• Published 6th Aug 2017
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If You Want Peace, Prepare For War - tranhdxrbntd

Equestria is fighting her first World War after the 2nd Industrial revolution. She hasn't fought a war in a while. Before his death, Discord enlists the help of several creatures that are all too familiar with the concept.

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If You Are Short of Everything but the Enemy, You Are in the Combat Zone

"Well shit," Eric said as his gear felt heavier. Everything he was wearing and carrying was all that he had for at least the next 5 or 6 days. He had a canteen half full of water, only some snacks for food, and only a basic combat loadout in terms of ammunition: No grenades either. His gear didn't feel heavy enough.

This was going to be an experience. Facing them, was the might of the griffon army. The griffons most likely outnumbered them, had artillery, possibly had reinforcements, most likely had more food than them, and had them surrounded with air superiority.


Logan, a civilian in his past life, had a mish mash of gear that was all convoluted. He, of course, had his "sniper rifle", his shotgun, and his pistol in terms of armaments. When he first came to Equestria, he had no tactical gear but remedied that problem shortly after the quartet of humans made their service agreement with the princesses. He now had a tactical vest (simply a carrier with steel plates as kevlar didn't exist in equestria) that was adorned with multiple utility and ammo pouches and a steel helmet that was essentially a copy of the US M1 steel pot helmet.

When everyone had to evacuate from the train, he had the presence of mind to grab some of his bags. One was a backpack, which was easy to carry out of the train. Another was a messenger bag, also easy to haul out of the train. The last was a decently sized suitcase, despite being fully loaded up, didn't prove that much of a challenge to haul in the evacuation. In the ambush/melee that happened during the evacuation, he was still capable of fighting, wielding a suitcase in one hand and a pistol in the other.

Right now, he in a recently dug foxhole. His suitcase and bags were also with him in the foxhole, sitting on the ground beside him. Unbuckling his helmet, he placed it on the ground and sat on it. Opening up his suitcase, he pulled out a small canvas sack and some homemade smokeless fuel tablets. From his back, he removed an E-tool and from a pouch on his vest, he removed a canteen and canteen cup. Opening up the canvas sack revealed some beans. "Coffee," Logan said while drooling.

He dug a small hole in the earth and placed a smokeless fuel tablet in the hole, lighting it. A canteen cup full of water was placed onto the fire. He then filled a spare clean sock with some beans, tied up the sock, and then began smashing the beans with his E-tool.


Logan paused, E-tool raised, ready to strike. He looked up to see Tran standing at the outer edge of his foxhole. "Yeah?" Logan responded.

Tran looked at the suitcase. "Got any tape?"

Logan placed the E-tool down and dug through his suitcase, finding a roll of duct tape before tossing it to his friend. "Knock yourself out." Tran, duct tape in hand, walked off, leaving Logan with many questions. "Fuck it." He picked his E-tool back up and went back to work. "Coffeeeeee."


Prince Blueblood carefully went from foxhole to foxhole, interviewing soldiers and inventorying what they had on hand by writing down on a small notebook. It was a task of utmost importance. There would be no reinforcements or resupply. What they had, was what they had. In times like these, a little meant a lot.

The average Royal Equestrian Army soldier's uniform was a light tan khaki pocket-adorned coat and pants with a grey undershirt. The uniform (both dress and combat) had no helmet. Instead, soldiers wore a wool cap that was the same color as the rest of the uniform. On the rear hooves, soldiers had to wear boots that was reinforced on the outside with a iron horseshoe while the front hooves were covered with thick canvas gloves.

Worn on top of the uniform was a set of straps, pouches, and belts that made up the webbing that housed the soldier's equipment. Every soldier was supposed to have two 1 qt canteens and canteen cups, a non folding entrenching tool, a bayonet scabbard and bayonet (if it wasn't mounted to the soldier's rifle), two bandages, a mess kit (composed of two metal tins, a fork, a knife, and a spoon), two grenades, 150 rounds of ammunition (if armed with a rifle), and their rifle (which housed a cleaning kit inside of the rifle's partially hollowed stock). They also typically wore a backpack that typically contained a backpack, the day's food, an extra uniform, and whatever personal items the owner had.

