• Published 3rd Jul 2012
  • 15,250 Views, 747 Comments

Of Age - paleowriter

Rarity is on a mission to learn more about dragons, stop a war, and discover her true feelings.

  • ...



It'd been a few days since they'd gotten home, and Spike had reached a decision. Actually, two decisions. And somehow, he had to work up the courage to bring these decisions up to Rarity.

He stood outside her boutique, holding one closed fist at her door. Okay, Spike, you can do this. Just knock. You got this. She loves you, remember? This shouldn't be so scary anymore!

But Rarity actually liking him in return was still such a new idea, Spike woke up each morning convinced he'd imagined it all. But he couldn't have. A warm glow still filled him from when she'd held him that night on the beach, after everypony else had gone to sleep. They'd been content that night. Just happy to be near each other. Holding one another. Alive, and together.

But ever since they'd gotten back to Ponyville, life had been so busy, they'd barely had a chance to see one another at all. And now…

Spike's resolve strengthened. He knocked.

"We're just about ready to close for the day, but one last customer it shall be!" Rarity's sing-song voice answered. She opened the door, flipping the 'OPEN' sign to read 'CLOSED'. "Welcome to Carousal Boutique, where—Spikey Wikey!" she exclaimed upon seeing the little dragon. She scooped him up and slammed the door in delight. "Oh, my Spikey Wikey, what a surprise!"

Just the smell of her was enough to make Spike's face produce a gushy, mushy, lovestruck grin. He enjoyed their hug for a moment, and then shook himself out of his reverie. "Hey, Rarity," he said, extracting himself from her embrace and looking up at her. "I'm here because…well, I have a couple things I wanted to talk to you about."

"Of course, Spike, anything," Rarity said. She moved back to a rack of clothing, idly scanning it, probably to make sure it was in the correct order as she closed shop for the night.

Spike swallowed. Here goes. "Okay. Well, first of all, I've…learned a lot about myself lately."

Rarity paused her sorting and tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm. Yes. I suppose I can see how you may have done so, mmm-hmm."

Spike narrowed his eyes at her. "You're making fun of me, aren't you?" He didn't state it as a question.

Rarity gave him a sly smile, then pranced by and bopped him lightly on the nose. "Just a little, dear." She moved onto another rack of clothing.

Spike rolled his eyes. "Well, anyway. One of the things I learned is that I'm not alone. In being a stranded baby dragon, that is. There were five eggs taken, and I'm just one of them. No one knows what happened to the other eggs, but I was thinking…I might like to try and find them."

Rarity stopped going through the clothing rack. Her body stiffened, and she looked at him carefully.

"I think I'll start at the Canterlot Library," he continued quickly. "Twilight's already offered to help, but you know how she is. We'll never get out of that library if she has her way. So, seeing as it's Canterlot and all, I was wondering if…maybe you wanted to come with me?"

Rarity's hooves were around him once more, this time crushing him to her fiercely. "Oh, darling, of course! Canterlot would be wonderful! Goodness, for a moment I'd thought you were going to tell me you had to leave me to go on some soul-searching, egg-hunting quest for Celestia-knows-how-long!"

"Leave you?" Spike pulled back. "Are you crazy? I could never do that! If I ever try to find those eggs, I'd want you there with me, Rarity."

Rarity's eyes shimmered and she made some absurdly high-pitched noise. Then she kissed Spike on the end of his nose and his face went red.

"Uh…that sort of brings me to my next question," Spike said.

"Oh?" Rarity asked. "What, this?" She kissed his nose again.

Spike swallowed. "Yeah, actually." You can do this, Spike. Come on. You destroyed hundreds of gargoyles, this should be easy! "I…sort of realized something." He stepped back from Rarity, wringing his claws. "You've given me a lot of, uh…kisses. Which are incredible!" he added quickly, looking up at her before she got any wrong ideas. "But I've realized…well, hold on."

