• Published 3rd Nov 2018
  • 1,830 Views, 330 Comments

Applejack Gets Lost - MagicS

After delivering some apples to a far away customer, Applejack gets lost on the way home.

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Good New Friends

Sandstone had been thrown in jail along with a lot of the other raiders. Those that weren’t were put on a strict probation. There wasn’t much cleaning up to do this time and the morning after the big fight the word had already been spread and the whole town was starting up a big celebration in the center of town. Snacks, music, dancing, Cross Way was having a great time.

Applejack was the pony of the hour and had to refuse more than a few gifts. She did have quite a fun time dancing and when she saw that one of the townponies had a fiddle she sawed that thing good. Guards talked up how she single-handedly defeated Sandstone to the children of the town, while a few took the opportunity to brag about their own heroism to any pretty mares they could. Spring and Thunderbolt were passed out drunk on corn whiskey before the clock even hit noon.

Applejack had a mug or two of that herself.

Even grumpy looking Hard Head was out celebrating. To Applejack’s surprise he was doing face-paintings for all the young fillies and colts. His artwork was surprisingly good and his hoof movements nimble and precise.

Finishing up a dance with Cornstalk, after he repeatedly stepped on her hooves, Applejack chose to lay down in the grass in the park and just looked out at everypony enjoying themselves. It felt good. If there were any apples around she’d cook up some turnovers or her apple brown betty’s. Instead she just yawned and lay back, tipping her hat over her face for some shade.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie would do something big for this party if they were here.

Applejack slowly frowned to herself. It was nice that she could help everypony here, it was nice that she could make new friends and it was nice thinking of coming back one day.

But it was time to get going.

She missed her farm, she missed her family, she missed her friends, and she really, really, missed apples.

“Tired of the festivities?”

Applejack tipped up her hat and opened up one eye a wink, Sturdy Wheel standing above her.

“Not really, just not one to toot my own horn. Was thinking about some other things too.” She replied.

“Guess you’re gonna be looking for a way back to Ponyville?”

Applejack paused for a second. “Yep.”

“Figured. Haven’t known you for too long but I’m definitely gonna miss you.” He said, smiling down at her.

She smiled back at him. “I’ll miss you too. But still,” She got back onto her hooves. “Best head on out to those Twin Towns as soon as possible. Putting it off will just make more trouble.”

“Well we can at least give you a saddlebag with some food and water for the desert. It’s only a day or two’s walk though.” He looked over his shoulder at his father painting. “And he’s still trying to come up with some big prize for you so you’d better leave now before you have to refuse whatever he’s thought up too, miss humble.”

“Hehe, now if I was my friend Rainbow Dash I’d just be basking in the attention. But I’m just happy I could help you all.”

“And we thank you for that.” A voice said from behind.

Applejack turned around to meet the new arrivals. Clod, Soda, Weathermane and Dusty.

“You should still be celebrating with all of us. The day’s just getting started.” Clod asked her. “We don’t really have any other way to show you how thankful we are, Applejack. I don’t know how things would’ve gone if you didn’t take care of Sandstone like that. Or even earlier when you shook some sense into all the ponies outside of town hall.”

“Thank you for the kind words but really, I just want to get back on the road home. I’m happy I met you all but I got friends and family to get back to.” Applejack said, smiling sadly at them.

“You’ll be sure to come back though right?” Soda asked her.

“Of course.” Applejack replied instantly. “After I find my way home and figure out an easy way to get back here. I’ll be sure to bring some apples too so you can see what you’ve been missing.”

After that it was the standard pleasantries and hoofshakes with everyone, Applejack saying goodbye, promising to return and so forth. Spring was woken up from her drunken stupor so she could say farewell, Tomato stopped letting the local foals climb over his big body like a playground for a second so he could say his thanks too. Evergreen, Keg, Cool Wind, and all the other guards she only got to briefly know came to say their goodbyes to her once they knew she was getting ready to leave.

The celebration was still in full-swing for most ponies, but Applejack and the guards were in their own little world.

