• Published 24th Dec 2018
  • 4,859 Views, 160 Comments

Unbalanced Scales - Bugsydor

Though she's still reeling from the discovery that she's part dragon (on her mother's side), Rarity won't let that stop her from making life-changing decisions.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Silver and Gold

Rarity was waiting at the platform for Spike's train to arrive in Ponyville. She'd received the message Spike had sent through Twilight that morning when he'd boarded.

She wondered if she'd ever be able to do something like that.

“Twilight, do you suppose you could teach me to send messages like you and Spike do? I feel like it would help a lot for he and I to be able to stay in touch when one of us is off on business.”

The middling-sized alicorn bounced from side to side as she mulled it over.

“I don't know, Rarity. It takes a lot of magic for a pony to send messages like that. There's a reason I had Spike for that when I first came to Ponyville.”

“Indeed, darling, but what about for a dragon?” Rarity batted her eyes and grinned.

“Oh. Right. I don't know how I keep forgetting about that, given how important it is to you. I really wish I knew more that could help.”

“Don’t fret over it. You don't have to worry about offending me by forgetting minor details. You're a princess with a lot on her plate. I'm just glad you've had time to help me through this last week. And that I have your blessing to pursue a romantic relationship with Spike.”

“As for dragonfire messages, I'm not sure. I'm sadly still the top authority in Equestria on dragons, and I know less about blue dragons in general than we know about draconequus physiology. Still, though the enchantment seems to prefer dragonfire, there's no reason other elemental energies couldn't be substituted, and lightning is the next best thing…

“Speaking of, why haven't I ever seen you spraying lightning? Well, aside from that one time when I tried out Starswirl's spell.”

Rarity sucked in a breath through her teeth. “I thought we agreed to never speak of that again. That was rather distressing for all parties involved, don't you think?”


“Apology accepted.”

Rarity shifted her weight to a back hoof and looked up into space.

“Well, my mother always taught us that it was impolite to belch lightning in public, and I took that lesson to heart. Besides that, I've always been more gifted with illusions than with lightning. Sweetie Belle got the lion's share of the lightning.”

“Huh. I guess that explains why you never seemed to age a day over twenty-four.”

“That and good genes, darling. Very good genes.” Rarity gave Twilight a grin that by all rights should have been filled with fangs.

Twilight shuddered, but only slightly.

“So, are you going to tell Sweetie Belle?”

“And break with what is apparently a family tradition? Heavens, no!”

Twilight took a stabilizing breath. “As for my ‘blessing’, Rarity, it's not unconditional.

“We've known each other for a long time now. You're one of my best friends, and I trust you with a lot of things.”

The alicorn raised herself to her full, somewhat impressive height. “But I've known Spike longer. He's like— No, he is a little brother to me. I swear on my horn that if you break his heart, if this turns out to be some fad or scheme like your previous so-called romantic pursuits” – Rarity winced, but held her tongue – “I will do everything, and I do mean everything, in my considerable power as an alicorn, as a princess, and as a big sister to make your life absolutely miserable.

“Am I being perfectly clear?” Twilight said as lightning flashed behind her.

“As crystal,” the cowering mildly draconic unicorn replied. “The thunderclouds were a very nice touch.”

“Thanks,” she said, her posture returning to its normal semi-regal cuddliness. “I've been taking lessons from Luna. I meant every word I said, though.

“But if your feelings are sincere, and I'm about ninety-eight percent certain that they are, then I am perfectly okay with it. He's turned down quite a number of very eligible dragonesses over the years, and even a few ponies and changelings. Do you know why?”

The train's brakes squealed as it rolled into the station.

“It's because none of them were you, and my little brother is an irrepressible optimist when it suits him.

Twilight smiled.

“Come on, Rarity, let's welcome the big lug home before somepony tries to steal your drakefriend.”

After a pause, she followed Twilight and said “Yes, let's.”


“So, Spike, how was your trip? My Grandpa Merc is doing well, I take it?”

