• Published 3rd Jul 2012
  • 15,250 Views, 747 Comments

Of Age - paleowriter

Rarity is on a mission to learn more about dragons, stop a war, and discover her true feelings.

  • ...

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

The night passed. Sadly. Slowly.

Spike stood guard while Twilight hovered over Rarity. Applejack fretfully darted between their silent vigil and the clean-up of…well…

Spike couldn't watch. The dragons carted away bodies of gargoyles by the clawfuls. There were some survivors, and Applejack had made it her personal mission to make sure the dragons didn't just "accidentally" finish the job with them. Spike wasn't sure mercy was in the dragon vocabulary, but Applejack did manage to get more than a few dragons on her side. Plus, she'd coerced the sea serpents into providing some watery assistance to cool the burns of anyone left alive, so that was of some help.

Spike had never seen so much death in his entire existence. Throughout all of his adventures with Twilight and her friends, with all the enemies they'd faced, nothing had come close to this. Even fighting off the changelings hadn't been this bloody. As the night wore on, Spike couldn't help but remember the few times he'd met dragons before this whole war thing started. He'd been chased, bullied, and nearly talked into killing baby phoenixes by them at various points in his life. They didn't play by pony morals. They had their own code. So did the sea serpents, for that matter, though they spiffed theirs up behind frills and hair product.

And the gargoyles had their own ethics, as well. He wondered if the one he'd met in the Everfree Forest was among the dead.

Spike shifted his huge body, shielding Twilight from the worst of the images. At least trying to save Rarity gave her something to concentrate on. Twilight's eyes were shut, and her horn sparked with some of the most intense magic Spike had ever seen her attempt. She'd been like that for hours. Just sitting there, with Rarity. She hadn't had to watch the horrors behind them on the battlefield even for a moment.

Now, moreso than ever before to him, war seemed like an epically stupid idea. This all was beyond sickening. And Spike still wasn't sure the good guys had won. Just that the very bad guys hadn't. Then again…if he was honest with himself…he had no idea how else the gargoyles could've been stopped. The solution the sea serpents and dragons had come up with was fast, and it was effective.

Hopefully the ponies hadn't had to resort to such methods when battling the gargoyles in Equestria, though. If Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were spared of this type of burned-into-their-brain imagery, it would at least be of some comfort. And thank Celestia that Fluttershy hadn't been here to witness to any of this.

Spike knew he was a lost cause, though. He'd never forget what had happened, but not for the same reasons as the others. He...he was just as at fault as the other monsters. Even if he hadn't been a part of the final attack, he'd…he'd…

Spike shook.

Now he knew. One hundred percent, for certain. He knew what he could be, if he gave in completely. This battle had been his Ponyville rampage all over again, just with much more terrifying consequences. He had the ability to be big, scary, and brutally destructive. It was part of him.

But he didn't have to be that way forever. He was different from the other dragons. He had a choice. His size depended on what he let himself be. And that, at least, was of some relief. If only he could figure out how to control it.

Spike looked down at Rarity. She was the only one who'd ever been able to help him when he became the thing he feared most. And now...

Spike grimaced. She was much the same as before. Twilight's magic glow surrounded her, pulsing in the dark of the early morning. No matter what happened to Rarity, Spike was thankful that she'd been spared seeing the end of the war. If nothing else…there was that.

Rarity. He balled up his fists, digging his claws into his palms. Spike had cried for almost the entire night already, and his eyes now stung from dryness. It was cruel. Unfair. He didn't know what else to do. The longer the hours stretched on, the more Spike realized that Rarity's chances of pulling through…well…

He dropped his head.

She'd already been lifeless when he'd brought her to Twilight.

He really didn't know what he'd been hoping to achieve.

As Spike continued to grieve, shuddering with tears that his eyes could no longer handle, a dragon walked over to stand by his side. "I came as soon as I'd heard. How is she?" the dragon asked.

Spike turned. The red dragon looked at him, her face solemn. She looked a little familiar, but Spike had seen so many different dragons the past few days, he couldn't quite place her.

"Uh…don't know," Spike mumbled. He looked back at his beloved Rarity on the ground in the dark. Who are you, and why do you care what happened to Rarity?

"I'm sorry," she said. She set a hand on his shoulder. "I know she meant a lot to you. And you to her."

The pieces clicked into place. Rarity's prison guard. The dragon who'd dropped her off at his cell. Spike gave her a sideways glance.

"She's one special pony. Taught me a lot," the dragon continued.

Spike nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"Rumor has it you'd shrunk back down again," the dragon said next, eyeing him. "But now look at you. You might not be anywhere near the size you were in battle, but you're still nearly my height. What happened?"

