• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Data-Scientist-in-Training and voracious fic reader. Occasionally edits/proofreads for people he likes, and even publishes story chapters once-in-a-blue-moon. Thinks he's a reneighssance pone.


This story is a sequel to Monster Hunter: Equestria

A collection of side-stories for Monster Hunter: Equestria. Members of Her Highness's Hunters meet at Berry's Bar to swap stories over drinks, so you can get to know them better.

Chronology with respect to the main story is somewhat fuzzy, but each chapter's general location in time will be stated in the author's notes.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Hm. I wonder what that is?

"that smile she always seems to have widened"
"that smile she always seemed to have widened"?
I think either tense could work there, but this one might be better. Up to you, but I thought I'd point it out.

"I looked imploringly at a smirking Berry Punch across the room, but found no help there. “Sorry, but she's telling the truth. She's just more forceful and coordinated about it when she's had a few.”"
Is Berry shouting here, or something? How is she clearly heard on their side of the room?

Other than that last item, though (which might not be a problem, just something I don't know the explanation for, but currently it seems to be bringing the chapter down significantly for me; sorry), a good chapter, I think!

Would you believe bar horse magic? :twilightsheepish:

That said, the spot has been slightly amended so the bar has had a chance to empty out a bit.

Glad you enjoyed the chapter regardless.

"Would you believe bar horse magic? :twilightsheepish:"
Actually, yes, if presented properly. :D

"That said, the spot has been slightly amended so the bar has had a chance to empty out a bit."
Yeah, I think that's better. Thanks! Still seems a bit off, but, assuming that isn't actually just me being tired at the moment, that I could being, if it's actually still a problem, bar horse magic too subtle for the non-sober Golden Gleam to really think much about at the moment. :)

"Glad you enjoyed the chapter regardless."
Aye. :)

Best Pony certainly has excellent taste in fruit. I can't speak to her taste in liquor; I never developed a taste for alcohol.

In any case, I can definitely see how Golden got trapped in her vision. Mentally isolating herself from that sort of thing isn't going to be easy, no matter how she goes about doing it.

Eagerly looking forward to more off-shift monster hunters at Berry's.

If I recall correctly, Grapevine is an essential and incorrigible part of Ponyville's gossip circuit and rumor mill.

Well, I hope I'm not too far off on the bar and the booze, given that I only know about these things second- or third-hand myself. :derpytongue2:

Yeah, Goldie has some issues she'll need to work through, or at least work around.

The Grapevine is such a huge part of Ponyville's gossip that they get the definite article.

Glad to hear you're looking forward to more! I already know the other backstories that are going to come up in each of the other chapters.

re The Grapevine:
Ah, thanks! Sorry for forgetting. :)

"given that I only know about these things second- or third-hand myself. :derpytongue2:"
Huh. And I, too, do not drink. I'm now wondering if, in fact, anyone who's read this chapter so far drinks, and how far the coincidence will continue.

My editor doesn't really see the appeal in drinking, himself, from what I recall, so it's an oddly strong trend. :derpyderp2:


Are those per-mille signs? Why are those per-mille signs? I'm not sure I've seen those anywhere else… but I have to admit I like 'em.

*does not drink*

Indeed they are. They are because I thought they made for a sufficiently bubbly addition to the scene separator. I'm glad you like them.

At this point, I'm wondering if anyone who reads this has, in fact, consumed much alcohol at all.

"At this point, I'm wondering if anyone who reads this has, in fact, consumed much alcohol at all."
Not sure how we'd go about finding that out, though...

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