• Published 6th Jan 2018
  • 15,542 Views, 648 Comments

Break the Walls Down - Super Saiyan D

In an effort to rid himself of his mortal enemy, Dr. Eggman flings Sonic into another dimension. Stranded, alone, and with no apparent way home, can he survive this strange new world? What adventures await him? Come along and find out.

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Chapter 6 - Rolling Around at the Speed of Sound

11:57 PM

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

A pair of dull brown eyes slowly opened, the harsh, repetitive buzzing of an alarm clock rousing the pony from her slumber. The mare sat up in her bed. A long, unkempt mess of a mane hung in her face. Blowing the green strands out of her eyes, she numbly glanced around.

Her room, dimly lit from the traces of light that cracked through the blinds, was of course the same as it always was. The same room. The same alarm clock. The same door to her bathroom. The same striped sweater dangling over the chair where she had randomly discarded it the night before, not having the drive or care to put it in the laundry basket.

Another day had come. Another unremarkable day that seemed to blur together with all the others. Each one as monotonous and stagnant as the one before it. She kicked her sheets away, slid out of bed, exited her room, and walked down the stairs.

When she turned the corner at the bottom of the staircase, she found an empty kitchen, save for the half empty cup of coffee that had been left on the right of the sink. Coming closer, she saw a sheet of paper taped to the bottom of an overhanging cabinet. A note was scribbled onto it:

Dear Wallflower,

Had to run out for a town hall meeting today. Your father also has a conference and probably won’t be home until late. Breakfast is in the fridge, help yourself.


Not even a single mention of remembering the supposed plans for today. A melancholy sigh escaped her lips. Why was she not surprised? She didn’t even bother with whatever leftovers may have been in the fridge to warm up. Instead she just grabbed an apple from the basket of fruit on the counter, took a bite, and headed back upstairs. Up she climbed, grabbing a towel from the linen closet across from her room, stepping back through her door, around her bed, and into her bathroom.

I mean, why would anyone remember? Why would her own family put in a little more effort to pay attention to her today?

It was only her birthday.

Twenty minutes later, Wallflower trudged listlessly down the straightway road of Yearling Lane. The commotion of the lively city ponies around her went practically unnoticed, drowned out by her own internal haze. Completely oblivious to the flower stand, newspaper booth, and fruit shake vendor she passed along the way. A camera dangled from a strap around her neck, swaying steadily with her every step.

If she had been given the choice, she would still be in her comfy bed. Now it wasn’t that she disliked her job as a freelance photographer. But after this morning, she wasn’t looking forward to the whole ‘interaction with other ponies’ thing right now. The thought of having to drag herself to work for what was sure to amount to a short and very loud briefing didn’t exactly do wonders for her mood. Unfortunately, one does not simply ignore a direct call from the publisher of the Equestria Daily. She had been called in for an update, and there was no getting out of it. Alas, the Manehattan news cycle machine seemed to know no off day. Or at least that’s what her supervisor would always say.

So here she was. Plodding to work, on the weekend, on her birthday no less, to more than likely get yelled at by her boss. As she walked past a large puddle on the street beside her, a sarcastic thought popped into her head:

‘What else could go wrong today?’

The irony gods must have been listening.

On her left, some shape shot past her at so high a velocity, it sent a wave of water from the big puddle it had went through splashing over her, soaking Wallflower from tip to tail.

Shock. Disgust. Disbelief. They all worked to light a spark of anger in Wallflower. Before she even had time to vocalize, there was a jarring set of beeps that made her look down.

The small bulb on her camera back of her camera was flashing red while the whole thing made a series of odd, discombobulated noises, clearly signifying a malfunction. Wallflower’s mouth opened with dismay. She couldn’t believe it. Some idiot had not only just carelessly soaked her from tip to tail—they had broken her only camera. Her only means of income was shot.

Her jaw tightened and teeth grit together, the fire of anger burning its way to the surface. All of her frustration, unsaid feelings and stress finally boiled over as she raised her head and screamed to the heavens:


She fell to her haunches, dropped her chest to the floor, buried her face in her hooves and wept. Months on years of repressed negative feelings spilled over into racking, uncontrollable sobs. The startled turned heads caused by her outburst, and the increasingly uncomfortable bystanders stepping away from her were lost on her ears. The dam of feelings long unacknowledged had finally burst, unleashed in one emotional deluge.

