• Published 29th Nov 2021
  • 2,147 Views, 29 Comments

The Pony Guard: Equestrian Girls - MXCDarkHorse2020

Kion, Bunga, Spike, and Twilight Sparkle all find themselves in a world where they meet their human counterparts while working together to get back Kion and Twilight's magical crowns back from the ambitous and scheming Sunset Shimmer.

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This is Our Big Night and Returning to Equestria

This is Our Big Night and Returning to Equestria

“This is our big night

We made it happen

Now let's party all night.”

The girls and boys all sang as they all danced back inside the gymnasium with Rarity leading a conga dance with Pinkie on the tail end of the line. Fluttershy is currently chatting with two other girls, while Applejack and Big Mac dance together.

At the same time, both Bunga’s engaged in synchronized dancing to where they match each other’s movements while dancing together while Beshte joins in with giving each Bunga ten seconds of dancing alongside each other before switching.




The Cutie Mark Crusaders all danced together when Rainbow Dash swoops in and hoists up Scootaloo in the air and onto her back as she flies around the gym now that she has wings and super speed. At the same time, Fuli runs over to the stage to leap up and catch Scootaloo so she can take a turn in giving her a super speedy ride on the ground while she runs around the place.

“We're here now and we worked so hard to make it come around

To tonight so let's try to make it last forever

The school lights so bright, beat is pumping through the night

Party's starting, DJ's got the music just right!”

The girls and boys all sang as Twilight danced like a pony back from her previous birthday party which weirded everyone around her expect for Flash who decides to dance beside her in perfect sync with her.

While this was going on Rainbow moved to Ono the feel of flying since he doesn’t have any…

…at least until the magic of friendship granted the latter that ability after briefly appearing in a hot blinding light that briefly stunned the crowd.

To say, that everyone was amazed by Ono’s newly magical ability to be able to fly alongside Rainbow was an understatement since the two shared a friendly laugh together while soaring the air before twirling around the disco to produce another bright rainbow beam right at the stage where Kion and Rani get together for a more formal tango like dance together.

“Six friends on the way up now

Six friends here to show you how.”

The girls and boys all sang the main group of heroes all gathered together for a group photo when Photo Finish pulls out her camera wanting to do so.

“This is our big night

This is our big night

This is our big night.”

With a specially requested tune, the two performed this accompanying dance that goes along with it while everyone claps for them during and after their performance together.

La Llorana

As soon as the dance ended they all grouped up together outside so Twilight, Kion, Bunga, and Spike can prepare to leave and go back to Equestria while Sunset peers from inside the school in fear and shame to even face them after all she has done.

“You'll look out for her, won't you?” Twilight asked of the others.

“Of course we will.” Rarity promised on behalf of the group. “Although I do expect some sort of apology for last spring's debacle.” She added while crossing her arms that forgiveness won’t come easy to her.

“Me too!” Ono agreed while adopting the same gesture and expression as the slightly cross girl standing next to her.

“I have a feeling she'll be handing out a lot of apologies.” Twilight told them as Vice Principal Luna appears beside her to hand her shovel while Snips and Snails wheel over a wagon of bricks and cement so they can start paying the consequences for their actions by fixing up the mess they made starting by repairing the destroyed walls to the school.

Just as Sunset prepares to accept her punishment, Kion walked over to say some last words to her before leaving.

“For what it’s worth, at least you’re turning yourself around now.” Kion began trying to be gentle in comforting her which did little to get her smiling while she starts plastering cement on the bottom of the busted wall for her lackeys to place bricks onto them. “Not many enemies, I’ve known have ever saw it in their hearts that what they were doing was wrong.” He briefly casted a disappointed glance at Twilight knowing that once they leave the truce between them is over and they go back to being enemies.

“Huh? Twilight?” Sunset spoke confused while catching that she too is one of thos enemies he is talking about.

“Yeah, it’s a long story.” He replied feeling downcast just when Spike and Bunga called out to him with the portal just under a minute away from closing for the next thirty moons.

“Kion! Come on! We better get going if we want to get back and fight evil there.”

“Yeah! Time’s a wasting!”

“Maybe if I see you again, I’ll explain it then.” Kion said before moving to join the others. “Anyways, I better get going, and good luck.

“Kion!” Twilight called out to her.

“Coming, Twilight.” Kion called after her while moving to join her, Spike, and Bunga just in time to hear Twilight saying some last words to them.

