• Published 2nd Jul 2020
  • 9,320 Views, 944 Comments

Severed Ties - Carol Heart

Stranded in Equestria after Anon-A-Miss, Sunset is done with friendship. Unfortunately, the human Twilight's new device pulls not just energy from the portal, but a unicorn as well. Now the two must work together to get Sunset home.

  • ...

Chapter 16

Cadance pulled into an empty parking space and glanced up at the posh purple building her teenage friend had directed them to.

“Prim Hemline’s boutique?” the woman asked with a skeptical look. “Are you sure you want to start our shopping trip here?”

“Positive,” Twilight said, unfastening her seatbelt and getting out of the car leaving the educator to sigh before following suit.

Addressing the bookworm over the roof of the car she continued, “It’s just that Prim Hemline doesn’t really seem like your style.” Looking over at the younger girl slinging a large duffle bag over her shoulder clad in jeans and a sweatshirt, strangely with the hood up, the woman couldn’t help but worry for the younger girl’s social ineptness.

“Well, you keep telling me I should try to update my style and I heard some girls at school talking about this place so I figured we could check it out.” These were not sentiments the educator could argue with though not the location she would have taken the nerdy girl to make her first foray into the world of fashion forwardness. “Besides,” the teen continued slyly, “if Shiny ever gets around to popping the question, you’re going to need a dress, and it never hurts getting ideas early.” The teen gave her former babysitter a grin as the educator blushed.

“Twilight, you know I love your brother, but we both know we’re not at that point yet.”

Twilight rolled her eyes at that. “You two have been dating since high school and don’t think I haven’t noticed the hints you’ve been dropping around him.”

Cadance blushed a bit and looked away but Twilight heard her mutter, “At least someone noticed.”

Twilight just snickered at her former baby-sitter’s plight. “Shiny’s a police officer. He’s more observant than you think and considering all the overtime he’s been working with no correlating increase in his expenses, I’d say it’s a safe hypothesis that he’s been saving for something big.”

“How big do you think?” Cadance blurted out before she could stop herself. Regaining her composure and clearing her throat she continued, “…not that it matters. When your brother asks, any ring from him I’m sure will be perfect.”

“I’ll make sure of it,” assured Twilight giving the woman a knowing grin. “In the meantime, we can window shop for dresses.”


“Of course. I’m going to have to dress up as the Best Girl.”

Cadance laughed and brought the glasses-wearing girl into a side hug. “You think I’m going to let Shiny have you just because he’s your brother? No way. After all the backup over the years, my best wing girl is going to have to be my maid of honor.”

“Well you two can figure that out after Shiny figures out the ring and how to give it to you,” Twilight replied, returning the hug. “For now, let’s head in and see if we can get any ideas. It’s never too early to start planning.”

“Alright,” Cadance said then remembering where this conversation had started she glanced at the shorter girl’s appearance. “I have to ask though, what’s with the bag and the hoodie?”

“Umm…” the scientist grasped for an explanation. “My research indicated there had been a few instances of spontaneous energy spikes in the downtown shopping district. I just didn’t want to be unprepared in case something happened.”

“Uh-huh,” the dean said, sensing the teen was not being entirely forthcoming. “And the hoodie?”

“Err... I didn’t want anyone to recognize me,” Twilight answered though it came out as more of a question which earned a raised eyebrow from the older woman and prompted Twilight to continue. “You know, umm, we’re pretty close to Canterlot High so in case we run into anyone from CHS who saw us the other day.”

“Right,” Cadance said obviously suspicious.

However, she was unable to continue her questioning as the pair opened the door to the boutique and were greeted by an alabaster skinned teen with long, purple locks that had obviously been meticulously coifed.

“Welcome to Hemline’s Boutique,” the girl sang, “where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique.” Stepping forward she approached Cadance and offered a hand though Twilight shrank back clutching tightly to the strap of the duffle bag. Rarity was adept enough to recognize the social cue and directed her attention back to the dean. “My name is Rarity. What can I help you with today?”

Cadance glanced at the retreating form of her friend with a puzzled gaze. “Didn’t you want to look around? This was your idea after all.”

Twilight shook her hoodie covered head and squeaked out, “You go first. I can look around and get some ideas while you’re busy. Wedding dresses take more time anyway.”

“Wedding dresses!” Rarity squealed before Cadance could respond. “Oh darling, how absolutely fabulous. Have you set the date yet? Picked a location? All things to consider when creating the perfect dress for the big day.”

“Well, actually…” Cadance began but was quickly cut off by a starry-eyed Rarity.

“Oh, the ring!” the crazed fashionista practically shouted in the dean’s face. “Darling, let me see your ring. It can serve as a window into not just your style but your betrothed’s preferences in style as well.”

“He hasn’t proposed yet,” Cadance said in her educator voice, thinking it would grab the attention of the high school dressmaker. Rarity however was far too lost in the lavish possibilities.

“Oh, that’s even better,” she chirped, “That gives us a clean slate to work with no restrictions. I can create the wedding dress of your dreams and then you’ll be able to plan the ring and wedding to best complement them.”

“That’s not really,” Cadance started once again lost in the face of Rarity’s passion.

“Idea,” the young fashionista sang out. “Come. I have so many ideas and you simply must try on a few dresses to get a feel for what you might want in a dress.” Grabbing the dean by the wrist she practically dragged the woman into the back of the boutique leaving Twilight to blink at what she had just witnessed.

