• Published 6th Jan 2018
  • 15,543 Views, 648 Comments

Break the Walls Down - Super Saiyan D

In an effort to rid himself of his mortal enemy, Dr. Eggman flings Sonic into another dimension. Stranded, alone, and with no apparent way home, can he survive this strange new world? What adventures await him? Come along and find out.

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Chapter 12 - Settling In

4:28 PM
Friendship Express

Laying back across the pair of train seats, Sonic let out a relaxed sigh. He stretched his arms up towards the ceiling and rested his hands behind his head, a sense of warm contentment settling over him for the first time since arriving to this dimension. This whole runaway fugitive ordeal had been getting to him more than he’d realized. It would be nice to put that more chaotic leg of this adventure behind him, and finally be able to kick back.

“Well, ain’t you lookin’ snug like a bug in a rug.”

Sonic opened one eye to see Applejack standing in front of his booth. “Been a crazy day,” he said, crossing one leg over his knee. “I think I deserve to take it easy for awhile.”

The farm pony’s eyebrow lifted. “Glad you’re takin’ everything in stride. I reckon some ponies would be a lot less relaxed, knowing what we’re in for with that mad doctor.”

“Well, I’m no pony,” Sonic replied casually. He closed his eyes and eased back into the cushioned seat. “Anyway, I wouldn’t worry too much about ol’ Egg-face. You’ve got me on your side, after all.”

Applejack snorted, unable to help the small smile forming across her lips. “Someone’s confident.”

Sonic smiled too. “It helps that I always win.”

“Oh, I’m sure it’ll be fine with Sonic here,” Twilight interjected from the seat across from the pair. Despite her words, her voice was unusually high. “I mean, there’s no need for anypony to panic or anything. So what if we’re dealing with a madman who can create armies made completely out of metal… and weapons of mass destruction that can wipe out entire cities… that can even fend off the magic of the princesses…”

With each new sentence, Twilight looked and sounded more and more stressed.

Applejack cast her friend a concerned look. “Uh… Twi?”

“I said there’s no need to panic!” Twilight shouted. Her eye twitched. “Why are you panicking, Applejack?! Nopony panic!”

A splash of water was unexpectedly dunked on her head, soaking her from horn to tail. Leaning over the top of her seatback was Pinkie Pie, holding a freshly empty bucket.

Magically moving her wet mane out of her eyes, the slightly miffed Twilight glanced in her pink friend’s direction. “Thank you, Pinkie…”

“No problemo!” Pinkie chirped. She hopped down into the middle of the aisle.

Appearing a little less high-strung now, Twilight allowed herself a deep breath. Casting a quick spell was all she needed to dry herself. She shook her head, as if to clear her thoughts, glancing at the others around her. “Sorry. I was… This is all just a little overwhelming.”

“I get the feeling,” Applejack said, “but this is no time to go losing our heads.”

Rarity left her seat behind Sonic’s to come beside Twilight. “I understand today has been… ahem, stressful, darling. But it will be just fine. We beat that horrid doctor today and we’ll do it again, whenever or wherever he shows himself.” She had the courtesy to spare Sonic an amicable look. “With Sonic’s help, of course.”

Sitting back down, Applejack fixed Rarity with an especially smug look. “Yeah. ‘With Sonic’s help.’ Guess it’s a good thing he ain’t no dangerous menace after all, huh?”

Rarity stiffened. She cleared her throat, avoiding eye contact with Applejack. “W-Why, yes… That would be unfortunate.”

The farm pony’s smirk got even wider. “Mhm. Turns out them high-falutin Canterlot stiffs ain’t as all-knowin’ as someponies around here think, huh?”

Rarity puffed up her lip, finding something outside the window to frown at. “Honestly, Applejack, now you’re just being petty.”

The two’s back and forth brought Sonic back to his tense exchange with that one reporter. From the ‘Canterlot Chronicle,’ she had said? He grimaced, snorting to himself. As far as he was concerned, the less ponies like her he had to deal with, the better.

While Rarity and and Applejack kept bickering, Sonic’s attention drifted to the puffy mass of Pinkie Pie’s wagging tail, the pink pony still standing in front of his booth. A faint scent wafted over his nose. ‘Is that… cotton candy?’

Pinkie turned her head backwards to look at him. “Cotton candy? Oh! You must smell the new shampoo I’m using.”

Sonic nodded. “Oh, that explains it.” A few seconds later, he jolted in surprise. “Wait a minute! I didn’t say… How did you…?”

“Hmmmmmmm?” Pinkie spun around and leaned in, looking equal parts inquisitive and oblivious.

A tug on the back of his quills brought Sonic out of his train of thought. He looked over his shoulder to see Spike hanging over the top of his seatback.

“It’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it. Trust me, that’s a rabbit hole you’ll never find your way out of.”

Sonic decided to take his word for it. “Noted.” Coming to the conclusion he wasn’t going to get much quiet time with the train chatter, Sonic sat up and stretched his arms out with a yawn. Glancing down the length of the train car, he noticed Fluttershy keeping to herself a couple booths down.

“They yellow girl doesn’t say much, does she?” he asked Spike.

