• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume I - Chapter 5: Enter Agent Shadow

Somewhere on the eastern side of the country, there was a huge building in the central part of the city. It was served as a headquarters for the country's department defense. Ever since the mysterious "incident" occurred on the western side of the country, many representatives from each department were held an emergency meeting with the main commander of the Armed Forces.

From within the meeting room, there were eight people in the meeting, along with the main commander and vice-chairman himself, Commander Walters. He is an older gentleman with clean-cut white hair. He was also wearing a military suit with many metals all over it, showing off years of military experience under his belt.

The others who are with him from around the table were high officers from each military department; Navy, Air Force, Army, Homeland Security, and many more. As the officers were settling into their seats, Commander Walters cleared his throat.

“Twenty minutes ago," Commander Walters began. "An energy surge knocked out power across the entire west side of our country. What do we know?”

“Well, our first instinct was it was an EMP," said the Navy Chief. "But electromagnetic pulses don’t have that kind of power.”

“NASA has ruled out meteor strikes or solar flares,” the Air Force chief spoke.

“The Department of Energy says it’s not a power plant malfunction,” The Homeland Security Secretary added.

“Well, sounds like we’re really good at figuring out what it wasn’t,” Commander Walters said sarcastically.

“This could be a prelude to a larger attack," the Army Chief theorized. "I’m suggesting we scramble the Fifth and Sixth Regiment.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

They all turned towards the source of the voice of a newcomer from the far end of the room. It was a female agent who looked young enough to be like a high schooler, but was actually much older. She has a mohawk purple hair and also wore a military suit. What made her look so intimidating was her stoic face with a huge scar that ran down over her right eye.

“Oh! Agent Shadow!” Commander Walters exclaimed in a surprised tone. “What brings you here?”

“And why do you think my suggestion was unnecessary," The Army Chief added in an annoyed tone.

Without blinking an eye, Agent Shadow faced the Army Chief. “Well, sir, it’s because this incident took place near a high school!" Agent Shadow explained sternly like she was talking to a child. "And this school took place in Canterlot City, the most peaceful town of our country. Sending our regiments there would be too excessive."

"Wait!" The Air Force Chief spoke up with widened eyes. "Did you say, Canterlot City? The very same city that we keep getting reports about these strange "occurrences" for the past couple of years?"

Agent Shadow nodded. "The very same, including many rumors of multiple sightings of She-Demons, plant monster, giant woman, and young flying teenagers with wings."

"You've gotta be kidding me!" The Air Force Chief groaned while rubbing his temple.

"Then what do you suggest, Agent Shadow?" The Homeland Security Secretary inquired.

"Well as you know, I've been tracking many strange… activities from that town for quite some time," said Agent Shadow. "I suggest we calmly travel to Canterlot High and investigate the area without alerting the locals. At least that way we'll learn what happened so we can control it before we start to escalate the situation. I, along with Agent Grubber will lead with the investigation."

"And you think that’s the best idea!?" Army Chief exclaimed. "Why didn't you investigate Canterlot before?"

"Because, General," Agent Shadow sneered. "Unlike you, I take my time to observe those incidents to understand their traits. Once I have the info I need, I will then properly take care of that problem without resorting to chaos! Something that even an old dog like you could understand.”

Army Chief snarled and stood up. “You little–”

“At ease General,” Commander Walters said calmly. “Unless you wanted her to flip you over on our table again. We just had it replaced last week.”

With a growl, the Army Chief sat back down while glaring at Agent Shadow.

"As I was saying," Agent Shadow continued. "We should properly evaluate the situation and learn to control it before we bring out the big guns! And with your permission Commander, I'll head down there to investigate myself along with Agent Grubber and my small team."

Commander Walters sat there in deep thought for a moment as he stared at Agent Shadow. Eventually, he let out a sigh.

"Very well," he allowed. "You may head down there along with your team. But if you suspect something, try to be discreet unless you do whatever it means necessarily!"

Agent Shadow nodded. "Understood sir. I shall prepare to depart with my team by early the next morning."