Out of the seventy-two crew members of the Dauntless that made it here, maybe a dozen and a half had left their service weapons behind for something else. Half of those soldiers that had ditched their weapons because they decided that dismounting and bringing some machine guns were more important! Because of their quick acting, they now had three of the Dauntless's machine guns (Model 14 HotKiss machine gun), with some crates of ammunition but unfortunately none of its equipment (like its tripod). They had even managed to survive the ambush while carrying those machine guns! Anyways, the three machine guns were crewed by two ponies each, both of them completely unarmed, aside from their machine gun. Some of the other initially unarmed crew members had managed to scoop up some fallen weapons from the griffon ambush and had affixed a pony firing trigger to them, making them usable with hooves.

Aside from weapons, they only had a day and a half worth of food. Water, they maybe had half a days worth but luckily, there was a nearby stream that they could drink from. There was no extra medical supplies aside from their standard two bandages and whatever Wilson had carried.

Sighing, Blueblood looked up at the sky in frustration. His eyes caught a glimpse of a griffon a few hundred yards away and he drew his revolver.

"Stop." Blueblood jumped slightly and turned around, revolver at the ready. It took him a few seconds to find the culprit but when he did, he lowered his sidearm. It had been Tran and he was dressed up as a pile of leaves and dirt. The only reason Blueblood had been able to find him was that Tran had been standing, making the silhouette of his body quite easy to spot. "Meeting, machine gun nest." With that, Tran walked off.

Blueblood frowned slightly at the rather abrupt message but understood the urgency. He holstered his revolver and put away his notebook.


In the center of their encampment was a small circular trench/machine gun nest that had all three of the machine guns. It even had sandbags (made from randomly scavenged sacks, blankets, and haversacks) to further protect the gunner and a canopy cover made from the nearby trees. Once Blueblood climbed down inside of it, he found himself in the company of the four humans, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.

Rarity narrowed her eyes at Blueblood while Rainbow Dash scoffed at him. "Do we really need him for this?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack looked up and down at Blueblood. Blueblood proudly wore his REA uniform with a large trench coat covered everything. Everyone was all prim, proper, and clean. Peaking out from under his trench coat on his side, was a saber. "We ain't got no desk for yah ta sit behind."

Tran whistled, getting everyone's attention. "We're missing crew."

Blueblood nodded. "42 crewmembers unaccounted for. This includes the train's engineer, the train's assigned sapper, and the supply sergeant."

"Musta gotten lost in the run," Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash smirked. "Betcha I can find them in 10 seconds flat," she said while flaring out her wings.

Wilson snorted. "You're a fucking idiot if you don't think you'll be shot the instant you get to the skies."

Rainbow Dash growled. "Oh yeah?" she stepped closer to Wilson, ready to pounce but Tran stepped in between the two.

"Right now, they have all of their eyes everywhere on us. They've been watching us dig, emplace, and they know we're probably having a meeting. You'll be the only thing in the air that's not on their side if you go by yourself."

She jumped into the air and hovered to be at eye height with Tran. "Then what? We forget about them?" Tran grabbed Rainbow Dash and shoved her to the ground, eliciting another angry growl from the pegasus. She posed herself, ready to jump but Tran turned his body slightly, making it seem like he was also down to fight, and narrowed his eyes at her.


Everyone here, minus Blueblood, since the beginning of this meeting, had been holding their rifles at the low ready, as any soldier would have. It was so standard that no one would have batted an eye at that. However, Tran, in what looked like he was getting ready to fight, had turned his body enough that the barrel of his rifle was now pointed at Rainbow Dash's face. That click had been the safety of his rifle being disengaged. Rainbow Dash's face dropped.

Tran turned away from Rainbow while Applejack suppressed her laughter and Rarity had her turn to smirk. "Rainbow, please reserve your outrage for the griffons," Rarity said.

Tran reengaged the safety to his rifle. "We need to send a team to link up with them to join back with us."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Ah thought yah said that they're watchin us? Won't they wipe out that team right when they make a move?"

Tran nodded. "That's why they need to be distracted."

Everyone immediately had the same thought. "How?" Applejack asked back.

"We convince them to attack us and when they fail, we launch a counterattack," Tran answered.

"And I presume that's when we send out the party?" Eric asked. Tran nodded. "We'll need to go all out. The counterattack team will need enough firepower to convince them to focus on them and we'll need the machine guns in the center to be ready for our eventual retreat back." Eric did a brass checked his AK74 and checked the mag. "I'll be on the counterattack assault team. I have the most firepower out of anyone here." Eric looked to Logan. "You and that shotgun, will be with me."

Logan grew an evil smile. "Maybe I can tactically reacquire something for us to use."

Eric looked to Wilson. "The search party will also need to be prepared to engage the enemy and deal with casualties. You have the second most firepower and you're the medic. How's your stock?"