He sucked in a breath. Just like you practiced.

Spike turned around, shutting his eyes and concentrating. He centered his feelings on Rarity…on protecting her…caring for her…on the sensations he'd felt while flying through battle…on his inner dragon. And he began to grow.

One foot began to stretch out, then the other. His wings unfolded larger and larger. It wasn't painful, exactly, but Spike wouldn't describe the sensation as comfortable.

When he reached the size he'd been going for, he reigned himself back in. Turning, he could now look Rarity directly in the eye. "Well," he said, ignoring the dry feeling in his throat. He'd practiced these words in the mirror enough times. They had to come out right. "I realized that I've never actually kissed you back. And I thought it might be nicer to do that if I could be the same height as you."

Rarity's mouth hung open. She could practically feel her heart pounding its way out of her chest as Spike drew closer. Sweet Celestia, she'd never…never…this was most unexpected, and…oh, for crying out loud, were her eyelids fluttering?

Rarity took in a slow, calming breath. No. She was in control. This was…this was…

Spike's green eyes captured hers and Rarity bit her lower lip. She had to admit, he had fabulous idea. He should kiss her. He should kiss her right now.

"The one problem is," Spike said, stopping just a few inches away from her. His eyebrows were knit in genuine concern. "I've never kissed a girl before. So…"

Spike fumbled for Rarity's hoof. His claws clumsily, but gently, lifted it into the air.

"I probably should practice first. If …if that's okay?"

Mother of Equestria, Spike. Rarity's mind raced almost as fast as her heart. You…you…

…You have no idea what you're doing to me, do you?

She watched him. His eyes danced nervously between her face and her hoof, and Rarity realized his adorable naiveté was no ploy. No act. Spike genuinely was terrified of messing this up. She almost laughed, but held back.

"Go ahead, Spike," Rarity told him.

Spike set his shoulders. His wings clenched inwards, clearly a bit panicked. He lifted her hoof slightly higher. As Spike's warm claws cautiously raised it, goosebumps shot through Rarity, setting her entire body on alert.

She shut her eyes. Anytime now, Spike. You don't need to be nervous. A mildly ironic sentiment, given the fluttering feeling currently traveling through her at Wonderbolt racing speeds.

When his mouth finally touched her hoof, Rarity felt her breath hitch. The kiss only lasted for a brief, tremulous moment, but the feeling remained long afterwards.

Love. It felt like love.

He dropped her hoof back down, stepping back from her and looking away. "Okay, so, how was that? Was that okay?" he asked.

Rarity slowly opened her eyes. Spike's own eyes were swimming with sincerity. The poor dragon just wanted to know he hadn't screwed up. But Rarity could still feel his kiss, and was having trouble locating her voice at the moment. So she just nodded.

Spike winced. "Maybe I need to practice again before trying the real thing."

Rarity stepped forward, putting a hoof to his mouth to stop him talking. She shook her head. Her breathing was shallow. "No, Spike. No more practice."

Spike's eyes just looked more pained at that, so Rarity caught his gaze and held it until he came to understand her meaning.

"Oh," he finally said, beneath her hoof.

Rarity lowered her hoof and stepped closer. Spike took a tentative step her way as well, setting his claws on her shoulders.

"Really?" he asked.

She nodded. It was taking nearly all of her self-control not just to lean in and kiss him herself. She'd never felt her heart beat like this before. She felt like a school filly again. Looking into Spike's eyes became too much to handle, so she shut hers. Rarity could feel her breath quicken as the warmth of Spike's face neared her own.

And then, his mouth was on hers, and Rarity melted away into the gentleness of it all. Never in her life had she been kissed this way. She pulled Spike closer to her, holding on tight with one hoof over his shoulder. She couldn't resist any longer, and returned his kiss, deepening it as far as she dared without pushing him back into panic.

The kiss was sweet.


Full of absolute, undying adoration.


"Hey, Rarity, we got out early today from school and I thought—WHOA!"

