• Published 6th Jun 2016
  • 27,611 Views, 2,339 Comments

Consequences - Hiver

Cause and effect. Opposite and equal reactions. If a butterfly... You know how it goes.

  • ...

Chapter 45

“Aaah!” I snarled and twisted, rolling onto my stomach before glaring over my shoulder, “Fold, damn you!”

Luna smiled where she was laying next to me, “Relax, love. You'll learn to control them, Twilight had problems at first too.”

I just sighed, trying to fold my wings. They kinda twitched. Every little current in the air made my feathers shift and it kinda tickled. I was insanely aware of every single little gust of wind through the open window with them sticking out like this.

“I suppose I should expect it to take more than a couple of hours,” I sighed again and shook my head, pushing them from my mind, “Luna?”

“Hmm?” she asked and nuzzled softly.

“...What will be the fallout for this?”

Luna tilted her head, shifting her wings in thought, “Difficult to say. There has never as far as we know been a male Alicorn. It's difficult to say how ponies will react to the news.”

“I didn't ask for this.”

“I know,” she said with a smile, “I didn't think it was possible.”

I grimaced and nodded, trying to shift my wings again. The feathers were feeling ticklish, moving in every single air current the way they were sticking out now.

“And Tirek? We are sure that he is...”


I had never killed something before that wasn't a Night Terror. Insects, but nothing else. I drove over a squirrel once I guess. I wonder if I'm supposed to feel guilty or something over it. Mostly I was relieved he could not hurt anypony ever again.

“Of course, this does mean you saved the Kingdom again,” Luna said with a small smile, “You are getting another window.”

I just sighed, “And with these things?” I asked, waving my right wing. Hey, it moved! Not like I wanted it to, but it half folded!

“You'll figure them out,” she said and shifted closer with a smile, her wing settling across my back behind my raised wings, “You did want to be able to fly. Now you can.”

That perked me up a bit. Flying... wow. I would be able to fly. I couldn't help but smile at that, leaning against her side. Wow.

I then suddenly jerked upright, “Shit! Swift Spear! Skitter.”

“He is fine,” Luna supplied, “Not happy, but he returned safely a couple of hours after you defeated Tirek.”

“Oh. Good.” I said and slowly relaxed again. Man, he is going to be so pissed with me. Yeah, I kinda deserved it as well, what I did was really dickish.

Luna nuzzled at my ear, “I checked on Skitter on the way up here as well. Her condition is unchanged as far as I can tell. She don't seem to have been affected by Tirek or the magical wave.”

“Thank you, Luna.”

She smiled, “She is important to you. Of course I would watch out for her.”

I gave her a quick kiss and leaned against her, “So what now?”

“Now, you rest. We can discuss the other matters later. It will take weeks to plan the coronation anyway.”

I jerked up at that to stare at her, “The what?”

“The coronation?” Luna asked with a small frown, “What?”

“Why is there an coronation?”

“You are a Prince now.”

I just stared at her and quickly shook my head, “The hell I am. I'm an alicorn apparently. I want nothing to do with ruling.”

Luna sighed softly, “Page, lay down and think. All other alicorns are royalty, ponies are going to expect the same of you.”

“Well, I don't want it! They can fuck off with that!” I exclaimed and then looked back at my wings before turning back to her, “Who knows about this? Can we hide it? Illusions until you teach me that transformation spell?”

She frowned faintly, “...Page, even if we did manage to hide it, sooner or later ponies is going to notice that you are growing and not aging. Even Twilight has grown several centimeters already. Within the decade she will be Cadence's size. I don't know how things will work with a male alicorn, but I would not be surprised if you grew to my sister's size in the end.”

“Who knows!?” I quickly asked, surging up in slight panic.

Luna sighed, “Me, my sister, Cadence, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle. Some guards and a pair of doctors. We have been keeping it quiet while we worked on how to do the reveal.”

“So we can still hide it?”

“If that's what you wish, My Page,” she said quietly with a small sigh, “But... it will not last. A few decades at most before somepony notices even if you manage to learn the transformation spell.”

I shifted and laid back down, my wings folding on my back by their own, “...I know, love. But at least I would have time to adapt. Even then, I don't want to be a prince, it feel so... pretentious. I don't even want my current title,” I said before I perked up, “Wait, I'm an alicorn! I could order ponies not to treat me like royalty!”

Luna raised a eyebrow at me, looking amused.

I frowned at her, “Not going to work?”

She shook her head with a smile, “Twilight tried that.”

Sighing I leaned against her side, “Well, damn. Back to the plan to hide it.”

“Well, if that's what you truly wish, we could try,” Luna said quietly against my ear.

“Thank you, Luna. How long would it take to learn the illusion spell?” I asked, nosing at her neck.

“Don't know, it's not that difficult but very detailed. A week maybe? You being injured would cover that time for the public, we can push back the award ceremony until you 'recover'.”

I cringed at that but nodded. There were only so much of the fallout I could realistically avoid and I'm pretty sure that was one of the things I couldn't duck out of.

Luna nipped at my ear tip, “...Page?”


“Do you have any idea exactly how good you look with wings?” she murmured and pressed closer.


Damn it, Luna! I just got those folded!