Spike still looked nearly as dazed as when he’d first gotten off the train. Something was clearly bothering him, and Rarity was going to find out what.

Twilight had taken her leave after a quick but heartfelt greeting, but not before slipping a sack of bits and a couple of reservations for seats at Gustave le Grande's Chateau de Griffon into Rarity's saddlebags with a none-too-subtle wink.

And so they found themselves in a private, candlelit room in a corner of the restaurant, waiting for their food.

“He, uh, seemed fine when I saw him,” Spike replied. “Very, erm… big.”

He continued to stare down through the table and twiddle his claws.

“He certainly is. I had quite the shock when I discovered that I could stand comfortably in one of his claws. He was just as much of a huggable teddy bear in his true form as he was in his assumed one, though I do wonder why I'd never questioned the scale of the inner parts of his abode.

“But enough about me. You look fit to scurry under a rock. Something is bothering you, Spike, and I refuse to move on until I find out what it is.”

Spike let out a smoke-laced sigh, his shoulders and tail falling slack, and looked back up to the mare of his dreams.

“Your Grandpa Merc, or ‘Mirage’, as he insisted I call him… He gave me a lot to think about…”


A few days ago

“And now that we've gotten introductions out of the way,” the gargantuan sapphire-scaled drake said, “Let us get down to business. Well, actually –” Mirage craned his sinuous neck forward to get a closer look at him “– what sort of dragon are you, exactly? Your bearing, the budding whiskers, and the smell of sweet smoke on your breath say gold, while the frill and chin spines, as well as the fact that you didn't launch into a long-winded lecture on my ‘wicked ways’ on sight, scream silver.

“I did not think such a hybrid possible,” he said, drawing back, “given the radically different incubation conditions their eggs require. Snow and open flames? I'm unsure how such an egg would hatch, but it would likely take strange magic indeed…”


“…So yeah, I guess that means you're not the only hybrid at this table.” Spike looked down, only to have an alabaster hoof alight on his claw.

“Darling, I know you're not this bothered over having a mixed heritage, but something about that conversation did trouble you deeply. What was it?”

“Well, uh… it's my parents. I hadn't thought of them, who they might have been, in years. I asked Mirage a little about gold and silver dragons, and he told me that they were mostly ‘noble, do-gooder types’, with the silvers being the less insufferable of the two. They probably met while beating up bad guys or something, fell in love, and…”

“…Had an egg that they didn't know what to do with,” Rarity supplied.

“Yeah. That.”

He paused for a couple of seconds.

“He said that the one thing he really approved of in silvers and golds was how much they cared about their offspring. And I've… They've never come to check up on me, or let me know who they are.” A mineral-rich tear splashed onto the stone table below him. “They never got to know that their son grew up, or who he grew up to be.”

A hoofkerchief wrapped in a blue glow rose to dry his eyes.

“Well, he grew up to be a handsome drake. A savior of empires, and friend to the Princesses. Kind and courteous, and as my Grandpa Merc would say, teehee, ‘noble as Argon’. Whoever they were, your parents would be very proud.”

“Thanks.” He looked up to meet her eyes and smiled. “I'll try to remember that.”

Rarity brought a pastern to her chin in thought. “That does bring up a troublesome problem for us, though. Mother always taught that eggs should always be laid and incubated in warm sand if one wanted healthy foals, but that might not end up being the best for us… What?”

Spike's jaw had dropped, and his eyebrow ridge had reached the stratosphere.

“Well,” Rarity continued, “I know it might seem a little bit early to be talking about foals, wyrmlings, or whatever the proper term is, but it's a very important concern and it was going to come up eventually. Honestly, Spike, I thought you of all people would be more mature about this.”

“You… You lay eggs?”

“Well yes. I'm a mare, not somepony's pet cat. Why, imagine a unicorn giving live birth like…”

And then Rarity's hoof impacted her skull.