Rarity stumbled backwards, her eyes flying open. "Sweetie Belle?!" she turned to the door to face her sister.

"I…I didn't know you were busy," Sweetie Belle stammered.

"Didn't you see the sign said 'CLOSED'? Learn to knock!" Rarity demanded. Next to her, she could see Spike going bright red.

For some reason, that just made Sweetie Belle burst out in laughter. "Definitely will next time! I'll let you two get back to things now, though," she said, grinning.

Rarity groaned, as Sweetie Belle slammed the door and raced off. "It's going to be all over town now," she said, rubbing a hoof to her face.

"Sorry," Spike mumbled, turning away. Rarity could see his body tremble, and she realized he was about to shrink back down to tiny-Spike out of sheer embarrassment.

"Darling, stop." Rarity quickly grabbed him, pulling him back. "It doesn't matter."

Spike looked at her, blinking. "It doesn't?"

Rarity smiled, shaking her head. "Let them talk. They'll just be jealous of us, anyway." She blinked at him her expression turning serious. "Spike, I don't want to hide this. We're in love. Sure, it's complicated, and more than a little odd, and there's some bizarre cultural things to get over, like that life-mate business, but it's nothing we can't figure out. Think of us as trend-setters." Rarity held her head a little higher. "Maybe this type of thing hasn't been done before, but that just means we're ahead of the curve." Spike still looked a bit skeptical, so Rarity added, "And if you keep kissing me like that, I don't think I'm going to have any trouble with that life-mate thing, anyway."

That finally got Spike smiling. "So you're saying you like how I kiss you?"

Rarity stepped closer. She set her forehead against his, carefully tilting her horn to one side. She could feel her eyelashes tickle Spike's scales. "Spikey Wikey, I like everything about you." Rarity lowered her eyelids demurely. "Now, where were we?"

The End

Comments ( 112 )

amazing ending to one the best Sparity fics of all time

Absolutely wonderful. I cannot express how amazing this story was. Excellent job my dear, excellent job! :pinkiehappy:

Do my eyes decieve me or does this epilogue imply...
A SEQUEL!!!:pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:
Anyway absolutely amazing job with this story. I plan to do a review of it so I'll leave my opinions to that.

It's been a long time but the ride is over and man was it satisfying ^_^ best Fan fiction I have ever read. Thank you so much for all the ups and downs, the twists and turns, the doubts and confessions of love. Simply put Thank you for the amazing story

And that night a Kirin was made!

Fantastic work all around.

Honestly, it's hard to come up with anything to say I'm truly speechless, an impressive feat. There is one thing that comes to mind though...

Thank you.

This made my month. Thank you for this incredible ride and the immensely satisfying ending. I suspect I'm going to be giddy for several hours now~

SEQUAL!:flutterrage:. . . . . please :fluttershyouch:

Now that is an ending. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::twilightblush::twilightblush::twilightblush::twilightblush: Amazing job. I loved this story from the very beginning to the very end. Spike finally got his feelings for Rarity returned!

I smell 4 sequals

And this is my all time favorite Sparity fic. Congratulations.

It's funny that in a fic about Spike, what drew me in so much was Rarity. I often feel that she gets the short end of the stick in fic, and this version of her was one of the most likeable I've ever seen. Spike himself . . . well, I've already aired my complaint about that. For what it's worth, I do think you did a good job with his inner turmoil, and I could buy his relationship with Rarity by the end. The larger conflict was well-portrayed as well, feeling real even within the confines of the MLP setting. Thumbs up!


Please don't be that guy. The story has an end, and what a beautiful end it is.

OK let's take this story from the top.

