in.” Sunset then said as she smugly smirked again while walking off feeling that she has put both Twilight and Kion in their places.

“We’ll just see about that!” Twilight called after her who didn’t look back while walking away from them. “Wait here.” She told the others before running off after her.

“What are you doing?!” Kion called after her thinking she is going to beat her up in retaliation.

“Finding out what she is planning!” Twilight called back without looking back before quickly catching her ripping the streamers off of her dizzy and ditzy lackeys who both spin around rapidly for a minute before stopping and dropping to the ground.

The black-haired girl then peered her head around the corner catching their enemy ordering Snips and Snails around with very specific instructions.

“I want you to follow them. Bring me something I can use just like I did with that last girl who thought she could challenge me along with the last boy I humiliated for doing the same thing.”

Just when Kion and Bunga catch up with her they both managed to catch the last thing Sunset said to them.

“You got it, Sunset Shimmer.” Snips obliged as he and Snails both saluted to her.

“When the crowns and its power are mine, Twilight Sparkle and Kion will both be sorry they ever set hoof and paw into this world. Not that she would've been much safer if she'd stayed in Equestria.” Sunset vowed to herself with narrowed eyes as she is prepared to do whatever it takes win it.

“Yeah, in Equestria.” Snails repeated.

"What do you mean by paws?" Snips cluelessly inquired.

“What are you still doing here?! Go!” Sunset barked at them and pointed towards the opposite direction so they get the message to get going. The two quickly do so but not without crashing into each other head to head in a clumsy manner before running off together.

After seeing what she needed to see, Twilight quickly turned the corner while dragging both Kion and Bunga by their shirts before Sunset could spot them before running off.

Once they retreated to an area where Sunset wouldn’t cross paths with her, Twilight dropped them both onto the ground evidently unhappy that they both nearly got themselves caught in the act with her visibly cross expression more directed at Kion.

“Twilight I…” Kion tried to explain himself for assuming she was going to give him an earful.

"We'll have a conversation about proper eavesdropping later!" She stated not wanting to chastise him at this time before moving forward. "For now, we need to just keep moving!”

Even so, Kion looked down feeling upset with himself before following after her along with Bunga. His friend was about to speak up to help try and make him feel better but, when he opened his mouth, nothing came out since there was nothing that could help make things better.

“At times like this, I really wish I knew what to say.” Bunga settled to say while walking alongside him.

"I know. I know." Spike acknowledged. "But...there are some things that even I can do. And I'm afraid that urging forgiveness and turning the cheek from Twilight's isn't one of them."

The group scame to stop at a nearby vending machine where Twilight pulled some coins from her coat pocket with the desire to purchase some from it. “Want anything?” She asked the others.

“Um, sure.” Bunga was quick to accept the offer before taking a look at what they had. “Hmm, let’s see…” He looked at and spotted a candy bar with a lightning bolt logo on the wrapping. “Ooh! That looks good! I’ll have that one.”

Twilight inserted a coin and pressed the button so the requested snack could fall out of its shelf before dropping to the bottom so she can be allowed to get it. “Here you go.” Twilight handed him the candy bar who wasted no time eating it up.

“Mmm! Wow! Thanks!” He said while enjoying the sugary sweet pleasure it contained while Twilight moves to get another snack for Spike, a bag of cheese curls. “Here you are, Spike.”

“Mmm!” Spike licked his lips before diving his head into the bag of snacks. “Thanks, Twilight!”

“How about you, Kion?” Twilight offered.

“Um, well…” He hesitated still taken aback by her sudden generosity.

But before he could decide they were interrupted by Trixie’s human counterpart approaching them, seeking to get a snack herself.

Said girl had a purple t-shirt that matches her pony counterpart’s cape and a matching skirt with her cutie mark on it, and a blue sweater.

“Excuse me. Can I please?” Trixie politely addressed them as she walks up to the vending machine.

“Of course.” Twilight replied while stepping aside and pulling Kion aside so they don’t hold her up.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie!” She dramatically said in third person while moving her hands around like a magician before holding up a coin. “...Needs some peanut butter crackers.” She then inserted the coin into the machine as the item she wanted came out of the machine. “Voilà!” After picking up her desired snack she turned and walked away.

