• Published 21st Feb 2017
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Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony - Banshee531

Centuries ago, ten Elements were lost. Now a new threat has come to our world and it's up to five young heroes to become our protectors, to become Power Rangers Guardians.

  • ...

Magnetic Attraction

Up in space Darklight, Heart Breaker and Cogs were working to reanimate the monsters the Rangers had previously destroyed.

The machine was at work, filling with smoke as it revived another monster. Finally it was complete and the door opened, as Gigabyte stepped out.

"Alive again," Gigabyte cheered.

"You're lucky I decided to revive you again after your last failure," Darklight told before turning to some Shades, "take him to the cells."

The Shades nodded and grabbed the computer monster, before dragging him out of the room.

"Wait master," Gigabyte yelled, "give me another chance." The rest of his screams couldn't be heard as the doors shut behind him.

"Is that all of them?" Darklight asked Cogs.

"All the ones we have in the system," Cogs said, "we don't have the data for Crushclaw, Shellblast, Warper or Boombox. But any other monster you want revived can be."

"Good," Darklight said, "the only question now is do I send a revived monster or try someone new?"

"Master," they all turned to see Doom enter the room with a new monster. He was made out of black metal and had a large magnet shaped instrument on each shoulder. "I have selected a monster for the next attack."

"And why should I agree to allow this monster the chance?" Darklight asked.

"I'll get you an Element," the monster said.

"Magnetron here has a very tricky skill that the Rangers will have a tough time dealing with," Doom said turning to Magnetron, "do it."

Magnetron looked around the room and spotted a Shade. He then reached for his hip as something shot out of it and into his hand, a thick round metal disk, which he held up to his mouth. "Positive," he said to it causing the disk to turn from silver to red, before he threw it at the Shade which it stuck to.

"That's it?" Heart asked.

"Wait," Doom said.

Magnetron did the same thing, pulling another disk out of his hip and holding it to his mouth. "Negative," he said as the disk turned blue and he threw it towards the ground.

The blue disk hit the ground near the Shades feet and barely a second later, the Shade was pulled towards the ground.

"Fun trick," Darklight said, "but I doubt the Rangers will be so easily beat."

"There's more," Magnetron said as they looked back at the Shade, "negative turn positive."

The blue disk suddenly changed to red and a second later the Shade was pushed off the ground and floated in the air.

"Those Rangers won't know which way is up," Magnetron said.

"Fine," Darklight said, "go with him Doom and don't fail me."

"Yes master," the two said before leaving.

We find the Rangers in their base, showing the newest Ranger everything there was to know about being on the team.

Soarin looked around the hidden room with wide eyes. "Incredible," he said doing a full three sixty, "I never knew this sort of stuff even existed."

"It is impressive," Sunset told him. She and Twilight were in the lab, where the Element of Selflessness was being scanned. "And with it we can refine the power of your Element."

"Yeap," Twilight said, "and once that's done we can make..." she went to the computer and pulled out a dark blue Magi-Charger with the picture of the Thunderbird Zord on it, "Magi-Chargers." She held out the Charger for Soarin to take as Sandal and Micro stood next to him, Sandal holding the Thunder Sabre.

"With these," Micro said, "you can use your powers more easily like activating your morpher."

"Or in your Thunder Sabre," Sandal said handing Soarin the weapon.

Soarin took the sword and placed the Charger in the slot.


"Awesome," Soarin said.

"Now remember the Chargers powers aren't limitless," Twilight told him.

"That's why we have these," they turned to see Flash and Lyra near the crystal beds. "Just put your Chargers in the slot and Element here," he showed him as his Element flew between the crystal stalagmite and stalactite.

"Give it a try," Lyra said pointing to the empty crystal bed.

"Right," Soarin said holding out his Element, which flew out of his hand and into the crystal bed. "Awesome."

"You bet it is," Sweetie said.

"You know," Rainbow said, "I'm still having a hard time believing your a Power Ranger."

"Hey," Soarin said, "I had a hard time believing there were others like me."

"So how did ya get Element partner?" Applejack asked.

Soarin smiled as if remembering a childhood memory as he spoke, "it happened just under a year ago."


Soccer practise had run late and I was on my way home.

Soarin was walking down the street, as the street lamp began to light. It seemed like every other day, until.