Wilson removed a large backpack from his back. It was his medic's bag. He opened it up revealing an absolute treasure trove of medical supplies. "Might not be enough."

Eric took the statement in stride. "Bring some strong soldiers. You might have to carry soldiers back."

Applejack stuck a cigar in her mouth and adjusted her hat. "Guess ah got mah job cut out for me." She lit the cigar and took a few puffs before continuing. "I know some nice strong ponies that can join us. They ain't got that much gun tho. Everypony sides us got the short rifles." Aside from the machine guns, most of the crew members had Herdier No.2 Mk. 1s, a five round bolt action carbine. "How many soldiers we takin with us?"

Eric did some math in his head. There were seventy-two soldiers that they had on hand. For an effective counterattack and distraction, they'd need at least thirty soldiers. Any less and they wouldn't be able to create enough of a commotion to convince the griffons that they weren't making a secret move behind their backs. They would also need to have at least an equal number of defenders to stay behind when the assault force would inevitably retreat after wreaking havoc. That left behind twelve other crew members in the reserve.

However... Eric turned to look at Rainbow Dash. "How many fliers do we have?"

"Eight," answered Rainbow Dash. She flared out her wings. "Nine including myself. They were the Dauntless's aerial guard and scouts."

"Six of them will go with Wilson, but not as part of the rescue element."

Rainbow Dash tucked her wings back to her sides. "Then why are they going?"

"Getting help. Letting someone know that we're here," answered Eric. He pointed over to Wilson. "Once Wilson and his group make their move, I want them to alert anyone that we're stranded." He paused and held up two fingers. "I want them separated into two groups and headed off in different directions, flying low."

Wilson frowned, realizing what Eric had known for the past minute or so. "How many soldiers will I be getting for this rescue?"

Eric let out a pained breathe. "Six at best, choose some unwounded ones." Another grim reminder that things were limited; The wounded were also going to be involved in scenario. Of those who were fighting in the ambush that had happened earlier, no one had been wounded enough to be completely put out of commission but they still needed to eventually go to a proper hospital.

Wilson started grinding his teeth and everyone could see the irritation on his face. Worse yet, Wilson knew that it was an honest answer and he was just stuck in a shitty situation.

Both Rarity and Blueblood spoke at the same time.
"I'm going with you."
"I'll go with you."

The two of them turned to look at each other while Applejack snorted and Rainbow Dash looked like she was she was ready to die of laughter. The angry glare shared between the two prim and proper ponies was legendary.

"Yah really think y'all can get your manicured hooves all dirtied up with us ground pounders?" Applejack asked while eyeing the two ponies.

Rarity was wearing the standard REA uniform and it was absolutely spotless. She had the standard army revolver tucked in an enclosed officer's holster worn on her left side (worn exactly as regulations required) with a couple ammo pouches for her pistol and was sporting a capture griffon bolt action rifle (modified with a hoof trigger). Something that completely contrasted her uniform and accompanied "her" rifle were a set of standard griffon army leather ammo pouches, obviously filled with ammo.

replied the two prima donnas. The two started glaring at each other again.

Wilson stepped up to inspect Blueblood. "You don't even have a rifle."

Blueblood stood up on his hind legs, making him taller than Wilson. At first, Wilson thought Blueblood was squaring up but that thought was immediately destroyed when Blueblood undid his trench coat and dropped it to the ground. This revealed that he was wearing a standard REA uniform that rivaled Rarity's uniform in cleanliness, of which was absolutely unsurprisingly. It also completely revealed the rest of his cavalry saber and a standard army revolver tucked in an enclosed officer's holster, the exact same holster in the exact position and manner that Rarity was wearing/using.

Accompanying his sword and revolver, he was wearing a wooden pistol holster completely encompassed the pistol, save for a pistol grip. Just like Rarity, his belt was also adorned with multiple leather magazine pouches that were very long and thin. The leather pretty much gave away the origin as being gear from the griffon army (REA gear was made of canvas).

Blueblood reached from behind his back and pulled up a rather strange carbine. The first thing of note about the carbine was the magazine that stuck out from the bottom of the gun. The magazine was very long, sticking out of the carbine's exposed steel magazine well by about 20 cm and it was also very thin or wide. The carbine had a pistol grip stock that ended at the trigger and a small, short handguard that started after a magazine well. It had a half meter long barrel and from the back of the carbine's receiver, you could see the presence of an exposed hammer.

Wilson stepped away from Blueblood. "Good enough" Wilson commented.

Eric dug through his many pouches and pulled out a pair of orange smoke grenades. "Once we've got them on the retreat. We'll throw these out to signal out counterattack." He pointed at Rainbow Dash. "Once we charge, you and the other two fliers need to harass them. Try to get as much of their attention as you can. Make sure you brief the other two on this."

Rainbow Dash smiled. "You're looking at the best dogfighter there is!" Rainbow Dash boasted.

Eric shoot his head. "Don't try to engage them. Just annoy them. If they're on you, shake em, don't dogfight them."

Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped. "But-"

"Not important" Eric interrupted. "We need to distract them from the rescue party and the messengers we're sending out."

Applejack smiled, despite holding a cigar between her lips. The smile died when she realized one important thing about the plan. She grabbed the cigar from her lips and exhaled. "Now wait a gosh darn minute. How in the hell are we supposed to trick them into charging right at us?"

Eric shrugged and looked at Tran. "I don't know. This was your idea."

"They'll attack us if we're unprepared for a defense," Tran answered.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Ain't that bad thing?"

Tran nodded. "If they think we're unprepared when we aren't, then its not."

Applejack did a slow blink. "How in the hell are we supposed to do that?"

Tran looked at Logan. "How much coffee do you have?"

Logan shrugged. "Like a five pound sack, why?"


A trio of griffon scouts, from a kilometer away, watched the ponies with binoculars. They were there to take note of anything out of the ordinary. Even from this distance, they could easily see that the ponies were wildly unprepared. They hadn't even finished building defenses and they could clearly see that some of them had started small fires. In addition to that, the smell of coffee permeated the air. The highest ranking of the three griffons pointed to the lowest ranking one and sent him off with a message.

From a spot, hidden from any prying eyes, Tran watched this interaction.


Two griffons went over a hastily constructed battlemap of the area. The map depicted the general position of the entrenched ponies and the general position of the griffon surrounding them.

One of the griffons wore a pristine dress uniform free from any dirt and a large cloak across his back. The uniform was adorned by no other gear other than a belt that carried a holstered revolver and a sword gilded with gold that matched the shiny gold buttons and chains of his uniform. Covering his head was a leather helmet with a gold spike on the top.

The other griffon wore a combat uniform that was also free from any dirt and was adorned with many, many huge, circular leather ammo pouches. The uniform was colored a light blue color that blended well with the sky and was cinched down to her body. There would be nothing on that uniform that would flap in the wind at high speeds. Nothing, aside for the red scarf wrapped around her neck.

A short distance away, a griffon landed. Both officer and Jaeger noticed him. He was clearly a scout, judging from the short carbine he was armed with and the binoculars he wore around his neck. He saluted the officer and walked forward. "Sir, they've started small fires and we can smell coffee in the air."

The officer saluted back and turned back to the battlemap. "Eating this early? After a retreat? With major forces in the area? Bold of them to leave themselves open like this. Typical prey behavior? Regaining lost energy after bolting?" He used a stick to trace a circle around the entire position of the ponies. "Send in the troops now? Try to wipe them out early on while they're unprepared? Have we finally moved enough forces into this area for an assault?"

The Jaeger pursed her lips (beak?). "Easy. Too easy." She narrowed her eyes. "No one is that stupid."

The griffon officer folded his arms. "A feint?"

"I don't know but they could be faking it." The griffon officer slowly blinked while she cracked her neck. "I'll go in and find out what they're trying, maybe say hello to that hummingbird or that stupid cowfilly they have out there. Think those Americans' reps are overplayed?"

The officer picked up some small sticks and placed them on the battlemap. "Let's not leave that to chance. Scout them out and find out what they're doing first."

The Jaeger grabbed her scarf and tucked it under her uniform so it didn't move around when she flew. "If I shoot a flare into the sky, send in the troops."


Tran laid in wait, lying in the grass, like a predator that was ready to strike. He had managed to lose sight of the griffons and find himself a nice, secluded hiding spot. Only one person and one pony knew he was there. He didn't need the griffons being suspicious of why so many people were checking a random spot in the forest. Since he didn't have any form of wireless voice communication, he had to use signals. It wasn't ideal but it would get the job done.

He need to time when to start the attack. Too early and they'd be sending an assault to directly attack an opposing, in-progress assault, otherwise known as one big ass melee. Too late and they'd be sending soldiers into a completely retreated enemy with fully strength defenses.