The little dragon turned his head in her direction. “Fluttershy? Yeah, she’s usually pretty quiet around strangers.”

Sonic gave a light-hearted grunt. “With a name like that? Color me surprised.”

Spike chuckled. “She’ll come around. She just needs some time to get to know you, is all.”

Sonic decided to just accept that for now. Turning to look across his aisle, he said, “Hey. Twilight, was it?”

Twilight perked, facing him. “Yes?”

“So you really think you and Rarity’s tinkerer can whip up something to track the Emeralds with?”

Twilight’s lips pressed together. She seemed to be wrestling with how to explain it. “Well, in all honesty… it might not be that simple. Tailoring any spell or measuring device to something from a completely different reality… I mean, it’s not like there’s an encyclopedia on multidimensional theoretical physics.”

“Celestia knows she would have read it by now if there was,” Spike joked, to Sonic’s amusement and Twilight’s chagrin.

“The point is…” Twilight said more forcefully, “we don’t exactly know how Equestrian tools will react to otherworldly energies. Or even if they can.”

Her words appeared to put a damper on the group’s positivity.

“But certain principles of energy should be consistent!” she added, trying to keep their hopes up. “Probably… Anyway, we still have an Emerald of our own to work with. It may take time and a lot of tests to learn its ins and outs, but if we’re lucky we can make something workable out of it.”

Sonic cracked a smirk. “Cool. Then maybe I can take it easy while you girls save the day through the sheer power of nerd.”

Laughter ensued from the Ponyvillians; minus the pouting Twilight.

And somepony else. From the corner of her eye, Applejack noticed another of the group not joining in on the conversation.

Rainbow Dash sat a few rows down from the others, tucked against a window seat. Her front hooves were crossed over her chest. She looked considerably cross.

Applejack made a face; that looked like trouble. Sliding up from her booth, she paced over to the colorful pegasus. “What’s got you lookin’ more sour than a jug of vinegar, RD?”

Rainbow’s frowned deepened. “I don’t like this.”

Applejack lifted her eyebrow again. “You’ll have to be a little more specific. Being under attack by them Badnik things? That crazy doctor bein’ on the loose?” she asked deliberately.

“I mean going along with him,” Rainbow spat, throwing a glare in Sonic’s direction.

Applejack glanced from her friend to Sonic, then back again. “You got somethin’ against the hedgehog?”

Rainbow gave her a look of disbelief. “Are you serious? Has everypony just decided to forgot about everything that creep did?”

AJ expression flattened. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “We’ve been over this, Rainbow Dash. None of that stuff was like we thought it was.”

“Says him! And you’re so quick to believe it?” There was accusation in her voice. “You thought the exact same thing this morning!”

Applejack hesitated for exactly one second. “Yes, I did. But I’m also mare enough to admit when I’m wrong. Are you?”

Rainbow Dash growled in frustration. “How can all of you buy into that guy so easy?”

“He was good enough for Princess Celestia,” Applejack countered. “You think you know better than her?”

This time, Rainbow didn’t have a retort.

“I can also tell when a fella’s lying,” Applejack went on. “And that boy ain’t no liar. Besides, I’d say he’s more than made up for any mess he made. He came all the way back to Canterlot when the place was devolvin’ into a war zone to pull our hides out of the fire. He saved all our lives. Twice.” The corner of her lip curled upwards. “Three times, for some of us.”

Rainbow’s brow wrinkled. “Three?”

“Don’t think I didn’t catch that whole deal with you and that other hammer bot. It would have mashed you flatter than a flapjack if Sonic hadn’t been there lookin’ out for you.”

Scowling, Rainbow firmed jaw and refused to look her friend in the eye.

Applejack sighed deeply. “Look, I’m pretty sure I can figure the real reason you’re so dead set against the guy. But ya need to get over it. You saw what it was like out there today. If that’s what Equestria is in for, we’re gonna need all the help we can get. Same goes for him. We’re all in this together.” Her stare hardened. “And you can’t be sabotagin’ our best shot at gettin’ through this just ‘cause you’re feelin’ jealous.”

“I AM NOT—!” Rainbow barely managed to stop her shout, the scattered train riders turning odd looks in her direction. In a more controlled and quiet voice, she restated, “I am not jealous.”

Applejack looked thoroughly unconvinced, but decided not to push it further. “Then you better keep a lid on all the spite. For now, the hedgehog is here to stay. I suggest you get comfortable with the idea.”

With that, she turned and walked back to her seat, leaving Rainbow Dash to stew.

4:47 PM
Canterlot Castle

Deeper inside Canterlot castle lay a decorative room dedicated to meetings for the officers of the Royal Guard. Various coats of arms and artwork hung on the walls. Several weapons, decorative and battle-worn alike also framed the walls, and sat atop tables in glass cases.

Five ponies occupied the room. Umbra, Captain of the Night Guard, stood stone-faced beside a wall. Her helmet was missing; recovered from the battlefield, but damaged from a blow from an Egg Pawn’s lance and needing repairs. Four other ponies were seated at the round table in the center of the room.

The short-haired commander of the Mystics, Dawn Stride, sat peacefully; patiently; almost appearing to meditate in her seat.

