• Published 20th Mar 2018
  • 4,229 Views, 116 Comments

Flash Sentry, Crystal Darkness - Banshee531

When an ancient civilization thought to be lost returns, it brings both new allies and new threats. With this, it's up to Flash and his friends to save the day, if they can.

  • ...

The Crystal Harmony

"How much longer is he gonna sleep?"

"Calm down Rainbow. The poor darling went through a lot."

"She's right sugarcube, just be patient."

"Oh, I hope he wasn't hurt too badly."

"Ooh! Ooh! I think he's coming around!"

"Then let's give him some space."

Flash's eyes slowly flickered open, only to be bombarded by a volley of light over his head. He quickly closed his eyes, turning his head away from the glare, only to open his eyes and see that he was laying on a bed made out of light violet crystals. The sight made him blink in surprise, only to feel another sensation. It was his body, which felt stiff, as if he had been sleeping in the same position for a week. It was in that moment that he remembered the battle before he passed out, the beating Sombra had easily given him.

He began to blink again, adjusting his eyes to the light as he tried to look back up again. As he did, he started to lift his head, only to then see Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Shining staring down at him. Each one had a look of both joy and concern on their face, some with tears starting to form under their eyes.

He blinked one more time before lifting his hoof and rubbing his eyes. "Morning." Before he could say anything else, the five mares leapt at him, burying him in a hug pile. "AUGH!" he wheezed, his body feeling both pain and happiness. But mainly pain. "Okay, okay...I get it. You're all happy to see me."

"You know it partner," Applejack said as they all got off of him. "You had us all worried."

Rarity nodded. "Indeed darling. When we saw Ruby drag you back into the city, we feared you were..." the unicorn mare shivered at her next words, "gone."

"So I'm guessing Ruby told you what happened?" Flash asked, letting out a small yawn at the same time.

Shining chuckled at the question, only to smirk at the pegasi, "Yes. She told us you were being reckless again. You really can't stay out of trouble, can you?"

Flash smirked back, giving a small shrug in response. "Its a gift." Everypony laughed at that, happy to see Flash was okay. At the same time, Flash finally started looking around the room he was in. It gave him a very...hospital vibe. "Say, uh...where am I?"

"The Crystal Castle's medical center," Shining replied, patting the bed with his hoof. "Ruby said we should bring you here, as its the empire's best medical facility. I gotta say, she wasn't wrong."

Rainbow nodded in agreement. "The docs said you were suffering from-" She turned to the others, "what'd they call it?"

Rarity rolled her eyes, almost facehoofing. "Total bodily failure brought on by extreme fatigue, darling. That and..." Rarity then pointed to Flash's chest, causing him to look down as she continued, "A scar from your battle."

Flash didn't hear the next few words from his friends as he stared at the new scar that covered his body. It was from Sombra's scythe, the one he had used to meticulously and very slowly cut Flash's chest. The scar was a small but noticeable X shape that stood out against his fur, one that looked like it would be there for the rest of his life. Despite this, there were no bandages over it, causing Flash to think a new question to ask.

"Say, uh....how long have I been asleep?"

Rainbow gave him a flat stare as she answered. "About six months."

"WHAT?! SIX MONTHS?!" Flash yelped, only for his ears were then bombarded by a wave of laughter, which made him give them all the stink eye. "Not funny."

"Sorry. It was just-hee hee," Rainbow replied, chuckling. "It was just too easy."

"Ugh...typical." Flash groaned, resting his head back on the pillow. "Should of guessed that one."

Seeing this, Shining decided to give him the real answer. "You've been asleep for about three days. Ruby explained what happened with Sombra's uh....'Spirit Breaker' spell? At least I think that's what she called it. Said it takes the energy right out of ya, but you were still able to fight. It sounds like it was quite the battle."

Flash did a slightly embarrassed shrug at the praise. "Eh, I just knew I couldn't let him win, so I kept going. Though it was super painful..."

"And it was very impressive."

Everypony turned to the now opened door, where they saw not only Twilight, Cadance and Ruby, but also the Royal Sisters as they stepped in. As soon as Flash and Twilight's eyes locked, he saw her eyes fill with tears before she shot towards him. Before he could react, she leapt onto his bed and threw her hooves around his neck. "YOU IDIOT! What did I tell you about being reckless?!"

"Augh!" Flash yelped as he felt the force of her hooves, making him cringe at the sudden forced pain. "Ow! That hurts Twilight!"