“I’m good.” Kion declined with a sigh.

“Okay.” Twilight said in reply before using the coin she was going to use for Kion to treat herself to some peanut butter crackers herself from the vending machine feeling disappointed in his lack of trust toward her even during a truce.

“Sorry.” He apologized. “It’s just I’ve been thinking about what Sunset said back there.”

“She’s just trying to get into your head.” She asserted once more. “Don’t let her discourage you because that’s exactly what she wants you to do.”

“I know but I can’t help it because Sunset Shimmer is right.” Kion argued. “I’m sorry but I don’t even know the first thing about this place. I don’t even know the first thing with how this place works.”

“And I agree with you.” Twilight replied sensing that this is greatly troubling him much to his relief that this isn’t sparking another dispute. “If we’re gonna really fit in and win votes, we need to do some research. And lucky for you, there is one place that has what we need!” She then lead everyone towards a specific area where one of her greats strength’s lies in.

“Research?” Spike questioned.

“For what?” Bunga also asked.

“The school library!” Twilight answered as she eyed said place just around the corner as she quickly gets started on her research while unbeknownst to her and the others Snips and Snails are both already at the library ready to do some close spying on them.

“Got your phone?” Snips asked his partner in crime.

“Got yours?” Snails asked back before they both snicker as they set out to do what Sunset ordered them to do before slinking inside the room.

Twilight moved towards to take a seat before working her hands on the keyboard. “Bunga…” He motioned him to come over who quickly did so. “Keep Sunset’s boys busy." She gestured to the two dimwits trying to spy and record them doing anything embarrassing.

“On it!” He declared loudly with a salute earning him a hush from the school librarian Cheerlie who had a white sleeved dress shirt, a brown vest, a green flowing skirt with yellow flowers and matching green petals decorated on it, with matching knee-length socks and brown knee length boots.

“No loud voices in the library, please?” She kindly reminded before walking off with a cart of books in tow.

“Sorry…” He blushed a little before repeating himself with a more quieter tone. “On it!” He then quickly ran off ahead looking around, getting all serious looking for the boys hired to do Sunset's dirty work for her.

“Okay…” Twilight said focusing her attention back towards the computer while slowly but surely understanding of how it works. “…Let’s see.” She said while clicking on a key that opens up the internet while Kion watches over her shoulder. “Kion could you hand me that book?” She gestured to the nearby cart leaving Kion confused of what specific book she is requesting of him.

“Um, okay.“ Kion does as he was told before handing her a random book from the cart to where she pointed her finger towards. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” She replied without looking back before tossing the book right at both Snips and Snails trying to record them up close. “Bunga.” She called out as loud as she can in a library. Said boy popped his head out from behind the staircase before seeing Twilight nudge her head in the duo now knocked out.

Bunga moved to carry them out of here while tossing her their phones while he was at it.

“So this machine…?” Kion couldn’t help but wonder while Twilight does her work on it. “…you just push the letters here, and then the words and moving pictures will come up here?” He wondered as she typed on the keyboard.

“That's right.” She answered without looking back. “And what you are seeing is a machine of magic.”

Before Kion could ask what she’s found so far, he was interrupted just before he could speak due to the sound of music blasting through full volume much to Cheerlie’s irritation with a matching face palm courtesy of the Cutie Mark Crusaders who all danced to the beat.

"When you're a younger–" Scootaloo’s voice sang in the song before having the volume shut off by the school librarian.

“Uh, girls, what are you doing?” Cheerlie politely asked them while keeping her cool in front of them.

“We're just seeing how many hits our new music video has gotten.” Sweetie Belle answered as she turned the song back on and started dancing to the tune again.

"So the three of us will fight the fight

There is nothing…”

Scootaloo’s voice sang in the song before Cheerlie turned off the volume again.

“No, just... No!” Cheerlie calmly but firmly told them they can’t do that here as she walks off confiscating the speaker. “The school computers are for research purposes only.”

“It's just as well, y'all.” Apple Bloom said to her companions as they look at the comments on the website. “Some of the comments about our song were really awful. "Epic fail"... "Funniest thing I've ever seen"?!”

“Funniest thing they've ever seen, huh?” Sweetie Belle wondered seeing this is a good thing with an idea sparking in her head along with her friends before they run off together.

