• Published 21st Feb 2017
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Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony - Banshee531

Centuries ago, ten Elements were lost. Now a new threat has come to our world and it's up to five young heroes to become our protectors, to become Power Rangers Guardians.

  • ...

Rangers in the Big Apple

New York City. Also known as the big apple, it was an amazing place housing eight point four million people.

And this is where our story begins, at the John F Kennedy Airport where six young teens had just arrived.

"We're here," Flash said as he and his friends grabbed their bags from of the carousel.

"This is great," Lyra said, "I've always wanted to go to New York."

"Yeah," Sweetie said slightly downed, "great."

"Oh," Lyra realised, "that's right. Sorry Sweetie."

"It's okay," Sweetie said.

"When was the last time you were here?" Micro asked.

"Not since the day I bonded to my Element," Sweetie replied, "I left as soon as I got out of the safe. Didn't want to risk them coming back and making another attempt on my life."

"It's okay," Lyra said as she pulled her into a hug, "just relax."

"I guess you also won't be much of a guide," Flash said, "then we'll need another info source."

"No problem," Sandal said. He walked over to a help desk and asked the woman behind the counter. "Hello, me and my friends are new in town and were wondering where's the best place to get information."

"Oh," the lady said, "I don't know where's the best place, but I know who. Grand Hoof, he's a local celebrity, he was retired from the police force last year and set up his own detective agency in Midtown."

"Thanks," Sandal said before turning to the others. "Sometimes you just gotta ask."

"Well," Soarin said, "looks like we're going to Midtown."

Getting to Midtown from the airport took most of the morning.

First they had to get themselves a map so they could route out the best possible way there, before hailing a cab. Once squeezed in the six were taken to the local subway station, where one train ride later they were walking up the street of Midtown.

"Is this it?" Micro asked as they walked up the busy street.

"I think so," Lyra said, "where's this guy suppose to live again?"

Sandal pulled out the map he had and looked it over. "One hundred and fifty, Sugar Hill. Over there." He pointed to an apartment building a ways off.

"Okay," Flash said, "let's go." Walking up to it he climb the steps and pressed the buzzer on the intercom.

Seconds passed and nothing, until final it buzzed back and someone spoke.

"Yes?" a male voice said

"Mr Grand Hoof?" Flash asked.


"Me and my friends were told you're the one to come to when looking for info about New York."

No reply, but a second later there was a buzz and Flash saw the door unlock. Opening it up the six teens climbed the stairs, before coming to the door they wanted. Flash knocked.

The door opened ajar and a man's face filled the gap. "So you're looking for info aye?"

"Yes sir," Flash replied while the rest nodded.

The door closed, before the sound of several locks unlatching caught their ears. The door opened, this time fully, and the man stood on the other side. He was about sixty years in age, with grey skin and grey hair. A faded scar could be seen over his left eye. "Grand Hoof," he said holding out his hand.

"Flash," the red Ranger replied taking the hand, before turning to his friends. "This is Lyra, Micro, Sweetie, Sandal and Soarin."

"Pleasure," Grand said as he moved aside and let them in.

They entered the little room and saw it just a work desk, three chairs and an old couch. Grand Hoof sat on a chair behind the desk, while Flash and Lyra sat on the other two. Soarin, Sweetie and Micro sat on the couch while Sandal stood

"So what can I do for you all?" Grand asked.

"Me and my friends are here to find something," Flash said.

"Okay," Grand replied, "what?"

"We can't tell you," Lyra said.

"Okay," Grand said, "well what does it look like?"

"We can't tell you that either," Sweetie said.

"So...what can you tell me?"

"Nothing much," Flash said, "but we were hoping you could tell us about anything...out of the ordinary? Anything that you wouldn't expect to see in the city."

Grand thought for a moment, but then shook his head. "Sorry, I can't think of anything like that."

The Rangers all deflated hearing this.

"I'm sorry," Grand said, "but New York is a pretty normal city all things considered."

"It's okay," Flash said, "sorry to have wasted your time."

"It's fine," Grand replied.

They all got up and headed for the door, Flash noticed the wall was covered in several frames with newspaper covers inside. All of them showing headlines about a policeman stopping some kind of crime. "So how long were you a cop for?"

"Over forty years," Grand said with a smile, "joined right out of school. Was walking the beat ever since."

"Why'd you leave?"

"Didn't want to," Grand replied, "I was injured last year. Since I wouldn't accept a desk job they were forced to have me retire. Didn't stop me though."

"I can tell," Flash said

“You interested in becoming an officer of the law?”