“Oh. That's why the Cakes looked so tired at the hospital after their twins hat— were born. I'm terribly sorry, darling. Would you believe it never occurred to me that most ponies didn't hatch from eggs? The alternative just sounds so, eugh, messy,” she said with a shudder. “I suppose that's one reason to be thankful I'm part dragon. It would explain why Twilight pointed to her icebox when I asked where she kept her eggs, though.”

Spike raised a claw and said “So, uh, where do you keep your—”

Bonjour, Mademoiselle Rarity,” Gustave said in the most outrageously Fancy accent imaginable. “Monsieur Spike. Welcome to my humble eatery. I ask zat you please pardon ze wait, but I had to make sure zat ze food was cooked precisely to perfection for zuch esteemed guests.

“Oh, you flatterer,” Rarity replied. “But I already have a date. There's no need for you to take so much trouble on our behalf.”

But zat is where you are wrong,” he said as he laid out their meals in front of them. “Any friend of ze Princess is a friend of mine. And she is ze Princess of Friendship, zo I shall ‘ave many friends, non? Hon hon hon!

Rare pork in red wine sauce for ze lady, and citrine with silica glaze for ze gentledrake. Careful, hot plate!

Rarity turned to Gustave with a glowing smile.

Merci, good chef. It is so difficult to find good meat away from home.”

“Yeah,” Spike added. “This food looks delicious!”

And even 'arder to find zomepony to appreciate it. Merci, Monsieur, Mademoiselle, and bon appetit.

At that, he bowed, and left them to their meal.

Spike took a sniff, and the tension left his shoulders for a moment.

“That… smells really good,” he said. “Can I have some?”

“Only if you let me have some of your meal,” she replied as she hovered a forkful of pork over to him. “Once it's cooled down a little, of course.”

“It's a deal.”


The food had been wonderful. Spike had had the occasional bit of meat, and even cooked some himself – an alicorn's appetite is unpredictable at the best of times, and needing to cater to several at once when family would visit meant he needed an ever-expanding repertoire – but he hadn't had much experience with the cuisine of the gryphons of Fance.

“I have to learn to cook like this. Your meal was delicious. It melted in my mouth like a gypsum rose, but was almost as bursting with flavor as fire rubies. Almost.

“Do you think Gustave gives out lessons?”

“Hmm…” Rarity said as she polished off the last of Spike's literally glazed citrine. “I really don't know. Though if you cooked like this all the time, I might have a hard time maintaining my figure. Or wanting to, for that matter.” She let out an entirely ladylike giggle.

A puff of smoke escaped as Spike snorted a laugh of his own. Between the candles and the fire-breathing dragon in the room, it was getting a bit hazy, but neither occupant seemed to mind.

“I promise I would only use these awesome culinary powers for good. I’d still love you if you were the size of an airship, Rarity, but helping you get that way isn't exactly plan A.

“Come to think of it,” Spike said while scratching behind an ear-fin, “how do you stay in shape so well? I mean, I've never seen you hold back at one of Pinkie's parties, and then there's the ice cream binges when you're sad –” and then Spike's eyes went wide on hearing the metaphorical click of a conversational landmine arming underfoot “– Not to say you’re always eating! I just tend to walk in on you at awkward times, or during meals or—”

Rarity calmly rolled her eyes and put a hoof on his claw.

“Relax, darling. What has you so on-edge tonight? It is just the two of us here, after all. Though I might be somewhat miffed if we had company. You were doing mostly fine until the explanation and the backpedaling, by the way.

“As for your question, I do take regular maretial arts classes, and I use a lot of magic in my work, but that's about it. Apart from randomly running off with my friends to save the world, I suppose. I don't know… do dragons burn through a lot more energy than ponies? Maybe it's a dragon thing.”

“Hm. Hard to say. I do eat more than Twilight, at least before her ascension, but I'm also a bit bigger than she was then, too…”

They returned to silence for a while, allowing Spike's brain to amble back to the same subject that had kept him silent for much of the meal.

“Darling, would you please just spit it out? Something has been bothering you all evening, and I won't hear of another diversion.”

Spike released a smoke-laden sigh and slumped to the table. “Well, it's about 'us’, sort of. Mirage and I, we didn't just talk about my probable parentage…”


“Okay, ya wee little spineless wyrm, I know you're not jus’ here for chit-chat,” the ancient blue dragon said. “You haf designs on me Little Sapphire, don’tcha?”

Startled at the abrupt shift in demeanor and accent, Spike could only slowly nod.

“Lookin’ ta get me blessin’ on them, nay?”

After a second more's struggle, Spike found his voice again. “Please?”

At which point the cavernous mansion echoed with Mirage's cruel laughter.

“Aye, you're a metalhead through and through, ain’tcha? So get this fact through your leaden skull: You canae have me blessing,” he hissed, lightning crackling at his mouth and horn, “and my Little Sapphire may do as she pleases.

“Now get outta me sight afore I fry ya!”


“So that's what he said, accent and all?” Rarity said, pensive. “My… he usually saves that for special occasions.”

During the tale, an adorable little dragon waitress had cleared away their places and left them an almost reasonable bill.

“Yeah, he… didn't seem to like the idea much. I'm sorry, Rarity. Tonight has been wonderful, but it wouldn't be very noble of me to come between you and your family,” he said, eyes downcast as he reached for the check. “I hope that you can find someone to make you the happiest mare in the world, someday.”

Rarity snapped the check out of Spike's claws with her telekinesis, pulled out a sack of gems, and doled out enough of them to cover the meal plus an extravagant tip.

“Oh, Spike, I already have.”

“But, I was going to… The bits Twilight slipped you…”

“She'll get them back. The dear means well and I love her to death, but she still has a lot to learn about making gestures.

“Spike, allow me to make something crystal clear: I took you to this restaurant. I footed the bill. I want this, and I want you. Nopony and nodragon else will do. My mind is already made up.

“Now my dear Grandpa Merc has always been an insidious old goat, and we love him for it. When he told you ‘my Little Sapphire may do as she pleases’, what I heard was ‘Rarity, my dear, you have carte blanche to pursue that handsome drake to the ends of the earth. With a club and a sack, if necessary.’”

She got up from her seat and fluttered her eyelashes at him. “You're not going to make me get the sack, are you, darling?”

Spike wasn't quite certain how to feel about the implied threat of kidnapping, at least when coming from someone who was ostensibly a very proper pony. However, he decided it was a decidedly draconic thing to say, and that he was okay with that.

And so he wrapped an arm and a wing around her, and they both leaned in for a fiery, electrical kiss.

Author's Note:

In lieu of actual author's notes, here are some shenanigans my editors left me with in the gdoc comments. They probably won't mind...

Georg: And that is why we are banned from the restaurant.

Also Georg: And after a few months, the restaurant rebuilt that particular room, and lifted the restraining order, so everything worked out in the end.

SNAF: Honestly, I would think that this fact would be a revelation of similar magnitude. The last thing the CMC need is to know that one of them is part-dragon.

SNAF again (regarding the phrase "semi-regal cuddliness"): The crap like this that you slip in is what makes it one of those mildly over-the-top Bugsydor-y fics that we all know and love.

Merry Christmas1, y'all!

  1. Or, y'know, whatever winter holiday you prefer
Comments ( 133 )

I feel like an enabler. It's a good feeling. :pinkiehappy:

You are a terribly wonderful and wonderfully terrible person. Thanks for the assistance.

No Rarity, unicorns do not lay eggs or have to be taught not to burp lightning. :rainbowlaugh:

They seem to be making fine progress. Though I'm quite curious just what happens next. And if Rarity will start learning any dragon magic, since her unicorn magic is mostly (very very dexterous) telekinesis.

This was great I really hope we get to see more of this couple and their interactions. I think having a issue be of their first 'night' together. And Rarity gets to see that she is FAR more compatible to a Dragon than a stallion when it comes to intimacy lol. Which could lead to a follow up chapter of Rarity and the girls having a meet up and her dishing on her dragon nature AND how GREAT it is having a dragon lover. While I could see the girls either liking what she says or put off, I can see Rarity being like it is a dragon thing lol. That we get one of her bringing Spike home for a holiday and he get to see her family and see how her dad handles being married to a dragon-pony and how they both feel about her dating him. Which it will be great if it jumps a year of them together and Spike comes home to see Rarity has laid a fertilized egg. They are going to be PARENTS!!!! There are just alot of places this interesting story can go.

Eheh, I can't say I'd be comfortable writing about all of those things, at least directly. I prefer to leave the steamier bits implied. Besides, a lady doesn't kiss and tell. :raritywink:

But I do certainly hope to have some fun with Spike "meeting the parents" someday, and maybe try to get some advice from his big brother Shining Armor.

Glad you enjoyed it, and that the fic hit the right notes.

Don't forget that Rarity also has magic related to gems, at least for locating them.

I'd like to see where I go with this couple next, too, but I promised I'd finish up Desert Spice before I wrote any other stories.

Sweetie Belle belching lightning, now there's a terrifying yet adorable thought.

LMAO at Rarity realizing unicorns don't lay eggs.

Did anyone else notice that in the previous chapter, it mentioned that Rarity has a shelf filled with eggs.
Hmm... I wonder...

Sweetie Belle got the lion's share of the lightning.

Two possible jokes here:
"How did you think she burned juice?"
"Though sometimes she says 'Low battery' after an especially large burst."

Given the Crusaders' bond, I find myself wondering what unusual bloodlines the others might have. Apple Bloom might have inherited the curse of the timbermare, and Scootaloo could have all kinds of exotic magic interfering with her flight field...
(I think I just miss Undead Robot Bug Crusaders. :derpytongue2:)

“Am I being perfectly clear?” Twilight said as lightning flashed behind her.

I see Twilight's been taking intimidation pointers from Luna (who, now that I think about it, is blue, has an affinity for lightning and illusions, and has been known to have slit pupils...)
... Oh. Hypothesis confirmed two paragraphs later. :twilightsheepish: One of them, anyway.

“It's because none of them were you, and my little brother is an irrepressible optimist when it suits him.

One might even call him a cunning optimist.

Huh. Spike as an electrum dragon? Fascinating concept. (Also, "noble as Argon" will never fail to make me laugh.) And Merc doesn't seem to be doing anything evil, but clearly he knows something I don't.

Mother always taught that eggs should always be laid and incubated in warm sand if one wanted healthy foals...

"And believe you me, that led to some awkward questions in health class."
"How did you never suspect anything again?"
"We're not talking about me right now, dearest, we're talking about you."

... Oh. Well. Guess that says something about the state of education in Ponyviille.

Though I might be somewhat miffed if we had company.

She said, glaring at one decorative shrub that had developed a habit of wiggling and giggling over the course of the dinner.

I have to boo the "maretial arts." That's a horse pun too far for me.

In any case, brilliant story all around. Thank you for it. Here's to whatever plasma-breathing kirinoid horrors may come of this happy marriage.

The best part is that if it's true, Rarity is so fabulous that she lays Fabergé eggs.

9364684 Pinkie Pie is Discord's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfilly.

her posture returning to its normal semi-regal cuddliness.

The cuddliest! :yay:

So, I want so much more of this. Both Rarity's shenanigans while growing up and their budding relationship. And awkward mare on base conversations about eggs, draconic partners and whatever else having such bloodlines entail.

So please more soon, for this is a well written curious idea :twilightsmile:

Well she's a unicorn, and she lays eggs. At least her confusion is understandable.

And Homestuck gave us a wonderful word to describe that: adorabloodthirsty.

I was hoping somebody would notice...

More the first than the seco-o-o-o-o
Bugsydor.exe has stopped working. Rebooting...
Sorry, where were we?

Haven't gotten around to reading Undead Robot Bug Crusaders (which has the proper meter to be sung to the tune of the TMNT theme), but perhaps I should. Sounds fun.

If I had to pick bloodlines for AB and Scoots, Applebloom would have a dryad in there somewhere, and Scootaloo would be part thunder elemental (not to be confused with lightning elementals). Ordinarily I'd peg AB at least as being a relatively vanilla earth pony, though.

You cannot tell me, however, that Granny Pie wasn't a copper dragon.

There has been some argument that an alicorn is really a type of dragon.

• Dragons have wings, horns, and occasionally hooves. They have six limbs most of the time.

• Alicorns are known for their insatiable appetites, and are never far from large hoards of shinies.

• Celestia can send and receive dragonfire messages.

• Dragons and alicorns have similar natural lifespans of practically forever, and are very loud.

Therefore, an alicorn is clearly a type of dragon

While I don't personally subscribe to this theory, it has been quite useful to Equestria for diplomatic purposes, so they haven't made much effort to correct the dragons on this point.

One might even call him a cunning optimist.

Indeed, one might. :moustache:

I used to think he was a gold dragon, but there's way too much silver in his personality for me to say so 100%. So, here we are.

The description of blue dragons on Wikipedia didn't strike me as "Lawful Evil" so much as "Lawful Jackanapes". More colorful than anything else. And they love knowing things that you don't. :trollestia:

Yeah, "health class" stuff is still largely handled at home in Equestria. Sweetie Belle had a bit of confusion when comparing notes with the rest of the CMC.

As for "maretial arts", I'll restate a comment I left on the gdoc: "If you're not making egregious horse puns at every opportunity, are you even writing fimfic?"

Glad you liked it, and thanks for the wall of text.

Well, Rarity does decorate them herself at least a little...

Discord is like that crazy uncle who always drinks all your egg nog glasses at Hearth's Warming. You love him, but in a grudging sort of way.

Glad you appreciated that.

And one day, there will be more...

:facehoof: Rarity I wanted to only pay for your date NOT repairs to a half burned down establishment like Gustav La Grands...
:moustache: :raritywink: We laid everything on the table.... :pinkiegasp: Spike scrambled her eggs! :rainbowlaugh: Sunny side up!
:twilightoops: You two eggsploded?
:moustache: Put a smile on our faces!
:duck: Put all our eggs in one basket.
:ajbemused: you would hatch up this silly story
:trollestia: and as usual I DID NOTHING!


Oh gosh, this was wonderful. One thing I have to wonder is exactly how long do part-dragons like Rarity live in comparison to regular ponies or even dragons?

This was glorious. You really went to town with the first story’s concept in all the best possible ways :eeyup:.


Rarity is so fabulous that she lays Fabergé eggs.

May this joke be oft repeated and never grow old :heart:.

That was great.... also I guess Spike got his coloation from Twiight more then his biological parents.


It's hard to say, and I avoided stating specifically. I'd say they age a bit more slowly than their fellow ponies, but am loath to pin down exactly how much.

That is quite high praise. Thanks!

And nothing and nobody is as fabulous as Rarity.

That actually is a possibility I have considered (and not eliminated).

:ajsleepy: Ya think that's bad I caught Sweetie Belle with a lizard and Scootaloo's courting our Rooster. He don't fly none either!

:ajbemused: Don't even get me started with Apple Bloom!

:trollestia: and I still do nothing!


Easy there! There will be a sequel, but only in good time. If I don't get more Desert Spice written soon, they'll be out for my blood!

My blood, I say!

Oh god, this means that Sweetie is part-dragon too. What's next? Twilight is part-dragon? Would explain her rapidash form.

>Crusaders crossreferencing "The Talk"
>Sweetie from this
>Scootaloo from ignoring two aunts and listening to RD hash it up
>Bloom with hoof planted firmly onto face
I desire this bonus chapter.

>Alicorns are dragons
The weirder the elements, the weirder they tend to look. That said, I suspect this got declared by one or several after rough meetings with Luna. Less political embarassment all around.

