• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
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Jade Ring

The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.

Comments ( 173 )

I was really hoping that either rarity or cadance would throw a punch at the other

Great chapter!

Is there going to be side stories of the times Rarity and Shining Armor were together during and after the vacation, aside from the one where Rainbow Dash found out about it?

Should Rarity’s name tag be changed to the EQG one?

Wow, cadence is rather delusional if she thought manipulating him like that would turn out ok for her. Once trust is broken to that degree, even if they got back together it would always be weaker for it (it would be for me anyway).
Great chapter, I've been looking forward to the continuation of this story for a while now .

Her eyes flicked down at her exposed erection for a moment. She looked back at him and raised an eyebrow.

His erection.

Sometimes it does turn out "ok". But it depends on what exactly "OK" means. Regardless, it doesn't actually solve anything; getting even rarely does.

Here, it looks like the much greater concern should be what Cadence does next. That's the trouble with anyone whose first solution to a problem is "get even"; it tends to be their second solution too.

I can only really be sure looking from my own perspective of course, some people can move past these kinds of things and live happy, I seriously doubt I would though.
As for Cadence here, she put him in a position where she knew he would be tempted and actually hoped he would be, so she could justify having her affair, making them 'even'. Rather dangerous game plan, considering he may (and did) find out about her cheating and actually develop an attachment to one of the girls.
Really she has no one to blame but herself for the whole situation, but of course she will blame them for the outcome.
My guess will be her trying to get twilight on her side, by telling part of the truth or something like that.
Either way this is shaping up to be an interesting story.

To add a separate thought stream: Cadence here makes for a very compelling antagonist. We don't get a lot of information about it on the first story (really, just enough so we have a vague idea of what's going on, and also that it's almost certainly not just a misunderstanding), but here the conflict is made clear. It isn't (just) that she cheated; Cadence doesn't respect Shining Armor. She's (at least at a glance) treating the whole thing very casually, as if having it off behind your partner's back and then trying to trick them into doing the same is "just what couples do."

I really did not care for the last story I read on the site that made it clear that Cadence did not respect Shining Armor, but I suspect that's because the subtext here is that this is a major breach of trust, rather than "don't be such a prude." (That other one was intended to be a comedy, too, so that may be factoring into this take, but meh).

I hope the author has intentions to continue this.

Goddess knows this hits home for me, least the cheating and manipulation, I am one of those rare guys that once I am in a relationship I don’t even LOOK at another girl unless the one I am dating WANTS to bring one into the fold. Sadly that leads to situations like Cadence did to shining a lot for me. So I know how he feels.

Honestly? Knowing Cadence and seeing her manipulations? I wouldn’t be surprised if she goes to Twilight and his parents and spins bullshit to get him in as much trouble as possible. Also wouldn’t surprise me if she “Anonymously” sends a false tip to his employment that makes him look like a Pedo.

Hey, it's finally here! ^.^

This is awesome, I wasn’t expecting the drama but it was really well done. Can’t wait for next chapter.

I believe this is intended to be a two-part.

It only occurred to me later, but the Cadance we see here seems like she's not only Cadence and seems to blend in elements of Chrysalis well. No matter how this is sliced or plays out, realistically there are only two outcomes that I can see: Either they continue their relationship, tell everyone like they should have done in the first place, and then navigate the consequences, or decide to end the relationship, tell everyone what happened, and then navigate the consequences. Either way, this does not end with fewer than 4 permanently damaged relationships (Shining/Cadance, Night Light/Cadance, Velvet/Cadance, and either Twilight/Cadance or Twilight/Rarity, if not both). The final fallout will likely extend beyond even that.

For all you young folks out there, heed my words: Do not joke around with this stuff in your own lives. The amount of damage it can cause is always far more than you think it's possible.


Honestly I agree, but this is also the aspect of love and that includes Lust to a small degree.

I highly doubt Night light and Twilight Velvet will do anything, more so once the truth of their break up comes out. Twilight might be and issues, but if she is a TRUE friend to Rarity I don’t see much of an issues. Hell Twiggles might even already know and hasn’t said anything.

On a side note, is this EQG or Prime Equestria?

EqG, unless I missed an important note.

But that's more of less what I meant in my last comment; there is going to be lasting damage as a result of this, regardless of how it turns out.

You know, I always wonder why there isnt more Rarity-Shining stories. This one is gonna be good.

I am a staunch believer in the sex positive movement.

So it really aggravates me that Cadence basically triviliazes the term "friends with benefits."

Because she's forgetting the keyword: friend.

As in, someone you care about and treat with respect.


To add a separate thought stream: Cadence here makes for a very compelling antagonist. We don't get a lot of information about it on the first story (really, just enough so we have a vague idea of what's going on, and also that it's almost certainly not just a misunderstanding), but here the conflict is made clear. It isn't (just) that she cheated; Cadence doesn't respect Shining Armor. She's (at least at a glance) treating the whole thing very casually, as if having it off behind your partner's back and then trying to trick them into doing the same is "just what couples do."