With that, Agent Shadow turned and walked out of the meeting room. As soon as she left the room, the Army Chief let out an annoyed grunt.

"Was it really wise of you to assign her for this job? She is still young and inexperienced!"

"That may be so, but she studied and understood all the "events" happening at that town more than any of us," said Commander Walters before smiling sheepishly. "That… and I wouldn't hear the end of it if I don't permit her to investigate."

The Air Force Chief let out an amused snort. "All the more reason why I'm glad I don't have any kids, let alone have her as my daughter!"

Commander Walters narrowed his eyes at him. "Watch it, soldier, that's my daughter you're talking about!" He then cleared his throat. "In any case, she had a good point. This needs a much more sophisticated mind."

"And that goes to your daughter?" The Homeland Security Secretary asked in disbelief.

Commander Walters’ expression became serious. "As much as I trust her with a job, but because this incident is much bigger than usual, she'll need additional help. Someone who understands technology."

"You wanna send in a lab rat?" Army Chief inquired.

"Not just any lab rat. A lab rat with teeth!" Commander Walters responded.

The Navy Chief's eyes widened in realization. "You're not suggesting who I think you're suggesting?"

Commander Walters knew he was about to approach a very controversial subject, but he decided to proceed anyway.

"I know, he's a little weird…"

"Weird!?" The Air Force Chief exclaimed. "He's a psychological tire fire!"

"But he's also brilliant," Commander Walters pointed out. "Five Ph.D.'s, IQ off the charts and his… drone tech is-is-is-is revolutionary!"

The Army Chief gave him his skeptic expression. "You sure he could handle this?"

"He has the perfect Operations record," Commander Walters responded. "Remember the coup at Changelingtan?"

The Army Chief shook his head. "No."

"Or the uprising in Sombratan?

"That's not even a country!" The Air Force Chief interjected.

"Exactly!" Commander Walters exclaimed. "And you can thank Robotnik for that!"

The Navy Chief sighed exasperatedly. "I can't believe you're bringing that freak into this!"

"Neither could I!" Commander Walters responded with a sigh. "But... we have no choice."

"And what about your… daughter?" The Homeland Security Secretary inquired. "It's no secret in the agency that these two don't exactly… get along."

"You just let me deal with her!" Commander Walters assured. "While those two never see eye to eye... but my daughter is the only one who could keep him on a tight leash."

Early the next morning, the Equestria Girls, sans Twilight, was walking down the neighborhood towards their school. While most of the girls were talking among themselves, Rainbow Dash let out an annoyed sigh.

“Walking is so lame!” Rainbow Dash grumbled. “With my super speed, I would be at school by now!”

“If you do that, we won’t be able to spend time with each other before our classes!” Pinkie pointed out with a grin.

“And besides, you were overusing your ability again,” Sunset added. “We don’t want to over amplify our powers like last time!”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Fine, fine. You both made your points! While I’m for spending more time with all of you, don’t forget, we’ll still see each other at lunch!”

“And of course, we’ll begin our trip to Manehattan tomorrow on our tour bus!” Applejack added.

“Ooooh, I’m so excited!” Rarity squealed. “I can’t wait to visit that city and check out all their latest fashion trends and other fancy places to see!”

Applejack gave her fashion friend her deadpanned look. “Ya know we’re just goin’ there to perform for Dean Cadance’s party right?”

“It never hurts to go sightseeing before then, Darling!” Rarity replied in her sing-song voice.

Applejack simply rolled her eyes.

“Speaking of which, why isn’t Twilight coming with us?” Fluttershy asked.

Sunset furrowed her brow. “I don’t know, Twilight told me that she wasn’t feeling well this morning and that she’ll stay home today… which is rare for her.”

Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement. “Yeah… usually, Egghead would rather not want to skip school, even if she caught a cold!”

Sunset tapped her finger on her chin in thought. “Well, she did look really tired when I talked to her. Maybe she didn’t get enough sleep last night?”

Fluttershy frowned, worried for her friend. “Oh, I hope the poor dear is feeling okay!”