“I know we've only been friends for a short time, but I'm gonna miss all of you so much.” Twilight said while nearly tearing up herself before quickly wiping it away as she prepares to head towards the portal.

Kion also couldn’t help but part with his last words before leaving specifically to the new friends that resemble his Lion Guard friends back home. “Like Twilight, I can’t say it any better of how much I’ll miss you all and I hope we’ll see each other soon.”

“Don’t worry about it too much.” Beshte spoke first.” I’m sure we’ll meet again even if it isn’t for another thirty moons.“

“Yeah!” Human Bunga agreed while wrapping his arm around his double’s shoulder. “We’ll see each other soon, though I will admit I will miss seeing me until then.”

“Me too!” Bunga shared before the two both hugged and cried it all out in each other’s arms before parting ways courtesy of both Twilight and Fuli separating them before the former leads the Bunga with an arm around his shoulder while carrying Spike in her other open arm all across the portal.

“Goodbye, everyone!” Kion said to everyone before crossing the portal himself.


“See ya!”

“Come back soon!”

“Have a safe travel and avoid dimension sickness!”

Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, and Ono all shared and waved after him just when he crosses over with seconds to spare.

Just after they left, the wings, hair extensions, and accompanying transformations all disappear with it thus dropping both Rainbow and Ono back to the ground.


“It was fun while it lasted.”

The two expressed with the former disappointed while the latter shrugs it off even though she’ll greatly miss having that ability.

Pinkie even tried to follow after them but all she accomplished was running straight into a statue in the process.

“Aw, bummer!” She exclaimed while Bunga moves to help her up.

Back on the other side are the others back home all waiting anxiously for the four travelers to return.

Rainbow was constantly pacing around like Twilight would do while Princess Cadance places an assuring hoof on both Applejack and Kiara with the latter fearing of the fate of her brother worrying that he’ll never get back in time.

Rarity was currently resting her hooves onto her cheeks while resting on one of her special pillows to which she generously allowed Ono to rest his legs and wings on upon seeing that he too is really anxious to the point he’s about bursting into a Twilight-like freak out.

“Ooh! Please make it back! Please make it back!”

And thankfully his prayers have been answered when his friend is the first to emerge from the portal. Due to the strange adjustment he was briefly wobbling around on two legs before moving to stand on all four.

“Kion! Oh, thank you, thank you!” Ono exclaimed with clasped wings before rushing over to hug the lion cub along with her older sister.

“If there was a time I’d never be happier to see my little brother, it’d be now.”

“Kion!” Fluttershy and Fuli happily stated upon seeing him.

“You're back!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed while flying over to him.

“You've got your crown!” Rarity stated while eyeing the prized possession on his head.

“I knew you could do it!” Pinkie added as she hugged him just when Bunga appears from behind to join in on the hugging.

“Told ya we could!” Bunga proudly stated while nudging his friend in the elbow.

“Oh, we were so worried.” Applejack just as happily said as she cried tears of relief.

“Us too!” Beshte said while seeing the egret is still clinging onto Kion and crying into the boy’s chest.

“Just in time!” Ono added in a still great tone of relief while crying tears of joy.

“What about Sunset Shimmer along with Twilight Sparkle, are they alright?” Celestia asked him with a great worry for either of them still fresh on her mind.

“And how about my crown?” Kiara added.

“They’re both fine. And in regards to your crown well…” Kion answered when Spike comes through the portal while landing on his dragon feet followed by Twilight herself flying through the portal with her crown on her head now back to sporting her black mane and slightly darker coat.

The dark sense of worry is strongly felt with her sudden appearance alone, but instead of the worst like some (Ono, Fluttershy, Simba, and Celestia) have feared. She instead calmly flies over to Kiara while levitating her crown from her forehead.

“Here you go.” She said while gently placing it onto her forehead. “Your crown back in good hands.” She then turns back to the others. “Lion and Pony Guard. Your majesties!” She politely greeted for the sake of the moment before flying off and away from the Crystal Empire without another word.

“Huh?” Ono remarked upon seeing her courteous tone to them without any malice directed at any of them. “She actually retrieved the crown for her and gave it back without anything in return.” He then turned back to the prince. “What was that all about?”

“It's a long story." Kion answered with a solemn sigh before managing to catch her nearly bump into one of the royal guards on her way out.