Spike didn't reply. He didn't know. All he knew, was that being a gigantic dragon was as good as being cursed. And he was determined to figure out how to control his size as soon as possible.

The female dragon just looked back down at Rarity. "If you ask me…based on what I've heard…I think your growing has to do with how much you're honoring your inner dragon."

Spike growled at that, spinning at her. "My inner dragon? My inner dragon?! Why would I ever want to honor that? Have you seen what dragons do?" He gestured wildly at the piles of dead gargoyles.

The dragon regarded him coolly. "War results in death. Some of us are more okay with that than others."

Spike spun back, his eyes landing on the two unicorns on the ground.

The red dragon winced. "Sorry. Bad choice of words."

"You think?" Spike snorted.

"Listen," the dragon said, a bit more gently. "Don't turn your back on your own kind so quickly. We aren't evil, despite what you've seen of us lately."

Spike just snorted again.

"You have to believe me. Your inner dragon also knows how to love," she continued. "From what Rarity told me, that love might be even stronger than the kind of love your peace-loving ponies can produce. A life-long love—true devotion. I think that's what got you to grow, really. You had to protect your life-mate. Keep her safe."

"Rarity isn't something for me to hoard," Spike said. He could still feel the growl in the back of his throat.

"I didn't say hoard. I said protect. Don't blast us all with the same color flame," she said. "We're complicated. We have more drives than just greed. You should know. You're one of us. And in any case—if you dislike us dragons so much, why not go back to being pony-sized? If love wasn't the reason you'd grown so much again, why do you think you're still the size you are right now?"

Spike shut his eyes. He didn't want to think. Not right now. Not with… "Please. Just go away."

It took a moment, but eventually the dragon did step back. "If that would be helpful, of course. Again, I'm sorry. She's my friend, too. Please tell me if she recovers."

By the time Spike opened his eyes, the dragon was gone. He looked down, wondering how much of their conversation Twilight had heard. He doubted it'd be very much. The look of concentration on her face had, if anything, gotten even stronger. He watched her and Rarity, wiping the new tears from his eyes and trying to put that dragon's words out of his mind. Love couldn't be a part of being a dragon. How could creatures that knew how to love be so cruel and destructive?

A moment later, Twilight gasped, interrupting Spike's thoughts. "Rarity!" she exclaimed, nearly toppling over where she stood.

"Twilight!" Spike reached to support her. The tiniest of hopes dared to take up residence inside him. Something had happened. Something must have happened!

Twilight clung to his claws, dizzily standing back upright. Spike watched Rarity, eagerly looking for any sign that she'd improved.

But she looked the same. Still wasn't moving. Still had her eyes closed. Spike's momentary optimism shattered as Twilight's horn glow died down.

"Spike…" Twilight said. Her voice was weak, but steady. Spike tore his eyes away from Rarity, unable to take any more pain in one night. Twilight wiped some sweat off her brow, exhaling loudly. Then she did something absolutely amazing.

Twilight Sparkle smiled.

"Spike," she said again, looking up at her faithful assistant. "I think she's going to be okay."

Like sunrise at the Summer Sun Celebration, hope reignited inside Spike's soul.

Rarity blinked herself awake, one droopy eyelid at a time. She was warm. Cozy, really. Yet, she couldn't feel any blankets. Instead, she felt…

Her eyes flew completely open.


Spike was holding her.

That meant he was okay.

That meant she was okay.

I'm…! He's…! Her brain wasn't waking up fast enough to process this properly. They were on a beach. It was a beautiful, sunny day. How did…?

"Looks like somepony's finally awake," a soothing voice said.

Rarity turned her head, looking down to the sand. Princess Celestia?! What are you…?

Spike turned his giant head down to look at her, a toothy grin breaking over his face. "Rarity!"

She looked back up at him, trying to say with her expression what her words couldn't handle just yet. "How…?" Rarity managed.

"Rarity, oh Rarity!" Spike squeezed her against his scales.

Rarity eyes bugged out a bit. "Um…Spike, darling…"

"Sorry!" Spike said quickly, letting go and setting her down. "I'm just so happy you're okay!"

Oh, believe me, I'm happy that you're okay, too! I'm just…I'm a little confused right now. Rarity's eyes shimmered up at the dragon, even as she stumbled slightly in the sand, trying to regain her composure. And my head hurts.

Princess Celestia chuckled from her side, and Rarity flushed. She wondered what state her mane must be in. Perhaps she'd just been in a deadly battle and unconscious for goodness knows how long, but she didn't need to look completely foolish in front of royalty.