"AAAARRRR!" Soarin spun around at the sound of the scream and before he could even think, he shot off in its direction.

Arriving at an alleyway his eyes went wide at what e saw. A girl about his age surrounded by older teens in leather jackets, each carrying a knife.

Her name was Little Strongheart and she was on her way home when she'd been cornered by street thugs.

"Just give us yer purse sweetheart," one said.

"Hey!" they all turned to see Soarin, "why don't you leave her alone."

"Make us pretty boy," the leader said as he turned to his gang, "get him."

The gang members ran towards Soarin, who in turn charged at them. Using his sports bag Soarin swung it around to knock the weapons out of the hands of two or three of them, before throwing it at another who caught it but was unable to defend against a punch from the young teen.

He then threw a few punches and kicks at the punks, knocking them out cold.

"Oh come on," the leader said as he charged forward with his knife, swinging it around as Soarin dodged it. Grabbing a trash can lid he held it up as a shield, which the knife cut through allowing Soarin to yank it out of his hand and then swung the lid back up and slammed it into his face.

With the thugs unconscious Soarin picked up his bag and moved over to Strongheart.

"You okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine," Strongheart said, only for her eyes to go wide, "but you're not." She pointed to his side where it appeared a lucky strike from the leaders knife had cut Soarin.

"Oh," Soarin said just noticing it.

"Come on," she said grabbing his bag, "my house isn't to far. We'll call a doctor from there."

She took me to her house, more like mansion, where I met her father Thunderhooves.

"Here you go," Thunderhooves said as he helped Soarin sit on a sofa. "The doctor will be here soon."

"Thank you," Soarin said.

"No," Thunderhooves said, "thank you for saving my daughter. That was a very selfless thing you did."

"Thanks," Soarin said, "I just did what needed to be done."

It was then that I felt it, a surge of energy which directed me towards a box sitting above their fire place.

"What's that?" Soarin asked pointing to the box, which was glowing.

Thunderhooves and Strongheart turned to the box and gasped seeing the glow. Thunderhooves moved over to it and opened the box, before picking it up and taking it over to Soarin who looked in to see the dark blue crystal. "The Thunder Stone."

"Thunder Stone?" Soarin asked.

"It has been in our family for generations," Thunderhooves explained, "passed down father to son, mother to daughter. Now it appears the Thunder Stone is calling out to you."

"Why me?"

"Maybe it senses your good heart," Strongheart said.

"Take it," Thunderhooves said, "it's your now."

Soarin sat up and held out his hand, slowly taking the Thunder Stone in his grasp. The second he lifted it out of the box he was surrounded by blue energy, as visions of ponies in similar armour flooded his mind before the image of a bird surrounded by lightning flashed.


"That was the day I became the Thundering Hero," Soarin said, "though I guess the right name would be...Thunder Ranger."

"So it was Strongheart who had the residual energy trace," Twilight said.

"She called you didn't she?" Flash said, "at the Baltimare Gala."

"Yeah," Soarin said, "I rushed over there as soon as I got the call, but by the time I got there you guys were fighting the giant monster."

"You really saved our bacon then," Sandal said.

"Your welcome," Soarin said. Turning to the crystal bed he held out his hand as the Element shot into it. "Well," he said, "this was fun but I really need to be going. I hope we meet again someday."

This confused everybody.

"What do you mean?" Micro asked, "you part of our team now."

"No, I'm not," Soarin said.

"Yeah you are," Flash said, "we're Power Rangers...we kind of come as a set."

"Look," Soarin said, "you guys are pretty cool and all, but I never signed on to be part of a team. I've been doing just fine on my own." With that he turned and walked out the room, leaving the rest of them dumb struck.

"What's he mean he didn't sign on?" Sweetie said, "he is a Power Ranger he doesn't have a choice in who's on his side."

"We've got to find a way to get him to agree," Lyra said.

"But how?" Pinkie asked.

"We show him just how good we are," Flash said.

It was in that moment that the holotable activated, showing the holomap with an area circled.

"Magic energy surge," Sunset said.

"It's down near the docks," Twilight said.

"Let's go," Flash ordered making them all rush out the base.

A little while later the Rangers, suited up, arrive and find Doom, Magnetron and some Shades terrorising civilians.