“What? No more fun? Stopping already?” Applejack would recognize Hard Head’s voice anywhere, she turned to see him walking towards her and the guards with Fruit Basket following behind.

“Hey there Hard Head, I was just talking with everyone and, well, it’s just about time for me to head out.” Applejack told him, hoping she could skirt around the issue of him wanting to give her a big reward.

“Yes! Visitor needs to head back to her home. Understandable!” He bellowed, running his hoof through his beard. “First have offer for you instead. I give you son’s hoof in marriage.”

She could swore she heard Sturdy Wheel’s hoof smack his face in disbelief from behind her.

“Haha, what?”

“You prefer daughter’s hoof instead?” Hard Head said, gesturing to an obliviously smiling Fruit Basket.

“Huh? What! No!” Applejack said frantically shaking her head. “Look, I’m flattered but I can’t get married, I have my own life to get back to. I’ve never even thought about marriage! I’m sorry, I like your son, and uh, your daughter is very nice too but I can’t settle down and get married to either one of them.” She finished, frowning.

“Are you sure? I-” He tried starting up but was interrupted.

“Dad, please. Stop.” Wheel said as he came forward, putting his hoofs on his fathers shoulders and trying to push him away.

Most of the guards just laughed at the scene. And before long Applejack found herself joining them. Even though she had to refuse him it was nice that Hard Head really tried to think of something meaningful to thank her with. And that he was perfectly okay with having his children marry her said a lot about what he thought of her. Even with the fighting the days she had spent here were days well spent in her mind. Any days were if they meant she had made some good new friends at the end of them.

Heh, and I bet Rarity would be pretty darn jealous to learn that I just got two offers of marriage.

It was late in the afternoon when the time came for Applejack to finally leave Cross Way. She and the farewell party were at the old gatehouse on the north side of town, dirt road heading off into the desert and the Twin Town’s beyond that. She had a saddlebag with a full canteen of water and a bunch of carrots gifted to her by Sturdy Wheel.

“Take care now.” Wheel told her. Fruit Basket waving to her from his side.

“I will. Just a couple days walk huh?” Applejack said, looking out at the desert. No huge rolling sand dunes or as blisteringly hot as the desert outside of Klugetown was, almost a featureless flat sandscape with the horizon shimmering in the distance and the barest sign of hills far away.

Turning back she started to wave goodbye to everypony, Clod, Tomato, Hard Head and Fruit Basket. Cornstalk was there waving frenetically at her, big blush on his face for some reason. Maybe the heat was getting to him she figured.

No more words needed to be spoken, Applejack gave a final smile to them all and started her walk into the desert.


The ponies at the gatehouse turned in surprise, making way for a lime green mare holding a basket running up from the street and through the small crowd.

“Hold on! I was looking for you!” The mare said as she ran up to Applejack, panting heavily. “You weren’t at the party anymore, I looked all over.”

“Well howdy, I recognize you, you’re the one I lassoed away from that lizard fellow.” Applejack said to the exhausted mare. “It’s Bouquet isn’t it? I think I heard that from somepony.”

“Yes, I’m Bouquet. I grow roses.” She said, reaching into the basket she carried and pulling out a stunning red rose. “I don’t have much, but I had to thank you in some way for saving me. Please, take this.” She reached the rose out to Applejack.

Applejack smiled and took the rose from Bouquet. “Well thank ya kindly for this. I know just what to do with it.” She took off her hat and pushed the stem of the rose into the brim, letting the flower rest right by the crown at the front right side of her stetson. “Normally I wouldn’t do something with my hat, but I’d like something to remember Cross Way by. Especially when I’m planning my return trip.” She said, winking at Bouquet and the others behind her.

Bouquet blushed and waved goodbye to her, stepping back to be side by side with Wheel and the others.

“Bye bye now!” Applejack said to them, beginning her walk into the desert.

“See you later!” Her new friends responded with.

And Applejack continued on her road that would hopefully eventually lead her home.

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