I really did not care for the last story I read on the site that made it clear that Cadence did not respect Shining Armor, but I suspect that's because the subtext here is that this is a major breach of trust, rather than "don't be such a prude." (That other one was intended to be a comedy, too, so that may be factoring into this take, but meh).


Goddess knows this hits home for me, least the cheating and manipulation, I am one of those rare guys that once I am in a relationship I don’t even LOOK at another girl unless the one I am dating WANTS to bring one into the fold. Sadly that leads to situations like Cadence did to shining a lot for me. So I know how he feels.

You two hit the nail on the head.

If Cadence respected Shining in any way, she should've been HONEST about what she wanted with him. Any healthy sexual relationship, whether romantic or casual, is built on trust and honesty.Not lies and manipulation.

The fact that she's waltzing in and basically stalking and harassing him proves how really childish and immature she is, and how little she respects Shining.

Rarity maybe younger, but she's definitely more mature about her relationship with Shining than Cadence ever was.

Plot twist: this was Chrysalis the whole time, and Rarity's going to need to call the girls in to deal with magical shenanigans.

Welp! Cadance is obviously going to tell Twilight about Shining and Rarity relationship.

Can I just say, i have become super invested in this story and hope more chapters are coming soon.

When is the next chapter going to be released?

If everything goes according to plan? Within the next month.


This just reeks of Cadance jumping at the chance to turn the tables in her favor by turning Twilight against them. It's the only way she could have feasibly found out, short of an extremely-delayed reaction of finally putting the pieces together of their sexy beach week, and even then I don't think she'd come to that conclusion so firmly as to send a message capable of making Rarity break down in tears, she'd confront them with suspicions first. No, far more likely that Cadance blabbed at the first-available opportunity and god what a complete dick move regardless of her reasons.

Can't wait for more, I'm captivated all over again.

Glad this back.

I think this chapter shows that while Rarity and Shining's relationship is a bit...troubling, the care and concern they have for one another is genuine.

They communicate their feelings in a manner that is honest and genuine.

Which makes it only more aggravating when Twilight, no doubt told some nasty story by Cadence, comes along to make noise about it.

Great chapter!

What did the text exactly say about Twilight’s discovery of Rarity’s and Shining Armor’s relationship? What were the exact words she used that caused Rarity to break down?

Welp! Cadance is obviously going to tell Twilight about Shining and Rarity relationship.

“It’s… it’s Twilight.” She sniffled as she handed him her phone. When he took it, she buried her face in the blankets and finally let go, weeping and shaking.

Shining Armor stared at the text on Rarity’s phone. It was indeed from his little sister.

She knew.

And she was not happy.

Well, she certainly didn't waste any time; I feel pretty sure the only reason there was any delay at all was to take time to practice her story and figure out how to act, and more importantly, how to prime Twilight so that she would be predisposed to not listen to any explanations provided for how things got to where they have.

I was wrong, in terms of Cadence's aim. This isn't getting even; this is punishment for refusing to do what she wanted. This is making an example when she doesn't get her way. This is straight up revenge; she's going to cause as much damage and chaos as possible, regardless of who gets hurt in the process.

She never loved any of them; she loves herself. They were all just accessories she could use to show her how much she loves herself.

Damn it Cadance. This capture was delightful, the romance between this two just oozes off the page. How we just gotta see if they can work things out withTwilight

Ahhh I wanna know what Twilight said lol.
I think it would be awesome if Rarity and Cadance ran into each other. I'd love to see Rarity slap her

oh cool an update

... Oh crap.

"It's optics, you absolute moron!" She rubbed her forehead in frustration. "Have you even considered what will happen if your job found out about any of this? Did that thought really never cross your mind even once?"

This is the one element of the whole situation I call bull on. Shining is a cop. Even when cops shoot children they can just claim they were somehow being threatening, and then just get put on paid administrative leave for a couple of months, our justice system applying no meaningful consequences 99% of the time. And cheating on his fiancé with a recently legal woman is nothing in comparison.

Oh boy! Cady, you manipulative ice queen.


What if Chrysalis murdered Cadence and stole her identity a long time ago? Fake documents, plastic surgery, etc..

That doesn't apply evenly across all organizations. Cop in a big city where corruption is normal? Sure. Cop in a smaller town where everyone knows them? Not a chance.

Cop even in a larger town where the parties involved are prominent, visible members of the community, and one of them (as lead of a prestigious private school) has political connections? Especially if that party with political connections gets their message out first? Not generally compatible with continued employment. At the very least, not in the position he currently holds; at best, it'd be a fast transfer to whatever position makes him the least visible to the public.

The main reason that hasn't happened? Cadence isn't finished yet; when it comes to blackmail, the worst thing you can do is rush through it.

Great chapter!

What does Cadance have planned for Rarity?