Spike continued to smile at her, and she tried to smile in return, but the throbbing in her head made the muscles in her face hurt. Honestly, none of this felt real. Where were they? What was Princess Celestia even doing there? The last she'd known, Rarity had been moments from death, and Spike was still horribly injured.

A terrifying thought hit her, like a splash of bleach on a black dress:

Maybe this was a dream.

Rarity stepped back in the hot sand, glancing around to find some proof she was actually awake, but she had no such luck. Dragons and sea serpents littered the beach in absurdly large numbers. The sun was almost directly overhead. A comfortable breeze floated by, and Princess Celestia's mane, as always, fluttered along with it. There wasn't a gargoyle to be seen.

Convincing herself she wasn't dreaming based on her surroundings was an almost laughable notion. No. She couldn't trust her eyes. What she needed was a real explanation.

"How…" she began, turning back to Spike. "How did you—how did I—how did…?" Where in Equestria did your articulation go, darling? Ugh! There was just too much. "Did we…?"

"We won!" Spike said. "Well…I guess. Wasn't exactly a triumphant victory." Spike's voice dropped its enthusiasm, and Rarity peered at him more closely. "But hey," he continued, clearly trying to muster a happier tone. "What you did was fantastic. You're a hero, Rarity! How did you ever do that awesome magic thing, anyway?"

Rarity put a hoof to her horn, shaking her head. "I…I don't know. I just…had to." Her insides curled up around her. Spike's pained expression…she'd never seen him look like that before. It wasn't anything her imagination would've conjured up. So perhaps this wasn't a dream. Though, watching Spike, she got the distinct feeling he wished it was.

But…it wasn't. As her head cleared, she realized that. This wasn't a dream, and neither was what had happened in that dark field. She'd felt her magic leave that night. She'd felt it. It was gone, now. Her magic, her livelihood, her special talent…

Rarity's face paled.

Now what?

"You did well, Rarity," Princess Celestia said, stepping forward and setting a hoof on Rarity's shoulder. "And so did my student, Twilight Sparkle. Spike brought you to her, and she was able to do something for you that I don't think anypony else—myself included—could have possibly done. You were almost beyond help."

Was I that far gone? Rarity winced. She was. She'd known that. She'd been as good as dead. So, it was Twilight that brought her back...

"I need to thank her for saving my life." Rarity looked around. "Where is she now?"

"She's consulting with the dragons." Princess Celestia caught Rarity's eye and held it. "And there's something you should know before you see her, Rarity. What happened to you wasn't a matter of losing your life. It was a matter of losing your magic."

Losing my...yes, I know. I know that all too well.

"The reason you are here now, alive and standing in front of us, is because Twilight saved you by restoring it."

Rarity's jaw dropped. "She…she…what?" Rarity gasped.

Princess Celestia smiled faintly at her, in an almost motherly fashion. "You are the embodiment of the Element of Generosity, Rarity. And as that source of power, you achieved a feat even I didn't know was possible. Which, you can imagine, is saying something." The princess winked at both her and Spike.

Rarity bit at her lower lip, trying to wrap her head around it all. Twilight saved me? Does that mean my magic is back?

"In that moment on the field last night, you generously gave up everything you had inside of you," Princess Celestia continued. "You pushed your own magic away to save everyone else, Rarity. But Twilight, as the Element of Magic, was able to return it to you. Without your Element, her Element wouldn't exist. In giving your generosity and friendship to Twilight over the past few years, she was able to return the favor and empower you."

I…I… "Does this mean I have my magic once again?" Rarity asked, trying to make sure she completely understood before testing things for herself.

"It does indeed," the princess confirmed.

Rarity looked to the side, her eyes landing on a seashell. She aimed her horn. With a burst of energy, the seashell shot up into the air, twirling around. Rarity danced jubilantly in place, letting out a giggle of pure, hard-won glee.

Spike, seemingly unable to go more than a minute or two without touching her, snatched her up into his arms and hugged her once again.

Countless feelings bubbled up inside of Rarity. But the most overwhelming of all was happiness. They'd done it. They'd won. Spike was okay. More than okay, he was holding her! She cooed, doing her best to hug Spike back. Her hooves couldn't even reach to either side of his chest, though, so she just settled for snuggling up against him.

"I'll give you two a moment." Princess Celestia said. "I brought your friends Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie with me on my journey from Canterlot. I should go let them, as well as Twilight and Applejack, know that you're awake, Rarity." She flapped her wings and flew away without another word.