Twilight jerked her head back, glaring right in the eyes of the defender. "It should! You were reckless again!"

"Yeah...I know." Flash mumbled, his expression turning into one of shame and apology, "I'm sorry."

"No you're not! You were being reckless, like always!" Twilight yelled, air blasting out of her nostrils as she tired to hold back her tears. "You reckless, irresponsible, promise-breaking meathead!"

Ruby leaned over and whispered to other ponies in the room, "Are they always like that?"

"Yes." they all whispered back in unison.

"And they'll never figure it out." Cadance finished, letting out an annoyed grumble as she then said, "Trust me, I've tried way too many times to try and make them figure it out, and its my job to make ponies figure it out."

"Figure what out?" Shining asked, a slightly blank look on his face.

Cadance let out a long sigh, "Something you'll never figure out either...just like your sister with our relationship."

As Shining blinked at this comment, Twilight continued to yell at Flash. "You stupid moron! I told you not to be reckless and now you have a scar on your chest! Why don't you ever listen?! Why don't-"

"Ahem." Luna interrupted with a slight cough, causing Flash and Twilight to turn and glance at her. "It's good to see you are finally awake young Sentry."

"Indeed. We were all worried about you." Celestia added as she gave him a knowing smile as she looked at the mare still hugging him. "Some more than others."

Flash gave a small nod. "Thanks. So I'm guessing the empire is safe? This time for good?"

"Yes." Cadance told him, pointing at her sister-in-law as she continued, "Twilight and Spike found the Crystal Heart just in time. The citizens of the empire were able to recharge it, allowing the Heart to destroy Sombra once and for all."

"That's good to hear," Flash said with a sigh. "I don't wanna have to fight that guy ever again." He then glanced at Ruby, only to now notice that her coat still had the crystalline shine she and he had had after being hit by the Crystal Heart's magic. "How are you doing?"

Ruby just shook her head, only to then give him a small smile, "I'm fine, thanks to you. Granted, you gave me a real scare after that fight with Sombra but...you still kept him distracted long enough so Twilight and Spike could get the heart. The Crystal Empire owes you a debt of gratitude."

Flash shrugged at the knight, "Eh, just doing my job."

"No Flash," Ruby told him, shaking her head once more. "What you did was beyond the call of duty. You pushed yourself past what should have been ponily possible to protect us all. If the rest of the Royal Knights are anything like you, then I'll proudly stand by their side to help protect Equestria once more." Flash shined a big smile at her, happy he had achieved his goal. Ruby on the other hoof, gave Luna a knowing smirk, "Besides, even if you hadn't convinced me, I'm sure my old teacher would have done the same job in getting me back with the knights."

The other ponies, except Celestia, all looked at Ruby in surprise at hearing this. Seeing this, Luna's eyebrows hopped for a second before she gave Ruby a big goofy grin, "I can always convince you Ruby. Who else taught you how to fight properly?"

"Now now you two, why don't you go catch up somewhere else private. Me and Luna did just arrive and I'm sure you have much to talk about." Celestia interrupted before gesturing to the rest of the room. "As for everypony else, I think we should let Flash rest in peace. Why don't you all go and enjoy what the empire has to offer, now that its no longer under attack."

The ponies all nodded and left the room, leaving only Flash and Twilight. The pegasus turned back to the unicorn, who was still holding onto him tightly and had her face pressed into his coat. "Twilight-"

"Why do you keep doing this?!" Twilight asked as she pulled her face away again, glaring daggers at him with her tear-filled eyes. "You keep putting yourself in danger and not caring what might happen to you! If you had...I don't want to lose you Flash!"

Flash's heart fell into his stomach at hearing this. He could feel the guilt as he knew Twilight wasn't alone over this. His other friends were probably worrying just as much. After all, at the time, all he had thought about was trying to stop Sombra, not thinking about what might have happened if he had failed.

"I'm sorry Twilight. I just...I had to."

"Why?! Why is it always you that has to face all these threats alone?! Why couldn't you have had Shining, or Rainbow, or anypony go with you?! Nightmare Moon, Lightning, Discord, the Scorpentine, and now this! Why do you always feel the need to be alone when facing something so dangerous?!"

