• Member Since 31st Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 15 minutes ago


I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.


This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry Chronicles: The Legend of Everfree

With magic now a part of their day to day lives, Flash Sentry and his friends are entering a time in their lives that they'll never forget. Be it hanging out, attending school, part-time work and other things, there'll never be a dull moment waiting for them.

Edited by KingJoltik


Chapters (23)
Comments ( 165 )

So is this some kind of spin off fic or something? Is going to have original stories beside adapt specials and shorts? Just curious.


Well, I thought you are going to leave Equestria Girls stuffs in Flash series unresolved since your blog didn't includes any EQG stories after Season 7 of Flash.

Let's hope you don't leave EQG story unfinished since Hasbro cancel Equestria Girls before they can get to finish the story for Equestria Girls.

I'm looking forward of what your going to do with frogtten friendship and I'm on a yacht for reasons.


❤ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘 ❤


So this will the answer to the EQG shorts and post Legend of Everfree specials. A better start than Dance Magic

Well this was a surprise. But a welcome one. I was really hoping we would see more Equestria Girls content for your Chronicles series. I understand this not getting updated as frequently as the "main stories" in the series but I can wait how ever long it takes. I'm especially looking forward to when you cover the specials, but original works like this are always welcome too.

Nice to see Flash and Sci-Twi trying to take the next step in their relationship. Plus, it looks like it is going to be a double date with Fluttershy and Iron Core tagging along. Bonus!

My favorite parts were how Cadance dragged Sci-Twi out of bed to help her get ready and how she went over everything to do. I can see she takes romance just as seriously as her pony counterpart.

Fluttershy nodded again, "Don't worry. Flash won't do anything stupid to ruin your date. He's probably been waiting for this a long time and he'll wanna make it memorable." She then reached into her backpack, "Oh, and I have something special for your big night. Just in case you need it."

"Fluttershy, you didn't-" She stopped when Fluttershy held up a jar of bugs, making a shiver go down her spine, "Have to." Fluttershy happily smiled back, Twilight deciding to not refuse the...nice gift and taking the jar before placing it into her bag.

Ah, I think I see where this is going. Nice job incorporating that in. That was one of the worst shorts ever and was the only time I have ever hated Fluttershy in the entire series. Looks like you are still fixing mistakes EG made.

Wasn't expecting this spin-off of Legend of Everfree, color me intrigued! Hopefully you'll give us the closure the EG didn't get with it's sudden cancellation Banshee! (Dumb Hasbro!:rainbowwild:)

Ah the sweeeeeet sweeeeeet smell of love and romance. Hope to see more. Yes yes!

was not expecting this tho I am happy you did so any idea what will happen

The writer didn't specifically states the reason why Hasbro cancelled Equestria Girls.

My guess is the combination of DHX Media Vancouver (the one who is responsible for animating Equestria Girls) left the production and Hasbro wanting to focus on Gen 5 stuffs might be the reason for the cancellation of Equestria Girls.

yeah part of me thought G5 might have been one reason.
but I wonder how season 3 would have gone and if it might come back

According to the writer, Season 2 finale would have set up Season 3 with Human Sunset Shimmer.and it was going to reveal what happened to her.

SOURCE: pbs.twimg.com/media/EwdS_ulUcAARnWw?format=jpg&name=large

yeah I had heard that was supposed to be a human sunset who went missing when pony Sunset showed up like trapped but how could they chose not to do that somewhere

This was quite the mellow date for FlashTwi, and without magical hijinks to boot, who would have thunk it? :twilightoops::rainbowlaugh:

Glad they had a good time though, let's see where it goes from here on out with these 2!:twilightsmile::heart:

That was really sweet. You gave great focus to both couples in this chapter, and I think it is nice that they both had fun dates all the way instead of it being a disaster salvaged at the last minute.

I am looking forward to seeing what happens to Flash and Sci-Twi next, but now I'm curious if we will see the other girls get love lives too?

Incredible Incredible! It was beautiful!

Way to go Fluttershy!:raritystarry: you got Iron to open up and start conquering your fears.
Sorry about you losts, Iron, but Fluttershy will fill that void and more.

...oh and cute FlashLight scene...

glad things going well with both couples and that now two of them might date to

Well sorry Sunset. Someone else will have to be thought up for you.

This was not a story that needed to exist, Flash in this EQG don't need to be related to Scootaloo and Scootaloo could have had a healthier relationship with this EQG's version of the show Scootaloo's canonical parents.
Not bad, but not needed and things would have been more interesting that there wasn't such a one-to-one between this EQG Flash with the Flash of the main AU.

