• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 4,904 Views, 72 Comments

Digimon Displaced Adventure - monkey king

While attending his first convention dressed as Beelzemon and meets a magical Vendor who sent him to another world. Now he must find a way to survive in this world he has found himself in.

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chapter 2

Marcus ran for what felt like an hour before finally coming across a calm river cutting off his path. Seeing this as a sign for him to stop and catch his breath he happily took it. After taking a moment to catch his breath he walked over to the river's edge and looked down into it, and what he saw made him sigh.

There he was, but instead of it being his normal human looking self it was the character he cosplayed as, Beelzemon. Marcus then crouched down and dipped his hands into the river, as to get them nice and wet. Then while looking into the river he started rubbing his face, all the while hoping that his light bluish gray skin was still makeup .However, after rubbing for a few minutes and nothing changing he lowered his hands to his side.

Marcus couldn’t believe it he really had become Beelzemon, and despite what he thought it isn’t anything like what he thought it would be. He then clenched his fists and with a yell hit the water as hard as he could, causing a large splash. He then repeated this over and over while yelling,” dammit, dammit, dammit!!” Then with one final splash he began to softly cry while saying,” dammit all, why did this have to happen to me?”

Just then he heard a twig snap not far behind him, causing him to quickly grab Berenjena and as he turned pointed them at the sounds origin. He then angrily asked,” come out now or I swear I will tear this place asunder!”

After he said that what looked to be cream yellow Pegasus mare shakily walked out of the brush. The Pegasus then slowly and shakily walked towards Marcus while asking,” u-um a-are you alright, I-I thought I heard crying?”

This caused him to raise his left arm and wipe away the tears while saying,” I was not crying.” He then aimed back at the Pegasus and asked,” even if I was, what business would it be of yours?” As he looked at the Pegasus he started to wonder if this Pegasus was related to the ones who brought him here.

The Pegasus then let out a small whine and said,” I am sorry, I just hate to see anypony sad is all.”

Marcus clicked his tongue as he put away his weapons, deciding it wasn’t a threat, and turned his back to the Pegasus, returning his gaze to his reflection in the river. All then while Marcus kept his guard encase this Pegasus tried anything funny.

As he looked at his reflection he noticed the Pegasus's reflection. He then let out an annoyed tone asked,” what, what do you want?”

The Pegasus silently epped and in a shaky voice said,” w-well I was just wondering what exactly you are?” Her voice then evened out as she continued to say,” my special talent means I work with all sort of different animals, but I have never seen anything quit like you?”

Marcus turned his head to look at the Pegasus and then back again at his reflection. Marcus then raised his hand up so he could see it, he had no idea how he should answer that question. He then chuckled as he said,” to be honest I have no clue anymore.” He then clenched his fist while angrily saying,” I am no longer who I was, and have no idea who I am now.”

Marcus knew he was no longer a human nor did he see himself as the Digimon he now found himself as now. However, he was determined to find out exactly who, or what, he was now.

Then with a sigh said,” but if it is my name you want then it is Marcus, and as for what I am is a Digimon known as Beelzemon.” He then lowered his fist and looked at the Pegasus and asked,” and what would your name be?’

The Pegasus then blushed and said,” oh-oh my, I am sorry I should have introduced myself first.” It then smiled warmly as she introduced herself,” my name is Fluttershy, it is very nice to meet you.”

Marcus looked at Fluttershy for a moment and under his breath said,” talk about a fitting name.” He then turned his head to where he was looking at the other side of the river. As he looked at the other side of the river he asked,” so tell me, why are you here?”

Marcus honestly didn’t think that she could be related to the ones that summoned him to this world. That being said though, he just wanted to make completely sure that she was not a threat to him in any way.

Fluttershy sat down next to Marcus and said,” oh that is simple.” She then looked the same direction as Marcus and said,” a few animal friends that live in the forest have recently been forced from their homes by as strange creature.”

Marcus then looked at Fluttershy and asked,” wait so you are telling me a bunch of animals told you about this?”

This caused Fluttershy to gave a quick nod while saying,” yes that is right.” She then looked at her backside while saying,” the day that I found out that I could speak to animal was the day I got my cutiemark, and found my destiny.”

Marcus looked at the mark, which was three butterflies, on Fluttershy’s flank and said,” so that thing on your butt is supposed to represent your destiny, okay.” He then stood tall and asked,” so what was this creature your animal friends told you about.”

Fluttershy frowned as she said,” well from what they told me this creature is unlike anything ever seen before.” She then started to shake as she continued,” they told me that it was mostly black with a one large red eye, and could travel at great speeds.” Fluttershy then looked up at Marcus and with clear fear in her eyes said,” my friends also called it the “Beast of Iron”.”

As she told him what her animal friends called this creature Marcus’s eyes shot wide open. Marcus knew that name well, for it was the name of the motorcycle that Beelzemon rode in Tamers. His mind was reeling, how could the motorcycle Behemoth be in this world of all places?

Then with a heavy sigh Marcus said,” I believe I know this creature you are talking about.” He then crossed his arms and said,” it is called Behemoth, and I am not sure but I think I might be why it is here.”

