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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 44 )

Awesome, it's like it was written by the same guy as White On White.

Thanks! ^.^ I was hoping I got it close to the original's style!

WOW. That's amazing! I cant believe someone can write that good!

Thanks! ^.^ What's your favorite part?

I cant choose! Its all so frickin amazing! My first story will be out soon, but it wont be as good

...Please tell me theres a sequel planned...

Well, the good news is that Jade Ring is planning his own continuation of this story, a little farther down the timeline. That should be coming soon, so make sure you're watching his account to get notified of it. Last I heard, that sequel will involve Shining and Rarity living together, along with a visit from Cadance intent on winning Shining back.

If you want a sequel from me -- where Rainbow gets that threesome she wanted -- the idea is already up on my ideas list, and it will be voted on by my Patreon supporters next month. So if you want to have a say in making that sequel happen, you know what to do! ^.^

Thanks! ^.^ What's your favorite part?

All of the teasing. I love long build ups lol.

Honestly there's like 8 of your other stories that I desperately want to see sequels to just as much, so hard to choose!

Heh, yeah... That's why the answer to "Sequel?" is always "Maybe..."
I just have so many other things to write and relatively little time to do it all in.
Those sequels not only need to compete with each other, but with a whole bunch of wonderful new stories that could be created.

Well, the good news is that Jade Ring is planning his own continuation of this story, a little farther down the timeline. That should be coming soon, so make sure you're watching his account to get notified of it. Last I heard, that sequel will involve Shining and Rarity living together, along with a visit from Cadance intent on winning Shining back.

If you want a sequel from me -- where Rainbow gets that threesome she wanted -- the idea is already up on my ideas list, and it will be voted on by my Patreon supporters next month. So if you want to have a say in making that sequel happen, you know what to do! ^.^

Great story!

Lets hope Shining and Rarity stay together despite Cadence’s efforts in Jade Ring’s upcoming sequel!

So... Twue wust conquews aww...?

Burgeoning harem fic...?


Only time shall tell!

Though seriously, Rares, pump the brakes on the meat train before y'all derail on the way to T-town!

I actually just re-read White on White a couple days ago and was wondering if/when there'd be a sequel. Glad this finally happened and that there'll be even more! I love it!


This site needs a "crack shipping" tag.

Oh, I definitely think that's the direction he's going ... but I don't know for sure.

lol, in my stories true wust awways conquers aww.

Glad I could provide it in a timely way! ^.^

Heh, a lot of my stories would end up under that tag.

Thank you for providing more high quality EQG Rarity smut! We need more of it.

The top was scarcely big enough to cover her white breasts, leaving even a bit of their lower curves exposed, and the lace was thin enough to almost see her pink nipples through. And that skirt-like bottom ... it was the smallest skirt he’d ever seen, anywhere, and even at that, half of it was see-through lace. Why had she even packed an outfit like that?

It's Rarity. What did you expect?

The insinuation couldn’t be clearer. If it weren’t for Twilight standing between the two of them, Rarity might be going down on him right this very moment.

Would Twilight mind that much?
She might actually be proud of him. Or maybe even jealous?

Twilight shook her head ruefully for a moment. “Never misses a chance to show off her handiwork, does she? But you’d never catch me in something like that. Yikes! Can you even imagine it?”

In some of your other stories he would actually like to imagine this...

“Yeah, um, I’ll head up for a little while, too. I think a little break from the sun would do me good.” It wasn’t entirely a made-up excuse, either. On those family trips in the past, he’d almost always come home terribly sunburnt, just like Mom. Having stark white skin just wasn’t the greatest for sun resistance.

:trollestia:: "Believe me, you know nothing..."

“I’m ... I’m getting close!” he said in a strained whisper. “Do you want me to—”
Rarity yanked herself off of him again. “Fuck me hard!” [...]
Well, he sure as heck wasn’t about to turn down an invitation that polite and ladylike, now was he?

Of course he wouldn't. His mother teached him better than that.
In fact, she would probably be deeply dissapointed if he would leave an opportunity like that.

And all the while, Rainbow just sat there, grinning and fingering herself.

Be honest: Can we blame her?

Heh... That's a pretty specific request, though.


And all the while, Rainbow just sat there, grinning and fingering herself.

Be honest: Can we blame her?

Given that most people reading this fic are doing the same thing?

Its not a bad thing. Its nice to see something different for a change.

I only have a request that flash is not with sunset or twilight (neither of the two twilight's) if he approaches them I swear by celestia that I castrate him and then skin him like a fish.

And outside of that, I don't know whether to feel envy or sorry for shining the armor for what is coming next.

lol, sounds like somebody is still salty about having his waifu stolen.

Friend, if it were so I would not read your story, I can live with the idea that the waifu thief, but as long as he is outside the circle of the 7 manes plus some that are not from that circle and may seem like a good person, but there An example that I'm not crazy about my waifus is the story fruits of love which is about big mac and sunset.

sorry if i'm too frank

Welp, that was really good
Shame Twilight didn't get Rarity accidentally creampied though :p would have been even hotter

More. More! If Shining wound up working his way through all of the girls, that would be swell.

Save it for the sequel?

Well, if you want to make it happen, my Patreon is right over there...


“Job” done, thanks.:rainbowwild:
Rarity was a little ooc, I thought.
Looking forward the sequels, I want to see Shining got all the seven girls, from Monday to Sunday.:rainbowlaugh:


So, make it happen, RIGHT NOW!:rainbowwild:

That's up to my Patreon supporters! :raritywink:

Gotta admit, this is definitely left open for a highly intriguing sequel.

I do kind of hope my Patreon supporters will choose it! ^.^ It'd be fun to write!

Holy fuck this was hot. I hope there ends up being a sequel with Rainbow.

Me too! ^.^ It's up for my Patreon supporters to decide.

But I don’t have money!

Neither do I. That's why I keep begging for it, lol!

If you live near me, I can promise free food? My cupboards are stocked, if not my wallet

This was better the the original creator sequel it was all over the place it started ok but it got bad

Hm... I've only read the first chapter of Jade Ring's sequel so far. Hadn't realized he'd already completed it with a bunch more chapters.
Guess I'll have to read it myself soon and find out how 'all over the place' it gets. First chapter seemed good, though.

Edit: honestly now that I did a quick re read of the original fic and the sequel after so long I have say the story was good and portrayed a
Strong relationship with rarity and shining I guess now that I think about it I didn’t like the way cadence was portrayed and some of the dialogue, other then that a decently good story

Heh, fair enough. ^.^
And, anyway, Cadance has to be portrayed kind of badly in order for the premise of the story to work.

Though I'd be very interested to know which of the dialog you thought was off... I'm usually pretty good at dialog.

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