• Published 23rd Mar 2018
  • 1,400 Views, 63 Comments

Of Light and Darkness - Dragonfire2lm

A Displaced Gatomon runs Day Court in Princess Celestia's stead and a Wizardmon from a far off digital world studies magic under Princess Luna. This is their story.

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Digimon Origins- Wizardmon's Crash Landing.

Author's Note:

Ok so, this chapter was tricky as there is some stuff i want to save for later chapters and a sequel I have planned, secondly I was kind of at a loss for how to really do this chapter so i ended up skipping over scenes like how Gatomon looks after Wizardmon over several months and Wizardmon meeting the princesses.

if I can figure out how I want those scenes to go I might add them in as flashbacks or something later down the line. Either way, enjoy.

Ten years before the rise of Nightmare Moon.

His staff lay abandoned in the sand as the wind whipped around him, the sandstorm roaring as if in defiance against him as he stood before the large stone doors and the small podium that would be the key to his freedom. he approached the podium; the top was covered in several rectangular indentations and each one engraved with one of the five core elements of Witchelny's magic system.

The Digimon known as Wizardmon reached into the pocket dimension within his cape and pulled out a deck of cards. With the wind at his back and his hat pulled low to shield his eyes from the sand he placed the cards, each one depicting a different digimon, into the correct spot and the podium glowed with light as the stone doors creaked open. He could feel his energy draining from both the toll needed to open the door and from the battering of the storm. He quickly grabbed the cards and stored them away as he stumbled towards the portal.

A gust of wind knocked him forward and the wizard digimon was sent careening into the portal. Blinded by light, drained from his ordeal to even reach the stone doors be barely noticed the soft ground beneath his feet or the shade proved by the canopy of the forest he was now in. His hat tumbled onto the ground as he collapsed, with no strength left to stand and he could just make out the shape of something small and white approaching him just before he passed out.

He awoke in a soft bed, in a room made of stone with wall mounted torches providing light. The room was sparely furnished, save for a bookshelf and a writing desk. He saw his hat hanging off the bedpost and his cape hanging on a coat rack. He felt off, incomplete without his attire and tried to sit up. His body refused to cooperate, despite his mind feeling refreshed it seemed his body still had some ways to go to recover from his inter-dimensional transit. Without his cape he felt exposed, vulnerable and pulled the blankets further up to hide his stitched-up mouth just as the wooden door in the corner of the room creaked open.

He had never seen a Gatomon before though he instinctively knew the feline that walked into the room carrying a small wooden crate was definitely a Gatomon. The feline blinked in surprise, her round spectacle sliding down her muzzle slightly as if to accentuate her shock at seeing him awake. She looked about to say something but decided against it, instead chose to place the crate by Wizardmon's beside and rummaged through it. She pulled out a wooden bowl laden with various foodstuffs and a wooden mug and pitcher of water. She handed him the bowl with one paw, wrapped her tail around the mug and placed it, along with the pitcher on the desk.

"I'm Lily, sorry, I have a lot to do. I'll be back in a minute!" the feline stated and hurried out of the room.

Wizardmon just stared at the empty doorway, waiting and after a minute of no sign of the feline returning Wizardmon began to silently eat the food she had brought him. He remained alert as he ate and could make out the sounds of hooved creatures going about their business and the fleeting noise of paws pounding against carpet or stone followed by a fleeting glimpse of Lily as she darted through the halls carrying all manner of things in her paws or held tightly in her long tail.

He felt his strength return as he ate, soon his bowl was emptied and he felt brave enough to try testing his magic. With a thought he commanded the bowl to float over to land on the desk and with a bit of strain he levitated the pitcher and mug over to himself.

“Um, I was going to ask if you needed help...” Lily said from the doorway as Wizardmon finished pouring himself a drink. He sheepishly nodded and with a kind smile, she took the pitcher from him and returned it to the desk.

“Sorry for the rushed introduction, I was in the middle of clearing out my schedule so I look after you properly,” She explained. “I work as an adviser as well as doing odd jobs around the castle.”

“You were pretty banged up and practically covered in sand. I found you near some old ruins,” the Gatomon continued. “You’re not from around here I’m guessing?”

He didn’t trust himself to try communicating just yet, if simple levitation gave him trouble he didn’t want to see what would happen if he tried talking so he shook his head.

