• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 27,611 Views, 2,339 Comments

Consequences - Hiver

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes.

  • ...

Chapter 8

“What was that?”

I looked up at Skitter's warning and glanced around. The sun beat down on us from above. We were currently not inside the castle but outside in a overgrown courtyard.

I think it used to be wilder than the rest even before the entire alicorn on alicorn action thing that went on here, as nothing else on the grounds was as overgrown.

And I so have to remember to call it that sometime around Celestia! She always gets the best of me in wordgames.

My ears turned slowly as I listened hard. What?

“Did you hear something?” I asked, as I glanced up to where she was laying on a branch in one of the trees.

The changeling nodded and peered around, her wings moving slowly, “Don't know what. But we should get back inside, sir.”

Looking around, I started to slowly nod, “Might be best. There doesn't seem to be anything interesting here anywa...uegh!”

I almost gagged as the stench of rotting wood flooded through the thick growth. What in all the... shit!

A dark dog like creature twice my size pounced out of the undergrowth with a snarl. My training with Luna took over and I dove to the side, my horn lighting up and I lashed out with a kinetic beam.

Slamming into the shoulder of the Timberwolf, it was thrown to the side with the sound of cracking wood.

“Sir! Look out!” Skitter cried out as I rolled to my hooves, only for her to flash past above me, tackling a second Timberwolf, stopping it from pouncing me.

“Skitter! Back!” I ordered and charged up another spell. A third wolf rushed me and I grabbed it with my telekinesis, slamming the back of it's heard hard, bringing it's jaw against the ground, bringing it to a tumble.

Skitter threw herself back and I fired another piercing beam at the one she brought down, blasting a hole straight through the middle. The chlorofiend collapsed in a pile of rotten wood and I ducked, rolling to the side as the first one slashed at me only to be smashed to pieces as Skitter's green magic slashed at it, sending it's pieces to scatter across the ground.

The one I slammed into the ground was almost on me when I formed a shield globe around myself. It managed to just about look surprised before it slammed into the shield like a freight train, it's separate pieces going clattering across the ground.

Panting softly I stayed inside the gold shimmering shield as I looked around, my pulse pounding in my ears, seeking new targets.

“Skitter? You okay?”

“I'm fine, sir. Are you hurt?” the changeling asked as she hovered above me.

I shook my head and cancelled the shield, “I'm fine. Thanks for the warning.”

Dropping down next to me, Skitter looked like she was trying to cover every angle at once, “We should leave now, sir.”

“Yeah. I think you are right. We have pushed this far enough, let's get the balloon ready.” I agreed with a nod as I started to get my heartbeat back under control.

I had never had anything try to eat me before. A whole new experience I'd really rather skip ever having again.

Changelings don't count.

A small sound drew my attention towards one of the bushes and Skitter moved between me and the sound, “Sir, back away. I'll cover you.” She said moments before a tiny little Timberwolf exited the bush, nosing at the ground as it moved towards us.

A Timber... puppy? How did that even work?

“I think I can handle that one on my own.” I told her and moved around her before I reached out with my magic and picked the thing up, floating it over to look it over.

“Mrrrrr.” The timberpuppy said and struggled in my grasp, wiggling before giving up and just hanging there, looking at me with big luminous balls of green light as eyes.

In comparison to the adults, this one seemed to be made mainly from saplings, leaves and fresher wood. It had a slight wet woody smell over it, but it didn't stink like the big ones.

It was kinda cute.

Opening it's maw, it's tongue extended as it panted slightly. It's tongue was a green leaf.


Oh shit!

I looked around at the piles of wood on the ground. We killed it's... parents? How does Timberwolf reproduction even work?

Can it even survive on its own?

“Sir, dispatch the thing. We need to move.” Skitter said and moved up next to me as she kept an eye on the surroundings, “There might be more big ones.”

I looked down on the Timberwolf. It looked back at me before tilting it's head with a Mruf. Damn it.

Reaching out with a hoof, I held it close and the Timberwolf reached closer and nosed at it.


Taking the plantcreaturespiritthing along in my magic, I turned and headed towards the closest opening in the castle.

“Sir?” Skitter asked, sounding somewhat confused as she followed along.

“Its pack is dead. I'm not sure it can survive on it's own. I'm keeping it, maybe it can be raised to behave.”


“It's adorable. And I won't kill something that's that cute.”

At least I was being honest about it.

What do Timberwolves even eat? Other than ponies I guess. Hope it wasn't ponies, I wouldn't be able to feed it then. Then I really would need to put it down so it didn't starve.