• Published 10th Oct 2020
  • 14,710 Views, 1,190 Comments

Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Intermission: Big Brother's Duty

Many Hours Earlier...

"Let me go!" Shining shouted as he was dragged around by G.U.N. agents. "I’m a police officer! This is a criminal offense!"

The agents didn’t seem to care about his treat as they continued to drag him down the hall until they have reached their destination. As soon as they opened the double doors, the agents pushed him into the room and then they shut the doors. Infuriated, Shining ran up to one of the doors to open it, only to find that both doors were locked.

“Open this door!” Shining Armor screamed as he bang on the door with his fist.

He watched through one of the door’s windows as the agents walked away from him, ignoring him.

"Get back here!” He yelled as he kept banging on the door. “You leave my sister alone! If any of you and your boss lay a hand on her, you all will be sorry!"

“Shining Armor?”

Shining stopped banging on the door and turned towards the newcomer, only to be surprised when he saw who it was.


Indeed it was Vice Principal Luna who was in the room with him, which turned out to be the gym of CHS. They’re not the only ones, though. There were also many CHS students and staff who are trapped in the room as well while being watched by a few G.U.N. agents. Shining doesn’t know why everyone, including the kids, is in here with him but by the looks of many terrifying faces, he assumed that they were in here by force like he was. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Vice Principal Luna began to question him.

“What are you doing here?”

Shining blinked with a confused expression. “I should be asking you the same thing.”

Vice Principal Luna sighed as she crossed her arms. "Well, when those men in black arrived at our school, they had us all placed in this gym for our 'own safety' while they investigated the crimes that were committed by a few of our students." She scowled. "But if you ask me, they were actually keeping us here as prisoners, including our students!"

"But why? Why did they do this?" Shining inquired with a perplexed look.

Vice Principal Luna studied Shining for a moment. "Tell me Shining Armor, how much do you know about your sister and her friends?"

Shining frowned at the question, remembering what had happened from the phone call back at the station. "That apparently, my sister and her friends have superpowers this entire time?"

"Technically, it was magic, specifically, Equestrian Magic," Vice Principal Luna corrected.

"I don't care what they're called!" Shining growled in frustration, glaring at Vice Principal Luna. "You're telling me that you knew this entire time!"

With a sigh, Vice Principal Luna nodded. "Yes… as well as my sister and Dean Cadance!"

"Cadance knows!?" Shining shouted. "She knew about Twilight having powers and didn't tell me!?"

Vice Principal Luna shushed before she quickly glanced behind her with a nervous expression. Thankfully, none of the agents who were close by didn’t hear Shining Armor’s outburst. With a relieved sigh, she faced back to Shining Armor again.

"Please don't be angry at her, Shining Armor," Vice Principal Luna pleaded gently. "Twilight specifically requested Cadance not to tell you so you wouldn't be worried about her."

"I'm her big brother! It's my job to worry about her!" Shining retorted. "I just wish that she told me and not kept secrets from me.” He then whispered to himself with a miserable look. “But then again… I'm one to talk."

Vice Principal Luna cocked an eyebrow, apparently hearing Shining’s remark. "Forgive me for prying, Shining Armor, did something happen between the two of you?"

Shining let out a sigh, stuffing both his hands into his pants pockets. "That so-called doctor interfered with my phone call with Twily and tried to make a deal with her for their location. When she refused, not only did he talk down on her, but he also revealed that she was actually… adopted."

"She what!?" Vice Principal Luna exclaimed in shock. "Surely you jest!"

"I wish I was," Shining sighed with a guilty expression. "When I was ten, my mother came home one day… carrying a newborn girl, which was Twilight. When I asked her who she was, my mother simply told me that she's my new sister."

"To this day, my parents never told me where she came from, but…” Shining frowned with a determined look. “I didn't care about that. To me, Twilight is my sister and I love her… and I always will!"

Vice Principal Luna was glad to hear that despite they’re not related by blood, Shining still has a strong bond with his step-sister. "And Twilight never knew that she was adopted?"

"No... and I felt terrible to keep this hidden from her, but my parents made me swear to not tell her and mention this to nobody." Shining then growled in anger. "But somehow… that man knew… and he told her because she refused to cooperate with him to give up her friends. I swear, if I ever see that man again… I will make him pay! My role as an officer be darned!"

Vice Principal Luna frowned. "Shining Armor, while I understand your anger, we must be smart about this! You said that Twilight tried calling you, yes?"