“Not sure,” Flash said, “I don’t really have any goals after high school.

“Well I’m sure you’ll find your calling one day,” grand said.

“Thanks,” he replied as he walked through the door.

"Sorry I couldn't be of more help to you."

"It's cool," Flash said, "it was a long shot anyway."

"If you ever have any questions you need answered," Grand said, "don't hesitate to ask."

"We will," Flash said.

Meanwhile up in space, Darklight stepped into the transport room to see Doom along with Reflector, Blizzard and a new monster.

With one was red and yellow in colour, with a bulky form and pink spikes along his back. He didn't have hands, instead his arms ended in tube like appendages.

"Heatwave," Darklight said before turning to Doom, "this is the monster you selected?"

"Yes master," Doom replied, "his psychokinetic abilities will roast the Rangers."

"Forgive me if I don't believe you," Darklight said, "the Rangers will easily defeat him."

"Not with these two along with him," Doom said as he pointed to the other two monster. "They know the Ranger's fighting style and will be able to counter them, leaving Heatwave open to finish them off."

"Very well," Darklight said as he turned to the monsters, "if you each get me an Element I'll set you free. But if you fail."

"We won't fail," Heatwave said.

"You'd better hope so."

Back on earth the Rangers had found a little cafe to have lunch and were going over their battle plan.

"Okay," Lyra said, "the first thing we want to do is hit up all the most likely places we'd find an Element in."

"Museums and such," Micro agreed.

"Okay," Flash said, "how many museums are there in New York?"

"About a hundred," Sweetie said.

"A HUNDRED!" The others yelled.

"Maybe more."

"This'll take forever," Soarin said.

"If we split up it could cut our search time in half," Lyra said.

"I doubt that," Sandal moaned.

In was in that moment that a woman who'd just passed them let out a loud scream. "MY PURSE!" She pointed to a teen who'd just run passed their table, a brown purse in his hands.

"Come on!" Flash yelled as they all jumped up and began to run after him.

They ran as fast as they could chasing after the purse thief, but said thief proved to be incredibly agile. They saw him a ways off, turning around a corner.

"We're gonna lose him," Lyra said.

However, when they rushed around the corner they found the thief waiting for them. He was laying on the floor, his hands and feet being tied together by...a Power Ranger.

"No...way," Micro said as they were in shock.

This Ranger was gold in colour, with white around the shoulders which traced down towards the chest forming a white triangle along with white arms and boots. On his chest was an upside down pentagon, with a carving of a bird’s head on it.

"The gold Ranger," Soarin said in amazement.

The Ranger looked up and saw them before freezing.

"So the Element of Forgiveness is what the E-Tector picked up," Sweetie said.

Flash slowly stepped forward. "Listen, we need to talk to you."

However the new Ranger didn't appear to chatty, as in that second the spun on the spot and ran off.

"Wait!" Flash yelled as they raced after him.

Whoever this Ranger was he wasn’t incredibly fast or agile, but he seemed to know the streets and used that advantage to keep ahead of the Rangers.

"Please stop," Sweetie said.

"Slow down," Micro yelled.

The gold Ranger did slow down and come to a stop, when he was suddenly struck by some kind of fireball which exploded right in front of him. "What?" He said as he waved the smoke away.

"Surprise Ranger!" he looked up to see Heatwave and some Shades standing a ways off, "looks like I'll be getting my freedom. Hand over the Element."

"I don't know what you're talking about," the Ranger said.

"Keep telling yourself that," Heatwave said, "Shades attack!" The cloaked monsters charged forward.

"What's happening?" He asked as he watched them get closer.

"Destroy him!" Heatwave yelled.

"Not happening!" Suddenly out of no where, six brightly coloured individuals leaped into the fray. They landed in front of the gold Ranger and took a battle stance.

"Who are you?" The gold Ranger asked.

"Power Rangers!" The six replied before running forward.

Flash was the first, somersaulting forward to dodge the Shades and causing them to fall down. He then pulled out his blaster and fired at them. "To easy," he said as he battled some more.

"What's the matter?" Lyra asked as she knocked some more down, "you guys leave your fighting skills back in Canterlot?"

"What fighting skills?" Sweetie asked as she knocked down several more.

"Have a slice of this!" Sandal said as he slashed away at some more.

"And have a blast with this," Micro finished as he fired his blaster at some more.

The gold Ranger meanwhile was still perplexed by the situation. Suddenly some more Shades showed up infront of him.

"Stay back," Soarin told him as he leaped between them, "I'll handle these guys." He pulled out his Thunder Sabre and slashed away at them.

Eventually all that was left was Heatwave.