Flash was not sure how to respond to that. He hadn't realised it, but stuff like this had happened a lot since they first arrived in Ponyville. But as he thought about this, Twilight continued. "What if the next time you do something like this, you're not so lucky?! What'll happen then?! All the ponies who care about you, how do you think they'll feel? Scootaloo, who just found out she has you as a brother or Springer, or-or-or me, your best friend!" Twilight yelled, pointing to her self. She started to pant as more tears fell, only for her gaze to fall as well, "What if...what if you die and leave us?! What then?!"

Flash's guilt increased as he thought about what she said. She was right. He had far to much he cared about, to go and throw it all away by dying. A part of him wanted to make Twilight a promise that he would not do something that reckless again. But he also knew that if he could go back to the moment he first started to fight Sombra, he would do it again in a heart beat. He had sworn to keep his promises, but this was a promise he would not be able to keep.

He took his hoof and placed it under her chin, raising it so her eyes now met his. "Twilight, I'm sorry I keep making you worry, but I'm not sorry for doing all those things I did. Its who I am. Its...look Twilight, you have to know that I'm somepony who'll put his life on the line to protect others."

More tears appeared as Twilight began to sniff from her cries. "But why do you always have to be the one to do it?"

"If it wasn't me, then it'd be somepony else and somepony they knew would have to worry." Flash put his hoof over his chest, a smile on his face as he continued, "I'm proud to be the pony who risks his life for others Twilight. That's who I am. Granted, I'm not proud to be the pony who makes those he cares about worry...but I can't prevent that." Flash took his hoof off his chest, now putting it on Twilight's. "So I want you to make a promise for me. Promise me that you'll stop worrying about whether or not I'll come back alive and I...I promise that no matter what happens or who I face, I'll come back to you alive."

Twilight continued to stare at him, tears flowing as she bit her lip. "You can't promise that."

"Yes I can. And as a part of my Knight's Vow, I'll never break a promise I make."

Twilight then looked away, staring at the bed now. "And how can you be sure you'll be able to come back next time?"

"Because I have too much to live for." Flash replied instantly, raising her chin again. "When I die, it'll be when I have nothing else to live for, and that won't be for a very long time."

Twilight continued to stare at him, trying to hold back more tears. As she did, she could see the determination in his eyes, the look of pure confidence in what he had just said. She let out a long sigh as she turned away, rubbing her eyes. "Okay. I...I believe you."

"Thank you Twilight." Flash replied as he then scooted over on the bed, patting the side for Twilight. She then laid down with him, letting out another long sigh. Seeing this, Flash chuckled as he said, "Why don't we talk about something else? Say...how did your test go? Considering you got the Heart to Cadance, I assume that means you passed."

Twilight frowned and shook her head. "I didn't get the Heart to Cadance. I got trapped in one of Sombra's traps and...and I had Spike get the heart to her, though I had to force him to do it."

Flash's eyes went wide in concern, "So you-"

"I still passed," Twilight interrupted closing her eyes as her frown increased. "Celestia said the fact that I was willing to put the needs of others over my own meant I was worthy of passing."

Flash shined a smile as he slowly put his hoof around her neck. "Good to hear. Great work Twi."

"Yeah...thanks." Twilight slowly said, closing her eyes as she let out another sigh. With that, the two simply laid side by side, enjoying the peacefulness of each others company. Flash then turned his head to look out the window, admiring the beautiful lights that now filled the skies.

In another part of the castle, two other ponies were watching the lights in the sky. It was Ruby and Luna, both standing on one of the castle balconies. Seeing the love and light be spread throughout Equestria thanks to the Heart, Ruby let out a long sigh as she looked at her old mentor. "I never thought I'd see this sight again."

"Neither did I," Luna replied, a smile gracing her lips.

Ruby chuckled at that remark. "For you, it must have been a long wait. Its been a thousand years since then Luna...though I gotta say, you still look the same as you did when we last spoke." Luna began to frown at that, causing a look of confusion to spread on Ruby's face. "You okay?"

Luna shook her head, sighing. "Let's just say...I didn't have to wait long to see it again, or you."

"What do you mean?" As Ruby's question left her mouth, Luna began to explain everything that had happened to her, both after the empire's disappearance, and the Nightmare. Once the story ended, Ruby's eyes were wide in shock. "I don't believe it."

"Well believe it, because it happened. Losing you and...and my jealousy was just too much for me. The loneliness just became too much for me. Much like Sombra, I fell to the dark path and was punished for it."

"But you were saved!" Ruby barked back, nudging her with her hoof. "Flash and his friends, they used the Elements to save you!"