Shining Armor nodded. "Yeah. She and her friends called me somewhere in the middle of the country just for me to warn Cadance and Principal Celestia… not that I could at the moment since these guys took my phone and my walkie-talkie. And even if I have my phone, Twilight destroyed hers and I assumed her friends destroyed theirs too."

"I see… and what was the warning?"

"That everything about them being terrorists was a lie and they're framed for it, which I figured," Shining Armor answered. "But then that Doctor showed me that she has powers… and then there's that creature from the video."

Vice Principal Luna blinked. "Creature?"

"Yeah…" Shining replied, furrowing his brows. "I don't know what to make of it. It was blue all over and barely looked human. And he's fast too! And that Doctor also mentioned something about Equestria." He frowned deeply. "I know my sis and her friends are innocent, but I felt there was more going on about all of this."

Vice Principal Luna hummed. "I'm sorry you have to find out this way and be dragged into this, but we all agreed to keep everything a secret per Twilight and Sunset’s request."

"Both my sister and Sunset wanted to keep this a secret?" Shining Armor inquired.

Vice Principal Luna shook her head. "Oh, not your Twilight, the other Twilight."

Shining Armor had a confused expression. "Other Twilight? What are you talking about? And how does Sunset fit into all of this?"

Vice Principal Luna silently berated herself for that slip-up. She was about to deny that, but the look on Shining’s face tells her that he wanted answers, especially about his sister. After a moment of self debating, Vice Principal Luna sighed.

"Well… since your Twilight’s brother and most of it is out in the open, I suppose you have the right to know," Vice Principal Luna responded.

Shining Armor narrowed his eyes. "Tell me everything!"

"So yeah… that's about it," Vice Principal Luna concluded after over an hour of explanation.

Shining Armor stood there with a stunned expression, still processing everything he just heard. Despite Vice Principal Luna telling him every event that happened from Sunset’s first arrival to the recent incident at the baseball field, he doesn't even know what to think. If it weren’t for Dr. Robotnik’s video of his sister and her friends using their powers on the robots, he would've thought that the Vice Principal would be crazy.

Feeling a sudden migraine, Shining rubbed one of his temples. "Wow… I have so many questions, but I don’t even know where to start. Another world? Talking ponies? Sunset? Another Twilight who is a Princess!? ...this is all starting to sound like it came from a cartoon show for girls!"

"I know this is so hard to believe, Shining Armor, but believe me… this is real!" Vice Principal Luna said calmly.

"After that video I saw from Robotnik, it's hard to believe it's not real," Shining Armor chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Believe it or not, I was such a geek when I was younger; spending my time collecting comic books, playing video games and DD with my friends, and sometimes pretending to be a superhero or traveling in a fantasy world. Seeing that this is all real… it's a geek's dream come true, except…"

"That it puts your sister in danger?"

"...yeah," Shining Armor admitted. "The thought that Twilight has… magic and that she's been into dangerous situations before including now… scares me. And the worst part is… she's all alone out there and I can't do anything to help her while we're stuck here."

"I know it's scary Shining Armor, I thought the same way sometimes when my sister is in a dangerous situation, but I've seen your sister in action before. She is a lot stronger than you think. And Twilight is not alone. She has friends by her side, and their friendship makes her much stronger and happier than ever. She will be fine, so have faith in her and her friends too."

While Shining Armor was still worried for his sister, it was reassuring that Twilight had people who cared for her by her side.

He gave Luna his small grin. "Thanks, Luna," He said gratefully before frowning. "Speaking of which, where is your sister anyway?"

"My sister… has disappeared," Vice Principal Luna responded with some hesitation. "She said there was something important that she had to take care of. I only stayed behind just to look out for our students and staff."

Shining Armor was taken aback in disbelief by this revelation. "The school was taken over by government soldiers and kept us and your students here like prisoners! What could possibly be more important to your sister than this?"

Before Vice Principal Luna could respond, the gym doors from behind them opened.

"Alright, ladies! You two can join the others!" One of the agents stated as they threw the two new arrivals into the room, which turned out to be Lyra and Bon Bon, before locking the doors behind them.

As Lyra landed on the floor, Bon Bon ran up to the gym doors and banged on them with her fists.

"Get back here!" Bon Bon screamed with a furious expression. "You'll pay for what you did to Lyra! You all will all pay!"

Vice Principal Luna gently grasped Bon Bon's shoulder, only for Bon Bon to pull herself out of her grip and turn towards her with a snarl.

"Don't you dare touch me you–" Bon Bon eyes widened when she saw who she was yelling at. "Oh, V-vice Principal Luna! I'm so sorry! I-I thought you were one of those agents!"

