• Published 3rd Oct 2019
  • 2,865 Views, 129 Comments

Hearsay - Nyhll

Sunset Shimmer just wanted to start over with her life after failing at the Fall Formal, but when new faces arrive at CHS as a result of the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer will end up dragged back to one of the last places she wanted to ever be again.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Coincidence

Sunday, October 5th


The Mare in the Moon

"Come again?" Sunset gave Chrysalis an incredulous look and couldn't help but snicker. Even though she was putting up a face, she was worried about the fact that this woman knew where she lived- who knows what could happen from that.

"My Changling's tell me about everything that goes on- why are you laughing?" Chrysalis grimaced in annoyance as Sunset started to laugh quietly.

"S-Sorry! Just- heh- just heard this line before. Carry on." Sunset wiped a tear from her eye as she tried to stop laughing. From one of the biggest threats to Equestria to being a mob boss- how the mighty fall in Gaia.

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes. "I know about what happened the other night at your school- they may be labelling it as a water line blowing, but no water line is that powerful."

"Oh? Then what happened?" Sunset asked with faux innocence, hoping to gleam if this woman really did know.

"Don't play dumb with me, Shimmer." Chrysalis sounded like she was done playing around. "Where did you get those explosives?"

Sunset froze, before doubling over in laughter that was causing her belly to ache. "Really? Explosives!?" she asked between humoured bellows. "Where could I- a highschool student- possibly get explosives? Let- Let alone plant them in the school!"

"That's what I want to find out." Chrysalis stood up, the top of her head coming up to Sunset's chin as she leaned over the bar. "And you will tell if you wish to keep living in my town."

"Your town. Right." Sunset rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Look, tell ya what- I'm willing to play your game, so why don't you check my place out? While I'm there preferably- you tend to value the small things when you don't have much."

Chrysalis continued to glare at Sunset as the amber girl continued cleaning glasses. Eventually she stood up fully with an annoyed sigh. "Grab your things." she said, pointing a finger at Sunset while turning to the door of the bar. "We're going right now."

"..." Sunset cocked an eyebrow as she set down the mug she was cleaning."I'm kinda working here, Chrysi."

Chrysalis spun on the spot, an expression of unfiltered rage greeting Sunset as a clatter arose from the kitchen. "Woah-Woah-Woah now!" Treehugger yelled as she slid out of the kitchen, fear and concern on her face as she split looking between the two. "She meant no harm!"

"No harm?" Sunset was unmoved by the anger on Chrysalis' features.

"Noone calls me that." a bestial growl radiated from Chrysalis as Treehugger hurried to her side.

"Calm down! She didn't know!" Treehugger seemed to plead before looking to Sunset. "Just apologize, girl!"

"Whatever. Sorry for insulting you by saying your name." Sunset shrugged as Chrysalis composed herself.

"Make me another Old Fashioned before we go." she spat venomously as she sat back down at the bar. "Same as before."

"...Didn't you say-"

"Yes- I lied." Chrysalis interjected. "Considering the lack of quality… anything you have here, it was actually pretty good."

Sunset narrowed her eyes as she slowly and painfully got to mixing the woman another drink. Hopefully she didn't break another glass- Sunset was certain her boss was going to take it out of whatever pay she got.

"I still can't just drop everything and take you to look over my place." Sunset said as she started pouring and mixing. "Like I've said- I'm working."

"And I'm telling you I own that fat sack of shit you seem unreasonably loyal to- and if I told him to give you the bar, he would."

Sunset groaned as she slid the freshly finished drink as she wondered if Equestria's Chrysalis was anywhere near this… eccentric.

Sunday, October 5th


Old Town District

"Well, here we are." Sunset winced as Chrysalis pushed past her, causing the Equestrian to have to hobble around to try and not put any pressure on her left ankle.

"..." Chrysalis remained silent as she looked over Sunset's loft, chewing absentmindedly on her lip as she studied the girl's home.

