• Published 2nd Jul 2020
  • 9,276 Views, 941 Comments

Severed Ties - Carol Heart

Stranded in Equestria after Anon-A-Miss, Sunset is done with friendship. Unfortunately, the human Twilight's new device pulls not just energy from the portal, but a unicorn as well. Now the two must work together to get Sunset home.

  • ...

Epilogue: New Beginnings (Part 3)

The teen was shaken from her reverie by the sound of an audible, “Oof.” Looking up, she was surprised to see a girl sprawled on the sidewalk near the Wondercolt statue. Sliding the journal back into her bag, Twilight rushed to help the downed girl. As she approached, she could hear the new girl muttering quietly to herself as she shoved the spilled contents back into her messenger bag before picking herself up off the ground.

Twilight took the opportunity to survey the new arrival. She was similar in height to Twilight sporting a leather jacket with orange chevrons around the upper sleeves over a long teal shirt that ended in an off-white see-through material that gave the illusion of a skirt. She was sporting a pair of form fitting blue jeans tucked into a pair of leather heeled boots sporting a matching orange chevron design. The overall look screamed rebellious-popular girl and years of experience with such girls made Twilight want to back away, but something about her long red and gold tresses seemed familiar and she’d been growing more confident since her transfer.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked nervously when she’d gotten closer.

“Yeah, no harm done,” the girl said as she dusted herself off. “Not even a hole in my…jeans? Huh, upgrade. Nice. That would have been worse if I’d been wearing my skirt.” Glancing up after appraising her own wardrobe, Twilight was met with the warm cyan eyes of the new girl. “Twilight? What are you doing here? Do you go to school here now?”


“It’s so great to see you again! It feels like it’s been forever, but maybe that was just me,” the girl said as she enveloped the teen scientist in a hug and caused her highly accomplished brain to shut down. She was never popular at Crystal Prep and even transferring to CHS, the welcome had been warm but with an undercurrent of wariness given her actions at the Friendship Games. It was never this welcoming.

“Uh, I think you have me confused for someone else,” the nerdy teen managed to stammer out when her brain began to reboot and process the situation. Her new friends had filled her in on all the magical events at Canterlot High.

“Oh really,” the girl chuckled pushing her back and giving her an appraising gaze. “You seem pretty Twilight-y to me.”

“Yes, but you see I’m not the same Twilight from the Fall Formal. I actually just transferred here a few weeks ago. I kind of thought that news had made it through the school though.”

The girl in front of her quirked an eyebrow as the smile slid from her face. “Wait, you’re being serious? Don't you…” she began a look of understanding came over her face. The look quickly made way for a grin and Twilight caught a glint in her eye that she had seen before at Crystal Prep many times before and it had the nerdy girl immediately on edge.

Unsettled by the look she was getting, Twilight tried to draw the girl’s focus from herself. “I…I don’t think I’ve seen you around school. Were you out sick or on vacation or something?”

“Hmm? Oh, uh, yeah, something like that.” The non-specific answer did nothing to ease the awkwardness, Twilight was feeling in this conversation. Seeming to sense this the discomfort in the bespectacled girl she smiled warmly and elaborated. “I used to attend CHS, but I moved away at the end of last semester. I’m back now, though and I was hoping to figure out how to get signed up again.”

“Oh, um, I can probably help you with that. I mean just having gone through the transfer process and all I know what it entails. Actually, most of it is just talking to Principal Celestia, but I could show you where her office is…unless you already know…not to imply you got in trouble a lot or anything when you were here, just that, since you were a student here before and I’ve only been here a few weeks, you might know the school’s lay out better tha-“

Twilight felt a finger press against her lips and her gaze snapped to the bright cyan orbs in front of her.

“Whoa, there Twilight, take a breath. In order, yes I remember where the Principal’s office is, but I’d love the company. The vice-principal is the one to hand out punishments, and I am also well aware of where Vice Principal Luna’s office is. I’m not offended and if you want, maybe we can hang out later and I can tell you some of the more interesting things I’ve done to land a visit there.”

As the finger was removed, Twilight just blinked owlishly at the response she’d garnered from her rambling. The owner of said finger just chuckled and started walking toward the school, calling out, “You coming?”