“She better be okay, otherwise we’ll have to cancel our trip!” Rainbow Dash complained. She flinched when she noticed her friends were glaring at her. “B–because her health is more important than our gig! Hehe.” she quickly added with a sheepish smile.

Sunset shook her head at her friend before continuing the conversation. “I’m sure she’ll be okay, but I’ll go check up on her later when I drop off her homework.”

Applejack smiled. “Ah’m sure she’ll appreciate it Sunset, especially she’ll have somethin’ to do with no power.”

Rarity let out a dramatic sigh. “I can’t believe we still have no power in this town!” she complained. “We’re supposed to get that back by now!”

“I still couldn’t help but think of that strange feeling we all had the moment it happened!” Rainbow Dash added before addressing Sunset. “You sure it wasn’t Equestrian Magic that caused all of this Sunset?”

Sunset sighed as she shook her head. “I don’t know, but we gotta keep our eyes and ears open before we start anything. For all we know, it could be nothing serious.”

The girls nodded just as they were approaching CHS. But before they even set foot to the school grounds, they heard someone calling out to them.


They all turned towards the voice, only to see a teenage boy running towards them. He had short blue hair, a white shirt with a black jacket, jeans, and black shoes. There was also a blue shield with a yellow lightning bolt emblem on both sides of his jacket's shoulders.

"Flash?" said Sunset, only to frown at the boy's alarming features. "What's wrong?"

Flash paused for a moment, trying to catch his breath. "Sunset, something's happening at our school!"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "You mean the power outage? Everyone knew that already dude!"

Flash shook his head. "No, I mean something really big going on!"

The girls exchanged looks with each other before Sunset faced Flash.

“What do you mean?”

Flash turned and pointed at the back part of the school. “See for yourself!”

Feeling curious, the girls followed Flash towards the back of the school. The moment they arrived, the girls were shocked at what they saw. There were many tents, including a huge white tent, vans, and various tech right where their baseball field was.

What really stood out was that soldiers were roaming around the area, carrying weapons and wearing camo outfits. Some people wore white hazard outfits while using their fancy machinery to analyze something. There were also students near the area as well but they were prevented to come any closer due to the number of soldiers blocking them on a form of a wall.

The girls were staring in shock for a moment until Rainbow Dash finally spoke up.

"Okay… either they were setting up for some kind of secret spy movie without our knowledge... or something really serious going on at our school!"

Pinkie rubbed her chin in thought. "Yeah... I doubt that they’re making another Con Mane movie so soon, especially after that the last one bombed."

Rainbow gave Pinkie a flat look.

“Oh my…” Rarity uttered. “Were they… from the military?

“And what were they doing at our school?” Fluttershy whimpered.

Applejack turned to Sunset with a raised brow. “Nothing serious, huh?”

Sunset only smiled sheepishly in response.

“Sunset Shimmer!” Sunset and the others turned to see their Vice-Principal, Luna, walking up to them with a calm expression. “And it looks like the rest of you are here, great!” a relieved smile broke out on her face. “Principal Celestia wants to speak to you girls!”

Pinkie Pie spoke up. “You mean this has something to do with–”

Vice Principal Luna quickly placed her hand over Pinkie’s mouth with an alarmed expression.

“Not here Pinkie!” she hissed while frantically looked around to see if anyone was listening. “Wait until we’re all in her office!”

The girls got the message and they silently followed Vice-Principal Luna towards the school. Unbeknownst to our heroes, they were spotted by Agent Shadow who was watching them with narrowed eyes.

The group eventually reached the outside Principal Celestia’s office while being lead by Vice-Principal Luna. Luna opened the door and silently ushered the teens inside the office.

“I brought the girls here sister!” Luna announced.

Celestia, who was sitting at her desk, nodded. “Thank you, Luna, and please shut the door!”

As Luna did as her sister instructed, Celestia focused her attention on the Equestria Girls. Her expression then became confused when she noticed one less member who was not in the room.

"Before we begin, anyone knows where Twilight is?” Celestia asked politely.

