• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,655 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Chapter 18


Panic 88%

Fluttershy's heart was beating in her throat as all possible doom scenarios went through her head,

They're going to lock me up and never let me out again! Shepard, Tali, Garrus, and Doctor Chakwas will all hate me forever!

The panicking pegasus suddenly noticed that she still had a blue aura around her wings, something that only served to increase the amount of panic she was in due to the fact that she didn't want to hurt Liara any further. In the corner of her eye, she could see that Liara had gotten up and was carefully approaching her. Fluttershy tried putting as much distance between herself and the asari but her legs simply refused to comply and made the pegasus flop onto the ground forcing her to make a mad scramble away from the approaching alien who only seemed to increase her efforts to approach the panicking pegasus.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Fluttershy shouted while flapping her wings in a last attempt at making sure Liara stayed at a safe distance, but the biotic aura seemed to completely restrict her ability of flight which gave Liara the chance to restrain the pegasus. Fluttershy struggled to get loose but couldn't as Liara made sure her wings and forelegs were restrained. Fluttershy wanted to cry but regained a bit of her composure as she heard Liara sniffing and felt tears falling into her mane. "I-I'm s-sorry..."

"Shhh. Don't Fluttershy, just don't," Liara said through her own sniffs, "I should be the one to apologize." Fluttershy completely stopped struggling as she heard that.

What does she mean 'I should be the one to apologize'? I launched her meters away from me and she's apologizing to me?!

"I linked our minds in the hope that I could share my instinctual knowledge of biotics with you, I never thought that I would bring out a memory as horrible as that one," Liara told Fluttershy remorsefully, the pegasus suddenly understood why the asari was so sad. She had watched the memory as an unwilling spectator, unable to do anything.

"Did you remind me of what Solana told me?" Fluttershy asked as she remembered the point at which the memory had diverged from what had really happened, Liara shook her head.

"No, that was all you. Though it did allow me to guide you through the mental motions of using biotics," she explained. "So I essentially ran you through the motions that allowed you to throw me away," Liara chuckled, unknowingly lifting a heavy weight from Fluttershy's chest. The aura that had surrounded her wings was simultaneously fading as well and allowed for the feathers in the pegasus' wings to feel the air again. "Do you know what happened to those bullies after that?" Liara carefully asked. A grimace returned to Fluttershy's face.

"No, but the teachers cared very little about me since I was a bad flyer so I don't think they ever faced consequences..." Fluttershy stopped for a moment. "...But I know Dash was kicked off flight school the first day of the next year and joined me in Ponyville. We never spoke about what happened in Cloudsdale but she always seemed guilty whenever a topic concerning the city came up."

"That's horrible," was the only thing that could come from Liara's mouth as she allowed the pegasus a bit more space but Fluttershy didn't seem to want to let the asari go. They sat like that for a bit longer but Fluttershy suddenly let out a wide yawn, Liara chuckled as she recognized why. "You're not used to using biotics and without an amp so you unknowingly did all the necessary calculations by yourself. You should take a nap to regain some energy," she told the pegasus who was rapidly becoming drowsier. Fluttershy lazily nodded as she felt her eyelids becoming heavier and let out another yawn.

I guess a small nap wouldn't be so bad...

As she closed her eyes it didn't take long for her to sink into a deep sleep.

Fluttershy let out a soft yawn as she pulled her blanket tighter over her body and found a more comfortable position on her pillow.

Wait, why is there a blanket and a pillow?

She shot up from the bed she had been lying on and took in her surrounding, she no longer was in the park but in the hotel room she and Liara had rented. Opening her omni tool to check the time her heart skipped a beat, almost ten hours had passed since she had fallen asleep. Seeing this she jumped from the mattress and rapidly moved throughout the small apartment to see if Liara was around, something she was not. With the asari gone for the moment, Fluttershy contemplated what to do next but was quickly reminded by her stomach that she needed to eat as well.

Making her way over to the small kitchen she opened the fridge and pulled out a salad and retrieved some cutlery from a drawer. Only getting a plate would be a bit tougher since they were placed in one of the cupboards that were on head height for most of the alien species that roamed the citadel. Fluttershy opened her wings to fly up and get one of the plates but stopped as she remembered that she had gained a new ability that might help her get the plate.

Her right wing lit up in a blue aura as she pointed it at the cupboard, the day before she had apparently been helped by Liara to control the biotics but now she would have to do it entirely by herself. Luckily for the pegasus she didn't start at square one, Rarity had once explained how telekinesis worked on one of their spa visits so that Fluttershy would be able to help Sweetie with her magic. That sliver of knowledge was something that was incredibly useful in the current situation as Fluttershy tried opening the cupboard.

To open that door I have to pull and I only know how to push, but since pulling is essentially pushing in another direction I can...

An aura surrounded the handle of the cupboard's door and it slowly swung open as Fluttershy put pressure against it. A bead of sweat was rolling down the side of the pegasus' face but she didn't notice it due to being too concentrated on the stack of plates in front of her.

Now I need to make the plate think that it can float

Once again the aura appeared and the top plate slowly rose up into the air, Fluttershy had unknowingly created a mass effect field around the plate that made it so that the plate didn't get affected by gravity any longer. The pegasus carefully floated out the plate and gave it a downward nudge to make it float right into her hooves.

The moment she cut off the biotic field she heavily panted and covered with sweat but she had managed to do something no other pegasus had ever managed to do. Fluttershy suddenly noticed a smirking asari standing in the entrance to the kitchen.

"That was amazing! You managed to figure out how to lift objects and how to use it in combination with throw!" she happily said as Fluttershy's stomach once again rebelliously growled since it was being forgotten again.

"I did once get an explanation from a friend of mine on how telekinesis works," Fluttershy replied as she placed the plate on the table but got stopped by Liara.

"Eating before possibly having surgery isn't a good idea," she told the pegasus, reminding her that she still had a decision to make very soon. Nyxin V'ladri had offered to cover the costs of the surgery if she was allowed to use the data from her scans for research purposes, something Liara had adviced against.

1. Share the data with Nyxin V'ladri

2. Do the surgery without sharing data [Costly]

3. Don't do the surgery at all

[Vote link]

Author's Note:

I don't really have much to say this chapter, hope you enjoyed! :twilightsmile:

Edit: Scratch the comment up there ^, I got featured for the first time with M.E.E.K.!

[Paragon] or a [Renegade] Are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[Certainty: 40]

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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