• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 313 Views, 2 Comments

Terminus - Virus Outbreak - HarmonyHarp

Follow Charcters as they experiance the beginings of a Zombie Outbreak.

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On the coldest day in February, August Rain, August or Gus (only by a select few) for short, sat at the kitchen table watching the news on her laptop. After watching it she opened a link to Bugle (a popular search site) and looked up the articles. Then, clicked the link to a splotching video of an “Attack” on the blog by, Press Release, a news Journalist for "On the Scene" Magazine.

Normally August could count on Press Release getting the real truth out and disproving conspiracy nuts but Harper had to reread the blog once more after the video. She just couldn't believe it. Press Release was writing about this supposed Virus outbreak, Necrogenic Virus or NV1. Press Release wasn't even trying to disprove it or even question it. Press fully believed this was really happening.

It made August ponder the 'Apocalypse' as Press Release put it, and whether or not the reports prove true seemed too early to determine, but the news and social media were abuzz with the threat of a virus and a potential pandemic brewing in remote areas of the world.

'Is it really something to be worried about?' August questioned as she looked out the window.

Snow fell outside, plows and salt trucks were weaving around cars parked on the street and preventing the asphalt from icing over. Only days ago, a pony named “Apple Jack” won the Appaloosa Derby, and Major League Buckball was in full swing. The price of Goat milk hadn’t changed, and hardware stores reported no shortage of end-of-the-world supplies. The only real impact is a TV channel showing 24-hour marathons of reality TV show about doomsday preparation enthusiasts. So, it really makes one wonder if any of it is true.

Shutting the laptop down and pushing it away, August picked up her Math homework to distract herself. Calculus was her lowest grade, grant it, it was still a solid B, but she couldn’t afford to fall behind now. She may not like her private high school but that was no reason to have her grade suffer. She needed to earn her scholarships so she could attend her top choice college and become a doctor, and with no help from her over changeling, douche of a Step-father, Timberwood. If she had to hear one more comment about how perfect his real daughter, Blue Belle, was and how much her little half-brother's, Forest Trail and Greenlight, were going to be just like her, August thought she might just go jump off the nearest bridge.

She took another look out the window at the sudden snow fall outside, the ponies walking by, cars zooming down the street. The plows and salt truckers still doing their job. Life going on in the City as per the usual norms. August just couldn't see some Virus being 'Bring the world as we Know it to it's knee's' as Press phrased it.

Neighfalls- a thriving, multicultural city on the east side of the Neighagra Falls. August lived in Fallwater Community, in a quaint 4 bedroom townhome in the middle of the block. Through the front window, she spotted ponies braving the cold weather and heavy flakes of snow now collecting on the car tops and sidewalks.

'The end of the world—could it ever really happen? Am I prepared? Who can predict their preparedness for apocalyptic conditions anyway?' She thought again. Shaking those thoughts away she turned back to her homework. "Greenlight will be back soon..." Forest Trail was up in his and Greenlight's room doing Celestia knows what. Belle wasn't even home, she had gone out with her 'friends' with a clear threat that if August told their parents that she's make sure August didn't have a social life once she was done. She scoffed at Belle and her 'friends' snickered as August just ignored her.

August needed to finish her work then prep for dinner. Not to mention help Greenlight with his homework. Lost in thought and homework, she was startled when she heard a crash come from the back of the house.
Twisting in her seat she stared at the back door. Red curtains covered most of the door window. She sat still and focused her ears for any sound. All she heard was her own accelerated heartbeat. August hesitantly stepped down from the seat and cautiously approached the door and looked out the window. She saw what looked like hoof prints leading up to her door. 'The stone fence is too high to climb without a ladder... Well unless you were a Pegasus...' She thought. Then she noticed the smudge on the window. Like some-pony pressed their nose up to the window to look in.

"What are you doin'?" She nearly jumped out of her pale gray fur when her brother Forest came into the kitchen.

"Nothing, I thought I heard something.." His dark gray eyes just stared at her. "What are you doing?" She asked back.

"I was just goin' to Rocky's house, I wanted to know when dinner was going to be ready." He stated as he started wrapping himself in his winter coat and scarf.

"Ah, about 7:30 everything should be done. I still need to help get Greenlight's Homework done." August sat back down and started working on her Math.

"Ok, see you." He said walking out the front door. August was alone again. She looked back to the kitchen door. She moved to take a look again.


She turned to the noise; it was her phone was vibrating on the countertop. Levitating the cell, she answered it as she continued what she was doing. "Hey."