The two ended up accidentally kiss each other before breaking apart with red tints on their cheeks both looking aside feeling pretty awkward with what just happened. Twilight returned a slightly flustered grin before moving to continue flying out of the castle while the two share lovingly looks at each other with clear signs they have a crush on each other.

And while she was leaving she briefly turned and looked back at Kion with a look that feels like she is starting to have some regret about her previous sins as much as Sunset Shimmer back in the other world before flying out of the castle window. Kion was quick to follow after the direction she flew off in before catching a glimpse of her flying away in the direction of the moon just on the borders of the Crystal Empire.

“Kion?” Fuli was the first to ask upon joining his side with the others following after him while watching the alicorn fly away. “Are you okay? Did Twilight do anything do you there?”

“Well…” He began to explain when Pinkie suddenly appeared with a rapid-fire explanation of what went down.

“…She actually helped you retrieve the crowns in the other world, along with forming a truce with you into working together, on top of meeting a girl who is the head of the committee that specializes in community service and organizing team coordination, and helped prove you didn't destroy all the decorations for a big dance, so you could still run for prince of the big dance, and then asked you to dance at that dance?!”

Kion was left very flustered while looking aside while heavily blushing in response to her on-point assessment.

“Yes! How did you know?” He asked.

“Just a hunch!” Pinkie replied with a simple shrug.

“Well, that all did happen.” Kion then said with everything pretty much covered with that accurate guess. “And she did ensure they were back in right hands, no strings attached.”

The others eyed him very confused of what he meant by that.

“What are hands?” Rainbow asked.

“You know.” Bunga answered while demonstrating and wiggling his claws. “Kinda like these expect without claws.”

“Oh, figures you would have the best time adjusting to it, seeing that you still have what they call hands.” Ono remarked with a deadpan expression.

“Yep!” Bunga proudly said. “They’re like fingers with long nails on them, much like the lion’s paws.” He added while gesturing over to Kion’s parent’s front paws.

“Bunga…” Simba sternly spoke warning him against touching his paws along with his wife’s.

“Sorry.” He apologized before sprinting back over to Kion’s side.

“ Anyways…” Simba then turned his attention back to his son. “…are you feeling okay?”

“So far, yes…” He answered while thinking long and hard about the good she’s shown in the other world. “Even if was a truce for the time being, she’s shown herself to be an actually capable princess and there was some good in her when she helped Sunset turn herself around after realizing her wrongdoings.” He then thought. “Although I do wonder if there is some way we can help her take in her own advice so she can see that too.”

Deep down, there was some good inside of her that is buried deep in the darkness that drove her into betraying everyone and helping Scar conquer the Pride Lands. Yet, he wonders of how they are going to get her back.

“I think it might be possible.” Cadance voiced with full support. “And one thing’s for sure, is that Scar would have never agreed to help you no matter what even if it’s the best course of action for everyone.”

“That’s true.” Luna nodded. “I can definitely relate to her there and I’m sure whatever the answer is that we’ll found out and be there for her in due time.”

“At least before she does something she’ll regret.” Bunga loudly quipped which earned him stern looks from everyone in the room. “I mean she’ll come around for sure, and it’s like I always say, bad guys who have good inside of them always change sides and reform to becoming bigger, better, and stronger people in the end, whether it involves a heroic sacrifice or grand kingdom saving gesture.”

“You always say that?” Applejack eyed the honey badger unconvinced.

Bunga waved a claw at him to shrug it off to try to say something to the effect of “Well, maybe as of now.”

Kion smiled and wrapped a paw around his friend feeling very hopeful in regards to being able to get Twilight into opening up her eyes the same way she did for Sunset Shimmer. It was just a matter of time and patience waiting for the right moment to do it.

“So…” Beshte spoke up wanting to learn more about his visit in the world he was in for the last three days. “…aside from turning human, going to school, and attending a big dance, what was it like?”

“Where did you stay?”

“Who did you meet?”

“What did they wear?”

“What did you do?”

“Did ya have fun?”

“What'd ya eat?”

Fluttershy, Ono, Rarity, Fuli, Applejack, and Pinkie all asked.

“Well…” Kion spoke feeling slightly tired already from what he just went through but pushed through to tell them. “It was kinda like this…” He began while Twilight briefly spies on him explaining everything to his friends and family before flying off just after he finishes telling them without seeing of their reactions.