"It's alright, Sweetie Drops," Vice Principal Luna assured with a look of understanding and concern. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" said Bon Bon before she turned her eyes at her fallen friend. "But Lyra, she… she…"

Both Vice Principal Luna and Shining Armor turned towards Lyra and they gasped at the sight.

Lyra herself wasn’t looking so good. Her appearance alone, she looked like she had been roughed up. The worse was her face, as it was covered in some bruises, small cuts, and she even had a black eye on her left eye. Her eyes were wet in tears and she whimpered in pain.

"Oh, my stars, Lyra!” Vice Principal Luna exclaimed as she ran over and examined the poor girl. “What happened to you!"

"It's that man!" Bon Bon spat, trembling in rage. "After he captured us, he kept on questioning us about Sunset and that 'blue devil'. When he didn't get the answers he wanted... h-he…"

Bon Bon immediately broke down, covering her face as she sobbed.

Both Shining Armor and Vice Principal Luna became furious at the Doctor's treatment of those girls.

"That monster… they're just kids!" Shining Armor growled.

"Did those agents do anything physical to you too?" Vice Principal Luna pressed gently while trying to keep herself calm.

Bon Bon shook her head with a sniff. "No. Unlike that man, they didn't harm us, but they continued to badger us for hours and they refused to give Lura any medical attention."

Shining Armor scowled. "Those sons of–"

"Shining Armor, language!" Vice Principal Luna scolded. "We may be imprisoned, but we're still in school!"

"S-sorry!" Shining Armor apologized sheepishly.

“And that’s not even the worst thing!” Bon Bon added as she looked up at her Vice Principal with a teary guilt expression. “That Doctor threatened that they’ll do worst things to Lyra if we don’t tell him anything! So I… I told him. I told him about Sunset. I told him about Equestrian Magic. I told him about Sunset’s world! I told him everything so that he won’t hurt Lyra anymore.” She buried her face into her hands again, feeling ashamed. “I’m so sorry! I’m so sor-re-he-he-hee!”

Shining Armor hugged the crying girl into her arms, shushing her. “It’s okay, Bon Bon. It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”

Vice Principal Luna nodded. “He’s right. We understand. You were only doing that to protect your friend.” She then frowned angrily as she hugged Lyra tightly. “And for what he did to you girls… that’s just evil!

Shining Armor trembled in rage. It was one thing for the Doctor to take these kids prisoners and threaten them, but when he actually hurt them, that's going too far. He then thought of his sister and her friends who are still chased by that crazy Doctor. If he was capable of punching these girls earlier, he feared what he is going to do with his sister and her friends once he catches them.

With a determined look, Shining broke out his hug and surveyed around the room.

“Shining, what are you doing?” Vice Principal Luna asked uneasily.

“I trying to find a way for us to bust out of here!” Shining Armor replied, much to the Vice Principal and the girls’ shock.

“Are you crazy!” Vice Principal Luna quietly exclaimed so she wouldn't alert the agents. “We can’t just–”

“Before I was cut off, Twilight called me earlier and asked me to send a message to Cadance for help!” Shining explained. “I don’t know how Cadance fits into all of this, but if it’s going to help my sister, I really need to send this message.”

Vice Principal Luna’s eyes widened at the revelation before her face changed to an understanding expression. “I think I understand… your sister must’ve been aware of Cadance’s connections.”

Shining blinked. “What kind of ‘connections’?”

“Let’s just say that she, as well as my sis and I, used to have a former job before becoming Principals,” Vice Principal Luna answered vaguely. “Still, this doesn’t change our current situation!”

"Well, I can’t just sit here!” Shining Armor retorted. “I need to do something and let Cadance know that Twiley and her friends are on their way and need her help before that wack job Doctor gets to them!"

“Well, what can we do, Shining Armor?” Vice Principal Luna challenged. “The whole school is crawling with agents! And even if we managed to get past them and found a phone, they will trace our call. Not only we’ll get caught again, but this will also put your wife, your sister, and her friends in danger!”

Shining Armor growled in frustration. "Darnit, there must be a way to get around that and warn Cadance!"

“Um… we might have a suggestion.”

Shining immediately turned to the sound of a new voice, and immediately spotted three teenage boys in front of him. One had spiky blue hair with a cool leather jacket, one was wearing glasses, and one with a beanie and long green dreadlocks. Seeing the surprised and suspicious expression from Shining, the blue hairs teen chuckled nervously.

“Uh, sorry for sneaking up on you, we couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. You’re saying that Twilight and the girls are in trouble?”