The plot was engaging and I found myself excited every time a new chapter came out, You kept the characters as they were and not like some stories when the characters do something totally out of the blue that has nothing to do with the character's personality, and It was AMAZINGLY written. And that's the whole honest truth :ajsmug:

Honestly, I just like the story. I could go on forever about my favorite parts in this but it would just be a copy and past of the whole story. Most stories have a good beginning and then a failing to impress ending or the opposite, but you interested me from the beginning and made an AMAZING ending to follow, and you managed to make a side note saying if some people didn't like this romantic ending they could stop at the previous chapter. WHICH IS GENIUS BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT OPINIONS. :pinkiehappy:

I have to say I LOVE sparity and this must be the best fic I have even read of the two of them. You're an amazing writer.

The only question I have is, are you going to continue the story in a sequal? maybe perhaps the journey of spike and rarity finding the other eggs? Please? :twilightsmile:

Even if the answer in no, I'd like to say Thank you.
Thank you for an amazing story and a wonderful use of my time.


I like. I like very much! :pinkiesmile:

While I normally don't go for romance very much, there are a few stories that grab me and keep me hooked. This is one of them. I can't offer any real criticism other than that, but I suppose you can look on that as a good thing. :rainbowlaugh:

Just one question, as others have noted; the epilogue seems to foreshadow a sequel. Is there one in the works, or is that just to tease us? :rainbowwild:

Darn, I already gave this story a thumbs-up. Ah well, I've got two more thumbs I could send your way... :rainbowwild:

This is one of my favorite fics on this site. Your portrayal of Rarity was amazing (favorite character from the show), you made me actually like Spike (least-favorite character from the show), and every other character in here was exactly as they should've been. I also love the world and characters that you created, as they felt like natural extensions of the Equestria that we know.

Basically: :heart:

edit: And also, I too would love to read a sequel where Rarity and Spike go hunting for the other eggs. I can only imagine the sorts of settings they'd encounter in your hands.

Oh, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!:moustache::moustache::moustache::heart::raritystarry::raritystarry::raritystarry:


Best Sparity story ever!:raritystarry::heart::moustache:

sequel, sequel, sequel

Oh my goodness! Oh my DAYUM! Dayum Dayum DA-YUM!
That was just... you definitely know how to write.



Well done my friend.

I've read this story from the first chapter and I absolutely love the journey you've taken me on. I first thought I'd be getting a simple Sparity fic. It's my favorite shipping from the show, why wouldn't I like it? But I got so much more. This was a fantastic adventure filled with comedy, heartfelt moments, and darker times. I like both dark and happy stories, and this one captured each side but never leaned too far in one direction. It showed the horrors of war, but wasn't necessarily graphic. Life for the characters turned out well, but it showed that nothing is perfect and sacrifices must be made. This story made me feel many great emotions. I thank you very much for that. Also, God's honest truth, this felt like the show. No matter how good a writer is, it's always difficult to write a character the way the creator originally envisioned them. But this felt like a movie made for the show itself, all the while aging it up for the Brony fanbase. Everyone was in character and all the interactions were wonderful. It got darker and more serious for the older kiddies, but didn't lose the charm that drew us in to begin with. Your concept was also original with a well executed plot. Nothing felt rushed or out of place. I have only one minor complaint though. It seemed too easy bringing Rarity back. I understand that you wanted to have a happier ending than a heroic death, but Twilight's revival of her seemed a little like a Deus Ex Machina. However, Celestia's explanation of how the elements helped did make this plot point stronger. And to be honest, I don't really have a problem with it at all. I guess I was just hoping for a little more conflict when it came to raising the dead. So, overall, absolutely fantastic. If the epilogue really is a sequel hook and you have another awesome adventure waiting for us, I'm really excited. But if you just intended for it to be an open ending and let us imagine it, I'm okay with that too. Don't toss out a sequel due to fan pressure and demand. Those kinds of sequels almost always never turn out well. Write what you want to write.

So in the end, I just want to say superb job and thank you. I'll leave you with this.

Sir, I there is only one proper response to this work of fiction.


This was a story. It was full of win and awesome.