While Twilight was flying away starting to have second thoughts about her past actions even with her hurting scar thinking to herself if Kion was right that Scar truly is one of those guys who can't and wouldn't move into making himself a great leader and if he too is really taking his revenge too far like she is. All while silently wondering if maybe getting Scar to turn a leaf may be possible after taking both her own wisdom along with Kion and Principal Celestia's words to heart.

However, as she silently makes expressions that show of her conflicted feelings about her past actions back in the Outlands, she was unaware that she was being watched by the lion from Pride Rock where the hooded figure he helped break out of prison appeared alongside Chrysalis.

“Huh…” The male voice spoke finding it really interesting. “…For a second I thought Twilight was going to recruit that lion cub friend of hers along with her actually considering of turning back to him.”

“Yes…” Scar spoke while scratching his chin with a pondering expression. “…she nearly did both ways, didn’t she? It looks like we’ll have to make readjustments to our plans.”

“Really…?” Chrysalis spoke intrigued of what her boss is thinking in regards to their ally. “…you thinking about disposing of her when the time is right?”

“Oh, yes, Chrysalis.” Scar confirmed but not without a calculating expression still finding value in her talents. “But, when there are no other choices left to try to keep her on my side.”

“But why bother?” Chrysalis questioned feeling it’s inevitable. “Since it’s pretty clear that she still values friendship deep down, it’s only a matter of time until Twilight actually considers turning on us and joining Kion along with Simba and Celestia, and actually helps them take back the Pride Lands.”

“Oh, true Chrysalis, true…” Scar acknowledged. “…but as always, I have a plan in regards to her and that is for the time comes and for when the time is right.” He turned back and eyed the now peaceful alicorn deep in thought. “Oh, Poor Twilight.” He said with mock sympathy for whatever conflicting thoughts are in her mind. “Oh, she’ll definitely be in for a little surprise…” He then sinisterly chuckled while clasping his claws together with an evil and wicked grin for what he has in store for her should it all come down to that.

And all while Twilight is unaware of this going on, and whatever it is she’d better prey to Simba and Celestia she’ll be prepared for it.

Author's Note:

At last we reach the conclusion of this special where everything is back to normal for now with the sole exception of Twilight now starting to have some reservations of her past actions after her journey into the human world.

After a nice dance at the Fall Formal along with Kion and Rani sharing a duet together, the four visitors all head home while Sunset Shimmer starts paying the consequences for her actions. Once they all got back Twilight went her separate ways from the heroes all.

For those wondering, even with all things considered, her heart is still there indicating that she's not as evil as Scar despite being willing to go through with some of his villainous acts considering she could have just abducted Kion and taken the crowns herself hence why her Element of Magic still worked when she used it back in the other world.

Comments ( 6 )

Well, I did say that I’d get my review once the story is over. So here is what I have to say.

Sparkle’s whole thing about becoming a better ruler and guiding her subjects to safety. I have a hard time believing that as she joined Scar pretty much solely for revenge. You can’t use his backstory as a factor as she already was working for him at that point in time when he told her.

You say she is gonna face the music when this is all over. This season is still young. But like I said before, the more evil she does, the harder forgiveness will be and the stronger that music will have to be.

She claims to have good in her, but her actions paint a picture that is showing otherwise.

I’m glad daddy knows that Twilight might rebel and he has plans for that; better keep an eye on her, and let me guess that mysterious male voice was Tirek? I also really hope daddy learns about the human world and there’s so much to discover and understand. I also hope they don’t plan on reforming daddy, he’s a great villain and I want him to stay one

Sorry, there’s just so much I want to know. One last thing though, I wonder if he’ll discover the Dazzlings in Rainbow Rocks.

Well, it takes some time and more episode's events for things to unfold before properly judging something.

I mean for all we know, it could have been a rash and short-sighted decision to pursue revenge from the start, and it could be a case of good buried deep inside the darken heart.

And regards to the backstory that maybe just maybe, might have sparked some desire for Twilight's motives aside from being further motivated in supporting Scar.

Apparently it's clear that I'm going to write up some scenes just to make it clear that Twilight has not fallen into the same black area Scar has fallen into, because I'm really trying hard work magic to this story and also and truthfully quite frustrating at this point trying to make sense out of all of this.

We’ll have to wait and see.

I will say that my interests have been more positively peaked by this ending.

There's still hope for Twilight to see that Kion is right about Scar and will soon return to the Lion and Pony Guard, where she rightfully and both Twilight and her friends will indeed apologize to each other regarding certain incidents like the Changeling Invasion at the Wedding and believing Scar's lies

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