• Published 3rd Oct 2019
  • 2,865 Views, 129 Comments

Hearsay - Nyhll

Sunset Shimmer just wanted to start over with her life after failing at the Fall Formal, but when new faces arrive at CHS as a result of the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer will end up dragged back to one of the last places she wanted to ever be again.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Induction

Sunday, October 14th


Ponyville Commons

"So…" the driver's magenta eyes looked up at the rear view mirror, studying the amber girl sat between the blue and purple girls. "What's a fellow Equestrian doing here on Gaia?"

Sunset grimaced as she glanced around. "What makes you-"

"Stop." Commanded the leader of the trio, her tone telling Sunset not to continue trying to play the fool.

Sunset gave a heavy groan. "Fine. I fled her to... avoid persecutions."

"Oh! Oh! What are you? A Wendigo? A-" the blue girl started bouncing beside Sunset, a look of pure exhilaration on her face before she was stopped by the purple girl.

"Oh shut up, Sonata! I swear-"

"Aria." the leader's single word stopped both of the girls arguing, even as Sonata stuck her tongue out at Aria. "Now, Sunset, I'm Adagio, and these two… unique individuals are my sisters, Aria and Sonata. We are also from Equestria."

"You're the Sirens, aren't you?" Sunset stated flatly, earning looks from all three of them. "Figures that this is the world Starswirl sent you."

"Don't even mention that bastard!" Aria spat, glaring at Sunset. "He banished us from Equestria and left us stranded on this magic forsaken pebble!"

"Can you blame him? You tried to take over Equestria after all." Sunset rolled her eyes.

"We only did what we were made to do…" Sunset turned to look at Sonata as she whispered quietly, her expression unreadable.

"Well either way all of us are now stuck here." Adagio said as the car came to a stop at a red light. "But given what we heard about your failure, there may be a way home after all."

Sunset's heart skipped a beat. If the Sirens made it back to Equestria….

"You help us and we'll help you." a predatory grin spread across Aria’s face as she leaned forward, an arm wrapping around Sunset, making the girl squirm in disgust. “Once we get back to Equestria you can help us with taking down those stupid ponies.”

“...” Sunset remained silent as she thought over her words. They didn’t seem to be respecting her, which maybe she could use to her advantage. “All I know is that one day at that school I found a crown that had Equestrian Magic in it, and as soon as I tried to use it, some girl from Equestria showed up and beat me.”

“Given the hole in the ground I’d say it was more than just that!” sadistic laughter escaped from Aria as she jabbed Sunset in the side.

“What I’m most interested in, is that rainbow that appeared.” the car returned to motion as Adagio spoke up. “What was that all about?”

“When the girl got the crown, she powered up I guess?” Sunset shrugged. “Her and five other girls.”

“And she came through that Statue?” Sunset looked up, locking eyes with Adagio.

“Yeah, same as me, but I’ve been trying for years to get back through with no success. Whatever power that got me here through it seemed to be one way. I’m guessing she got through because she had that crown.”

“So perhaps enough Equestrian Magic could activate it then…” Adagio muttered to herself as the car took a turn. “Well I think that is enough talk for now. We are getting close to your new home.” Sunset’s biggest fear was concerned. These three were going to take her and lock her up as a slave. “I saw the band on your wrist saying you were at Crystal Heart General Hospital, was it? I’ll call them and tell them you have new arrangements.”

“Look, instead of toying with me, why don’t you just kill me now?” Sunset sighed, rubbing her face. “I’ve been through enough of late, and-”

“Kill you?” Sonata looked absolutely shocked. “Why would we do that!?”

“...Huh?” Sunset stared slack jawed.

“Did you seriously think that we were going to harm you, Miss Shimmer?” Adagio questioned with amusement in her voice. “You’ve also been, more or less, banished from Equestria. You are a fellow in arms, as it were.”

“Yeah, we’re taking you to our place so you can help us get back.” Aria slapped Sunset’s thigh.

“So slavery?” Laughter and a groan was the trio’s response.

“No, Sunset. As an equal.” Adagio eventually said as the laughter died down. “No wonder you were defeated.”

