• Published 4th Oct 2016
  • 7,095 Views, 129 Comments

Conscious Life - CrossRedstone

Midnight Sparkle is no longer just a dream, but Twilight Sparkle's friend and sister. Yeah, that's not weird at all.

  • ...

Meet Midnight

Author's Note:

I wanted to thank Circut Breaker for his amazing editing skills.

Midnight glared over at Cadance, still holding Twilight with both of her arms. From an outsider's perspective, it would appear like the winged girl was protecting her not so tough twin sister. As for Cadance, the young woman instinctively took a few steps back, until she hit the wall behind her. It took her mind a few seconds until it comprehended the danger for her and then registered just who Midnight Sparkle was holding in her arms. Did I mention that Twilight had her own arms wrapped around Midnight? The pink woman's eyes shrunk to pinpricks, upon noticing that little detail. Her brain desperately tried to come up with a rational explanation for the scene in front of her. However, the only plausible scenario it could come up with was...disturbing in a romantic way, to say the least. When it came to romance, Cadance had a wild imagination. Once she got started, she couldn’t stop imagining all kinds of scenarios. It understandably didn't take long until the dean hit the floor.

"Talk about a delayed reaction," commented Midnight, who was almost as dumbfounded as Twilight. The two finally let go of each other. The girl without any extra appendages quickly approached the girl on the ground. She sighed in relief when it turned out that Cadance was simply unconscious and didn't receive any external injuries, due to the fall.

As if fate wanted to make Twilight’s life even more complicated, Night Light and Twilight Velvet just happened to go through the hallway on that particular moment and see their daughter kneeling in front of a collapsed Cadance. Of course, they both panicked and came running down the hallway. By the time the two reached their daughter, Shining Armor managed to stumble out of the closet, hitting the ground in front of Midnight’s feet in the process. The resulting noise caused the people in the hallway to turn their heads in the direction of Twilight’s room, where they found Midnight standing in the middle, looking down displeased at Shining Armor’s entrance.

“Next time I won’t hold back.”

It was at that point in time that Spike woke up from all the noise. Grunting, the dog yawned and looked at his surroundings. Seeing Midnight standing in the middle of the room, he asked: “Am I still dreaming?”

Mind you, everyone who was conscious heard him.

After many incoherent phrases and astonished looks, the Sparkle family had eventually settled down in the living room. Shining Armor and Cadance were sitting on one couch, the latter person trembling as she forcefully grabbed Shining’s hands. Twilight Velvet and Night Light were positioned on a second couch, looking pretty much as lost as one could be after finding a mutated clone of their daughter. And to complete the triangle Twilight and Midnight were sitting on the last couch with Spike on his owner’s/friend’s lap. The “real” Twilight looked like she was about to have a breakdown, while her “evil” counterpart was looking smugly over to Cadance, scaring the dean of Crystal Prep even more than she already was.

Shining Armor wished he could rub his eyes right now, because this sure as heck looked like some sort of fantasy game come to life.

“So...uh...mind introducing us to your friend?” he asked, which caused every single pair of eyes to stare intently in his direction.

Hey, at least I try to get a conversation going! The young adult angrily thought to himself.

Midnight had to chuckle at the reaction and since this was an awkward silence situation, everyone was now looking at her.

“I figured something like this might happen.” The winged girl said mirthfully. She pointed an index finger upwards and began charging her magic. A lavender aura surrounded her finger, which a second later shot up and a magical screen appeared, showing none other than Twilight working in her old laboratory back at Crystal Prep. Twilight recognized the scene only too well, as it was there where she built her apparatus to track down the magic at CHS.

“They say a picture says more than a thousand words, so why don’t we simply watch what happened?” But at this point, no one was really paying any attention to her. Be it that this particular generation was especially obsessed with television or the flickering of the magical aura was even more addictive than the flickering of a TV-screen, it didn’t matter. Everyone watched as the events of the Friendship Games played out just as Twilight remembered them, including Principal Cinch’ blackmail attempt, and of course Twilight transforming into Midnight Sparkle. The last particular scene caused Twilight to whimper involuntarily, while Midnight just watched the scene play out with a neutral expression on her face.

When everything was said and done, Midnight let the screen disappear, not bothering to show the family what happened during the trip to Camp Everfree. They were stressed enough already, judging from their facial expressions.

“Any questions?” Midnight asked as innocently as she could.






Around twenty minutes later everyone was back in their seats and with the initial shock almost having passed, it was finally time for some good old family talk.

“So...you’re…” Twilight’s father started, but couldn’t finish the sentence, having a hard time accepting the reality as it were.

“I’m Twilight’s evil self, created through years of neglect, lack of love and friendship, a possible insufficient amount of hugs, suppressed rage, OCD tendencies, loneliness, the feeling of being unappreciated and nervous breakdowns. Did I forget anything?” Midnight asked her counterpart.