"Spike, you have no idea how happy I am right now," Rarity gushed. "How happy you make me! Spike, I—"

"You have no idea how happy I am!" Spike countered. He held her tighter, but Rarity noticed he was careful not to squeeze her as much as he did earlier. "Rarity, I thought you were dead! I thought you'd died!"

"I was worried you'd died!" Rarity replied. "Darling, you should have seen the state you were in!"

"That state I was in? Rarity, you were as good as gone!" Rarity caught the distinct tremble of a sob in Spike's throat, and her positive mood stumbled. "And the gargoyles were going to…but then they…"

A giant tear escaped Spike's eye, falling to the sand below. Rarity set a hoof on his chest, looking up at him in concern.

"Spike," she asked gently. "What exactly happened? After I…well, you know."

Spike swallowed and set his shoulders. And then he told her the story.

He didn't tell her everything. He couldn't. But even sparing her the worst of the details, Rarity looked a little ill in his arms.

"Poor Applejack," she said, once Spike was finished. "Seems she probably saw the worst of it."

Spike nodded. He hadn't seen much of Applejack yet this morning. When she'd heard Princess Celestia had arrived with Rainbow and Pinkie, she'd taken off to go greet them.

"Perhaps I can get her in for a nice relaxing day at the spa," Rarity mused.

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Not sure she'd consider that relaxing, Rarity."

"Hmm. You may have a point." Rarity looked up at Spike and smiled. The two of them laughed, and a bit of the tension from the past few minutes dispelled.

"I am sorry, though, that you had to be there for all that," Rarity said when their laughter died back down. "You're too gentle a soul to have to witness such things." She snuggled into his chest again, and Spike's insides fluttered.

But then he registered her words and his expression fell. "I'm not gentle. I'm awful. I hurt so many gargoyles…I…"

"Spike," Rarity said, cutting him off and forcing him to make eye contact. "You only did so to save me. To save all of us. You can't blame yourself. They were going to kill every last one of us! Eat us, Spike!"

Spike paled. "Eat you?"

"Yes!" Rarity exclaimed. "Why, that's what the gargoyles were saving me for in that field. Breeding stock for food, if you can imagine such a thing!" Rarity shuddered in his arms. "And here's everypony thinking I'm some sort of hero. I was going to die anyway…I just felt that at least I could do something useful before perishing…" she trailed off, looking out over the ocean.

Spike's wings twitched. The idea of gargoyles snacking on his friends kicked his rage high enough back up that he didn't feel nearly as bad for their terrible fate as he had before. His eyes narrowed, and he tried to focus back on what Rarity was saying.

"Rarity, you are a hero," Spike said, making sure she understood that. "We never would've survived if you hadn't stopped those space rocks when you did."

He could feel her begin to shake. "Spike…" she whispered. "I was so scared."

Spike held her close, and they were quiet for several minutes, just watching the ocean waves in the mid-day sun. He could hear some seagulls calling. Dragons and sea serpents wandered up and down the beach around them, but no one came near. It seemed they all either didn't care, or were respecting the privacy of the two heroes.

"I need to tell you something," Rarity said, breaking their silence. "Something important."

"Yeah?" Spike asked, looking down at her.

She blinked once at him. The way she set her face made Rarity look not only beautiful, but completely and utterly resolute. "I love you, Spike," she said.

Spike almost dropped her. "What?" he exclaimed.

She giggled as he fumbled, trying to keep her from falling onto the sand. Using her hooves to steady herself, she gave him a smile. "You heard me. I love you, my darling Spikey Wikey. And I want you to know that."

She…she…is this possible? Spike grinned so hard that his scaly cheeks hurt. Any attempts to speak on his part just left him stuttering, so he stopped trying. Rarity sighed, leaning into his chest, and Spike shut his eyes. This was perfect. Completely perfect.

"Oh, whoa, he does have wings!" a voice shouted. "THAT'S SO AWESOME!"

Rarity spun and Spike looked up. "Rainbow Dash?!"

The blue pegasus flew towards them, rolling in the crisp air as she did so. "Dude, Spike, this means you can fly now!" Rainbow Dash grabbed at Spike's purple wings, yanking on them and completely breaking the mood, much to Spike's chagrin. "Look at that! Who'd've thunk? Oh, and hey, Rarity."

"Oh good, Rarity, yer awake!" Applejack said, trotting over to join them. She must have followed Rainbow Dash over. "You had us plum worried there, for a while. Glad to see you up and about."