Wallflower wasn’t sure how long she sat there crying. Only that at some point, when the sounds of her own bawling no longer drowned out the world around her, she could sense someone standing in front of her. Stirring with anger again, she tore her hooves away and swerved her head up, ready to scream at the pony to leave her alone.

The last thing she expected to see was the gloved hand of a blue creature offering her a towel.

“Sorry about that, girly. You all right?”

Sonic looked down at the soaked green pony, his face filled with pity. He hadn’t meant to get her wet. And he sure didn’t intend to be the proverbial final straw on the camel of her mood. Even as far as he’d made it after he hit the puddle, her shout was loud enough to catch his attention and draw him back to take a look. …From a safe distance, initially.

Wallflower’s first thought was pure, stupefied awe at the outlandish looking creature standing before her. When she finally had the sense to snap out of her trance, her second was only slight annoyance, her burst of emotion tempered by his thoughtful act.

“Um… y-yeah, I guess…” She took the towel from him and wiped her face and hair in it. A myriad of reactions ran through her head. Mostly confusion and annoyance for this blue… thing. Not to mention her still present, albeit dulled anger at her camera being ruined.

As she cleaned herself off, Sonic looked the mare up and down. He seemed to notice the broken device. Feeling bad, he looked past her, back in the direction he had come. Once his eyes found his target, he smiled and disappeared in a rush of air.

Feeling the gust, a perplexed Wallflower gave her hair a few last cleansing ruffles with the towel and uncovered her face. Imagine her surprise when she saw the hedgehog standing there, as if he had never moved. But now had a pretty white flower in hand, holding it out to her with a charming smile.

“Sorry again about the water works, Greenie. Didn’t mean to ruin you day,” he said in a sympathizing tone.

For a moment, Wallflower just stared, completely taken aback by the act. Eventually, she slowly unfurled a hoof and took the lily. Its pleasant aroma tickled her nose as she looked at its pretty white petals. She couldn’t help smile, her cheeks turning a light shade of red.

The hedgehog softly scratched his chin. He still felt like there was more he could do. “Oh!” He suddenly snapped his fingers, remembering something. Wallflower watched as he reached up into his quills and pulled out a small sack, tossing it to the pony. She squeaked as she awkwardly caught it, and was surprised at the metallic jingle she heard from inside.

“What… What’s this?” she asked.

Sonic just smiled. “A friend of mine says you guys use those for money, right? Hope that covers it.”

Once again Wallflower found herself lost for words. The kind gesture, and the ease with which he seemed so willing to make it, was flabbergasting. Such things were practically unheard of in the City of Everpony For Themselves. In mere minutes he’d acknowledged her, apologized, extended an olive branch, and was now offering to fix what he’d broken. Kindness that Wallflower rarely saw. Her eyes again grew glossy, though this time from joy. Any immediate questions of who or what he was were forgotten.

Before Sonic could carry on, something from out the corner of his eye drew his attention. Glancing across the street, he saw a few random ponies whispering to each other, their eyes fixed on him. A passing dark purple stallion with puffy blonde hair and red, heart-shaped glasses went wide eyed as Sonic made eye contact, vague recognition dawning on his face before he galloped in the opposite direction.

The reality of his fugitive situation came rushing back. Sonic suddenly felt the need to be somewhere else. Anywhere else.

“Aaaand I think that’s my cue. Later, Greenie,” he said, getting ready to make tracks.

Confusion mixed with Wallflower’s overwhelming sense of elation. And in a moment of pure photographer’s instinct, she reacted. She had to save this. If even for her own personal contentment. She quickly held out her hoof and shouted, “Wait!”

Sonic faltered midstep, looking over his shoulder at her with a quizzical expression.

Wallflower looked here and there at the storefronts around her. She couldn’t let this opportunity slip through her hooves. She had to see. ‘Hooftips Salon… Globo Gym… Aha!’ Her eyes set on the familiar logo of Perfect Purchase. The camera equipment store. Without another word she bolted across the street and through its door.

Sonic stood there a moment, awkwardly scratching his head. The looks and murmurs from other ponies were getting more and more widespread. Luckily he didn’t have to wait long as Wallflower came bursting out of the store and back in front of him, a brand new camera in hoof. She looked at him nervously.

“Can… Can I…?”

Realizing what she wanted, Sonic chuckled. “Make sure you get my good side.” He leaned against a fire hydrant, gave a thumbs up, and posed for her.

Wallflower’s whole face lit up. She aimed the camera at him and, click! With a soft flash, the photo printed out.

