• Published 1st Dec 2019
  • 2,989 Views, 25 Comments

Twilight's Dreams - Naptime

Twilight asks Shining Armor to help her play out some foalish dreams she keeps having.

  • ...

Chapter Two

Two weeks flew by before the two siblings’ schedules conjoined once again. For Shining Armor, the weeks that followed that encounter at the tea house passed by like any other. Occasionally he would dwell on the conversation he shared with his younger sister, but nothing too major. He was just curious to see where all this went and what Twilight could learn from such an experience.

For Twilight, however, those two weeks were incredibly busy. More than usual. She spent any and all down time working on getting things to set up a nursery in one of the spare rooms of the castle. She made meticulous notes on every detail she could remember from her dreams. Everything had to be perfect.

To further pile onto the seemingly never ending list of chores she needed to finish before The Big Day, there were also her duties as a princess that needed seeing to. The studious pony made sure the upcoming date had a fair cushion of time on either side, void of any meetings or banquets or ceremonies. Her apprentice Starlight Glimmer was thankfully out of town for that week. Not to mention making sure her day off synced up with one of Spike’s trips to the Dragonlands just to be extra careful.

Days before Shining Armor’s visit, Twilight had the room assembled. The room had sloped corners. Check. Lavender painted walls. Check. And was meticulously decorated with all the furnishings Twilight remembered from her dreams. Check check check.

“Gotta say, it’s all really impressive,” Shining Armor said on the day Twilight finally revealed the nursery to him, “practically a full fledged nursery in here!”

“I wanted to recreate the room from my dreams," Twilight answered, taking a momentary breath to steady her nervous heart, "down to every last detail.”

“Except bigger,” Shining Armor added.

“...Except bigger, but only because I wouldn’t normally fit inside a foal sized crib.”

“Or foal sized diapers,” Shining Armor replied, trotting over an adult sized changing table that stretched itself against the west facing wall. “Where did you even get this stuff?”

“I had to call in some favors. Do a few chores,” Twilight answered, bashfully avoiding any extra details beyond that, “make some discrete purchases...”

“And you’re sure about this?” her brother asked, “you’re sure you want me to help you play all this out?”

“You’re the one I saw the most in these dreams,” she answered, “if I’m to ever figure out what they mean, you’re my best bet.”

“Well alright,” Shining Armor shrugged as he scanned the room around them, “where...should we start?”

“The crib,” Twilight said, pointing towards the wooden barred bed across the way, “almost all my dreams start there.”

“Okay,” Shining Armor nodded, “then off you go.”

Twilight led the way across the room to the large crib that hugged the northern wall. A custom carpentry job crafted by an old Canterlot colleague of Twilight’s, this furnishing was built to the exact specifications of her dreams. It was roughly the size of a twin sized bed with sturdy wooden bars surrounding it. It contained an ample amount of fluffy feathered pillows with the most adorable starry night printed bedsheets. She made sure to get the softest, most plushest bed dressings she could find and even managed to find some padded bumpers to line the lower third of the mattress’s edge. It was a cozy place she’d imagine anypony would enjoy snuggling up in if it weren’t for the fact that it was all made to look like a giant foal crib.

The side of the crib was magically opened with a glow of Shining’s magic and Twilight wasted no time to crawl under the neatly folded bed sheets. The expertly made crib hardly creaked under her weight and held firm to every bounce she made when she figured out a more comfortable position.

She laid on her back for a moment, staring up at the golden mobile that dangled overhead. The silver and blue star decorations silently rotated above the crib. Patiently she waited for some kind of response to all this. She gave her subconscious a moment to send her a sign or give her a gut feeling that she was heading in the right direction. She hoped... something would happen. She waited for a good ten minutes or so, quietly staring at the ceiling, while Shining Armor browsed the rest of the room so he knew where everything was. But it seemed like no matter how long she waited, nothing changed.

“No no, this isn’t right!” Twilight huffed, kicking the blanket off and sitting up with a disappointed grumble, “something’s missing. I don’t know. It’s not right for some reason!”

“Maybe it’s because you’re not properly dressed?” Shining Armor answered, throwing a glance over at the changing table.