"Fry you freaks!" The monster yelled as he held out his arms and flames shot out of them.

"Magitech!" Sweetie called on her weapon and blocked the flames.

"Morphin Blaster," the four other Ranger said as they spun their blasters barrels to charge them, before aiming at the monster. "FIRE!"

"Thunder Sabre Strike!" Soarin said as he unleashed his blue lightning.

The five attacks struck the monster, who was consumed by smoke.

"Want some more?" Flash asked, but as the smoke cleared Heatwave was nowhere to be seen.

"He got away," Lyra moaned.

"At least he didn't get the Element," Micro assured her.

They demorphed and turned back to where the gold Ranger was still standing.

"I didn't think there was anyone else like me," he said as he watched them walk up to them.

"Well there are," Flash said, "and we're here to help."

"Wait a minute," the gold Ranger said as he took a closer look, "I know you." He was consumed by a bright flash of light, which quickly faded revealing some else in the gold Rangers place. It was someone they all knew.

"Grand Hoof?" Flash asked seeing the older man standing before them.

"Hello," he replied.

"You're a Power Ranger?" Micro asked in disbelief.

"Is that what they call it when I change?" Grand asked.

"You know it," Sandal said.

"And what's this?" He reached into his jacket and pulled out a familiar crystal, gold in colouring.

"The Element of Forgiveness," Lyra said. She and the rest of the teens pulled out their own and showed it to him.

"It's a magical crystal from another world," Soarin explained, "if it's bonded to you, it means you're meant to join our team."


"We're on a quest to retrieve all the Elements," Flash explained, "that monster you saw was trying to steal it to take to someone named Darklight. He wants to use the Elements for evil."

"But now you can help us stop him," Sweetie said.

"Incredible," Grand said, his eyes filled with wonder. "I'm in."

The others cheered hearing this.

Up in space, Doom was berating Heatwave for running away.

"You were suppose to call me and the others once you'd found the Element!" He yelled.

"I know I was," he said, "but it was only one Ranger. I thought I had it, until the other ones showed up and made a mess of everything."

"Well this time I'm not letting you out of my sight," Doom said, "and if you do what I tell you to, I might just be willing to let you give the Element to Darklight."

"Yes sir," Heatwave said, "total obedience here."

"Good," Doom said, "now we have to find them again."

Back on earth, Grand Hoof had taken them to a nearby park so they could train and get into sync.

"Okay kids," Grand said as they stretched, "the course I usually run is three miles."

"You sure you can handle it?" Micro asked.

"Please," Grand said with a laugh.

"Let's go," Flash said

And with that they were off, Grand taking the lead with the rest of them behind. For the first mile he stayed well ahead, but on the second mile he dropped back and ran with them. On the last mile Grand had fallen behind, until he was the last to cross the finish line.

"You okay there old timer?" Soarin asked.

"Watch who you're calling old," Grand said as he worked to get his breath back, "I may be getting on in years, but I'm as fit as I was in my prime."

"Right," Sandal said sceptically as they all sat down and pulled water bottles out of their bag.

"So Grand," Flash said, "how did you get your Element?"

"Oh," Grand said, "it was about a year ago."


It was just like any other day. I was on the beat keeping an eye out, when suddenly.

As Grand strolled down the street, a young teen suddenly burst out of one of the nearby stores before rushing down the street. Seconds later the store owner rushed out. "Stop him!" He yelled as he pointed at the teen, "thief!"

That was all I needed to hear. I rushed after him, but he was fast. I chased after him for several blocks, until.

As Grand Hoof drew closer to the teen, they suddenly rushed onto a busy road and into the path of a speeding car. The driver saw them and tried to come to a halt, but it was to late and the car struck Grand.

The next thing I know I'm waking up in a hospital. I wasn't to badly injured, but considering my age they decided not to take any chances. However the next day.

Grand Hoof was relaxing in his room, when suddenly the door opened and in stepped the teen he'd been chasing.

He'd come to apologise, as well as turn himself in. He asked for my forgiveness and offered me something in return.

The boy held out the Element of Forgiveness.

He said it'd been in his family for years and that giving it to me just felt right. I accepted it and his apology, and then.

When Grand took the Element, he suddenly felt a rush of energy. He was then bombarded by images of ponies in similar golden suits of armour, before the image of a giant bird flashed and suddenly he was back in the room.


"And ever since then I could turn into a Ranger," Grand finished his story.

"That's amazing," Flash said.

"It sure is," the older man replied, "after I was discharged I still wanted to help stop crime. The one thing I'd kept from the force was a police radio, so ever since then I've been stopping bike thieves and arresting purse snatchers."