Shaking her head in an attempt to restart its contents, the currently struggling genius managed to squeak out, “Oh, uh, yeah.”

“So…uh, did you know the princess well,” Twilight asked once she’d caught up to the leather clad girl.

“Yeah, it was weird at first, we didn’t get off on the right foot initially, but eventually we talked and we ended up as friends.”

“Oh,” Twilight said fiddling with one of her bangs nervously, “I’m sorry.”

“Why?” the red head asked, quirking an eyebrow.

“When you saw me in the courtyard, you seemed so excited. I’m sorry I got your hopes up at seeing your friend again. I guess since you were here before so I don’t have to try and explain magic, which is probably a good thing since I don’t really understand it myself, though I’m working on it since I… Sorry I’m rambling again, just sorry for letting you down.”

“Don’t worry about it. You could never let me down, Sparky.”

Twilight looked up at that, an inkling she’d had since she’d met this new girl growing stronger though still unable to place its source. Any hope of making the connection was dashed though as she realized she had been rambling and following the mystery girl and not paying attention to where they were going. They were nowhere near the main offices.

“I think we made a wrong turn. The principal’s office is on the other side of the building.”

“I know. There was a stop I wanted to check first.”

Following down the hallway, Twilight was surprised when they turned down the music hallway towards the band room she had been in earlier. Despite the school’s efforts, the sounds of her friends’ practice still echoed down the empty corridor as Applejack started to sing.

“Once upon a time,
You came into my world and made the stars align”

The teen scientist hear Rarity pick up the verse and was then joined by the rest of the Rainbooms as the unathletic girl struggled to keep up with her companion’s quickening pace.

“Now, I can see the signs
You pick me up when I get down so I can shine”

“Shine like rainbows
Shine like rainbows
Shine like rainbows
Shine like rainbows”

“Friends, you are in my life
And you can count on me to be there by your side”

As Rainbow Dash took up the song after the chorus, Twilight watched as the redhead slid to a stop outside the band room. Turning to Twilight as she caught up, she gave the bespectacled girl a playful wink. “Keep up, Sparkle,” she said, “You don’t want to miss this.” Then she pushed open the door, belting out the song’s next line.

“And when the music comes alive
We sing our songs to lift us up so we can shine”

The music came to a discordant halt and silence overtook the room, a rare occurrence for the group of gregarious girls. Twilight watched as the Rainbooms stared, slack jawed at the redhead before Pinkie screamed shrilly, “OMG! Sunny’s back!” The poofy maned teen then launched herself into the air, managing to somersault in the air before landing on the redhead and tackle-glomping her to the ground.

This was hardly a surprise to the bespectacled teen, who had quickly learned from her new friends that it was better to not question what or how Pinkie did the things she did. No, the strange thing was that the rest of her friends quickly followed suit, dogpiling on the downed girls. The girls quickly became a cacophony of greetings and tears with a surprising number coming from the normally too-cool visage of Rainbow Dash.

“Sugarcube, I can’t believe you’re back.”

“Darling, I simply love your new ensemble. It’s a chic new look of style and sophistication with an understated air of rebellion.”

“This is totally awesome. Things weren’t the same without you, but now that you’re back and Twi’s here things are at least 40% cooler.”

“I can’t wait to throw the biggest, loudest, craziest party that Canterlot has ever seen. A super-dooper Sunny’s back and the now the school can be better than ever party.”

Twilight stood in the doorway, feeling out of place at the happy reunion. Watching as her new friends glomped on to the red-head, all the thoughts and feelings Twilight had been feeling since meeting this new girl began to click into place. The familiar tone and teasing, the warm teal eyes and the familiar head of red and gold, the nickname. It was all right there, but the brilliant girl just stared at the girl, the human girl, in front of her, her mind struggling to reconcile the cute unicorn that had been her first friend with the beautiful girl extricating herself from the pile that from all Twilight’s experience said would never give her the time of day.

Escaping the tangle, Sunset Shimmer stood before her bespectacled friend. “Hey, Sparky.” Gaining no response, the former pony scratched nervously at the back of her head looking sheepish. “Uh sorry about not telling you who I was. When I realized you didn’t recognize me, I just wanted to see how long it would take for you to figure it out.”