Always go with the fluffy romantic ending.:heart:

Thank you for an interesting read. I've really enjoyed this story, a lot more than I'd really admit in any manner other than this.. but I'm grateful for your work and the time you put into something that I've looked forward to for quite some time. Please keep up the good work.

Aaaaand it's done. A wonderful, sparity-filled story that deserved my like and favourite.

*whew* It's about time! :pinkiehappy: All I have to say that really comes to mind, is that the concept of Sparity is something they should finally, genuinely take a direction on and use it to help the two characters grow. Whether or not they do get together is a whole different deal, but what I enjoy about the shipping in the fanbase is how they give us different kinds of directions on it, and I'm happy to say that Of Age is one Sparity fanfic that's not only one of my favorites, but in a way, is the kind of story I needed concerning the romance between the two. So thank you for this story. I had a very good time reading it. :raritystarry::yay::twilightblush::pinkiehappy::ajsmug::heart::raritystarry:

Well, I guess everything important has already been said by somepony else so let me just tell you again that I really enjoyed reading this... and the idea on how you handled Spike's growth issues :twilightsmile:

Nicely done. Thanks and 'Grats.

Short, but cute and heartwarming. I'm glad to know that Spike wants to see if he can find the other eggs... but not leaving Rarity.

Oh, how very glad I am I chose to read on.:heart::raritystarry::heart: That's the note to end on, leave us with a lovely contented sigh. (With an interruption by little Sweetie cockblock :unsuresweetie: ;P (or the girl version of that...)

I too wouldn't mind a continuation when/if you ever felt like writing one. As long as you keep it up (your awesome skills that is) I shall be happy to keep reading, whatever you do next.

Thank you so much for a great story - well - stories since I've read all of yours. Thanks also for a nice happy ending to brighten our day even moreso than those days when we saw you'd updated.

Have a great autumn mon amie, and keep us posted on that progress of your original stuff. ^^


An excellent conclusion to and excellent story. Thank you for all the time and effort you've put into this: it must be one of the longest Spike/Rarity stories I've had the pleasure to read (shame that there should be so little competition!)

Superb job!

Ok, first of all: D'aaaaaaw, and hahaha at the epilogue. That interruption was a perfect way to keep the romance from becoming too much. Nice.

Second: You were right. I call Deus Ex Machina and lack of foreshadowing on the climax. Additionally, the overall climax of this story felt rushed to me somehow. Not in the sense that the writing seemed unpolished, just in that events just, to me at least, suddenly completely spiked (sorry) and then were resolved in short order. On the other hand, the events of the climax themselves were vivid and wildly awesome. I could practically see the diamonds rising among the thousands of gargoyles and that was incredible and so was the image of Spikezilla and Twilight battling the gargoyles.

Rarity musing about her cutie mark leading to this was kinda nice and I really liked the full circle of Ste'fan giving up his mustache for Sweetie Belle.

Though it was more telling than showing, Moxie's talk about the dragons being more than greed was good and though she is of course biased by being a dragon herself, she did at least show that the dragons believe (correctly) and want there to be more to them than greed. It was also good to see the dragons become marginally more reasonable at the end. I also kinda like that you diversified dragon growth by giving it other possible catalysts.

Also, was Nef just really impressed with Applejack? More ponyxdragon! Someone write that, that could be awesomely, awkwardly hilarious.

The reactions of the ponies when they meet Rarity after her recovery seem a little too mild. I know Applejack and Rainbow Dash are both tough types but I'd kinda expect a little more emotional reaction to Rarity surviving despite everyone expecting the opposite. The same goes for the absent ponies, even if they might not have known how bad it actually got, I still kinda wanted some more happy tears.