Across from her was an Earth stallion in his late thirties, with a gray coat and grayish cyan mane, armored in shades of white, blue, and brown. Bold Strike, commander of the Militia.

To his left sat a pegasus mare a few years his senior: Gale Force, commander of the Aerial division. Her light blue coat was covered by gold and grey armor. Part of her long, magenta mane was tied in a bun, the rest still flowing down her neck. She tapped her hoof repeatedly against her helmet that rested on the table, discontent in her reddish eyes.

And finally was a the oldest pony currently in the room: Commander Hardline, head of the Inquisitors. He was a rust-coated Earth stallion with large bags under his eyes. His armor was a mix of green and beige.

Eventually, Gale Force’s incessant tapping drew Hardline out of his thoughts. He looked over to her, cracking half a smile. “You seem unsettled, Gale.”

The pegasus’ head turned, her face tight and eyes narrow. “‘Unsettled...’” She parroted the words with equal parts sarcasm and gravity. “We just took the biggest hit to our defenses in a generation. Our capital lies practically in ruin. And at this very moment, the madman responsible for it all is out there right now plotting how to do it again. So yes, Hardline, I am quite unsettled.”

“Easy now, Gale,” Bold Strike said. “We won today, didn’t we?”

Gale Force hissed her teeth. “Not on our own.” The words came out bitter, lingering in the air. “Even then, we barely managed to stave off this assault. We don’t have the numbers to hold the enemy back if another attack like that comes soon. We’re simply not ready for this kind of war.”

“We will be.”

The officers heads swerved towards the door. Celestia had just entered the conference room, Luna and Gatekeeper striding alongside her. The three of them took places around the table.

“The general has informed me what we do have a number of other troops in the reserves,” Celestia said when the commanders raised their bowed heads. “Isn’t that correct, Commander Gale Force?”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” said Gale Force, a touch more deference in her voice, “but those are the inactive reserves. Almost none of them have seen actual combat. Meanwhile, that obese freak of nature and his metal monsters could reappear any day.”

“Which is why I plan to issue an immediate proclamation for new recruits to join the Royal Guard,” said Celestia. “The call will go out across all Equestria for those who would volunteer to serve.”

Luna nodded with affirmation. “Our subjects are steadfast and loyal with a deep love for their kingdom. I’m certain we’ll find no dearth of volunteers.”

“Respectfully, Your Majesty,” Gale Force said, “fresh faces will do us little good on the battlefield. And training them will take time. Something we may have in short supply.”

“Then we will make the most of the time we have,” said Celestia. “I’ve already ordered the preparation of a number of new military bases to be set up across Equestria. The existing ones will also be expanded to accommodate the new influx of troops.” She turned to the Bold Strike. “Commander Bold Strike, your family has long produced the most skilled warriors this kingdom has had to offer. Your divisions will be chief among those to be redistributed throughout the bases to train our recruits.”

Bold Strike inclined his head. “By your command, Your Highness.”

Gale Force huffed. “Whatever good that will do us.”

“Doubting the young blood, Gale?” Gatekeeper’s rich voice spoke up, addressing her. “You don’t think they’re up to the challenge?”

“Maybe when you and I were young, General,” Gale Force said. “But this generation…” She shook her heard. “They’re not the same. Too soft. No discipline or drive. No desire to better themselves.”

It was Luna who spoke next. “Perhaps you underestimate them.” She turned her head to the left.

Gale Force followed her gaze, and found Umbra looking at her. The thestral’s expression was frigid. She held the stare for a couple seconds before turning away, snorting to herself.

“We need to also consider new means of attack from this point forward,” Bold Strike said. “Those metal golems don’t go down easily. No ordinary sword and shield will be enough for the average pony.”

“But we’ve seen they have weaknesses,” Dawn Stride pointed out. “Gaps in the armor and weaker joints. Vulnerable points to target.”

“And judging from Commander Dawn Stride’s encounters, a vulnerability to certain spells.” Hardline said. “Our magic will be the best weapon against those things. The squadrons to join the front lines will need as many strong spell casters as possible, especially those with affinities for electric magic. I recommend pressing interdivision transfers from now. We need to be able to bring the best of the Mystics where they’re needed, and have well-balanced battalions.”

Gatekeeper stroked his beard thoughtfully. “We can also put the scraps of the destroyed army to good use. Weld what’s left of them them together, and we’ll have the adequate practice dummies for the units to train against. Perfect to grow our knowledge of the enemy.”

Celestia nodded. “Very resourceful, old friend.”

“Yes…” said Luna. Her eyes drifted down, flickering in apparent thought of her own.

“And that’s not out only source of information,” said Bold Strike, giving a small smirk. “When can we have our hedgehog visitor come in to advise us? He seems to have plenty of experience fighting these things.”

Celestia also smiled. “I’m certain he would be open to the idea. But I believe we can allow him at least a short time to rest.”

The Militia commander gave an amused, sideways bob of his head. “Fair enough.”

“For now,” said Gatekeeper, “we have to ensure all the divisions are properly armed and organized. Preparation before the next attack is our top priority” He turned to Hardline. “As is finding the doctor.”

