• Published 3rd Nov 2018
  • 1,830 Views, 330 Comments

Applejack Gets Lost - MagicS

After delivering some apples to a far away customer, Applejack gets lost on the way home.

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Heart of Fire VIII

“Heart of whatsit now?”

Applejack could only tilt her head in confusion as Temperance spoke to her about this new thingamajig.

Temperance, to her credit, was very patient with Applejack. She was pretty sure she saw Resolution roll her eyes though. “The Heart of Water.” Temperance clarified. “I mentioned to you previously that we guard magical artifacts here, the Heart of Water is the counterpart to the Heart of Fire.” Temperance’s horn glowed and she looked to the chest in the shrine, her magic opened it up and out came a small object that looked like a piece of jewelry to Applejack.

A small blue heart ringed by gold. At first Applejack thought it was a sapphire or maybe a diamond but as Temperance brought it closer Applejack realized that the heart was just made of deep, solid water. Temperance brought it to her hoof and held it out for Applejack to come take, the Heart had a strange calming effect coming from it, waves of peacefulness seemed to roll off of it and wash over Applejack.

Applejack walked up and looked at the Heart of Water in Temperance’s hoof, she frowned and looked up at the thin mare. “Are you really alright with giving this to me?”

Temperance sighed and looked down at the Heart with a sad expression. “Our duty is to protect these artifacts, we failed once, now so much more is at stake than just our vows and shrine. We… we have decided to make this sacrifice for the greater good.”

“I’m sorry that you have to go through all this.” Applejack said while looking around at the other mares watching her. “But also, are you okay with giving this to me? Like me specifically. You hardly know me.”

“On the contrary, Applejack.” Temperance answered, calmly shaking her head at the farmer. “We believe we know you very well from the actions you have taken in your short time here.”

“You have done nothing but act selflessly for the benefit of others.” Sincerity spoke up. “You entered a conflict that had nothing to do with you purely because you didn’t want to see innocents harmed, even after being gravely hurt you continued to try and stop Green Field, and after failing again you still came to help us and didn’t give up on your desire to do the right thing. Nopony would have blamed you if you simply left after being defeated or never tried in the first place, this is not your home, but you continue to try and help everypony here out of nothing but the goodness of your heart.”

Applejack felt the heat rising to her cheeks, she pulled her hat down over her face to cover her embarrassed blush. “You’re flattering me way too much here.”

“Hardly. I truly don’t think there are many ponies who would act the way you have, Applejack.” Temperance told her.

“I really don’t think I’m so special or anything, you should meet some of my friends.”

“It’s good to be humble as well.” Temperance giggled. “But all we can go on is what we’ve seen from you. And you haven’t disappointed. I have total faith in you, Applejack.” She took Applejack’s hoof in her own and deposited the Heart of Water in it. “I trust in your ability to stop Green Field.”

Applejack looked down at the Heart of Water, the glimmering artifact creating rainbows whenever the light hit it just right. It felt good in her hooves. Cool, inviting, it made her think of relaxing in the bath, or walking through a pleasant summer rain. She looked back up at Temperance and the other ponies who struggled to make the choice to give it to her, all of them pinning their hopes on her.

Applejack let out a deep breath that she didn’t know she was even holding in. “Alright, I’ll take it.” Applejack had wanted something to fight Green Field with but the responsibility of the Heart of Water, and knowing that the shrine ponies have essentially broken their vows over this, was a lot to take. She hoped their trust wasn’t misplaced. It was a lot of responsibility for one pony to take on.

Temperance smiled. “Thank you.”

“So, uh, how do I use this thing?” Applejack said as she scrutinized the Heart of Water, resisting the urge to just start poking or shaking it.

“You only need to will it to and it will merge with your body.” Temperance answered.

“Uh, right.” Applejack felt a more detailed answer might have been needed but didn’t press it. “I’ll keep it safe until I get to Green Field.” She reached up and put the Heart of Water safely under her hat. “And speaking of that I should probably get a move on, she’s moving slow but she’s still doing a lot of damage to the forest.”

“Yes, we have talked enough.” Temperance nodded to the others and they all began to file out of the shrine room, the sacred garden as Applejack thinks she heard Sincerity call it. Temperance and Applejack were the last to leave, with her escorting Applejack to the entrance of the shrine. “I would like to wish you good luck one last time, Applejack.” Temperance said as she used her magic to open up the great stone doors to the outside. The column of smoke and fire that Green Field had created was even larger, the sky in some areas of the valley would be dark thanks to all the smoke, and the fire was spreading to more areas as she made her inexorable push to the Spirit Shrine.