“R-Really? I mean, given your history-”

“History is written by the victor, is it not?” Adagio said as the car turned up onto a driveway.

“True…” Sunset paused. Adagio’s words flowed through her ears like honey, tempting her to give into the trio.

“Just relax, we’ll help you get your ankle healed so you can join us for the Battle of the Bands.” Aria said the car came to a stop.

“Battle of the Bands?” Sunset feigned ignorance as all three Sirens started to get out of the vehicle.

“Yeah, those losers at CHS were planning some kinda showcase or something for celebrating your defeat.” Aria replied. “Managed to convince them to turn it into something a little more competitive.”

Sunset slowly slid her way out of the car towards the side that Sonata exited from. So far, the blue girl seemed like an outlier of the trio, almost nice, but every time Sunset glanced into the Sirens eyes, a malicious glint reflected back, as well as a depth belying her apparent lack of intelligence. Sonata even offered a hand to help Sunset out of the car as Adagio popped open the back of the car.

“Aria, Sonata, you two get the boxes for our new… Guest.” she instructed before walking away. Sunset turned around to see where she was going, freezing at the sight in front of her.

Three stories of excessive opulence greeted Sunset, marble pillars stood stoically while their gold engravings sat glinting in the light. Windows that looked larger than Sunset’s old home dotted the walls, curtains of flowing fabric resting behind them. The walkway leading up to the house looked to be made of Sunset could only guess was diamond, given the purity of the material.

“Sonata, you got both of them.” Aria said with a bored wave before bringing both arms up to cross behind her head as she followed behind Adagio, leaving Sunset alone with the apparent runt of the group.

“They, uh… They don’t treat you very well, do they?” Sunset asked as she steadied herself on her crutches, giving an apologetic look to Sonata as she tried to carry both of the boxes containing Sunset’s things from CHS.

“Eh, that’s par for the course.” Sonata shrugged, chuckling uneasily. “We all love each other, but all sisters fight in one way or another.”

“You don’t have to say that twice…” Sunset muttered, earning a confused look from Sonata.

“Huh? What did you say?” an adorable expression covered Sonata’s face as she looked at Sunset.

“Oh! I said, ``You don’t have to worry, I’ll be nice.” Sunset smiled while grimacing inside. She hadn’t thought that she had said that loud enough for the Siren to hear her.

“Ohhhh, thank you!” Sonata dropped Sunset’s boxes as she lunged at the taller girl, wrapping her in a giant embrace and almost causing them both to fall to the ground. “I always wanted another friend! We’ve been here so long, yet we never seem to make friends that live long enough.”

Did they really think she was some kind of immortal creature? How long had they been in this world? Sunset was unsure of how time passed on Gaia in comparison to Equestria. “Um, when did you three arrive here? I-In this world’s time, I mean.” she asked as Sonata gave an adorable squeak, backing off and rushing to pick up Sunset’s things off the ground.

“Ummmm… I dunno!” Sonata smiled as she stood back up. How could this girl be one of the Sirens? “There was this massive garden that just got built, and a massive tower was near it! That’s all I remember!”

That all meant nothing to Sunset. “I see. Well, I’d love to learn more about you if we have the time.” she said, smiling as Sonata shut the trunk before starting to head to the door.

“Oh, I’d love to! I’m sure Addy and Ari would love to as well! Plus, you can tell us what Equestria is like now! Er, or was before you came here.” Sonata stuck her tongue out slightly as she chuckled at herself.

“Are you two coming?” Adagio yelled from the door leading into the mansion.

“Coming!” Sonata yelled back, humming happily as she walked beside Sunset, making sure not to leave her behind as Sunset wondered about what the hell was going on right now.

"Welcome to our humble home, Sunset." Adagio waved her hand dramatically as Sunset took in everything. She was pretty sure this mansion was humbler than its owner. "You shall have one of the guest rooms on the second floor, Sonata shall show you the way. Aria, if you would come with me, please."

"That's, uh… That's a lot of stairs…" Sunset whispered at the foot of the grand staircase.