Fluttershy let out a small gasp and asked,” oh my, why would this creature have to do with you mister Marcus?”

Marcus groaned while saying,” well Behemoth and I are intertwined with each other in a way.” He then chuckled as he said,” Behmoth longs for someone to ride it so it can control them, and that might just be me.”

It was hard for Marcus to admit, but the idea of taking on something as strong Behemoth was getting his blood pumping. He didn’t know it was because of him taking on some of Beelzemon’s attributes or if was just him wanting to let off a little steam.

Marcus then stood tall and started to flex his hands causing them to crack and pop. Then with a wicked grin he asked,” so tell me, where might I be able to find Behemoth?’ Just then in the distance the sound of an engine running and the snapping of wood could be heard getting closer. Marcus smirked as Behemoth came charging out of the brush said,” well speak of the devil.”

Marcus looked at Behemoth as it’s engine revved as it got ready to charge at him. Marcus then smirked as he said,” you might want to move, this could get really dangerous.” Fluttershy tried to protest but was cut off by Behemoth suddenly speeding off towards Marcus.

Marcus jumped to his right just to barely miss being run down by Behemoth. As he turned to face Behemoth, Behemoth started doing donuts until it stopped when it faced him. Behemoth then once again charged at Marcus, but instead of jumping out of the way he widened his stance so he could attempt to catch Behemoth.

When Behemoth rammed into Marcus, he did manage to stop it but not until after being forced back a few feet. Marcus grunted as he pushed against Behemoth, as an attempt to keep it in one place, all the while Behemoth’s wheels kept spinning as it tried to run him down.

Marcus let out one final grunt before being thrown backwards into the air by Behemoth as it revved past. After Marcus hit the ground he started to stand back up, and when he finally managed to get up he saw Behemoth coming in for another pass. This time however, he didn’t try and evade it’s assault.

As Behemoth was about to hit, Marcus jumped to the side and grabbed onto Behemoth’s handlebar with his left hand and used his Darkness Claw to attack the front wheel. Causing both Behemoth and Marcus to flip into the air and into the river.

Fluttershy gasped as the two landed in the river with a splash and ran to the bank. She then began to frantically scan the the river for any signs of Marcus while frantically saying,” oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!”

Just then the surface of the river started to ripple and bubble until suddenly Marcus, riding on Behemoth, shot out of the water. This sight caused Fluttershy to drop to the ground and cover her head.

When Behemoth and Marcus landed he began to laugh and say,” haha I thought I was going to kick the bucket there.” He then looked down at Behemoth and said,” well looks like me and you are going to be partners.” Marcus then turned his attention to the cowering Fluttershy and called,” hey you can get up now, everything is safe.”

Fluttershy uncovered her head as she looked at Marcus and asked,” are you sure that it won't come after me ?”

Marcus shook his head as he said,” nope Behemoth won't attack you Fluttershy, especially since I am now in control of him.” He then rubbed Behemoths windshield, which caused it’s engine to rev. Marcus then smirked and asked,” why don’t you hop on and I will give you a ride?’

Flutteshy started to fidget in place as she turned her head away from him and said,” o-oh I don’t know about that, I-I could just walk back by myself.”

Marcus shook his head and said,” come on it will be fine, just get on.” He then patted the back of the seat as a way of telling her to get on.

Fluttershy thought for a moment before carefully walking up and slowly straddiling the seat. Once she was in a comfortable position she wrapped her hooves around his waist and said,” o-okay I am ready.”

Marcus smirked wickedly and said,” awesome let’s see what this thing could do.” He then revved the engine before finally speeding towards the river's edge. Once they reached the edge of the river Marcus pulled up hard on the handlebars, sending Behemoth and both of its riders flying over the river.

As they soared over the river an amalgamation of screams of joy and fear could be heard for miles.

Once Behemoth landed safely on the ground Marcus throw is arm into the air and joyfully screamed,” Hell yeah that was freaking awesome!” Marcus then turned to ask Fluttershy what she thought, but didn’t for he could already tell what she thought. From her shaking and whimpering Marcus could tell she didn’t find it as fun as he did.

Marcus looked away and said,” hey, I am sorry I didn’t tell you I was going to do that.” He then rubbed the back of his neck while saying,” I guess I just acted before thinking, so sorry.”

Fluttershy looked up at Marcus and with what seemed a forced smile said,” o-oh it is alright, don’t worry about me.” She then whimpered a little bit and whispered,” j-just please warn me before doing something like that?”

Marcus smirked as he gave her a quick thumbs up while saying,” you got it.” He then looked forward at the forest and asked,” so this the way back to your place?”

Fluttershy gave a small nod and said,” o-oh yes this is the way.”

Marcus gave a quick nod as he gave a devilish smile and said,” well then what are we waiting for.” He then pulled back on the throttle, sending the two speeding through the brush. All the while once again hearing a mixture of screams of terror and those of joy.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you enjoy the chapter. Sorry it took me so long to do this, but as most people know life can be a pain. Anyways hope you enjoyed and look forward to the next chapter.

p.s. feel free to comment so I know what you liked or what you think I need to improve on.