"Just as planned," Doom said.

"It's almost like they're attracted to trouble," Magnetron said.

"Let's be careful guys," Flash said, "we don't know what this monster can do."

"Well then come and find out," Doom said, "Shades attack!"

The cloaked drones charged forward, while the Rangers did the same.

"You hood heads never learn," Micro said as he blasted his way through the horde, back flipping as a few tried to stab him only to get blasted as they did. "Bullseye," he said.

"Magitech," Lyra and Sweetie yelled as they call upon their weapons. Lyra used her staff to pole-vote over the Shades, before slashing them from behind.

"Bye bye," Sweetie said as she used her shield to push a bunch of Shades to the end of a pier, before doing a spin kick to send them into the water. "Hope you guys can swim."

"Power Slash," Sandal yelled as he cut down Shade after Shade. "I wonder how many of these creeps I can beat down in an hour. Probably lose count after a million."

Doom and Magnetron were watching this as that saw Flash fighting off some Shades nearby.

"Go prove yourself," Doom said to the monster.

"I will," Magnetron said as he charged towards the red Ranger.

Flash saw the monster running at him and pulled out his Spirit Sabre. "Time to cut you down to size," he said charging forward.

"I don't think so," Magnetron said as he threw one of his disks, which hit Flash's sabre.

"What the?" Flash said looking over the disk.

"Positive," Magnetron said making the disk turn red. He then took out another one, "negative," before throwing it and hitting the ground.

"WHOA!" Flash yelled as he felt his weapon pull him to the ground.

"Not so tough without your sword," Magnetron said.

"It's like it's glued to the ground," Flash said pulling at the sword.

"Negative," Magnetron then said, "change to positive." The blue disk changed to red and the next thing Flash knew he was flying in the air.

"Oh come on," Flash said as he hung by his sword.

"Hang on Flash," Micro yelled as he jumped towards him. "Morphin Blaster, fire!" he shot several shots at the monster.

"Magna Guard," Magnetron threw four disks, two red and two blue, which spun in a circle and created some kind of magnetic barrier which blocked the blaster's attack.

"What?" Micro asked only for a red disk to connect to his blaster, sending him flying up.

"Guys," Lyra yelled as she, Sweetie and Sandal ran towards them.

"Negative," Magnetron said throwing the disks at them, which attached to their suits and pulled them down.

"I can't move," Sweetie said.

"Me neither," Sandal said.

"It's over Rangers," Doom said as he walked forward and pulled out his sword.

"Blitz Bolts," he and Magnetron were bombarded by lightning darts.

"It's Soarin," Flash said as he watched the Thunder Ranger leap into the scene.

"Thunder Sabre," Soarin called out as he landed and used his sword to slash the disk on the ground, freeing the Rangers before charging toward the monsters. "Thunder Sabre Strike!" Soarin yelled slashing away at Doom and Magnetron, electrocuting them.

"That little brat," Doom said.

"We'll be back," Magnetron said as they were teleported away.

With the danger gone the Thunder Ranger turned and leaped away.

"Wait," Flash yelled but he was already gone.

"If we wanted to get Soarin on our team," Lyra said, "that wasn't the best way to impress him."

Up in space Darklight wasn't to happy when Doom and Magnetron arrived back on the bridge.

"You ran away," Darklight said to Doom, "again. It seems a thousand years on this rock has made you as weak as those humans."

"The new Ranger was just to strong," Doom said, "he's style of battle is different from the other Rangers."

"He's right," Heart said, "but it looks like he's not working with the rest of the Rangers."

"Yes," Cogs said, "but if he does join them then we'll have the power of six Elements to deal with."

"Then the solution is obvious," Darklight said, "destroy this new Ranger before he can join the others." He turned to Doom, "I'll leave that to you and your monster. But know, if you fail me and are unable to being me an Element then I'll throw you...in the Pit."

Everyone who heard this gasped. The Pit was their solitary confinement, where the most powerful of Darklight's monsters were kept. Only two prisoners were seen as dangerous enough to be placed in it and no one wanted to go there.

"Understood master," Doom said, "I won't fail you." With that he Magnetron turned to leave.

"All I need is one Element," Darklight said once they were gone, "with it I can power any weapon I want and the rest of the Rangers will fall."

