• Published 1st Dec 2019
  • 2,989 Views, 25 Comments

Twilight's Dreams - Naptime

Twilight asks Shining Armor to help her play out some foalish dreams she keeps having.

  • ...

Chapter Three

Twilight continued her staring contest with her wet diaper. A look of astonishment hung on the purple mare’s face. Her diaper was wet! How could it have gotten wet?! She didn’t even feel it - or for that matter - know that she needed to go. But it was definitely wet. And it was heavy. And it was getting heavier. The two ponies watched in equal astonishment as the diaper continued to swell and sag.

“Ooooh kaaay, little sog monster, up you go!” Shining Armor heaved Twilight into the air with his magic, gently carrying her back to the changing table.

Even in her stunned confusion, Twilight noticed her brother’s tone of voice and word choice. It was a tone of voice she’d heard a dozen times before in Flurry Heart's company. Friendly and playful, encouraging and happy. It was the “nurturing and supportive father” tone of voice. And in somewhat of a strange conflict of emotions, she enjoyed/disliked being called a ‘little sog monster’.

Once Twilight was laid on her back, Shining Armor wasted no time in changing the diaper. With one adept flick of his horn, he had the diaper’s tapes magically undone and the whole sodden garment pulled off of Twilight’s body. Once he tapped into that set of paternal skills he acquired from having a child of his own, it didn’t matter how big the diaper he was changing was.

“So you’re telling me you didn’t know you were wet?” he asked as a line of moist wipes came floating out of their container and began cleaning the area.

“I-I guess I kinda got lost in thought...” Twilight replied, wincing a tiny bit every time a cold wipe came and cleaned a section of her more private parts. Any comforting warmth created by the soggy diaper was quickly moped away as time went on.

“Well just make sure you’re diapered next time you get ‘lost in thought’,” Shining Armor chuckled as a fresh diaper slipped underneath Twilight, “I don’t want to have to be the one mopping up puddles all day.”

“Right,” Twilight blushed, feeling another dose of that enjoyment/dislike feeling again from being chided like a foal. She had half a mind to mention to Shining that she was in fact - despite the diapers and the changing table and the nursery - NOT a child. Sometimes when her brother got into these baby talk tangents it almost seemed like he completely overlooked that fact. But then there was that fun/distasteful feeling again.

She wanted/hated to point all this out to him. She loved/hated the fact that he was doting over her like a foal. She enjoyed/disliked being fed a bottle and having her diaper changed. All these conflicting thoughts made her head hurt. Sometimes it felt like it was just easier not to analyze all of it and just run with things. Dwelling on such things seemed like it was just a waste of perfectly good energy.

Suddenly her stomach started to growl, throwing off any ponderings she had of how she felt. At that moment Twilight realized she had skipped breakfast today, too busy with final preparations to notice until now. It was a need she could have very likely distracted herself from until dinner time, but the bottle of milk reminded her just how hungry she actually was.

“Did you ever eat anything in those dreams of yours?” Shining asked as he raised an eyebrow at his sister’s growling belly.

“I-I guess I am a little hungry...”

“Don’t you worry,” Shining replied, taping the fresh diaper snuggly around Twilight’s waist, ”we’ll get something for that growly tummy in a bit.”

Growly tummy, Twilight repeated in her head. She scowled/blushed at this word choice. It all sounded so silly coming from her older brother. And yet they didn’t seem all that out of place among this dream inspired world of diapers and plushies. Maybe that was because this whole thing was kind of surreal anyway.

Truth be told, she could never quite recall seeing a highchair in her dreams. She assumed there was one and dream-Shining Armor would sometimes make passing comments about it, but she never actually saw one in her dream-nursery. While designing the nursery for real, it felt important enough to include. And now she was thankful she did.

With no dream-reference to go off of, however, she had to pull inspiration from what she knew. It started with a frame made primarily of a lightweight, easy to clean, purple plastic with a padded seat nestled in the middle. A small tray, complete with a cup holder, attached to the front by metal rails and a pair of purple shoulder straps looped through the back for that extra level of security.

Twilight was floated into the chair and secured fastly into place. The shoulder straps were tightened expertly well around her and came together around her waist with a plastic buckle. The plastic tray was then slid in with a metallic kling, locking her firmly in her toddler seat.

“Surprised you don’t have a bib ready for all this,” Shining smirked as he dug through a cardboard box that sat beside the chair.

“I-I didn’t really think any of this would happen...” Twilight stammered, her eyes flitted between her older brother and the box.

The box contained a number of odds that she picked up from the store shortly before the pair’s session. Most of it was pretty mundane stuff, especially compared to the adult sized diaper changing table and the adult sized crib she had to jump through so many hoops to obtain. The fact that an adult sized bib wasn’t among them was sadly a result of Twilight’s inability to figure out how she could get her hands on such a silly thing. Despite all that, underneath the packs of plastic bowls and bulky toddler plasticware were about two dozen small glass jars, each one containing a different color of mush baby food inside. An orange label with the brand name “Belly Bubbles” in fun looking letters was attached to the front of each one.