Rarity tossed her mane lightly from Spike's arms. She wore a smug expression that he simply adored. She was clearly tickled to see her friends again, while simultaneously still riding high from the admission that had left him so flustered, and of course, the associated power trip from that moment. He grinned a little down at her. Oh yes, Rarity was one up on him now. But Spike didn't mind one bit.

"I've never felt better," Rarity replied, patting Spike's arm with one hoof. "Spike's been an absolute angel, watching over me like he has."

Rainbow Dash continued to zip around, checking out Spike's wings. "You might want to watch out, Rarity," Rainbow Dash said, grinning slyly. "Now that Spike is totally gigantic and totally cool, I'm beginning to see the appeal. Having a big scaly boyfriend would be pretty epic."

Spike could feel his face go bright red. In his arms, something steeled over Rarity, rising up indignantly through her chest and into her eyes. "Don't you dare, Rainbow Dash!" she exclaimed. "He's mine!" She threw her hooves over Spike's chest, glaring.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash burst out in laughter.

I'm hers. The embarrassment temporarily subsided, and Spike looked down at her, a big dopey smile on his face. "I am?"

It was Rarity's turn to go bright red. Spike couldn't stop smiling. Now who's one up?

But then the singing started, and Spike's embarrassment leapt back into existence with a vengeance.

"Spike and Rarity, sittin' in a tree," Rainbow Dash taunted. "K-I-S-S—"


Then next thing she knew, Rarity was falling through the air. She hit the ground with a sandy thump. Next to her, tiny-Spike rubbed his backside.

"Sorry," he mumbled. He was back to being small, though Rarity noticed he'd managed to hold onto his wings somehow this time.

Rainbow Dash just howled in laughter even louder. "Looks like Spike can't handle embarrassment any better as a big dragon than he can as a baby one!"

"Leave him alone, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity said, scooping Spike towards her. "He's a dear-heart no matter how big he is."

The pegasus completely ignored Rarity. "Look, he's back to being travel-sized!" She flew circles around them, still laughing hysterically. "It's time to trade turns! He was carrying you, now you—"

"That's enough, RD," Applejack interrupted, holding up her hat. Rainbow Dash, who hadn't been looking, flew straight into it and toppled to the sand. "Let the two of them alone. They've had some rough days."

Rarity shot Applejack a grateful look. Applejack nodded back at her. There were massive circles under her green eyes, and Rarity knew it wasn't just her and Spike that had had a rough few days.

"So, where are Pinkie Pie and Twilight?" Rarity asked changing subjects and releasing Spike. He scratched his arms awkwardly by her side.

"Who ever knows where Pinkie is?" Rainbow Dash climbed back to her feet, chucking Applejack's hat back at her. "She's probably got half the dragons and sea serpents in some massive game of tag or something."

"Twilight's been talking with some of the dragon-folk," Applejack said, putting her hat back on. "Over there." She gestured.

Rarity peered in the distance. "Oh my!" she said upon spying them. "Looks like they're coming to pay us a visit!"

Twilight, Rojo, and Nef all walked up the beach towards them.

You better not hurt my Spikey Wikey, Rojo! Rarity glared at the pair of dragons heading their way. She took a protective step in front of Spike, just as he moved to do the same to her, and they collided. That just got Rainbow Dash laughing again. Rarity contorted her face a bit, refusing to blush any more. She'd get Rainbow Dash back later, that was for sure. But then Twilight drew closer, and Rarity's emotions did a one-eighty.

"I'm so happy to see you awake!" Twilight exclaimed, darting forward to meet her.

"Twilight, darling!" Rarity exclaimed in return, smiling and embracing her tightly. Gosh, it felt incredible to see each of her friends again. Even with the teasing.

Twilight held her close. "We were so worried."

"Twilight, I don't know how I'll ever repay you," Rarity said, in complete earnest. "You saved my life, saved my magic—"

"But you saved us all," Twilight said, pulling back to look at Rarity with glistening eyes.

Rarity blushed once more. It seemed her face was determined to stay red today, no matter what she wished.

"And anyway," Twilight added, wiping an actual tear out of her eye. "What are friends for?"

"What are friends for, indeed," Rarity agreed. They hugged again, and Rarity sighed. She had to be the luckiest pony in the world.

A giant dragon cough interrupted them. "Can we please save the lovey-dovey stuff until later?" Nef asked. "You dragged us over here, now let's get this over with."

"Get what over with?" Rainbow Dash asked.

A deeper cough sounded behind them. Spike turned to face Rojo. He blinked at the turquoise dragon. "Uh…hi."

Rarity bristled. If Rojo tried any funny business…

But he didn't. Instead, Rojo just grimaced. "Hello, Spike," he started. "I uh…just wanted to apologize."