"So? Have you realized that you were lied to?" Sunset grunted as she leaned against the wall to try and alleviate the pain.

"I haven't even started looking yet." Chrysalis snarled back, before trying to whisper under her breath. "Cocky bitch."

"There's a difference between cockiness and selfasuredness." Sunset snapped back, earning a quick glare over the shoulder from Chrysalis before she started to properly investigate Sunset's room.

Sunset glanced to her side as she heard another set of footsteps start to follow dutifully behind Chrysalis. He was a tall boy, gaunt and bony and looking like he was being swallowed by his clothes. His name was… Thorax? Sunset just remembered being surprised by the sportscar sitting out in front of the bar when she exited, the boy holding open a door for Sunset with barely a trace of emotion on his face, but his eyes…

"Could you at least put everything back in its place?" Sunset grumbled loudly as Chrysalis threw her couch cushions around without a regard. "I'm kinda limited in what I can do right now."

Chrysalis didn't respond, instead continuing her rampaging search of the girl's home. A few minutes passed, with the woman growing more and more annoyed as she found nothing, until she finally stood in front of Sunset with her arms crossed. "Well you're safe, for now." Chrysalis growled. "But if anything happens, I'm coming for your head- And I doubt anyone would miss you."

Sunset narrowed her eyes as she watched Chrysalis strole lazily out of the meager place the Equestrian called home, finally leaving her alone. The tears she had been holding back finally breaking through as she hobbled to the door and shut it- leaning against it. She wasn't sure what hurt more- her ankles, or the unintentional truth of Chrysalis' statement.

Nobody would miss Sunset Shimmer, not here and not in Equestria. All the drive to be the best after what happened to her sister- to become equal given their mother, all it had done is driven them apart, leading to Sunset to running away to this world and…

Sunset slowly turned, her vision blurry as she half-hopped-half-hobbled towards her stash. It was going to be an early night…




"What would EVER lead you to think to come back here!?" the voice boomed from in the blinding light, Sunset's fur threatening to combust from the heat raging around her.

"B-But Twilight-" Sunset stammered as she desperately tried to pierce the light, only to cower down as she was overspoken.

"To think I ever considered you a Sister!" came the second voice as the crystal under her shattered, sending Sunset plummeting helplessly-

Only to give a cry of agony as she landed on the floor as she heard someone familiar shout. "You idiot! Now you woke her up!"

Adrenalin kicked in as Sunset heard a slamming from way below her. She looked around, seeing that her window had been broken, glass laying all over the floor. The goons from the other night! They-


Fear started to take over as Sunset started to crawl desperately across the floor towards the "sofa" where Sasha lay. She was still dressed in her clothes from yesterday thankfully, and as she donned her coat she looked around to try and figure out what to do. She could hear the storming of feet up the stairs as she looked around desperately, and that was the only exit out of her room-

The window. This place was half a century old at least, so maybe-

"The next floor!" Sunset looked to the door as she heard the voice then quickly back at the already shattered window, and the lamp post sitting just outside it. Sunset was promised a painful death if Chrysalis or her goons got to her, so what did she have to lose? She grit her teeth as she put weight down on her injured foot, before grimacing at the window. One last thought passed through her mind before she started to try and run.

Mother… Sister… I'm so sorry… For everything…

She braced herself as she neared the glass, lowering her shoulder as she charged at it, and promptly through it. The glass sliced and stabbed her as she hung perilously in the for what seemed like eternity before she collided with the sturdy metal pole, arms and legs wrapping around it as she tried to slow her descent.

She felt blood start to run down her chin as she hit the ground, her teeth sinking into her lip as she tried to quiet her agonizing scream. The world swam in and out of focus as she stumbled around, stars flashing as she fought to keep her body from going into shock. She had to get out of here! She turned and started to run, ducking into the nearest alley to try and disappear as she heard the men call out from behind her. She hissed as the bottom of her good foot stung- she guessed it had been cut up since she hadn't had the time to grab any kind of footwear. At least her bloody trail should be somewhat hidden in the dark of night.