Back on earth a little later we find Soarin in the park, practising his sword training with a kendo stick.

"Not bad," Soarin stopped and turned to see Rainbow leaning on a nearby tree.

"Thanks," Soarin said.

"So," Rainbow said, "you wanna tell me what the whole no team thing is."

Soarin frowned, "don't know what your talking about."

"Give it up Soarin," Rainbow said, "I've known you for a long time and your one of the best team mates I've ever seen. So why are you so determined not to be on this one."

"Doesn't matter," Soarin said as he swung the sword again.

"It kind of does," Rainbow said.

Soarin just sighed, he wasn't getting out of this, so he turned to Rainbow. "It's like you said, I work on a team great, but that's all people ever see...a team. No matter what sport I play I'm always stuck in support, never getting to do anything like score the winning goal or bat the winning pitch. Being a Ranger, the Thundering Hero, it's the first thing in my life I'm doing on my own."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "That's your reason?"


"Not a very good one," Rainbow said, "you're refusing to join the team because you want to keep playing hero."

"You don't get it," Soarin said, "you're the best player at your school. You don't know what it's like to be over shadowed by everyone."

"It doesn't matter," Rainbow said, "you have a responsibility as a Ranger to join this team."

"I don't have to do anything," Soarin said.

"But you're in danger," Rainbow said, "as long as you have an Element you're a target for Darklight. He'll stop at nothing to get one and that means destroying you."

"I'll be fine," Soarin said, "I'm the Thundering Hero." With that he turned and left.

"That block head," Rainbow growled before turning and leaving.

At the base the Rainbow told the Rangers what Soarin had told her. To say they weren't impressed with his reasons would be an understatement.

"That's why he doesn't want to join?" Lyra asked.

"I kinda feel bad for him," Sandal said.

"That doesn't excuse him," Micro said.

"Maybe the Element made a mistake when it chose him," Sweetie said, "he's not sounding so selfless."

"The Elements are never wrong," they all turned to see Starswirl, "not only did it chose him because he was selfless, but it also chose him because he can work on this team. You must simply prove that to him."

"He's right," Flash said, "we can't give up on him yet. Darklight can revive his monsters now, and if Gigabyte was anything to go by, he can make them way stronger."

"He's right," Twilight said, "we need him."

Suddenly the holotable started buzzing, before showing an image of the park.

"Magic energy signals," Sunset said before gulping, "near Rainbow's last location."

Everyone's eyes went wide.

Soarin was still in the park, frustrated about what Rainbow had said, while he swung the stick around.

"I don't need anyone else," he said, "I can probably take this Darklight guy out all on my own."

"I very much doubt that."


Soarin suddenly found himself in a flurry of lazer fire, which sent him flying back.

"This should be fun," Soarin looked up to see Doom, Magnetron and some Shades standing a ways off.

"You guys made a big mistake coming here," Soarin said as he got up.

"I doubt that," Doom said, "you may have gotten us by surprise before, but we're ready for you now."

"We'll see about that," Soarin said as he pulled out his kendo sword and charged forward.

"Shades!" Doom ordered as his minions charged.

Soarin began swinging the sword around, knocking the Shades down while blocking their attacks. He mainly tried to take out the legs, knocking them down. This worked for a while until Doom ran towards him.

"Let's see how you do against me," he said swinging his sword around.

"I'll do fine," Soarin said swinging his kendo stick. However Doom simply stood still as Soarin struck him with the wooden sword, which simply bounced off the monsters chest.

"That tickled," Doom said before he swung his sword.

Soarin tried to block but on contact with Doom's sword it shattered.

"Uh-oh," Soarin said seeing it brake. Soarin reached for his Magi-Charger, but Doom swung his sword and slashed Soarin back.

"Take this!" Doom yelled firing off a lightning bolt from his sword, which flew at Soarin and struck him, sending him flying. "Now Magnetron."

"Right," the monster said as he threw four red disks at Soarin, which landed in a square around him. He then took another red disk and threw it at the Ranger, which latched onto his chest.

"What the," Soarin said only to feel himself go completely still.

"He's trapped," Doom said with a chuckle. "Now that he can't move, he's defenceless." He held up his sword and slowly walked towards Soarin, ready to finish him.