"Twilight isn't feeling well," Sunset answered on behalf of the group. "She said she's taking a day off to recover."

Celestia nodded. "I see. I suppose it is probably for the best. We were thinking about canceling classes until further notice while this was going on."

"Oh sweet! School's canceled?" Rainbow Dash cheered. Her expression changed when she noticed everyone was giving her deadpanned looks. "I–I mean, oh no, school is canceled? The tragedy!" said Rainbow Dash with a less enthusiastic tone.

“Nice save, Rainbow Dash!” Applejack remarked sarcastically, only received a glare from the girl in question.

"Listen, girls,” Celestia spoke up in a serious tone, trying to get the ball rolling. “What I'm about to say to you now shall not leave this room, except explaining this to Twilight privately the next time you see her! Do you all understand?"

The girls nodded while giving their principal their full attention.

"As you all know, we had a massive power outage in our town last night," said Celestia. “However, it wasn’t due to a natural cause.”

“According to the witnesses, the cause of this power outage was from this mysterious energy surge, knocking out power as it passed through,” said Luna as she walked over and stood right by her sister.

“That blue wave!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in realization. “I knew it! I knew it had something to do with it!”

“Oh good,” said Pinkie Pie with a relieved expression. “For a moment, I thought it was because I left several baking appliances on at my house again.”

Rainbow Dash gave Pinkie Pie an odd look.

“How bad was it?” Rarity inquired. “Did it single handly knocked out the power of the whole town?”

“Worse,” Celestia sighed. “Not only this surge affected this town, but also affected nearly half of our country!”

The Equestria Girls widened their eyes in shock.

“Yer kidding!” Applejack exclaimed. “Half of our country is without power!?”

Celestia nodded solemnly. “Yes, but here’s the real kicker!”

“Witnesses also said that this mysterious energy surge first started… right from our baseball field!” Vice-Principal Luna revealed, shocking the girls further.

“No way!” Rainbow Dash nearly shouted. “No wonder the military was all over the place!”

Celestia sighed. “Yes. They arrived here almost immediately the next morning to investigate the area to find the cause of that wave.” Her eyes became serious. “Now I must ask you, girls. Please know that we’re not accusing any of you, we just want to get to the bottom of things.” Celestia then leaned forward a bit. “Do any of you girls know anything about this?”

The girls looked at each other in silence for a moment before Sunset faced Celestia.

“No Principal Celestia,” she answered honestly. “We were at Twilight’s last night when the power outage took place. We never set foot at the school or the field since the Little Leagues baseball game yesterday.”

Celestia nodded. “I figured you all had nothing to do with this, which leads to our next question. Could this possibly be from Equestrian Magic?

Sunset furrowed her brows. “That’s… much more difficult to answer.”

Both of the older sisters were confused by Sunset’s answer.

“Explain!” Luna pressed with narrowed eyes.

“We all sensed this strange energy the exact moment we lost power at Twilight’s house,” Sunset explained. “If it was Equestrian magic, I would’ve recognized the magic radiation right away. But the one we felt last night… felt completely different! I’ve never felt anything like this before!”

The rest of the girls nodded, confirming Sunset’s story.

“So you’re saying… that energy wave from last night was not from your world?” Celestia asked with an unreadable expression.

Sunset looked down solemnly. “I’m not certain but… it’s a strong possibility.”

Celestia closed her eyes and sighed. "I see… then this is more serious than I thought," Her eye then opened with a calm expression. "Well regardless, the event from last night really caught the attention of the military, specifically, G.U.N.

The girls blinked in confusion.

“Uh… G.U.N.?” Rainbow Dash echoed.

The Guardian Units of Nations,” Luna clarified. “They’re the worldwide military and law enforcement of our country. They don’t usually resort to force unless if there was any potential threat. Most of the time, they tried to get everything resolved under wraps without alerting the public, making their organization a secret.”

Applejack crossed her arms. “Well, if they’re organization a secret, that how’d y’all know dat?”