Shining Armor cocked an eyebrow. “Yes… and you are?”

Vice Principal Luna, after letting Lyra rest near Bon Bon, walked over towards Shining and the three boys.

“Shining Armor, these three boys are Flash Sentry, Micro Chips, and Sandalwood,” Vice Principal Luna introduced. "And they're also friends with the Rainbooms.”

“I see,” Shining responded before turning to the boys again. “Now, about your suggestion?”

“Well, it is our bro Micro who has the answer to your woes,” said Sandalwood. He then lightly elbowed Micro Chips. “Tell ‘em, dude!”

Flustered due to sudden attention, Micro Chips adjusted his glasses as he addressed Shining. “Er, yes. I believe I can help you get in touch with your significant other by communicating with her with my latest invention, Com-Mun-a-Wave 3000! With it, you won’t worry about getting yourselves attention by those noisy secret intelligence officers!”

Shining, as well as the others, stared at Micro Chips with blank looks, no idea what he was saying.

“He’s saying that he built himself his own makeshift telephone which is untraceable and he offered for you to use it.” Flash summarized.

Shining Armor blinked. “Oh! Well, why didn’t you say so?”

Micro Chips frowned in annoyance. “I just did!”

Shining Armor narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the nerd. “And why did you build your own telephone that is untraceable?

“Oh, it's… for a science project,” Micro Chips answered with a nervous expression.

Shining Armor frowned, clearing not buying it.

“...and to keep my nosy mother off my back during my phone calls with my girlfriend,” Micro Chips sighed with a resigned look, making his two friends snickering in the background.

While amused by this, Shining Armor pressed on. “And… does your machine really work?”

“Affirmative!” Micro Chips answered confidently. “I field-tested that baby several times! I always make sure to properly test my inventions!”

“Yeah, especially after his toaster robot thingie gone haywire!” Sandalwood added.

Micro Chips sighed as he looked down sadly. “...my poor beloved JVJ-24601 was never the same after that day."

While Shining Armor had no idea what they were referring to, he wanted to get this conversation back on track. “And where is your… invention?”

“It’s hidden somewhere within the science room,” Micro Chips responded. “I have it hidden in a specific spot so that it won’t be sabotaged by some other incompetent students!” He then crossed his arms with a huff. “Believe me, it happened to me once!

Flash frowned at his friend. “You’re not still miffed at her for thinking that one of your machines is a muffin oven, were you?”

“She shouldn’t even touch them, to begin with!” Micro Chips retorted.

“Where is the science room?” Shining inquired.

“It was right at the other side of the school, away from this gym,” Bon Bon answered while comforting Lyra.

Shining nodded. “Then that’s where I’ll be heading!”

“Shining Armor,” Vice Principal spoke up. “You’re not really suggesting you’ll–”

“If his machine really works and prevented these agents punks that I’m tipping Cadance off, then I have no other option,” Shining stated.

“But even if you find the science room and Micro’s machine, you won’t know how to use it,” Vice Principal Luna pointed out.

“Indeed!” Micro Chips adjusted his glasses. “Which is why I should come along with you so I can set it up!”

“Absolutely not!” Vice Principal Luna snapped. “I’m not letting a student be involved in this! Besides, have you all forgotten that Robotnik’s agents are patrolling the entire school right now? How are you even going to get there without any detection in the hallway, let alone getting out of this gymnasium?”

“Leave that to me!”

Suddenly, smoke burst from out of nowhere, covering everyone’s sight for a moment. When the smoke is cleared, they see a white-haired girl, coughing due to the smoke in front of them. Along with the girl, there were also two boys; one was tall and the other is short.

Shining stared at the new arrivals with a perplexed expression. “Now who are you three?”

The girl recovered from her coughing fit and gave Shining her cocky smirk. “Well, you're looking at the–”

“Her name is Trixie. She’s great and powerful. Blah-blah-blah! And those two boys are Snips and Snails!” Bon Bon interrupted, much to Trixie’s annoyance. “Now why are you here, Trixie?”

Trixie huffed as she crossed her arms. “Okay, first off: rude! Second: Trixie couldn’t help but hear that Sunset and the others are having trouble and you need to send a quick message to Dean Cadance that they’re coming her way.”

Shining Armor blinked. “You heard that?”

“Yeah, we can hear you several feet away from us,” Trixie said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“...was I really that loud when I'm having a private conversation?" Shining Armor muttered.

