• Published 23rd Mar 2018
  • 1,404 Views, 63 Comments

Of Light and Darkness - Dragonfire2lm

A Displaced Gatomon runs Day Court in Princess Celestia's stead and a Wizardmon from a far off digital world studies magic under Princess Luna. This is their story.

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Centuries Later...

Author's Note:

Admittedly a short chapter but honestly, apart from what's here, I had no idea what to show really.

Sunset Shimmer will be starring in her own fic in the future, once I get around to writing it. If you spot any typos I may have missed, let me know.


Edit- Typos fixed, I think.

Over the centuries Gatomon and Celestia worked towards making Equestria a peaceful, inclusive nation for all creatures and when Gatomon grew to become Angewomon, the angel digimon worked tirelessly to aid the kingdom even as her heart yearned to seek out her beloved, to offer him whatever help she could but instead she stood by Celestia’s side even as time passed and the spark that drove them dulled and the light faded.

Partner and Digimon sat side by side in the throne room as the last petitioner for the day left and Day Court came to an end. They looked calm, almost peaceful in the light of the setting sun and a stray beam of light glinted of the digivice and crest attached to Celestia’s regalia. Guards and castle staff alike walked out of the room to leave the two to their own devices.

The doors closed and Celestia sagged in her seat. “I do care for my little ponies but I do wish they knew how handle some things on their own.”

“Oh, a monster attack? We got it covered but god forbid we get into a fight with each other.” Angewomon snarked.

Both of them shared a knowing grin before they burst into a fit of giggles. Their laughter brought a sense of joy and cheer to the empty room but when they finally calmed down, an air of sadness and grief permeated the area as the cheerful, serene masks they showed to the public finally slipped.

“Just fourteen more years…” Angewomon said softly.

“Indeed, are you holding up alright?” Celestia asked. “I checked your stats and your energy meter is getting rather low.”

“I’m holding on, don’t you worry,” the angel digimon replied and stretched out from her spot next to the throne. “I’m not going anywhere yet.”

Celestia stood and stretched out her wings as she shook herself to ese any sore muscles or joints from a day spent sitting on the throne. She reached out a hoof and helped Angewomon to her feet.

“Care to join me for tonight’s moon raising?” the solar princess asked.

“Nah, I’m going to go and check on Sunset, it’s tea time and she hasn’t shown up yet.” The digimon replied.

“I believe you mean dinner time?” Celestia playfully corrected and Angewomon rolled her eyes.

“Yeah sure, you know what I mean…” Angewomon said.

“You truly care about Sunset, don’t you?” Celestia asked.

“How can I not, an orphaned filly that snuck into the school on the day you were watching the entrance exams and passed the practical portion of the test with flying colours in the hopes of gaining a scholarship was picked up as the personal student of the princess. I want to do what I can for her…” Angewomon said. “Sure, I have more to do with making sure she’s fed and that she does her homework while you’re off filing paperwork but I think she appreciates the time I take out of my day to be there for her, at least I hope so.”

Celestia smiled and followed her friend out of the room. “Why don’t you go and get dinner started. I’ll go and fetch Sunset, she is my student after all.”

“I know, I know, save the adoption papers for after she passes her mid-term exams in a week,” Angewomon said with a smile. “I’m just a bit worked up about this whole thing, you know I get paranoid.”

‘Though my student could do with taking my lessons of friendship to heart, I’m sure she’ll be happy with the idea of you taking her in officially,” Celestia replied. “Perhaps that will change her attitude for the better.”

Angewomon didn’t know where it had all gone wrong, a peaceful evening and a tasty meal was swiftly interrupted by Celestia finding her student in possession of several spell books Sunset had been forbidden from reading, the argument that followed broke the hearts of both the princess and her digimon and now guards scoured the castle in search of Celestia’s runaway pupil. She knew where to find Sunset and headed directly for an abandoned room in one of the lesser used castle towers.

“Sunset!” the angel called out as the 10-year-old filly was walking towards the portal, a pair of saddlebags strapped to her sides.

Sunset turned around and glared at Angewomon, the sheer mix of emotions behind the filly’s gaze struck her as deep as any physical blow.

“What are you here to take me out of the castle? To banish me!” Sunset snapped. “Or are just here to try and convince me to say sorry? Because I won’t!”

“No, I…” Angewomon tried to protest but anything was about to say was silenced as the filly before her continued to rant.

“You think you can tell me what to do? You bring me food and gifts and help me with schoolwork like you’re my mom? You’re not my mom so stop acting like you are!” Sunset screeched and bolted through the mirror, the glassy surface of the portal rippled as she went through.

Angewomon fell to her knees, Sunset’s words ringing in her ears as her previous failures danced through her mind. S tears blurred her vision the world seemed to shift for the angel digimon and something within her finally gave. Her wings felt like a weight on her back as she silently cried tears of grief and regret over those she had failed to help.

Though her failures were few in number compared to the good she had done throughout her long life she neither registered nor cared for the praises and adoration of Equestria in that moment.

The weight on her back lifted as all sense of drive and purpose left her. She spread her lone tattered pair of wings to hover above the ground, used a clawed, gloved hand to flick her silver hair out of her face and caught her reflection in a nearby window.

LadyDevimon chuckled sadly at her new appearance, her red eyes were void of joy or life and the devil digimon floated back down to the ground and walked over to a corner of the room.