She fought back her tears as she continued to try and put distance between herself and her pursuers, not paying any attention to where she was going.

Saturday, October 6th


Old Town District

The man paused as he dug the flashlight off of his belt, flicking it on towards the figure on the ground. A girl with long, mussy red hair with streaks of yellow lay on the ground in the puddle of light, right where dispatch said she would be. He didn't recognize her- maybe she was new?

"Excuse me, miss?" he asked.

No response.

"Miss, can you hear me?"

Again no response.

The man walked over and crouched down in front of her, reaching out towards her. "Miss, I'm-" He froze as he tilted her over. Her face was swollen and bloody from a multitude of criss crossed cuts, and he barely felt her breathing. His hand shot to his radio as he shone the light along her and realized just how bruised and bloody she was.

"Dispatch, this is Officer Armour. I need an ambulance- NOW!" He turned back towards the girl. "Hold on, Miss, help is on the way!"




The world felt fuzzy as Sunset looked around. It was a half lit room, faint beeping echoing off the walls as a fan lazily spun above her. She felt like she was trying to swim through frozen molasses in her attempts to comprehend the world around her. She blinked her eyes, one lid slowly closing and reopening before the other did the same. When both eyes were open the room was suddenly extremely bright, and shadowy blurs loomed over her, swirling like mist.

"Miss? Can you hear me?" A slow, steady voice floated through Sunset's ear like butterflies flitting between flowers. Sunset made an unintelligible noise in response.

"Okay, so she can at least hear us." The world shifted again as Sunset felt her body sink slightly towards the left. "I don't know if you can understand me, but I'm Officer Shining Armour. I found you a few days ago in Old Town, quite injured."

Another burbling gurgle from Sunset.

"That's the morphine talking. You have a grade three sprain in your left ankle, so you won't be walking for at least a month- if not longer."

If Sunset were more cognizant she would be extremely embarrassed at the sound she made in response.

“I think she should be left to herself, Officer.” another voice said.

“Alright. Keep me informed of her condition.” Sunset’s world reset itself as the weight to her side vanished as she felt her eyelids close.

Wednesday, October 10th


Crystal Heart General Hospital

Sunset gave a heavy groan as she rubbed her head, a dull throbbing in the front of her skull as she tried to push herself up. Slowly her eyes unclenched, light flooding and blinding her before they adjusted and revealed a room. It was somewhat familiar, she had been here for awhile, but she was struggling to remember exactly. Quiet beeping drew her attention, and when she turned to the side she saw the many tubes and wires running from her to a collection of machines displaying data on her.

It finally dawned on her that she was in a hospital. How did she get here? The last she remembered was fleeing from her home- former home- when Chrysalis' goons came after her. Things got blurry after she slid down the lamp post; she had fled into the alleyways to try and hide in the shadows, but that didn't explain how she got here.

The slow beeping continued as Sunset returned to examining the room. A large window, hidden behind blinds filled one of the walls, while a few chairs and tables loitered around on the floor. The whole room was immaculately spotless- even by hospital standards- so much so that Sunset felt safer to eat off the floor then off any plate she used to own.

Right, she was homeless now. She slumped as she thought about it- she wasn't a stranger to living off the streets, but at least back in Equestria she had her magic, making it a lot easier to pickpocket and shelter herself. Here on Gaia, she had nothing. Sure, Canterlot had soup kitchens and homeless shelters, but they were all exclusively in, or bordering, the Old Town, and Sunset was certain Chrysalis' would be on the lookout for her.