“You’re a Wizardmon so… judging from the sand on you when I found you I take it you used some sort of portal to get here?” She asked.

He nodded and looked a tad sheepish at his lack of a more substantial explanation. She didn’t seem to mind his silent replies and continued talking.

“Just rest up for now, I’ll grab some books for you to read,” she stated. “From what I’ve read about inter dimensional travel, you’ll be adjusting for a while so just take it easy. Oh and… would it be ok if you called me Gatomon out in public? it’s kind of a long story but…”

He shrugged and made himself more comfortable as the feline left the room in search of the promised books. There was an air of duty and compassion about her as she left and Wizardmon had a feeling that Lily was someone he could trust. He still hid the lower half of his face beneath the blanket again despite this but when she returned with an armful of tomes, it didn’t look like she really cared about what he did, as long as he was safe and on the road to recovery she let him do his own thing.

Over the next few weeks a routine was quickly established, Gatomon would bring him his meals and reading material for the day and while he would busy himself with a novel or two in-between meals, she would be watching him as she sat perched on a nearby windowsill or atop the bookcase. She seemed determined to ensure his recovery though eventually, whether she got bored enough or decided he was doing well enough to not need her vigilance for the rest of the day, she would sit at the foot of the bed with her own choice of literature and read quietly next to him. It was oddly peaceful to him, free of the stress and worries he had dealt with back in his home village.

He could see the effort she put into being his caretaker, she would still be wake when he was mere seconds from falling asleep and arrived with breakfast so early in the morning he had to wonder if she got any sleep at all. So, as Gatomon kept an eye on him, he started keeping an eye on her.

Once he paid attention the patterns were easy to notice and as his strength returned to him in leaps and bounds, what little courage he had returned as well and for the first time in three months, after he made sure his mouth was hidden under the blanket, Wizardmon gathered the nerve to speak.

"Uh, hello?" he said nervously.

Gatomon jumped, startled by the noise and her reply made Wizardmon think that perhaps this wasn't such a good idea.

"Holy shit you talked!"

Once she had calmed down and much to his embarrassment, apologized repeatedly for her outburst, Gatomon quickly adapted and the two began the first of many conversations.

"So, you were turned into a digimon?" he asked, stunned by the revelation.

"I died, my mind was turned into data and poof, digimon," she replied. 'I'm just as surprised that you're a real digimon. I never thought I'd meet one."

"But you were able to figure out I arrived here via the portal, what did you think I was?" Wizardmon asked.

She shrugged. "For all I knew you could've been like me and just figured out how the Wizardmon species travelled between dimensions. You've been awfully quiet until now."

"I see, my father taught me how to travel to this world when it was clear i couldn't remain at home with him," He replied. "He said that this world and ours shared a connection due to both worlds having a similar form of magic used by its inhabitants."

"Oh, OK. So, what are you going to do now?" Gatomon asked.

"I don't know, but I think, I would like to learn the magic of this world." he said.

Gatomon hummed in thought as she mulled something over, she pushed her glasses back up her nose and hopped off the bed.

"I think I can help you, since I work for the princesses I could introduce you to them and maybe they can help you out," she stated. "I need to introduce you to them anyway if you're stay in this world is permanent."

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to trouble you..." he nervously replied.

"I'd just be doing my job," she said causally. "Advise the princesses, introduce to foreign people seeking help or asylum, dealing with foreign nations on their behalf. I've been doing this for twenty years now, even helped pass a few laws and stuff. Heck, I'm the Equestrian ambassador to the dragons. There's nothing to worry about."

"That went well." Gatomon stated happily as she walked beside Wizardmon.

"I-I don't know what to say," Wizardmon said, flabbergasted as he nervously pulled his hat down to cover his face. "My teacher will be one of the princesses!"

"Luna was adamant about taking you on that's for sure, maybe she's seen how well Celestia does with that school she built on Mount Canterhorn and wanted to take on a student herself?" Gatomon suggested. "Though with how the school for gifted unicorns is generating a town around it I don't know why she didn't just go there to find a student and with both her and Celestia overseeing the building of Canterlot Castle to better provide jobs and security for the families of the foals already attending the school, eh Luna has her reasons."

"What will you be doing now that I'll be studying with the princess?" Wizardmon asked.

"The usual, paperwork for Celestia, checking on the castle staff, helping run both Day and Night Court and holing up in the library once everyone's gone to bed," she replied. "Insomnia sucks..."