The bespectacled girl continued to stare at the girl before, her not giving any response. The stunned scrutinizing look caused the unicorn turned human to fidget uncomfortably under the gaze.

“I didn’t mean to-”

“S-Sunset?” Twilight finally managed to stammer out.


“You’re…You're b-b...Big.” It likely wasn’t what she’d intended to say, but considering the difficulty she was having getting her mouth to function properly, she was just happy to have completed her sentence, which elicited suppressed laughter from all of her new friends.

“Uh, yeah,” Sunset chuckled sheepishly, seeming to be suffering the same malady as her bespectacled friend. “The portal seems to be back to normal, fingers, toes, even some new clothes.”

“And they’re simply marvelous on you, clearly it has impeccable taste,” said the fashionista though she was promptly silenced with a glare from the other girls sensing the tension between the scientist and former pony.

Seeing her distress, the redhead carefully asked, “Twi are you OK?” Getting only the same awkward stare she decided it might be best to cut her losses. “Look, I know this is weird, and if I’m making you uncomfortable, I can give you some time to-”

Twilight crashed into her with more force than she’d thought the unathletic girl capable of, nearly toppling Sunset back to the floor. “You’re back!” the scientist sobbed, happy tears starting to soak the former pony’s new outfit. “How are you back? It doesn’t even matter, you’re okay and you’re back. I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too,” Sunset said smiling as she returned the hug. “As to the how…well, I told you Friendship is magic.” Sensing the eye roll from the scientific minded girl more than seeing it, Sunset chuckled and continued, “It’s true and you must know it too it since the only way we were able to get the portal open was you reestablishing the elements.” The girls gave the unicorn turned human a curious look. “The journal is still broken and without it there was nothing for the portal to latch onto that connected the two worlds.”

“Friendship is magic,” said Twilight quietly, pushing herself away from her returned friend, a focused gaze settling on her face as she pieced through the information. “Friendship is what triggered the magic of the Elements of Harmony in each of the girls, and it is analogous to the Harmony Magic of Equestria right down to the counterparts who wield it.”

“Huh?” Rainbow said, eloquently voicing the thoughts of most of the girls.

“Duh,” cut in Pinkie, “She used the magic in us and the magic in the pony us-es and since we’re both Elements and we’re both us, she could use it as the connection between our two worlds and follow it so she could go from there to here, and here to there, and there to here-” The bubbly girl’s antics were cut short by the strong arm of Applejack.

“We get the idea, sugarcube.”

“Err…yeah, what she said,” Sunset said. “Though it didn’t make for the most stable of connections and was a rather bumpy ride, hence my less than graceful appearance. Thankfully, the princess gave me a new one of these so the next trip shouldn’t be so bad.”

Reaching into her messenger bag, Sunset produced a new journal, similar to the one Twilight now possessed, though this one seemed to be emblazoned not simply with the dual-colored sun of Sunset’s cutie mark, but was intermixed with the star design favored by the scientist. A sense of dread shot through the glasses wearing teen at the implications. Next trip?

Twilight swallowed thickly, and then spoke, forcing the words out like oatmeal through a straw. “And h-how long are you staying?”

The rest of the girls seemed to catch on to Twilight’s concerns and worried looks soon spread to each of their faces. That this might be only temporary. Had Sunset finally returned only to drop off a new journal and return to the world she’d come from?

Sunset rubbed the back of her head nervously. “Well, I was actually planning on heading back tonight.” A pall fell over the room at the declaration, their eyes cast to the floor the group missed the mischievous smirk spread across the redhead’s face. “I mean, I’m pretty sure I’ve lost my apartment by this point and with no place to go, Princess Twilight said I could crash in her castle while I figure out how to get reenrolled and find a new place to live.” Smiles grew on each girl’s face at the news, and Sunset was rewarded by happy cheers and a few new bruises for the joke.

“You’re really coming back to CHS?” Fluttershy asked.

“I haven’t checked with Principal Celestia since I’m guessing I have quite a few unexcused absences to account for, but if I can work things out, yeah I’ll be a Wondercolt again.”

Rarity asked through a river of tears and mascara, “I mean after everything that happened, you really want to be friends again?”

“I don’t think I ever stopped being friends with you,” Sunset said softly. “That’s what made everything hurt so much, because I still cared for all of you.”