“This wasn’t the first time I dealt with them,” Celestia answered. “They have been watching us ever since... the Fall Formal incident.”

There was an uncomfortable silence from within the room, especially from a certain former unicorn. Feeling responsible for her principal’s predicament, Sunset sadly looked down.

“You mean they’ve been keeping watch on us… because of me?” Sunset said softly with a guilty expression.

Before any of her friends comforted her, Celestia spoke up.

“Don’t ever blame yourself for this Sunset,” Celestia said kindly. “Even during your… phase back then, you are still one of our most beloved students… and our friend. We would never hand you over to the government. The students' safety is always our first priority.”

The gang nodded in agreement with encouraging smiles on their faces. Feeling warm from their support, Sunset looked up and gave everyone her small but thankful smile.

“Despite our efforts to stick to our cover story, it wasn’t enough to shake them off,” said Luna, cutting into her sister’s conversation. “They kept tabs and questioned us every... incident linked to us, even outside of this school.”

“But time and time again, we gave them the exact same excuse that we have “no idea” of these incidents in question,” Celestia added. “However, with the latest one, I feared that they finally had enough and wanted to investigate us, this school and this town.”

"Is there anything we should do Principal Celestia?" Rarity asked.

"And what about the portal?" Applejack added.

Celestia shook her head. "I appreciate your concern girls, but there’s no need to get involved, Luna and I will take care of this. And thankfully, they don't know anything about the portal. And since the baseball field is on the other side of the school property, they didn’t think of searching the statue."

"Or at least, was a statue, since it was still damaged from the Friendship Games!" Luna remarked.

Celestia gave her sister her side glace before sighing exasperatedly. "Yes… our lack of budget prevented us to repair that statue.” Celestia leaned back into her chair. “Nonetheless, they think it was nothing more than an empty monument, so it was actually a blessing in disguise. Still, those agents are very sharp. We want you girls to try to keep your heads down as long as possible until this blows over and be extremely careful when you happened to come across one, especially their leader!”

"And once this is over, we’ll look into finding out about that mysterious energy surge," Luna added. “Whether it was from Equestria or not, we must learn to prevent this sort of thing from happening again!”

Sunset nodded. “We understand. Thank you for sharing this with us and we’ll be careful!”

Celestia smiled. “That’s all we asked.”

After a quick goodbye, the Equestria Girls quietly walked out of the room. As soon as they shut the door, Celestia let out a long tired sigh which Luna noticed.

“You okay Tia?” Luna asked with a concerned expression.

“...I’m honestly not sure Luna,” Celestia responded with a frown. “While I have good faith that the girls will be alright… but I’m more worried about the organization who is currently looking into this mess.”

“Are you thinking about that certain person?” Luna inquired with a knowing frown. “While that agent is very persistent, but do really think G.U.N. will resort to that?”

“I don’t think they will Luna,” Celestia said gravely before giving her sister her hard look. “I know they will!”

Shortly after their meeting with Principal Celestia, The Equestria Girls split up to return to their own homes. Sunset was left behind in the hallway to retrieve her journal from her locker. If what Principal Celestia had said was true, her friends and her homeworld are now in danger because of this mysterious energy wave. Leaving her magical book behind at school was the last thing she wanted to do, especially with the military sniffing around the school right now. She wanted to pick up her most prize and vital possession and leave the school as fast as possible before anyone from G.U.N. noticed her.

Once Sunset retrieved her book from her locker, Sunset quickly turned around, only to accidentally bumped into someone and dropped her book in the process.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry about–”

Sunset words immediately died in her throat the moment she set eyes on a scary-looking woman with a black jumpsuit and a huge scar on her right side of her face in front of her.

“Oh, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it!” she said casually, despite her stoic expression.

Sunset just stood like a statue, staring right into the woman's eyes. There was something about her that made Sunset feel uneasy, especially the way she was staring at her almost as if she was trying to analyze her soul. That huge scar on her face only made her look more intimidating.