“O-oh...” Twilight gulped, looking over at the changing table beyond the crib’s bars.

Laying in a crib was one thing, but putting on a diaper seemed to cross some unspoken threshold that Twilight never truly internalized before. Logically a crib was just a bed, but diapers... it was difficult for Twilight’s brain to rationalize them as anything else. She always assumed diapers were involved in this infantile dream she kept having, but she could hardly recall a time when she saw herself wearing one in her dreams. Perhaps it was something her conscious mind struggled to remember. Perhaps it had been so long ago since she wore one in real life, her body had completely forgotten about them.

“M-maybe you’re right,” she found herself saying before she immediately back pedaled. "I-I mean only if you're comfortable with uhm...you know..." The confidence she rode in on was starting to slowly disappear from her body language.

"I’ve changed diapers before, Twi," Shining assured her, "even yours a couple times if i remember correctly." He shot her sister a little smirk before magically unwrapping her out of her warm blanket cover, "now come on."

The changing table was a labor of love covertly commissioned from a local book collector that ran a side business making artisan bookshelves. She kept the true purpose of the table to herself, but a sturdy table with a padded top that could hold the weight of an adult pony with plenty of shelving underneath was hardly a challenge for her handy friend. It was made of a dark wood, almost ebony, built solid like a dresser. The foam padding on the top was covered in a thick, purple cover that was easy to clean and hypoallergenic. Underneath it was a couple of shelves and cubby holes, already well stocked with diapers and changing supplies. It was a piece of furniture just as important to Twilight’s vision as the crib was and she was happy all the elements came together in the end.

Laying on top of the table was something special, that was for certain. The moment Twilight lowered her back onto its padded top, she felt a flutter stir in her chest as she stared at the lavender colored ceiling and the star shaped light fixtures. She felt as if her whole body would shrink and get lost under the vastness of the room. The more she looked into the blue stars that floated above her, the floatier she felt.

Shining Armor, being the experienced father that he was, began gathering the necessary supplies from the table’s lower shelves. Sure, it felt a bit weird putting his little sister into diapers again, but he could tell there was something in all this that she really needed. Whatever she was looking for was so tantalizingly close and he knew his sister was not somepony who would just leave things be.

And so, for the first time in forever, Shining Armor began to change his little sister into a diaper. Obviously the garments were much bigger than what he was used to, but the general principle remained the same. It was something he had done a hundred times: legs lifted up, diaper slid underneath, powder, fold, and tape. He could change a diaper in his sleep!

Twilight was certainly one of the more cooperative ponies he had diapered in the past. Certainly stayed still more than Flurry back at home. He distinctly remembered just the other day when the little alicorn kept squirming and trying to wiggle out of his hooves for no apparent reason. On some days she’d fuss because she was pulled away from her toys or just find it absolutely hilarious when she wagged her hooves up in the air. A diaper change for his daughter was always a roll of the dice for the fraternal unicorn.

No, Twilight was definitely more of a pleasure to put in a diaper. She spent the entire time just staring up at the ceiling, caught up in some blissful enlightenment. She remained absolutely still and limp from the time her legs were hiked up high into the air to when the diaper was taped snuggly around her waist.

It was only after the deed was done did she wake from her daydream. A soft sigh slipped out of her mouth as she felt her body become deeply relaxed and a bit tingly all over. She felt like she could have dozed off in a deep sleep right where she laid.

“Twilight?” Shining Armor’s voice called out through the alicorn's daze, “you ready to try this again?”

“O-oh, y-yeah, yeah I’m ready,” Twilight replied, rolling off the table.

Climbing down from the table was an easy task or so Twilight first thought. She found the diaper was a lot bulkier than she would have guessed, pushing against the insides of her thighs and preventing them from touching. With a wobbly start, she managed her own and could have very easily hopped back to the floor without a single slip. But Shining Armor was right there beside her to help her down anyway. "Just fulfilling my duty as the older sibling," he would say with a supportive smile.