Spike stared up at him. "Really?"

Rarity gaped.

"Really," Rojo said. "I played the wrong card. It all worked out in the end, but I didn't make the best choice for a fellow dragon. I didn't even treat you as a dragon. That was my mistake. And I'm sorry. You're one of us, and should be under my protection."

"Did you put him up to this?" Spike asked Twilight. Rarity was sure she must've. There was no way—

"No," Twilight said, shaking her head with a wry grin. "He honestly felt bad. Only thing I did was convince him to come over here and apologize to your face, instead of asking me to pass on the message."

Rojo coughed again, and Rarity wondered if she'd been wrong earlier, after all. Maybe she was dreaming.

Nef sidestepped closer to Applejack. "You know," he said. "I might have to offer up an apology of my own." He nodded at Spike. "A pony for a life-mate seems pretty strange at first, but you were amazing in battle back there." He waggled his eyebrows at Applejack. "I've never seen anything like it."

Rarity threw a hoof to her mouth, trying desperately to hold back her laughter. Applejack's eyes were as wide as the wheels of her apple cart.

"What do you say? Think they've got the right idea?" Nef asked, elbowing the farm pony.

Applejack laughed nervously. "Whoa there! Let's settle things down a notch, Buckaroo. Don't get yer hopes up."

Nef shifted his wings, actually looking a little dejected, and Rarity couldn't help herself anymore. She burst out laughing, and Twilight and Spike did the same.

Rainbow Dash, however, had her eyes narrowed. "Her? What about me?" She punched Applejack in the shoulder. "I'm clearly the most awesomest pony around."

"Really?" Applejack turned, raising an eyebrow. "And what makes you think that?"

Rainbow Dash flew up into the air, stretching her hooves. "Oh, just, you know, the whole saving Equestria with my sonic rainbooms thing. Nothin' big."

"Yeah, well do you have a badge of honor from the dragons, and an honorary knighthood from the sea serpents?" Applejack retorted.

Rainbow Dash's mouth dropped open. "WHAT? No fair!"

That just got Rarity, Spike, and Twilight laughing even harder. But then, an unassociated giggling sounded in the distance. Rarity snapped her head up. She'd know that laugh anywhere.

"Pinkie!" Rarity exclaimed.

The pink pony raced up the sandy beach, cartwheeling next to a swimming Queen Ili'ana.

"And then I said, 'Don't look over there, look over here!', and the gargoyles turned away from like, the best rocks ever and got pummeled in the face by one of Rainbow Dash's sonic rainbooms! Have you ever seen a sonic rainboom? They're big, and loud, and colorful, and go WHOOSH!" Pinkie Pie flung her hooves apart in the air, faceplanting mid-cartwheel. She leaned up spitting sand. "Super amazing!"

Queen Ili'ana smiled, meeting Rarity's eye. "Your friend is charming, Generous One."

Rarity ran forward to embrace Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie, darling! Where have you been in all this?"

"Saving Equestria," she said, buffing her hoof against her chest nonchalantly. "You know. The usual."

Rarity laughed, and Pinkie beamed.

"Ah, Queen Ili'ana," Rojo said. "I'm glad you're here."

The queen nodded. "Yes. Once I saw that our mediator was awake, I knew now would be the proper time."

"The proper time for what?" Twilight asked.

"A we-just-saved-the-world party?" Pinkie suggested.

"A proper time to continue negotiations," Queen Ili'ana said.

Rarity's jaw dropped. "You can't be serious—even after everything that's happened?"

Rojo nodded. "There's still the matter of the sea serpent's debt."

"But…" Rarity gaped at them. "You just united! I thought we'd moved past this!"

"An agreement is an agreement," Rojo said. "The sea serpents owe us for taking our eggs, of which we've only recovered one. They either pay up the eighty thousand gemstones, or we take their breeding grounds."

Twilight groaned, and Spike followed suit. Rarity held back her own.

"Can't you just set that whole old scroll thing aside now?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash agreed. "That's like, ancient history, anyway."

"Sometimes ancient history sticks around," Queen Ili'ana said, staring pointedly at Spike.

Rarity shut her eyes. There had to be a solution here. She'd gotten the two species to unite in battle. She had to come up with a way to do that off the battlefield.

She opened her eyes, staring at the ocean. "Alright, let's all calm down. I think I have a way to settle this," she said. It hurt to consider, since she'd kind of been hoping to keep it as the most majestic souvenir of all time, but perhaps this was a better cause. "What if the sea serpents gave you a one of a kind, massive jewel, the likes of which would never be seen again?"