And just in time too. Sonic then noticed the glasses-wearing stallion was back. And he’d brought what looked like a female, orange-maned police officer.

Sonic immediately sweat dropped. “Uh-oh, it’s the fuzz. Time to juice!” He spun his feet underneath him and began to charge up to dash out of there.

“H-Hold on! I still have so many questions!” she cried desperately. But it was too late. He sped away, her voice falling on deaf ears.

Wallflower and several other ponies shielded their eyes from the sudden gust of wind left in his wake. She glanced up at the trail of fading dust, then back to the photo in her hoof. A genuine, happy smile grew across her face. But a question still lingered on her mind.

“Who was that blue guy…?”

12:02 PM

“Come back!”

Spike bounded through the marketplace, hot on the trail of his runaway red ball. Surrounding ponies looked on in bewilderment as he chased it, the rubber toy bounced in long, wide arcs through the street. It bounded over ponies and past a sales booth with a wheelbarrow full of carrots, Spike chasing after it as fast as his little legs could carry him.

Coming down from a particularly high bounce, the ball hit the corner of a rooftop and shot off at a sudden angle. It flew through the air towards a flying row of mover ponies, and hit the lead mare directly in the nose. Parasol’s sudden stop to instinctively hold her sore snout caused Sunshower to bump face first into her rump, unbalancing the heavy package on her back. It tilted off and plummeted down—

—right into the carrot-filled wheelbarrow. Crushing a lot of its content, collapsing it, and causing the rest of the orange cargo to roll away

“My carrots!” screamed the vendor.

Spike was so focused on retrieving his runaway toy, he would have been blind to the bedlam left in his wake – if he hadn’t run atop the spilling vegetables and slipped. The unsuspecting little dragon wasn’t aware of the hazard until he was sideways in the air. He fell flat on his back, grunting as a bolt of pain shout through his left shoulder. He grasped it, gingerly sitting up.

His ball flew over an adjacent house, coming down towards the back of a pony carrying an umbrella. Just when it got within a few feet of its carrier, the pony flipped her umbrella upside down, gracefully catching the ricocheting rubber in the curve of the parasol. The pony picked up the small red toy and examined it, her lip curling into an amused smile.

“Children. Always with their toys.”

Barely a minute later, Spike came scampering around the corner, looking around frantically for any trace of his toy. But it seemed to be fruitless. Thanks to those stupid carrots, he had lost sight of it completely. And now, seemingly had no hope of finding it. Anxiety started to build as he raced here and there, his head spinning back and forth in search of it.

“No no no no! It took me a million tries at the gumball machine to get that! Where is it—”

His worry was halted when he bumped into something, falling onto his backside for the second time that day. As he sat up and rubbed his head, a velvet voice addressed him.

“Is this what you’re looking for, young dragon?”

Opening his eyes, Spike saw a clothed hoof holding out his rubber toy to him.

“My ball!” Spike rejoiced, taking it back and hugging it to his cheek. “I’ll never lose you again! Oh, I can’t thank you enough!” he said, finally looking up at this good Samaritan.

Standing before him was a mare he had never seen before. Her unusually tall height was the first thing that struck him. The next was her attire. The black kimono that wrapped around most of her body featured red edges on the sleeves and collar, the ends of which were decorated with orange and white orchid patterns. Two separate fabrics, a larger pink one with dangling trimmings and a thinner red piece, made up the obi that held the robe in place. A round tuft of white cotton decorated the back of the sash.

Her coat was burgundy. Her black hair was tied in a neat top knot. Her eyes, a dullish brown. And they carried a subtle intensity that was balanced by the gentle tenderness of her smile.

For a moment, Spike couldn’t help but think how attractive this older mare was.

At some point he realized he was staring and shook his head, coming back to reality. “Hey, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in Ponyville. Are you new in town?”

The mare gave a small giggle. “In a manner of speaking. I recently learned an old friend had taken up residence here. I thought I might pay him a visit during my short travel away from home,” she explained. Her eyes cast across his body, holding on his left side for just a moment. “You should be more careful with your things, little dragon, lest your capers land you in a worse situation than a sore shoulder.”

Spike sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, shifting said shoulder. She had a good eye. “Sorry about that… I guess our game got a little out of control. I’ll be more careful next time.”

“Wonderful. Now, don’t you have somewhere to be, little dragon? I imagine Ms. Sparkle is waiting for you.”