“Anyway, Trixie also heard that you all need to get past these guards to get to this guy’s machine all the way to the science room undetected. So Trixie offered to distract them by getting all their attention to me, just enough time for you all to slip away!”

“And we’ll help too!” Snips added while Snails nodded eagerly.

Shining, as well as the others, were taken aback by Trixie’s offer.

“Oh, well how brave of you. And may I ask why you wanted to help us?” Shining asked.

“Well, since Sunset is Trixie’s friend and that she and the Rainbooms are in danger, how can Trixie not step in to help?” Trixie answered as if it was obvious.

“...you mainly wanted to get back at that crazed mustache man for belittling you earlier, didn't you?” Flash deadpanned.

“What? No, of course not!” Trixie denied, offended by Flash's claim. “Although, getting back at that mustached creep is a sweet bonus!”

Everyone, except for Shining Armor and Vice Principal Luna, rolled their eyes.

“So you’ll guarantee to get all the guards’ attention, including the ones from the hallway?” Shining asked.

Trixie nodded with a confident smirk. “The Great and Assured Trrrrixie will have all the guards come running to me faster than you could say, ‘alakazam’!

Micro Chips nodded. “Great! Now that’s settled, we can now get to that room no problem!”

“My answer is still no!” Vice Principal Luna said sternly. “It’s too dangerous for you to leave, even with Shining Armor!”

“We’ll go with him!” Flash offered.

“Yeah, we’ll make sure our bro won’t be harmed by us!” Sandalwood assured.

Vice Principal Luna crossed her arms. “Even so, I won’t allow my students to get into harm's way, even if we’re technically not having class right now!”

“As much as I would love to have you kids assist me, your Vice Principal has a point,” Shining stated. “She is still technically in charge of this school, so I’m afraid my hands are tied.”

“Vice Principal Luna, we understand why you’re worried, but as Shining Armor mentioned, he needs to send a message to Dean Cadance to help the Rainbooms!” Flash pleaded.

“And my invention is the only thing that will work without getting trace by other agents,” Micro Chips added. “And since I’m the only one who knows how it works, we don’t have much of a choice.”

“They have a point!”

The gang turned to see Lyra, who was trying to stand back up, despite Bon Bon’s protests.


“I’m fine Bonnie! I’m just a little sore!” Lyra assured with a grunt before addressing Vice Principal Luna. “Listen, in order to stop that madman and for us to get out of this mess, we need to pass this message to her! She can even pass this message to your sister! It’s risky, but… we have to try!”

Vice Principal Luna paused as she eyed Lyra and then everyone else, who was staring at her expectedly. After a moment of silent debate with herself, she let out a sigh.

“Alright, fine… we’ll try!” Vice Principal Luna responded before giving Shining a stern glare. “But promise me you’ll keep those kids safe!”

Shining nodded, but with a smile. “You have my word as an officer!”

“Good!” Vice Principal Luna stated before facing the boys. “Now you three promise me you’ll stay by Shining Armor’s side at all times and do exactly as he said, got it!”

Flash, Micro Chips, and Sandalwood nodded.

“And what about you?” Shining Armor asked.

“What else? As Vice Principal, I’m staying here to keep the other kids safe,” Vice Principal Luna replied before eyeing Trixie, Snips, and Snails. “And to step in in case their little distraction gets out of hand!”

“Hey! Trixie doesn’t need help!” Trixie protested, puffing her cheeks in annoyance.

Vice Principal Luna narrowed her eyes. “This isn’t a negotiation young lady!”

Trixie humphed as she crossed her arms with a pout.

“Alright, then it’s settled!” Shining announced quietly as he gestured everyone to come closer to him. “So here’s the plan…”

There was tense silence from within the school’s gym. The G.U.N. agents who stood around the gym watched intensely at the CHS students and staff, refused to let them out of their sight. Everyone who was trapped in the gym was either sitting or standing with one another. Neither said a word or attempt to move due to their fears and uncertainty as they felt the eyes of all the agents were on them.

Suddenly, smoke exploded in the middle of the gym from out of nowhere, startling everyone including the agents. Before the agents made their move, the smoke cleared out, revealing Trixie, who was now wearing her cape and her magician’s hat along with Snips and Snails on each of her sides.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" Trixie announced in her performing voice. "Feast your eyes and witness the amazing performance of The Great and Powerful Trrrrixie!"

As most students were stunned by Trixie’s bold move, one of the agents spoke out towards her.

“Hey, who said you can do a magic show? Stop this at once!” The agent ordered.

