• Published 21st Jul 2019
  • 4,903 Views, 72 Comments

Digimon Displaced Adventure - monkey king

While attending his first convention dressed as Beelzemon and meets a magical Vendor who sent him to another world. Now he must find a way to survive in this world he has found himself in.

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Chapter 1

Marcus was a normal eighteen year old guy from a small rural city near the panhandle of Texas and he is known as one of the biggest lovers of digimon. In fact for his first convention Marcus planned on going as his favorite Digimon Beelzemon, not the one from fusions but the one from Tamers, the better of the two in his opinion.

For months before the convention he toiled away on putting together his costume, and when the day of the convention came he was so excited. In Marcus’s opinion he thinks his costume looks almost like it came right out of the show. However, the only thing that he was sad about was the fact that he ran out of time before the con to make the two shotguns.

However, despite this little set back Marcus found himself really enjoying the convention. He especially liked seeing all the different booths, but one stuck out to him in particular.

This booth was covered in different trinkets from all from different shows, games, and comics. As for the person running the booth it was a man dressed as the Merchant character from the resident evil character.

Marcus smiled as he walked up to the booth and said,” hay man nice costume you look really cool.”

The Merchant smiled from under his hood and said,” thank you my friend.” He then waved his arms over his booth while saying,” please look around my friend, and please tell me if there is anything you like.”

Marcus smiled as he looked down at the table and began to peruse what the Merchant had. As he looked around Marcus eyes shot open in surprise, there they were Beelzemons shotguns. Marcus then looked up at the Merchant and asked,” how much for the Berenjena?”

The Merchant grabbed onto the shotguns and said,” I was thinking about two hundred dollars for them.” The Merchant then noticed Marcus’s shocked expression and said,” I see that the price is not to your liking, so how about I sweeten the deal.” He then set down the shotguns and picked up a the small toy gun that was used to turn Beelzemon into his Blast mode. Then with a smile said,” I will throw this in free of charge with purchase.”

Marcus looked at the three items as he thought about what he was going to do before reaching back and pulling out his wallet. Marcus then handed the Merchant four fifty dollar bills, which the Merchant happily took. Marcus then grabbed the three guns and quickly put them away.

Once everything was put away Marcus turned around while saying,” thank ya for the awesome gear man.” He then started to walk away from the Merchant and his booth thinking that was the end of it

This caused the Merchant to snicker while saying,” no thank you for your business, and I hope you enjoy your adventure.”

Marcus stopped in his tracks and looked back at the Merchant, and began to ask what he had meant by then when he suddenly slipped into unconsciousness. When Marcus finally started regaining consciousness he was greeted by a bright light being flashed in his eyes, causing them to squint. This caused him to wave his hand in front of his face, so to try and get away of the lights, and sat up.

Marcus rubbed the back of his head and with a groan asked,” what the hell happened to me.” He then rubbed his eyes and when he moved his hands away he was shocked what he saw. What he saw what seemed to be five different collored unicorns.

Marcus rubbed his eyes again to try see if he was just seeing things. However, when he opened back up his eyes the unicorns were still there.

Just then the unicorn of the far right smiled while saying,” my friends it would seem that we have done it, we have successfully summoned a demon.” The unicorns then began to congratulate each other on a job well done.

While they did this Marcus began to wonder what they were talking about. Just then he could feel something behind him move, causing him to turn and see what it was. To his surprise it was a fully functional metal tail, moving back and forth.

Marcus couldn’t believe it his former prop tail was moving like it was real. Marcus then shook his head thinking no way could this be real. Se to test it he grabbed the tail and pulled, causing him to wince in pain.

Marcus immediately let go of his newfound tail, his mind reeling with questions. However, his thought were interrupted when one of the unicorns let out a cough. As Marcus and the other unicorns looked at the grey unicorn with a white mane it said,” my friends I understand wanting to celebrate this tremendous event, but I think it is time for us to put this creature with the others.”

At that moment all the unicorns nodded and began to walk towards Marcus. As they drew closer Marcus started to back up until he hit a wall. Marcus gulped as he looked back at the wall before looking back at the unicorns as they came closer.

Marcus started to panic, what could he do to get out of this situation. Just then he felt something lightly tap on his outer leg. When Marcus looked down to see what it was his eyes shot open, it was the shotguns he had just bought. Then as quick as he could he pulled both of them out of the holsters on his legs while saying,” stay back!!”

This caused the unicorns to stop in their tracks for a second before continuing their advance

Marcus growled as he then yelled,” STAY AWAY FROM ME!!” This however, didn’t stop them from advancing towards him. Then suddenly he screamed DOUBLE IMPACT as he pulled both of the triggers blasting two of the unicorns, sending both of them flying into the far wall killing them.

Everyone looked at the two lifeless bodies, everyone with a look of horror on their face. Something in Marcus’s brain then went off telling him to find a way out while the other unicorns were distracted.

Marcus then started looking around the room to see if there was any way of escape. As he looked around he saw what seemed to be a one way mirror, like what you see in cope shows, and decided that was his best bet out of this room at least. Marcus then aimed his guns at the mirror and started firing rapidly at it, causing the unicorns to dive onto the ground and cover their heads.

Once thee mirror was thoroughly destroyed Marcus quickly ran over and dived through into a long hallway. Marcus then looked around for a second before turning to his right and running as fast as he could. As he ran he noticed other unicorns, and what seemed to pegasi and normal ponies, all in lab coats screaming specimen louse. This however did not faze him in the slightest and he just kept running until he came to a meal door.

Marcus looked over the door for some sort of a handle, but couldn't find anything. Marcus growled and said,” of course, couldn’t make anything easy for me could ya?” He then backed up as he raised his guns to aim at the door before rapidly shooting it. However, thou this did greatly damage the door, it did not destroy it.

Marcus growled again as he holstered his shotguns and said,” oh so that is how ya wanna play it.” Marcus then flexed his newfound claws as he ran toward and screamed,” DARKNESS CLAW!” He then thrust his right hand through then door making a hole, which he then expanded by pulling it apart with both hands.

Once the whole was big enough Marcus stepped through and into what seemed to be a forest. Marcus sighed in defeat while saying,” of course out of the weird building and into a creepy forest, of course.” Marcus then looked back at the shredded door before turning back to the forest and running into it, wondering what else could go wrong.

Author's Note:

Hey guys this has been a story I have been playing with for a while now and finally got around to finishing the first chapter. Hope you all enjoyed it and look forward to continuing this adventure, Catch ya later!!