“I think you scared her boss!” a new voice called out. Sunset turned to see a young, man walking up to her. He had spiky white hair, blue eyes, and was very short. He also wore the same suit as that girl with a scar. “Relax kid! She may look intimidating, but she ain’t gonna hurt you! Unless if you spoiled an episode of My Little–”

“Shut… up!” the woman growled.

The man flinched. “S-sorry boss!”

“Are… you two from the military?” Sunset asked after she finally found her voice.

“You could say that,” said the woman as she fished her badge from her pocket. “Name’s Tempest Shadow, G.U.N. Agent." She put away her badge while glancing at her partner. "And this annoying little man you see before you are my partner, Agent Grubber."

“Yeah, Missey!” Agent Grubber retorted while putting so much emphasis on the S's due to his lisp. “I’m maybe small, but I’m the guy you do not want to mess with… unless you have a sponge cake, then we’re good!”

“Grubber!” Tempest growled.

“Sorry boss!” Grubber responded with a sheepish grin.

Tempest let out an annoyed sigh before bringing her attention back to Sunset. "Anyway, we're here to investigate the incident at the baseball field near this school and I got a few questions for you."

Sunset felt herself stiffen as mild panic flooded through her. This was the one thing she was desperately trying to avoid and what Principal Celestia warned her about. Her gut was telling her to leave asap before those agents caught on to her.

"Oh… I’m sorry,” said Sunset while trying to sound apologetic. “I would love to help out, but I have places to go. So if you excuse me."

As Sunset walked past the two agents, she heard Tempest spoke up.

"I'm sure you can spare a few minutes of your time… Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset immediately froze with widened eyes. Her breath nearly hitched and felt her heart was beating at a rapid pace as if she just ran a marathon. While still trying to keep herself calm, Sunset slowly turned back towards the two agents.

“H-how do you know my name?” Sunset asked while keeping her nerves in check.

Tempest clicked her tongue as she stepped forward. “Well, I’ve been keeping track of this school Miss Shimmer, including the names who applied here. In fact, we’ve been keeping track of all these strange... "occurrences" from this school and some parts of this town. Including, the night of the Battle of the Bands, the incident at the Friendship Games, the mysterious “infestation” at Camp Everfree, giant women at the mall, a mysterious storm from the far west coast… shall I go on?”

Sunset felt her stomach twisted into a knot as Tempest listed off those incidents. She couldn't believe this girl knew so much involving Equestrian Magic, despite Celestia and Luna’s efforts to cover them up. Despite freaking out internally, Sunset still managed to keep her poker face.

“Um… okay? But what does this have to do with me?” Sunset inquired.

“All these 'incidents' have one crucial thing in common." Tempest paused for a moment for dramatic effect. "You and your friends were around the same time as those incidents I’ve mentioned.”

“Sound too convenient if ya ask me!” Grubber remarked.

At the mention of her friends, alarm bells started ringing in Sunset’s mind. This was not good. Not good at all. It was one thing that she was on this woman’s radar, but the fact that her friends were also dragged in as well terrified her. She needed to get this woman and her crony away from her and her friends no matter what.

“Those are just coincidences!” Sunset quickly reflected. “B-besides, all the other students were also there when they happened too. So it’s not a very good proof to single me out!”

Grubber turned to Tempest. "She got ya there, boss!"

Tempest stared for a moment before letting out a small hum.

“Perhaps you're right,” she said. “The fact that you're there at every occasion isn’t enough evidence that you are involved.”

Sunset's features relaxed someone, thinking she was in the clear.

“...however," Tempest continued, causing Sunset to tense up again. "There is one special event that not even you can’t deny.”

Sunset swallowed. “What’s that?”

Tempest smirked. “...the Fall Formal!”

Sunset nearly felt her heart stop at the mention of that day, and it filled heavily with guilt. No matter how much she tried to change herself for the better, her past always comes back to haunt her and her friends.

As Sunset was still processing, Tempest continued. “According to our records, there was a huge explosion of an unknown force on that particular night. The record said that there was some sort of accident by breaking through some old gas pipes near the school's entrance. But… I felt there was more to the story." Her eyes then narrowed. "Rumors were going around that you turned into a "She-Demon" and terrorized the school. Not only that, but there were even some videos of that night. Of course, they're not the best quality videos and even so, most of them disappeared due to "copyright claims" from the school.

