• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 7,114 Views, 129 Comments

Conscious Life - CrossRedstone

Midnight Sparkle is no longer just a dream, but Twilight Sparkle's friend and sister. Yeah, that's not weird at all.

  • ...

This is just the beginning

Author's Note:

Welp, took some time, but here it is.

“Okay...I know this must be a new experience for you. Considering the unique circumstances of you being here, I can understand a little excitement. BUT WOULD IT KILL YOU TO SHOW SOME TABLE MANNERS!?!?!”

“Hmm?” Midnight looked over to Twilight, her mouth so stuffed that her cheeks were puffing like the ones of a Hamster. A little bit of bacon still stuck out of her lips, but that one was slurped in quickly and then swallowed with the rest of her breakfast.

"What do you mean "show some table manners?" Have you ever seen yourself eat?"

"Yesssss." Twilight hissed. "Just now."

"Exactly." Midnight nodded. She levitated two slices of toast over to herself and burned them in mid-air, before letting them simply fall on her plate. She then proceeded to put butter on them by, again, using her magic.

"And you have to use magic for everything you do, because...?"

"It's convenient." The winged Sparkle replied simply, continuing her breakfast. "Don't look at me this way. You and I both know you would do the same if you had access to this kind of power."

"That's not true!" Twilight shouted, causing Midnight to look at her in a deadpan matter.

"Remember who you're talking to, other me. I know exactly what is going on in that brain of yours." Midnight tapped on Twilight's forehead for further emphasis. "You should know better than trying to lie to me. We may have our differences, but in our core foundation, the two of us think exactly alike."

"That is debatable. With each minute the two of us are separated we experience life from a different angle. We feel different thinks, experience things the others doesn't, which causes us to make different decisions in the near or at least the distant future, not to mention when we get separated -mph, mmm? MMMPH!!!?"

Midnight's horn glowed more brightly than it usually did. At the same time, Twilight's entire head was glowing, which was Midnight's magic holding Twilights lower and upper jaw together in order to silence her. It wasn't exactly a comfortable experience for the poor girl.

"Are you quite done yet?" the angelic figure asked annoyed. "I am well aware that we're bound to think differently, we already do smarty pants! But the fact remains, I still know how you think and no matter how much you or I change, we'll be always able to deduce what the significant other is doing next! We're not just some twin sisters, Twilight. We're more. Remember that."

Midnight finally released her magic, allowing Twilight to move her jaw a little, stretching it like a muscle. The other family members, who watched the entire exchange, glanced at each other uncomfortable. None of them had ever seen Twilight being aggressive in any way, but now they literally watched two Twilights having an argument with themselves. If one of them wouldn't be a very powerful entity that could use magic, it probably would have gone on forever.

"Now, now dearies." Twilight Velvet spoke carefully, getting the attention of both of her daughters? This was a little confusing.

"Let's all just calm down and have a nice little chat. You know...get to know each other." The fake grin was now impossibly big, almost to Pinkie Pie levels. Midnight snorted at the poor attempt of addressing the subject.

"A little chat?" the dark angel echoed. "I doubt we can have something like that when four out of six people in this room are at the edge of a nervous breakdown and the only reason the two of us" she pointed at Twilight and herself "are keeping it together is because these past weeks we've been through some even crazier things, which we'll have to tell you about and probably be the final nail in the coffin of your mental capacities."

"Am I really that obnoxious?" Twilight asked her family.

Ignoring her "twin", Midnight leaned forward and looked at her family. "Well, I guess we have to do something to break the eyes, so let's try it. Let's talk. Ask me some questions. Don't worry, no rush." Midnight held up her arms. "We have all the time in the world."

As if she jinxed it, the doorbell rang all of the sudden, causing Twilight to gasp. "Oh no! I completely forgot Sunset would come over today for a visit!"

"Really? How come I don't remember...oh wait, I do remember now." Midnight frowned at her unreliable memory. "In any event, we're pretty boned. I don't think any of us are ready to explain the situation to her, are we?"

"Oh, what do we do? What do we do?!" Twilight asked frantically, biting her own fingers.

"H-hello Sunset Shimmer."

"Dean Cadance?" Sunset asked, a little surprised to see the dean of Crystal Prep Academy standing in the doorway of Twilight's house. "Are you visiting Twilight as well?"

"You could say that..." the dean replied nervously. "I'm a good friend of the family. Yeah, why don't you come in?" Cadance fully opened the door, inviting the former unicorn inside.

"Thanks! I was afraid I came a little early. I'm not too early, am I?"

"Oh no, no. Twilight simply forgot to mention that you'd come over and now it's a little messy here. We were just having breakfast together."

"Oh, sorry to intrude." Sunset chuckled. "I'm kind of an early riser. But I could come back later if you want me to."

"No, no. As I said, it's really alright. Nope! No problem at all. Haha..."

Sunset Shimmer raised an eyebrow at the nervous behavior of the woman in front of her but shrugged it off a second later. The teenager might have possibly intruded somehow, no matter what the Dean said earlier and now due to circumstances Sunset wasn't aware of, Cadance was like that. Somehow...

"Anyway, Twilight is in her room. She said....she uh...there's something important..." Cadance looked towards the ceiling, desperately trying to come up with some kind of excuse.

"Ah, let me guess." Sunset shook her head in amusement. "The girl tried to invent something new and it exploded in her face again. Hopefully, she left her fingers of the magic this time..." Sunset muttered under her breath.

"Exploded in her face?" Cadance repeated.

"Eh, I don't blame Twilight for never telling you. I sometimes work with really delicate hardware at school. That particular day I was doing some...experiments...for a school project." Even though Cadance already knew about magic, it was better not to stress out the woman any more than she already was.

"I asked her to help me out with it, since, honestly? She's the only one at the entire school who can keep up with me when it comes to academics."

"Yes." Cadance agreed. "She's certainly a smart one. But I remember from the Friendship Games that you are no slouch too."

"Hehe, thanks. You're making me blush. Anyways, as I said, I asked Twilight for help and she happily obliged. While we were setting everything up, she had an idea of improving the performance of the machine. I didn't see any problem with that and went along. Unfortunately" Sunset took in a deep breath "there were some things during the experiment, which...we weren't expecting, let's put it that way. Long story short, the inner machinery melted and that somehow caused a short circuit and the PC screen exploded right in front of Twilight's face."

"Oh dear."

"Luckily, aside from our dignity, we were uninjured. Principal Celestia...uh...let's just say she wasn't too happy about what happened."

"I can imagine." Cadance smiled wryly. "In any event, Twilight must be waiting for you in her room. You know the way, correct?"

"Yup. See you later, Ms. Cadance."

The dean simply smiled politely, as she watched Sunset going down the hallway. As soon as the girl turned around the corner, Cadance almost collapsed on the floor, letting out a breath she didn't know she had been holding.

"Please help us, Sunset Shimmer."

About twenty minutes later, on the attic floor...

"I just hope she can keep her act together." Midnight mumbled to herself. "As if things weren't complicated enough already. How ironic, I always wanted to get out of her and now that I am out, I want to hide again, only to avoid being blasted a second time by Sunset. Twilight, you better hold the line."

Out of nowhere, the trap door to the attic was violently opened and a very angry red and yellow haired girl stormed up the stairs.

I knew I should have tried to make myself invisible.