"And now you can help safe the world," Flash said.

"Now that sounds amazing," Grand said.

Suddenly the Ranger's coms beeped, showing a message from the base that they'd detected a magical energy surge.

"Let's go," Lyra said.

"Ready to show the world what the gold Ranger can really do?" Flash asked Grand.

"Just you watch," Grand said.

New York was in chaos, as either fire or ice flew through the air.

Doom Raizer, Blizzard, Reflector and Heatwave walked down the street. Blizzard and Heatwave firing their flame and ice attacks to cause mayhem.

"That's it," Doom said, "cause as much destruction as you can. Those Rangers are drawn to it like a moth to the flame."

"And even if they don't show up," Heatwave said, "I haven't had this much fun in six hundred years."

"Well I hope you enjoyed it!" They all turned to see the seven Rangers standing on the top of a flight of stairs, "cause it's the last bit of fun you're ever gonna get."

"I told you they'd come," Doom said.

"Four monsters?" Grand asked.

"Darklight must be getting desperate," Soarin said.

"You're in trouble now Rangers," Doom said, "three times the trouble."

"We've beaten you before," Lyra said.

"And we're ten times stronger now," Flash finished.

"We'll see about that," Reflector said.

"We'll freeze you in place," Blizzard said.

"Before melting you into nothing," Heatwave finished.

"I doubt that," Grand said as he stepped forward, "because it's Mopping Time."

The rest of the Rangers looked over to him in confusion.

"Er...," Micro said, “it’s Morphing Time.”

"Oh right," Grand replied sheepishly.

"Let's do this," Flash said as he pulled out his gear, "Magi-Chargers!"

"Ready!" The others said as they held up their Chargers while Grand held out his Element.

They placed them inside their morphers which began to power up. "Energise!" They spun the barrels before pointing them to the sky, "Unleash the Power!" They pulled the triggers and unleashed the Zord heads, which flew around them and then bit down on them. In a flash of light they were in their Ranger suits, ready for battle.

Flash: Power Rangers!


"Shades attack!" Doom ordered as the cloaked monsters appeared and charged forward.


"Summon Thunder Sabre!"

The seven Rangers charged forward and collided with the Shades.

"You're all going down," Grand said as he attacked the Shades, who were able to leap out of the way of his punches and kicks and causing him to fall over. "This might be harder then I thought," he said as he tried to get up.

"I got your back," Flash said as he smashed the Shades away with his Dragon Breaker.

"Sorry," Grand said as he got up, "these things are faster then what I'm used to."

"Relax," Flash said as he punched some more away, "you'll get the hang of it."

"Freeze yellow Ranger!" Blizzard yelled as he launched his snowballs at Micro.

"No thanks," Micro replied as he dodged the snowballs or blasted them to bits, "I'm just getting warmed up."

Sandal meanwhile charged at Blizzard from behind, Spirit Sabre and Fenrir Fang in hand. "You know," he said as he slashed away at the monster, "I could really go for some shaved ice."

Sweetie and Lyra were fighting against Reflector, who was blocking their attacks with his shield.

"Power Slash!" Sweetie said as she slashed at him.

"You'll never get passed my Mirror Shield," Reflector told her. At that moment, Lyra used her Serpent Staff's jaws to grab his other shield and yank it out of the way.

"We'll go around it then," she said.

"Morphin Blaster!" Sweetie said as she pointed her weapon between the two mirrors, "Fire!" Pulling the trigger she fired and caused Reflector to be sent flying back.

“Nice shot,” Lyra said as they high fived.

“Thanks,” Sweetie said.

“Let’s see how well you fight against yourselves,” Reflector said as he got up and images of the two appeared in his stomach mirror.

“Let’s go,” Lyra said before running forward, followed by Sweetie.

Just as the mirror images finished forming, the originals were on top of them and with one strong slash cut through them.

“Morphin Blaster!” They both said as they span the barrels and aimed, “FIRE!” The both pulled the trigger and unleashed the two blasts, which combined and struck Reflector in the stomach shattering his mirror.

“Not again!” Reflector cried before being attacked by the female Rangers.

Soarin and Heatwave were fighting each other, the monster unleashing several fireballs at the Ranger.

"Sky time," Soarin said as his wings extended and flew him into the air, dodging the attacks. Seconds later he flew down and used his Sabre to slash down at the monster, sending him flying back.

"You little punk," Heatwave said as he picked himself up.

"There's more where that came from," Soarin said as he charged forward.