I think Rarity got her magic back too easily. I wanted her to wake up but I loved the moment where she despaired over having given up her magic for the greater good and I think it would have a more impact if she hadn't gotten it back immediately. I kinda wanted it to be something in the vein of "Twilight returned her magic enough to allow her to survive, but what she did was equivalent to breaking all your muscles in one big tearing lift and therefore there should be massive recovery and retraining." That would feel more satisfying to me. I like stories where the protagonist succeeds at the last minute by some herculean effort, but when they overextend themselves like that, I want to see them bleed for it afterwards. In muscle terms I see this as someone winning a battle but breaking bones and muscle in the process and requiring time to recover.

A specific point: You should say how big Spike is the moment he is running to save Rarity. Only figuring out how big he is when he talks to Moxie makes for an unclear narrative. I imagined him as just being big enough to carry her, actually, I guess I imagined him to be the size he grew to in the epilogue, which I now know is wrong. I think you should have put in a comment about how big he was compared to Rarity and the gargoyles, something like"the growth had just happened and now he (size comparison)." Also, I realize I don't actually remember Moxie's size. I'm imagining her the size of the big dragons in the show, but I'm not sure that's right.

Now, that should be all. In short I'd like to repeat: you were right that the climax was not quite my cup of tea. In my opinion, you're strength is in the individual scenes. Your writing is generally rock-solid and I love your characters (canon and OC alike), your dialogue and your descriptions (except a few that confuse me). Your overall plot does not feel as polished as the individual parts and does not hold up as well as I would have wished.

But I have greatly enjoyed this story, make no mistake. I don't feel that it is perfect, but I have stuck with it to the end and that is because it is a good story, with well-written characters, great dialogue and awesome feels. Good job. Really good job. Thanks for taking the time to give us all this entertainment.:twilightsmile:

According to FIMFiction, I began reading this story 29 weeks ago. It has come to a conclusion, and with that comes the sadness of a great story ending. However, this is not only easily my favorite Sparity story, I think it is one of the best shipping stories I have read, and with plenty of drama and adventure to booth. Your characters are beautifully rendered, and you solve the inherent problems of a Rarity/Spike pairing elegantly.

The first ending was most satisfying, and the epilogue no less so. Leaving them with a shared project was a very nice touch, and while that could be a good lead for a sequel, I can certainly understand if you choose to leave them happily together at last at the Carousel Boutique. It is a great place to end it.

Looking forward to seeing whatever you will come up with next.

I think I may smell a sequel here..... find the eggs!:flutterrage:

Those poor eggs... all alone...:fluttercry:

Yeah that was a beautiful story! :pinkiehappy: but there has to be a sequel to this..... about the 2 of them looking for those eggs, while maintaining their relationship :twilightsmile:

No words just fabulous

The only thing nagging me about the story is that Spike is still young in it.

Let me explain.

I mean that he still acts the same age as he does in the show, which puts him somewhere around 8-13. The things he does and goes through in the story actually remind me of the Chronicles of Narnia. He goes through amazing adventures, perilous battles, becomes a leader, and all of that stuff, but at the end of the story he come back through the wardrobe and he's still a kid.

But that's the only thing.

It really was an enjoyable read with a truly epic feel and a nice breadth of story line. It captures well the concept of a love unacknowledged being discovered and fully admitted to. Those kinds of love stories aren't usually ones I like because watching people go from not in love to falling in love to fully in love are usually so much better than a story that says they were in love all along, but let's watch them take forever to finally admit it.

You didn't do that.

Instead this is largely about how they both wanted to get to the admitting part, both to themselves and each other, but the world kept getting in the way, and not in some cliched manner, but with a good dose of "sorry, but you don't live in a bubble" reality.

Well done.

Adorable! Such a good ending and such a good epilogue! :heart::heart::heart::moustache::duck::heart:

To be fair, Twilight hatched him when she was between 5-7 years old, making him in his late teens

Yes a beautiful end, with beautiful sequel hooks.

Oh wow! This story was absolutely fantastic! Seriously, as several others have commented on, this is by far my favorite Sparity fic ever. Out of all of the Spike x Rarity fics that I have read thus far, this is now my new top favorite. And just like Royal Brony said, this story felt like I was watching a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic movie. Even though I found this story much later than everypony else did, I am truly glad that I found this story and read it.