“Already being done,” Hardline replied. “One of our teams is already tailing that maniac’s flying pod. Last report has him heading due south.”

Luna lightly stamped her hoof in approval. “Excellent, Commander. If fortune is with us, we’ll soon learn the location of that infernal villain’s hiding place. Then we can put a quick and decisive end to this war.” A thought suddenly occurred to Luna. “In fact… Commander Dawn Stride,” she said as she looked to the head Mystics officer, “what of the scrying magic available to you and your division? Might you be able to divine his location?”

Dawn Stride grimaced. “I’m afraid it’s not that easy, Highness. Even with my strength of magic, I can only extend the spell a distance equal from here to the edge of Canterlot. Any more would take the combined effort from at least several other Mystics. And to continue such intense spell casting around the clock to search… I don’t think I have to remind Your Majesties of the potential consequences of magical overexertion.”

Luna’s lip tightened, memories of old Equestria passing through her mind. “Indeed.”

“Patience, sister,” said Celestia. “Let us heed Sonic’s warning.”

Sensing that the meeting was drawing to a close, Umbra wasted no time in coming forward. “Then by your leave, Your Majesties, I’ll return to the Night Guard quarters to start my own preparations.”

“Your enthusiasm is appreciated, Umbra,” said Luna. “But stay a moment longer. There is another pressing detail to take care of.”

There was something in her princess’s tone that gave Umbra pause. “Detail?”

“You have things to answer for, Captain,” Dawn Stride answered with stern firmness.

The door opened again. Umbra turned to see Fotia, Shining Armor, and Life Line entering the room. Only as she noticed the looks of hostility from the two Militia ponies did understanding begin to dawn.

“Captain Umbra.” Solid Strike spoke from the commander’s table, his voice flat and cold. “Captain Armor and Sergeant Life Line have come forward with claims of misconduct. Allegations of cruelty and maltreatment.”

Umbra tried to speak up. “Commanders, I—”

But Dawn Stride lifted a hoof to interrupt her. “A moment, Captain. You will have your chance to be heard.”

Umbra’s body stance stiffened, but she remained silent.

Bold Strike continued. “Captain Armor has reported that you were responsible for conducting a training session with several privates from his company, during which your behavior was far from becoming of an officer.” The Militia commander turned to Shining Armor. “Is that correct, Captain?”

Shining Armor took two steps forward. “Yes, Commander. Sergeant Life Line’s report was quite particular, and I saw them all for myself.” He turned his glare on Umbra. “Her idea of a training exercise left almost the whole unit in need of medical attention.”

Solid Strike took a moment before directing his gaze to Umbra. “Captain Umbra, do you have any response?”

Umbra’s wings fidgeted her sides. “My actions were warranted, sir.”

“Warranted?!” Shining Armor barked. “You call sending an entire squad to the med bay warranted?!”

“Peace, Captain,” Dawn Stride said. As Shining Armor calmed himself, the Mystics commander directed her attention to Life Line. “Sergeant Life Line, you detailed your treatment of these guards?”

“I did,” said Life Line. She locked eyes with Umbra, her heated gaze never once leaving the bat pony. “A number of lacerations, multiple contusions, and one very badly sprained wing. All suffered at the captain’s hooves.”

“Would you still call it an exaggeration?” Solid Strike asked, his words a sarcastic bite.

I certainly would not.” This time it was Luna who spoke, her voice drawing the attention of all. She wore a look of thorough disapproval as she dressed Umbra down. “Such behavior would not be expected of any royal guard, let alone the commanding officer of my Night division.”

Umbra grew ever stiffer, unable to keep eye contact with her princess.

“Aggression is for the enemy,” said Dawn Stride, “not those by your side.”

Gale Force snorted. “Hurting your subordinates over your wounded pride? Seems to me Her Majesty misjudged when she made you a captain.”

Umbra took a short breath to calm herself before she replied. “I did what I believed was necessary after last night’s incursion. We faced the prospect of Your Majesties’ personal grounds being infiltrated the first time in however many moons. As far as we knew at the time, anyway. I believed it necessary to uncover exactly what weakness allowed our target to escape and correct it. I was simply doing my duty.”

“By beating one of my squads to a bloody pulp?” Shining Armor growled.

Umbra turned a stony look in his direction. “You don’t think we faced far worse in the streets today? If your shinies aren’t prepared to handle real combat, they might as well pack up and go home. They’re not worthy to be royal guards if they can’t handle a few scuffs.”

Shining bared his teeth. “Maybe you’d like some to match!”

ENOUGH!” Celestia’s shout—carrying the volume of her Royal Canterlot voice—silenced the two young captains. The room went quiet, the alicorn’s echo still reverberating off the walls.

Celestia shifted her gaze from Shining Armor to Umbra. With measured steps, she approached the bat pony, moving to stand within a few paces of her. “You are a dedicated soldier, Captain Umbra,” she said, her face and voice softening some. “A skilled and a disciplined warrior. Especially for one so young. But that does not change the fact, as Captain Armor has pointed out, you have no authority to enact any discipline on members outside your own division. And even if you did, your actions against your fellow guards today were out of line.”