Her concern then shifted to Vinyl, worrying about what would happen to her. Sunset doubted that Chrysalis didn't know about the girl, and seeing as those goons were under Chrysalis, then certainly Vinyl would be in trouble. Sunset cursed under her breath; if only she still had the Element of Magic! She could fix everything! She could put Chrysalis in her place and-

"You're awake, good." A smiling woman entered Sunset's room, surprising the Equestrian. "You've been in and out of lucidity since you arrived."

"Arrived? Where am I?" Sunset furrowed her brow, feigning concern and confusion. "What's going on?"

"Relax, Miss, everything is okay. You're in Crystal Heart General Hospital, and today is Wednesday, October 10th." the woman, obviously a nurse, explained slowly and calmly, obviously trying to calm Sunset down. "Someone found you unconscious and severely injured in Old Town and called the police."

"The police? Not an ambulance?" Sunset asked, even though she was more focused on who would call the police in Old Town? It was one of the unspoken rules down there.

"Yes, it was quite strange. Perhaps they thought a crime had taken place?" The nurse brought a delicate finger up to her chin tapping it as she obviously contemplated the situation. "Regardless, Saint Hoovesworth General was unable to do anything about your ankle, so they shipped you to us."

Sunset looked down at what looked like a human foot, were it not strangled in bandages. “We had to do surgery to repair the ligament tears. You’re probably going to be staying off that foot for at least six months.”

“Six months?” Ice ran through her veins as Sunset looked up at the nurse. “I can’t be stuck like this for six months!”

“I’m sorry, miss, but the amount of trauma suffered by your ankle there is not something that can heal overnight.” Sunset slumped as she tried to think about what to do. What could she do? She was going to be stuck unable to walk for half a year- At least!

“Now, I feel silly asking this, but who are you?” Sunset’s eyes remained glued on her ankle. “We didn’t find a wallet or anything on you, and we haven’t had any calls from family or friends looking for you.”

“...I don’t have any here.” Sunset whispered, eyes clenching as she felt tears start to well. “And I… I don’t matter to anyone.”

“Don’t say that, Miss.” the Equestrian hid her grimace at the pity filled tone of the nurse. “I’m sure someone-”

“Please… Just stop.” Sunset said, hands balling up her sheets.

“Well, can you at least tell me your name?”

“Sunset Shimmer.” she replied. She was focusing now on how long she could stay in the hospital, because the instant she had to leave it was likely she was just going to have to go back to Old Town.

“Thank you, Miss. Now why don’t you relax? Lunch should be arriving shortly.” As if on cue, there was a knock at the door, and another nurse rolled in a cart with a tray.

“Hi there! I have lunch for you!” the new woman smiled, pulling the lid off the tray.

“Oh…” Just Sunset’s luck. “I’m, uh… I’m a vegetarian.” she responded sheepishly as the lavish steak steamed on the plate.

Thursday, October 11th


Crystal Heart General Hospital

Well, at least she could get around in a motorized wheelchair. She looked around at the various staff and patients wandering the halls of the hospital. Crystal Heart- yet another name in this world that generated a chuckle from Sunset- was situated in the opulent district of Canterlot that was Crystal Empire. The richest of the filthy rich lived here in decadent mansions, seeming more like a city unto its own rather than a district of Canterlot. Of the entire city, Sunset knew the least about this area.

“Excuse me.” a woman in hospital scrubs said as she hurried past Sunset. The staff truly had gone above and beyond as they helped Sunset since she awoke. The police had come by yesterday afternoon and questioned her about what had happened to her, to which Sunset said that she couldn’t remember. They had left shortly after, leaving Sunset alone in her room for the rest of the day, save for when a few nurses stopped in to check on her from time to time. The morphine she was plugged into helped dull the world away from her, letting her relax without a care in the world.

Occasionally her concern would turn Vinyl Scratch, wondering if the girl was safe from Chrysalis and her goons. If only she had some way to check! But she didn’t have a phone, and she couldn’t ask one of the nurses, given what she had said earlier.

“Bye, dearie.” But perhaps one of the other patients would be willing to let her borrow their phone.