“Well well well. It seems we have some neigh-sayers in the audience!” Trixie proclaimed with a glare, pointing at the agent who called her out. “It’s bad enough that they imprisoned all of us, now they’re preventing us to have any sort of entertainment!”

The agent suddenly became fluttered by Trixie’s claim. “I-I-I was just doing my job, young lady!”

“A likely story!” Trixie remarked. “Can Trixie be allowed to do at least one magic trick?”

The agent let out an awkward cough. “F-fine… but just one!

“Excellent!” Trixie grinned as she gestured to her minions to wheel out the small wagon, which was covered in the cloth with the same design as her cape. “Now, watch and be amazed as Trixie and her assistants performed her best trick yet!”

After pausing for dynamic effect, Trixie immediately pulled the cover off of the wagon, revealing several fireworks. “Presenting Trixie’s great and powerful fireworks!

Everyone, including the agents, watched in horror at the sight of fireworks loaded in Trixie’s wagon.

“Hey wait! Hold on a second!” The same agent cried in a panicked tone.

“Light ‘em up, boys!” Trixie ordered.

Before anyone could stop them, Snip and Snails lit up the fireworks.

Within seconds, the whole gym was in chaos as several fireworks exploded everywhere from within the room. Many students were screaming and running amuck as they avoided the flying rockets, the CHS staff was trying to save the students, and the agents were trying to get the room back into order. Unfortunately, the gym was too much for the agents to handle as things were getting more out of control with screaming kids and exploding rockets.

The agent who called Trixie out immediately started speaking with his communicator.

“Back up! I need back up!” he screamed.

Within seconds, several new agents burst through the gym doors and entered the gym. As some helped out trying to get the crowd under control, most immediately ran up to the magician and the two boys who were responsible for this mess.

“Um… ta-da?” Trixie uttered with a sheepish expression.

The agents glared at her with unamused expressions.

Trixie chuckled nervously. "Um, for my next trick… Trixie will make herself… disappear!"

Trixie, along with Snips and Snails, immediately turned and ran away from them while the agents gave them chase.

During the commotion, Shining Armor, Flash, Sandalwood, and Micro Chips sneaked towards the gym doors and escape through them before anyone noticed. Vice Principal Luna, who was standing by, briefly glanced at the doors with a knowing look.

Good luck you guys! She thought before she quickly ran off to help Trixie from those agents.

As soon as they quietly left the gym, Shining, Flash, Sandalwood, and Micro Chips sighed in relief.

"Wow, I can't believe our plan worked!" Micro Chips remarked.

"Me either," Sandalwood agreed. "Usually, things go wrong whenever Trixie’s involved."

"Hopefully, Trixie’s little performance will keep them busy for a while!" Flash stated.

"No time for waste!" Shining Armor cried. "Lead me to the science room!"

They all nodded before they ran down the hallway with Shining in tow, all while keeping their eyes out for any signs of agents. Thankfully, no agents were patrolling the hallway and they eventually reached the science room much to their relief.

The group quickly ran into the room and then locked the door for added security.

"Alright, where's the machine?" Shining asked, not wasting time.

"I'll get it out!" Micro Chips assured them before giving them a stern look. "But I want you all to turn around and close your eyes!"

Sandalwood let out an annoyed huff. "Oh c'mon dude, really?"

"After what happened with the muffin incident, I have to be cautious!" Micro Chips stated.

Flash frowned at his friend's stubbornness. "First off, I'm offended that you don't trust us for not showing us the location of your machine. And second, this is more important than having people knowing where your stupid machine is located!"

"My machine is not stupid!" Micro Chips retorted. "They're all like children to me! And I can't have anyone mess around with it like they were toys!"

Sandalwood frowned. "Jeez dude, you're acting like some nerdy helicopter parent!"

"Well, at least I'm not some annoying hipster!" Micro Chips countered.

Sandalwood gasped. "How dare you!"

"Enough!" Shining shouted, ceasing their argument. "If you can set this up as quickly as possible, we'll comply!"

Micro Chips nodded. "Thank you kindly!"

Flash and Sandalwood rolled their eyes with a huff as they and Shining turned around as requested.

They stood in silence, staring at the wall as they heard various sounds from behind them.

“Okay, you can all turn around now,” Micro Chips announced.

The three complied and were shocked to see a huge machine appear right in front of them in a matter of seconds.

"Wow, that was fast!" Shining remarked.

The machine itself was about the same size as Micro Chips; boxed-shaped metal with some wires, flashy lights, a keypad, and, of course, an old-fashioned corded phone on its side. Micro Chips pushed a few buttons on his machine, which was then turned on with a loud purr.

