• Published 12th Oct 2021
  • 2,062 Views, 111 Comments

Rag Doll - No one is home

It started with an old man who just wanted a fresh start. He knew what kinda deal he was making. Gloomy Sonnet was just another sad unicorn. Charlie was just her rag doll. And then magic came back... they were NOT ready...

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Chapter 13 - Breakdown

“Steve! Frank! You’re back!” Okay that is clearly a giant lady bug. The face is pony…ish… but that isn’t even a bug-horse, that is a giant ladybug with a pony face. It is fortunate that I am incapable of wetting myself. I am not gonna move, I don’t care if everyone thinks Steve and Frank are crazy when they say I can talk. “Did you find anything new? According to the Pipsqueaks up top there was a human sighting just a couple of days ago! Oh, oh, and this unicorn with a talking doll! Is that the doll? Can it talk?”

My clever disguise has been pieced by a subterranean mutant bug teenage girl with social media. Well, hell. That happened.

“Don’t touch it!” Frank forms a convenient barricade between me and the giant insect. Good job, Frank. “It might be cursed, and it is definitely weird!”

“Ahh, I bet he just needs a friend!” Do not make those compound eyes at me, missy. “Are you a talking pony doll?”

“Ragdoll, this is our sister, Ocilia.” Nope, still not moving Steve. “She likes to watch out for us coming back from patrol at the gates…”

“See Frank! It’s just like Steve said!” If I stay perfectly still then this awkward moment will pass without my input. “The ponies have finally found out we’re down here,and they want to make contact!”

“Naw, he just magically appeared in the upper tunnels by accident by what I’m gonna just write off as Unicorn Shenanigans.” Frank kinda shrugs, with his first six shoulders then notices me playing ragdoll. “Hey dude? Are you okay? I know I said don’t get weird with our sister, but you kinda got me worried.”

Yes Frank that is what I am terrified of, not the giant teenage ladybug…

“Frank! Did you threaten Mr. Ragdoll?” And then what you fear meets you where you are. And I am currently forcibly cuddled by a relatively normal stubby legged, six legged bug horse that apparently lives under that shell.

“Steve! Help! Frank! She’s the one making this weird, also help!” I am entirely reasonable.

“It IS the talking pony doll! Can I keep him?” And of course she can roll up like a pill bug. Why not claustrophobia? The problem I’m having right now is that this is not terrifying enough yet.

“Don’t peek under my sister’s elytra!” It is good to know Frank has his priorities straight.

“First, Frank, I can’t close my eyes! They are literally buttons!” This is just a fact. “Second, don't worry, I can only see the front four legs that are getting a little too personal…”

“I’m not making it weird!” I don’t care how cute it is when she squeals that…

“She is making it hella weird!” This is not cuddling, this is squirming to escape. “NO! No smooching privileges! I am in a committed relationship!”

“Daawwww, he sounds like a grumpy old uncle!” I have to take a minute to wonder if I suddenly started speaking a foreign language… Dammit Frank’s Sister! “I’m gonna call him Uncle Cornelius!”

“They ran, they ran and they hid in the shadows.” She’s not there. That blue changeling dressed as a circus ringleader is not really there. I don’t know I’m screaming until I hit the subterranean cobblestone. And Ladybug filly is scuttling back. I did not mean to scare her like that. Frank is screaming at me but I can’t even hear him, I only hear the queen that wasn’t there. “This is the glorious future. Is it everything you hoped and feared it would be?”

I’ve probably been crying for a long time. Frank’s sister is poking me with a stick…

“Sometimes…” How do I talk myself around this.

“The fuck dude?” I know I done wrong because Steve done dropped an F-bomb.

“I spent a lot of time in the dark.” That explains things, right?

“Who do you think you are?” She is not there…

“I’m sorry Mr. Ragdoll…” And dammit the little bug-filly is making sad eyes at me. “I didn’t mean to scare you, I promise.”

“It’s not your fault, yer not the one that scared me.” I’m blubbering like a fool. “Sometimes I just see things that aren’t really there…”

“Don’t answer just yet… but think about it…” She leaves, but continues to exist.


“I need Gloomy,” was all the doll said as it curled in on itself.

Author's Note:

Super Short Chapter is Super Short.  :pinkiecrazy: That is exactly how long Ragdoll can go without Gloomy before he starts breaking down. :pinkiesad2:

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