• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 313 Views, 2 Comments

Terminus - Virus Outbreak - HarmonyHarp

Follow Charcters as they experiance the beginings of a Zombie Outbreak.

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Chapter 1

August had decided to walk Greenlight to school the next day. Yesterday the little colt getting off the bus with him didn’t look so healthy, and with all the talk of sickness going around, mostly because of Bronco, August didn't want to risk it. So that morning she let Greenlight sleep in and just packed his school saddlebag for him. Even double checking his homework he claimed to have done at school and made his favorite breakfast; banana and strawberry pancakes. Belle was highly offended went August informed her that she wasn't going to make interlay different breakfast just for her and that if she had a problem make her own food. She did that same thing last night. August was flabbergasted that she'd think August would give her any other answer.

Forest and his friend Rocky; who convinced August to let him stay the night; on the other hoof ate everything she put in front of them. They thanked her and left to get to their school, Lakeview Middle School. Both boy's were in the last year and both have been trying all year to stick together. Why she didn't know. 'Boys...'

After explaining they were walking to Eastshore Elementary, Greenlight remained mostly quiet till they exited the house.

August was lost in thought as they walked the Icey pathways. Thinking about, her first class today and dreading the fact she shared it with her step-sister. Then, her mind wandered to the Virus again. They walked up to the light and waited for the light to change so they could walk across the street. She noticed Greenlight staring up at her so she looked down at him. "Yes?" She asked placing her hoof on his back between his wings.

"Why are we walking, Gus?" His blue eyes magnified with the thick black glasses he wore. She rubbed his lime green fur reassuringly as she thought of an answer.

"I just wanted to spend some time with you and thought I'd buy that thing you wanted from the school store... What was it again?" She asked noticing the light change in the street and started walking with Greenlight right beside her. She didn't want to lie but she just couldn't see the logic in telling him about her paranoia.

"Oh! Really?!" He said grinning from ear to ear. "Are you really going to get the spy kit for me?!"

'That's right, he has been talking about nothing else...' she thought as they stopped at the convenience store two streets from the school. "That's right!” Greenlight bounced around her legs, speaking too fast for her to understand but she assumed it had to do with the spy kit. “Now how about we buy some candy to share with you classmates?" Greenlight stopped at the door, all his excitement out the window.

"Do we have too?" He asked sheepishly, rubbing a hoof on his shoulder. "They don't really like me... I don't want to get them anything..." August was a little shocked by it and stood between the automatic glass doors just staring at him. Greenlight must have realized how he sounds for his cheeks flushed red just under his glasses. "I-I didn't mean it, like THAT, that. It's just-"

"... No worries... How about we just get a snack for your lunch box?" She smiled changing the subject. She didn't really have room to scold him about it. She too had trouble as a kid with other foals, but she most definitely will let her mother know tonight. "How does hay chips sound? Or maybe a slice of pie?"

Greenlight looked down at his fidgeting hooves, “You don’t want to talk about it?” He asked. August stepped out of the way of the employee entering to start their day and messed his dark green/yellow mane. Trying to make him feel better.
“No, I think that's something you have to talk with Mom about.” He sighed in relief and smiled up at her. “So how about that snack?” He smiled grew larger and he raced into the store.


He leaned against the rooftop railing smoking and playing on his smartphone. His black hair hanging in his steel colored eyes made it harder to see but he needed some form of relaxation. He just got back from vacation but already Starlight was up his ass about work. He hasn’t even been here for 2 hours and already they were at each other’s throats. He had already smoked 4 sticks and was planning on one more but got an email. Seeing who it was from, he grumpily opened the app and read it.

Star-tech Status Meeting, Today after lunch!
For those who are unable to attend, we will not be sending info, you will just need to pack your desk and have a lovely life...
Items to address
* Safety Committee follow-up
* Enrollment update (to replace tardy employees)
* Support for new viral outbreak research
*Team selections
If anypony has additional items to discuss, please bring them up during/at the end of the meeting.
Head Director
Starlight Glimmer

Using a gray hoof he scratched his hickory brown fur just below one of his scars on his chest. Then, he closes the email and ignores the ringing of his earpiece. She was calling. His gray eyes looked at his watch and saw it was another 2 and ½ hours till lunch.