If you do decide to make a sequel then that would be great, if not, then that would be great as well. Either way, the ultimate decision is up to you, and you alone. Besides, if you do decide to leave the story where it is at, the ending is just too perfect for anypony not to say to leave the story as it is.

All in all, thank you for such an amazing work of fiction, an awesome portrayal of my favorite MLP couple, and for having all of us have the chance to discover your story in all of it's glory. :pinkiehappy:

~ Super-Brony12

Wonderful story, I absolutely loved every moment of read it. It is a bit sad it ended, yet so lovely how it all ended. I say, if you want to make a sequel, then do so, but do not start a sequel just because others beg for it. We all have faith in you, but if you truly don't have faith that you can pull another sequel out of your mind, it is perfectly fine.


Amazing story, just amazing!

The story kept me interested throughout and did a great job handling OCs and depicting the canon ponies.

My only two problems I had was that I, like a commenter before me mentioned, that Rarity should of had some sort magical problems. For example her magic is really weak for quite some time thus requiring Spike to help her with her business. That and it had to end! I want more! Sequel!

A sequel could include

Spike & Rarity hunting for the lost eggs with Twilight being the information compiler
Nef's failure to court Applejack and then eventual falling in love with some random background pony
Twilight's dealing with Spike growing up (She is after all his mother/elder sister)
Rainbow Dash being awesome
Pinkie Pie being random
and Fluttershy saying Yay

Additionally I wouldn't mind a side story depicting the battles in Equestria.

Again, this story was just amazing!

Fanboy squeal!! Dude, you're just awesome. And the fluff will be my pillow for weeks!! I know that novel will be good, cause your writing is just awesome! You got this manly man to squeal! Good luck!

Not bad, not bad at all.

This was a magnficent story. Bravo!

Did you really think we wouldn't want to read your fluffy, romantic epilogue? That's pretty much what a good chunk of our expectations have been waiting for throughout the entire story, of course we want to read it! In fact, lookit that, there's more views on the epilogue than on chapter 15, somehow.

So hmm, if they find the other ancient eggs, will the dragons give that giant gem back to Rarity, or did they already eat it or something? Not sure what they plan to do with it, really. Maybe Spike wouldn't want to send the eggs back to the dragons anyway, and he'd rather have some siblings around Ponyville, but maybe that would still count, as far as the dragons are concerned? Either way, it'd probably take a rather long time, so the giant gem would probably be long gone by then anyway.

Nef hitting on Applejack was pretty much the funniest thing I've read in a long time, by the way. It'd be hilarious if she decided to give him a chance. She didn't actually say no, after all, just not to be so quick to get his hopes too high. Although that relationship might be a little bit tricky, seeing how Nef can't shrink himself down to pony-sized like Spike can. Although, I was trying to decide if I was detecting some mild hints of potential AppleDashery in there.

Even though I'm sad to see this story end, I was smiling for pretty much the entire conclusion, right from about when Rarity woke up. Although, I do wish we could've heard a little more about what the other main ponies were up to during all this. Pinkie, Dash, and AJ all sound like they had some pretty good stories themselves. And I love the idea of Pinkie Pie leading the dragons and sea serpents in a giant game of tag.

There were a million other little cute or otherwise noteworthy things I could comment on, so I'll just say this was a great ending that wrapped up just about every little detail that I had been thinking about. This has definitely been one of my favorite stories the entire time I've been following it. You are undoubtedly the grand champion of Sparity fics (even if I prefer to call it Spikity), and although you said you're done with longer fan fics now, I wish you well with your future projects and...well, how about your future everything. Ooh, I know! May your future be infused with the determination of Spike, the passion and inspiration of Rarity, and the joy of Pinkie Pie. Or you can mix those around, if you feel like it.

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