Meanwhile Flash had finished off the last of the Shades with Grand's 'help', and turned to the gold Ranger.

"You okay?"

"I am," Grand replied, "sorry about that."

"Hello again red Ranger!" The two turned to see Doom walking up to them.

"Back off Doom," Flash said as he put away his Dragon Breaker and pulled out his Spirit Sabre.

"Not happening," Doom said as he charged forward with his sword.

"Let me help you," Grand said as he took out his own Spirit Sabre, before charging forward.

"Wait Grand!" Flash said as he chased after him.

Grand swung his sword, but Doom easily deflected the attack and kicked the Ranger back. He then tried to strike the Ranger, but Flash jumped in front.

"Where'd you find this guy?" Doom asked as he pushed Flash away, "a fossil museum?"

"Watch who you're calling old!" Grand yelled as he jumped up, but Doom just swung his sword and sent the gold Ranger flying into a wall demorphing him.

"GRAND!" Flash yelled before turning to Doom, "you'll pay for that!" He charged forward and began swinging his sword around, out matching Doom's speed and managing to get a few good slashes in.

"AAARRR!" Doom yelled as he fell back.

"You give up?" Flash asked.

"For now," Doom said, "I'll leave my monsters to deal with you." With that a telebolt flew down and warped him away, leaving Flash and Grand behind.

"Grand!" Flash said as he turned and rushed over to the older Ranger.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he kneeled down.

"I am," Grand replied, "and I'm sorry. I just got in the way."

"Don't say that," Flash said.

"It's true. Those monsters were right, I'm to old to be a Ranger. It's the same reason they forced me to retire, because I can't keep up anymore."

"It doesn't matter how old you are," Flash told him, "the Element bonded to you, so that means you're worthy of being a Guardian. So what if you're not as fast or strong as you once were, you've got your own strengths that no one else has."

"I guess," Grand said.

"Good," Flash replied, "I'm gonna got help my friends. You gonna be alright on your own?"

"I will," Grand told him, "go."

Flash nodded and ran off to find his friends.

Said friends were doing pretty okay against the monsters.

"I thought you two'd faced these twerps before?" Heatwave asked the others.

"We have," Reflector said.

"Their just way stronger," Blizzard said.

"We warned you," Soarin said as the Rangers lined up.

"Guys!" Flash yelled rushing over to them.

"Glad to see you're here," Lyra said.

"How's Grand?" Sweetie asked.

"He'll be fine," Flash replied, "now what do you say we take these guys out?"

"Oh yeah," the others said.

""Magi-Charger!" Flash said as he held up the device and clicked the button, "Ready. Guardian Buster, activate." He threw the Charger in the air before it transformed into the super weapon, which he caught and activated.

Magi-Chargers," everyone said, as they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded."


"Magi-Charger, ready!" Soarin said as he placed his own Charger inside his sword.


As the weapon charged, the Ranger took their positions. "Guardian Buster, Dragon Blast...FIRE!" Flash pulled the trigger and a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Dragon Zord's head.

Meanwhile Soarin swung his blade. "Thunder Sabre Strike!" From the blade fired a giant blue lightning bolt, which took the shape of the Thunderbird and flew towards the monsters.

The two attacks merged and flew at the monsters.

"You don't scare me," Heatwave said as he pointed his arms at them and unleashed a flurry of fire.

The two Zord heads struck the flames, ripping right through them. A second later the flames struck Heatwave, creating a powerful explosion which consumed him and sent Blizzard and Reflector flying away.

Doom stepped onto the bridge and growled.

"Defeating one monster I can buy, but how the heck did they defeat three?"

“Somehow I’m not surprised,” Darklight said as he slunk back in his throne.

Doom growled before rushing over to the Gigatisor and slamming down on the button, unleashing the growing device that fired the red beam of energy.

The Rangers were preparing to finish Heatwave off, but at that moment the Gigatisor's beam struck the monster. An explosion occurred and its wake, a giant Heatwave stood looking down at the Rangers.

“That’s a big problem,” Soarin said.

“We’ll need the Megazord,” Micro said as he pulled out his Magi-Charger.

“Wait,” Flash said looking around, “where’s Blizzard and Reflector?”

The rest of the Rangers looked around, but couldn’t find hide nor hair of the two other monsters.

“We’ll have to look for them later,” Lyra said.

“I’ll go find Grand,” Flash said, “he’s not safe with those two out there. You guys think you can handle that oversized camp fire?”

“No problem,” Sandal said.

“Go,” Sweetie told him.

Flash nodded and ran off, leaving the others to deal with Heatwave.