“Minor injuries in combat practice are inevitable, Your Majesty,” Umbra insisted.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “My apologies. I hadn’t realized hospitalizing fellow guards were accepted practice when you were recruited.”

This time Umbra said nothing.

“And that’s not all.” This time it was Gatekeeper who spoke, his powerful voice drawing the attention of all. He looked down the table to his left. “Commander Dawn Stride?”

Dawn Stride’s eyes closed, a small exhalation coming from her nose. Perhaps reluctance? “Towards the start of today’s battle, I was approached by Lieutenant Night Flare. Apparently, Captain Umbra went missing not long after the attack began. We located her on the tactical, engaging the hedgehog.”

“Alone?” asked Celestia.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And Lieutenant Night Flare didn’t indicate that she gave any notice of this?”

Dawn Stride shook her head. “No, ma’am. Quite the opposite.”

“Deserting the ponies under your command to seek out personal glory,” Gale Force said acidly. “Clear misbehavior before the enemy.”

More and more, Umbra wished she had her helmet to cocoon herself in.

After a moment of stiff silence, Gatekeeper again spoke. “I trust now you understand the gravity of your situation, Captain Umbra. On top of your actions with Captain Armor’s young privates, you also chose to go after the hedgehog, without orders, in the middle of an invasion, while choosing to inform no one.” The old stallion’s countenance was like a stone cliff, his voice like rolling thunder. “You abandoned your comrades in the heat of battle to pursue your own personal agenda. As long as you wear that armor, disregard of your comrades’ wellbeing, or anyone’s wellbeing will not be tolerated. Do I make myself clear?”

Umbra felt herself shrinking under the weight of the general’s words and presence. “…Yes, sir.”

“I know I voiced my concerns about our available troops,” Gale Force added, “but I believe the captain could use some time away from anything resembling a battlefield.”

“Fully agreed,” said Celestia. She turned her head to regard Fotia. “Colonel Fotia?”

Fotia stepped forward. “Your Majesty?”

“You will take command of the guards’ preparation here in Canterlot, both for existing troops and new recruits.” She looked at Umbra. “Captain Umbra, you will serve directly under the colonel. Since you seem to be so keen on our guardsponies’ combat readiness, you will have a direct hoof in the effort. Until further notice, their training will be your first and only priority. Colonel Fotia will supervise you to ensure that there are no further incidents.”

Umbra felt something tighten inside her chest. “Your Majesty, I must protest. I’m needed elsewhere.”

“I wholeheartedly disagree,” Celestia replied evenly. “From my eyes, you appear to be rather uninterested in the collaborative efforts necessary for the Royal Guard to function. Am I to trust an officer who injures and disregards those under her command with the safety and security of this kingdom?”

Umbra had no answer.

“Dark times loom,” Celestia intoned, gazing briefly out the windowpane to the city and countryside below. “I sense our peaceful nation is about to erupt in violence. It is paramount that those who would defend these lands stay unified in the effort. This concerns the survival of all of us, not merely your personal ambitions, Captain Umbra.” She let her words hang for three more seconds. “Until you prove yourself worthy, you will remain here in Canterlot and oversee our newcomers’ preparation.”

Stunned, Umbra gazed blankly at the floor. Just like that, her life had been completely upended.

Her position, so painstakingly earned, after so much blood, sweat, and tears was gone. Snatched away by yet another cruel twist of fate. War loomed on the horizon. Her princess’s kingdom needed to be defended. Battles would have to be fought, command taken. And instead of fighting on the front lines, having the chance redeem herself, she was to play the role of assistant teacher to wet-behind-the-ear cadets; consigned to a purgatory of glorified babysitting. A career path solidly guaranteed to go nowhere.

It may as well have been the end of her world.

Where had it all gone so wrong?

5:37 PM

The Friendship Express had just reached its destination, slowing and rocking to a steady stop at the Ponyville train station. The few other passengers on board filtered out, hurrying along for their personal business. Sonic stepped out through the doors, the other seven heroes behind him.

Pinkie bounded out to the front of the group and struck a pose. “Welcome to Ponyville! Friendliest town in all of Equestria!”

There was utter silence from the empty train station. A rogue breeze comedically blew a tumbleweed across the wood deck.

“Yeah, I’m really feeling the love,” Sonic commented, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“I’m sure they’ll come around,” Twilight put in, some anxiousness in her forced smile. “They just need a chance to get to know you.”

Pinkie Pie suddenly brightened. “Ooh, ooh! I know what will do the trick!”

“Here it comes…” Spike said dryly.

Standing up on her hind legs, Pinkie threw her hooves up, and with a squeaking explosion of confetti to punctuate, declared, “Aaaaaaaa party!”

Sonic took a few perplexed seconds to find his voice. “A… party?”

“Yeah!” Pinkie replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “A Let’s-All-Welcome-The-Super-Cool-Hero-Who-Saved-The-Day-to-Ponyville party. Duuuuuuh!”

There was another thousand-yard stare from Sonic.

“Pinkie throws parties for everypon— um, everyone new in town,” Twilight explained. “I should know.”

“And you won’t find anyone better at it!” Spike added.

Pinkie puffed her chest up with pride. “They don’t call me Party Thrower Extraordinaire for nothing!”