“You’re such a sap, Shimmer,” Rainbow said, trying to discreetly brush away her own tears with a fist.

“Oh my gosh!” yelled Pinkie, “This totally calls for the biggest, bestest welcome back party I’ve ever thrown!”

“Pinkie!” Sunset shouted, cutting the hyperactive pinkette off before she could go into full on party planning mode. “As great as that sounds, I still have a lot to take care of, and I still have to get to Principal Celestia’s office. Can I take a raincheck on that party?”

“Sure thing, SunShim,” Pinkie chirped, “Just let me know when you’re ready and I’ll set it up. Oh, this just gives me more time to make it bigger-er and better-er!”

“With a final round of hugs and a promise to see them all tomorrow, Sunset headed for the music room door, guiding the still shell shocked scientist with her.

“Where are we going?” questioned the nerdy teen.

“Well, you did say you’d walk me to the principal’s office,” said Sunset smiling.

“Oh, right.”

Upon exiting the band room, the pair were greeted by the sound of jingling and nailed feet approaching on the linoleum. Turning the corner into the main hall, Spike approached happily.

“Hey, Twilight, where’d you go? If it’s about the squirrel, don’t worry, I took care of him,” the puppy said with a smirk before turning to the other person in the hall, “Oh, hey, Sunset.”

The teen scientist blinked at the purple pup’s flippant greeting. “Wait, you knew that’s Sunset? What? How?”

Spike just shrugged, puzzled by his owner’s confusion. “What do you mean? Who else smells like that?” Sunset, not sure if she should be insulted or not at the comment opted to sidestep it entirely.

“Hey, Spike. Keeping the place safe I see.”

“But…but…she…how?” Twilight was still unable to get passed the dog’s non-reaction though her mental gymnastics seemed to go unnoticed but the other two.

“Yeah, totally. People think just because they’re cute and fluffy that they’re not a threat, but that’s how they get you.”

“You know it,” Sunset said offering a fist to bump in agreement.

The teen scientist just rolled her eyes. Having a talking dog was every pet owner’s dream, until you actually had one. Twilight had quickly learned the bulk of his thoughts centered around food, scratches, and paranoid theories of whom was out to get his territory whether it be cats, squirrels, the mailman, or some evil cadre formed by all of them to fulfil their dreams of supplanting dogs as the ‘goodest boys and girls’.

“Please don’t feed into his paranoia,” Twilight groaned finally slipping out of her mental bind at the dog’s usual tirade.

“What paranoia,” Sunset asked seriously. “You of all people should know cute furry creatures no matter how adorable can often be the cause of no end of trouble.” The fiery haired girl smiled and bumped Twilight’s shoulder with her own. Seeing a distant look in the other girl’s eyes caused the grin to fall from her lips.

“Are you alright? I know you said you were fine, but I can understand if you’re uncomfortable with all of this after what happened.” Sunset’s look turned downcast. “Trust me when I say I understand what it’s like to be reminded of your mistakes, and I don’t want to be a daily reminder of that for you.”

Twilight stopped walking and grabbed hold of the leather clad arm next to her. The sudden movement gained the attention of the amber skinned girl and teal eyes met amethyst.

“Sunset, you are my first real friend outside of my family. Everything that happened at the games, no matter how terrible only served to prove to me how great a friend you are, and I will never be anything but thrilled that you’re back.” The scientist was pulled into a tight embrace by the former pony and was surprised when she felt warm tears seeping through her shirt. “Um, if you didn’t want to make the trip back to Equestria tonight, you’d be more than welcome to spend the night at my house…again I guess.”

“It would be nice to actually meet your family instead of having to hide from them," Sunset chuckled. "Yeah, I'd like that, besides who would turn down a sleep over with their best friend?" She heard the fiery haired girl say in a watery voice.

Best friend. The decision to come to CHS was looking even better Twilight thought.

“Fine,” Spike cut in, disrupting the happy pair, “but if she’s spending the night she can sleep in your bed. I just got mine back to the way I like it.” Both girls giggled at his comment, a faint blush tinting both of their cheeks but going unnoticed by the other.

Author's Note:

And that’s the end. Well more like three ends so you can pick the one you like. Thank you for bearing with me on this longer than planned journey. It was more than I ever hoped and I hope you all enjoyed it.