Getting a call on his private phone, he cringed dreading who it was. He peeked at the Id and signed in relief. It read Bronco, answering it as he lights a cigarette, filling the air with smoke. “What?” he asked.
“Really nice, man… You kiss your mother with that tone?” He joked.

“I don’t kiss Ladies, Bro. They can’t handle all this...” He half joked back, feeling better about his day. “I mean I got a face a Mother couldn’t even love!”

“Ah well, what do you kiss, Dude? Not stallions right?!” He could hear Bronco laughing loudly.

“Na, Never! I go for the mares with bad eyes!” He laughed along with him. After they settled down he asked. “So what do you need Bronco? I’ve only been here a few hours and already I want to blow my brains out.”

“Sorry to hear that! The Queen causing trouble?” Bronco asked referring to Starlight. He hummed to confirm Bronco’s question. “Aww, just start your own lab. You are the best there is!”

“All true, I know, but with my looks and background I was lucky the she-devil looked past all that. I get paid VERY well and am learning a lot from Professor High Dive. Old fart knows his shit.” The stallion pushed off the railing and made his way to the door. “I still got opportunities here so, got to suck it up…”

“Ohh! I remember when you came to the school with that old man, ha!” Maverick laughed. “None of us could understand a thing he was saying! He couldn’t even get our names right, even yours!” He heard laughter and what sounded like stomping. “Man! How hard is it to say Atlas Codex?!”

Atlas smiled to himself. “Hey, I just met the man a day before he made me attend the thing! I also remember a scrawny little stallion that followed me around the rest of the day! How old were you? 10?” He joked. Bronco was a big fan of the scars. Said it made him look bad ass. Has treated Atlas like his big brother ever since.

“Naw, I was a 9th grader! And I ain’t scrawny no more!!” Atlas could just imagine him flexing his brawny muscles.
“Ok, ok, put the guns away man. You’ll scare the delicate mares.” He leaned by the door. He knew he had to go to work but didn’t want to end the call. “But, seriously, do you need something?”

“Aww… OK…” Long pause, Atlas thought maybe the phone cut off. “You know anything about this NV1?”

“Well, that was unexpected… Thought you’d ask all subtle like…”

Sheepishly Bronco said, “Yeah… No need here right?...”

“I’ll tell you the truth, I honestly don’t know much. Yes, I’m a Bio-engineer but there are projects even I can’t know about…”

Atlas sighed, “But I am having a meeting today. I might learn something more, then.”

“If you could share later, that’d be grand…” Maverick asked sullenly.

“Of course, Bronco, I'll share what I can. But hey, now stay out of trouble, ok?” Bronco is a friend, despite the age difference, that is how Atlas felt.

Making friends wasn’t easy for Atlas, so he holds onto the few he has. Atlas wasn’t joking when he was talking about his looks. An accident when he was in college scarred his front, left side pretty bad. His hoof is chipped in multiple places. Scars litter his whole front leg, left side of his chest. He has scars on his face, though not as deep and grotesques as his leg, up to his ear. One tooth was even chipped into a scary fang. He was very lucky not to have his leg ripped off. Luckily the lab coat covers most of his body. Also doesn’t help he had a very, very, very short fuse. No joke, it might not even exist.
Atlas has scared a number of new techs, not only with his looks but with his temper. Might be why he and Starlight fought a lot. The ‘Queen’ doesn’t scare easy, and professor High Dive doesn’t care how a pony looks as long as you get the job done. He often works alone, but he’s gotten us to it. When he HAS to have a tech help he can hear them argue who’s going to do it. One day it made him so mad; he now has a list and picks who’s to help. Stopped the fighting between the techs so Starlight didn’t care either way.

“Ok see you around!” Bronco said then hung up the phone. The piece in his ear started to ring again. Sighing Atlas finally answered it.

“What?...” He heard an irritated huff and the sound of a keyboard tapping.