"Alrighty, the machine is all set!” said Micro Chips. “Just punch in the numbers like any other phone and you’re good to go!”

“Really? Just like that?” Shining inquired.

"Just like that," Micro Chips confirmed.

Shining shrugged. “Well, alright then!”

Shining picked up the corded phone from its dock. Just as he was about to dial, he paused when the most crucial thought occurred to him.

“…I forgot her number!”

The teens were flabbergasted at Shining’s revelation.

“You forgot!?” Flash shrieked. “How'd you forget your own wife’s number?”

“Well, for one thing, I usually just select her contact on my phone and call her that way,” Shining Armor explained sheepishly. “And even so, she lost her old phone, so now she recently got herself a new one… along with a new number.”

The teens facepalmed simultaneously.

“Good grief!” Micro Chips remarked.

“Shh! Quiet!” Sandalwood said suddenly.

Before either of them could ask Sandalwood why, their ears perked up when they heard the sounds of running footsteps, followed by a voice from outside the science room.

“I think they’re this way!” A voice cried.

“Keep looking! They’re not that far!” Another voice ordered.

Everyone in the room tensed up into a panic after hearing the voices.

“Oh, shoot! They knew we were gone! And they’re coming this way!” Flash exclaimed quietly.

Sandalwood turned to Shining. “Uh dude, no pressure, but try to remember her number and fast!”

“I’m thinking, I’m thinking!” Shining cried.

Suddenly, they heard a doorknob rattling from the science room's door, startling everyone.

“Anyone in there?” A voice shouted.

“Nooooo– ow!” Sandalwood answered, only to receive an elbow to the ribs by Flash.

“Hey! They're here! Help me get this door open!"

“Oh no! They found us!” Micro Chips screamed.

They all watched nervously as the door banged violently with each strike from the agents from the other side. Cracks began to form around the lock of the door, threatening to break at any given moment.

“Try to remember her number, Shining Armor!” Flash exclaimed in an urgent tone before running off. “We'll hold them off to buy you some time!”

“Yes– wait, really?” Micro Chips questioned in a perplexed tone before he was dragged away from Sandalwood.

As the teenage boys ran up to the door, Shining turned back to Micro’s machine, raking his brain on his wife’s new cell number could be.

“Oh boy… is it two-two-five or two-two-six?” Shining Armor muttered anxiously.

Meanwhile, the teens reached towards the door and placed themselves over it to keep the agents out. Unfortunately, it was too much for them due to the mass amount of agents from the other side of the door. Flash desperately looked around the room until he spotted a teacher’s desk near the door.

“Quick, push the desk over here!” Flash shouted.

The three quickly rushed to the desk and then push it until it was against the door. The desk helped somewhat, but the agents still tried to break in through the door.

“Open this door or we’ll break it down!” One agent threatened.

Ha! I like to see you try, dude!” Sandalwood taunted.

“Very well… we’ll use the battering ram!”

Both Flash and Micro Chips simply glared at the eco teen who had a sheepish grin in response.

They jumped when the door started banging again, but with much more force than before.

“Quickly, gather more desks and chairs!” Flash ordered before he and his friends started gathering them up.

During the commotion, Shining still tried to recall the memory of his wife’s phone number while ignoring the noises in the background. His head was hurting as he desperately dug deeper into his memory bank, hoping to remember something which helps trigger those specific numbers. If only his sister was here with him since she had a better memory than he was. His sister can recall almost anything; all those books she read, many tests she passed, all the presents he gave her on her birthday…

Suddenly, it hits him and his eyes flew open.

Twilight’s birthday! Of course! He thought.

With that revelation, Shining quickly used the date of Twilight’s birthday as he dialed the numbers on Micro’s machine.

“Oooh, I hope she’ll pick up!” Shining prayed.

On the other side of the room, the teen boys threw another chair in front of the door to keep those agents out. Unfortunately, the holding of the door grew weaker with every strike from the agent’s battering ram.

“They’re breaking through!” Flash shouted. “We need another piece of furniture!”

“There isn’t anymore!” Sandalwood cried in a panicked tone.

Seeing that they have no other options, the teens pressed themselves against all the furniture against the door to hold the agents off a little longer.

“Hurry Officer! I don’t think we have much time!” Micro Chip yelled as he struggled against the door.

“C’mon, pick up, pick up, pick up!” Shining begged as he was listening to a ringtone from Micro’s machine.

Shining waited anxiously as the phone continued to ring for what felt like an eternity. Shining was beginning to lose hope, believing that he either made a mistake or no will answer until the line stopped ringing.