Sunset rolled around the corner, just in time to see an elderly woman fiddle with the smart phone in her frail hands.”U-Um, excuse me.” Sunset spoke up softly as she came to a pause. “Would I be able to borrow your phone for a minute? Mine died and I want to call and get my charging cable brought here.”

“Of course, sweetie.” the woman’s kind smile threatened to blind Sunset with just how pure it was as she handed her phone over with a heavily trembling hand. “What happened to you?”

“O-Oh, I uh… I hurt my ankle pretty bad.” Sunset gave an uneasy smile as she took the phone and started to fiddle with it. Thankfully it was still on, so all she had to do was-

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear that." the woman slowly rest her hand on Sunset's leg. "To be hurt so bad at such a young age."

Sunset chuckled on the inside. "Thank you, maam." She quickly punched in Vinyl Scratch's phone number, hit call, and brought it up to her ear. She was almost deafened by the volume as she tore it from her ear. "I'm just going to turn it down slightly."

The elderly woman merely smiled and nodded as Sunset brought the now quieter phone up to her ear, just in time to catch a robotic voice. "The voice mailbox of this user is full. Please try again."

"They probably didn't recognize the number…" Sunset chuckled uneasily as she instead punched in the number of Octavia Melody- she praised whatever force out there that gave her such an impressive memory.

"Hello?" A dignified voice with a confused tone answered after a few rings.

"Uh… Hi, Octavia." Sunset stuttered and stumbled over her words as she tried to respond. "I-It's me… S-Sunset Shimmer."

"Oh thank heavens you are okay!" Octavia sounded like she was trying to jump through the phone. "After the Buffalo collapsed and you went missing-"

"Collapsed?" Sunset furrowed her brow as her breath stuck in her lungs. "Is Vinyl safe?"

"Yes, she is. The daft sod was trying to dig through the rubble herself when I arrived. She will be so glad to hear from you." Maybe she did have people in this world that cared for her…

"Hey, look, I'm gonna have to cut this short; I'm kinda borrowing this phone to call you. What's the chances that you could stop by Crystal Heart General Hospital?"

"That's where you are!?" Octavia's surprised voice mixed with her high-class accent brought a smile to Sunset's face. "Why, I shall gather up Vinyl from Lyra's and be right there!"

"You really don't-" Sunset started to interject, only to be stopped by a huff from the cellist.

"That's utter tosh, Sunset Shimmer. Now tell me what room you are in and I shall be there forthright."

Sunset Shimmer gave a heavy sigh. "Room One-One-Four." She responded.

"Right. We shall be seeing you shortly." Octavia hung up before Sunset could respond, instead leaving the Equestrian to sigh and laugh as she handed the phone back to the woman.

"Thank you so much, maam." the woman smiled as Sunset turned around and started back to her room. It didn't sound like she would be waiting very long…

"Sunset!" Hardly half an hour had passed before the door to her room flew open, and four figures entered the room.

"Why didn't you call us sooner!?" Vinyl Scratch demanded as she approached Sunset's bed. "I was starting to think you were dead!"

"I'm pretty sure angels would sing if she died…" Lyra Heartstrings grumbled, crossing her arms while glaring at Sunset.

"Lyra!" Bon Bon scolded the girl. "That is completely unnecessary!"

A shit eating grin spread across the mint lyrist's face as she looked down at the creme coloured confectioner. "Yet you don't deny it, Bon."

"I do apologize, Sunset." Octavia smiled uneasily as she brought up the rear. "Our dear Lyra here over heard me and Vinyl talking about you and insisted on coming to make sure you weren't brainwashing or blackmailing either of us."

"Not entirely unwarranted given my past." Sunset frowned as she looked back to Vinyl. Her shades had a large crack in one of the lenses, and a large bandage covered a cheek. "Glad to see you're safe, Vinyl. I was worried that Chrysalis' goons were gonna go after you next when they didn't get me."