Soarin tried to escape but it appeared impossible. Fear filled his mind as he watched the monster draw near. The images of the other Rangers flashed infront of him, making him realise how stupid he'd been. Fighting alone meant he would lose...alone.

"Finally," Doom said raising his sword, "an Element will be mine." He swung the sword down towards the Ranger.

Accepting his fate, Soarin closed his eyes and waited for the end.

But it never came.

Soarin opened his eyes and saw Flash, Spirit Sabre out, in front of him blocking Doom's sword.

"You!" Doom screamed.

"Me," Flash said pushing the monster away and then pulling out his blaster he fired several shots.

"Flash," Soarin whispered seeing the red Ranger come to his rescue.

"Soarin," he turned and saw the rest of the Ranger come to his aid, each using their sabres to destroy the disks freeing him.

"Are you okay?" Micro asked helping him up.

"Yeah," Soarin said.

"Not for long," they turned to see Magnetron charging at them, but Lyra, Sweetie and Sandal jumped in front before blasting the monster. "HEY!"

Seeing his monster be knocked down, distracted Doom enough for Flash to Power Slash him away.

Flash regrouped with his team and Soarin.

"I didn't need your help," Soarin said.

"Yeah," Flash smirked, "right."

"I could have handled it."

"No you couldn't," Flash said, "he would have destroyed you and you know it. Look I get that you want to be the hero, but this is about more then just you. If you keep fighting on your own, eventually Darklight's gonna send a monster you can't beat and then what'll happen? You be destroyed and Darklight will take your Element."

"And him getting his hands on even one is bad news," Lyra said.

Soarin took what they had said to heart. Was he being selfish trying to hog the glory to himself?

"There's nothing stopping you from still being a hero," Flash said, "but we need you and you need us. It's the only way we're ever gonna stop Darklight."

Soarin looked Flash in the eyes and saw he was serious, which made something in Soarin crack.

"Okay," Soarin said, "I guess I could try working with you."

The Rangers smiled hearing this.

Doom and Magnetron had finally recovered from the Ranger's attacks, when they saw the six of them standing in a line a ways off.

"So you lot are working together now?" Doom asked, "I'm so scared."

"You should be," Soarin said, "because it's Morphin Time!" He took out his new gear and smiled as he said, "Magi-Charger."

"Ready!" the five said holding out theirs. The six of them activated them and each placed them inside their morpher.







"Oh boy," Doom said.

"Energise," They said charging up their morphers before pointing them to the sky, "Unleash the Power!" The six heads shot out and flew around them, before biting down on them and equipping them in their suits.

Doom and Magnetron looked the six over as they prepared for battle.

"Now this is more like it," Flash said as they took a battle stance.

Flash: Element of Courage...Power Ranger, RED!

Lyra: Element of Trust...Power Ranger, BLUE!

Micro: Element of Knowledge...Power Ranger, YELLOW!

Sweetie: Element of Love...Power Ranger, PINK!

Sandelwood: Element of Will...Power Ranger, GREEN!

Soarin: Element of Selflessness...Thunder Ranger READY!

All: Protectors of right, ready to fight!

Flash and Soarin: Power Rangers!


In that second an explosion occurred behind them.

"Shades!" Doom ordered, sending his minions after the Rangers.

"Let's do this," Soarin said.

"Together," the other five said as they charged.

Soarin and Sandal both pulled out their swords and began slashing the Shades down, working in perfect unison to achieve victory.

"Power Slash," Sandal said.

"Thunder Sabre Strike," Soarin said.

The two attacks struck the horde and destroyed the Shades.

"You got skills," Soarin said.

"Thanks bro," Sandal replied

Meanwhile Micro was blasting away at the Shades, unaware that one was sneaking up behind him.

"Blitz Bolt," Micro spun around to see the Shade suddenly get blasted by the Soarin, who was running up to him.

"Thanks," Micro said.

"I never leave a teammate hanging," Soarin said as he ran off and left Micro with the last of that group.

Lyra and Sweetie were back to back, fighting off Shades with their sabres.

"Heads up," Soarin flew towards them and spun in a circle, thinning out the herd before landing next to the girls.

"Thanks," Lyra said as she and Sweetie finished off the last of the Shades.

