• Member Since 15th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 24 minutes ago

Comma Typer

Horse-words writer believing in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, creatively crafting stories in imitation of a creatively crafting God. Consider this: Are you sure you're going to Heaven?


Even after magic flooded the world, some things remain constant: People die. Romance is hard. The Crystal City Emperors suck.

Two days before the Ultra Bowl, which obviously won't include the Emps, Flash Sentry goes to the local sports bar, burdened by Crystal City's consistent athletic failures. Among other things.

Part of the Oversaturated World. Editing and brainstorming sessions by FanOfMostEverything.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Okay, that was cute. Ditzy is the best, as per usual.

That was more than alright, and well worth the wait. Patience, no? One of the most important things in any relationship.

Again, glad I could help out. I think this turned out quite nicely.

Why did you put this in the main folder? Wouldn't it go in Canon Shorts? 12 000 words, but still only one chapter.

Unless it is very plot relevant to something planned for the future...

Because anything with ten thousand or more words can't really be called a "short."

Came because Oversat.

Wondered why there was Ditzy X Flash in the sidebar before I saw the tags.

Didn't expect what I got, but it's really sweet!


Wait, what story did Flash and Derpy finally get together?

There was never such a story. That was something that happened in-between the scenes, so to speak. Group Precipitation's Doo Keep Watch is the closest you'll get to something romantically Flash/Ditzy before this, I think.

This was some cute stuff. Ditzy and Flash are a fun ship. They're two characters who are able to be very authentic with one another and see another's flaws or failures in ways that bigger, more spotlighted characters might not.

Author Interviewer

Hearts in Hands Day

Hot damn, that's good!

So, you must be from Cleveland. :V

Is this a different city than where Crystal Prep is? Because I cannot fathom how a town with that inside of it could have such a terrible set of sports teams. Sub par, perhaps, but only barely. Not this.

They had never gotten enough wins for a postseason trip. Despite Korf’s monstrous performances, the team had played like he’d been the only professional there: everyone else had wasted their possessions, turned the ball over one too many times, or fell to the floor and broke their ankles... and that was if they hadn’t gotten injured before the game, or in the safety of their own homes over the weekend. Panicking management hadn’t helped, trading players every few months to see who’d perfectly complement Korf, to see who’d stick, failing miserably in the process.

Victor Krumb

Ditzy going on awesome out-of-this-world adventures while he had to settle for whatever little escapades he might find on this one planet.

Dude, if you get up to even half of what I think you do, then you're right up there with her for adventuryness.

“Would it be insider information if I told you about how some big corporation is stealing prototype portals in the shadows to take out the competition?”

Isn't stealing always done in the shadows?

He must have been so worn out he hadn’t even noticed Shot preparing it without him noticing.

Double noticii.

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