“Uh, I don't know that that's what you should take from...“ Kion attempted to advise to no avail as they already ran off before he could get a word in.

“I think they’ll get it in time.” Twilight insisted it’s not something they should worry about right now before continuing focusing her eyes on the screen for more much-needed research ahead of them.

Through the rest of the day, Twilight pulled out a massive stack of books aside so she can read them at a nearby table with Kion joins in on doing half of the reading and lifting in an effort to try to figure out what they need to be looking for while taking his turn on the computer to which he found himself being unable to control his fingers in manipulating the keyboard.

During which Bunga has been keeping guard for Snips and Snails who both managed to return with new phones before having them quickly swiped away by the pre-teen student himself.



Was all they could say before being greeted by the boy himself.

“ROAR!” He shouted while wearing a bear mask similar to the Ursa Minor that briefly invaded Ponyville.

“AAAAAAHHHHH!” They screamed before running away. “BEAR ATTACK!”

Once they both disappeared, Bunga took off the mask and laughed taking great joy in pulling that prank over them before returning inside.

In an effort to take a little break from reading, Kion moves towards the copying machine to try to figure out how it works. Not knowing what it does he guesses and presses a green button on the machine and then finds himself sent flying back from the blinding light the machine created.

Twilight having seen this giggled to herself finding it pretty funny while Snips and Snails return with their bodies shaking again in terrible fright before Bunga leaped down to repeat the same scare.


“AAAAAAHHHHH!” They screamed before running away again. “BEAR ATTACK!”

The research continued throughout the rest of the day well into the evening where Kion has stepped up and taken a little stretching breather while Twilight just keeps going head-first into the books she has gathered. It sure was a long and tiring afternoon but the results from their research were well worth it.

“The library will be closing in five minutes.” The P.A. announced as Twilight and Kion both yawned already reaching their limits on doing research for the day while Bunga watches over at the doorway for Snips and Snails trying to attempt to spy on his friends again. But so far, it seems they have finally backed off for now.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion reacted fully awake looking at the clock which read quarter to nine on the wall. “It’s that late already?!”

“I hadn't even thought about where we're gonna sleep tonight!” Twilight gasped in realization when she realized how much time was spent researching.

“Or eating.” Bunga added while his stomach growled. “After doing a lot of scaring and keeping a couple dimwitted spies that were no match for me away, I’m hungry already!”

“Way ahead of you.” Spike reassured her as she shows her three beds he created out of books. “It's a little…” Spike coughed as the dust blew off when he removed the blanket covering the book beds. “… dusty. But it doesn't seem like anybody comes up here.”

“It’s perfect, Spike.” Twilight thankfully acknowledged it will do as she affectionately pet him to which he lies on his back like any loved dog while Starlight joins up with them and sitting on her makeshift bed beside Twilight while Kion and Bunga both take their separate beds.

To Kion especially, it felt weird since they were sleeping somewhere they weren’t supposed to still be in after hours and books aren’t exactly known for being soft.

Bunga however had this compliment ready to go again since he is still hungry until Twilight got out of her bed and pulled out sandwiches, chips, and cookies from her bag for them to enjoy. “Normally, I would never be making this offer in a library, but since it is after hours and I’ll quickly erase any trace of our eating right away once were done. So dig in.”

Bunga and Spike both quickly did so but with Twilight saying. “Hold it!” before handing them napkins for them to eat over.

“Kion? I don’t suppose you would like something eat.” She offered again along with a candy bar he probably would have had if he accepted it earlier.

“Can I please?” Kion asked not wanting to starve or create anymore friction during their truce.

“Eat up.” She tossed him the bag of goods without second thought before turning her attention to Spike while affectionately petting him and rubbed his belly.

Spike was still left surprised and unsure of how to make of this wondering if this really is her good side showing or being set up to be caught off-guard for a trap before leaning his thoughts into the former. “So, how did your research go?” Spike asked as she continues to pet and rub his belly.

“Pretty good.” She positively replied. ”In fact while I was at it…” She pulled a specific book that caught her eye. “…I found this book. It's called a yearbook. It seems to be something they use to keep a record of things that have happened at the school.” She opened it and showed them what’s inside of it. “Look. That's Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and I'm gonna bet the girl on the far right is Rarity.” She pointed to a past photo of her human counterpart friends getting along and getting around at the bench for their yearbook photo while pointing to the girl that has her unicorn counterpart’s matching blue eyes and indigo colored mane and hairstyle.

“There's a Rarity here!?” Spike exclaimed in excitement at the sight of his crush as he grabs ahold of the book. “Uh, I mean, uh... interesting photo.” He then said handing the book back to Twilight who rolls her eyes amused while Bunga snickers from behind his back. “What’s so funny?”

“Oh nothing, other than I’ll be dog gone if you go running after her the second you see her.” Bunga joked while laughing on his back. “Get it? Dog gone!”

Spike just rolled his eyes and grunted in response. “Just you wait until you see a girl of your dreams coming your way.”

Bunga continued to laugh harder in response. “I doubt it!”

Deciding to ignore it for now, Kion turned his attention back to the yearbook and the Mane Five when they were younger. “That’s interesting because they sure look more like friends than they were today.” He commented. “You know, compared to what we saw of them today to this photo of them together.”

“I know.” She acknowledged.

“Really?” Bunga questioned as he join in on taking a look at the photo. “I thought we figured that they do look like our friends. You know the hair color, hair style, the same colored eyes, and same voices. Doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together.”

“I think what we mean is that seem like they were friends maybe back then at least, but now, well…it’s doesn’t look like they are friends now.” Kion clarified.

“Not so much.” Spike taking note of the tension they shown towards each other through the day.

“I just can't help but get the feeling that Sunset Shimmer had something to do with it.” Kion continued voicing his thoughts.

“That’s definitely possible.” Twilight agreed.

“Only one girl I know that could break a bond between five besties.” Bunga added thinking it’s very likely too. "Here of course!" He quickly added after seeing the troubled look his best friend has.

“I wouldn't put it past her.” Spike acknowledged before starting to pull out blankets to cover everyone while they sleep. “But she wanted your and Twilight’s crowns 'cause she's planning on doing something even worse! If you're gonna stop her, you have to focus on making friends here. Can't worry about why these girls aren't friends anymore.” Spike told Twilight to focus on what they need to here. “Even if they do remind you of your Ponyville friends.” Spike added with a yawn before falling asleep.

“Spike’s right.” Twilight agreed while wrapping her arm around Spike while settling in for the night. “Eye on the prize. Just focus on the objective here.”

“All right.” Kion decided it was for the best before settling but not without asking her. “Can I ask you something before we go to sleep?” Twilight nodded. “It’s not that I’m not grateful but why are you being so nice to me during this truce?”

“Because truthfully, this is the kind of ruler I want to be.” She honestly answered without second thought. “All I want out of my future subjects is to lead them to a better future.”

“Well that’s…a pretty good and modest approach.” He complimented and admitted.

“It is and I certainly hope everyone else sees me that way.” She shared. “Anything else or is that about it for tonight?”

“Um…” He thought before settling for. “No. That’s it for now.”

“Okay. Good night.” She said before moving to start sleeping till the morning.

Kion even knowing nothing he says at the moment could change her stance on siding with Scar even though he feels she has much more potential if she used her powers for the greater good. But considering they a bigger objective here and that any progress he had getting through to her could be undone with one wrong question, he decided that it was best to leave it at that for now.

All he could do know while staring up into the sky was silently pray that the Lions of the Past have good faith in him and Twilight with everything on the line before falling asleep.

Author's Note:

In this part, Sunset wastes no time in making her threat to both Kion and Twilight perfectly clear that'll she make their lives miserable should they try to go up against for the crown she feels she's entitled to. Yet neither one of them are about to let that deter them.

The best approach per Twilight's recommendation is of course the library where her love for research still remains deep down inside of her.

And there is also some more depth to Kion and Twilight's truce to where the latter is actually trying to be amicable during this time period from nearly everything she says and does in this part of the film. Even though her views are twisted, she genuinely wants to do the right thing yet truly needs to see that her loyalty to Scar isn't the way to go.

Next up, we'll see the group of four vistors meet the human counterparts of Rainbow Dash and Fuli along with the truth behind the friction amongst the Mane Five here at Canterlot High.