"Yes...they did." Luna then turned to the Crystal Knight, seeing a look of deep thought on her face. "I know what you are thinking. You believe that the Elements may have allowed Flash and the others to do to Sombra what they did for me. After all, you told me many times how much of a friend he was to you, only to see him turn. So, I suggested this method to my sister before she sent them."

Ruby didn't like where this was going. "What...what did she say?"

"That my reformation was due to the Elements expunging the unnatural dark magic from my body, reverting me to a prior stage of life. Since Sombra's umbrum magic was a natural part of him, the Elements could not do the same as they did to me."

Ruby let out a long sigh, tears beginning to form in her eyes. "I...see. So this truly was the only way."

Luna placed a hoof on her shoulder. "I know it was hard, but you know that this was the right thing to do."

Ruby just nodded. "I know. I just..." She hesitated as she pushed the hoof off and looked back up at the sky. "I know I can't keep looking towards the past. For the sake of the empire, I must focus on the future and learn as much as I can about this new world we find ourselves in." A single tear went down her face. "But I miss him Luna. I really do."

"I know you do Ruby." Luna replied as she put her wing over Ruby's back, looking up at the sky as well. "There is so much we lost."

"Yes...I know." Ruby responded, only for a few more tears to form. "Its just so hard..." her body began to shake as she said her next words. "I mean...if you had known him like I did Luna, how he really was before all this. Its just..."


"Yeah. I still can't believe what I fought out there three days ago." Ruby put a hoof over her eyes, rubbing the water away. "I could barely recognize him. He had truly become a monster."

"I was afraid of that." Luna admitted as she tightened her wing-hug on Ruby. "I'm sorry you had to endure such a thing."

"Thanks..." Ruby hugged her back, the tears finally stopping. And as they did, Ruby slung her hoof around Luna's shoulder. "I know that I need to move on. Will you help me?"

"Of course." Luna said with a wink. She then shined a small smirk, "Say, we never got to go out for drinks, did we?"

Ruby's face summoned a big grin, "No, I don't believe we did. We were gonna go have a night on the town, weren't we? Sing some songs, drinks some drinks and flirt with some stallions?"

Luna's smirk widened, "Oh yes, we definitely need to get you to Canterlot. You'll have loads of fun there. Heck, I also need to introduce you to my new student Trixie, and she can join us."

"Trixie? Is she another knight in training?"

Luna giggled at this. "Not quite, but you can thank Flash for the idea of having a more...non-military student, and for having Miss Lulamoon and I meet."

Ruby let out a hearty laugh. "I see. I must say, the more I learn about that colt, the more of me feeling like an idiot for underestimating him."

"You are not the first, and you will certainly not be the last." Luna then gave her old student one last hug. "Come, lets see what Princess Cadance can do about your schedule so you and me can have a night on the town."


Out in the bitter cold wastelands, the skies were now illuminated by the light that came from the empire. As it shined, a single object laid in the snow. It was the last piece of the umbrum king, which was a curved, bent and broken crimson red horn.

Suddenly, the horn began to glow a black aura, soon shaking and levitating into the air. And as it did, the horn shot into the air, flying through a blizzard in the distance. It flew through the falling snow, the frigid wind not stopping it for a second.

Then, it began to slow down, only to fall into a black coated hoof. It was a unicorn wearing a long black cloak. Its horn stuck out of its hood, a thick, black aura surrounding it. Strands of red hair drifted outside the cloaked as the pony began to fiddle with the horn.

"Is this the course of my vision?" The pony asked itself in a low, dark and draining voice. "It looks like the horn I saw on the unicorn alongside that pegasus. What does this have to do with me?"

The unicorn said nothing more, instead levitating the horn into his cloak before turning away. He then walked off, disappearing into the blizzard.

The next morning...

After a good fourth night's rest, Flash was now able to get out of bed with little trouble. He still had the scar from his fight, but the Crystal Heart had reduced the wound to a minor pain. Thanks to this, he could now move around freely and the rest of his friends were now all set to return to Ponyville. Right now, they were walking towards the train station, which the Heart's force field now surrounded.

"I can't wait to get home." Fluttershy commented as she looked back at the empire. "The empire is pretty, but I miss my animals."

"Same here," Applejack added as she tipped her hat. "Those apples ain't gonna buck them selves."