Sonic half smiled. “That a fact?” He walked over to the train station bench and sat down, closing his eyes. He wanted to rest just a little longer. “Doesn’t sound half bad. We haven’t had any shindigs back home in awhile. Well, not counting my birthday party.”

A loud gasp suddenly came from behind Sonic, surprising the hedgehog. He popped his eyes open to find Pinkie sticking out from behind the top of the bench and staring into his soul. “It was your birthday?!”

The baffled Sonic whipped his head from Pinkie Pie to the group and back several times. When did she get there? How did she get there?! “Uh, yeah… It was just a few weeks ago.”

Cue an even longer gasp from Pinkie. “That’s it! Now I HAVE to throw you one! Ooh, it’ll be a double whammy Let’s-All-Welcome-The-Super-Cool-Hero-Who-Saved-The-Day-to-Ponyville-And-Belated-Birthday party!”

The sheer determination in her eyes started to make Sonic nervous.

“Just you wait, Sonic the Hedgehog! I’m gonna give you a welcome bash so great that everypony in town is going to love you!” She smacked one hoof into the sole of the other. “There’s no time to lose, to the Pinkie Cave!” And she disappeared behind the chair.

Sonic, dumbstruck, stared at the empty space previously occupied by the pink mare. He checked behind the bench half expecting her to be there giggling, but found nothing. “What… just happened?” he asked the others.

“Oh, just something of a Ponyville tradition,” a new voice said.

Sonic turned his head to the right turned to see an official-looking mare approaching. She had grayish hair and a dull brown coat, and sported glasses.

Applejack raised a greeting hoof. “Howdy, Mayor!”

The older mare bobbed her head in acknowledgement. “Good afternoon, Applejack. Everypony.” With a bright smile and a formal demeanor, she addressed the Mobian in their midst. “Sonic the Hedgehog, I presume?”

Sonic rubbed a finger on his nose. “Word gets around fast, huh?”

“When you’re in the right circles,” she replied. Her hoof came up to touch the poff of her ascot. “I am Mayor Mare. It is my great pleasure to officially welcome you to Ponyville. Princess Celestia sends her regards.” A subtle smirk passed over the Mayor Mare’s. “And it looks like you’ll be seeing Ms. Pie again in the very near future.”

Sonic felt a sudden sense of trepidation. “Uhhhh…”

The mayor’s amusement was hidden behind a well-practiced smile. It was obvious she was trying to contain her mirth. “Oh, it’s nothing at all to worry about, Mr. Sonic.” She turned to face sideways. “In any case, if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to where you’ll be staying.”

“Not wasting any time, huh?” Sonic said merrily. He turned to the five remaining mares and dragon. “Guess this is where we split up for now. Be seeing ya.”

A snort came from Rainbow. “‘Bout time.” She took off quickly through the sky.

Sonic frowned after the pegasus’ disappearing form. “What’s her deal?”

Twilight was quick to put in a mitigating word. “Oh, I’m sure it’s just Rainbow Dash being Rainbow Dash. She’ll get over it.”

A look of doubt crossed Sonic’s face, but he ultimately shrugged his shoulders. “If you say so.”

“Tata, darling!” Rarity called with a wave. “And do remember to stop by my boutique. It’s the tall, decorative building on the west side of town. It’s right by the town hall, you can’t miss it.”

“Will do!” Sonic said, waving a last goodbye over his shoulder. Mayor Mare turned to lead the way, and the two headed off.

Mayor Mare and Sonic walked side by side through Stirrup street. The mayor hummed a happy tune as she went. Sonic looked around the townhouses as they passed along. Almost all of them were two stories, adorned with wooden shutters and what almost looked like hay-themed roof thatches. They were very traditional in their construction; no bricks, no mortar, just the simplest of materials. It reminded him of a lot of the smaller villages back on Mobius.

And as he looked out towards that town, Sonic started to notice he was getting attention. Ponies along the streets stopped and stared. Wide-eyed gapes and less-than-subtle pointing hooves were aimed in his direction.

Sonic scoffed under his breath. “Looks like I’m fitting in about as well as a zebra at a lion convention.”

“You’ll have to forgive them,” Mayor Mare said with a soft chuckle. “Here in Ponyville, we’re more used to the occasional odd event or character than most. But every once in awhile something still surprises us.” She aimed an amused look at Sonic. “And you have to admit, you’ve been quite the surprise.”

Sonic snorted to himself. Wasn’t that the truth? It’d been one surprise after another ever since he’d been dropped into Equestria. The last twenty-four hours had been a veritable whirlwind of unexpected events. It was a lot, even for him.

“Don’t fret,” Mayor Mare said, offering him a sympathetic expression. “I’m sure you’ll fit right in with a little time.”

With effort, Sonic smiled and nodded before changing the topic. “You know, with it being so far out in the woods, I wasn’t expecting this place to be so big and bustling.”

“Yes, we’re quite proud of it,” Mayor Mare said with another proud smile. “Ponyville was settled here many, many moons ago by the Apple Family when they settled here on land granted to them by Princess Celestia.”