With the fifty times magnification of his optic, he could see everything clearly. He had to time when everyone had to act and he would be the first to fire a shot. Once that happened, either Logan or Applejack would signal to everyone else to take the first steps in their move. The direction as to where they'd send in their assault was also dependent on where he'd be firing his first shots. Once the griffons found out where they would be attacking from, all of the attention would go to them and not on the rescue party being sent out in the opposite direction.

That was when he spotted a griffon fly in. The griffon in question flew in faster than anything he had seen so far since coming to this world and he could see the hints of a red scarf wrapped around the flier's neck. From their end of the defense, one pony flew out to intercept the griffon. She flew out of her foxhole at blindingly fast speeds rivaling that of the griffon that just arrived.


Rainbow Dash immediately noticed the incoming Jaeger and exploded out of her foxhole, as fast as her body could push. With the two of them flying at blindingly fast speeds, the two found themselves face to face in no time. One of the griffon empire's best and one of Equestria's best, faced each other. Both of them were eye level, hovering in the air and staring at each other for the longest time. Both had their weapons at the low and ready, waiting to be used. Who would make the first move?

The Jaeger broke the silence. "You're using that piece of junk?" the Jaeger asked, referencing the pony's choice of weapon.

Rainbow Dash eyed the Jaeger's gun. "You're right, maybe I'll get rid of it and use yours." The Jaeger's gun looked alien to the pony. It had the size profile of a carbine but everything else about it was different. The gun's receiver was one long circular tube and had a very short shrouded barrel that had the same size profile as the rest of the receiver. Instead of a magazine sticking out of the bottom of the gun, it had a drum magazine sticking out of the left side of the gun.

The Jaeger smirked. "You can try but we both know a hummingbird can't do anything to an eagle."

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes and smirked. "An eagle? Where? All I see is a chicken."

The Jaeger smirked back. "The same Dash I remember. Still with those same lame-O's?" she shot back.

Rainbow Dash's smirk dropped. "They're my friends! They're better than you'll ever be, Gilda!" Rainbow Dash immediately shot forward and tackled the Jaeger, doing nothing except for knocking the weapons out of both of their talons/hooves. Dash had speed and agility but that was all she had. She wasn't very big, actually being smaller than most other pegasus (hummingbird), which were already the smallest of the three pony races.

Gilda, barely affected by such a lame excuse of an attack, took it in stride. She was tremendously bigger than Dash and wearing a steel breastplate, the tackle hadn't even moved her. All it had done was close the distance between the two. Gilda slammed her elbow onto the hummingbird's back where her wing went into her back, eliciting a very loud crack from Dash's left wing.

Dash screamed and kicked herself away from the griffon, already reaching for her revolver. When her hoof met her holster, she found nothing.

"Looking for something?" Rainbow Dash looked at her opponent, barely being able to keep herself in the air, and saw that Gilda was holding the pony's Model 92. There had been a lanyard attached to the revolver but Gilda's talons had made quick work of that.

Gilda tucked the revolver away in her belt, on her back. "Its been good knowing you Dash, but you got lame," Gilda said while cracking her knuckles.


A bullet soared through the air and hit Gilda in the chest. It went through one of the leather magazine pouches, drum magazines she was carrying, and then impacted the steel breastplate that she was wearing. The bullet, having lost a lot of its energy and being deformed from going through a drum magazine, didn't have enough energy to go through the breastplate.

However, the bullet still did quite a number to the Jaeger. The bullet splattered and went in all directions. Chunks of the bullet tore off the griffon's leather gear and sent it dropping to the ground below. Some of the other bullet chunks had gone into the griffons arm and more importantly, punctured her throat and the bottom of the griffon's jaw (beak?).

Gilda squawked and lost a little bit of elevation, dipping a little. She glared at her old friend. "This is isn't over!" Gilda yelled while clutching her bleeding neck. She turned tail and flew.

Rainbow Dash thought pursuing but decided against it. She probably had a broken wing while Gilda had two perfectly working wings.


Logan saw that Tran had fired (how could he not, that .338 was loud and the muzzle brake threw dirt and leaves in every direction) and signaled to everyone else that it was time to begin their move. The signal that he threw up, was a flare fired up into the air...


The griffon officer, through a pair of binoculars, saw a flare shoot up into the sky and blew a whistle. A significant number of the griffons, placed in an almost perfect circle around the entrenched ponies, charged. They came in from both the sky and the ground.


On the defensive side, every foxhole had a small fire burning. Each fire, much to the digress of Logan, had coffee grounds and beans roasting in order to fill the air with the smell of coffee beans. Once everyone had seen the flare, everyone took a bunch of foliage and threw it onto their fires. To be more specific, everyone threw still-alive green foliage onto the fires. The burning green foliage slowly started converting into smoke and started obscuring the surrounding area.