"Yo, Gus! Have you seen this stuff on the news? Every channel is talking about this NV1." The voice said excitedly. Harper groaned inwardly at Bronco. Only this stallion would act like this at the sound of this kind of news.

Cracking the back door to poke her head out as she spoke, “Do you really believe that crap?” She noticed the back gate was wide open. She narrowed her turquoise eyes at the offending gate before pulling her head back into the kitchen.
“I don’t know what to believe, but I read about it all at work.”

Bronco was an Earth stallion that was working security at Calypso Lounge, a hip new nightclub far north of Neighfalls. He was at least a feet taller than herself, if not more and beefier, his stature emanating strength which is all the security the nightclub seemed to require.

“Yeah, check out EPC (Equestria Public Channel). Dozens of reports about NV1 and the remote parts of the world, shutting-down towns, villages, governments quarantining whole areas. They’re closing Cloud-ports, Seaports, Train stations, anything coming in and going out of Equestria. I hear parts of Griffonstone has been hit too!” August rolled her eyes as she listened to him babble on, she wrapped her blue scarf around her neck and stepped out to close and lock the gate.
“So, should I be stockpiling water and guns?” She asked half sarcastically, “Time to board up the House? Rob the locale food mart?”

“Not sure I’d go that far...yet” Bronco stated seriously.

August came up to the gate and looked out to see who could have opened it. She couldn’t see anypony. She took another moment to look up at the houses around the back alley. August didn’t notice anything until the old couple down the way stood on their balcony waving down the street at her. Awkwardly she waved back, ‘Weird…’ She thought. Shutting and locking the gate. ‘Wasn’t that Mr. Mulato and Old Mare Truffle?’ She wasn’t even paying poor Bronco any attention as he continued on talking. She jiggled the gate to make sure it stayed locked. ‘Old Mare Truffle is a mean old mare… Why would she be waving at me? Then again Mr. Mulato was there… Maybe she’s just didn’t want to upset her husband…’

August tuned Bronco back in as she checked the rest of the yard. “But I was skimming this book on Zebraian Flu, and…” He started.

“You just so happen to read books on pandemics?” She asked walking back to the house after finding nothing out of place. Aside from the hoof prints she thought.

“Well, I was reading one about the last couple of months of WW1. A historical scholar, Dr. Time Turner I think? Anyway, he was discussing the impact of influenza. The mortality rate of that virus reached 20%, affected up to five percent of the world pony population…” August chooses to listen quietly, she humored his fantasies. Even as her patience wearied thin.
Bronco’s voice grew louder, bellowing into the phone. “And if the virus moves like that, we could be seeing a much greater lethality. If it’s already spreading through dense areas like Ponyville, imagine how contagious it really is!”

In a flat tone she said, “That does sound serious.” Unwrapping the scarf, she sat back at the table.

“I have faith, though,” Bronco said sounding unsure of himself. “The government will come through and keep us safe. Too many powerful ponies stand ready to protect us. Politicians, scientists, the Royals… The virus doesn’t care who it infects! They know that and will work to stop it.”

“I hope so, Bronco.” she said trying to reassure him.

“…Changing topics--- did you have plans for this weekend?” August's face heated, her pale gray coat turning a worrying shade of red. “The club has some “interesting” events this weekend!” He laughed through the phone at her silence. ”It's just Foam, Gus!"

“Well… will they even let me in? I mean, I’m not even of legal age, yet.” she shot back fumbling trying to avoid having to go the foam party.

“Good question…” He said. “Well, just try, and if it doesn’t work, no biggie. We can see a movie if nothing else. Anyway, I’ve got work again tonight. If you get bored ring me up!” Harper couldn’t tell if he was being flirty or not.

Bronco has been a close friend to August since first year of high school. They had met after school in an RPG club. August liked the games and all, but she really loved dressing up and playing parts of the games. Though he was a senior, Bronco hung out with her often and kept other upper-class mates from harassing her, claiming she was just too darn pretty for other to resist. He’s the one that gave August her nickname, Gus. Though he called her prince Gus, which she detested, but he still called her Gus much to August’s dismay. August was now in 12th grade. She had only known him for 4 years, but she couldn’t seem to say no to him.

She turned on the laptop and typed in the Clubs website and clicked on the link to purchased tickets for the event this weekend. “Here goes nothing..”

Author's Note:


I scraped my old Z-pony Story and started new! I wasn't inspired to finish with my lead OC and changed it up some! (a lot) Let me know what you think!
