• Published 27th Mar 2019
  • 11,652 Views, 3,515 Comments

Mass Effect: Element of Kindness - CommanderApplejack

[CYOA] While exploring an old ruin an unfortunate accident sends Fluttershy halfway across the galaxy, how will the shy pegasus cope with being stuck away from her friends?

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Seperate ways

Chapter 156

Seperate ways

The Strike team minus Thane and Jack were all assembled in the mess hall, mostly seated and standing around the main table. A good few bottles of alcohol had been pulled out in celebration as they all laughed and chatted with each other. "You should have seen Rainbow make that crazy charge Shy, she really got the pressure off us when trying to get Thane behind cover," Garrus laughed

"Hey it was nothing, I just made sure you guys had the reprieve to focus on him," Dash very modestly brushed off, uncharacteristically for the pegasus as she nuzzled against Tali.

"Don't forget I had to pull her out of there too!" Grunt roared with a laugh as he downed some of his bottle of ryncol.

"Sounds like I missed a hell of a fight," Fluttershy smiled, brushing a hoof through Amethyst's hair as she sat, shielded with a wing, on Shy's lap.

"You're acting as if you didn't have an interesting detour," Garrus pointed out, "Flutterbat Rainbow said? I think you owe me an explanation on that one."

"It was a minor incident with Twilight, a spell, and some fruit bats," Fluttershy Sheepishly said. "The changeling queen I found in the side room had one of her drones inject me with something, it grew some new bits and pieces inside of me."

"Although concerning that such a rapid change is possible, there seem to be no negative side-effects I have detected until now. I am intrigued as to what changes there are which I might not have picked up." EDI asked as she popped up in the mess' holographic pedestal.

"Well, the changing from pegasus to a bat is one of course, the increased sense of smell is another, but those you probably found already."

"That is correct."

"I also got the ability to sense others' emotions, it's really distracting but I'm getting a handle on it. And the last thing I know of is telepathy of sorts, it doesn't work both ways so it's not like I can read another's thoughts but I can talk without talking." Fluttershy explained.

"That is both interesting and hella creepy," Rainbow pointed out.

'You don't even know the half of it,' Fluttershy projected her thoughts to Garrus, Rainbow, and Tali, as they were actively invested in the conversation.

"Like I said, creepy," Dash shivered. "So the kid is what? Like another changeling queen?"

Opening her wings slightly, Fluttershy revealed Amethyst peaking out at all the aliens around her. "Yeah, she is. Along with Chrysalis she might be the last of their kinds."

"That's... kind of sad," Tali said sympathetically, brushing her hand through the filly's hair. Amethyst shied back from the hand but relaxed at the pets.

"So, Shepard, where are you pointing us next?" Grunt asked loudly, pulling everyone's attention away from their conversations to the commander.

"To be honest Grunt, with the collectors gone we're going to have to start working on preparing everyone as best we can. That's something we can't do from the Normandy but has to be done with people on the ground everywhere. I'll take any of the crew to wherever they want to go but I'll be surrendering the Normandy over to the Alliance at earth when that is done," Shepard answered.

"Well, I think I speak for all if I said it has been a pleasure to serve with someone as honourable as the commander," Samara spoke up, raising her drink. A cheer of agreement went up through the crowd.

"It's a good question though, where are we going to go now?" Garrus asked the other three, Tali immediately had her reply ready.

"I need to get to the fleet, the admiralty board has..." she hesitated. "There is going to be another admiral appointed and with my connection to my father, I'm being considered. I need to return to my people."

"I'm going with her," Rainbow said without hesitation, only to peddle back a bit. "You know... if that offer for me to join you still stands that is..."

Fluttershy felt a wave of elation come from Tali, making the yellow pegasus smile. "Of course! It'll take me twisting some arms and some adjustment for your suit but the latter can be done in the workshop down here too."

"Yes!" Rainbow cheered before blushing, "Uhm, I mean, thanks." The daredevil smiled as she nuzzled up against the quarian.

"You sure Dash? The migrant fleet is a very claustrophobic place if you remember correctly," Fluttershy pointed out.

"I'll... find a way to deal with it. Got used to being a walking suit of armor too, I'll find a way to get my space," Rainbow replied with a smile.

"So, Garrus, Fluttershy, what are you two going to do?" Tali asked as she held Rainbow close.

"I'm going to head back to Palaven, maybe get back in touch with my dad and sisters. The planet need to be prepared and getting anything done is going to need some serious backing from the higher-ups," Garrus said with a sigh, downing his beer. "What about you, Fluttershy?"

Shy raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? I'm coming with you, right?"

"I'm just saying, you have Amethyst down there to take care of now and with Rainbow already having decided to head to the Migrant Fleet Your homeworld is missing some valuable experience and guidance for its defence," Garrus argued. "I know you Shy, if you choose to help them out instead I'd totally understand it."

"I... hadn't thought about it like that," Fluttershy admitted, looking down at Amethyst who was looking up at her expectantly. 'What do you think?'

'I-I trust you know best...' the young changeling queen meekly replied.

"I know Twi and the girls would be happy to get to spend some time with you again," Rainbow added to the argument of going to Equis.

"Same could be said about you, Dash," Fluttershy countered only for Rainbow to wave it off.

"Of course, but I haven't been out here long and they'll know I'm fine. You on the other hoof have been gone for two years."

I guess she has a point there... But I also need to Ugh, why is this such a hard decision...

1. Go to Equis.

2. Go to Palaven.

3. Drift around and focus on Amathyst.

[Vote link]

Author's Note:

Where oh where should Fluttershy go? :raritywink:

[Paragon] or [Renegade] are colored when available, though normal options might also contribute to one or the other. As for the shippers under us, [Romance] is now also a thing.
When an option is not available due to various reasons it will be colored [Grey]

[Certainty: 70]

Remember that comments are like authors' food, we gain energy from them. Constructive criticism is welcome.

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