Logan and Eric stood together in a foxhole and overlooked the other foxholes, specifically the ones that housed the soldiers that they'd be leading into this mess. Logan, armed with this shotgun (sans suppressor) started shifting around while Eric, armed with his AK74, stood as still as a statue. Everyone, pony and human, covered their faces with a cloth as they got ready to charge.


Logan and Eric's eyes darted to the direction of the gunshot. It had come from Tran's rifle. Why was he firing again? He was giving his position away! With the current level of smoke obscuration, everyone (griffon, human, and pony) could see Tran's silhouette running. Naturally, every griffon fired at the human.

They watched as Tran ran out to... Somewhere. He stopped for a moment and then starting running again, this time running towards them all.

Eric's eyes widened as Tran jumped down into the foxhole with him. He was wearing his makeshift ghillie suit as he was earlier. However, Eric could see that Tran was now wearing a set of damaged griffon leather gear and pouch set. He had his sniper rifle and Rainbow Dash's Harpy Model 6 slung over his back and held in his arms was this strange new gun that had a drum magazine sticking out of the left side of it. "What happened?!" yelled Logan.

Tran sneered. "That fucking idiot happened," he growled. "I had to save her from her own stupid ass decisions."

Eric paused for a split second, then remembered Rainbow Dash's immediate take off and exit. "Well fuck. Are we still doing this?"

Tran nodded. "Yeah but not yet. They're coming now!" Logan face went white and he looked off into the distance, aiming his shotgun.

Eric looked at the new gun that Tran had. "Where'd that come from?"

Tran shouldered the new gun and finally got to look at it. It wasn't a rifle or a carbine. Tran pulled the drum magazine from the gun and found that it was chambered in 9mm. There was a charging handle connected to a bolt and currently, it was in the rearward position. Tran pulled the trigger and the bolt shot forward with a dull clunk. He kept squeezing the trigger and cycled the bolt a few times, realizing that it was an open bolt full auto. There was no other lever or safety on the gun except for the trigger.

It was a submachine gun.

Tran stuck the magazine back into the gun and pulled the bolt back. "That fucking idiot fought a Jaeger and the two of them dropped their weapons."

Eric's mouth dropped. "And you thought it was a good idea to run out and grab them?!"

That was when waves of griffons came in. Because of the current level of smoke covering the battlefield, the griffons had managed to close a good amount of the distance before engaging them. The smoke idea was a risky tactic but it would help in the long run.

The defense setup was as follows. There was a main center collection of foxholes that housed the three machine guns they had, along with two dozen soldiers to help support them in a defense. Surrounding the center defensive point in the center, were 6 other groupings of foxholes setup like the points in a star. Each "point" or grouping of foxholes were three foxholes arranged in an arrow/point. It was basically a classic bastion fort, minus the walls. This would ensure that the outer points/collections/groupings of foxholes would have interlocking fields of fire and an area in the center to fall back to. Tran, Eric, and Logan were located in one of the out points/collections/groupings of foxholes, the furthest outer one of the sets too.

Everyone defending immediately started firing with their rifles. Tran, using his newly captured submachine gun, pulled the trigger and it immediately started spitting out bullets. It was a slow, automatic staccato. A slow fire rate indeed.

Tran looked at Eric. "It seems useful!" Tran yelled over the automatic fire of his new submachine gun.

Because of the smoke, the griffons thought that coming from the sky was a good idea. Attacking from the sky was generally a bad idea as there was literally no cover anywhere. With the current level of smoke obscuration, they could possibly make aerial divebomb attacks.

The outer foxhole defenders found themselves being attacked from the sky by brazen griffons but by the time they had come in close enough to fire accurately enough, the center foxholes, the ones with the machine guns, opened up to rip them to shreds.

Also, Logan had a shotgun. As he would say, "Pull!"

The griffons, facing such a response, realized that they weren't facing an unprepared enemy. They quickly turned tail and retreated. Once Eric realized that the griffons were retreating, he pulled out a whistle and blew into it.


Author's Note:

I live bitches.

I now have an old school, all steel, OBS, 1997 f350 dually reinforced flatbed with a 7.3 covered in barbed wire, fitted with stacks, and ram bar WITH disabled parking permits.

Now enjoy these horse words.

Tell me, what gun is Tran using and what two guns are Blueblood using?

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