10970383 That doesn't make any sense. It's clearly established in the show that the humans and ponies have the same families. If I didn't do this, people would have asked why Flash and Scootaloo weren't being treated as siblings.

Huh guess you did went the sibling route for these 2 here as well, abeit with them not having the same luck as their Equestria counterparts. :fluttercry:

Should be interesting to see what happens to Flash/Scoots in this world going forward. :twilightsmile:

You and I both know EQG and FiM are not a one to one comparison, they are different universes/planets/worlds etc in their respective series, just because one thing exists in one doesn't mean it have to exist in the other. Needing Flash and Scootaloo to be bond by the water of the room is not needed in both as 1)the more interesting relationship Scootaloo has is the by the blood of the covenant with Rainbow, 2) there are characters that exist in one that don't exist in the other and 3) the EQG characters are not the same as the FiM counterparts, a degree off variety is to be expected.

It's also established that the characters in EQG are not the same as their FiM counterparts, and since they are not the same, they don't need to be treated the same. Also we all know that more interesting relationship that Scootaloo has is not the water of the womb with anyone, but the blood of the covenant with Rainbow, Apple Bloom and Sweetie. Also there are characters that shown to only exist in one and the other. Flash in your EQG is not the same Flash from your core AU, stop treating them like they are one in the same, the show had made a similar mistake making the two Flashes borderline interchangeable in the first EQG. Also given that in the show EQG and FiM are in different universes/planets/worlds, variations are to be expected, not having Scootaloo and Flash being siblings is a reasonable variation, as well as Scootaloo having a much healthier relationship with her show canonical parents, again these are not the same universe, they don't have to play out the exact same, in fact your need to make them more similar then different begs the question as to why you take of EQG should even be a separate universe from your main series.

This was a nice low-key chapter. Nice to finally explore Flash's and Scootaloo's sibling relationship here, since it was never mentioned in the EG world previously outside of Pony Flash wanting to avoid running into the Human Scootaloo. I wonder if Scootaloo will stay with her adopted parents now, or if she could potentially move into Twilight's home to be closer with Flash?

So, sorry that I haven't had time to stay up to date with your work. Real life responsibilities and everything. Gosh, Cadance was annoying in this chapter. I hope this technically not a date turns out better than Timber and Twilight's canon "hangout."

I was just listening to this earlier, and it totally fits. :raritystarry:

Okay, it's a sweet chapter. I do have one nitpick though. I'm a little irked that Scootaloo specifically referred to Trail Blazer as her "real" father. It kinda implies that she doesn't see her bond with her adoptive parents and the years of care and affection they spent with her as something genuine and valuable. I think the preferred term to use in this situation is "birth father."

Nice adaptation of the first special. I bet this means we'll see Movie Magic and Mirror Magic next.

It was pretty interesting seeing this special from a different POV instead of just Rarity's, and there were some pretty funny moments throughout it. I also liked the small ship tease worked in between Rarity and Lightning Blitz at the end.

Good POV of this EQG episode, with a hint of Rarity/Lightning to boot, not bad! :twilightsmile:

"We've only raised half. I counted the money four times just to be sure." The others all groaned, Flash remembering all those dirty cars that had shown up earlier, only to drive off after learning that the girls would be washing the cars in their normal clothing.

What a bunch of Perves.....(Okay I would want to see that too.)

Not a bad start to the three Summer Specials

not bad tho thought Flash might dance with them loved how Twilight did not know about the dance studio that was funny.
and you gave us a hint at human Rarity/Lightning

The dog blinked at him before hopping out of his arms, walking off to another pile of junk. A moment later, he came back dragging something in his mouth, Flash going wide-eyed as he saw it was a spring. The dog dropped it and ran back between the cars, Flash staring at the part and seeing it was the exact spring he needed before the pup pulled out another spring, followed by another and another.

Now that is one smart puppy.

Now that is one awesome chapter. They should make it into a movie.

Man, this was such an awesome chapter! The title of the chapter alone grabs me thanks to the 5D's reference. Literally everything you included was incredible. Not only did Flash get his own car like in canon, he and Sci-Twi found a way for him to use his magic on it. But, perhaps even better is that Springer's counterpart finally showed up! I have been hoping we could see more of his Equestria Girls counterpart ever since he appeared in that one chapter of your Power Rangers series. He really made a fantastic introduction, proving to be a smart dog by helping Flash get the parts he needed for his car. Maybe he can even help Flash and Sci-Twi around the latter's lab a little? Now I really hope we get a chapter eventually that focuses on Spike and Springer together, just the two dogs hanging out together and seeing how they interact.