“Hey, I recognize this brand,” Shining chuckled, examining one of the glass jars, “same stuff we get Flurry.”

“I-it was just the first thing I grabbed,” Twilight blushed.

Truthfully she knew very well that it was the same brand of baby food Flurry ate. In fact, she had kept track of which flavors Flurry liked the most and had even sampled a couple once or twice when she babysat the foal. When she was at the store she made sure to pick up some of Flurry’s favorite flavors, happy to rely on the recommendations of an actual foal. She also grabbed a couple jars of the least popular just so she had the added fun of choice. Or, in this instance, so her brother had the added fun of choice.

In a silly way, Twilight kind of hoped/dreaded that Shining would pick out a jar of string bean mush or pulped boiled beets and force her to eat them. Then she’d probably have no choice, but to fuss about it like a real foal which, strangely enough, she quite liked/loathed the idea of doing. It seemed all she needed was an excuse. Shining would be desperately trying to float a spoonful of colored mush into her mouth and Twilight, being such a fussy baby, would do everything in her power to ensure none of it entered her mouth.

Sadly/Fortunately, Shining managed to pick out a couple of the better flavors: banana, sweet potato and even a delightful berry medley which Flurry seemed to always have an appetite for. Perhaps instinctively, he had avoided all of the less-than-appetizing flavors to evade any potential fussy foal hissy fits. Twilight watched expectantly as he lined up the jars on the tray before her and opened each lid slowly. Her belly was starting to rumble more from anticipation.

“Alright, banana first,” Shining said, scooping a magefire cloaked spoon into the jar of yellow mush and floating it over to Twilight, “open wide, Twi.”

Twilight hardly needed to be told twice. Maybe it was out of hunger or maybe driven by some long forgotten memory of being fed from a highchair those many years ago, but her mouth hardly waited for her brain to tell it what to do. The moment the spoon was close enough, her muzzle was open to allow in the banana flavored baby food. A soft moan escaped her lips as she swallowed down the cold, sticky treat.

It was not exactly delicious, but it filled her tummy nicely. The brightly colored mush had a constant blandness to it, but there was something oddly satisfying about eating it. The way it filled her belly without any upset, the comfort of being buckled in the highchair with the food brought to her with no effort from her, even the reliability of her brother always having a new spoonful ready for her was an unspeakable enjoyment. It all made her want to lick her lips between bites and wiggle in her seat as tiny waves of littness swelled in her chest.

Shining smiled proudly as he watched Twilight enjoy herself through the low hilled roller coaster that was foal cuisine. He hardly ever saw this side of his sister, despite knowing her her entire life. Over the years he had grown to know his little sister as a calm, studious individual who would often get too caught up in reading to make time for things like relaxing or socializing.

All of that seemed to instantly change once she was put in a diaper. The changes were subtle, but shortly after that first diaper she appeared to giggle more, to squirm more, and more things around her stirred a happy response from her. Now here she sat, happily slurping away at the spoonfuls he floated to her while wearing a diaper, blissfully unaware - or for that matter, uncaring - of how silly she looked.

Unsurprisingly, Twilight once again proved to be a much better behaved charge than Flurry. Flurry Heart had a natural talent of getting more food on her face and bib than she actually ate. Meanwhile, Twilight was much too involved with analyzing the samey flavor of the baby food to even bother letting any of it dribble out of her mouth. She was much too shy to make a mess anyway while she involved herself in this adventure into the uncomplicated and simple palette of the infant.

"So how you feeling?" Shining asked at the end of it all, as he floated the now empty jars off the high chair’s tray.

Twilight took a moment to answer as she finished reflecting on her most recent mouthful of baby food. "Full..." Twilight started with the obvious and then added an immaterial that even she didn’t quite fully understand, "and...warm?"

"Warm? Already?" Shining tsked, starting to crane his neck underneath the highchair's tray to check Twilight's diaper.

"N-not like that!" she called off her brother's advances as she crossed her back hooves in front of her diapered crotch. "I-I mean like...warm. Soft...I'm not so twitchy or or nervous or anything anymore..."

"Think you're finally starting to relax," Shining added with a little proud smile, "let's say we get you outta there and play with some toys."

"I-I'd like that," Twilight replied feeling delightfully small at the idea.

Author's Note:

Gotta say, I've had my diaper changed, I've been bottle fed, heck I've even riden a roller coaster in a diaper (makes the seats suuuper comfy by the way), but I have yet to be fed from a highchair. I think it'd be fun! I hope the opportunity shows itself one of these days! That, and being read a bedtime story. They're both on my bucket list for sure!