"Oh, don't worry- I'll help you!" Sunset heard Sonata say from behind her before her world suddenly changed perspective, causing her to give a startled cry as she found herself hoisted up into the air, a clatter of boxes and crutches hitting the ground intermingled. "Wah! Stop covering my eyes! I need to see to carry you up the stairs!"

"W-W-What's going on!?" Sunset stammered as she let go of Sonata's face, wincing slightly at the discomfort coming from her ankle.

"Like I said, I'm carrying you up the stairs!" Sonata gave a goofy smile as she tried to look up at Sunset from below. "We don't have an elevator, so-"

"But how!? You're smaller than me!"

"Size isn't everything ya know…" Sonata's smile turned to a pout as she started up the stairs. "Everyone looks down on me even though I'm the physically strongest of us…"

Sunset cocked her head; she had never learned about Sirens being any different from one another. Sure, the forbidden section of the royal library didn't have much for records of the Sirens, but surely something would have been written down in case of them returning to Equestria, right?

"Look, I'm really sorry, Sonata." Sunset sighed, rubbing the back of her head as they neared the top of the stairs. "I don't really know much about you three, and I was just surprised is all."

"Apology accepted!" Sonata sang happily as she started to put Sunset down, the wide smile back on her face. "Now why don't you wait here while I go get your things?"

Sunset stood watching as one of the biggest threats Equestria ever faced skipped down the stairs like a schoolfilly, humming gaily to herself and swaying her ponytail back and forth as Adagio's earlier words came floating back.

"History is written by the victor, is it not?"

Sunset was starting to wonder if maybe the Siren's word held a modicum of truth- but the moment that thought started to worm it's way back into her mind she shook her head, finally noticing a familiar, dull buzzing in the back of her skull. Vinyl told her about what had happened when the Sirens arrived, and Sunset knew that Vinyl and her friends had the strongest bonds Sunset had ever seen.

A glint of reflected light caught Sunset's eye as Sonata started back up the stairs as she took in the necklace that sat around the Siren's neck. The gem really was as big as she had been told, and the deep sanguine colour seemed to swirl and fold in upon itself beneath the surface.

"Whatcha starin' at, Sunny?" Sonata beamed as she handed Sunset her crutches, magenta eyes glancing down. "Oh! The heartstone! Yeah, you said you didn't know much about us."

"Y-Yeah, that's right." Sunset responded as she slowly steadied herself on her crutches. Did these three even consider Sunset a threat? An enemy? Or was Sonata really just emptying anything that came to mind?

"Well this is where we store the negative emotions that we feed on!" Sonata said as she motioned for Sunset to follow. "It's also the main source of our powers."

"Okay, I really have to know- Do you three really just see me as a friend or something?" Sunset stopped, rubbing her temples as she continued. "I mean, you're just opening up as if I'm one of you three!"

"Well, yeah, why not?" the innocence of Sonata's declaration stunned Sunset. "I mean, you're Equestrian- we could tell that by your aura- and have been the only other one we've met on Gaia, so obviously you were banished here by the ponies."

"And what if I wasn't?" Sunset asked. "What if this is just a ploy of mine to-"

"Because everything I read in your journal proved you were a really nice person." Sonata smiled. "Writing to your Mom and sister, then pretending to write back as them- it just proved to me that you were a good person who wanted to go home."

Sunset blinked as she tried to look at the floor, emotions raging around inside of her as she tried to remember if anything in her journal could possibly give her away as just a plain old unicorn. Sonata seemed genuine in her belief that Sunset was a good person, but the fear and doubt that it was merely a trap to make Sunset let down her guard fought back against the potential complement.

"I see…" Sunset slowly started to straighten back up, a small smile on her face as she looked at Sonata. "Well… Thank you, Sonata. I think you're a nice person too."

"Silly Sunny! I'm a Siren, not a person!" Sonata's oblivious smile made Sunset laugh as they returned to walking down the hall.

"So you said you read my journal?" Sunset asked.