“I do NOT have OCD,” Twilight shouted, clearly offended. She didn’t notice that she was pressing the air out of Spike in her rage. Luckily for him, she relaxed rather quickly, allowing the dog to catch his breath.

“I never said that you have OCD, but you have shown small symptoms that are often found by people who suffer from OCD.”

“*Ahem*.” Cadance cleared her throat, getting the attention of the two lavender-skinned girls. While she was just as nervous as the rest of the family, so far Midnight Sparkle hadn’t tried to blast any of them into smithereens. So, she summoned up the courage to ask the all important question.

“But how come you’re...here? I mean, wasn’t it Twilight who...became you?” the pink woman asked, desperately hoping not to offend the demon-girl.

Midnight could only shrug in response. “I’m as surprised by this development as everyone else in this room.”

“We actually have a theory,” Twilight interjected. “Namely that magic somehow gave my subconsciousness a complete consciousness of its own. Of course, it’s just speculation at this point, as none of us had had the time to give it much thought…”

“Okay, okay.” Night Light held up his arms. “You had me going there for a moment Twily and I gotta say, I’m impressed with the special effects. But how about you stop your little joke right here. I know you must have put a lot of effort into this, but I still have a lot of work to do today and I’m really sorry about interrupting this, but you know how life is sometimes.”

Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. Midnight scowled at Night Light and raised her hand, a beam of magic shooting out of it. Everyone screamed in surprise at the display of power and once the magic, where ones sat Night Light, in his place was now a tiny frog.

“Ribbit!” The frog jumped up and down in place as if he had been injected with pure adrenaline.

“Why did you do this!?” shouted Twilight, after having recovered from her shock. Her mother in the meantime was slowly but surely getting away from the frog.

“To make my point.” Midnight said as a matter of factly, before turning Night Light back to his normal self. His hair looked a little frazzled and there was smoke flying upwards from various parts of his body.

“Does anyone still doubt the existence of magic or my humble self?” the angel asked with an evil grin.

“S-S-So, i-i-it’s a-all true?” asked a stammering Twilight Velvet, who was staring at her husband. He in return was checking his entire body, feeling more than just a little tingly on the skin.

Twilight was still too angry at Midnight to register the words her mother had spoken, however, Midnight just nodded nonchalantly, like everything that just happened was just another normal day for her. Twilight’s counterpart noticed both Shining Armor and Cadance looking ready to make a mad dash for the door. They were both sitting at the edge of the couch, as opposed to the middle. They also had the kind of look on their face that was normally worn by teenagers in cheap horror movies.

“Oh, my poor baby!” And on cue the scream of the horrible monster, which was once a beautiful and understanding mother.

Twilight Velvet jumped over the table in the middle of the room and embraced her daughter in a bone crushing hug. Midnight reacted quickly and jumped off the couch, just in time before the soft furniture was thrown over. Both Twilights and Spike ended up kissing the ground, while Midnight caught herself in mid-air and managed to see the scene unfold from above.

“My poor, poor little darling.” Velvet stroked her daughter’s hair, seemingly not aware of the fall she just took.


“Shh. Don’t worry, my darling daughter. From now on I will be the best mother in the world. You always wanted to go to the Manehattan Museum of Global History, right?” the woman asked eagerly.


“I know! We could all fly to Romare! There is practically a historic building around every corner. Or- AHH!”

Velvet screamed when she was engulfed in a purple aura and levitated into the air. Midnight calmly placed the older woman a few feet away, allowing Twilight to get up and dust herself off. The winged girl also took the courtesy of putting the couch back into the place it was before.

“And I thought Twilight was the crazy one in the family,” muttered Midnight to herself. Apparently her counterpart and by proxy she herself, had inherited their genes responsible for the occasional freakout by none other than her mother. The woman seemed to be more bothered by the fact that her daughter’s life at Crystal Prep had been anything but pleasant, instead of worrying about the rage incarnate having come out of said daughter!

“How about we have some breakfast?” Suggested Twilight out of the blue. “I’m sure if we have something in our stomachs, we’ll be able to think much clearer.”


“I don’t think any amount of food, be it normal or comfort food is going to help with the brain damage we already caused them to have.” Midnight pointed at each of the nonpurple-skinned girls.

“Well, at least I don’t have to be quiet anymore when I’m in the house,” Spike stated, stretching himself a little. “By the way, I didn’t catch it earlier, but why aren’t you hellbent on destroying the world?” he asked bluntly, as ever.

“That’s...complicated.” Both Midnight and Twilight said at the same time.

“Well, doesn’t look like they’re going to recover anytime soon.” the dog said, looking at the still stunned humans. “But seriously guys, even Twilight took it fairly well that I was able to talk all of a sudden.”

“Leave them be.” Midnight said, landing on the ground. “They’ll come around in time. Either that or I can erase or even possibly rearrange their memories in a way that will make them all more...accepting of the situation.”