"No problem," Soarin said as he ran off.

Flash and Doom were fighting each other.

"This is the end for you red Ranger," Doom said as they clashed.

"Hope your hungry," Flash said as he blocked the sword before pushing him away and dealing a powerful slash, "because you'll be eating those words."

"The only thing I taste is your defeat!" Doom yelled.

"Hate to interrupt good trash talk," Soarin said as he ran towards them, "but can I get a few swings in?" He and Flash worked together to block and slash Doom, dealing incredible amounts of damage to him. "Take...this!" Soarin slashing the monster upwards, causing him to scream in pain.

"You worms!" Doom yelled as he clutched his shoulder, "I'll leave Magnetron to deal with you." With that he disappeared in a telebolt.

"Coward," Soarin said.

"We'll get him next time," Flash said.

The two turned and rushed towards their friends, who had finished the Shades and were fighting Magnetron.

"You won't beat me so easily," the monster said as he tried to fight off the four.

"We'll see about that," Lyra said as she and Sweetie both dealt a kick to the monsters chest.

"Morphin Blaster," Micro and Sandal said charging their blasters, "fire!" They blasted the monster as the girls leaped out of the way.

"Magna Guard!" Magnetron yelled as he threw the four disks which formed the barrier that blocked the attack.

"Gotta get through that shield," Micro said.

"But how?" Sandal asked.

"Leave that to me," Soarin said as he and Flash arrived on the scene. "Magi-Charger," he held up his charger and activated it, before placing it inside his Thunder Sabre.


Soarin charged at the monster as his weapon sparked.

"One little Ranger doesn't stand a chance against me," Magnetron said as the two fought.

"We'll see about that," Soarin said as he leaped up and over the monster's head, causing it to turn around. "Thunder Sabre...STRIKE!" he swing the blade and unleash the lightning bolt, which flew towards the monster.

"Magna Guard!" forming the shield, which blocked the electricity though it pushed him back. Eventually Soarin was out of energy and stopped his attack. "Was that all you've got?" Magnetron asked while laughing.

"Yeap," Soarin replied happily, "but they've got tons more." He pointed behind the monster, who turned around to see the rest of the Rangers with the Guardian Buster out.


"Guardian Buster," they yelled in unison, "Dragon Blast...FIRE!" Flash pulled the trigger and a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Dragon Zord's head.

"Magna Guard!" the monster tried to summon his defence shield, but the attack was to fast and he was blasted and sent flying.

"Oh yeah," Soarin said as he returned to the Rangers.

"Told you we'd be stronger together," Flash said.

Up on the ship, Doom had arrived on the bridge just in time to see Magnetron get destroyed.

"Great," Heart said, "why do they have to get along so well?"

"This isn't over yet," Doom said before turning to a Shade, "fire the Gigatisor!"

The Shade nodded and ran over to the button and hit it, releasing the growing machine which fired.

Back on earth the team saw the red beam come down and hit Magnetron, causing an explosion. When the smoke faded the sight of a giant Magnetron met them.

"Looks like it's Zord time," Flash said.

"Then let's have our Zords fight together," Soarin said.

"Now you're getting it," Flash said as he, Soarin, Micro and Sandal pulled out their Chargers before throwing them. "Summon, Dragon Zord!"

"Summon, Griffon Zord!"

"Summon, Fenrir Zord!"

"Summon, Thunderbird Zord!"

The four Chargers flew through the air, towards their allotted Zord.





The Zords activated and made their way towards their Rangers.

"Activate Thunder-Charge Megazord," Soarin ordered.


"Zords combined," the rest of the Rangers ordered.


The two Megazords stood side by side.

"Let's do it!" The six said.

"Bring it on," Magnetron said as he threw his magnet disks towards the Megazords.

"Stay back," Soarin said as his Megazord stepped forward and began slashing the disks to pieces, however a red one managed to latch onto one of the swords.

"And now," Magnetron threw four red ones onto the buildings surrounding him, creating a large magnetic blockade.

"I can't get through," Soarin said.

"But we can," Micro said as the Megazord raised its Griffon arm and started firing.

"Hey," Magnetron yelled as he was forced out of his blockade by the blasts.

"Now you're mine," Soarin said charging forward, "Wing Blade Slash." The Megazord swung its massive swords, slashing away at the monster.