Applejack smiled at her as she walked to the steps, not paying any mind to Green Field’s devastation. “No need for that, I got this. Third time’s the charm they say.” She winked at Temperance and began heading down to confront Green Field.

Boy was it hot out. Despite the seriousness of the situation Applejack couldn’t help but just be mildly annoyed at the uncomfortable temperature thanks to the combination of Green Field’s flames and the already hot sun hanging overhead.

And the fact that she had gone down all those steps rather fast, working up a sweat even before the unnatural heat from the flames started getting to her.

Really wish somepony around here had apples. Apple pie with a big mug of apple cider to go with it would just be perfect right now. Mmm, can’t think of a better thing to have after a fight.

Applejack licked her lips thinking about that. As foolish as it was since she knew nothing of the sort awaited her even if she won. But it never hurt to remind herself what she was working towards. You know, besides getting back to her family and friends.

“Maybe it’s the heat talking but Applebloom and Big Mac and Granny Smith can all take care of themselves, but my apples need me.” Applejack wiped a huge gob of sweat from her brow, making it splatter on the ground. “Hope no pony steps in that either, yuck.”

Applejack had reached the forest now after coming down from the mountain wall. She could see the plume of smoke and fire in front her, it wouldn’t be a long walk for her to make it to Green Field. Through the trees the blaze could be plainly seen and above them more smoke rose up to cover the sky. The seemingly unstoppable advance of the fire made her think back to when they saved the Crystal Empire from King Sombra. That actually reassured Applejack a good bit, she may have been on her own but Green Field wasn’t as bad as him and Applejack had some power of her own now too. Things were bad but they still weren’t that bad.

Applejack smiled as she walked deeper into the forest, confident in herself. Confident knowing the shrine ponies believed in her, and that if her friends knew what she was about to do that they’d believe in her too.

The crackling of the flames started to grow loud enough to drown out Applejack’s thoughts. Applejack and Green Field would meet soon, the heat from the inferno was growing and Applejack could see trees being consumed by the fire a short distance away.

“Here we go.” Applejack said to herself, stopping and waiting for Green Field to reach her. She used Hoof of the Earth to fell some of the trees around her, giving herself a bit of an open space so Green Field could see her clearly.

Quickly, the fire came rolling in like a wave of lava down the side of a volcano. Almost solid, it just washed over and ate up the ground and trees. Riding atop the tumbling fire like it was some great mount was Green Field. Applejack didn’t flinch, she knew Green Field would stop and she wasn’t wrong, the fire settled down and stopped its approach a dozen or so feet in front of Applejack. Green Field stood on the flames like they were solid as stone and looked down on Applejack. High up enough that she was equal to standing on a house it probably would’ve intimidated a lesser pony.

But not Applejack.

“Well, well, well, look who’s back. Did the first two times not hurt enough?” Green Field stared the impassive Applejack down before her face turned into a snarl. “You’re not even from here! Why don’t you just go away and let me get my revenge? What are these dumb ponies to you that you’d die for them? Huh?!”

“Nothing.” Applejack continued to look up at her. “I’m just doing the right thing.”

Green Field’s teeth clenched. “They all deserve this!”

“No, they don’t. You didn’t deserve what happened to you and now they don’t deserve what you’re doing to them.” Applejack matched her glare with one of her own.

More tears of liquid fire began to bubble at Green Field’s eyes but she didn’t let it get to her. “Fine, you can stand there and burn too!” The flames she was standing on grew and flickered with greater intensity, Green Field was preparing to smite Applejack for good this time.

“Alright then, let’s get down to it.” Applejack reached up and pulled the Heart of Water out of her hat. It rested there on her hoof with its calming presence. Closing her eyes she thought about its power, asking it to become a part of her, willing it to merge with her body and help her. A strange feeling began to spread through her body, she felt different, she felt wet and like her body was constantly in motion, she felt not just lighter but almost completely weightless and the heat wasn’t bothering her anymore either. Even her breathing had stopped and her heart beat had disappeared.

But she was still calm and not worried about any of that. Applejack had other things to worry about. Feeling the resolve inside of her she opened up her eyes.

Author's Note:

100,000 words, hooray.

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