Sonic briefly wondered how much time a ‘moon’ was supposed to mean. But he didn’t comment on it, asking instead, “I’m guessing orange cowgirl with the hat didn’t get her name by coincidence?”

“You would guess right,” Mayor Mare said, sounding amused. “Applejack’s grandmother was among the first of the Apples to settle in the valley that would become our fair town. It was her family who planted the apple orchards that became the backbone of our economy, which they still maintain to this day. Thanks to the cooperation between the Apple family and the Rich family, Ponyville has grown into the bustling township it is known as today.”

As the mayor gave her brief summary of Ponyville’s history, Sonic let his eyes wander over the passing countryside. Trees of numerous shapes and colors dotted the landscape, the soft chirps of birdsong gave a calming serenade. A cool, gentle wind swept across as they moved; Sonic took a deep breath of the sweet-scented air, his quills shifting in the wind.

It was a beautiful, peaceful place. One worth protecting.

“A question if I may, Mr. Sonic?” Mayor Mares said.

“Shoot. And please, just Sonic.”

“As you wish,” she acknowledged. “I’ve heard of some of your own tales as well. Those of you and this Dr. Eggman.” There was a new soberness in her voice that didn’t escape Sonic’s notice. “You’ve been fighting him for a long time?”

“About as long as I can remember,” he replied. “I make it my business to stop him from hurting others.”

“Even us,” she pointed out. “Even when we may not have deserved it.”

Sonic’s eyes shifted over at to the mayor. “‘Deserved’ has never had anything to do with it. Life’s to be enjoyed, and we should all get to enjoy it. Without any self-absorbed egomaniac getting in the way.”

Mayor Mare seemed to consider his words. “So, is it an obligation, then? Do you feel like it’s your responsibility to do what you do?”

Sonic shook his head. “Nothing not that complicated. I don’t stand up to jerks like him because I have to. I do it ‘cause I want to.”

For a few more seconds, the gray-haired mare looked silently at him, an odd expression on her face. “I… must admit, that wasn’t what the answer I was expecting.”

Sonic closed his eyes and shrugged. “What can I say? I like to keep it simple.”

At this, the mayor gave a small smile, chuckling. “You’re a very interesting creature, Sonic the Hedgehog.”

Sonic smiled too. “I have been told.”

As their conversation petered out, Sonic became more cognizant of his surroundings. Without him even noticing, the idyllic countryside view had shifted into the denser edge of a woodland. Another breeze caused the branches from the trees around him to shake, their green leaves rustling. Looking over his shoulder, Sonic realized they were quite a ways off from the town’s outskirts, Ponyville itself now a blurred splash of color on the horizon.

Even the road they had been following had turned into a beaten dirt path that looped almost casually through the greenery. Finally, a small outcropping of oaks opened up into a clearing.

“And, here we are!”

Sonic couldn’t help from wincing with dismay at what greeted him. The location was nice enough, but it didn’t quite make up for the run-down, two-story cabin that sat waiting in the middle of the clearing. Patches of hay were missing from the roof, exposing aged roof tiles. What passed for windows had planks nailed across them. The plants framing the cabin’s front side and across the yard were overrun. Even the mailbox was practically falling off its post.

Mayor Mare’s face and body language indicated that his reaction hadn’t gone unnoticed. “I’m sorry, Sonic… This was the only available space we had available on such short notice. I’m afraid all our other residences are occupied. It was a fine little place back in the day, but we haven’t been able to find a steady tenant since the last owner left.”

Sonic’s neck bent forward, his frown deepening. “When was that? Late Triassic?”

Mayor Mare shifted uncomfortably. After taking a moment to compose herself, she said, “Oh, only a few years… I think.” Her tone wasn’t extremely convincing. But she worked a professional smile back onto her face. “Still, it could turn out quite nice with a little elbow grease.”

She reached for and turned the doorknob—only for the entire door itself to fall forward, hitting the ground in front of them with a sharp crack.

Clearing her throat, the mayor withheld a reply stepped carefully inside the cabin. Sonic shuffled in behind her; and his mouth dropped open.

The inside was so dilapidated that it put the outside to shame. Aged and weathered floorboards. A half-broken desk. Cracked molding covered the walls. Peeling paint splotched here and there. Cobwebs all but smothered the fireplace. One of the windows had a draft Sonic could feel even now. A staircase to the second floor wasn’t in one complete piece anymore. The bed… couldn’t even be called a bed. Just a raggedy pillow on top of a pile of hay.

“More like a truckload of elbow grease,” Sonic said dryly.

Mayor Mare attempted to redirect things. “Um… aside from your location, your living expenses will be fully covered by the royal treasury. Additionally, you’ll receive a weekly stipend for your personal use during your stay here. Seeing how this place is in need of…” She cast her eyes around the room, as if the right word would be hidden in any of the nooks or cobwebs. “renovation, so to speak, I have a few places I can recommend to you.”

That, Sonic supposed, could help. He rubbed the back of his head. “It’s a start… Sorry, I shouldn’t be ungrateful. It’s just…” he gave another glance around the room, “well, you know. I don’t mean to look a gift—”

“Please refrain from any equine-related puns, mister hedgehog,” Mayor Mare interrupted, a smile on her face, but warning in her eyes.