She summoned a cushion and took a seat, her actions sluggish and half hearted. Her drive was gone, the motivation to do anything simply ceased to exist for the fallen angel so she simply sat there and waited.

There’s no point anymore…

She heard metal impacting the marble floor of the hallway outside a few minutes later, she didn’t need to look to know that the gasp that followed not long after was from her partner.

“Lily?” she heard Celestia ask softly.

“What?” came her tired sounding reply.

No more words were exchanged as the devil digimon heard her partner move across the room to sit down beside her and LadyDevimon stiffened slightly as a wing was wrapped around her slouched form. Together the pair sat for hours even as Celestia lowered the moon to make way for a new day the pair still didn’t move.

With bleary eyes, LadyDevimon watched the sunrise and sighed.

“I guess I can’t go around like this...” she said quietly. “I can’t expect you to do everything around here either.”

Celestia remained silent, content to simply let her partner talk.

“S-She’ll be back eventually if my foreknowledge is proven correct and besides,” LadyDevimon said with a forced smile. “Gotta keep up appearances, right?”

A few minutes later, Princess Celestia and Angewomon walked out of the room to begin their day, the same thought running through their heads.

14 more years and then our light will return.

13 years before the 1000th Summer Sun Celebration

At Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, the top of a tower exploded as a dragon’s head forced its way through the roof. The purple scaled creature looked out at the town around it in a daze, its mind still too young to comprehend what it was seeing.

“I told you this would happen!” Angewomon yelled out as she and Celestia flew past the overgrown baby dragon and into the room it occupied, a pair of potted plants stood off to one side and several teachers cowered behind their desk as a purple filly unicorn filly surged violently, her magic as wild as the untamed Everfree as it lashed out against anything and everything.

Angewomon widened her stance and stood her ground as she withstood the full force of the surge while her partner worked to calm the young filly at its heart. It took only moments but soon the filly’s magic was under control and things were reverted back to normal. Angewomon walked over to the baby dragon sucking its own tail while Celestia spoke with the filly and the young pony’s confused parents. The angel digimon scooped up the baby dragon and made to leave the room.

“Um... Lady Angewomon?” A small voice asked and she turned around to see the filly, now with a star burst cutie mark looking up at her concerned. “What’s going to happen to the baby dragon?”

Angewomon smiled warmly as she answered the question. “Well, my little pony, since this little one has no home or family, I’ll be adopting the young dragon. You don’t have a problem with that do you?”

“You’re really going to look after a baby dragon?” the filly asked, awestruck. “That seems like a lot of work.”

“I don’t mind.” Angewomon replied with a shrug.

Deep beneath Canterlot was an enormous cavern filled with books, scrolls and relics from before Equestria was founded. It once been called The Founder’s Archive with items and tomes written by Equestria’s founding ponies but had been renamed in the past few centuries after some recent additions from the Castle of the Two Sisters had been added anonymously and the place was now known as The Restricted Archives. The room was lit by torches and a few candles as a figure moved through the room. A tall imposing figure whose menacing visage was ruined by the fact that he had a cape collar so high that covered the lower half of his face.

His nervous tick of readjusting said collar didn’t help much to improve his image either. Myotismon crept into the archive and quickly began scanning its contents, searching for something. Carefully, he levitated several old books and scrolls to an empty desk and began to read their contents as he pulled a small notebook and a quill to take notes.

“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it Myotismon?” a voice said from the entrance and the vampire-like digimon fumbled for a moment as he looked up to see Princess Celestia smirking at him.

“H-hello…” He mumbled. “I was just leaving…”

Celestia giggled. “Please, stay. There’s no need to excuse yourself on my account,” she smiled warmly. “You’re more than welcome to use this place for your research.”

“Thank you,” Myotismon replied quietly and continued going through the various texts as he spoke. “How’s Lily?”

“She’s slowed down a bit but she’s still waiting for you and Luna, as am I,” Celestia replied and cheerfully added. “She has a son now.”


“A baby dragon was hatched recently at the school, so she adopted him. She’s taking it well… after she spent a night in the library reading up on everything we have about dragons, that is.” Celestia explained with a smile.

“That sounds like her, she likes to know everything she can about a situation before she does something about it.” Myotismon replied.

“I’ll leave you to your work Myotismon but before I go, would you like me to pass on a message to her?” the princess asked.

“Just tell her to wait for us, Celestia. All you two need to do is wait,” he replied calmly. “On the thousandth year the stars will aid in her escape and she will bring everlasting night.”

Comments ( 9 )

whoot a new chapter


I'm you guys like the new chapter, it was kind of tricky trying to figure out what to show.


Thanks for pointing those out, I'll fix them as soon as I can.

‘Care to join me for tonight’s moon raising?” the solar princess asked.

Found a thing. Need a " at the start of the sentence.

And the pacing in this one was spot on, Your choices on what to show were perfect! :yay:

I'll try and fix it asap.

I'm glad it worked out, once I fix the typos I'll get to work on the next chapter.

Angewomon is a better mom to Sunset than Celestia was.

That's kind of the point, in this Celestia is just the teacher and Angewoman took it upon herself to provide Sunset the love and care she needed due to the filly being an orphan. It's why Sunset's betrayal affects the angelic digimon the most.

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