"Chrysalis' goons? Who's Chrysalis?" Vinyl asked with a raised brow.

"You remember the bastards that tried to jump you the other night?"

Bon Bon's face paled as she jumped at Sunset's statement, looking to Vinyl. "What!? You were jumped!?"

"Yeah, but relax, Bonfire- Sunset here fought off all three of them at once!" Vinyl boasted on Sunset's behalf.

"And I would hazard a guess that that is why Sunset is in here right now?" Octavia tilted her head as she chastised her sister, causing Vinyl to slump sheepishly and pick at the bandage on her cheek.

"...Are you really telling me that Sunset Shimmer, the demon that mind controlled the students after years of torturing us, hurt herself to save Vinyl?" Lyra held up a finger to stop Bon Bon from interrupting her as she stalked towards Sunset. "The same Sunset who would rather stay in this world where she's going to be reviled for the rest of her life instead of returning home to whatever would happen back where she came from?"

“...” Sunset glared at the wall out of the corner of her eye. She was suddenly regretting ever calling Octavia.

“Well I’ll believe it. Thanks, Sunset.” Lyra sighed as she apologized. “Sorry for tearing into you, I just didn’t want to risk something happening to my friends, no offence.”

“None taken.” a small smile played across Sunset’s lips as she looked up at the lyrist. “Like I said, I deserve worse for everything I’ve done. I just want to live out whatever life I have here.”

“Considering where you work, I think you should try for something better.” Vinyl spoke up. “That place… I wouldn’t even put the past you there, okay? Now, what did you mean by Chrysalis?”

Sunset grimaced, worried what Octavia was going to say. She took a deep breath before starting, “Okay, so you remember those goons? Well they’re under the employ of a gang boss- one who just so happened to know where I lived, and where you lived. She even heard something about what happened at… Y’know.”

“A gang was after you?” Octavia questioned Vinyl, staring the girl down. “Why, you’re lucky to just be suffering from scratches you daft sod!”

“So maybe that’s why the Buffalo collapsed?” Vinyl tried to sidestep the taller girl’s gaze. “Did something similar happen to where you live?”

“Lived, and yes.” Sunset replied. “I escaped just as her goons stormed my place.”

“So… You don’t have a home anymore?”

The room fell silent at Bon Bon’s question, the four Wondercolts turning their eyes on Sunset, who sat still in the bed.

“Yeah, I guess I’m homeless again.” she shrugged with a bored expression, running a hand through her hair, wincing as she ran into countless knots. “I mean, I started life on the streets, so I’m used to it. Look, enough about me; you four should head home- I bet you all have a lot of homework to do.”

“Actually we don’t.” Octavia said, all four sharing a weird look. “The school… Well, we have some new transfer students, see?”

“There’s something funny about them.” Bon Bon said. “People keep fighting whenever they’re around.”

“Yeah, just showed up all of a sudden at the start of the week. Even convinced the Principal’s to hold… What is it called again?” Lyra looked around. “I was kinda asleep during that assembly.”

“Shocker.” Sunset couldn’t help but chuckle as she practically heard Vinyl roll her eyes. “The Battle of the Bands, they call it.”

“And they give the strangest answers in class.” Octavia said, brushing a strand of hair out of her eye. “Almost like you used to.”

“Hey now, no laughing at the cripple.” Sunset said as everyone shared a laugh. “I’ll have you know that everything I said was true back in Equestria. But they do sound weird, what are their names?”

“Adagio, Aria, and Sonata.” Bon Bon said, bringing her finger up to her chin. “I wonder if they’re sisters? They all have these giant ruby necklaces.”

“Yeah, the gems are like… this big?” Vinyl clenched a fist. “Musta cost them a fortune! Anyways, we should leave ya be, we’ll make sure to check in on you again over the weekend.”

Sunset smiled as she waved farewell to the four girls. Looks like she did have people in this world.