Rojo snorted. "One jewel? We're asking for eighty thousand."

Rarity nodded. "Oh, I know. But this one is really quite large. And only the sea serpents could fetch it for you. It's at the bottom of the ocean. It's a diamond encrusted ball of space iron."

Rojo blinked at her. "From the…from the…"

"From the battle, yes," Rarity said.

"But that's…yours!" Queen Ili'ana gasped. "You can't just give that to us!"

"I can and I am," Rarity sniffed. "Now, do you accept or not?" she turned to Rojo.

Rojo's eyes glistened at the very idea. "We accept. We definitely accept."

Queen Ili'ana's face was still one of shock, and she looked back at the pony in front of her. "You truly are the Generous One. Thank you. Our best divers will fetch it at once."

Rarity smiled, her heart tugging towards the giant diamond ball much as her horn did. So much for her most impressive feat of magic ever. So much for all those beautiful diamonds…

But as the sea serpents in witness cheered, she couldn't help but smile. It was for the best.

Rarity hadn't realized it until that moment, but they had gained quite the audience. Sea serpents clustered near the shoreline, and dragons crowded around the periphery of their impromptu meeting. One dragon in particular pushed her way forward.

"Hey, you're okay!" a booming voice exclaimed.

"Moxie!" Rarity grinned, running forward to meet her.

"Didn't I ask you to let me know how she was doing?" Moxie asked Spike, after putting one scaly arm around Rarity in a hug.

Spike kicked a bit of sand on the beach. "Right…uh…sorry."

"What? When did this happen?" Rarity asked.

"You were a little out of sorts at the time," Moxie said, winking at her. "Don't worry about it."

Rarity shook her head. She'd find out about that later from Spike, she was sure. "Moxie, dear, how's your life-mate?" Rarity asked instead.

Moxie smiled. "Just fine. He's just fine. Recovering really well. And our egg is just days away from hatching!"

"Why, that's fantastic news!"

Moxie nodded. "I know! Everything worked out. You know. Mostly."

Rarity frowned. She knew Moxie and her mate were having trouble making ends meet. It had been causing such a rift between them…and now, to throw an injury on top of it…

A thought struck Rarity. "Rojo?" she asked. "Is it too late to amend my offer?"

Rojo turned from his talk with Queen Ili'ana, and now, with a newly joined Princess Celestia.

When did she get here? Rarity wondered. Has she been watching this whole thing? She swallowed. Oh well. Perhaps what she was about to ask wasn't exactly appropriate in major political negotiations, but it was important to her.

"Yes. But go ahead anyway," Rojo said, raising a curious eyebrow.

"I ah…was hoping, you see, that my dear friend Moxie could be freely, and forever given whatever childcare and medical assistance she needs for her egg and her mate," Rarity said. "Without her, I never would've been able to save everybody," she added quickly. "She deserves recognition. Times haven't been easy for her and her lifemate, and it's only appropriate they see some sort of benefit for aiding in the victory over the gargoyles."

Princess Celestia observed her, a twinkle in her eye.

Moxie, next to her, gaped. Astonished smoke tendrils drifted out of her mouth.

Rojo looked mildly annoyed. "What makes you think—?"

But then, Spike flapped his wings once, blasting sand out to the side, even in his small form. He glared up at Rojo. "Weren't you just saying that you were responsible for all dragons under your protection when you apologized to me? Don't they count?"

Rojo actually took a step backwards from him. Rarity's eyes narrowed in triumph. He was intimidated by little Spike!

"Fine," he grumbled. "They'll get all the help they need."

Pinkie Pie whooped in victory, leaping into the air and hugging Moxie's face.

"Erm…who's this?" Moxie asked, her eyes huge and her words muffled as Pinkie gripped her around the jaw.

"Yay yay yay!" Pinkie cheered. "This is great news!"

Rainbow Dash and Applejack laughed, leaning up against each other. Rarity's eyes watered with mirth. Before she could answer Moxie's question, though, several faint voices called out from over the ocean.

"Rarity! Hey, Rarity!"


"Rainbow Dash! Check this out, Rainbow Dash!"

Rarity gasped, spinning. Out, over the water, she spied a familiar purple sea serpent, with three little fillies on his back and one yellow pegasus flying overhead.

Rarity ran to the water's edge. "SWEETIE BELLE!" she called. Oh my. I'm coming, baby sister, I'm coming! "Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy landed by her side on the beach a moment later, giving her a hug. "She's okay," Fluttershy reassured her. "She's healing up just fine."

The last bit of tension in Rarity's heart dissolved, and she hugged Fluttershy back. "Oh my goodness, how can I ever repay you?"