Soarin, Micro and Sandal stepped forward and held out their Magi-Chargers. “Magi-Chargers, ready!” They clicked the devices before throwing them in the air.

“Summon Thunderbird Zord!”

“Summon Griffon Zord!”

“Summon Fenrir Zord!”

The Chargers flew into their Zord’s mouths.




The Zords awakened and left their hiding spots, heading towards their Rangers.

“They call this place the big apple huh?” Heatwave said as he aimed his arms, “we’ll I like my apples extra crispy.” Before he could burn New York to the ground however, a lightning bolt came down and struck him which caused him to fall back.

The Thunderbird flew onto the scene, followed by the Griffon who was carrying the Fenrir in its claws.

“There they are,” Micro said pointing to the Zords.

“Let’s do this,” Soarin said.

"Activate," they said together, "Thunder-Charge Megazord Fenrir-Griffon Formation!"

The Thunderbird Zord squawked as it turned towards the other Zords before the three opened their mouths. Their Magi-Chargers flew out with the Griffon and Fenrir’s Chargers went into Thunderbird's.


It bit down on the first Charger before it flew out and was replace withe second Charger.


It bit down on the second Charger before it flew out again and the last Charger flew in.



The Thunder-Charge Megazord formed with the wings spinning around and revealing the plug like nubs which the Griffon and Fenrir linked to like they would on the Guardian Megazord.


The five rangers appeared in the cockpit, before placing their weapons into the podium. “Battle Mode!”

The Megazord and Heatwave stared each other down.

“Time to make some Roasted Rangers!” Heatwave yelled as he unleashed a flurry of flames, which flew at the Megazord.

“Into the air,” Soarin said as the Megazord jumped up and used its wing shoulders to glide up and dodge.

“Griffon Zord,” Micro said, “fire!” The Megazord aimed its left arm and unleashed a flurry of laser fire, which rained down on the monster.

“Fenrir Zord,” Sandal continued, “Fang Blade Strike!” The Megazord soared downwards and sliced its right arm down to slashed the monster, sending it back several hundred feet.

“You guys are really starting to get me steamed,” Heatwave said.

Meanwhile Grand was watching the battle from a distance, marvelling at the sight before him.

“Grand,” he turned to see Flash running over to him.

“Flash,” Grand said pointing to the Megazord, “where can I get one of those things?”

“That’s a good question,” Flash said, “we’ll discuss that later. Right now we need to get out of here.”


“SURPRISE!” They both spun around the see a giant snowball flying at them.

Instincts kicking in, Flash managed to shove Grand out of the way, before the snowball struck him and exploded. The force sent him flying back, crashing into a wall as the ice froze over and trapped him.

“FLASH!” Grand yelled before turning back to see Blizzard and Reflector calming strolling up to them.

“Looky what we have here,” Reflector said, “two little Rangers.”

“That’s one Element each to take back to Master Darklight,” Blizzard continued.

“Stay back,” Grand said as he stepped between Flash and the monsters, “I’m warning you.”

The two monster looked at each other before laughing.

“What are you gonna do you old geezer?” Reflector asked.

“Wave your walking stick at us?” Blizzard asked.

“Grand,” Flash called out, “get out of here.”

“No,” Grand told him firmly, “I won’t leave you.” He pulled out the Element of Forgiveness and held it up, before he was consumed by golden light which morphed him into his Ranger suit.

“You’re kidding,” Reflector said, “you’re kidding right?”

“What’s the matter?” Grand asked as he pulled out his Spirit Sabre, “to scared of being beaten by an old man to fight?”

“You asked for it,” Blizzard said, “just don’t go having a heart attack on us.”

“We’ll see who has the heart attack,” Grand said as he and the monsters charged at one another.

Meanwhile the Megazord was continuing to strike the monster with its blaster and blade.

“That’s it,” Heatwave said, “time for something I picked up from Smokescreen.” He held out his arms, but instead of unleashing flames he fired a large cloud of smoke which enveloped the Megazord.

“I can’t see,” Sweetie said.

“He’s hiding from us,” Micro said.

Suddenly a large fireball shot through the smoke, striking the Megazord and causing it to lose balance and fall.

“This isn’t good,” Sandal said.

As the Megazord tried to get back up another, another fireball flew at it and struck it in the back making it fall once again.

“We can’t keep this up,” Lyra said.

“We’ve gotta clear this smoke somehow,” Soarin said.

“Wait,” Micro said, “I’ve got an idea.” He pulled out a Magi-Charger and clicked it, before throwing it. “Summon Manticore Zord!”

The Charger flew through the air, growing as it did so, before flying off and into the Manticore Zord's mouth.