With her diapered butt crinkling loudly behind her along the way, Twilight returned once more to the crib where she once again borrowed herself into the nest of cozy, soft blankets that laid inside. When she was finally tucked in by her brother, she tried to rest once more. She felt more comfortable now, like she was fitted into a mold that was made for her. The diaper was a welcomed, but strange comfort.

And again, she waited. She waited and waited. She waited for ten minutes and when that didn’t seem to work, she waited twenty. She tried not to rush things, to give her subconscious a fighting chance, but once again she grew impatient.

“Still...not right...” Twilight answered, shifting her shoulders uncomfortably against the sheets.

"Here," Shining Armor said as he magically lowered a baby bottle into the crib, "this should help get you in the right mindset."

Twilight grabbed the bottle out of the air with both of her hooves, holding it so that its silicone nipple hovered hardly an inch away from her muzzle.

Now this was a difficult thing for her to find. Adult sized baby bottles weren’t exactly a common thing. She spent days looking around for anything that came close to what she saw in her dreams. Luckily object enlargement spells were one of the main points in her Introductory to Spellcraft classes so slipping in a pink plastic bottle into the list of practice items wasn’t that hard. She recalled feeling a childlike giddiness when she successfully got the enlarged bottle in her hooves and away from the prying eyes of her students.

The moment the nipple popped into her mouth, there was an inward rush of euphoria as everything started to click. After gulping down her first mouthfuls of warm milk she knew all that hard work was worth it. Everything started to come to her so easily and automatically after that. The rhythm of suckles kept her idle mind busy as she felt herself slip into a quiet daze. After a short while her grip on the bottle weakened and her hooves dropped to her sides. Luckily Shiny was right there for her to keep the whole thing steady with his magic.

The effortlessness of the whole thing allowed Twilight’s thoughts and fears to just melt away. For the past couple weeks her mind was filled to the brim with constant stimuli. Schedules and quarterly reports and research notes for ceremonies and princess rules of etiquette. She was no stranger to a heavy workload, but experiencing this moment of calm brought a well warranted calm she didn’t even realize she needed. Now all that work and worry seemed to fade away. It was like falling into a deep, lucid sleep. Completely wide awake, but with a dreamlike euphoria that reality hardly ever came close to matching.

For a fleeting moment she could have sworn that her body was becoming one with the soft linen bed sheets that wrinkled around her. The sweet nectar she nursed from the baby bottle seemed to evaporate in her belly, leaving behind only a soft tingling that soothed both body and soul. The nursery around her fell away to the mystifying fog.

From Twilight’s perspective, it was tough to know for sure how much time passed as she slowly drained the bottle of it’s creamy milk. She wouldn’t snap out of the haze until she started sucking at air when the bottle was suddenly empty.

“I-I felt it!” Twilight exclaimed, practically spitting out the bottle. She shot up with an excited smile of joyful energy. ”I was almost there!”

“Almost where?” Shining asked, just as curious as he was supportive of his sister.

“I...I don’t know...” Twilight replied, taken aback by the fleetingness of whatever she was feeling. It felt as if the emotions she was feeling moments ago were disappearing the more she paid attention to them. “It was...” the studious pony struggled putting the complex feelings to words, ”like a warm tingling sensation. I was almost there!”

“Uhm, Twilight,” Shining replied, stifled a chuckle as he floated the empty bottle out of the crib. His eyes floated back to the alicorn in her crib, only this time his gaze trailed downwards towards her diaper. The crinkling garment now had a distinct yellow hue to most of it. It was swollen to at least twice its original thickness and weighed heavily on Twilight’s waist. “I think I know where that warming sensation was coming from...”

Author's Note:

Here it is! The most anticipated chapter of the century!

I got quite a handful of people asking about this story ever since I posted the first chapter and it pained me every time I had to say "I don't know" when they asked me if/when I was going to post the next chapter. It seems to strike a good note for people and I can only hope what I write lives up to that!

Sidebar, the whole hiking legs up into the air part of a diaper change. I really reaaaaallly like that part... It's just so...littling. Like here you are, laying on your back, no big deal, than suddenly OOP! Up your legs go and a nice soft diaper is slipped under your butt. Gosh, it's nice...