Comments ( 25 )

Yay!! Sunset's back and forgave her friends!!

Ah come on I wanted to her what exactly happened after she got back. We know that she was raced to the hospital and somehow they got the portal working again but where is sunset explaining everything that happened including why she didn't want friends and why after losing the girls she closed herself off. Princess twilight would have listened and understood how hurtful it must have been. I got the feeling that she wasn't really trying to know sunset as much as do her job as Princess of friendship and she should have been talking with her about the problem instead just trying to force her back in order to fix things because I don't think sunset would have ever gone back willingly after being burned twice.

“It would be nice to actually meet your family instead of having to hide from them," Sunset chuckled. "Yeah, I'd like that, besides who would turn down a sleep over with their best friend?" She heard the fiery haired girl say in a watery voice.

Best friend. The decision to come to CHS was looking even better Twilight thought.

“Fine,” Spike cut in, disrupting the happy pair, “but if she’s spending the night she can sleep in your bed. I just got mine back to the way I like it.” Both girls giggled at his comment, a faint blush tinting both of their cheeks but going unnoticed by the other.

I think that a good nice, fluffy again.

Congratulations on finishing the story.

“Oh, um, I can probably help you with that. I mean just having gone through the transfer process and all I know what it entails. Actually, most of it is just talking to Principal Celestia, but I could show you where her office is…unless you already know…not to imply you got in trouble a lot or anything when you were here, just that, since you were a student here before and I’ve only been here a few weeks, you might know the school’s lay out better tha-“

Twilight felt a finger press against her lips and her gaze snapped to the bright cyan orbs in front of her.

This is definitely not a moment that could be mistaken for romantic undertones.

Not at all.

This was a spectacular read and I'm glad it's finished, since at one point I was afraid it would remain 'Incomplete' forever like a lot of stories on here.

I wouldn't have minded to know what went on in Equestria since Sunset was rushed to hospital. But it is what it is.

Twilight was so used to seeing Sunset as an adorable unicorn that she didn't expect to see Sunset as human, huh?

Thus, this journey concludes with the return of Sunset Shimmer not only back in her human form, but to Canterlot High School. To the Rainbooms. To Twilight.

Thank you very much for this story.

Huzzah, another happy ending! Thus, concludes this story.

Is it too much to ask for a sequel or just some type of bonus chapters? THANK YOU FOR MAKE MG THIS GOOD STORY🙏🥰

"Friendship is magic"

Some of the darker Anon-a-Miss stories tend to forget that. I'm glad to see that this one did not. :twilightsmile:

This had me wanting more! Such a good story, and I’ll be here if you decide to have more stories following this one

What an awesome journey this story was from start to finish!! I'm very thankful that Sunset came back and forgave her friends!! :twilightsmile:

That was a good story goodluck with whatever you write next.

Awww. That was a wonderful end to this tale. Glad Sunny and Twiggles get to keep being friends.

I truly enjoyed this story. I love that Sunset was able to get back and be friends again with the others. I am just curious what would happen with principal Celestia and her when the meet. The way you had it set up seem like Celestia almost thought of her a potential daughter. I would love to have seen or read that Interaction.

“Yeah, no harm done,” the girl said as she dusted herself off. “Not even a hole in my…jeans? Huh, upgrade. Nice. That would have been worse if I’d been wearing my skirt.” Glancing up after appraising her own wardrobe, Twilight was met with the warm cyan eyes of the new girl. “Twilight? What are you doing here? Do you go to school here now?”

That sure took me by surprise! :pinkiegasp:

The music came to a discordant halt and silence overtook the room, a rare occurrence for the group of gregarious girls. Twilight watched as the Rainbooms stared, slack jawed at the redhead before Pinkie screamed shrilly, “OMG! Sunny’s back!” The poofy maned teen then launched herself into the air, managing to somersault in the air before landing on the redhead and tackle-glomping her to the ground.

Wow,, the part where Sunset starts singing the lyrics before getting her friends attention reminds me of a similar scene from a power ranger episode. :pinkiehappy:

“Darling, I simply love your new ensemble. It’s a chic new look of style and sophistication with an understated air of rebellion.”