Rarity nodded in agreement. "I too wish to return home. Being here and seeing all this has gotten my creative juices flowing. I simply must get to work before the inspiration fades."

Flash smiled at seeing his friends all eager to get home. "Glad you're all ready to go home. I just hope Springer and Scootaloo haven't wrecked the library."

Spike scoffed at this. "If they have, you're helping them clean up."

Everypony chuckled as the exchange as they arrived at the station. There, Cadance gave Twilight a hug as she said, "Well, this is it everypony."

Twilight returned the hug before staring at the princess and her brother. "So you're really staying here?"

"We have to." Shining told her as he put his hoof on her shoulder. "With their princess gone, the crystal ponies need a leader, and with our knowledge of the current going-ons in Equestria, we're the best choice."

"I know," Twilight said as she looked down, a frown widening on her face. "But living here means we'll be seeing even less of each other."

Shining placed his hoof under her chin and pulled her face up, looking her in the eyes with a reassuring smile. "We'll see plenty of each other. Sure it won't be as much as we used to, but that's all part of growing up. We have our responsibilities here, while you and Flash have your stuff in Ponyville. Remember, even if we don't see that much of each other, we're still family."

Twilight stared at her brother for a few moment, only to then pull him into a hug. "Thanks BBBFF."

Flash meanwhile, was talking to Ruby. "You make sure to keep this place intact. I won't be around to bail you out again."

Ruby giggled as she put her hoof on his shoulder. "I'll be fine. You just need to try and keep out of trouble. From what I've been told, that seems to be attracted to you like a magnet."

Flash smirked and then nodded, the two sharing a hoofshake before he and his friends boarded the train.

As the train pulled away, the seven ponies and one dragon all popped their heads out the window. They waved at the three ponies on the platform, who all waved back, saying their goodbyes as they returned home after another great adventure. The Crystal Empire had been saved, and the love and light that had returned with it made Equestria stronger than ever. One can only wonder, what the future has in store for the land of ponies next?

Author's Note:

Thus ends the fifth instalment of Flash Sentry's journey. What is next for him and his friends? You'll just have to wait and find out.

Next time: Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S3

Comments ( 17 )

"Figure what out?" Shining asked, a slightly blank look on his face.

Like brother like sister, he is clearly Twilight's brother.

While I expected the fight with Sombra to be more one-side in Sombra's favor, the fact that Flash's wound from the fight is one that by it's nature will remain, I will let it go.

So how will Ruby and Trixie's dynamic work?

And wait was that... Darklight...:pinkiegasp:

On to Season 3. Season 3 has probably the biggest change to the status quo in the history of the show, so I can’t wait to see what you do with it.

I am calling it now, at the end of the season when Twilight ascends to become a princess Flash will also officially become a Royal Knight. I bet his title will be the Friendship Knight or something .

* read the spoiler* :ajbemused: Hey, Pizza Hut called, they want their cheese back

Please, we’ve seen the title Princess of Friendship so my guess is within the possibility of titles we have seen in the show. Especially since this is a Flashlight series.

Hmm. Yeah, he could be Darklight, or he could be another OC. If the fight with Sombra didn't mentally and emotionally challenge him, dealing with Twilight and coming to terms with his own mortality definitely did. :rainbowderp: I still get the feeling that Sombra is coming back though.

Doesn't change the cheesiness of the title

In Banshee's story or the show, I can see in Banshee's work, but I hope that the show uses him for the season 9 villain both for the opener and finale.

Yeah somehow Sombra will be back, the yang to Flash's yin.... Or is it the other way around... Regardless, their spirits are locked in an endless fight, and currently the time is that of light, but the brightest stars cast the darkest shadows, and for everthing there is a season...

8912628 More like a movie.


I am paraphrasing a song from the 60's which is based on a quote from the Bible, 'to everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under Heaven.'

Since Banshee already went the Fiendship is Magic route for this story, it only makes sense that he complete Sombra's arc from the comics. Please don't complain if he does. You already made your distaste for what the comics did with Sombra perfectly clear. :ajbemused: I know it's a small comfort and completely irrelevant to this series, but at least the Sombra arc from the comics is only questionably canon now. :trollestia:

I personally don’t feel like anything from the comics is canon to the show. The show contradicts the comics way too many times and the comics more often just leave us with more questions than answers. But that’s just my opinion, and there are a few things from the comics I enjoy, like Luna’s pet possum for example.

:pinkiesmile: ok whatever you say


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