"It was nothing, really," Fluttershy replied. "She just needed a little time and a little love, and she's good as new."

The entire group of ponies had made it to the water's edge by then, shouting greetings to the fillies. As Stef'an swam closer to them, Rarity noticed something was a little off with him. Rarity's eyes widened, releasing Fluttershy. He was missing half his mustache again.

"Well, hello, Generous One!" Stef'an called. "Lovely to see you again!"

"Stef'an, your—" Then Rarity stopped. Sweetie Belle turned on Stef'an's back, shaking her rump at her sister.

"Look, Rarity! Look what Stef'an gave me!"

Roped around her little sister's backside was the other half of Stef'an's mustache.

"Her entire back half had been burnt pretty terribly," Fluttershy explained to a stunned Rarity. "Stef'an offered a substitute tail until hers grew back in again."

Rarity laughed. Her smile pinched the corners of her eyes, and tears dripped out. "Thank you, Stef'an," she said. "It looks wonderful on her."

"How could I let a precious little sweetheart like that go around tail-less?" Stef'an replied. "The very thought!"

Rarity shook her head in amusement. It seemed things had finally come full circle.

Later that evening, before the sun went down, Rarity sat alone on the beach, contemplating everything that had happened to her of late. Down the way, Spike and Twilight chatted. Her sister chased Apple Bloom and Scootaloo around, kicking up sand. Her friends intermingled with the sea serpents and the dragons, and Rarity sighed. Moxie was right. Despite the overwhelming odds, it had all worked out.

"Hello, Rarity."

Rarity looked to her other side. Next to her, Princess Celestia touched down on the sand.

"Your Highness!" Rarity exclaimed, bowing quickly. The evening sea breeze pushed at her side, but it wasn't yet cold enough to cause her to shiver.

"Please, get up," Princess Celestia said, smiling. "You're the one who deserves the bows right now."

Rarity flushed, rising to her feet.

"I only have a moment before I need to finish getting the sun down," the Princess said. "But I wanted to check in and say thank you once again, for doing what we could not and stopping this war."

Rarity nodded. "It was no problem at all, your Highness, really."

"Really?" Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow.

Rarity flushed again. "Er…okay, so perhaps it was a bit of a problem. But it all worked out," she said, repeating Moxie's words from earlier.

Princess Celestia nodded. "It did. You proved yourself a true hero, Rarity. That's something I will always be grateful for, and never forget. Nor will anypony else."

Rarity let out a laugh, and Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow.

"Something funny?"

Rarity just shook her head at the absurdity of everything. "Just…I'd always dreamed of gaining fame and being known across Equestria. But I never could have predicted I'd do so as a war hero, of all things."

Princess Celestia laughed lightly. "Well, sometimes life doesn't always work out the way we'd expect. But it does, at least, always work out. As you said."

Rarity's eyes fell on the scene down the beach again, and she sighed contentedly. "It does," she whispered.

"Speaking of," the Princess continued. "I did realize that I never actually answered your question. From your original letter?" she added, spying Rarity's perplexed face. "About how dragons age?"

"Oh!" Rarity's expression blanched awkwardly. She'd almost forgotten about that.

"Do you still need that question addressed?" Princess Celestia asked.

Rarity looked down the beach to a laughing Spike. The dragon caught her eye, and they shared a smile. "No," she answered softly. "I think I've learned all I need to know."

"Very well." With that, Princess Celestia nodded and flew off to resume setting the sun.

Rarity settled her shoulders as Spike turned back to Twilight. The dragon was obviously regaling her with some exaggerated story. His hands gestured more and more excitedly with each passing minute.

Rarity continued to smile. Yes, her questions had been answered.

Now she looked forward to discovering new ones.

Author's Note:

This is the first time I'm using this Author's Notes box, so I hope it works.

Just wanted to say two things:

1. Thank you. Really. Truly. You're all the best. I appreciate every bit of encouragement and feedback you've offered. You're the reason this story reached its conclusion. I couldn't have done it without you.

2. Speaking of conclusions, you now are faced with a choice. I will be posting a short epilogue (yes, I WILL BE POSTING AN EPILOGUE). ;) You can either choose to NOT read it and leave Chapter 15 as the ending in your mind if you are satisfied here. Or, if you were hoping for a nice, romantic, fluffy conclusion to this fic, you can read it. It's up to you. The epilogue will be posted soon after I post this chapter. I just wanted to give people the option as to what they want as the end. I personally think the epilogue is adorable and encourage reading it if you're intrigued, but then again, I'm biased.