Sonic quieted, rubbing the underside of his nose with a meek grin. Sounded like Celestia had also mentioned his propensity for jokes to the mayor.

“Well, then, these are your keys.” Mayor Mare set the key tab on top of the dusty night stand.

Which promptly collapsed, unable to support even a single key.

For a few awkward seconds, all was quiet.

“So then… I’ll leave you to adjust to your new surroundings. If you have any questions, feel free to ask myself or any of the staff at Town Hall. That aside, you are now officially Ponyville’s newest resident!”

Despite all the hiccups about the living space, Sonic found comfort in that. He had a place of his own. A home away from home, generously offered by the ponies he’d risked his life for. That, more than anything else, warmed his heart. Made him feel a little more welcome. A little less alien.

“Thanks for everything, Mayor. I’ll be in touch.” He lifted and waved his hand as the mayor bid him goodnight and exited the cabin.

Glancing back at the shambled excuse he currently had for a bed, Sonic decided against it. He walked out the front door and took notice of the tree growing off to the side of the cabin.

It looked like fate would make an honest hedgehog out of him. He paced over to the base of the tree, sat himself down, and leaned back against the bark. Easing back, he couldn't help from yawning. All the excitement and peril of the day had taken more out of him than he thought.

He looked out to the horizon, the lowering sun starting to paint the clouds red and orange. What a time it had been. But now, for the first time since coming to this world of magic and ponies, he could rest easy. As the warmth of the evening sun soaked into him, his eyes drifted shut.

Equestria Daily

Silencing Critics: Heroic Hedgehog Defends Canterlot

Equestria’s fiercest battle in moons is over. The invading enemy force that stormed Canterlot mere hours ago has been routed, capping off what may be the most chaotic twenty-four hours in recent history.

Earlier today, the clear and peaceful clear Wednesday day afternoon was darkened by the shadows of arriving airships, foreign in design and origin. Their commander: the alien mastermind declaring himself as Doctor Eggman. Descending on the royal palace, it was his command that unleashed a mass of strange metal beasts—now being labeled as robots or “Badniks”—upon the unsuspecting capital, menacing the Canterlot citizens, the Elements of Harmony, and even the Royal Sisters.

But as it seemed the worst may come to pass, the ponies of Equestria would receive help from the most unexpected of sources: a blue, spiny, two-legged creature calling himself Sonic the Hedgehog.

It was this same Sonic who has been the subject of a great many reports over the last news cycle. This same Sonic who it seems nearly all of Equestria had labeled as a monster and a menace. This same Sonic who was unceremoniously labeled with the title of Blue Demon. That monster returned to the scene of his alleged crime, not to harm, but to help. That menace stood directly between the invaders and a wounded Princess Celestia. That demon looked into the face of an overwhelming force, and where others would turn tail and run, stood his ground with a confident smirk.

Equestria cried out for a savior. And thus, the demon descends on the winds of chaos to bring judgment down upon the wicked.

As the hedgehog took the fight to the robots, the invading force clashed against the companies of Royal Guards serving as the city’s garrison. In the unfolding chaos, a number of separate battles emerged, ultimately devolving down to a one-on-eight death match between the blue hedgehog and artificial dark mirrors of him, with the added hazard of a titan-sized mechanical dragon. The ensuing battle between the hedgehog and the forces of evil proved too fierce for even a city to contain, a counterattack from the giant metal monster leaving a large portion of the forest beyond Canterlot completely incinerated.

But the combined efforts of the blue hedgehog, the Royal Guard, the princesses, and even the Elements of Harmony proved enough to wipe out the enemy army. Standing firm against all the evil Dr. Eggman could throw at them, the intrepid defenders of Equestria stood firm and were victorious.

And as the dust settled, in the center of it all, bathed in the magic of the Elements of Harmony themselves was the blue hedgehog. Where once was an ominous shadow, now stood a shining beacon of hope. A brilliant star that fell from the sky, here to light our darkest hour. Not a black-hearted evil, but a brave-hearted hero who has left an indelible impression on Equestria.

“Today has seen our troops execute the largest defense of our capital in a generation,” Princess Celestia said in a statement. “They have fought with unmatched courage, and professionalism, and resolve.”

But that fight, according to the hedgehog himself, isn’t over yet. Dr. Eggman managed to escape the battle, vowing to return to finish what he started. War looms on the horizon. Flesh and blood defenders on one side, unfeeling machines on the other. We have entered a battle for the soul of a nation. A war of blood and steel. But in this author’s view, the ponies of Equestria can rest easy knowing that we will not face it alone.

Welcome to Equestria, Sonic the Hedgehog.

By Dossier, Wallflower Blush and Chill Breeze contributing.
July 10, 1001 AC


Umbra (armored, missing helmet)

Author's Note:

At last, it returns. Thank you all for sticking by through thick and thin. There are still some hardships going on in my circles with a certain person's passing. It would continue to mean the world to me if you could give me a bit of support by dropping a coffee or two.

As always, leave your thoughts and comments below. I'll continue to enjoy bringing you all the things my imagination has cooking. Let's see how my pace will be in the near future.