In one of the castle's towers Princess Luna stood elegantly before Wizardmon as he sat hunched over a desk, muttering as he wrote with a quill and inkwell.

"A successful spell comprises of three factors, intent, emotion and power. Without all three working in harmony a spell will fail or miscast resulting in an entirely different, sometimes random effect on both the target and the caster..."

As he continued to write, he moved the brim of his large pointed dark blue hat just enough to allow him to see the page clearly while he took care to keep the lower half of his face covered by the collar of his matching dark blue cape. Time moved at a snail’s pace as he answered question after question written on the pile of parchment in front of him until finally, Princess Luna called things to a halt.

"Enough!" She exclaimed and he visibly jumped in his seat at the loudness of her voice. He returned his quill to the inkwell beside him as the pile of parchment was encased in Luna's magic and floated towards her. He waited nervously in his seat as she looked over them with a critical eye.

He didn't dare move until she finally placed the pile of papers onto a desk in the corner of the room and addressed him.

"Thou hath done well. From this we see that thine understanding of magical theory is sound and the problem solving thou showed when faced with a spell's theoretical use is practical, if lacking in imagination," She stated. "Though the number of spells thou are able to cast is few, as expected of one not of this world, we would still like to see thine strength in combat!"

"Come, my student!" she declared. "It is time for the practical exam!"

She led him to the courtyard and found Gatomon waiting for the two of them. She was lying on a rock, sunbathing and perked up as she noticed them.

"So, it’s time the practical exam, right?" she asked and hopped off the rock.

Luna nodded. "Indeed, old friend, are thou prepared?"

"Of course I am, I know I'm going to get my butt kicked." the feline replied with a shrug and a cheeky grin.

"Wizardmon, thine task is to do battle with Lady Gatomon," Luna instructed as she moved to the edge of the courtyard. "You have five minutes to display the extent of your magical abilities to defeat your opponent>"

"I get to fight baack!" Gatomon singsonged.

"Are thou prepared?" Luna asked.

Wizardmon adjusted his hat and cape and moved to stand across from Gatomon, he could see the playful look in her eye and knew she wouldn't him any serious harm. He nodded and watched Gatomon shifted to stand on all fours, keeping her body close to the ground as she flicked her tail, which caused her holy ring to slide downward and rest near the base of her tail to prevent it from sliding off.

He then realized just how smart Gatomon really was if she was taking all of her weaknesses into account. Regardless of any doubt or worries he had, he felt that no matter what happened, the two of them would at least have fun.

"Begin!" Luna exclaimed.

Hours later as the sun began to set, Wizardmon stumbled up the stairs after Gatomon as they both headed for an unoccupied lounge. The room had a wooden floor with a large red rug taking up most of the floor place, a fireplace crackled merrily as bookshelves and cabinets filled with board games, hidden stashes of treats and drinks, various trinkets and odds and ends lined the walls. A few lounges and large, alicorn sized cushions were situated near the fireplace. Wizardmon took a seat on a plush chair while Gatomon flopped down onto a cushion.

"I won... Ow..." she said and looked a bit frustrated when her glasses slipped off her nose again.

"You fight well for a Gatomon without SaberLeomon gloves." Wizardmon pointed out and she looked down at her white, slightly large front paws.

"I never got any gloves when I digivolved, there are no SaberLeomon here for me to copy the data of after all." she replied.

"Surely this land must have an alternative?" he asked.

"I don't need no stinkin' gloves" she grumbled back and found the energy to adjust her glasses.

"No, I suppose not..." Wizardmon agreed and the pair trailed off into a comfortable silence.

Wizardmon eventually broke the silence. "Lily?"

"I told you Wizardmon, it's Gatomon now." she stated quietly.

"But, Lily is your true name is it not? All digimon have a true name where I'm from." the warlock stated.

"I thought Digimon went by their species name? Then again, I wasn't born a Digimon, not like you- a real Digimon."

"Does that even matter? I could tell you my name-" Wizardmon replied.

"Don't worry about it, just call me Gatomon." she said calmly.

"Alright... Y-you're not mad, are you?" he asked nervously.

"Nah, I spent three months patching you up after all, we're practically friends now!" Gatomon replied with a grin.

"R-really, you think so?" he asked, surprised.

"Sure, why not?" she replied, still grinning.