Following more slowly, the teen scientist entered the back hallway. Bending down, she unzipped her duffle bag, and from the confines emerged the fiery head of the little unicorn.

“Ugh, I don’t know how Spike does this all the time,” Sunset moaned as she flopped over the edge of the duffle bag, taking in as much fresh air as she could.

“Shh,” the teen scolded, “someone might hear you. Caddy and your friend…”

“Ex-friend,” the pony cut-in with a growl.

“Um, yeah. From the description you gave, it has to be her. They’re both just in the next room talking about wedding dresses. That seemed to perk the little pony up and out of the dour mood the f-word had caused.


“So what exactly are we doing here?” Twilight asked. “You were rather cryptic this morning and with Caddy showing up early, you never really explained the plan.”

“Heh, sorry,” laughed the pony embarrassedly. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a research partner. I can sometimes forget others exist.”

Twilight smiled at the strangely tiny unicorn, “Yeah, I know that feeling, but didn’t you say your friend back in…”


“Yeah, that. Didn’t you say it was her work originally and she brought you back to help her due to your expertise? So then why weren’t you working together?”

Sunset sighed. “A lot of reasons really. She’s got a pretty important job that requires a lot of her attention dealing with other ponies and her duties. But honestly, it was mostly that I just didn’t want to work with her.”


“I don’t know really. I guess part of me blames her for what happened. She left me here with them, told me to make friends. I did that and look where it got me. Then she drags me back to work on fixing the portal despite my express wishes to be done with this world!” Sunset said holding back her anger, her words escaping in a hiss of rage.

“And why do you think she would do that?” Twilight asked, unphased by the tiny pony’s anger.

Sunset grumbled, “Because she’s a busybody who can’t keep her muzzle out of other ponies’ business when she sees something that she wants to fix.” Twilight just responded with an even stare prompting the pony to admit with a huff, “And because she’s my friend.”


“Look, I know that logically, but knowing it and feeling it are two separate things, and I didn’t want to do or say something that might cause me to lose the only pony I had left as a friend.”

“And you don’t think pushing her away and shutting her out wouldn’t have the same effect.” Sunset stared at the scientist before hanging her head in shame. “Look, Sunset, I’m no expert in friendship seeing as the number of those I talk to has with has increased by 33% this week thanks to magical shenanigans, but I do know that friends are supposed to be open with each other.”

“Yeah, I don't have much experience with friendship either. I thought I was actually starting to get a handle on it, but then things went south, and I realized I just wasn't cut out for the whole thing. I mean, look how I've treated you. I was mean to you, yelled at you, and have been nothing but a jerk since we met."

“Sunset, you were put in a bad spot, in part due to my scientific meddling. I can’t blame you for being worried and angry and lashing out. I’ve also seen you save me from a group of bullies when you could have easily left me to fend for myself.” Twilight put her hand on Sunset’s back, gaining the unicorn’s gaze. “Data doesn’t lie. You may have a temper and are clearly dealing with some personal issues, but you’re a good person…er…pony. I promised I'd help you get home and I won't let you down. We're in this together.”

Sunset smiled up at this Twilight, feeling a weight in her heart shift. The pain from her experiences with her former friends wasn’t gone, but the teen’s words seemed to have broken through enough that hope had a chance.

“Yeah, I think I’d like that.” Sunset smiled, “And the first step is catching you up on the plan, partner. You have your pendant?”

Twilight reached into the side pocket of the duffle bag and produced the aforementioned object. “Got it.”

“Right, so you said you saw Fluttershy pony-up at the animal shelter, right?”


“Fluttershy was exhibiting her kindness in taking care of the animals, an Element in her element as it were.”

“Okay. So then why are we shopping for dresses?”

“With any luck, we can repeat the results of your first encounter and get Rarity to pony-up. And if anything is going to get Rarity excited, it’d be a wedding dress; something meant to be big and flashy and the center of attention. And with the prospect of true love, the romantic in Rarity is sure to be in a generous mood.”

“Let’s hope so,” Twilight agreed, “although with Cadance in the room, how do we explain when a glowing girl with pony ears and wings.”

“Rarity doesn’t have wings. She’s a unicorn,” Sunset replied automatically remembering Ponyville's resident fashionista.


“Erm, I mean Rarity's magic is more like unicorn magic,” said Sunset. Trying to convince the teen scientist of the existence of magic was province hard enough, complicating things with the fact that her world was a parallel one, as well as the existence of doppelgangers, would undoubtedly complicate an already tenuous relationship.

“So she gets a horn?”

“You’d think so, but no, though they probably would have been useful when we were fighting off the sirens,” the pony mused then seemed to shove the idea aside. “Not important right now. If she ponies up, let’s hope Cadance is in the fitting room, if not I’ll try and figure out a spell or something.”

“Seriously, that’s your plan,” Twilight quietly shouted at the unicorn in front of her. “You want to just ‘wing it’ when we are dealing with collecting mysterious energy-”

“Magic,” Sunset interjected.

“-and hope that no one notices?!”

“Relax, Twilight. We, unfortunately, do not have the time nor the relevant data to surmise how this scenario is going to play out making planning all but an impossibility, and trying to would just leave us a neurotic mess. Besides,” the amber mare said, putting on a cocky grin that made her look rather adorable, “I work best under pressure, sometimes adrenaline can provide the best inspiration.

Author's Note:

And another chapter up. Not quite what most of you were expecting, but don't worry we'll see more Rarity next week. :raritywink: