• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Data-Scientist-in-Training and voracious fic reader. Occasionally edits/proofreads for people he likes, and even publishes story chapters once-in-a-blue-moon. Thinks he's a reneighssance pone.


Welcome to my cryopod bank! This is the place where I store story ideas that compelled me to write at least a snippet of them, but haven't forced me to fill them out into full-fledged stories in their own rights.

If enough people decide they like one of the stories, or if a fey mood inspires me to expand upon one, that story will disappear from this anthology and become its own story post.

A blurb for each story appears in the author's notes at the top.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 26 )

this was cute, loved the little "trademark" joke with pinkies welcome wagon.

Glad you enjoyed the cuteness and the tradesnark! :twilightsmile:

Well, that's one way the resolve best pony's name issue.

A shame this is a one-shot. I'd like to see Ditzy learn just how sane her sister really is. :derpyderp1::derpyderp2:

Well that certainly was interesting.
A little too heavy on the snark though, but overall it was entertaining.


A shame this is a one-shot. I'd like to see Ditzy learn just how sane her sister really is.

You would not believe the things she has seen...


It was a fun little thing to write. I'd continue it, and probably edit it a bit as well, but I don't really have an idea of where to take the story from here.


So, what things felt too snarky about it? This may be one of my early works, but I feel I can still learn from it.

Also, I'm considering following WandererD and a few other authors' examples and turning this story into a collection of mini-oneshots for small, underdeveloped story ideas that won't leave me alone. A sort of writer's sketchbook, if you will. Thoughts on this?


So, what things felt too snarky about it?

The two bits that stood out were jokes about the Doctor and Derpy and Pinky's Party Cannon. They felt rushed and "cramped", as if you were trying to forcibly wedge too many jokes into too short of a story. The jokes themselves were not too bad; they just could have used some extra "breathing room" in the story to support them.

Also, I'm considering following WandererD and a few other authors' examples and turning this story into a collection of mini-oneshots for small, underdeveloped story ideas that won't leave me alone.

I say go for it. :rainbowdetermined2:
It sounds like good practice for your writing technique and it allows you to experiment with new styles, scenes, and plot elements outside of your main story/stories.

I hope Twilight does not over do it with Trixie.

Twilight: My first task was to hatch a dragon egg and then later I had to free myself from a cockatrice's petrification spell. We will just split the difference in the name of efficiency had have you hatch a cockatrice egg for starters.

Trixie: Umm...

'The Great and Apologetic Trixie' the last time we saw her, but she hasn't shown up yet without causing some kind of town-wrecking disaster. I think we should send her away," Spike whispered.
"Besides, Ponyville gets more-or-less leveled on a regular basis by some disaster or another. Hay, I've destroyed the town at least twice myself," she admitted.

"Ponyville Insurance Adjuster" has got to be one of the worst jobs in Equestria (right after alicorn psychologist).

A neat opening, but I have to ask, how does a horn shrug?

It's sort of a bobbing motion where a unicorn tilts her head down and then back up, with her horn coming to rest canted a bit to the side. It's what I think of as the equivalent of a shrug for unicorns, but I have yet to come across a satisfactory way of communicating that. Suggestions on that front are always welcome.

In case you were wondering, I see pegasi as using their wings to shrug, while earth ponies do a gesture with their tails.

Insurance-adjuster would be a horrible job, but you can bet your bits that the construction business is booming!

I always imagine pony shrugs as something like a shallow push-up. Except for pegasi, who have a convenient second set of shoulders that usually aren't supporting them.
In your case, unicorns could always do the same tail gesture as earth ponies. Of course, some of them would probably balk at doing anything like the dirt ponies...

Still, good to know there aren't muscles for horn movement I wasn't aware of. That'd be all kinds of freaky. :twilightoops:

Personal headcanon states that earth ponies have tails that are far more prehensile than any of the other races, while unicorns and pegasi can only move their tails rather clumsily, so that's why I'd mark that kind of shrug as an earth pony gesture. It wouldn't be entirely exclusive, though, like if you had a unicorn raised by earth ponies.

I just like to think of cultural divides between groups and the possibilities they unlock.

I do love it when I accidentally inspire amazing things.

It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it?

And thanks for calling it amazing. :twilightsmile:

There are a couple answers to that question.

On one level, a fey mood is an otherworldly thing. One where you act strangely, unusually, and whimsically. A fey mood is what happens when your muse possesses you, typically resulting in your creating something great and/or terrible.

On another level, a fey mood is a reference to something that happens in Dwarf Fortress. Occasionally, one of your dwarves will be set upon by a fey mood, commandeer a workshop, and work feverishly on some project that will only end in either the completion of a masterwork, or the dwarf going mad(der). Thankfully, this is unlikely to happen to me in a literal sense, as I possess a modicum of emotional stability greater than your typical DF dwarf.

In a practical sense for me right here, a fey mood would take the form of a bolt of inspiration striking me, compelling me to flesh one of these ficlets out from a vignette into a full story.

a troll that's found gainful employment as the bouncer for The Mended Drum

> the bouncer for The Mended Drum

> the bouncer

> bouncer


Detrius was a splatter

"See that you do."

Don't let me detain you.

This certainly was an enjoyable little snippet to read. Good job capturing the Discworld tone and feel.

Oh dear. Most grievous errors of fact that the Lord Patrician would never make. I must rectify this, post-haste!

Glad you enjoyed it, and thought that I otherwise did a good job getting that Discworld feel right. :pinkiehappy:

Given Myth, Magic, Maurice and Librarians, Im actually suprised that more of the legendaries and other inteligence enhanced animal forms aint that widespread on the Disc. Then again, GNU Pratchett died far too long before managing to explore even a fraction of the world he discovered.

Gee DEATH, what are we going to do tonight?


:rainbowlaugh: Oh, you have to expand this into a full-fledged story. Maybe have Rarity going on about how Sweetie Belle was so adorable when she first nibbled at her eggshell during a spa session while Fluttershy just nods, afraid to say anything. And this Rarity could certainly help Spike with learning about dragon culture... if she ever recognized that she could.

"Dragons? I'm ever so sorry, dearest, but I wouldn't know the first thing about dragons. Now come along, we simply must incinerate those dreadful creatures trying to encroach upon our hoard."

Dag nabbit dangit, not you too! :raritydespair:

Oh well, I may as well face the inevitable. It is a delightful story concept, after all.

I suppose unicorn horn nubs could function as a sort of egg tooth, so they'd have the easiest time hatching out of the three tribes.

"You know, darling," Rarity said, stroking Spike's spines with a hoof, "this revelation casts a lot of my life in a new light."

Spike rolled over in place so he could look at his newly official – marefriend? vixfriend? love. – as they spoke, mostly succeeding in not tangling his wings in the process. "How so?" he asked. "You didn't suddenly become even more beautiful when I found out you were part dragon. It was good to hear that your Grandpa Merc seems to like me, though."

Rarity gave him a playful thwap with her tail from where she lay. "Oh, you always did know how to flatter a mare... or whatever it is I count as. But surely some of my behavior struck you as being 'off the baseline', non?"

Spike's eyes went flat. "I was hatched as part of an entrance exam, and then raised by a princess and a mad scientist. I accepted long ago that my 'baseline' doesn't exist."

"Well, what about the times when I would start undignifiedly hoarding every object I could get my hooves on? Or hiss at ponies?"

Spike just shrugged, earning another thwap.

"Or how I used to think that all ponies hatched from eggs? It took the Cake Twins' arrival to disabuse me of that notion, and even then, I was convinced that it was a unicorn thing."

Spike scratched his chin. "Yeah, I guess that did seem kinda weird at the time..."

And then the scene depicted in this chapter would play, followed by Spike asking what she did with all the eggs she laid. The rest of the fic would likely be a series of such flashbacks, interlinked by the framing story. The title would be ...You Might Be a Dragon, and each chapter title would be the first part of that pseudo-Foxworthyism.

Whatever the case, I'm adding you to my list of people to blame.

I happily accept this blame. :twilightsmile:

(And darn if that isn't a fun joke prompt. "If the first question you ask someone you meet them is 'what color is your breath?', you might be a dragon.")

Rarity, being the generous pony/dragon that she is, gives Sweetie, Applebloom, and Scootaloo tips on creating their very first hoards as they get older...

Oh please. Sweetie started her hoard a long time ago. :derpytongue2:


Sweetie started her hoard a long time ago.

Too bad it all caught fire...twice

Ironically, very few changelings try to feed on software engineers. Inexplicable malfunctions in the code inspires the kind of hatred that can empty a hive in a matter of seconds.


Even worse when you have public launch code to defenstrate.

If you will excuse me, I have to apply more purity seals to my C.A.O.S powered aincient machine.

May the Paw of Mitchy be forgiving.

At least she managed to get herself "owned" by a stallion that loves and cares for and dotes on his vehicles. Pity the poor changebug that hid himself in a Traffic Warden's cart...

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