Agreed. Imo, it's Sunsets best appearance she had in the entirety of Eqg. :twilightsmile:

“And they’re simply marvelous on you, clearly it has impeccable taste,” said the fashionista though she was promptly silenced with a glare from the other girls sensing the tension between the scientist and former pony.

Stop trying to ruin the moment Rarity. :ajbemused:

“I’ve missed you too,” Sunset said smiling as she returned the hug. “As to the how…well, I told you Friendship is magic.” Sensing the eye roll from the scientific minded girl more than seeing it, Sunset chuckled and continued, “It’s true and you must know it too it since the only way we were able to get the portal open was you reestablishing the elements.” The girls gave the unicorn turned human a curious look. “The journal is still broken and without it there was nothing for the portal to latch onto that connected the two worlds.”

and you must know it too since*

Sunset rubbed the back of her head nervously. “Well, I was actually planning on heading back tonight.” A pall fell over the room at the declaration, their eyes cast to the floor they group missed the mischievous smirk spread across the redhead’s face. “I mean, I’m pretty sure I’ve lost my apartment by this point and with no place to go, Princess Twilight said I could crash in her castle while I figure out how to get reenrolled and find a new place to live.” Smiles grew on each girl’s face at the news, and Sunset was rewarded by happy cheers and a few new bruises for the joke.

the group missed*

“With a final round of hugs and a promise to see them all tomorrow, Sunset headed for the music room door, guiding the still shell shocked scientist with her.

With a final round*

Spike just shrugged, puzzled by his owner’s confusion. “What do you mean? Who else smells like that?” Sunset, not sure if she should be insulted or not at the comment opted to sidestep it entirely.

Not surprised there. :ajsmug:

“Fine,” Spike cut in, disrupting the happy pair, “but if she’s spending the night she can sleep in your bed. I just got mine back to the way I like it.” Both girls giggled at his comment, a faint blush tinting both of their cheeks but going unnoticed by the other.

I love this ending. The blush is making me think there could be a possible sequel with the two of them dating! Sorry, the sciset fan of me has taken over. Still, despite a few delays this story had i really enjoyed it. A solid 10/10. And even if there won't be a sequel, I still loved this story at the end of the day! :scootangel:

Wonderful ending to great story!

You did well, Wordsmith!

Though, despite not really having too much of an interest between Twilight and Sunset, the idea of a full blown creature in a human world can only do much, you've managed to recapture some interest towards the final act.

The writing between those two, maybe Spike too, could with more content rather than Twilight just sucking magic from the sad Rainbooms. Maybe focus more onto the mythical pony's thoughts, worries, and interest while Twilight is busy. Maybe get Sunset to do something in the Human world but couldn't because she didn't have her unicorn magic before?

Admittedly, I did tune out this fic for a long time during the breaks and when it updated, unfortunately, I didn't really want to continue until it had a couple of new chapters by then.

Regardless, you've made a good fic! Wish you good luck for future endeavors, pony or not!

This was a fantastic read and one of the best Anon a Miss stories I've read.

Congratulations on finishing the story!

I enjoyed this and have been pleased and entertained. Thank you for writing!

This was one amazing take on an Anon a Miss story and loved it so much.

Any plans for a sequel to this story? There is a lot of potential in one with Sunset readjusting to CHS, CHS reacting to Sunset's return as a human, the CMC getting to talk to Sunset for the first time since the Anon a Miss incident, the Shadowbolts' redemption, Sunset meeting Sci-Twi's family, and the events of Legend of Everfree, Forgotten Friendship, and the other movies/specials.

So if Sunset had been in Equestria for a year between Anon a Miss and Friendship Games, does this imply she's now a year older than the rest of the Rainbooms (since only a couple months passed in the human world)?

When she was in Equestria recovering from being drained of her life force magic, did Sunset ever meet with and reconcile with Princess Celestia or is that waiting until Forgotten Friendship?

This was a very good ride, I enjoyed it greatly!

Just finished the story and it was amazing! You were able to characterize them so well it felt like it came straight from the show

solid story but i wish we had a timeframe for the epilogue

Good news! Your story got a TV Tropes page made by someone!


Just got caught up. Excellent story. :twilightsmile:

What chapter is Sunset not forgiving the Rainbooms?

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