The creature opened its eyes. Seconds later it shot out of the waterfall and towards the battle.

The Rangers continued to have trouble with smoke and fireballs, but suddenly the smoke began to clear.

“Hey!” Heatwave said as he was revealed, “what’s happening?”

Both he and the Megazord looked over to see the Manticore Zord, which was spinning its tail to fan away the smoke.

“That’s cheating,” Heatwave told them.

“Show me the rule against it,” Micro said, “Manticore Tail Whip!”

The Manticore charged at the monster and spun in a circle, swinging its tails and hitting Heatwave again and again.

“Great idea Micro,” Lyra said.

“Now let’s try something new,” Soarin said.

They moved and spoke in perfect sync. “"Activate Thunder-Charge Megazord, Manti-Griffon Formation!"

The Manticore Charger flew out of the Zord's mouth as the Thunderbird opened its mouth, releasing its Charger which was quickly replaced.


When its Charger flew back in the Manticore's mouth, it transformed and replaced the Fenrir Zord.


The new Megazord stood against Heatwave, ready to do battle.

“What’s that suppose to do?” Heatwave asked.

“It’s suppose to do this,” Soarin said as the Megazord swung the tail whip at him, slashing away at the monster.

Meanwhile Grand was trying to fight off the two monster, swinging his Sabre around but he was just to slow to hit them.

“I’m not sure whether to laugh or feel bad for him,” Blizzard said as he dodged him.

“I’m sure,” Reflector said before bursting out laughing, followed by Blizzard.

“Laugh it up you clowns,” Grand said as he pulled out his Morphin Blaster and spinning the barrel, before firing off a few shots.

“Dark Reflection,” Reflector said as he held up his shield, which the blast flew into. He then held up the other shield as the blast flew back out and struck Grand, sending him flying back in an explosion.

“GRAND!” Flash yelled while trying to free himself from the ice.

As Grand tried to pick himself up, the two monsters just laughed.

“To think he’s actually trying to kick our butts,” Reflector said.

“The only thing he’s gonna kick is the bucket,” Blizzard replied, making them both laugh harder.

“Don’t listen to them,” Flash called out, “you might not be as strong as them, but you’re a hundred times smarter. You just need to start fighting smart.”

That actually made a lot of sense to Grand. “He’s right.” Getting up he charged once again at the monsters.

“Here we go again,” Reflector said as he and Blizzard stepped out of his way.

“I’ll teach you two to respect the elderly,” Grand said as he swung his blade are, which the monsters simply dodged until they were on either side of him.

“This is getting boring now,” Blizzard said as he created a snowball which he threw at the gold Ranger.

Seeing it coming, Grand’s brain went into overdrive as an idea formed in his head. As the snowball got closer, Grand leaped out of the way and caused it to miss and instead head for its new target.

“Wait!” Reflector said as the snow ball flew at him and exploded at his feet, encasing them and his legs in ice.

“Whoops!” Blizzard said

“You idiot!” Reflector screamed as he tried to break free of the ice.

“Now you’re all mine,” Grand said as he span his blaster’s barrel again and aimed at him, before pulling the trigger.

“You’re going senile old man,” Reflector said, “it’s my legs that are frozen, not my arms.” He held up his shield, as the blast flew in. “Dark Reflection!” He raised the other one and fired off the blasts.

“Gotcha,” Grand said before once again leaping out of the way, making the attacks new target Blizzard.

“Oh no,” Blizzard said as he was struck by the attack and consumed by the explosion.

“BLIZZARD!” Reflector screamed, seeing his partner get blown up.

“Perfect,” Grand said before taking out his Sabre and walking over to Flash. “Hold still,” he swung the sword and shattered the ice, freeing Flash.

“Thanks,” Flash said as he jogged on the spot to warm himself up.

“No,” Grand said, “thank you. You were right, I had to stop trying to force myself against stronger opponents.”

Flash nodded with a smile, before they turned to the still stuck Reflector. “Shall we deal with him together?”

“Those shields will make it difficult,” Grand said.

“Oh you’ve already dealt with the shields,” Flash told him as he stepped around the monster so he and Grand were facing his back. “They only really protect his front.”

“Oh,” Grand said happily.

Pulling out their Morphin Blasters they span the barrels and aimed.

“Wait!” Reflector said as he tried to look behind himself, “can’t we talk about this?”

Flash and Grand pulled the triggers and fired a blast which struck Reflector and exploded, consuming him completely.

When the smoke cleared it showed Reflector was gone.