"Mhm! It's the only good way to pass the time at that lame school." Sonata's disgust of CHS didn't hide itself. "I swear, I'd rather be back at the Mare in the Moon! I was so close to convincing my boss to put tacos on our menu!"

"Wait! You worked at the Mare in the Moon as well!?" Sunset almost tripped as she tried to comprehend what Sonata said. "Down in Old Town?"

"Yeah, why?" Sonata turned and gazed in confusion at Sunset as they stopped outside a door.

"I worked there too- evening shifts." Sunset smiled as Sonata started hopping up and down in excitement.

"Oh my- That is so-" Sonata's words descended into squealing of the dog whistle variety as she grabbed Sunset and lifted her up off the ground. "I knew we made the right choice in rescuing you!"

"Okay, you can put me down now- Slowly!" Sunset spoke with a slight panic before she came to a delicate landing thanks to the Siren. "Thank you."

"Okay, here's your room- lemme show ya around!" Sonata grinned as she opened the door and walked in.

Show me around? It's just-

"Well? Whatdya think?"

"Massive…" Sunset responded as she looked around dumbstruck. There was a massive king sized bed along the back wall that looked absolutely tiny in the comparison to the room. The bookshelves that lined the wall, haphazardly filled with books of varying sizes, were intermittently broken up by large windows looking outside.

"Yeah, I guess." Sonata giggled as she wobbled around without a care in the word. "But compared to back in Equestria this whole mansion is tiny!"

"Yeah, I guess…" Sunset mimicked the girl who suddenly turned to face her, an inquisitive smile on her face.

"So! What are you back home!?" Sonata started as she bounded towards Sunset. "Addy interrupted us before, but was I right about Wendigo?"

Sunset's heart skipped a beat. She was going to have to think about something- after all the other Sirens were likely to ask as well. "Uh, n-no, I'm not a Wendigo." she chuckled nervously, her mind racing before a sad memory came to the forefront of her thoughts. "I'm, uh… I'm a daemon… M-Made by Discord."

Sonata's face froze, her eyes seemingly going blank as she looked at Sunset. The Siren's lips started to tremble, tears welling in her eyes as almost inaudible words escaped from her.

"What did you say?" Sunset asked quietly, trying her best to lean in.

"You're just like us!" Sonata screamed as she leapt forward and hoisted Sunset up in a crushing bear hug, swinging her around without a care of Sunset's well being. "Oh to finally find another being created by Discord!"

"Sonata, please put our guest down before you snap her in half…" a tired sigh from behind Sunset stopped Sonata's exuberance as Adagio and Aria walked into the room. "My apologies, Sunset, for how our dear Sonata tried to break you."

"She was just helping is all." Sunset chuckled uneasily, causing Aria to give a bark of cold laughter.

"As if! That airhead-"

"Hey now, be nice to Sonata, would ya? Isn't she your sister?" Sunset frowned, a look of shock on the purple Siren's face.

"Why do you care so much?" Aria stepped back, a sharp tone to her words as a slight blush seemed to build on her cheeks.

"Well it's just-"

"Sunset here misses her family." Adagio said, strolling near enough to Sunset to trace a finger along the amber Equestrian. "Which is odd, considering you just said you're a creation of Discord."

A chill sparked down Sunset's spine. "What do you mean?"

"We've all read your journal, Sunset." Adagio said as she walked over to a table, jumping up onto it. "You write to your 'Mother' or 'Sister', talking about various things, and then they write back. Which is odd, as you said you were made by Discord, same as we were."

"Yeah! Where's your heartstone?" Aria leaned against the wall and crossed her arms.

"Heartst- Oh, the necklaces." Adagio and Aria both raised an eyebrow as Sunset stumbled over her words. "Mine broke…"

"Broke?" Adagio gave an amused laugh, her expression one of a hunter having trapped its prey. "How are you alive if it broke?"

Sunset paused, a mere moment as she raced to think of what to say before a light bulb went off. "After you were banished, Discord was turned into a stone statue by Cel- Princess Celestia, and when that happened my stone broke."

As far as Sunset's study into the history of Equestria went, the Sirens were banished before Discord was turned to stone, and right now, she prayed it was right.