Alarm flashed across Spike’s face. “Aw nuts, you’re right! I’m gonna be late!” He turned on his heels and raced away, waving a hand to her as he left. “Thanks again, miss!”

The mare’s gaze followed the retreating dragon, a soft smile upon her face. “You’re quite welcome, little one.” She turned back down the road towards the center of town, and continued on her way.

As Spike hustled through Ponyville, he inwardly cheered at his good fortune of getting his ball back. He looked at the shiny red rubber ecstatically.

“Man, I was really worried for a minute there. It’s a good thing I ran into that nice lady. She really—”

His thoughts suddenly ground to a halt; his run slowed to a stop, several questions suddenly bubbling up. “Wait a minute… How did she know I was supposed to meet with Twilight?”

Come to think of it, he had left in such a hurry he had forgotten to ask her name. He would have mulled all these questions over longer if not for his schedule. “Eh, questions for later. I gotta go. Don't wanna keep Twilight waiting any longer than I already have.” Putting the matter aside, he hurried down the street towards the library.

12:13 PM

“All aboard!” called the conductor. The engine of the Friendship Express huffed and sputtered, smoke spouting from its chimney as it gave a shrill whistle. A long line of fillies and colts shuffled onto the train one by one. Cheerilee brought up the rear, counting each of them in her head.

The class trip to Appleloosa had gone off without a hitch. The idea had first come to her from the excited recounting of Apple Bloom. A story of their six local heroines and their adventure involving the settler ponies and a herd of buffalo that roamed the desert region had traveled back to her through the young farm pony. After days of instance, class after class of the professed need to see a buffalo with her own eyes, Cheerilee decided that perhaps a field trip to the desert town could offer a valuable lesson on cooperation with others. She wouldn’t have the rewarding overnight stay be ruined with a hapless foal being left behind.

“Come along now! Everypony on the train! Single file!” she called, ushering the students along.

Braeburn and Sheriff Silverstar stood nearby. Braeburn was smiling cheerfully, waving goodbye to the departing school children. Silverstar stood apart from him, watchful and steady. Both stallions had volunteered to help chaperone the class during their stay, and now were there to see the youngsters off.

“This was awesome!” said Scootaloo with an excited flutter of her wings. “I can’t believe I got to see a real life buffalo! Maybe next time I can bring my scooter. I’ll win the next race for sure!”

Sweetie Belle smiled up at Braeburn. “Thanks for having us, Braeburn,” she said brightly. “It was great to see what you built for yourselves down here.”

“Well shucks, you’re mighty welcome little filly. And y’all are welcome to come back any time. Just all part of the hospitality that is Aaaaaappleloosa!” he exclaimed, rearing up and throwing his hooves into the air with the last word.

Scootaloo cringed, looking at Sweetie Belle. “Does he always have to say it like that?”

Sweetie Belle could only shrug.

Applebloom came over to Silverstar, looking up inquisitively at the older stallion. “Say, Sheriff Silverstar. Did it all really happen like that? Your big fight with them buffalo?” she asked.

“‘Fraid so, little one,” Silverstar answered somewhat somberly. “We all got so caught up in having things our way, we never stopped to consider how we could accommodate each other. How maybe we take this little land of ours, and build something new. Something better. And to do it together. Heh, can’t believe it took us nearly gettin’ our entire home and me myself flattened for us to realize that.”

“Whoowee… Well, at least everything turned out all right in the end.”

“Yeah, seems we were just lucky like that. You youngins make sure if you ever find yourselves in such a pickle, you start it off better than we did.”

“I will, Sheriff Silverstar!” Applebloom beamed. “Maybe then they’ll make me a sheriff! First sheriff of Ponyville!”

Silverstar chuckled. “That so? Well then, I suppose you’ll need something to make it official.”

With that, he took off his hat and placed it on the little filly’s head.

Apple Bloom’s eyes practically sparkled with joy. In a bout of excitement, she hopped and hugged the older stallion around his front leg. “Thanks a bunch, Sheriff!”

“You’re quite welcome, little Apple,” he said, patting her head with a smile.

“Girls!” Cheerilee called to the Crusaders from the doorway of train car, beckoning them with a waving hoof. “On the train, pronto!”

The trio gave a last group farewell to the old stallion. “Bye Sheriff Silverstar!” They scampered to the train, past their teacher and through the door. Cheerilee bid a final wave to the two Appleloosans before the door shut and the train chugged out of the station.