“Don’t give me that tone!” She was angry again. The tapping got faster. “Get to my office, NOW...” The call ended just like that. He grumbled as he placed his ID band back on his arm.

‘Back into the pits of Hell...’, he thought scanning his ID to open the door and making his way down the stairs. “This should be good…”

Later that day~~~~

Atlas wasn’t completely lying when he told Bronco he didn’t know what was happening. All he knew was a lab in Tartarus, had been looking at Ophiocordyceps unilateralis; a type of fungus seen that has moved from small ants to Breezies. Starlight hadn’t left much out when she laid into him when he got to her office. She had told him that the population of Breezies have been drastically cut in half do to this fungus. Some scientist believe it’s just a matter of time before it’ll infect pony kind. Unfortunately Atlas has been hearing rumors that they have worked on ponies and have been purposely trying to infect them with the fungus. When he questioned Starlight she just told him to wait and find out at the meeting. Atlas was starting to worry as he entered the meeting. He chewed the last of his ham and cheese sandwich, then threw the wrapper in the bin by the door. He proceeded to float an apple off the table to have something to munch on during the meeting.

He saw High Dive sitting at the other end of the table, close to where Starlight will be sitting when she gets here. Atlas moved to take the seat next to him but saw someone else in HIS seat. Everyone knows that was his seat. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled as his anger rose. He grinded his teeth as he made his way over to move, forcibly if need be, the pony in his spot. High Dive noticed him before he could and waved him the chair across from him. Still angry he did what his mentor told him too. Atlas took a seat and glared death upon the earth stallion sitting next to High Dive.

The stallion in question just stared at the screen of his laptop, a bead of sweat ran down his green face. ‘It’s the weasel…’ Atlas growls low in the throat. He saw the guy flinch and start typing furiously. Wensley or “Weasel” as Atlas liked to call him, was a low ball pony that took credit for others works and even had the balls to try and get Atlas fired not once, not twice but a total of 6 times. The poor tech’s that worked under him either didn’t last long or were removed from the building. A rumor was going around he was harassing the female tech’s on his team, but no evidence was found and the mares, were quickly released. That happened last year, if Atlas remembered.

High Dive frowned at Atlas and tapped the table with his old hoof. “That’s enough…” he said ending Atlas’s tantrum. He grumbled but did what High Dive wanted. “And you.” The old stallion turned to Wensley sitting next to him.

“Yes?” he said looking up from his computer a lite blush dusting his checks.

“Don’t sit next to me next time… I don’t like strangers.” With that the event ended. He turned back to his computer ears back. The others finally started to enter the room. The pink unicorn mare, whose seat Atlas was seated at, looked from Atlas to the green stallion. She huffed adjusting her glasses but said nothing and sat next to Atlas. She as well glared at the stallion as she did so and mumbled idot under her breath. Lemon Honey, if Atlas remembered correctly, she specializes in Genetics. Mostly dealing with plants and insects. She also happens to be married now that he thinks about it. The room started to fill. Double the normal number of attendants have shown up, some even had to stand. The room just wasn’t big enough.

Atlas leaned back in his new seat and crossed both sets of legs. He took an angry bite out of the apple and rocked in the chair softly. After everypony was settled Starlight, a pale gray pinkish unicorn, walked in the room 2 minute till the meet time. “Hello everyone. Good, looks like we don’t have to discuss new enrollment…” She made her way to the head of the table and placed her heavy paper load on the table with a loud thump.

Author's Note:


Next chap should be out in a few weeks!


Comments ( 1 )

i enjoy a good zombie apocalypse story, and i can already tell that this one has potential. maybe it's my over-analytical brain at work, but i think i can see some foreshadowing at play.

that said, it was difficult to read what you have so far. there are grammatical and syntax errors that i (and other readers) can get caught up on. apostrophes are only used to show possession, never for plurals. my biggest piece of advice is to take advantage of italics. italics are usually used when writing a character's thoughts, and also to add emphasis on certain words. add italics, and your story will be that much better

keep it up, and i'm looking forward to the next chapter!

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