"That still doesn't explain how you survived." Adagio crossed her arms, causing Sunset to shrug. "And what about Princess Luna and…" Adagio shuddered, looking utterly disgusted as she spat out the next words. "Starswirl the Bearded… Surely they both aided the Sun Goddess in turning Discord to stone?"

"Princess Luna? Whose that?" It was Sunset's turn to raise an eyebrow in confusion. She had never heard of a Princess Luna before- maybe she was some forgotten monarch of one of the other races?

"She's Princess Celestia's sister, silly!" Sonata giggled.

"Sister!?" Sunset couldn't stop the outburst of emotions. Celestia had never mentioned that she'd had a sister. She took a deep breath to try and calm herself before continuing. "No, when I fled here it was just Princess Celestia."

Adagio continued to grill Sunset without break. "I see… How long have you been here?"

"A… A few winters." Sunset had to do her best to think up ways to make it seem like she wasn't sure about time.

"And when did you leave Equestria? What year?"

"I don't know- I've spent most of my life in this world." Another shrug from Sunset punctuated her remark.

Adagio opened her mouth and what seemed like Equestrian came out, but Sunset could only understand every few words.

"Well? You gonna answer her?" Aria finally spoke up, earning Sunset's attention.

"I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you said." Sunset looked around in confusion at the three sirens.

Adagio’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “I see. And you say that Discord created you as well?”

“Yeah, at least that’s what he told me. I was supposed to do… something? He vanished shortly after and I saw Celestia show up and turn him to stone.” Sunset felt a clammy sweat start to build along her hairline as she started to doubt the Sirens intention to be friends.

Adagio gave a tired sigh, her chin nearing her chest. “You really are just an infant then, huh?” a sly smirk spread across her lips as she looked up at Sunset once more. “Well don’t you worry, Sunset, your three older sisters here are gonna help you get acquainted with everything.”

“Sisters?” Sunset felt queasy at the word. “I thought you said friends?”

“Well yeah, silly.” Sonata skipped around Sunset as she responded. “But that was before we found out just how helpless you are.”

“Yeah, no wonder you lost to that school- you have no idea what you’re doing!” Sunset was shocked that Aria knew how to smile- all she had seen from the purple Siren so far was either angry bitch, or sullen moodiness. “Welcome to the Puddle, Sunset.”

Sunset’s jaw dropped in confusion. “...Puddle?”

“Yeah, that’s what a group of Sirens is called!” Sonata came to a stop as Adagio glared at her. “Like a Murder of Crows, or a School of Fish, or-”

“I think she gets it, Sonata.” And there went Aria back to angry bitch mode. “Look, get in the kitchen and start cooking! I don’t want lunch to be late again!”

“Oh! I can make tacos!” Sunset swore her vision went white with just how bright Sonata’s glowing smile was, while audible groans echoed from the other two Sirens.

Sunday, October 14th


The Sirens Den

”Here ya are! Freshly browned ground beef! I use my own mix of herbs and spices!” Sunset blinked her eyes as Sonata handed her a bowl full of the steaming meat. The rest of the large table was piled with all sorts of freshly prepared ingredients- veggies and sauces and multiple kinds of taco shells.

“Er… I don’t eat meat.” Sunset said, smiling uneasily as she looked back up at Sonata. The bubbly blue girl looked like her entire world was being shook apart, but it was the other two Sirens who made their shock verbal.

“You what!?” Aria jumped to her feet, her chair almost falling to the ground as it flew behind her.

“I am loath to say it, but I do have to agree with the crass one, Sunset.” Adagio set her wrap down gently onto her plate, looking at the amber Equestrian intently. “What do you mean you don’t eat meat?”

“I’m a vegetarian, that’s all.” Sunset saw that that response wasn’t going to cut it, and she hurried to add more as the whole house seemed to start shaking. “It makes me extremely sick.”

“I CAN FINALLY TRY MY VEGGIE TACO RECIPE IDEA!!!!!!” Sonata screamed, flipping the massive wooden table with enough force to send it towards the entrance to the dining room.