• Published 12th Oct 2021
  • 2,061 Views, 111 Comments

Rag Doll - No one is home

It started with an old man who just wanted a fresh start. He knew what kinda deal he was making. Gloomy Sonnet was just another sad unicorn. Charlie was just her rag doll. And then magic came back... they were NOT ready...

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Ladybug, Chapter 7: Trust Issues

At the cloven earth ponies hooves lay a tarot card. On it’s face a smiling ragdoll rode on the back of a laughing plush ladybug through a hall of mirrors. In the left reflection, a six-legged pony-like insect with lady bug markings leaned against a plate glass window watching ponies she was forever separated from with sad compound eyes. In the right reflection a gaunt, wiry, male human sat in a quilt work padded room wearing only a hospital gown. His mouth was sown shut into a permanently cheerful grin, and his eye’s expressed panic and terror. Beneath the image the text “The Wrathful Traders” in an inappropriate comic sans font.

Ocellia looked intently at the card, her head cocked to the side. “That card. It’s doing something to Uncle.”

“It exploits the existing mistrust between you.” The mare explained with a cool air of calm. “It also reveals the reason for the distrust. You are literally strangers. Ragdoll Charlie is absolutely loyal to its bearer. It literally cannot act against what it perceives as your self interest. It’s also sentient and absolutely amoral concerning anyone outside of its bearer. It’s not evil per se, or even at all. But, it is a dangerous artifact and you are right to be wary of it. And right now it is in the thrall of a lost frightened child, and I promise your doll is terrified.”

“Who are you ponies?” Ragdoll cocked his head suspiciously. “And how do you know so much about me?”

“Before Equestrian magic was sealed away, there was an organization of ponies that tracked and reigned in dangerous magic, Ragdoll Charlie.” The mare moved in closer, causing Ocellia to shrink back and Ragdoll to take a more aggressive position, leaning around his bearer’s head. “When the tribes split, so did their organization. As the tribes began to self censor their history, the original agents and their families held on to as many records as they could. These documents… these stories about stories were passed down through families and over time much was lost. For generations our leaders communicated in secret.”

“You already knew she was coming.” The doll shuffled aggressively.

“Who do you think keeps the Undernet connected from our side?” Officer Petal fairly snarled at the doll. We had a plan. One that didn’t involve Princess Ocelia going on a crime spree and sleeping drunk in a warehouse.”

“Okay, I’ll admit some of that is kinda my fault.” The doll shrunk back sheepishly.

“Stand down.” The cloven mare spoke plainly, before turning her clouded gaze to Ocellia. “I’m Jenny Baphomet, Interim Director of Magical Threats for Canterlogic. You’ve obviously met Detective Petal Breaze from Zephyre Heights, and Private Investigator Rose Thorn from Bridlewood. I apologize, and I promise this is not how anyone wanted this meeting to happen.``

“We’re trying to protect you.” Rose Thorn explained,shuffling in place. “The doll used you to get back to Gloomy Sonnet.”

“You’re right, Uncle used me.” The Ladybug fought back a sob, before her eyes turned almost literally into knives. “And he’ll do it again. But he’s my doll now.”

“That is the intrinsically corrupting curse of Ragdoll Charlie.” Jenny nodded solemnly. “You’ve seen what it can do serving another. How could you not want use it? We could trust Gloomy Sonnet to hold the doll’s reigns. She took on the doll at its weakest. She had time to learn. Please listen. You are a child with a loaded weapon that knows it’s a weapon. This is why my cards are considered less cursed. My cards do not care what I want or need.”

“You don’t understand!” The Ladybug shouted. “Uncle does care about me!”

“The doll used you at the drop of pin to return to Miss Sonnet. It transferred that loyalty with a wish.” Rose Thorn stamped his hoof. “We’re not trying to stop you.”

“Can they stop me, Uncle?” The little princess dissolved into a foal-sized lady bug plushy in a flash of pink flames.



I own two of them. Safely ignored.

The funny looking mare with the cards is still keeping me in this scene. Damn her but the nag is right. “They can’t stop you OC. If you want to walk out of here, we can walk away and we will walk over anything that gets in between here and away. We can leave anytime you want, and we can stay as long as you want.”

“I’m in control, then?” The doubt in her voice frays my stitching. “You’re not going to use me again?”

“I would never tell a lie that big. I am yours, and you are mine. We use each other.” I’ve heard some things about the truth. I hug against her smooth chitinous head as I whisper. “I am on your side. That is the only absolute, OC. I am not your pet or your servant. I am a sentient feral animal that is contractually obligated to be your friend. You can trust in that. I am your weapon, you are my mobility."

The weird nag reasserts her hold on the perspective.


“I don’t have any reason to trust any of you.” The Ladybug snarled.

“Don’t try to block her exit.” The Doll nodded his head rhythmically from his spot on her back. “I’m pretty sure I can get her out of here off camera, now. But you’d best be out of the path of least resistance if it comes to that. Don’t be rash, OC. We can leave anytime you want.”

“I don’t trust you either. This is what I wanted, Uncle.” Ocellia nodded her head and scuffed hoof. “I wanted to make contact. I’m not going to run away from what I already ran away to.”

Author's Note:

Ocellia is a tough little bug. As ladybugs be. :scootangel:

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