“Oh yeah,” Flash said as he and Grand high fived before demorphing. “You did great.”

“Thank you,” Grand said before frowning, “but this has made me realise something.”


Grand was silent for a moment, looking down at his Element before looking back up at him. “I can’t be a Power Ranger anymore.”

The battle between Heatwave and the Megazord seemed to be nearing a conclusion, as the Megazord continued to strike the monster with its giant whip.

“That’s getting really annoying,” Heatwave said as he tried to aims his arms at them.

“Tail Whip!” The Rangers yelled as the Megazord swung the whip, which wrapped around the monster’s arms.

“Hey!” Heatwave yelled as he struggled against the bindings.

The Megazord used this opportunity to blast the monster with the Griffon Zord, and being bound made it so Heatwave was forced to take the full brunt of it until the Megazord decided to let him go.

“Let’s end this,” Soarin said.

“Right!” The others agreed.

They all moved and spoke in perfect sync. “Thunder-Charge Megazord, Final Strike!”

Electrical energy surged from the Thunderbird and through the Manticore, as the Megazord swung the Tail Whip over its head. “Electron Tail Swipe!” The Megazord swung the whip, which had been charged with lightning, at Heatwave. It wrapped around him and sent all the electricity into him.

The monster screamed in agony as the lightning surged through his body. The Megazord then spun around, throwing Heatwave into the air before letting him go flying. "I’m all burned out," were the monsters last words before exploding in the air, creating a fireworks display.

“Oh yeah!” The Rangers cheered seeing the monster be destroyed.

“Guardian Rangers,” Soarin said, “victory is ours.”

A little while later, the team were in the park.

When he’d learned Grand no longer wanted to be a Ranger, Starswirl had transported himself to New York so as the perform the unbonding.

“Are you sure about this?” Flash asked Grand as they prepared for the task, “you’d make such a great Ranger.”

“I think this is for the best,” Grand assured him, “besides, New York is my home. There’s just no why I could leave it. Plenty of other people can be a Ranger, but no here can replace me.”

Flash sighed.

“Grand is right,” Starswirl told the red Ranger, “his duty as the gold Ranger was to keep the Element of Forgiveness safe. Now his work is done.”

Grand nodded, before turning to Starswirl. “I’m ready Starswirl.”

The wizard nodded and held up his staff, as Grand took out his Element. The staff and Element glowed a golden light, before the Element of Forgiveness floated out of Grands hand and above his head.

“Element of Forgiveness,” Starswirl chanted, “this Guardian’s time as champion of your will has come to a close. Release him from your hold, so he may live a life as himself once more.”

Suddenly Grand glowed, before the light was pulled upwards and into the Element. Finally the glowing stopped and the Element, still glowing, flew into Starswirl’s hand.

“It is complete,” the wizard said, “I thank you Grand Hoof, for keeping the Element safe.”

Grand simply nodded. Starswirl then turned and walked off, before disappearing in the puff of smoke.

“There’s something you don’t see everyday,” the ex-Ranger said.

“It’s been a pleasure sir,” Flash said as he held out his hand for Grand to shake.

Grand just smiled and pulled Flash into a hug.

“So what are you going to do now?” Micro asked once the two pulled away from each other.

“This adventure made me realise that I have to accept my age,” Grand said, “but that doesn’t mean I have to just sit back and do nothing. I called a few old friends in high places in the force and managed to get myself a new job.

“I thought you said you didn’t want to do desk work?” Soarin said.

“And I won’t,” Grand replied, “tell me. What can someone with forty years experience do once they can no longer put it to use physically.”

The Rangers weren’t sure how to answer that, until Flash realised.

“Teach that experience?”

“Exactly,” Grand said, “I’m off to the police academy.”

“That’s great,” Sweetie said.

“You’ll be like a sensei to the next generation of cops,” Sandal said.

“You bet I will,” Grand said with a smirk.

Suddenly a load beeping noise caught their attention, making them look over to see a taxi.

“That’s our ride,” Lyra said.

“Well you’d best be off,” Grand said.

“Goodbye Grand,” Flash said as they hugged again.

“See ya kiddo,” Grand replied, “and if you ever feel like joining the force, just come and see me. I’ll teach you everything I know.”

“I’m not sure I’d make a good cop,” Flash said.

“No you’d make a great one,” Grand replied, “now go on, get out of here.”

Flash nodded and ran to join his friends in the taxi.

The Rangers had found the eighth of the ten Element, but their work was far from over. What new surprises will New York City hold for them? They’d soon find out.

Author's Note:

And thus the Gold Ranger is revealed...before giving up his power. Oh well.