“Cadance!” Shining lit up in happiness. “Oh thank Faust you answered!”

“Shining Armor? Is everything okay?” Cadence said in a concerning voice. “This isn’t your usual number. Where are you call–”

“I don't have time to explain Cadance,” Shining cuts her off in urgency. “But Twilight and her friends are in trouble!”

“Trouble? What do you mean they’re in trouble?” Cadance inquired, now in a much worrying tone. “Shining what is going on!?”

“I don’t know, but the girls are framed by some government wack job named Robotnik and he’s chasing them halfway through the country!” Shining explained. “Twily said that you can help them and they’re on their way towards you as we speak!”

“Wait, Robotnik!? Did you just say–”

“They’re breaking through!” Flash shouted, as the agents nearly destroyed the door.

Realizing that he was running out of time, Shining quickly gave Cadance his final message. “Cadance, listen to me! When the girls get to you, keep them safe! And tell Twilight… that I'm sorry… for everything.

As Shining said those words, many agents finally broke through the door and the barricade surrounding it. Before the teens could fight back, the agents quickly captured and restrained them within seconds. Before the agents get to Shining, he quickly yanked a huge chunk of wires and parts off of the machine, much to Micro Chip's protests, rendering the machine unusable.

“Everyone on the floor now!” One of the agents ordered.

As soon as they were handcuffed, the teens and Shining were immediately thrown on the floor, much to their discomfort. Despite getting captured again, Shining couldn’t help but feel proud and relieved that he fulfilled his promise to his sister and did his part to help her.

I did what I could Twily. Shining Armor thought as one of the agents slowly walked up to him. The rest… is up to you and your friends.

The agent took out his concealed baton and raised it over Shining’s head.

I… believe in you!

Shining Armor then felt a blow from the agent’s baton and his vision became black.

Author's Note:

I bet you all weren't expecting this surprise chapter, didn't ya? :raritywink:

Don't get too excited, this is NOT the return of the story... yet. Volume III is still currently in the works. This chapter is mainly something to hold you all over before the main story resume. I meant to post this before the new year, but due to life, the holidays, and nearly burnt out from my recent holiday story, it was delayed until now. But don't worry, I will continue this story, and I will finish the final volume. :pinkiesmile:

And please don't barrage me with many "when Volume III will be released?" messages in the comments of this story and my PM box, I have no release date at this time. I will let you all know in due time. :eeyup:

"Spamming messages is no good!"

Now with that out of the way... here are some notes and references:

The idea that Shining Armor was a geek and into comics and DD was a reference to MLP:FiM Season 5, Episode 19: The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows and MLP:FiM IDW Comic Issue #11-12.

Shining Armor thinking how Robotnik has gone too far from taking the kids prisoners hurting them, was a reference from Sonic X - Episode 67: Testing Time when Eggman ironically said those exact lines after Narcissus harmed Chris.

The incident that Micro Chips mentioned about his toaster robot, JVJ-24601 (yes, that's its name), was a callback to the battle between the robot and the girls throughout the Equestria Girls music video, Cheer You On.

Trixie’s "naysayers" pun was a callback to MLP:FiM Season 1, Episode 6: Boast Busters when her pony counterpart said the same pun against the Mane Six.

Micro Chips calling Sandalwood a "hipster" was a callback to a bar scene in Sonic the Hedgehog when one of the patrons gave Sonic and Tom the same insult.

Speaking of which, let me talk about that for a moment. I originally didn't include this line in the bar chapter for three reasons:

1. I'm trying to give the EqG characters its own lines as much as possible so that it doesn't sound like a copy from the movie and gave the story its own identity.

2. Even if I tried to incorporate that "hipster" line in someway, I don't think it fits Lightning Dust’s character, nor do I believe it was something that she would say.

3. Personally... I don't think the "hipster" line isn't all that funny to me. It was amusing the way Sonic reacted afterwards, but not funny.

Through I'm surprised that some of you were bummed out that the hipster line wasn't present in that chapter. I guess some people liked that line more than I do. So to make up for it, I have Micro Chips called Sandalwood a "hipster" instead.

Shining Armor guessing if Cadance's cell number is "2-2-5" or "2-2-6" was actually a reference to Princess Cadance's first appearance in MLP:FiM Season 2, Episode 25 & 26: A Canterlot Wedding.

Anyway, that's it for the notes. Hope you all enjoy this intermission chapter! :pinkiesmile:

Now if you excuse me, I got some work to do...

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