"And we're next," Sandal said as the Megazord swung the Fenrir arm, slashing Magnetron.

"Let's end this," Soarin said.

"Agreed," the others said.

All six Rangers moved in perfect unison. "Thunder-Charger Megazord, Guardian Megazord, Double Final Strike!"

"Blast Cutter!" The Megazord's two arms began to glow. It raised its Griffon arm and charged up a blast which it fired, before spinning around and swinging the Fenrir arm around to fire an energy slash which struck the griffon blast and accelerating it towards Magnetron.

The Thunder-Charge Megazord leaped into the air and raised its two blades, which both began to surge with electrical energy. "Twin Sword Cleave!" The Megazord brought the blades down in an X formation, unleashing and and X shaped lightning bolt which flew towards Magnetron.

As the two attacks struck him, Magnetron let out a mighty scream of pain. "I couldn't stick with it," he his last words before being consumed by a fireball.

The Rangers all cheered seeing their victory and seeing their newest member working so well on the team.

"Now that's team work," Flash said.

"And it was awesome," Soarin said as they looked over the destroyed monster. "Guardian Rangers, victory is ours."

Up in space Darklight was dragging Doom through the ship.

"I warned you Doom Raizer," Darklight said.

"But master," Doom tried to reply.

"But nothing," Darklight yelled as they walked passed the cell blocks. At the end of the corridor was a large metallic door, covered in metal blocks with four Shades standing guard. "OPEN IT!" he ordered.

The Shades nodded and each moved over and pulled a leaver, which each caused one of the blocks to retracted into the wall. The door opened and Darklight dragged Doom inside the room, where more large metal doors waited.

Opening one up he threw Doom inside.

"Master," Doom called but Darklight slammed the door shut, locking him in. "MASTER!"

As Darklight turned to leave the room, a voice caught his attention.

"Good help is hard to find," this voice came from another of the Pit's cells.

"Silence Havoc," he said.

"I'm just saying."

"Well keep your mouth shut," Darklight said, "or do you want to end up like your father."

The being named Havoc went silent.

"As I thought," Darklight said before leaving and slamming the door into the Pits shut.

"I will have my vengeance," Havoc said once he was gone.

Later one the Rangers were back at the base with Soarin having his Element's abilities removed by Starswirl.

"And done," Starswirl said ceasing his magic, "you will now start ageing once again."

"Thanks," Soarin said to him before turning to the rest of the Rangers "and thank you all for helping me. I'm sorry about how I acted. I've been nothing but the supporter my whole life and it felt good to be the one in the spot light for once. But you guys were right, this is about more then just me."

"I'm glad to hear it," Starswirl said.

"So does this mean you'll join the team?" Lyra asked.

Soarin nodded. "Yeah," he replied, "I'll join your junior glee club."

"That's great," Flash said, with the others nodding.

"But I still get to solo as the Thundering Hero," he said firmly, "it's my version of me time."

"Deal," Celestia said "Welcome to the team."

"It's gonna be great having you here," Rainbow said.

"Indeed," Twilight said, "and we've got a little something to make you feel more part of the team." She handed his a newly built Communicator.

"Thanks," he said as he took the device and put it on his wrist.

"And that's not all," she said as she turned to Rarity, "is it done?"

Rarity nodded, before pulling out a box which she held out to Soarin. "Specially made."

Soarin raised an eyebrow and took the box, which he placed it down on the table to open. Once he did his eyes went wide, "whoa." he pulled out a new jacket that looked just like the rest of the Ranger's jackets, only it was dark blue and had red in place of white with the pentagon on the back showing the head of his Zord. "This is awesome."

"Try it on," Sweetie said.

Soarin took off his own jacket and replaced it with the new one, which he left open. He stood next to the rest of the Rangers in a line, as the others looked them other.

"You guys look great," Sunset said.

"Darn tootin," Applejack agreed.

"Your Ranger-tastic," Pinkie said.

"I like it," Fluttershy said.

The Rangers all looked each other over and nodded. Their team was now stronger then ever and Darklight wouldn't stand a chance. But they couldn't get complacent, as four more Elements were still out there to find.

Author's Note:

So now Soarin's officially on the team. Six down, four to go.