Parkouring over towers of destroyed cars, Flash followed the sounds of the canine screaming until he arrived at where the sound was coming from. A circle of cars and trucks, stacked one on top of the other, the dog now in a corner as he was whimpering in front of something else: A black fox with a tuff of red on its head and its paws. The fox was slightly larger than the pup, growling at him before it tried to bite the dog. The pup screamed again as he jumped away, only to find himself trapped against a wall of metal. The fox unleashed its claws, ready to strike at the dog, only for a bolt of blue lightning to shoot down and strike the ground in front of it.

The fox howled in shock as it leapt back, then looked up at Flash as the teen sparked with lightning. The teen glared at it before leaping up, doing several flips before landing down between the animals with enough force that a gust of wind flew out, carrying several stray sparks. Flash continued to glare at the fox, who's eyes shrunk at the sight of the super-powered teen. Flash then held up his hand and snapped his fingers, firing a burst of energy that loudly popped, frightening the fox before letting out a yelp and shooting off through the scrap.

Now this part was an even bigger surprise. After we finally get to see Springer's counterpart, we see Shade has a counterpart too! I wonder if he'll return to cause trouble for Springer and his new owner in the future?

He'll probably be regular a nuisance to Springer in spite of lacking powers like his counterpart.

Nice way of showing us how Flash got his ride, not to mention him meeting a version of Springer here as well! :pinkiehappy: Course that also meant a stinky fox version of Shade showed his face as well, oh joy! :twilightangry2:

Really enjoyable chapter Banshee, thanks for sharing! :twilightsmile:

Knowing his Equestrian counterpart, more than likely! :facehoof:

Think it might be interesting if they are both exposed to Equestrian Magic like how Spike was? If they aren’t though that would still be fine, then we could see what he is capable of without powers. I imagine he would either find a way to still be a more grounded threat, or maybe he would be a slapstick failure villain like from Tom and Jerry (or maybe in this case we should call them The Fox and the Hound).

Alright filler.

(or maybe in this case we should call them The Fox and the Hound).

Funny you should use that title, because in the book Copper is shot by the hunter in the end, shortly before the author implied that the hunter committed suicide after the hunter and Copper failed to actually kill Todd (granted Todd died earlier due to sheer exhaustion). Not saying you're suggesting that Flash is gonna kill Springer... but that might not be the best thought out reference you could of made, also Shade is more akin to Reynard from the story Ysengrimus... just saying.

Had a feeling that would be his world's version of springer will he get the power to speak one daay?

Surprised Flash was on the sidelines for Movie Magic here, still it was enjoyable. Between getting a possible record deal for the Royal Knights from Smash Hit & his picture antics at Twight in that getup made for a pretty good read! :rainbowwild:

This was a big surprise. Instead of Flash being with the girls during Movie Magic he is off doing something else with the Royal Knights. Nice he was able to still be part of things with the girls a bit thanks to his calls with Twilight. Him taking a picture of her while she was dressed as The Masked Matterhorn was both funny and adorable.

Cool that the Royal Knights are going to take Smash Hit up on his CD deal. Maybe we'll see them record some songs, or since he said they could be the next PostCrush they'll become famous enough to play at the music festival? This also shows Flash needs to think about his future a bit more. Maybe he'll become a police officer like the others?

It's all good. Though him having a picture of twilight in her masked matterhorn outfit is quite funny.
But uh, truth be told, the Rainbooms look good in tights.

I know you guys probably don't like Flash missing Movie Magic,

I mean this with all the respect in the world, but I am thankful that Flash was doing his own thing.

but I couldn't thing of a good way to have him there whilst not capturing Juniper from the start.

neither can I

Hope this was okay.

I'd say better than okay, myself I would have just focused on Flash and have him and Twilight swap stories at the end, but this is great.

"We've only raised half. I counted the money four times just to be sure." The others all groaned, Flash remembering all those dirty cars that had shown up earlier, only to drive off after learning that the girls would be washing the cars in their normal clothing.

SICKOS!!! :flutterrage:

I hope we see that ship tease at the end come to fruition. :raritywink:

Okay, all the car talk went over my head, but the parts with Flash and Springer were heartburstingly (not a word, I know) adorable. :twilightsmile:

Glad to see the twins tagging alongside Starlight on this adventure, also love their designs! :twilightsmile:

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