The implication that Rarity had a sack and stick for the purpose of kidnapping is hilarious.

I am mildly irked that this fic nearly snuck by me. I was following the prequel, so I got the journal that this was happening soon, but the fic itself never popped up in my feed.

A delightful couple, and I look forward to seeing more shenanigans from them someday.

if your using the dragon coloration theory, does that mean in a large cave somewhere is a massive platinum dragon who's been sleeping for so long he hasn't realized whats happened to his children yet?

Nah, this Twilight isn't part dragon. I don't want to go down the rabbit hole of everypony being descendents of dragons at once, at least not in this universe.

Well, Sweetie cooks like a dragon already. :trollestia:

Well, I don't plan on writing that bonus chapter in the immediate future.

And yeah, Luna was probably responsible in whole or in large part for the confusion. Dragon scholars of today (as much as dragons have scholars apart from Spike) debate as to whether or not Shining Armor is a dragon. After all, by definition, his brother, sister, wife, and daughter are all dragons...

I didn't explicitly state that she had a club, a sack, or an alibi prepped...

Glad you managed to find this fic despite technical derpiculties.

And shenanigans are the name of my game...

“As for your question, I do take regular maretial arts classes, and I use a lot of magic in my work, but that's about it. Apart from randomly running off with my friends to save the world, I suppose. I don't know… do dragons burn through a lot more energy than ponies? Maybe it's a dragon thing.”

Tis a joke, or a misspelling?

It is a pun. A terrible, terrible pun. :trollestia:

>bonus chapter
Wasn't fishing for more, just stating.
>Luna and dragon diplomacy
She's usually styled as the fightier, I was joking that it was less loss of face to claim "Alicorns are totally dragons" than "I am now scared to go anywhere in Equestria in case SHE finds out." Respecting another dragon's territory is perfectly acceptable.

Aren’t purple dragons pretty much the chromatic version of gold dragons and are basically just massive assholes with a superiority complex greater than any other deagon(which is saying something)? So isn’t Spike like the complete opposite of a gold/silver hybrid?

And then Rarity's hoof impacted her skull.

Rarity being such a complete dork is the best part of this.

Will there be more to this storyline?

Technically, purple dragons are just really old black dragons, but you are mostly right where it counts.

There are a couple of ways to explain that away, however.

One is where I handwave it and say that MLP dragons' colors don't always directly correspond to what type of dragon they are in a D&D sense. For example, I don't think Ember really counts as a blue dragon despite the hue of her scales. Their type does, however, affect their shape and personality always.

The other is that his coloration may have been affected when he was hatched via pony magic.

I'm glad you appreciated that. It was fun to write.

Likely yes, but not in the near future.

"“Yeah, Spike added"
"“Yeah," Spike added"?

Very nice. :)

Thanks, and aye, I did. :)

Bleh. Quotoation mark gremlins. Clearly those are to blame.

Heh, yes, tricky and insidious, they are. :)

I am typically very much not a fan of Sparity in the slightest, so it's a rare premise that can actually make me like a Sparity-based story. This one's fun, and good job!

The sequel I want is where Sweetie lays her first egg. And then freaks over this fact.

Thanks! "I'm not normally a fan of 'x', but..." Is one of my favorite review types.

Since this fic is set some years in the future relative to canon, that would technically be a prequel. :derpytongue2:

Nah, Twilight's part Kirin.

Good idea, her mouth certainly is her enemy sometimes.


Yes, it was rather enjoyable throughout.

...Rarity lays eggs.

And apparently often enough that she asks Twilight where she keeps hers.

...what does she do with them? :unsuresweetie:

Try rereading chapter 1...

Well, it's not like they're fertile, she's unmated. And dragon eggs clearly have a long shelf life, so....

I must say, i REALLY loved this fic, it was great how aggressive Rarity was in her pursuit after Spike.

Glad you enjoyed it. Rarity was not about to let him slip away.

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