An interesting bit of drama. I think it's safe to say the Cadance from EQD/Canterlot High's world would never have become the Princess of Love in Equestria.
Aside from your statement being both factually incorrect and irrelevant to the story, they're in EQD/Canterlot High's world. Your belief about what happens in this country on this world doesn't define how it works in theirs. Many professions across every culture, especially ones with the potential to be life-long careers, look poorly on people who break their marriage vows, as it raises issues about trust and commitment; although they aren't married yet (and it seems unlikely at this point), they were still publicly engaged after a ten-year relationship. Shining Armor in Equestria held a senior officer's rank, which is guaranteed to have security clearances. In nearly every country on Earth, our world, someone with security clearances will have them revoked if they get divorced, and having a divorce in someone's history is a nearly-insurmountable obstacle to overcome to obtain them in the first place. There's no reason to believe that the same principles don't hold true in any other culture in any dimension.

Considering that Twilight here is bringing up Shining Armor's parallel self's accomplishments as part of her disappointment with him, it's easy to see the motivation behind her statements and how her concerns are applicable.

Though Shining and Cadence weren’t fully married yet, only being engaged. Still doesn’t look that good, but he does have proof that she was unfaithful first.

Boo, now I cannot wait until the next chapter

Then that would call into question his ability to judge the character, motivations, and intentions of others, which would still be potentially damaging to his career. If nothing else, it would keep him in positions where all he's doing is processing paperwork (an extremely important function of any police force that is improperly looked down upon; without someone to process paperwork, literally nothing else is possible in a modern bureaucracy), which may not be what he wants to do.

The greater concern here, however, is still what's coming next for Cadence, because I can promise you that she isn't finished; she has become (quite happily, it seems) an agent of chaos in this mess. She's already started causing destruction in the lives of others, and she won't stop. I have a feeling that part of the reason Rarity is meeting with her is to figure out what it will take for her to leave them alone; the answer will most likely be "nothing." This isn't about getting Shining back, or about getting even with them; this is about punishment. Cadence is sour about the wish that she made by sending Shining with the girls to the mountain; she got what she asked for, but not what she wanted; what she wanted to to burden Shining with guilt she that he'd come groveling to her, which would allow her to write off her (ostensibly) broken promise about her own unfaithfulness, assuming she ever even brought it up; she wanted power that she could use to control him, so that any time he objected to her breaking a promise she made, she could dredge that up and frame it as way worse to shut him up, or whenever he wanted to do something she didn't approve of, dredge it up and frame it as her being so forgiving when he broke a promise to shut him down.

Like I said earlier, Shining was never a mate or partner for Cadence; he was an accessory. She never loved him, and probably could never love him; she's too in love with herself.

Oh no doubts or disagreements there! Cadence has certainly revealed herself as a top rate narcissist. Things didn’t work out the way she wanted, instead turned against her, so now she’s out to simply destroy. Quite happily, it seems.
It’s telling in the version of events she told Twilight: she was the victim here. Shining was unfaithful, seduced by Rarity, one of Twilights closest friends. They’re the ones ruining lives and friendships.
It’s good that Shining knew how to talk Twilight into hearing out the full story. Cause Cadence was definitely gaslighting.

Nice story more more more.

she didn't actually say anything that wasn't true, but she omitted her part of the blame.

i for one would be very interested in reading the text message Twilight sent to Rarity, and i'm excited to see how Rarity's lunch with Cadance is going to turn out

And that’s the key point of good manipulation: avoidance of lies. Lies overcomplicate, and ultimately truth will come to light. But, if you instead control the narrative? Keep certain parts of the truth out of it (which could be argued as a form of lying by omission)? It’s a major component of gaslighting, turning others against you.

No, she did outright lie in addition to omitting things.

If Twilight noticed, she said nothing. "When you stopped responding to her texts, she went to check on you and found you, in bed, with the blue-eyed skank who used to be my best friend. After that, everything just fell into place."

In the previous chapter, when Cadance showed up, she yanked down Shining Armor's pants practically in his doorway and ignored most of the times he was saying "No". Rarity was in the kitchen cooking Alfredo, fully clothed.

Yeah, but that's the one lie she could get away with; there is no way to provide evidence to confirm or deny it, so it's one word against another.

Of course, this depends on other information not casting doubt onto the statement; Cadence either didn't think that could happen, or didn't care because she was convinced that Twilight wouldn't listen no matter what. Again, she's a narcissist, so of course Twilight would believe her even over her own brother, because that's how incredible she is.

This Cadence seems like a personality blend of both canon Cadence and Chrysalis.

Definitely, it's a he-said she-said quagmire. It changes the nature of Cadance's actions somewhat though that she did falsify information to Twilight; this isn't just some narcissist looking for sympathy points by leaving out her side of the blame, she is a narcissist actively trying to harm those who aren't feeding her self-image any longer and inaccurately portraying herself as the victim.

It’s nice to see them make up, but I can’t see Rarity and Cadance’s meeting going well. O boy, can’t wait for next chapter

It’s a chrysalis.

You know, I should have known better but somehow I did not see that coming.

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