“Look alive, Sheriff. That there’s gonna be your own one of these days,” Braeburn joked.

Silverstar laughed lightly. “I hope I live to see the day.”

About ten miles from Appleloosa, the dry ground of the desert began to shake. A sun bathing Gila monster raised its head before scurrying back into its burrow. Seconds later, dozens of heavy hooves suddenly trampled overhead.

A herd of buffalo steamrolled over the barren flat, the sound of their pounding hoof beats like rolling thunder.

Leading the charge was a young female buffalo. Her small stature and brighter colors were a glaring contrast to the stampeding behemoths behind her, her tangelo coat and light orange hair a shaft of gold in a rushing wave of dark bodies. Onward they charged, perfectly synchronized. Among their many hoof beats, their hearts beat steady and together as one.

Towards the back of the herd, one of them briefly looked to his right to survey their surroundings. And immediately did a double take. Two others joined him in his slack-jawed staring when they noticed the swift blue biped running next to them.

Sonic raised his hand and gave a short wave. “‘Sup?”

Accelerating, he entered further into the herd of bison, weaving back and forth between the surprised bovine as he mad his way forward. Soon enough he had passed nearly all of them and made his way to the front, running right alongside the female in the lead. He gave the astonished young buffalo a wink before speeding up, outpacing her with each stride.

Little Strongheart was as surprised at the sudden addition to their stampede as the rest of the herd. But astonishment soon gave way to competitive interest. Smiling, she pushed herself faster, pulling away from the thundering hooves behind her. In no time at all she was neck and neck with the hedgehog.

Sonic glanced over, noticing her smirk and returning it. “Well, well. Quick little thing, arent’cha?” he complimented. “You might be the fastest runner on four hooves I’ve seen so far. But lemme show you some real speed!”

Without a moment’s notice he swerved behind Strongheart and scooped her right off the ground, holding her by the stomach over his head. Before she could make even a peep of shock or protest, he blasted forward in a streak of blue, leaving a whipping trail of dust in his wake. Strongheart could only stare wide-eyed as she was taken along for the high speed ride. Her fur, cheeks, and feathered headband whipped in the wind like petals in a storm. She couldn't even close her eyes, so intense was the air current.

Her bullet train of a ride at last came to an end as a deafening screech of the hedgehog’s feet squealing to a stop filled her ears. When they had finally come to a complete stop on the top of a tall ledge, Sonic gently put her down.

“Oh… my…” Strongheart said shakily, her legs still wobbly and shaking from the whole ordeal.

“Hehe, too much?” Sonic jibed.

She looked at him. Then out over the charming desert landscape that the cliff overlooked. Then back at him. Then she threw herself at him in an excited hug.

“Wow! That was… and you were so… I mean… wow!

Sonic blinked, initially caught off guard by the glomp, but quickly loosened up and patted her back with a soft laugh.

The little buffalo abruptly stopped burying her face into his chest. She sniffed a few times, then pushed herself away from him, retching.

“Bleh! Why do you smell like charcoal?”

“Eh, no important reason. Just a minor lizard problem,” he said, rubbing his nose. “Anyway, glad you enjoyed the ride. This isn’t too far for you to find your way back, is it?” he asked.

Little Strongheart shook her head. “Oh no, we buffalo know just about every inch of these lands. Getting back to my herd should be easy enough.”

“Good to know. Anyway, nice meeting you, feather cap. See you around!” He gave her a quick salute, and then dashed away in the direction of the sun.

Strongheart waved as he sped off. “Take care, Quilled Windrunner!”

Back in the Dragon Lands, a contorted, writhing mess of teenage dragons lay in a pile. Bruised, groaning, and in definite pain. The especially charred and smoking ground around them evidenced the fire-filled fracas that had just taken place. On the very bottom of the heap of muscle and scales, Garble’s head stuck out from under a fat one’s belly.

“Hate that hedgehog…”


Wallflower Blush

The Mystery Mare

Author's Note:

Poor Wallflower. Talk about one bad day, huh? Oh well, and least ol' blue boy was there to cheer her up after that little faux pas. And the sightings of the freaky fast fugitive continue to increase. How will this effect public opinion going forward? We'll be finding out soon enough. Hope you enjoyed, and do leave your critiques and questions, they're very welcomed.

A big thanks to Niban-Destikim for the commission.

Disclaimer, the design for Wallflower's pony form isn't mine. It belongs to Suramii.