Sunset resisted the urge to cringe from being reminded of that night. Even though that incident was many moons ago and many people forgave her, the memory was still fresh from her mind. Even so, this terrified Sunset that not only this person is on to her, but she was also dangerously close to the truth. No other investigation teams had ever paid close attention to that night, not even this world’s Twilight Sparkle before she became her friend. As much as this pained her, but she needed to lie her way out of this and get them off track.

“I don’t know where you get that from, but those are just rumors!” Sunset said pointedly. “Yes… I admit that I wasn’t a very nice person back then... and I'm not that person anymore. But that didn’t stop some people who are still mad at me to this very day. They would say things like I'm a "She-Demon" or over-exaggerate the things I've done, they even went as far as to edit the videos of that night to make me look like a monster." She frowned. "...and I deserve it."

Sunset sighed then crossed her arms. "If it weren’t for my friends... I wouldn't be here right now... and was able to forgive myself. And I still stand that all those events you mentioned were nothing more than just coincidences. And besides, none of the things you said have anything to do with the energy wave! So do you have any actual questions which relate to your current investigation?"

While Tempest appeared to be annoyed, her expression remained stoic.

"No… we don't."

"Then consider our conversation over!" Sunset stated as she picked up her journal. "Good day Agent Tempest! Agent Grubber!"

With a huff, Sunset turned and walked away very casually. As soon as Sunset had her back towards them, her expression changed from annoyance to alarmed. As soon as she verified about this mysterious energy with Princess Twilight, she has to warn her friends as soon as possible.

As Tempest watched as Sunset walked further down the hallway, she heard Agent Grubbler chuckled.

“That girl got some spunk, I’ll give her that!” he said with an amused expression. “Shame she’s not the person as we thought!”

“On the contrary,” said Tempest in a low voice, not leaving her eyes on Sunset’s retreating figure. “She’s the one. In fact, she knows something!”

Grubbler gave Tempest a confused look. "How can you tell?"

"You know she said that my questions have ‘nothing to do with the wave’?"

Grubbler raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"...I never once asked her anything about the energy wave," She answered with a smirk as she watched Sunset stepped out of the school’s main entrance. “I want you to follow her and see where she’s going and then report everything she’s doing to me. And try to follow her discreetly!”

“You got it, boss!” Grubbler saluted before he ran towards Sunset’s direction.

“I said discreetly!” Tempest hissed loudly, only to fell on deaf ears. She then sighed in annoyance. “Augh! Barely started the investigation and I'm already having a headache!"

Author's Note:

Not much to say except Sunset and her friends better watch out! :twilightoops:

And in case you're all wondering, "you-know-who" will make an appearance in the next chapter!

Anyway, notes:

Interestingly enough, in the original movie, the guy who played the Navy Chief (first guy to speak after Walters) was played by Garry Chalk, who was also a voice actor for several characters from old Sonic the Hedgehog cartoons, including Grounder from the AoStH.

Yes, you heard me... the very same actor who plays as the Navy Chief in the movie... also voiced that dim-witted robot from a Sonic cartoon back in the 90s.

Yes, Tempest Shadow and Grubbler are in this story. Sorry if anyone expected Shadow the Hedgehog to be in this chapter after reading the chapter title. And no, he will not appear in this story!

Anyway, you'll see more of her and Grubbler throughout this story. I even added their character tags. :raritywink:

Those two "countries" Changelingtan and Sombratan reference both former evil group Changelings and former tyrant Sombra.

Sunset’s remark about Rainbow Dash accidentally amplified their powers was a callback to EqG short: Overpowered.

Pinkie's comment about Con Mane was a reference to Con Mane's appearance from MLP's Mmmystery on the Friendship Express episode which, funny enough, was referencing James Bond.

Anyway, that's all for now. Stay tuned for the next chapter! :pinkiesmile:

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